a ii'l 'it ' lift ' ti, ..at ti ,!ocV fiie' ft '.lit tfttl itrf "thi cc! Yng. 1" . . tba THE TRIALS OF BUSINESS. DR. TALMACE'S SERMON. Tbs BtragfU Tor Blchss'. Cause Man? Downfall. Tut: "Thi were thy merohsnts la all sirls ol thln." E5klol xsvll., ',14. W are at thn npenlntj door of rdnrnln? Jtl"'' prosperity. Tl oominir crops, the re-H-t:i'iiiihment o( ruihlli! oinfMeuoo nud, nbove nil, the blessing nf God will turn in upon nil section of America til" wide;, jrroiitc.'t prosperity thin country hii over (on. Hut that door nf uoon Is not yet fully open, and thousnn Is of limine men sreyet suffering from the distressing time through which we hare been p.wlng. Some of tho liest men In thn land hare faltered, men whoso heart are enlisted In every good work and whos hands have blessed erery Rreat charity. The. church of Ood can afford to extend to them her sym tiathiea ami idea I boforn heaven with all availing prayer. The schools such men have ttslished, the .hurehea they have hullt, the asylums nnd beneficent Institution they have filtered will be, their eulogy long after their banking Institution are forgotten. Pueli meu eau never fnll. They have their treasure (n bnnk that nover break and will tie millionaires forever. Hut I thought it would bo appropriate to-day and useful for me to talk about the trinlii ami temptations of our hustiies men and try to offer some curative prvsoripUtins. In the first place, I hare, to remark that A grt many of our business men feel ruinous trials and temptations coming to them from small and limited capital In business. It Is everywhere) understood that It now takes three or four times its mn.'h to do business well than It once did. Unco a low hundred d IUr were turned Int'- Roods. The mer chant would be, his own storekeeper, his own salesman, his own bookkeeper'. He would manure all the affairs himself, nnd every thing would lie net profit. Wonderful changes have come. Lostly apparatus, ex tensive advertising, exorbitant store rents, beavv taxation, expensive agencies nre only parts of the tiemami matie upon our com mercial men, and when they have found themselves In such eireumf tanees with small cniital they have sometimes been tempted to rvn ag.ilnst tho rocks of moral and financial destruction. This temptation of limited capital hits ruined men in two ways. Hotne times tiiey have shrunk down under the ti-mptiitlon. They have yielded the battle before the llrst shot was fired. At the first hard dun they surrendered. Their it uvea knock-! together at the fnll nf the auction eer's hummer. They blnnchcd at the finan cial peril. They did not understand thnt there is such ti tiling as heroism In merchan dise nnd thnt there are Waterloo of the rniintcr and that a mini can Unlit no braver battle with the sword than he can with the yardstick. Their souls melted in them be. oaue siiuiir were up when they wanted to Imy and dowu when they wanted toscll. nnd Iuusalaiiie goods were on the shell and la 1 debts iii their lodger. The gloom t th"lr coiiuteuiuicos overshadowed even tnelr ilrv -goods and groceries, Ilestiondeuev. coming from limited capital, blasted them. Others have felt it lu a different way. They Ihave snld: "Here I hnve been trudging long. 1 1 nve been trylnit to bo honest all lt'.e.' vt-.irs. I llml it Is ol no us. Now It -nuUe or break. The small ernft thnt mid have stood the stream is put out le- ml the lighthouse oil the great sea of spec ilntiui. He borrows a few thoiisanl dollar - rn friends who dure not refuse him, and h ( e hurt' ring on a lurgo scale. Ho reus. us i this way: 'Torhuns I iniiv succeed, und if , don't I will lie no worse off thnu I am now, it I l'Hi.OOO taken from nothlug, nothing re nins. hitocli." lire the dice with which Jo- ram ie I ought for a few dollanvast tra-ts I W e rn liiud. Home rtuinar.'tie JJusf, Hv- " ''it homitetaad, inoets this gambler rrti.".e end is persuailed to trade oil hi 1 t In a Westein city, with law hiuu. nud costly paluc', and lake steam- sniomug nt the wlmr-'f, auu ran trains .iiur dowu witli lluntnlnir spued from i. v direction. TIium it Is nil on paper! t city has never been built not the rnil- iis const ructed, but eerytliiiiK points that . and the thinit will e done us sure as live. Weil, the nun g"M mi, stoppini; fraud or outrage. In his splendid I'fltfe he ilnslms inist, while the honest l -r looks up and "pe the sweat from row and says. ' I wonder where that "tall his moiiey" After a while the '!e hursts. Creditors) rush lu. Tho law I!i"S, but find n ithinir In Its irr.isp. The who wi re mv.mlled suy, "I don't know I c juld Ihimi ever been deceived by that mi l ti. j i'-ioriais, in ninidsomo wood 't d rill i lie hero who lu ten yours hud lis eu to full for 1.)0,0U0! t tl. .t itho process liy which manv lie- 11 i tiipted through lliiiitiitiou ol id ' . n, sh Into liihyriutlut from which . I not bo cxtriciited. I would not lin honest enterprise. I would i t i block up any of theaveuuuj for ruiiliitlon that open before youiiK i ; (he contrary, I would liketo cheer ". and rejoice when they rencli the I hen there are siivh inultitudos of -; ' ruin for this life und the life ' inie throuxu wroni; notions of nwful spheres of enterprise It Is ' I thet'liurcli of (tod, and the minis i ' K'ion, auu the friends of all jounif utter u plain, emphatle, uiimis- iri.test. Those ure the iiilluenees r wu men iu destruction uud per- (fre.i; many of our business men , ' d to overauxiety and cure. Vou mnriy nil commercinl businesses u iu this day. Krnittuii with the i ick Kaln, our cities are crowded .. resolved to be rich nt all hazards. ' u'd i-iir.i how money comes it it : -s. Our best murchiiuts are thrown petition Willi men of more means ' conscience, mut if un opportunity iiulatimi be iieKlectod ouo hour "' elso ,lvk It up. I'rolii to llecumber the struKlo dlit jives m quiet to limbs toss restu.,Hues nur to u bralu tlnU t stop tauiklnif. The dreams nre d liy linii-iiiiiry lo.su (,ud flusheil maKiuury kuIus. J.ven tlm Hsb "'iiot ilnui back tlietlde of unxletv, V4 ! oi woriiiiiiiuss dashes clour 'hurches and leaves Its foan mi Inui prayer books. Meu who nr "tt salaries or by the cultivation of the r-wiuuuerstaud the Wdar an I tear of nujiiiiud to which our iiior.'liunu .m.a.,1 WlHU uot inow t)Ut 'ir livellhon,! u.. I .1.-.- i... .i.,...,. !r deimnd.int upon the uuoertaiuties B'xt hour. This excitement of the mscorrodiUH-cura of the heart, this " effort thai exhau.st the spirit, --i many oi our best men lu mld- 'UtO the ip..w.. l.ui- nru Cil iJ I niouey saf. ' They go with their 1'luif. train .. li.n... i - J'J v .41 . U . f'Ss their life a nrii.illtrlmi Wu.,,1. tioo. ! Olid desks ami I,...ImI.u,i e fresh air, weiKhed down 'by cark- irooi C V "r'1 40 ny ulel.Jea. Ob, I .irfeit' ere ' iu-uhv run out Home of these 'are: that I ..,,. i.i nf . .i... from I lie ... T II ..i... ktl.in . IU UUUIll K'Va k 0 l,0'm ot tn worn musule. for you to begin to take It a little "Y y"r nest nnd then trust Ood nil- Jin vwt r . ..ii .rrh,bl,yu'.ii""J.,1.",,!f"'. t'i'bV!"rl ' air: Tbey always VsL i:',d m nut mBk li". i yourselves out Iroinamontf I ads ami the shelves, and la tho t?vh y?l,bb,4Ul dly resolv that n. u ,0,nu Winds your feara, and fu. ,hr,,."u'1 o distresses.' Vou yotiiiuK iuto tUtt worldt all(l u V" cau carry uotbluir out. 1 9 aa Wimtiut. be therwith oou- tent. Tho trf-c:-ant e-.ms hm from th store. Tli had nn-n a Rrf.it disaster then-. He opens I thn froni door and said In tha midst of his family circle: "I am ruined. Everything Is jrone. I mm all mined." Ill wifo said, "I am left." and the llttlo child threw up it hands and said. "Papa, I am here." The aired irrnndmothr, seated In the room, said. ''Then you have nil the prom ises of Ood beside, John." And he burst In to t-ars and said: "(iod fnrlve ma that I have been so untrratefnl! I flnd I have a great many things left. Ood forirlve me!" A itnln, I remark that many of our business men are tempted to neglect their hom duties. If iwo't-n It l tin tho store an I home clash, but there ninth: not to b nnv collision. It is often the c i that tho 'alhe'r isthe mere treasurer of the family, a sjrtof aifent 1 1 that they hnv.t dry Rood and irrooerle. The work of family government he does not touch. Oii'io or t wice 4n a vear he calls tho children up on a Habbatlt after noon, when ho has a half hoiv he dons not exactly know what to do with, and In that half hour be disciplines the children and chides them nnd corrects their faults and Rive them n great deal of Rood advice, and th-n wonders all the rest of the year that his children do not do liettor when they have the wonderful ndvuntuK') of that semi-annual castiRation. The family table, which ounlit to bo the place for pleasant discussion and cheerful nes, often loonies the plife of perilous expedition. If there be nnv blessing asked at all, it is cut off at both euds and with tho hand on the carving knife. He counts on his fingers, making estimates In the inter stlees of the repast. The w. rk done, the hat goes to the head, and ho starts down the street, and before the family have ri"n from th table he has bound up another bundle of Roods an 1 says tithe customer, "Anything moro I can do for you to-day, sir' A man has more responsibilities than those which arc discharged by touting com petent Instructors over hi children and giv ing them a drawing master and a music teacher. The physical culture ot tho child will not bo atl-ndoi to unless the father looks to It. He must some time lose his dignity. H must tinllm ber his Joints, lie must sometimes lead them out to th"ir sports and games. Tue parent who cann d forget the severe duties ot life Komotlimts, to fly the kite and trundle the hoop a 'chs.se tho ball nud Jump the rpe with his children, t.ught never to have been tempted on: of a crusty and unredeem able solitariness. If y oi want to keep your children away from places of sin you cau only do It by nialng your home attractive. You may pron.'l: sermons and advocate re forms and de.iounce wickedness, and vet your children will be captivated by the glit tering saloon of aln unless you can make your home a brighter place) than any other pis mi on earth to them. Oh, gather ah charms into your house. If you cau afford it, bring b ioks and pic tures and cheerful entertainments to the hotisohiill. Hut above nil tench those children, not by half an hour twice a year oj the sabbath day, but day after day and every day leach them that religion Is a gre' gladness; thnt It throw chains of gold nlioui the nock; that it takes no spriug from the nut. no hUtiione.ss from the heart, no spnrsle from the eye, no ring frm the laugh ter, jut that "her ways are ways of pleasant-ne.-v. nn I all her paths are pea e." I sympa thise with tho work being done In many of on.- cities bv which beautiful rooms are sot aart by our Young Men's Christian Assoeln tvus, and I pray ti l l to prosper them in nil ihliiics. Hut I tell you there Is something bnek nf that and before that. We need more happy, cons-crated, cheerful ' Christian D lines every where. Anal n I remark that a great many of our business meu are temple t to put the attain ment of money above the value of the soul. It is a grand thin:; to have plenty of money. The more you get of It the better, If It como honesty nud go usefully. Fur the luck of it sickness dies without medicine, and hunger finds It coftin In the empty br a 1 tray, and nakedness shivers for lack of clot ho and Pre. When I hear a man In casting tirade against money a Christian man-us though It had no possible use on earth nu I he lia 1 no In ternet iu It at nil, I coni almost to think that the heaven that would be appropriate for him would be nu everlasting poorhoiise. While, my friends, we do admit there Is such a thing us the In vf lit use of money a profitable usu of money let us rec ognize also the fnet that money cannot satis fy a man's soul: that it cannot glitter In the dark valley: t lint it cannot pay our fare across the Jordan of death; that It cannot unlock the gate of heaven. There are men in all occupation who s'.-imit a 't as though they thought that a pack of bonds and mort gages coul I bo traded off for a title to he. iven and as though gold would be a law ful tender lu that place where It is so com mon that they make pavements ollt ,,f it. Siiviition by Christ is the only salvation. Treasures iu heavcu arc the only lujorruptl blo treasures. Have you ever ciphered out In the rule of lovinud gain the sum, "What shall it proilt a man if he fain the whole world and lose his own soul?" However lino your appim-', the wind of death will llutter it like rags. Home, spun und a thrjea Ibaru coat have s im time been the shadow of coming robes ma le white In the blood of the Limb.; The peurl of great price is worth mure than any gem you cau bring from the ocean, than Australian or Brazilian mine struug in oni carcnnel. Seek after Ood, llu I His righte lusness. an I nil shall be well here all shall lu well here after. Hiir.e of you remember the s'ilpvree!c of the Central America. That noble ship had, I think, n'out fill ) passengors u'l lard, hod den I y the storiii came, and tho surges trumped the doclcs nu I swuug Into tho hutches, and tiiera wont up a him Ire 1 voiced death shriek. 'I ho foa n on the Jaw of thn wave. The pilciilng of the steamer as though it wtre leaping u mountain. Tiio ills.nal flare of the signal ri'ket. The long ougli of tno steam pip's. Til) his of extinguished furii'ietis. T.n walking of O 1 ou t!i i wave! Th ) steamer went u t down without a strug gle. A the p'issenger. stationed tliumselvo. iu rows to bull out tho vessol, hark t the thump of tho hu'!kcts,n men name t to toll, with blister" 1 hands mil straiuel muc, tug for t'nolr liv.". Tnoro is a sail soeu ugiilnst the sky. The Hash of the distress gun Is notle"d; its volc.i hoard u it, for it is choked iu tlie Ion ler booming of tho sea. A few passengers oso'ip"..!, but the steamer gave one great lur'li nut wu gou"! Ho there are soini men who s lil im pr isperously iu life. All's well, all's well, j; it at l ist some llnaucml disaster come-: i euro dydou. Down thoy go! . The b ittoiu of the ejinmor ciul sea is strewn with shuttered hulks, li.it bot'ausi your property go vs do not let y.uir soul go. Though all o'.so perish, save that, for I have to toll you of a more stupHudoiw shlpwreok than that which I just meutloucd. Ood launehel this world tUO) yeari ago. It ha been going on uu le.' freight of uiouu ta ns and immortal, but one day it will stagger at the cry of flrd. The timbers ot rook will burn, the mountains Mama like ma.sls, and the clouds like sails iu the Judgment hurricane. Tueu Old shall tax the passeugers off the de-ik, and from the bertns thosi who have long teu asleep In Jesus, und Hj will set them far beyoud the reai.i ot storm and peril. Hut how many shall R) down will niver hi knowu uutil it shall be auuouuued one day In heaven. The shipwreck ot a world! Hi muuy millions saved! Ho mauy million itrowued! Oh, my dear hearers, whatever you lose, though your bouses go, though your lands go, though all your earthly possession perish, may Ood Almighty, through the blood of the everlaitiuj covunaut, save all your souls! Th Grasslmppsr Crap. Trofessor Otto Lugger, State Entomologist of .Minuesoia, called nt tlie (ioveruor a olllca and made a report ou the grasshopper kill lug in Chicago County with the hopper dozers. . They have over 400 of these ma chine at work and are gathering in H0U9 bushels of grasshopper daily. Thus far the hoppers have not invaded the grain Holds. The frequent rains have kept the gr.iss green nud tender, an I they have contented thorn solve loading ou this. SABBATH SCHOOL INTKRXATIOX ATj LESSON JULY 14. FOU Lcmoii Tfxti "The Ooldcn 'alf,' Kxodu xxxll., I'M; JJO-30 Golden Text: 1 John v., 521 Commentary. 1. 'Tr, rak gods." ft i-ie onhs said thnt whenever w turn awsv from lean Inir exclusively nponOod either for salvation or for the necessities of tho path we an vir tually saying, "Up, make us Kds." This I equal to a rejection of Ood. They had not seen Moses nor hoard from Ood for several weeks, and they can trust no longer. They cannot walk by faith, they must have some, thing to look upon. Blessed are all who aro content to believe without seeing or fooling content to live by faith. 3, 8, Aaron.the anointed high prlot.secm to have no word of warning or help for them as from Ood. He was Moses's mouth or spokesman, and Moses was to him Instead of Ood (Ei.lv., in: vll.. 1), and Moses Mug absent ho, like a false prophet, speaks out ot his own heart this evil advice (Jer. xxlll., Ifl). It Is sad when wodener,4 upon man In ted of upon Ood for the message then when the man is absent we have no message. Observe also that as they gave the orna mentsnf their ear to make an Idol, so they gave tholrrara to the devil (Dout, xxxil.. 111. 17). 4. Instead of receiving at their hnnd the gold to make an Idol, they should have re solved at hls'hand and "from his lips tho living words of the living Ood. It Is a sad ?ae Indeed when tho one who ought to rep resent the people before Ood misrepresent Ood to the peoplo and Joins tho people In heathenish desires and customs. Through him who should have led them to the Ood of Qlory they changed their glory Into the llmllltude of an ox fl's, cvl., a i). It loo' s ss If Aaron had whollv lost his reason when we hear him say, "These lie thy gods, O Israel." Compare II Thess. II., 10, 11. 6. "And when Aaron saw It. he built an sltar before It." Hee this sin repeated In the rase of Jeroboam nnd the very word of Aaron used (I Kings xll., 2. 81). This Is all the work of the devil from beginning to oud, sud so Is everything like It In the churches and among the people of Ood to-dnv, (rod Is a Spirit, and they that worship Hint must worship Him In spirit and in truth. And when anv person or thing comes between the soul and Ood It Is idolatry. . "The peoplo sat down to eat and drlnic. and rose up to play." Hee I Cor. x., 7, and It would be well to read the whole chapter. I It not on the same Hue of things when In houses built for the worship of Ood's people hearing tho name of Christ meet to ont and drink and be entertained or amused? There la a wonderful likeness to the dancing and llnging of the naked people around tho golden calf (verses 19, 25) In some things done In our midst In the name of religion. 7. The Lord said to Mo en that tho peoplo 'ailed htm down from the mountain to see to It. All the good is from Ood, all the evil Is on our side with satan back of It. Long afterward the Lord said to the people; "O Nrael, thou hast destroyed thyself, but lu Me is thine help. O Israel, return unto the Lord thy Ood, for thou hnt fallen bv thine Inhiulty" (noe. xlll., 9: xlv , 1). The sin is ours, the salvation Is all His. 8. "They have turned aside tpiicklv nut of the way which I commanded them,'" Ulossed are the underlie, I In tho wav who walk In the law of the Lord ( I's. cxix., 1), There Is no way for tho child of Ood to walk In but the way, which Is Jsu Christ lllm lelf (John xlv.. (1). Wo are not to turn from Him either to the right or the left (Joshua I., 7.1, and when tempted to turn we have the promise ot help and guidance if we aro only willing to be guided (Isu. xxx., HI; Cor. X., IS). 00. "I will go up unto the Lord, peradven lure I shall nuike nn i.touement for your iln." Iioforo coming down from the mount Mosos bud plended for Israel and obtained the assurance that Ood v-oild spiiro tlieni as k Nation. The a'couiw of this, and the meeting with Joshua, and the destruction Hid disposition of the calf is found In the In tervening versos, also the significance of the Question "Who is on tho Lord's side" and the true meaning of consecration. Compare Luke xlv., 2(1. 27; Math. 37, tW. 81. "And Moses returned unto the Lord." While all aln Is sin, ami oven the thought of foolishness Is slu (l'rov. xxlv., 10, yet some litis are more heinous than others. Moses Jails this a great sin. Jesus Himself spoke if a sin that hath never forgiveness at the tame time that Ho spoke of the forgiveness if all manner of sins except this particular lin (Mark 111., 2H, T.i). The sin that overtops all others Is tho rejection of Christ the Sou Ood. 82. "And. if not. blot me, I pray thee, out of Thy book which Thou bust written." He Is willing to suffer In their stead if necessary In order to save thorn. The tonne spirit is leen In Paul on bohulf of this same people Israel (Horn. Ix., 8). The reality is seen ami fully carried out In the Lord Jesus Christ, who was mndu a sin offering for Israel nnd tor usthat we might besaved (II Cor. v., 21). 83 "Whosoever hath sinned aguliist Me, him will I blot out of mv book." Iu Itev, xx., 12 we mad of books being opened, and another book which Is tho bonk of life, Iu Mai. ill., 10 we rend of a book of retnem i'i... I.....1 iu ...r..--.l t.i i - son we muy not now know, but wo tuny be j sure that It It were ossinie to nave a name blotted out of the book ot life our Lord would not have made it such a great ground of rejoicing to have ouu's uamo there (.Luu JC.Joj Hew III., 6i. .14. "lluhold, Mine angel shall go before thee. Nevertheless, in the day when I visit I will vb.lt their slu upon them." The Lord Is slow to anger und plenteous iu mercy, but sin I hut is not repented of and forgiven shall lu due time bo vislto I. Every penitent sinner muy be forgiven by accepting Him Who died lu his stoud, but there is no othet way but by the titommout. Tho guiding nud probk'tlng angel is mentioned lu I'.x. xxiii, 20, "llehold 1 send nu angel before thee to keep thee In tlie way, and to bring thee Into the pln'o which I have prepared. "The aiik'el of His presence saved them" (Isn. Ixlli., 8). Well may we any, "If Thy tiri'sence go not with mo, carry us not up neueo" (I'.x. xxxiil., 13). Hut thank Ood foi Math, xxvlil.. 2d) Isu. xll., 10, IU; Dout. xxxi., ; Hob. X ill. . S. etc. 85. "Ai'.d tho Lord plagued the people, because they made tho calf which Aaron made." The Lord Judgotn righteously, foi there is no unrighteou-mess with Him. Ha lookoth upon the heart nud will render to every one according to their works. Part nership In evil is an evil panuurship. Lossou Helper. H SM.OOX rLOCKISIIES ALWAYS. When labor Is most disturbed, when the demand for advanced wages is tho loudest, Wheu strikes are the most freipieiit, wueu hunger and misery are most rife in tho homos of the poor, tho saloon flourishes still. There may be no bread at homo, but there Is always beer and whisky at the bar, and the meu Who oouslder thomsolves the victims of t'ir ounmtanue or the "thralls'' of capital, squander their earnings ami spend their sav ings In these dens. Cun there be a serious labor quest iou while this stale of things eoli tluues' Can working meu talk gravely ol their wrongs while It is plain to all the world that it they only saved the capital they earn thoy would be CJiulyitu'jIc At lantic Monthly. KtlTOK OX CnCXKENNU. All manner ot drunkenness shoul l bo banished fro.n the Commonwealth. Wind more foul and common siu among pa than drunkenness And wiio cau be iguoraul that, If the importation and use ot nil strong drink wore forbid, It would botii uluuu rid the possibility ot . minuting that odious vice, and meu might Verwar l live happily aud healthfully without (he use of thosu iu toxloatiug llnuon.' John Milton, 101L RELIGIOUS HEADING. COTOAtM FOB THIS BtltttT. A successful evangelist tell what great re sults followed from a simple stand for Christ when he was a commercial traveler i Ho had made a good sale, and the merchant said. "II Is your treat." Ho knew what that meant. There wn a saloon across tlie street, and he wa expected to go across and "et up the drinks for the whole establishment. "What is the use?" lie said to blms if. This i one of the expediencies of the trnde. I needn't drink anything. I ran it lor the clg i'. ot a eupieror " "Ve," some: hum said to him, "you can Just sell out right here and make a wreck of It all." "Hovs." he said, in the now Inspiration sriit ' to him from above. "If I should do that. I would do the meanest thing In nil the world, nnd II you'll Is ar with me I'll tell you why. I have ust como up from the very gates "of death and he 1 through strong drink, and If I did what ymi ask, I'd do the meanest thing in ui the world, both for you nnd mo." Intiint,j the cashier lenped down from III de-k. "Hnve y.ui got a pledge? I'll sign It." And the merchant afterward t ok the commercial traveler aside to say, "I promise you I'll never drink another drop as long as I live." It ay to bo outspoken lor Christ Try it. Selected. TnrK rr.MTHXrr. A Ood reckon Jewelry, there I no gem that shines with more ' brilliancy thnu tin tear of true pelilt' hoc ; yet Ood otily knowi tl. 1 wtint Heart pro-sure niei what crushing ol wilful pride may have been necessary tc force tlie tear to the cheek ot a stubborn sinner. 1 have sometime met with n person a lio possessed peculiarly lovable Irillts nf gen tleness, self-nl. negatli m. and meek brnverj uiider sharp trials. envied such a beauti' ful character. Ah! I little knew at a fearful price of severe chastening, bitter deep polntmeiit nnd bereavements, f faith tre-.l In a white heat of nftllctioii, nil that love I lies of character had been attained. W who would be most like liri-t must pay tin1 cost. If a fiirnalico Is needed to purify and brighten you, do not shirk the furnace, pa tience is nu admirable grace; but It l imt ofteiiost worn by those who walk on th sunny side of the street in silver slippers. It Is usually tho product of lieml.vln.ls und hard lights of crosses curried, and of 'eep lull chudicd on the road to heaven. " I he trial of vonr faith workoth patience." Thoodort L. Cuylor, I). V. BFAI.1K IT Tllon IfOHLT. It Is a methodical not an nccideutal world. It the housewife turns out a good cuke, it is tho risiult of a sound receipt, carefully ap plied. Hhe cannot mix the ulgiicd logic ilieiit and llrotliein for the appropriate tin;.. , witnoiit producing mo result. It is not she who has made the cake; It Is nature, sin brings related thing together: sets cnucs at work ; these cause bring about the r-siill. Sho Is not a creator, but an Interiuediarv. She doe not expect random cim-es to pro duce speeiilc effects-random Ingredient-. would only produce minloni cakes. s- It I In tho making of Chrttlnu experience.. Certain lines are followed ; certain effects an the result. These effects cannot but be tin result. Hut the result can never take place without the previous cause. To expect re sults without antecedents H J,, ,.X t ,.ake without iligiedieiits. 'Hint iuipo-sibility I-preoi-oly the almost universal expectation. llniuitiioud. Titr. I Kiii-nt ai. riii'.sRxrs, Some "f us think and suy n good deal about "a sense id his pre-enco." sometime rejoicing iu It. sometimes going mourning all the day long liecaii-e wo hnve it not; pray- Iiil' for it, and mt always seeming to r ivo what we nsk ; iiien-iiriiig our own p"ltl ti, nnd somo'.lmos even that of others by it : now on the heights, now lu tho depths nSout it. And all this April like gleam nud gloom, in stead of steady summer glow, because we nro turning our iittciitl.iii up. 01 the scii-e of Ills pr nee tu.tcud of the chuiigeli-i. reality of it ! All our trouble und .li-app out mom ill -nit It Is met by ins own simple v..i.l. and vanishes lu tlie simple faith that gra-ps it. for II Jesus says simply and ulsiiiiev, "l.o, I am witli vou nlvvay," what liaie w to do Willi feeling or "sense" about It.' We have only to believe It lill'l to recollect it. And It is only by thus believing nud recollect ing that wwcuu realize it. leu ov our. Fellowship Is ootn union-hip a nhnrlng lu each other's interi M uu m-cord of -pirit, mutual unib r-iiind.i g, mutual confidence and tru-t. Think o( some friend with whom you have fellowship. How comfort ing their pros 'lice, how tu-lplul th 't counsel, lew coinlortalil" tie1 free.lt i of illtcrcour-e nud the absence of die trust or sii-plcioii! And think of having Icllow-hip like that with Ood! I un there be Uliyllllllg el-o so llc-lrnhle. o hopeful, helpful, restlul soiill-siitisfyiiig us this.' I an it I e ...-.-1 1 ,1.- that tl.-re should I iiipaii- inn-hip, sharing of interests, n rd of spur. mutual c. nil. I. nee uinl t . list l.ctwecu uiv heart ami liod'.' Cud It bo that lie desires It.' Yes; it Is a possible an I positive experience. 1IIK lllil Ar i liowv. The crown of all, that which set the sun In our iiiict life, though illness luiiv come, though the -i iv mind itself grow weak, though nil Iln1 scenery of life may ho dark ened with misfortune-, Is to have the sunlight of liod's presence lu our souls : the sunlight of goodness, of a pure heart, of the true and loving spirit of Christ Jesus. It is to live In light to live ii Hun. His light in us is our light. It is a life that . MiHtuers sin, und lu ttio coiupieriiig we know and rejoice in loo fclVCUOb S. A. lirooUe. Huns may shine, and d.irkno.s may bring sleep to us; ram may full and Held may of fer place for I; but unless we rise up early, an I go forth to labor til! the evening, no harvest Is ours. L'nles wo strive against und pur nit evil away from us, good comes nut. I'nless wo tread out from tho pa'hs of our hearts the weed of s I'lshuoss und sin, our noliler, truror lile is choked und lies withered. James II. Wo.t, iu "C'plUts ol Heart and Will. Tho present life Is the seed-plot of tho future slide, nnd the harvest which wo reap iu eternity is tho same lu ohm actor and iiuiitv ns thnt w liieli now wo mw. Every thought wo think, every word we sioak, every action wo perform, every opportunity of service neglected nr Improved is u seed sown by us, the fruit of which shall multiply untold miseries or myriad blostdiigs in the eteniitv into which wo bo. William M. Tuy lur. 1. V. Death, like tills external oxl i'.cnce of which It is a result, is only au appearance. Our eurtll i lollies uud our grave eloihes n o wov en of tho sumo, lis ios. The hpiri u it mail mists aside his curonioiils, and w cars ins out er earth itarmi-uts loosely, walking through all worlds oind iu spiritual r.iluu nt, lu the "Hue liuoii, oieau and white," of h uy char acter, the rlghtooiihiii-stiof C.irist. Lucy Lar com, lu The t'usoou Eriond. Wo hove the promises of Ood as thick a daisies lu summer inoiidnws, that death, which men most tour, shall be to us the most blessed of experiences, It wo, trust ill lllm. I leath Is unclasping; Joy breaking out in the desert tho lieuit como to its blossoming tune! lo wo call it dying when tho bud bursts Into lloworV -Honry Ward iiooolicr. Wo want broad-minded, meditative men. Wn want guides, we waul reality, wo want souls who will do and net before llu I : woo would have that disposition iu building up tho spiritual ohurcli which the reverential Middle Age uiiisous had, when elaborutoly carving some graven imagery or (piaint ilt-v oe, unseeu by man's eye, ou the trolled roof of a cathedral tiiey worked on God's house, and before Ood I Norman Muoleovi. -r ' "iBeautiful mmm V" sc-J them everywhere. Mooet. 40 Columbia Pattern 1 Hartford Columbia They utmost tly. JUS IF -sa $ioo I VSs jh Oct a Cutil.icftio. Frco nt our (Mlttniliiu niniloil free fur 4 'iil hv W. I. Jluki-r. llfV,iTs;virvbvvvVVWV wis its r j-:irs jy fi-iTxA Tiny. r, ,.:r.-r-:;;i,, ih yfioytliY I C ' Ali i i J l-oli.'.Mlilli; CluliieJit i IT- 1 1 1 r tl ii'i e i ie Jt er .l o-1' nre-ot i h,. to. , , eel :oi, ' :o e. rn iol. . i iv.ij, ;:n,; , f.ois' IT ',,C ot hieli'l ipiOl.il . V.llH.I'e I'l 11. I. nine, o line, : : ii ! . ; ., j i-i-!t,-. ! , in. J J2'.' Jt!' L'.KSiL'. Sl.iviliril Atithi.ri.y. Ho t, II. .1. Ill I'Mrl , , l it-1 1. , t I , i ... in 1 .. .1. . . , H. s : " 111 n .1. -i:;t I . I e l'.-,i linn i I .ii . . I , , ,. ei 'ri i . 1 :! '': :i " : -.' t : nl i:o . n:l v .1) " r: ". Mrrtiuit! Co. i S . . . , I IMI.KN.ilB'Vi I :,:S;;;,e:;!,Ai)iaioN.vr1' i l ff v -ri fur fifi'iirw-iNS'tuH. 'I'l'M 111 YCP S VT.N s AN r All." Join .!-. the ilniuniirl. ! 'lyin ; to- la?, V, lib ll.ie-s of sin on Ills ta -e; lie II l.e n isvnl lit the .-1 tit-, at tho 1 .ar, ut tho r'.n; Ma:.le.:: A boy for ills jila -o. Sine ii-, tlie t'.inibier. was killed In n f.lit, lb-le 'I without u: .Iou of (.Tiiee, Some . lie n.ust train lor his burden uuJ I '1,-,'hl; Want -I: A boy iu )t j.l.i-'o. Til" se.ilTer. (ho idle;', the Convict, the thief. Are ,.-t: and wit.ioiit any noise Make it kiMivti, that them louui to my iu slant relief rtoii.o tli usiind or more of tho boy. IJovs frotu the II reside, bo from the f.irn J!o from tho home nnd the M-hool, fume, leave uur misKivius, tnoro oiiu be no liiii-iii AVliere "drluU nn 1 Lo merryV the rulo. Wanted: For everv lost servant of mine, Someone to iive without j;niee, Dome olio to dill Without .irdoll divillO W'U vllLJ bo the hoy for tlio jilacey llattio Horner Ljuthan. wno rvv TIIR rti.i Whornystho Mils' Who feci: thVun,t. srd'n childreu' Who firovide for the ilrun:; mil's wife Who tii n't tho boitifarly IrunipH, who httvliii; wn-to.l their money iu drink, wi-.udor ubout the country Ii re pairs tho losses caused by the failure of in teinporuto merchants nud reckless and half liitoxicutoil buninoss meu' Who make ioo:l tho dumusros caused by tho blunders of drunken workmen, anil tho hluilraucos of business caused by tho sprees of lutein peratu employes? Who pays for the railroad wrecks caused by druukeu conductor and euuilieers Who biilKlsthe nsylunis wheM crnty Ininl;. anls uro kept' Who supiorts tho idiotic children of drunken men Who pays the at torneys nud Juries nud judges who try drunk en crlmiiiah' Who pays tho expenses ol trinlsamteommltmeuts uud eXHCiitloiihocca. Slunod by tho riiuen of driinkon meu' Who iiuysfortha profierty d )-troyd and burued Ly druukeu men' Who builds mid supports almshouses, which but for driulc mlKiit ro inuln tuioccupiod Who euditreti the sulTor liiK and lossen nud brutality, which are ilus to tho rei'kle.sHness and Insanity of (iruukou liusbaiKi und fathers' Who pays for the lu liiewt hold ou diunkuril fouuil dead by thn vnysido? Who pays for a psuper's cflla, ud for digKiiiK a k'ruvelu I'otter'o llald.wti 0 the last kIum ha loea drunk Who pays the bills' Th drunk.tr l cinitot, for ho has wasted hi sulstauef iu his eui. Will tho runisollcr pay ilium' Vho Im t is, you and I uud tho saber Hint '.industrious, luilimt portion of the oomiuuniiy must moul Ml lUoau Dills. JNuw Kugtami fc. suijuuift. . ra.-i'irii;.-.',;." j 1 - ' I-vcrv' v I S fcutll -T-s ' '"'i' icim ; ; ... i I '"v 1 - I i i wnisiiiiis i i Tricycles Bicycle beauty comes from graceful lines anJ tine llniali, in which points Columbia bicycles excel. But there is mure than mere looks to recommeni a Columbia. Back of the handsome design and elegant tinbh is a sterling quality that over the roughest road and the long'.'-t journey will carry the rider with safety and satis faction. Buy a or a IIARTFORD. ei ttRASCn STORESl Boston, New York, Chicago, Ssn I mnilsca. Providence, tlullulu. S:iJ luo 2-i-fnt Stjwfi fsr t-'jiim.' u CM j. 'n.' ; lr.-f if jv ijil ut a Cjlntnbi.i v'tttiy. Agency, Silius-rovo, ., or WHAT IRON WILL DO. !, 1TrKES 0UT.Vi ;vi.c. Htl'imintos the nppotio end nro- tliioos refreshing nlcep GIVES VITL STRCNGfM TO NUa3IN3 MOTHERS. Chrrk wnsting dispu;:rs. ritTps lllfrl.t nwe.its cures lUUiui-.'Ut CL'tl. Ullljitlou. Increases st.-cuglH nnd flo.i:l. MAKES RED, HICH BLOOD, I'roiii-itcs licr.ltliy lu -. t! v.io. Vv'illirive tho pale nnd ;v.my tUo loay cheek ot youth. f UHES ALL TEMALC COWPLAINTS. JUuki s Htrotig uiou nud wouicu of woiiklincis. GiLMORE'S IRON TONIC PILLS Care ctl Wasting Diseases and their sequences, ERONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &c. Tlicynrcnritherstvptlcnorenustie 'in.l hnve iio eoui latniK -tlect ou tho contents of tlio Htomai h or it litimu: consequent I v oo not hurl tbo tout Ii or ciuino coiiHlipntioii -- u.oi,! iui ion o I iruu 10 ilavH ti-i-iitiiieiit fiOo. piiiiiplilet Irut. U uotkopt by .vouraiui;iiit,uJaroa w, oi.,t i nu n, un i ill u.-llllll JorillH Ol 1 ."OU. GILMORE ic CO. CINCINNATI, O. Fur Hale iii MiiMli luir'b, Pa., hy T. 15. Mo Williams. What Nerve iicrrsea have done for;therj 18T DAY VIGOR OF una u.i. MEN '.nu iittirrr and Permanently Restored. au" - A positive Cdiv for al! Wt'iikncsa's, Nltvoiisiu'ss, Debility, and all their train df evils rcsultiiij; 'iror.i early errors and Liter excesses tl' icsiiit of over work, sickness, worry, etc. De-. elops and iii ves tone and stremtli to :he sex ual organs. Stops unnatural losses or nightly emissions caused by youthful crrorsnrexcessive iheof tobacco.opiunt and liquor, which lead to consumption aivd insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist upon having the genuine NERVE GERRIES, no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, $ 1 .00 per box, six boxes, one f ui! treatment, 5. 00. Guaranteed tocure any case. If not kept by your drug gist we will send them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet fife. Address mail ordersto AMERICAN MEDICAL CO., CINCINNATI, 0. For Rale iu Middleburg, Pa., br T. B. McWilliam. 1'lll'rittTl.NKKS, Ho Is nlready half fs'so who speculate on truth und does uot do it. Truth is trit'en not to bo contemplated, but to bo doiio. I.ifo is an action, not u iboutzhl, uud tho penalty (iuld by him who speculates ou truth Is that ly decrees tho very truth ho holds bocouia to him a falsehood. There is no truthfuliieiis therefore, oscupt iu the wituess horns to Ood, by duiiijf inn will to live the truths wo had or else thoy will bs au truths ut all F. W. Poh,.a,-e - fry-jrC tor you. .' fvl . Ts