The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 18, 1895, Image 3

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s Your
Blood Pure
0 not, It U Important that you mak It
pjr t ones with the great blood purlflor,
cu with Impure Hood you are In eon
rtMt danger of serious Illness.
j - J Q Plllarnr ''I'l'U'il con.tlr-ss
lion. Pries Do. urt Uji.
Conenl Dnty'n Kanaka Wife.
The telegraph brought the news n
pw dnyg ngo that J. Lamb Doty, Amor-
)rn i onsui to tuo oorieiy isiunns, nni
marrfod a native, a half caste, and bad
tt tip houspkopflng. It itnii that tbe
ulrl bears tho name Mueva Turnero
IUurl, and ho la aald to have brought
neat dow ry to ber husband. She la
nly W. "! Dty flt mot ber a few
months ago on tho beach of a neighbor
ling Inland, where ahe was trying to
h rlnf to snore ner cnpnizeu canoe.
noun Doty Induced her to elope to
cottier Island, where be married ber
tcoordlng to the almplo native formula,
blch merely requires that the con-
lrsctlng parties eat togMher and mako
number of pledges. So wedding ring
required, no cake, no clergyman's
ws, nud no license. ben roty re-
irned to Tahiti with bis bride, be
nted a house, and the pair aro now
vine In South Sea Island style, with a
Ixxl utm-lc of coonanuts and taro root.
fbc clrl s guardian appeared soon after
t si't up housekeeping and wanted
Li take her buck to his bouse, but Doty
lowed blm this would bo unwise and
consented to let ber remain.
Young Doty was not of ago when
levelnnd appointed blm Consul at
abltl nine years ago. Since then be
i4 been a South Sea mnsher, for he
i hern engaged to two Island prln-
isc. D'lt in eucn case the relatives
Tinted marriage. Doty Is well
t-.uwn in Washington, where be bus
uontlal relatives. Ills mother has
clone friend In Ambassador Hoyard,
d his brother Is an Episcopalian clef.
krann In Washington. Ho was a bright
r, who llrst started ns a page In the
use, but since bo has been In the
it'.i seas ho has developed many ec-
The Food Cnra.
To the niauy who abhor the taking of
tor drugs, the food cure opens an al
ius prospect This Is positively the
est Idea, Introduced Into England by
Ivslclans of advanced ideas. They
lalm that certain foods contain all the
Ipraents necessary to effect cures; that
ley have made up a list which em-
feces tonics, febrifuges, diuretics, and,
fact, every medicinal agent thnt Is
pined In tho phnrmncopla. Theso
Is ore of the simplest character, but
English doctors do not disclose
(m, except to their patients. They
that In the course of ten years thero
III not be ouc-thlrd the medicine used
lit Is used to-day.
You can carry the
little vial of Doctor
Vierce' Pleasant K-1-It-tn
ritfht in the vent
pocket of your dress
suit, and ft will not
make even n little
lump. The "Pellets"
are no sinaW that 42 to
14 of them go in a vial
scarcely more than nn
inch lone, and as bis
tumid as a lead pencil.
lliey cute constipa
tion. One "Pellet" is a
laxative ; two a mild
cathartic. One taken
after dinner will stim
ulate digestive action
and palliate the effects
of over-eating. They
act with gentle effi
ciency on Ktomach,
liver and bowels.
They don't do the
wotk themselves.
They simply stimulate
the natural action of
the orgaua them
selves. P N V t
V Treated free.
fMlllnlr 1 1 mi)
ilh T .(
Rm:im. Hay
cuinl mftny thou
lli-wlri. From firftdx!ivinptofiur.tilly i:!'!f,
i iUy t'to'thii'lmf ill ni! rtrT.. r ,
K l tn.m,is of niirif um curM fnt FRKC,
'lllll.liri 1(1 I'l l ItF.
Wnru nlKhtniKl iluy. Ilni
on AIJu-iuIiIi1'iI w lileli
call ItM tiiale luru't-r or
initller ! Milt ehanirlrtt
1 ,, . 111. i- 11, i'i-iir.i
" . llnuw Mfg.C."llHrtiail oy,N.Y.t'lty
rrTvi tn.. . ... . ...
.1" P.' ?,"T ORK lull; l-t,r1 Ihronrt
I7.".V", lJ"lr)'"'. On .17.. u aun in
"m" " H )unil. uihr will o..n Ix
ook trmm. 1'iVia KANKIN HLIki mj
r'ENTS TKff. MAKKS Exanilaiiilua
. , , 'Uu k 1.1 ialt.uluiny u(
JT ,,, '". luuii,r uuHu. ur hu 10 gun
vu-,.k111,u V .II1UIUS. U.J
lal,lirt s MM All us Tails. .
MA list Tails. 1 1
d by dnintfimw f
- ' yu.ii Dyrup.
tn lima hold I
PN CARLB 50NS. New York, it
Continued Activity Shown In All Line of
Industrial Conditions throughout the coun
try continue to Imi rove. Irnnsaotioni are
dny after day becoming more frequent and
larger, aad domand (or labor Is dully aug
mented, and tho volume of money In circula
tion li estimated to bo Inrgor at the present
than any time for more than three year
Taking everything Into consideration, the
east week hua liemi on full ol eucourntflng
features nn I promlslni; C'indltions.proniluent
among wlileli lm teen tho cohtlnuvd move
ment townr.1 higher waitue. Hcveral thous
and workmen have teen aiM"d to tho long
list of thus wno have had thi ir wage In
creased. Thus Is happiness and contentment
hoi 11 n broiuht to the thousands of homes
throughout tho country, aud the general tone
of business is rapidly being mu le stronger.
Special reports to tho .Mnnutacturors'
rifcord show a continuation of avtlvlty In all
lines of industrial Interest throughout the
Houth. Thu recent hevy advaueu in Iron Is
loroiug all Iron-making and coal mining
companies to push their plauts to full pro
ductive capacity, aud is alrendy resulting In
arrangements being made for large additions
to estnblished plauts, and In the starting of
new enterprises, heveral projects era now
being matured Ut building new furnnces by
experienced Iron men hacked by ample capi
tal, All Indications point to as grem activity
in the iron and coal Interests of the Houtb
as bus recently been teen la tho textile lino,
A Lost Art Recovered.
S. It. Itawson, of Ies Moines, In,, has dis
covered a proces of flunking limuasvus
steel. Tho best skilled metal workers de
clare his edge Instruments to liavo every
property of the old liainasciis blades. lie
kecj s the process a secret, but says Is cheap.
A company has been orgnmvM by local
capitalists with fjao.uoo capital to develop
tho Industry. The steel nmdo by this pro
cess Is llextijle and will not trenk, and holds
an edgo longer tbnu that male ly any othci
Cannot Oet Care.
Tho great scarcity of cars which has been
trying tho patience j tho coal operators lu
the Pittsburgh district fur some time past,
still continues. W. V. While, lookkeeper foe
Mr. llitoluiiao, of the lloouo mines, Cnnou.v
burg coal company, says they canuot get
sullicieut cars for inoro than Irom two tu
three days lu tho week, and some week only
one day. '1 he same state of affairs exists ul
all the mines in this region,
Running- Full.
The hot roll department of tho Lisbon, O,,
tin mill resumed Monday morning. The mill
is now runnlug full. It employs 600 bauds.
Six of thelnrgest potteries in K.tst Liverpool,
employing an aggregato of I.60U hands re
sumed operation-. Twenty-four out of the 28
potteries lu thu city are Hue running, aud It
l expeuted that every factory lu tbe city will
bo tu operation bv next week.
Building New Cara.
The Wheeling A bake Erie Ironvllle shops
Are working on 1DU geudola cars. Inside
they will be 31 feel 3 Inches wide, and 30 in
ches deep, with a capacity of C0.U00 pounds.
They are being equipped with Oriilln wheels
aj iuehes lu diameter, rigid trucks, M. U. U.
couplers, malleable drawbar attaotitnents,
side-bearing slake pockets aud euruur baud
of the Wheeling pattern.
Live Stock Trade Improving.
Tbe livestock traftlo of the western roa '
for tho six mouths ending June 30 rnakoi a
better showing than was expected, consldor
ing tho fact that the supply was reduced lost
year by tbe free markutlug Induced by tbe
drouth. There was a reduction trim the pre
vious year of lj,100 cars but from lvjJ of only
1,'iO cars,
Strike Settled.
The strike of the (ilobe woolen mill em
ployes ut I'tica, N. V., which has b'cn lu
orogress for the past thirteen weeks, bug
beou settled by Cou:elot,s cu both sides.
Twelve hundred people wilt return to work.
Tho Issue between the Mmsillon coal op"r
ators and the owners concerning the w.dth
of screens and tho Bone(Unt royalty, lias
been rd.icldud nud the compromise only
nwaits formal ratille.itlon. Tho landowners
have agreed to accept the oZer of tlin Ic-sio
to pay of a cent additional to tuo IJ c nts
per touon all coal paaaiug ovor tbe 1.'4 m.'h
mesh now lu use.
Tho 1.5 iO men employed by tho Mahcnlng
Valley lrou company received notice when
they i'ult work hatur.lay afternoon that their
wages would boa lvaucud 10 per cent to go
luto iltcc: Monday muruing. The advance is
attributed to increased demuud. and price
for tho iiul.'s product, together wilh prospects
(or better times
fihoo slilptnonts from Haverhill for the first
six mouths of this year excel all
previous lists but the r 'Cord of last yar,
which was the largest by UU.Vtjtj case. 'I ho
total six months' record Is 2JI.41S cases, nud
with tne average of 40 pairs lu a cu-, which
Is regarded as conservative, tills means an
output of 'J.'O'J 240 pair of shoes.
The employes of tho Fayet.e 11. plumb.
Frank for J, Philadelphia, Pa., have been no
tilled of an advance in their wages of ten per
cent. Mr. P,umb says tho increase is due to
tho improved condition of business, and the
prospect for better times iu thu ncur luture.
An Indication of the Improvement of busi
ness vonditions iu McK'.'Ctport is tho iucreaso
of wages grunted by tho W. lieweea Wood
company. The Iucreaso averages 10 or
cent to ull employes excepting tonuagi meu,
President liatchford, of the I'ulted M no
Workers of tuuo. says ths mining
can be settled butweeo the Pittsburg and Otdo
ili-trists if tho operators will r iiie tuo prico
to consumers by forming u company.
lh. liana miners have notilled the operators
that they object to the clause lu the wage
scale Hirreomcnt which provides that uu
oi.erutor may discharge aud hire whom bo
The iintiort9 Into Jamaola from tho United
States during the past year, neeorulug
I'ulted States Cuuusul Kckford, Increajod
tos,u70, while those frow the L'uited Kiug
Uom decreased 410,144.
The furuacemen nud laborers at tbe fur
naces of the Wheeling hteel aud Iron eun.
pany, at Wheeling and Martins Ferry, have
beeu givou another advance of 10 per out.
In wages.
The Goulds Manufacturing Company of
Keneca Fulls, N. V., have advanced wages iu
tbelr shops from live to ten per cent. 'Ibey
refer to the deuiaud for good In their lino
as bulug good.
Iiuaslan Earthquakeu.
Severe earthquake shocks have been ex
perluu' ed lu the Caspian aud L'ruldl dis
tricts. Mauy house have beeu destroyed at
bsuuudu, Astrachun and Krasuorodsk.
Demanding Indemnity.
Gorman warships have arrived at Tangier,
with order to Insist upon tbe payment, by
tbe Uovurnmeut of Moroooo, of an ludeinulty
of 8,000 murks for the murder of a Uerinao
vitizen, named Itookstrop, near BaflL,
Tbe lumber town of Wallln, Mich., burned
dowu. About 80 bouse were destroyed,
bparka from forest Are set the town atiloce.
The Pennavlvania Railroad Company
Will Spend fS.OOO.OOO.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company this
year will spend in the neighborhood of 13,
000.000 In way of Improvements, alterations
and extension to Its property east nnd west
of Plttshurg. The aruouul will bo almost
equally divided betweeu theso two sections,
Last year owing to the depression In busi
ness, considerable work that hail been map
ped out was laid aside and that which was
under way was also atoppel for the time be
ing. On the lines east of Pittsburg the largest
sum win be spent in the construction of a
new bridge across the l'clawaro river at
Fratikford. J his alone will take nearly 4)1.
600.000. lterldo this there will be considera
ble third and fourth track construction on
the malu line. Abolition of grade crossings
on the New York division nud elsewhere will
also bo taken la haud. In all, the amount to
be expeud-'d on the Hue east of Pittsburg
will be about J.S00.OO0.
On the Hues west of Pittsburg tho largest
expeuiltluree will betn the construction of
tbe bridge at ( Inciuuatl. The old bridge Is
being taken down aud praeilcnlly a uew one
erected lu Its place. Owlug to tuo objections
by the L'uited Htates oflk'ers that some of the
piers of tbe old bridge are not lu hue with
tbe piers of bridges recently constructed, tho
company will build the new piers so as to
make tbe alignment perfoct. Tbls chaugo will
take about 0JO.0OO. Tbe company will also
revise tbe Cleveland A Marietta railroad
making a low grade road out of this, which
will do away with the tunnel about 1 miles
south of Newcomerstown on tbe Panhandle
road. The company's share of tbe construc
tion of th new union depot at liayton, O.,
will be t2.0,0iO, nod a like amount is to be
expendod iu Columbus lu dolug away with
grade crossings.
On tho Panhandle line $200,000 will be
spent In tho widening out of the tunnels, of
which there are two left In this division. The
change is made so these tunneh Will a -commodate
a two-track road, Another expn
dlture I to be made lu the building of l.biO
carsto meet the deuiaud for lake iron ore and
the coal tralllc.
Tnecompuny has ffeeted a new loan
of (5,000,000 lu London at 3' 't per cent per
annum, tho proceeds of which aro devoted
towards those Improvements and not for tut
paying off of any bonds that mature, as tin
coiupauy has thy uiouey iu baud from other
sources lor this purpose.
Bide For The.r Construction About to be
Asked for.
Py act of Congress, approved March 3
lS'.O, provision was made for the construction
of six light-draft, composite gunboats, the
Individual limit cf cost being (230,000 ex
clusive of the cos of armament. The navy
department Is about to Invite bids under two
heads, those based upon the plans and sped
llrutlous of the navy department, and thoso
basen u on tbe designs nud plans of the con
tieciorn and not more thuii two of the gun
bonis to be built by one contracting party.
Tbe framing will be of steel from tbe keel
up to and above the water line. The six Ves
sels will be of two radically different types
one type currying full sal! power and pro
pelled by a siugle screw, the other type hav
ing fti . lying sails only and propelled by
twin screws, a. routed I y two separate en
gines. Their principal dimensions are as
follows: Length on loud Water line, single
screw, 16H feet; twin screw, 174 feet; beams,
extreme at load water Hue, :is feet and lit
feet; draft, 12 feet; displacement, about 1.000
tor.s: Indicated horse-power, about 800; speed,
an hour, iu knots, 12.
Tho armaments, being identical In both
types will consist of six 4-luch, four impoun
der and two 1-pouuder guns, nil rupld lire,
and will be disposed In this order: Four 4
incb guns, In two batteries, port and star
board, 011 the gun deck amldshlp, the two
other 4-Inch gutis being carried on the malu
deck, one at the bow aud oua at the stern,
each hnvllig a wide aro of Ure. 'I ho li-pouu-der
guns will be curried on the gun deck, two
well forward, one 011 either bow, and two
amidships, between the 4-lneh gnus, respec
tively in the port and starboard batteries.
Die l-pouiider guns will bo disposed where
most advantageous on tbe hammock berth
ing. When going under sail alone, the engines
of the single-fcrew bout will be uncoupled,
iillowlng the shafting and screw to revolve
simply by the iictiou of the put-sing water
mid so light is tlie retarding inllueuce of the
screw thus disengu-ed that there Is every
reason to expect u sailing speed fully eipiul
to the possibilities of the steam power con
ditions. The engines lu each -yjie are do
sigl ed to develop the same Imrse-power and
to lu luce the same speed, that of 12 knots
dltleiing nly us regards shafting, uuiliber ol
screws, nud the incidental divisiou of motive
The Trade inn Veay Healthy Condition
at Present.
The It on and steel trade is not only iu a
healthy condition, but hus become decidedly
lively. It is so active that there Is danger ol
tho Improvement being overdone. Conserva
tive business men do not like booms, mid
they all agree that no pressuro should bn put
on the trudo to force It beyond a natural
growth. Prices are uot us high now us they
were lu ln;i2 aud 1h'j3, aud a largo proportion
of tho advances made so fur this year have
beeu absorbed lu higher wuges, coke and
ores. 'I he tendency Is still toward a higher
range of prices and wage. J he active In
quiry for many lines of goods is evidence that
buyers expect still higher prices than those
now prevailing. At present the deuiaud ia I
so great unit it Is u ditllcult mutter to get
early deliveries, and quotations, except for
11 nu rial actually iu bund, aro hard to secure.
There Is quite uu extensive demand lor liesse
luer, and It is freely predicted that it will go
to elo wlthiu Uu da) a 111 Pittsburg. 'I ho tie.
maud for steel billies is larger than the sup
ply, nud there Is 110 fulling off in the inquiry
for structural material, i here Is a good de.
umud for plates, burs, sheets, rods, iron uud
steel skel),, uild plln sulid, aud inubt of
tbese aro llrtn and iu demuud.
Taken From Jail by a Mob, They are
Given a Few Minutes to Pray and Are
Then Strung Up to a Tree.
Two negro prisoner were lynched by 73
men huturduy at Hampton, Arkansas. Two
weeks ago a white man named Martin was
killed by three negroes. Two of them were
arrested and eoullned in Jail. A small mot
gathered several ulghts before, but were
persuaded to desist. The mob demanded of
tbe sheriff the delivery of tbe murderers. It
was useless tu resist such a force with but a
handful of men to summon to his aid, to ths
kos were delivered to them.
The nogroes were secured and carried t
tbe neighboring forest, where tbe mob gave
them a few uuuute for prayer, when they
were strung ap to a tree. The lynehers wen
not masked and made no effort in any way tc
conceal tbeir identity. The nogroes outnum
ber the white lu the neighborhood asd furth
er trouble is expected. Circuit court ia In
sesslou aud the negroes hud been arraigned
for trial. The main perpetrator had escaped
but the two mobbed negroes were Implicated
in the crime. The pleadings of the prosecut
ing attorney availed nothing with the lynch-
Towns Burned Up.
Forest fires are raging In Northern Michi
gan. The little towus of Walton aud Chary
are wiped out. The people Uod to Thorn p
souville. One child Is missing, Mauy other
people are missing.
Basis of Union Adopted by Reform
The following Is the platform adopted by
tho National lleform Conference at Prohibi
tion Park, htaten Island, July 3, as e propos
ed basis of union tor the reform forces, peie
reseiilatlve Prohibitionists, Populists, Modal
lsts, sad other reformers la large numbers at
tended tbe conference, which adopted the
platform almost unanimously. It wns voted
to cali another conference in some represent
ative city totweeu Oct. 1 and March 1 next,
l'lll I OSKI) IIASISOF turns.
"As A basis of a union of reform forces.
"1. ltesolvel. That wo demand Dlree
Legislation, the Initiative and the Keferend
um in national, state and local matters; the
l;i eratlve Maudateaud Proportional pre
sentation. '2. That wo domand thnt when any branch
of auy legitimate business becomes a monopo
ly In the haudsof a few against the Inlerestsof
the many, that Industry should be taken pos
session ol, on Just terms, by the municipali
ty, the state or tho nation, and administered
by the people.
"J. That wo demand tho election of presi
dent and I m -president and the F. H. Heuators
by direct vote of the people, and also of all
civil oflieer as far as practicable.
"4. That we demaud equal suffrago without
distinction of sex.
"4. That as the land Is tho rightful herit
age of the people, we demand that 110 tenure
should hold without use and occupancy.
"i. That we demand the Prohibition of
the liquor tralllc for liivoru purposes, and
government control of the sale for medicinal
sclentillc and mechanical uses.
'7. That all money paper, gold and
silver -should be lu"d by the national K,,v.
eminent only, and made legal tender for all
payments, public or private, on future con
tracts, and lu amount udequate to tho de
mands o! business.
"H. That weduumnd tho free aud unlimit
ed coinage of silver and gold at the ratio ol
16 to 1.
Many Broken Limbs and Ilrulsed Bodies
AtAtUutlo City.
No deaths liavo yet resulted from Wednes
day night's disaster at tho l'-altlc nvotmo
rusli.o, although iu other respects the details
of tho occurrence have Uot been exaggerated
A conservative estimate estimate places the
number of Wounded at close to 20. Of these
tho only one lu Immediate danger of death Is
Frederick Clapproth of Jeunlng's baud,
auidcti, N. J. 1 he report that both Clop,
proth uud Mrs. Jennie Koekwell of Philadel
phia were dead is untrue.
The accident was caused I y the collapse
of the second floor of tho building Immedi
ately over a restaurant pnvlllon. Just pre
vious to the crash Jenning s band hud begun
lu piny for the F.Iks and the majority of the
Iieoplo were thus ultra, ted to tlu upper floor.
Iut for this there would have beeu great
loss of life. A party of New York delegates
llugered below, but they beard the nluriiilug
crackle of the timbers unit escaped to tbe
boardwalk outside hot a secoud too soon.
Tbe great weight of the crowd was the
primary cuuso of the accident, but there Is
talk of fixing the responsibility, it having
beeu generally known that the structure was
old uud dilapidated. lhe cusluo building
Ironts the oceau from the boardwalk ut thu
bead of llaliic avenue. It Is a frame, two
story structure, Lm tit about three years ago
by the Casino Amusement Company. It has
beeu unoccupied for twosensons.
National Educational Association Elects
At the convention of the National Educa
tional association in Denver. N. C. Dougher
ty, of Peoria, Ills., was elected president, N.
C. KctiBcffor. liarrisburg, was elected fourth
vice president, (buries In. tiurlno, of
hwurthmore, was chosen ns Pennsylvania's
representative on the board of I lrootor.
Alter tbe election, tbe duties of the schools
ill promoting patriotism uud good citizenship
were the gt-iiernl subee before the meeting,
tieorgo II. Martin, supervisor of schools,
post.. 11, spoke on New Mandards of Patri
otic ( ili.ei.shlp." He gave warning that tho
saloon, 111, monthly Miid the political spoils
men were 11.010 lo be feared lliati for"lgu
The next regular meeting will bo held in
FeLruary ut Jacksonville. 11.1.
All on a Hn-id Car That Out in tho Way
of a Freight Train,
An accident occurred on the Toledo aud
Ohio Central railway at tho western extrem
ity of Tiftln county, which resulted In the
death of 1111 entire family. F. N. (ioodrich,
billing clerk at the company s otllen in Fost
oriu, his wife uud 7-year-olii sou started out
on a bund car to visit frn-iuls ubout three
miles from Fostorlu. Whsu two mile of the
dlst.iuce had beeu covered they were struck
from the rear by the loc ituotivn of a freight
train. (Ioodrich1 lieu 1 was crushed aud ho
lived but uu hour. Ills wlfu'sheu l was mush
ed and she died instantly. The boy bead
and both legs were completely severed.
Southern Coal Combine.
At n meeting of coal operators, holding
soveii-elghths of the coal output of Alubamu
and representing over i2u,utiu,oiiO capital,
the formation cf a gigantic coal combine was
practically completed, 'lhe pool will be ill
reeled by u coal Commissioner, c, ', l'eriln,
who will seo (but rales are maintained by
each member uud nil other regulations car
ried out, Tho combine Is much on U10 ordei
of the pig iron pool recently formed by
bout hot u furnaces, but it is supposed to be
much larger, Tim llrst result be uu advance
of nearly 6 cents per ton 011 domestic oouL
Chlcamuuga Commission Named.
Col. Archibald Illukeley, W. A. liobinson,
I. lent. W. H. Mcfiuskey and ( apt. (merge
W. hkluner, of Plttshurg; 11. Klck
urt, l ottHVille, ami .1. II. htorey and Lieut.
II, M. lioiing liavo bin u appointed by the
i;ororiior tun executive committee of the
i hlckumaugu and ( liuttauoogu battlefield
commission. Tim duty o( tuo Committee is to
have monuments erected on the battlefield
ubout Chattanooga to commemorate the
deeds of thu 17 Pennsylvania orguulitious
which fought 011 Ilium during thu war of the
rebellion. 'lhe legislature upprvpriuted
(2j,Uoo lu the commission.
Another Wr Likely,
llolivla has seut uu ultimatum fi Peru, do.
uiuudliiK kutisfnellou for ulteuses claimed to
have beeu committed by Peruvians aitalnst
the persons uud property ot ii'iliviuus durinn
the late civil war. i'rru Is uiven 'li hours lu
which to answer the ul.imatum. At a meet.
lu of the Peruvian Cabinet and leadliiK
Hlatestneu, it was resolved to refuse to com
ply with the demand of llolivla.
To a Gold Basis.
Tho action of Chile lu koIuk to a jrold
basis is likely to be followed by a similar uc
tiou on the art of other Houtb American
countries, (ien. rtenutfu, the represeutativs
of Colombia In the I'ulted htates, says the
tendencies In his country are In Unit direc
tiou, and that a old basis undoubtedly will
he realized wllhlu thu next four years, and
perhaps before.
Stopping Honey Orders.
f rs!mnter-(ieiieral Wilson has Issued an
order lori iildiiitf ostmiisters to draw money
order- n)aiile ht their own olllce. Huch
ordi i in a eliy ure umally drawn much as
eln eks ior the puymeui ol smut! bills, and it
Ik u ii:ieliou Whether the statute permit so
cliico io draw on itself, though It may on subdivisions.
Itnbrl, tlie Trcm-It Actor.
Not a few great men linvo risen to
cmlnpnoo In tqilto of ovortvludmlng
phyglcnl defect; font fur more run nro
the crises' In which ugliness 1ms In Itself
proved ft atepidng atone tn miivess.
Itufocl, the actor, who 1ms Just died In
Purls, At the age of 7S, owed lili llrt-t
start In tho Icgltlmnto drama to his
trlklnjly plain feature and dltnlitti
tlvo tstature. Forty years ago he wttit
the hitmfoleat of mimic hall comic at
tho Funatnfotilcs, when ofleiiluK h
dropped lu one ovctilng, noticed liU
groteno.uo physiognomy, and offered
hlni an engagement at tho ItoniTcg.
When "Hurhc P.lotio" was prodttcvd,
and A peculiarly hideous fuco wa re
quired for the cirt of the (Queen's lover,
Kchnelder cried out: 'There Is only one
man In the world who can play It. and
that U ltttfoel." Hut Instead of foeliv,'
flattered the poor little fellow wnsj inor
tilled, nnd poaitively declined to h east
for U10 character, lie migrated t. ot'i
cr stages nnd worked to the last, filling
only a month ago the prompter's foox
at tho Theater do la Uepul)lljue.-it.
Juines' (Juzctte.
The Trent After Nn-To-Ttne.
Chicago fivi:il.. lleporte.l hero to-dny
that a large sum of money hod Ihhh offered
for the famous tol .vco habit cum called No-To-Ilae,
by a syndicate w ho want to take It
(IT the market. Inijulry ut tlio general
offices revealed tli fie I that No-To-llo.; was
not fur sale to tho tru-t nt any price. No-To-ltoo'a
sueei-ss murveloim. Mimed every
IrugglNt in Amen- a sell .V-To-lhi.! under
giutruiitco to euro tobacco hublt or r-luud
The annunl sab s of (lerman toys In Croat
Ilrltulu amount t over t'.', 000. (1110.
And Make Mnner At It. I
Tf yon only know It. the trouble 1 with vnnr
nlgeailon. If that wu gisil you would sleep
Is-iter. wke beiter. work botlcr. and make
more money hi It. How ran mm "get 1111"
"lis" the wliole svNtem ts sluggiih? flul m-o.
pie don't renhft whst U the trouble. A box of
ltlpniin Tnbulus nuke life worth liviu-. At
Tho beet sugar manufactured In this couu- !
try In IV1J amounted to 27,0iJ,:UJ tons.
Conductor K. I. lvmils, Detroit, Mich., I
says: " The eitis-l of Hall's Catarrh Cure H
wonderful." Write him about IU Mold by
Druggist, 7 io. !
Missouri In 1VK) had l,f7r..70(! acres sowed
iu oats, which produced lIs.NJil.llJ bushels.
I-r. Kilmer's S amp-Hoot cures
nil Kidney nnd Ul. older troubles.
Pamphlet and consultation free.
Laboratory liltiiihumpton, N. V.
Vinegar Is mentioned lu the Egyptian ree
cords as a mudieiuo in the tenth century 1J.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrnp for children
teething, M'ltcii the giuti. reduee4 Infliirtia
lion, allays pain, cures wind colic. li'io. a botil-i
The flrtt Htateasau oat producer Is Illinois,
with ;i,s70,702 acres and 1:i7,i'.2I,h:s bushels.
Wife n-o.l i'Miimiih FKII.M"'' l.ef.ire rrt
child -ttiiK mil -kly n ll'-ve.i; Hiill.-r-'-l im litti,
lecoM ty lapld I I ll'.Mos. I.uliinla. Ala
Potus-lum, tlie I als of many medicines,
whs discovered 111 107 by Mr Humphrey
1 levy.
l'l-' I'lin- ln u.cob roil 1 oiii-h no'dl.-lne,
- Mr- U.riiMmi an si-I n an I liltl.e A v.- ,
lb. ekl) n. N. ., n. t i-i-t -Jii. I- 'I, j
Hull li'irlc ami iiirnc acids were known to 1
( the nlheinl-t iu the eighth century. I
V t IS
A m
II I r2 I
good to go with it. And Pearline is so much
better than soap that it has the work all done
before th soap begins to take any part.
You're simply throwing away money. It's a
clear waste of ;:oan and roap may be Ood for
something, tho:it";h it tan't much ure in wash
ing and cleaning, when Pcarlinc's around. i?i
Lovell Diamond Cycles.
II WT. YlH II MH II. MCA I. IIIIIMl evitiitmr thew linn bine., n- w e ,le,re
to how I lie w oik and uialeiial lo men ho know what muni uoiU I
e slake our bu dni -.. ieinlatlon .it over iitiv Neai.lhal lln-ie la Ho bt-lli r
wheel uiudu in the world than thu l.uvcll biluiuoml.
Warranted In every respect. All prices, sizes nud weltihts. tall and see them.
Catalogue live. 4-K there I no itKi'iit In your plaeu rilu us.
Manufacturers and Jobbers In
14J Washington St., I
131 HroHil M. I
It Was Before the Day Of
They Used to Say "Woman's Work is Never Done."
V :!k-rinvoreiI l'lli.
An artificial musk factory 1ms foeen
established upon the Itlnnio, In the can
ton of lienevit. Since Its opening llsli
crtnon have noticed that the espe.
dally the trout taken within a cunplo
of tulles down the riter L ive a very
pronounced flavor of musk, the head
In particular foeln ntieatuhln. As It Is
known that tin" essential oils of anise
and lavender attract ilsties, fnxes, mar
tens, etc., It Is foelleved that the fishes
may foe similarly led foy Uk odor to
seek nud eat the musk refus
v,fV, .t
TJotli tlio rictlioil ntiil results lien
fcsyrnp of V"a U taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tlio tai-te, nnd acts
Scully yet promptly on tlio Kidneys,
.liver ami HhwuIh, demises tlio pys
tcm cd'ectiially, dispels colds, licotl
nilies nud fevers nnd runs linliitual
constipation. Fyrup cf Tigs id tho
only remedy ot it.t Liml ever pro
duced, plcibsing to tho taste nnd ac
ccptuMo to tho stomach, prompt in
its action nnd truly licurlicial 111 it
cflccts, prennrcd only from tlie most
healthy and agrceafolo tnihstancos, m
tunny excellent qualities commend it
to nil and liavo tumlo it tho most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figri a for Falo in M)
cent bottleH by nil lending drug
gi.ta. Any rcliablo druggist who
may not luivo it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
LOUISVILLE, nr. t-tiV tOHK. N V.
V N V 10
1U!i. 1, Aiif.i', Ktilwii. 1
I Thm "I.INFNP" nr tlm lUt mi.l Mont KraDnml
rl ('till Biil rnftit worn ih) iuh tumln ol ttttt
rl"tti, Uith H'li-it tiiMsilird hIiV. anil U its; rvttris
blt, 1 jn in 1 ii.t I I., t -i ! atiy ft iirr ktinl.
'Ihfti tit uUt ir,ir rrU an t i-k urlt. A h.'I of
Ten olUrur l ivlsvirul Cull lurXweuty
1 C'iif.
A hninpTn fnlMr n1 T'lr of riifT hy m&ll for MiM
OsUii. h uiim his lo hikI sit41. AJtlttsi
n rrmokllo Bt. Hvw York. 17 Kil'jy PL. Blsg
IT aunccBsfullv Prosecutes Clnims.
V 1 ! I'mih 1 1 ... 1 1- kliillllOi: 1 S I ri.-tlnh lOlluil.
m ly. ,ln
w,i, I.. .numlu .ilii.
Ci with Pearline. TwonM he absurd. It
isn't necessary. Pearline contains evcrv-
thiiv' of a soapy nature that's needed or that's
mvvvvvvvv rr-vw-i