'ft,- w- t i 01 C m 1c if ft C. t) if o ft E t y 8 L P y g f W Published every Thursday. Geo. W. WflgcnsMler, Editor and Proprietor. Subscription $1.50 per year. ii'i H mul hi mM In nlvnno( wlin wnt o'lt- Rllll! till) (Hllltlly.) KATES OF ADVERTISING. Ail tt.in-t,'iit ii'lvi'rllsi'iili'lits lint nt!lrl', . i r i.-i Ir Ml ! rhuwil nt f hr rntn nf 1.1 .nl s r line niotivirl''l iii-'iimiriO for tlrst Iiikt- i I in rents ior line fur I'vrry miiiseqiii'iit rm rtl ii. - 'i.A ll, ,'',. I'ltl.U.hril frrr ; i liitmtni .iwrfj, , r"-7"---f, il ., U r ' cut a tut. Thursday, July IS, IS!).'). A Faliun Hero. Tilt? l'o-tr lina l"i!ii frit'ii.lly t tlio itili'icsls of (li)vornnr IfuHtinH from t li ciiriii'xt possih.K moment prior to lii iioniiimtioii nnl it lnn I'icn wurinoHt Miippoitcr (Unitis tho i-uiup.iiu'ti for I'leetiou. It lias supported lii iidniinixtiiitioii utnl ratlicr tlutii to ileal unjustly it re-niaim-d Hilcut wlieu tlio (lovi-mor nitfiicil the odious Marshall l'ipo Lino Hill. At that timo we thought thcro were merits iu the bill that wo failed to we and rather than intlict an unjust mound we were reticent. Last week wo were yet hopeful thnt ho would utfroe to ncompromifo and to dissolve his abominable ie lations to the Hog Combine of Phila delphia and the artful snares of the Pittsburg lobbyist. Alas ! all hopes have beou in vain. Not only hss he persisted in his unwise course, but even augmented tho calamity into which he has forced his friends In every appointment that he has had to make, he made himself ab solutely sure that a delegate or per haps a half dozen would vote for Mr. Gilkcsou. This means that he has prostituted political power for his own persona! aggrandizement. Ho has usurped the power of the people iu his des. perate effort to Rain political strength and to make himself the dictator o tho Republican party. In his veins coursos the blood that seeks revenge upon the man who turned him down in 18'.0. lie venge pure and Bimplo is tho back bone of this contention. Tho great shamo and disgrace of it all is that tho very men whom Quay clevatoi' to power are now usiur that power against him. We have personally nothing to ex poet in this fVM. but the donna- Nition of principle; " Cmeif 6u. by the stern and unyielding dictates of conscientious conviction of right and duty, the war agaiust uascrupu lous management must bo wagoi Potent as is tho administration, aug meuted by tho numerous acts of an extravagant legislature, wo believe that tho feeling of justico will ye subdue these acts of ingratitude There never was yet a time whe political combinations, no matte how corrupt and unscrupulous c juld not bo subjugated by tlio pow cr of tho ballot. Wo do not beliov that Governor Hastings can securo tho ro-ilection of Mr. Gilkesou as chairman of tho Htato Committee. But, grantiug for nrgumeut sake that ho can, tho wishes of the people to carry out principle can only be thwarted until they get tho next chance at the ballot box. Tho people aro the sovereign power yet. "Big Heads" may pose as temporary dic tators, but their reign of injustico a 'id ingratitude will reach a sure, speedy and permanent extermin ation. No one views with greater regret tho political downfall of Govoruor Hastings than tho people of Snyder county. He had been thoir ideal man. Ho holds that proud position no more. Ho has surrendered nil claim and title to their honor and respect by throwing off tho cloak of Governor and presuming to bo tho leader of a particular faction of tho party. In this scandalous strife for supremacy Governor Hustings' do feat would bo deeply humiliating uad his victory would confer no hon or. Ilevengo ! KevcngH ! ! How sweet, yet how bitter! How expensive Quo sad act in a moment of imlU crectiiess has changed tho tide of popular opinion from "Our Ban', tho Hero of Johnstown, to "Ho, Cjiubine's Dan,'' fue-tntum isse of p jlitical jobbers. II iw Hwi'cttiio uiiiiu' nl p.iulil itoiuuh, In (inv'uiir lli.stln.r-.' run t It sui'lU I1I.1 Imuiu'lK'H ; ilrlU'H Ills IhiiiikIm Anil -jtiaU uwuy lib Ion iH, After THREE MONTHS of Daily Wear This Collar Is Still In Good Condition. ? Tlmi '1wviita ii'il"Cpt r.ft.om" Collar. Us original cost was 25 ct. 5 mid it rot tlio wearer nothing nrter- V wnnls to keep il clean. When noilcl, J imply wine oif with Fpongc er wet JJ I cloth. i ? Tlic?e collars nnl cu(T arc water' ? 1 proof, mul arc W10 only wntcrproot pckmi mailt! Willi nn liiicriinuiK ui therefore tlic onlv ones uiuts petitioned the Court to appoint view- votes will be counted until 3 o'clock rs to abandon the driving road at when tho contest closes. If tho con- Rad Hill with a view to opening a testants can not agree upon three nr road over the hill and avoid the persons, then each contestant will d)ublo crossing. name a man and tho committee will The Court acted on the petition consist of five persons. aid appointed Charles Wetzel, Win. Moro than three weeks yet remain lector and A. A. Bomig as viewers, and tho contest from now on will t is to theso gentlemen that we I Lingo on the number of premium nw direct our attention. Thero is coupons secured. Eighteen Pre- tho double crossing an open and iiiium Coupons vill bo issued now constant inenaco to property and as before for every now cash-in-a l- J human life. Tho citizens of vauco subscriber ; 12 for au old sub- Vanklin Township have dono their scriber who pays ft year in advance. Jty; the responsibility now rests Twclvo premium coupons will bo with tho viewers. There is no reai- issued for every dollar s worth of on Wiethe public road shall con- advertising or job work brought or inuoto cross tho railroad at two sent to this oflico. luis loaves tli.j places within 1 DO yards. Condemn condition of tho contest tho s uno 10 road, have it abandoned and except that no voting coupon will avert an accident that may occur at bo issued in tho Post, thereby al- aiy moincnit. A new road can bo lowing plenty of timo to get 111 all in 1,1m iirrnn Mm int.1 nu Mm Smith tho coupons that are goo.l ami giv- sidoof tho railroad without incur-ling every contestant plenty of op ng the danger of destruction of poitunity to hecure premium con property and human life. Tho duty pons. of tho viewers is a plain ono and we The results of this contest havo believe that theso gentlemen will beeu more gratifying than wo had not be derelict in tho discharge of any reason to expect. Whilo theie their obligations for the preservation was a little friction botweeu a few of life and property. candidates, thero has been no hos- But how about tho situation iu tilitiy and no bitterness. Wetrusl Middlecreek ITownphip at Kreamer that thiscoudition will continue to station ? No visible signs of any the end of the race. Only a few Hiovo has como to our notice. We more weeks and the agony will be admitted in our former editorial over. Leave no stone unturned, that the situation at Kreamer pre- The premium coupons received for a sonted an enigma that almost baffled few new subscribers may change safo solution. This does not the result of the contest. They may mean that nothing can be done, bring you the first prize instead of Something Bhould bo done. When the second, or tho second instead of the citizens of this township are none. The result of your efforts for awakened from their peaceful morn- the next three weeks will tell the ing slumbers to find the bleeding, tale. You have worked faithfully mangled corpses of stalwart men since the contest opened. Every lying prostrate along the railroad I moment still remaining is precious track, do they need any further evi- and no time or effort should be denco that something should be I wasted. Perseverance and faithful- lone? Do they need auy further ness is tho price of success. evidence T If so, look at the cripples livinir rAtnnnnta nf Hint futnl nnt.l Piwortbr MolltH. lision, Victims that will carry to the , The administration of Governor Hiwt- TTTT'T'ppO O fiPVTI ili'icn I r" can last nml Kivc absolute untisfuc- tii n. ivvcry piece of lucgcauiuc is cUoipcu as follows; "At TRAD' J ; CELLULOID Refose anything thnt is net roj marked, and if your dealer has nut 4 got the right kind send direct to us, J t llCKmiDg nmouni, mm c win niuu you ii sample jxistpnul. Collars 2J el, each. Cutis 50 cU. pair. Give si.c, and state whether stand-up cr turned-down collar is wanted. THE CELLULOID COMPANY, 42r-a SraUinr, SEW VOBK. CO TO I. H. Boyer, CLtOTHJE, FURNISHER. h I BUKSJ Will grave scars receivcu at ivreamer, th, Deot,u , th. heaA ot it win but do his that fatal spot ; bodies that will be I duty conscientiously and to th best f his laid to rest without tho limbs that r lmportanMosition be no ids. , . . ., .,i 1 ana leave party manairuiueni, ine cihtj- were iosi uecause me rauroau cross- ,ng ot fBellonil, flgh6, ftnil th, control ing at Kreamer is a dangerous place, of conventions to othrs. For him to seek Do the citizons of Middlecreek to be a delegate or to preside over the tom- township need auy further evidence ty of th- offloe and of hlm wbo filli that tho crossing at Kreamer is a it. These places will not 1 conferred dangerous one T If so, let them do- uponhlm as an honor, and if sought by lay and they will find tho record of STl0.' LSi'iTS tueir louy written in emoiazonoa ministration Is yet to be made, and Jt r,--, rtVrtoV 0V-Ao characters with the blood of human must be obtained, if at all, in the upnrt- V wl Q.v aVU ,.Q t ,1, .,' .1 menu set apart for his official oocupancy victims If they cant do any bet-1 Q P m Th- wl mm . Cis.; M ter, let them place gates and a J t by his devotion to duty there, and have U pyvVU UUVX jJVXUVUVW a At 1A1-T . I . . . a -i watenman tnere or oompei ine tiuii-i noi piaw ia nis nanus ana oo num 1 . . , Dim respouslble for party management. VVnrQQ, r v V'wVsi VU Huntingdon Journal. ot hold road Company to do it. Better still, remove the crossing farther East aud buy the land On both BldoS Of The Oaveranr's Mlntahe. it 11 .,1 . A. 1 '111 IT. nn.,.,ni UB.Hl,nllMHil. inoroauanu aiiow no one 10 uuuu t. 1 near tho track. This is perhaps the uost avenuo 01 oscapo irom tiauger. to lead a fiuitlonal ilcut. It linn art with Will tho citizens of Middlecreek ut precedent In the history of the com TW.,ul.; ,ww...f t,A wor..;n t monwemtn. v nun a man is ciecwiu rot- Will they remove tho constant peril that is confronting then; like the very jaws of death? Lot us see The Contest Drawing to a Close. e are able at tins time to an n)uuco that the contest for the ost's Bloomsburg Normal School Scholarships will closo on Suturdaj', August 10th at 3 p. m. This will be welcome news to tho weary, foot sore contestants who havo boon ex ortirg every possible effort to can- Dangerous Railroad Crossings. In our issue of May 23rd wo culled t'jo attention of tho citizons of Franklin and Middlocroek Town ships to three dangerous railroad crossings, viz: the double crossing at Red Hill and the fatal crossing at Kreamer. Agreeable to our appeal the citizons of Franklin Township the commonwealth be becomes the executive of the people, and when bo dlHpenscs the publlo iiutronaiire in (be lu- tereHts of his purty he bus gouo as far as precedent and a just rcirurd for the inter ests of the commonwealth will Justify or the poople will approve. If there iiiunt be a fltflit to the nnlsh for leadership, wisdom would seem to dletnte flliat those iutrusted with the ndinluistratlon of government for the whole people should leave the uu- seemly contest to he settlod by those to whom the people huvu not delegated such a high trust. Lancaster New r.ru. ADMIMSTKATOKS' MHIUK, Let ters of administration In estate of S. II. Yoiter of Mlilillerreek town-IHp, hnyuiir 1 o, I'. 1m'iI. IihvIiik usun Kraivn 10 inu iniuep liiuil. nil nurniiif koiiwIiiK tlifiiKeivf iniicui ultii bM stnte uro rriiiMet to miike Inuae- dinte pajrineul, while tlioiu iiiiviiik eiuinmnui prviu'iit liieai uuiy muinuimeiiiuu n 1110 miner. HAHI1AIIA A. Yt'DKlt, II. rt . (tl)i:i. i. V. YoliKlt. Julvlt.'liS. AilinllilHtmtors, niua on Mugre At HarrUburu not Umx since Senator Fllnu was very nervous for fear Senator Quuy might tuko a stand aalust his creator l'ltubura bills. He said that Quay turo the largest prizes ever offered I could lick the whole Maeeoutllt with one bv a countrv newsnaner. Tho firnt. b- 4WXT "'lo t do It then, but be nas prize consists of all expenses paid for tuition, etc. at tho Bloomsburg State Normal School for 28 weeks Tho second consists of the same for It weeks. Tho aggregate value of theso prizes excoed 200. To bo ex act, the person receiving tho highest number of votes will receive the equivalent of 813H.00 ; the person ro cuiving the next highest, 03.50. No ono knows how the contest stands. Each contestant taken tho matter up now und will proceed to do the trouncing to the queen s trwte. Quay Is a boss In the Interests of the people. Miigeo, Martin and their follow Inn ure bosses lu the Interests of them selves only. Under whose control can Ho- publlcantsm be best served? McKoesport Times. 4 milXlSTKATOU'S NOTICE Let- xVtersof Administration d bonis 11011 euin Textiiiiii'iitlH annexoot John llnHHlnge ho. nl Itcuver Towimliln. Snvder County, !'it ii.'i.iiwil. Imvlnir ln-eii LTiiuluil to (lie umlt-r- HlL'iieil, nil piTHoiia knowing tliemni'lves Inileiit eitt wilil entitle lire recilextetl to make lliltneill. lite liiiviiieiil. Willi,) tliuHK hiivlng elitlliiit will pri'Ment. ilietn duly siltlieiilleateil to tlio utiiler 811:11111. JACOllf. IIASSINUKH. Mldilleliiirgll, Tit., Aillli'r (I. b. U. C t. Miiy ST ill, 1M. tithe Cbestor County for Uuay. llcforo General Hiutlugs ijuts through this campaign he will discover j'it he has knows how mauy votes ho has in, but wo understand that no reliable information has been given out by them. Tho coupons were all care fully examined when they cmuo in, in order to bo sure that no coupons older than 30 days would bo counted. Theso coupons with tho premium coupons havo boon placod under lock aud key. Tho coupons will bo counted by a committee selected by the contestants themselves. Tho live leading candidates named in alphabetical order aro as follows : Michael Baney, Kantz ; A. W. Gill, Middloswarth ; Charles W. Landis, Frceburg ; Charles E. Specht, Swineford and William I. Zochman, Troxelville. No voting coupons will bo issued iu tho Post, but premium coupons can ho Becur."d ur to tho 1 . 1 t r-.. . . -1 . , last nuur ior (services rcnuerea in behalf of the Post on tho sam.: con ditions as before. Tho uoutestauts should as early as possible niee upon three persons uhall con stitute tho counting committeo, This committocaa meet on Satur day morning, August 10th t j begin to count the votes. In that way the made the greutost blunder of hTrilfe. He owed It to the men who sorvod htm In the bust to hold aloof from all factional uniir- perhaps rels, but slnise ho hits stopped Into the breach he will have to tuner the conse quences. The Republicans of Chester county know their duty und they will per form It faithfully 011 tho day set for the electlou of live delegates to the next state conveutlou. Went Chester Hepubllcau. The Loved Leader. The soundiug of the fuzzl-guzzl and the beating of tho tom-tom Is heard at Harris burg, and the political pot is boiling In great shupe. And when the fog rises there will be fotiud In command of the Kttpub lican forces thnt one llguru so well known and loved by the rank and (lie of the party, Senator Mntthow Stanley Quay. All amateur politicians are Invited to note the easy and peaceful manner In which the "Old Man" will "(tvungnlUu" the up position. Franklin Citizen Pruts. Special Reduction at CLOSING OUT SAL I desire to reduce my stock and! win unur a, special reduction ot m 20, and 30 per cent, on all CLOl H NG bought of me. A full and cornpletj linn --P -I -i rv in 1 r-rvn 1 j nana. Genls' Furnishinq Goods. Don't fail to see the best bargain! in tne county. G.C. G01MS, Cloier. FURNITURE Ctaito ai Pari Finite We offer the best goods at W nominal Prices, euaranteeiner mJ if.ipR tho Finest, and St.vlps f?) Latest. Couches, Lounges, Mirror; Baby Carriages, Window Shad etc., offered at prices to suit t times. We are catering to t Snyder County trade, and AN NVITATION is extended to visit our place business. Respectfully, MILTON FURNITURE CC Front Street, Milton, Pa. prehv irlvi'ii tlmt Letters TeHta uii'iilurv on he entato l l.vitia uiKiy.uce il turn oi Miililluburuli. Snvilar county. l' Imvt tieen Ihkuo.I to tli. uii,l.rmni,,l ruKiilliiK Kt MulilleliurKli. All pernoim, tliereloru, loUvlitml im aatma will illume in.ke ililtntnlliite liny- ineiit. n,l iho.a liavliiK rlnlius uuullist It Will iitweut tlicm for uttlrmcnt to W. W, W1TTKN.MYER. May astli. Kseeutor. " DMINISTlt.VTOKS' NOTICE. I.et JA tern of Hiliiiiijlblrntloii in entnte of rhllllp Swineluril, late of MliMlnlHiivh, Suyiler t'o.l'il..ili'f'il, IihvIi'K Hueii nr.ililcl to tlie umlvr lKiu,. h ) I iiuriunii knowing tlieiiiM-lven lliilelited to mi, I entute are retilt'l to maka Imiueillate i'u v uiotit. wlillo tbio Iiiiviiik eliiluia will pri'Hvnt llieiu Ualy iiulliuiitieiiloil to Iho tln,l,Tlulicil. .1. C. WWlNKHUll), Juno 11, ws. AiliiiliilnlrHtnr I')"M iNlsi U'AfuiTs NOTICE." Let tit rti of Ailmiiilhtriitioii In the PHiute ol t'niliiTlim Wiilti r Isto nl MlililloliurKli, Mnyiler ciiuiy, I'll., ilec'il, IihvIiik lieen KritnlnU to thu niiil'Pii!ie,!, nil pervniix knowliiu tliein nvlvoa linlvlitoil to k,il.t estulu uro r,',il'tL', lo unikw Inline, Imtu piiyinvtit, wlillo tlnma IiuvIiik eliiniK will ,rciiii thvui ilnly Mutlioiillualet to I ho llll,lolHll;f,l VAT. ICNTINI. WA1.TKK. Juno lvtli. A'linii'Utriitor. A VDITOK'S nutici: The Inter-Muntrlpal Jobbers. Allegheny county has suffered by the johs ot the lntor inuulclpulcoiublno. Phil adelphia has had the Interests of the peo ple betrayed In the sumo way. To deliver the peoplo over to the teuder mercies ot elootrlo light, traction aud gns monopo lies uud to frame legislation us the corpor ations dictnto is a proater injury to the publlo thim the temporary denial of repre sentation In proportion to population. Pittsburg Dispatch. Jay Q. Weiser smokes tbe box of fragrant cigars sent him from the Lawyer's meeting in Bedford, and swears by Quay. IN TDK Klif ATK OK .M.Kl IS I UK Olll'M I'lll Kf IIaihhv, DKC Ii. I iir .-riviiKH l ut'srv. N- tlce 11 hiri,liv u'lv,ii tli.ii. Hie tiiiil rsl''iii il Aiuli'ur iitiiKitiiii'il nv tin (irh.iiiiiV i 'oiirtnt Sny- iler t'liiihtv, to ill sir Unit 0 tli, tuiuls In i ho luunls ol I'Uuiii I('ltCl'.:tlni!iilM r.itur ot Miililileeetleiil will nil tor tue ,uii'iu'S it nn iii'iHiiniineiii hi IiIh 1,111c,' In Ml'l'Hi'liiim'ii, l'i , on Tliiufuloy. AUitUKl 1st Mil. Ill 10 o' rlnek . At., ttlli'tl lllnl wlirrfiill iiiirii'H iii itniMTHi or imvunr any i'IuIiiin mi ml, I Hurls must uiijiimt mul pretteut tin hiinui til' lie loreve:' ili li.'.l 1 ,', ll'cilil colulUK III on tlio sum,,. Mlitillflmn: i. l u.. JAY u. WKISKU. J illy H. ls5- Auditor. Tf HwUry and .s-miim'. (jaii wvt'kly fruinttari. 1 rorniarirnc -LHMiuon. iiimmi 1'iuuiv.eut Bl aavaiH-i'OMDC. i.xriuii-a irnioi7. LAriONKirniwom! nuiwriiwK. I'lton. iiaray .tocv, ini. w jDjuuu. alrcnlmntKuar- ntMIMm.. ,urei.muMwiw Taa VL'a l I, .local uirrXlt I VMZa ten ny ml.. - h - . nn. Ii. il mr II- In ? pr nioiith and uiuauau. fun rtou.falloi-a.UlUiUWO 'Uhm. Outnt from. 1,.-1T?? Cnntlnantal MurtwriM. Kochatr,-,.T.' Thh fc. ... i. r-uila. Sua UUa uauar. jui-l IUlui. a State Norma School, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Prepares for Teaching, For College, For ncs, For Social Duties. Eight Departments Thoroughly equip Professional Department, Art Department, Academic Department,Manual Training Depart' inent, Preparatory Collociato Department, PLjf ical Culture Department, Music Department, Stenography and Typewriting. The members of tho faculty aro Christian me and women of broad scholarship and successfi; experience. They represent the culture and train ing of eight of the best collogcs and university and several of tlio leading Normal and Trainin. schools ot tho United States. No school can piv more for tho money. Pew give so much. B term opens September 2, lb'Ja. lor intoriiiatn address J. P. WELSH, rmsci A GOOD FIT ! RELIABLE GOOD honest PRices!! I Tiavo just opened a tailoring establishment . Iposite the Post Ollice at Jselinsgrove. vi and seo my Goods and compare prices. JNo. A. H EFFELFINGER, Taili Selinsgro In wt P bit or th rj (he dut no of I 8 bm Uttl ato; fun mm oil, Frt, 0T! tun lb Will M ilot nyi ln The ho hav re Still U