The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 11, 1895, Image 6

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Editor end Proprietor
MlddM.urgh, Pa.. July 11, 1905.
A fire broke out ia a butter factory
near MaJijon, Wis. After all the
water on Laud was used 2300 gallons
of milk were nJ in its ateal and the
fire was pnt out. Now tbo innnranco
comtiany is not qnile certain wbether
it should pay for the milk as well a
lor tho alight damage dono to tbo
Dr. Harvard, of the United States
Army, has recently prepared a full ac
vnnt of the food plants of tho North
oerican Indians. lie rays the Aztecs
, d Indian corn in cultivation as far
sck as tho year f.'ifi. I)y 1000 it bad
ccome Hpread among the Indians in
our Eastern States. At the landing of
Columbus all agricultural Indians
were growing it.
Vegetarianism finds more and more
adherents in Oermany, and in tbo
leading cities the number of vegetar
ian restaurants and lunch-rooms is
growing, notes the Chicago Record.
Carl I!oo8tdcr, in Stuttgurt, is the
chief prophet of tho creed, and be is
issuing every littlo wbilo a pamphlet
or a book preaching tho doctrine of
abstinence from flesh.
Yawns aro subject to copyright ia
England. A lecturer on natural his
tory took a photograph of a tiger
yawning and copyrighted it; the
Sketch reproduced the picture, and
has just been obliged by the courts to
pay $230 damages for doing bo. The
yawn was identified by a cancerous
growth in tbo tiger's mouth, which
was mistoken bjr the Sketch's artist
for normal part of the beast, and
was faithfully reproduced.
Some fortifications are going np at
Blucfiolds, on the Mosquito coast, and
Krupp guns aro being mounted there.
It is said that the work is the personal
doing of General Cabezas, who claims
Bluefields as bis private property, and
proposes to maintain bis right against
all comers, General Zolaya includod.
It is said that the Blucflelds fort,
which rises some 200 foot above the
sen, is as impregnable as Gibraltar it
... -.- .
Uuerrita, tao Spanish bull fighter,
established a record for a day's work
recently. He began at 7 o'clock at
San Fernando, near Cadiz, killing
tbreo bulls and putting tho banderil
las in the other three. lie then took
ft train to Xeres and did tho same
thing thcro between 11 and 3, and
wound up tbo day by reaching Sevillo
in time for another fight at half pant
C. In this last right tho bulls wero
unusually fierce, killiug nineteen
horses before they wero despatched.
Tho Xew York Independent sa.vs:
'The author of the Queeusberry Rules
for the practico of pugilism uus'fouud
bis skill of advantage in a fight with
his own eldest son, Lord Alfred Doug
lass, on tbo crowdod Piccadilly in Lon
don; and bo got tho better of tho
fight. Ho soys that the scrap has let
off somo of tho bad blood between
thorn, and he feels morekiudly toward
bis son than be bus for years, and bo
should not wonder if bis son felt bet
ter toward him. It is a fine condition
of things and sheds lustre on the char
fto l.r of the House of Lords. It is in
tercoting to learn that the Marquis of
Quecnsberry, as ho drove away after
having administered the drubbing to
his son, was heartily cheered by tho
It may bo a matter of astonishment
to many people to know that more
than ono-hulf of tho salmon puck of tho
United .States and nearly half of tho
world's supply of euuued salmon now
comes from Alusku. Tho capital in
vested in tho Alaska salmon libheries
is said to bo more than 83,000,000, and
tho vuluo of a season's catch, not in
cluding thh manufactured products
therefrom, co ues to about $2,000,000.
Last year there wero twenty-two can
neries in operation, which packed
G4i5,OtiO cases, and twenty-four salting
cstablihbments put on the market 21,.
000 barrels of salted salmon. This is
obviously killing the goose that lays
golden eggs, comments the Sun Fran
cisco Chronicle. No reproduction of
tbo Baluion, marvelous though it may
seem, could stand such ft drain, espe
cially when, as it appears from the re
searches aud examinations of the Na
tional Fish Commission, most of the
salmon ato seined at the mouth of the
rivers, thereby preventing their run
up stream to the spawning grounds,
and effectually preventing their reproduction.
A Steady Movement Toweit4 Bettet
Again the largely locreaed number of
wage advances has been the feat 'ire most
prominent In tbe week's history ,ef I matters
Industrial. It Is conservatively estimated,
based upon what figures and fa,. are ob
tainable that not lens thnu rl.OJO working
people in tbo United States airt ' today re
ceiving greater compensation f their labor
thna they received tea days ago,' nd by a
Utile figuring It might be aseertaired what a
great amount ol (food bo thus Leen done.
With the wages ol the working people ol the
couutry Bearing the Stan lnr l :( " res years
ago, the volume ol money lu circulation Is,
as a natuta! consequence, greatly augmented,
and the business channel in e'ery direction
are thereby bring opened up, n ai r ol which
have been almost entirely llo kcj tor sev
eral months. Crop prospects I riglilea witb
each succeeding report, ami tbe leeling
of hopefulness aud eoundetiee I. " more
general and stancher every day.
Adopted With Lltt.e Trouble and Satis
factory to all
The recent settlement ol the Amalgamated
wage seals at Youngstown on a ti a ton
basis for puddling, was accomplished witb
less troublo than had been nntieit ted, and
at It standi means that tbe w.ige ot iron
workers will be generally ndvssfed.
1 be settlement holds good In all the mills
now under the Jurisdiction of the Amalga
mated Association, and lb" s -iiln a signed
will be in effect In all ol tbem. The soale Is
based on a bar iron card r it of 1 1-10 ceuti
per pound, and tor every advance ol
1 1-10 cents iu price of lar iron the
workers will receive ten cents addi
tional per ton. As iron Is now quoted
at t. IS aud l.J coots per pound, it virtually
menui tbat the workers will receive 4 7.3 a
ton tor puddling. Tbe scale Is almost uni
versally satisfactory to the members ol the
association, orders are pleLtilul 'a all mills,
and a long and prosperous season lor boto
the mnnulacturer and tbo workmen seem
assured to the end ol the yeaf:
No radical changes liuvo Li'cn made, and
tbe scale Is now arranged for tbo coming
year, and will go "'to effect August 1, at
which time the present agreement expires,
Vuder tbe present scale either side could
abrogate it by giving notice sixty days in ad
vance. Ihe clause has been eliminated from
tbe new scale, having proven unsatisfactory
to both sides during the pint year. President
Oarlond predicts a prosperous year in the
Iron industry.
V. S. Labor Bulletin.
The now semi monthly "Labor bulletin,"
which, by virtue ol nu act ol the Inst Con
gress, was to have been Issued last Monday,
has not yet mad its appearance, and Labor
Commissioner Carroll I. Wright bat Issued a
seinl-oltlolal circular letter auuouu'.'lug that
tbe llrst "JJuiletlu" will not be given to tbe
public before August 1, aud perhaps, not un
til Heptetnber 1. Tbe letter states that tbe
postponement ol tbe publication is made in
order to allow further preparation in per
fecting tbo plans aud in order to receive more
suggestions from the laboring people ot tbe
country, as to what the "Uulietiu" should
be, and what It should contain.
Two Ohio Concerns Resume.
The Cherry Valley iron works at Leetonla,
Ohio, resumed operations Monday morning
after three, months' Idleness. Tbe r-alein
Wli'i'Ai.'j vompany resumed operations at
10 per cert.- increase ot wages, running
double turn. '
Wages ot tbe employes ot tbe Eberhardt
Manufacturing Company, Cleveland, O.,bavo
been advanced nearly 10 per cent, Tbe
National Mulleuble Costing company, ef
Cleveland, have advanced the wages of their
moulders 10 per cent aud have given au
Increase to employes in other departments.
Following the example of the Akron, O.,
Street hallway Company, which recently
gave its employes better earnings, the Walsh
Dabuock Company, coutrollitg the liurberton
and Cuyahoga r ails electric ,iue, has volun
tarily rubied tho wages ol its employes 10 per
Ltnployess In all the departments of tho
Utis Meet Company's plant at Ciuve.aud, U
aggregating about svu men, have Lueu given
a wuge increase of 10 percent, ihe new
scalo went into effect July 1.
The Coufereuee committee of the Amal
gamated association, and the Pittsburg Iron
manufacturers agreed upou the scale adopt
ed at Youugstowu last week, to govern this
dti-lnct for me year beginning August 1.
With tho promise of another raiso in sixty
days, the Anblaud Coul aud irou railway
couiuny, ol Ashland, hy., lias increased tho
wages of Us severul hundred employes teu
per cent.
The I.ockharl lrou and Steel Company, ol
MoKersport, pa., has signed tbe Amalgamat
ed scale HUd restored tho ten per ccut. re
duction made iu wages of tbe day men some
time ugo.
Nearly 2,000 persons went to work In vari
ous iiiiitiulactuiit.e establishments at Norrls
town, l a , lant Monday at an Increase rate ol
wages ranging Irotu 6 to 110 tier cent.
The employes of the Pennsylvania l.allroad
Wheel foundry, several hundred lu number,
at Altoona, i'a , have received an Increase ol
twelve per ceut.
A ten per cent advance in wages has been
made In tho puddling and rolllugmill depart
ment ot the West Lud Lolliu.-wiil, of Leoau
on, l a.
The Kelly Nail aud Iron Company, Iron
ton, l., bavo added teu per cent to tbe wages
ol tbe men employed at tbe .Sarah Fur
nace. Tho S0O employes ot It. l Wood A Co.,
Irou manufacturers at Florence, N. J., went
to work last Monday at an advance of ID pei
The Irondultf Steel and Iron Company
JJiddletowu, lad., has made a voluntary ten
per cent, wage increase.
Colemun A ISrock, proprietors ot tbe Le
tauon Furnaces have increased tbe wages ol
their e in pi opes tea per cent.
Tbe Knoxvllle Iron company, ol Knoxville,
Tenn., have given notice ol a ten per cent,
advance in wages.
Comparatively Few Accidents to Steam
The records ol the United States steam
boat inspection service, which during the
last 13 years has been under the dirction of
General I'umont, as Iuspector General, show
that during tbe last fiscal year the number of
lives lost ou b tea in vessels was approximately
3iis. This was au Increase over the average
for the preceding IH years of i'i8. This
great increase was paused by tbe large loss ol
life by tbe foundering of tbe steamship
Collma recently off the Pacific, coast. This
makes tbe avenge lor the last 19 years 'il7.
'J he highest previous annual loss was 5H5, in
1874; the lowest was 1U3. in tbe year Wd.
Aa armlstlo has been arranged with tbe In
surgents lu lllo Uraude do bul until July 9,
George Lawson, of Springfield, 111., shot
bis wife and himself, as the result ot a spree.
The drivers of tbe Anaeosta street railroad
at Washington, I). C struck lor tl.60 ft day
of 12 boars.
Tbe Tollman Talace Car company, at rail
man, II)., has advanced tbe wages ot lu em
ployes 10 per cent.
Tbe Topulists will In tbe next few days Is
sue a call for a convention In Chicago or 8b
Louis early In August.
Ml. Etna and Vesuvius are la eruption, and
towns near the famous volcanoes are threat
ened with destruction.
Tne Supreme court of Kansas, has ousted
Mrs. Mary Ellen Lease as a member ot tbe
State Hoard of Charities.
Tbo Continental steamboat company's sate
at Trovldcnce. R. I., was blown open Thurs
day night and t2,000 la cash taken.
About 100 persons were Injured, four
seriously, If not fatally, by aa explosion ot
fireworks, In a crowd at La 81 le, III., Thurs
day night.
Tbe boiler of tbe electrlo works at Carth
agena, Columbia, exploded destroying three
houses, killing 10 persons and wounding 18
John Cunningham, an aeronaut, was killed
at Winlgan, Mo., by bis parachute falling to
open when be leaped from tbe ballon, 1,200
feet above tbe earth.
James M. Ryan. 23 years old, blacksmith
at Terre Haute, Ind., shot and killed bis
wife and then killed himself. Domeillo
trouble was tbe cause.
Braallian Troopa Meet Frenchmen In
Disputed Territory.
Tbe strained relations between France and
Brazil over tbe French (lulana boundary,
sppear to become more complicated daily.
The subject Is ana'ogous to tbe Drltlsh Ven
ezuelan trouble in which the United Htates
bns taken a band, aud In the opinion o'
oibclals here tbe French contention witb
Hi a7.ll Is rapidly assuming an aggravated
aspect which may again call for the atten
tion of the United Htates. as tbe Monroe
doctrine applies to one no less than to tbe
Au armed conflict has occurred In tbe dis
puted territory, between French and lira
zilian soldiers. Tbe French Government has
demanded redress, aud the llrazlllan Con
gress has passed a resolution couched In
sharp language calling lor an explanation
from France.
A cable report from P.raxll states that the
Government regards tbe subject as so men
acing that a strict censorship has been estab
lished oa all Information regarding it.
The armed conflicts were merely brought
to a crisis by the long contention over the
French-Guiana boundary, lloth countries
claim a large tract of territory extending
north from the Amazon river, and eual Id
extent to what Is usuallv designated as French
Guiana. F.ach country regards the occupa
tion ot tbls disputed territory a unwaranted;
the fault for tbe recent conflict cannot be
placed. In one respect tbe disputed territory
presents a tnoro serious aspect than that
which Is at issue In Venezuela.
French Guiana is used by France as a con
vict colony for tbe deportation ol tbe worst
closnee from tbe Frencb prisons. As a result,
tbe population Is a strauge mixture of French,
Arabians, Malayans, Greeks and rlfT-rufl ol
Out of 1.250 Spaniards on y CSO Came
Safe out of a Cuban Dattle.
A detachment of 1.2C0 Spaniards, with two
cannon, attacked Generul Antonio Maceo in
tbe mountains a few days sluce. Maceo en
ticed tbem from one side to the other until
tbey were weary aud confused, when bo made
a nerce attack upou them. liut 2M of tbe
Spaniards returued to tbe city. Tbe cauuou
were captured by Muceo.
Tbe captain of the schooner Attic, now at
Key West with the live passengers, bus arriv
ed at Tampa, Flo. Tlie posMeugern are the
last remuaut of Colonel l'.-derioj Martinez's
expedition of 16, which was to bave left from
Nasau. but which Was it failure. 'i ke cap
tmu ot tbe Attic, It Is thought, bus gone Into
tbe interior counties to arrange for cattle for
Maceo. tils supplies at Glbitru, Cuba, having
beu cut off.
About II'JO young Cuban patriots are mak
ing preparations to leave New York with the
expedition orgaulzed by (ieuerals Collazo
and (.tuesada, says a morning paper. Tbe
refugees are being drilled In squads rf 60,
under tbe direction ot Julio Cactro Silvia,
who fought lu tbe lust revolution. Tbe
drill will be kept up from 8 to 10 p. m. ou
two nights of each week until the expedition
is ready to start. Many of tbe young men
are members of prominent families iu liv aud they are eutuuslasttc patriots.
A dispatch from Cuba says that the Spanish
uuder-generals. Sulcedo and Navarro, de
feated several rebel bauds, and many were
killed and wounded. The rebel chief, Aram
buro, was killed.
A. Steam Launch Capslssd During a
Tornado and Sinks Like a Shot.
Fivo persons were drowned In Lake Gene
ra, 1IL, by the swamping olthe steam launch
Dispatch during a tornado. The drowned
MRS. FRANCE and child.
FATHER HOGAN. a Catholic priest from
Uarvard. HI.
Mils, HDOAN,
JOHN PRESTON, engineer of the lanucb.
The engineer saw the storm coiniug and
wished to remain in port nt Klgiu, 111., but
the paeugr Insisted on crossing to haves
park. Half way across the storm struck the
boat and it went down like a shot. Another
steamer picked up tbe body of Mrs. Ilogan,
which bad been kept atloat by tier large
sleeves, she had been beaten to death by
tbo waves.
Kentucky Outlaws Oet the Worst of an
News comes from the head ot Roef Hide,
Pike county, that J. 1L liateiy, Deputy Unit
ed Htates Marshall, aud three others weut In
to tbe mountains ou Reef Hide to arrest, Alvio
Centers, a uotonous moonsliluer aud outlaw.
Centers opened tire on the "rvveuuere"
from bis still camp, aud a deadly battle fol
lowed. Two other "sbiuers" nearby beard
tne llrlng, aud, hurrying to the sceue, engng
ed In the battle, which lasted for some time.
Centers was shot twice In tbe abdomen, aud
la hourly expected to die, Tbe meu wbocame
to Centers' assistance were Cisoo and Prater.
Cisco was seriously wounded, aud may not
recover. One of tbe "reveuuers" was also
wouuded, but slightly.
Tne outlaws bave all been engaged lu
mooushtglug not more than 100 yards apart
lor over a year, and are desperate characters.
Killed By Lightning.
In tbe town of Hamnedd, near Wexlo,
Sweden, llghtulng struck a building la which
ten persons had taken shelter, killing sevea
ol them and Injuring tbe other three so seri
ously that they will die.
A Philadelphia Councilman Fatally Shot
At a Flag Ralalcg.
Common Councilman Charles t. Klnsler
was fatally shot In the head during a Has;
raisinw' nt a club house on the 4th. When the
flag was unfurled to the breer.e, there was a
liisllimle of firecrackers and noise producing
weapous, lu the midst ol which Klnsler fell
with a bullet in bis head. ) died a few
hour afterward at the hospital. James Lein
moo has been arrested charged with doing
the shooting, which be claims was accidental.
cDASLOTTt rraxACf To start.
The Charlotte furnace, at Bcottdale, will be
In riperatlon within the next ten days. The
be-' ,dpe mi l '.'. : completed and In oper
M.a in alour days.
n regular cyclone passaj over a narrow
section ot country one nillesouth ot Wsynos
burg on Sunday evening. A large new frame
barn standing on a ridge, belonging to Isaao
Thomas was blown over, completely destroy
ing it Tbe end of John Lappln's house was
blown In, damaging It considerably. Stumpy
1'oint Methodist church was blown to pieces.
The wind blew down fences, the derrick at
tbe Iiayard gas well, timber and a valuable
sugar samp belonging to Isaao Wood.
Following the wind was a heavy hailstorm,
wblcb did much damage. Every pane ol
glass in the residence ol Isaae Wood was
broken, and cornfields were completely ruin
ed In tbe path of thestorm.
Foster Hlghbergcr, a son ol David High
berger, a farmer living near Greensburg, com
mitted suicide by hanging himself with a rope
in tbe garret ol bis home, lie wss discover
ed by members of tbe family and cut down.
Life was not extinct, but his neck had been
broken. He lived until next day when he
died. Ha was SI years old and was slightly
Near Adams p imping station, Butler coun
ty, on the swans farm, tbe boiler on No. i
drilling well blew up Instantly killing Geo.
Mcllride. Tbe well is owned by D. W. Step
bensou, ol Franklin, 1'.. aud Uenry Fauble,
ot Duller. Mcllride had been married but
two mouths.
A farm house near McOlnnett, Crawford
county, was partially wrecked Thursday
night by an explosion ol dynamite wblcb bad
been placed on tbe premises. Walter Draw
ley and his family only escaped Injury by
being in a remote part ol tbe bouse.
Five children, members ol a lamlly of II an
perlans, in I'ittstou, are reported to have
been killed by tbe premature discharge or
explosion ol a cannon, during tbe Fonrth ol
July celebration at tbat place.
Haegertown celebrated the Fourth ol July
and ber handredth anniversary ol settlement
tbe same day. Judge John J. Henderson was
tbo orator of the day, and the exercises were
well attended.
8. K. Davis, ot West Newton, was attacked
by lour men ou Sunday night, who stabbed
him so severely tbat be may die. John Dor
son was arrested at Greensburg and oonfessed
to his participation in the crime.
The Dunbar Furnace company are making
preparations to put in 100 Semut-Solway coke
ovens In tbeir plant at Dunbar for tbe utiliza
tion ol tbe bl-produet, which couslsts mainly
of ammonia aud gas.
Candby Brothers, of Roarer Falls, were
awarded the contract lor erecting tbe water
works at Monaca. Tho contract price la
t21,700. Work will begin at ouce.
Tbe boiler at Frank Lowry's saw ml!l, on
Laurel run, Ave miles from Dunbar, explod
ed and several workmen were seriously but
not fatally hurt
Thomas Sheer, burgess ol Bell wood, made
an assignment to W. A. Ambrose. The
liabilities are estimated at 133,000 and tbe
assets at 130,000.
Charles Stove! was attacked by tramps at
Derry. A knife was driven Into his back
and broken off. The blade was removed,
but tbe man's condition Is dangerous.
A large number ol Dunkards and Seventh
Day liaptists ol Franklin county, will teat
tbe constitutionality ol tbe religious garb
O. A. Duubenspeck has been appolntod
postmaster at Kastors, Crawford county, and
A. C. Iseuborg at Yellow Springs, Dlulr
Clyde Tatty, ol Oreensburg, was found on
the roadside near Delmont, probably dying
Irom a bullet wound. How It was inflicted
is not known.
Tusquella Blonde, 7 years old, died at Xew
Castio from bums received by an explosion
ot oil with wbi.-b he was attempting to start
a fire.
Edward Thomas, aged 17, was killed at
BrowufVille by stepping upon an electrlo
light wire,
William Slnkley was arrested at Greens
burg ou the charge ol robbing Ksbanowitss
store In Ludwlck.
Jacob Claus and Felix Cromlskl, were
nearly killed at a Titusvllla hotel by the gas.
which they had blown out.
William A. Strayer.wbo was shot by police-,
mnn Black, of Johnson, died at the Altoonu
The store of J. Whitney, and.the postofflee
at (iarland, Erie County, were raided, and
300 worth of booty secured.
John MeHorley, of Tltusvllle, hanged him
self In bis cigar store. Brooding over mis
fortune is thought to be tbe cause.
Property Sacrittoed Through a Stray Sky
rocket. Hurry J, Rolfo, traveling salesman tor the
Wilcox couipauy, ol Merldeo, Couu., was
frightfully mangled by a dynamite tire-cracker,
at Elyria. O. One side of his face was
blown full ol bolts aud an eye was cracked
open. The eye was removed aud a large
piece ol tbe explosive was found back olthe
A skyrocket fell through tbe skylight In the
rear ot ol U. W. Rjop's harness shop on
Broad street, Elyria, aud tbo building and
oouieuts were destroyed. Tbe shop adjoins
tbe American hotel, a frame structure, and
the guests were bustled out Just lu time to
avoid a terrible catastrophe. Mr. Rnop's loss
Is 3,000 with ti.UOO luiurauee. The hotel
Is damaged about f 1,000, oovered by lusur
auoe. At Vouogstown, O., Michael Reble bad his
lelt eye blown out by a dynamite firecracker,
which he exploded In some gravel. K. 8.
Bates, ot the Barnum A Bailey clrous. was
boarding a train when someone exploded a
firecracker near blm, blowing out bis rlgbt
eye. He was placed in tbe hospital. Mrs.
Thomas Morgan bad ber right baud amputa
ted at tbe hospital owing to Injuries received
from a llrocracker.
An Ex-Qovernor.s Suiolde.
Ex-Governoj Stevenson, ot Idaho, eon
mltted suicide at l'uraiso Springs, Cel., a
health resort Ex-Uovernor Stevenson arriv
ed ut Taraiso Springs Juue 6. lie wvs affect
ed witb sciatic and was in a helpless condi
tion. His health bad improved somewhat
aud he was able to walk a little. It Is sup
posed that during the night the pain return
ed, and in desperation he took too large a
dose of laudauum.
The Servian Cabinet has resigned.
Oot. Srown'a Respite Brinn Death te
Bailie Deaa'a Heartless Murderer.
Marshall E. Trice, of Denton. Md., who
waylaid, assaulted and murdered little Sallls
Dean while on her way to school, and whe
received from Oevernor Brown a respite
pending sn appo.,1 lor a new trial, was taken
Irom Jail Tuesday night an1 hanged to
Rumors reached the rnard early In the
morning tbst many strsti. ers bad been seeu
In the outskirts of town, md that lynching
wss probably their i ct. price, upon
learning tuts, became pi .illy alarmed, and
begged to be spirited ,y. but ths gusrd
discovered to their din. i y that every avenus
of escape was cut off, a. . were obliged, by
overpowering nuuibet-, to give up their
prisoner. The lead . wore masks, but
many of them are knou.
Price was to have l..u executed Friday
but Sheriff Berry 11 e.ed a telegram an
nounciog that Gov. Dn.wn. acting ou the ad
vice ol Attorney Geueru Toe, had granted a
reprieve until the eomt of appeals could pas
upon the ease, Wticu this became known tbe
general discontent wh. b bad begun to manl
iest Itself as soon as tbe appeal proceedings
were commenced, broke Into a storm, and a
strong lynching party wss quietly and quick
lyorgsnized. The lynchers completed tbelr arrangements
about II o'clock, and In a body advanced up
on the Jail and surrounded it Tbey demand
ed the keys from Sheriff Berry.and when tbat
officer declined to give tbem up, they easily
knocked open the door. Once inside, the
guards were quickly over-powered, and soon
1 'rice's cell wis reached. The prisoner was
In a pitiable stats of excitement, and fright
and his condition was such tbat it was an
easy matter to get him out ot tbe Jail. A
rope was thrown over bis head, hs was hur
ried to a tree near the Jail, and strung up
without delay. The mob stood around for
some time, watching the dylugman ssrlng ra
in tbe moonlight, and when it was know!,
that be was dead, all departed.
Victim of Sunstroke Kills Himas.f and
Five Loved ones. ,
Frederick Hollman. a w-.l-to-do mason
eontractor ol Chicago murder-! his wit and
four childreu Thursday night and then killed
It was at first supposed that Hellmsn and
his wifs and children met death by accident,
but It developed at tbe coroner's Inquest that
tbe wholesale murder was oaimly plannsd,
and that tbe man intended to kill himself and
end tbe existence ot tbe me.nbers ot bis
lamlly. The dead man and bis victims
M ItH. ll'A HELLMAN, aged 32.
FRED HELLMAN, Jr.. aged 11.
IDA Hl.LLM AN, aged 10.
UEDVYTU HELLMAN, the 3-year-old
Tbe tragedy took place In a little brick
cottage at the corner ol Cornelia and Wood
streets. Tbe motive tor tbe crime may never
be known, but it Is supposed tbe act was that
ot a madman, as Hellmsn ten years ago
bad a sunstroke, Irom which he never re
covered. Huspiclen was first aroused next morning
by the lact rbat tbe heuse In which tbe Hell
manns lived was tightly closed long after the
usual hour for the family to be astir. Tbe
mother and married sister ol Hellmann, who
lived next door, attempted to break Into tbe
house, but were unable to do so. Tbey finally
managed to foroe aa entrance through a
a window that had been tbat left unfastened
and made tbelr way to one ol the bedrooms
where tbe dead bodies ol all the lamlly were
The house was so lull ol gas that tbe two
women were nearly overcome, and It was
only alter It bad been opened tbat It was
found possible to turn off tbe gas wnioh was
streaming Irom an open Jet.
The rulativee and all tbe neighbors at once
eonelndsd thet the deaths had been tbe re
sult of an accident, and the police, when they
eame, adhesed to the samo opinion.
The open gas Jet was Just about tbe bed In
which the mother and one ot the children
lay. and It was supposed that one ot tbem
bad aocldently during tbe night hit the stop
cook and knocked it open. At the Inquest
however, an entirely different complexion
was given tbe affair ly Charles, a brother ot
Hellmann. .
Another Fiendish Outrage Against Mis
sionaries. An outrage against missionaries Is reported
from Cheng Tu, the capital of boecbaun. It
was an outrage ot unprecedented magnitude
so fur as eoncerns the amount ol property in
volved. In Cheng Tu there were tour Pro
testant establishment, one beijnging to tbe
Cauudlan Methodist mission, under the pres
idency ot Virgil Hart; one to the China Island
mission and two other. The missions have
beeu established there lor 150 years and num
ber 30.00J converts. There were seveial ladles
among the missionaries at Cheng Tu aud the
missions. Tbe French especially bad a large
amount ol property wblcb will cost a vast
sum to replace as far as replacement is pos
sible, Tbat it was an organized and syste
matic attack upon tbe Christians is obvious
and there Is good reason to bellove that tbe
organizer was no less a personage than the
retiring vloeroy of Szecbuau, Liu Flog
Chang. Happily no one seems to bave beeu
injured. Tbe main faot is a geeat destruc
tion ol projwrty.
The latest news ot tbe outrages Is con
tained In the following telegrams, which ap
pear in the North China "Dally News." Tbe
llrst Is dated Chung King, June , aud reaoh
ed Shanghai June 10.
"At Cheng Tu, Kiatng and Yochou, tbe
Trotestant and Catholic mission property has
been utterly destroyed. Smaller elties bave
suffered similarly. Tbe officials refused pro
tection until tbe mob had completed their
work. Viceroy Liu ischlefly to blame. Twenty
adults, beside children still In Cheng Tu,
Yameu. Huchou and other places, are seri
ously threatened. Urge foreign nations to
act promptly."
Tbo second telegram reoelvod on June 11,
ssysi "The English, French, Canadian and
American missions bave been wreoked at
Cheng Tu, Kiatng, Vocliou, Ping Bhang, and
Sin King. Some of the missionaries are
missing, but It is not known that auy lives
lives bave been lost Sulfa nod Sucbou are
threatened. At Chung King a riot is certain.
All foreigners have left Cheng Tu.
Dragged from the Pulpit and Terribly
Mutl ateL
At Hope Henry, Fla. , at a colored cburob
party of men took Robert Bennett, a young
colored pieacber, from tbe pulpit, carried
him a short distance off aud lynched blm.
When tbe body was found by tbe roadside
next morning, tbe brains were shot out, the
throat was cut from ear to ear aud boih ears
were e-it off.
A protruoted meeting was In progress at
tbe church aud tbo preachers aad congrega
tion bad ail gone to sleep, waiting and wateb
log with "Mourners In Trance," and It was
just before day when tbe party entered and
aroused Banuett, who was asleep In ths pul
pit, dragged him out over another preacher
and took blm away.
His offense, It is said, was an assult upon
a while woman ia Suwane county recently,
and from there tbe lynchers are said to have
come. Tbe usual warning was left attached
to the body.
Throe negroes were banged
same scaffold at Mayersville,
tbe murder of Dr. King.
Irom the
Miss., tor
Bain and Cyclones Canss Damage In the
West and Northwest.
Last week the entire Eastern watershed of
the Rocky Mountains, from tbe Nebraska
and low a lines to Texas was swept by a
storm. Friday bight the severest blow
eame. Reports ol loss ot life and destruc
tion of property terns with every telegram,
and the down-pour which was st first re
garded as a blessing, grew Into a wave o'
devastation. Fields of grain that promised
the most bountiful yield In many years are
to-day swept bare of vegetation, lu several
Instances tbe seas ol rain were abetted In
tbelr work ol destruction by tornadoes.
Tbe sterm's locus embraced an area 200
Square miles, with the southwestern corner
ol Mlssonrl as the center. Tbe greatest loss
ol life is reported Irom Winona, Mo., where
11 corpses hsve been tound with as many
more missing.
At Baxter Springs, In southwestern Kansas,
Sve were killed and 11 seriously Injured by a
cyclone tbat aocom pained tbe storm.
One person was drowned at Columbus and
two at Ottawa, Kas. At Van Ruren. Ark.,
a woman and ber child were drowned.
A family ot Ave were camped on tbe banks
ol Fish Creek, in the Indian Territory, and
nothing ot them or their belongings were
found, except a part ol tbelr wagon.
At Tbomasvills, Mo., where the rainfall
was lour Inches la an hour, five livee were
There was a terrible storm In and around
Chicago Sunday afternoon. A number of
small boats were capsized on Lake Michigan
and their occupants drowned. The bodies
washed ashore near tbe auditorium. The old
walls of a high building on Wabash avenue
were bown and lightning started many small
fires. Thoutands of dollars worth ot plate
glass windows were broken, and many build
ings were flooded by tbe breaking ol water
pipes. On the Panhandle railroad at Ada
street a switching tower was twisted Irom
tbe ground and toppled over. Switchman
August Boedlow. who was In at at tbe - time,
bad bis legs broken by the falL
. One of the worst storms In the history ol
Peoria swept over the city Sunday afternoon
followed by a light raiu. Great damage was
done to buildings, several belug twisted and
moved from their foundations. The roofs of
several business blocks were blown to tbe
street, and the running ol street cars was
seriously Inlorferred with. Awnings were
torn down and windows smashed lu. It was
tbe hottest day ol tbe year, the tbermometei
registering 03 degrees In the shade. West ot
Peoria tbe dumago was great
At Qulncev Ills., Henry Doom's tried to en
tice Mary Smith, aged lti, to the bluffs for the
purpose ot assaulting ber. Wben sao strug
gled be drew a knife, stabbing her In tbe
tbroat aud side. The girl's cries brought an
officer aud he shot Doom is dead. Tbe girl
will die.
I'lTTSBl lt.
- brain. Hour aad
WflEAT "No. 1 red
COKIs' "So. S yellow ear, ......
Mixed ear
ho. K yellow shelled .
CATS Nn. 1 white
"So. I white
Extra No. S white
Light mixed
KVK o 1.7.
"So: II western
fLUl K W inter patents blends,.
, Fancy hiring -atents
Fancy I'ralght winter
StralglfXXX bakers'
Clear vuter
Hye rlosfr ... ,
BAY No. 1 tlniolbr
Mixed clover. No. 1
Loose timothy, from
FEr:i No. 1 A bite Mil, ton. .
Ntt 1 Whiu. Middlings
Brown Middlings
Bran, bulk
Dairy 1'roUucts
BUTTER Els-ln Ireaiuery...; i
Fancy L'reuuitry
aucy Country KolL
Low grade and cooking
CHKhhh Oblo, new
New York, new
Wlseousiu nwlss.
Llm burger, newiunke
so a
' 7
VH .
4 15 4
4 4
4 10 4
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IS 60
H (10
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5 51)
10 i
OO i
1 rult aud Vegetables.
DEA.NS iland-ptckeO, j)r bu..,. l!
Lima, lb
I'o'iAlotS lino, .in car. bid a
! ruin sture. bu
CAllliAl.t liunio grown, bbl......
UMu.Ma i elluw, ou
l'uultrj, tic.
Live Chickens, V pair
Live Burks. air
Bressed Cblcai us, r IU
Live '1 urkeys. v lu
I.L.I.H l'a. aud oino. irean...
IKATllKU.) t.xira live uecse, "pile
No. 1 tx. Live Ouese, lu
Country, lurge packed
, Mlscellaueous.
f KEllS Clover bit lbs.....
'1 lliinlhv. uriiiiH
blue tirun
HAtiS Country mixed
llONKY Wlille Lluver
MA I'LL hi it LP, new
tlUEIt Couutry, sweet, bbl
Kit No. I!
COHN Mixed .
OA 1 S
fcljIiS .
llL'1'1 fcK Ohio C runnier y
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75 at 50
7i 7.'
8 t i S 4
llh.A 1 No If Hh.I :x
COKN No. Mixed Z. 51
OA 18 No. X WWte. 81
bl'TTLK creamery, extra le
ti.t.s t'a- firsts
MfcW lOKk,
S,Ll KrIt"lU 75t4 15
WlltAl -No. Kited U ?i
ht Mate ,7
luK.N-.Su V 51 bX
OA is bite Westeru... k7 ai
HI 1 TEh 1 1 cautery 14 ju
toob stale aud l uuu 14
Cimbal Etocx Yahus, kvur LisxaTr, Pa,
Prime. 1.400 to 1.600 lbs $ 5 40 A 5 tin
Good, l,Suo to 1,400 ins 5 ia 5
Ciood butchers, I, HUO to l,300lua. 4 bo t 10
Hdy, LOW to 1,1501b 4i ,75
Fair llgut steers, WU lu 1000 lbs.... V tu S 75
Cbiutuou, 7lM tu Vuutti s 5J . 8 40
Pbiladelpblas 5 55 5 jo
best Yorkers aud mixed.. - 5 iu in
Comiuou lu fair Yorkers 5 tt) f ixi
kit nr.
Extra. 98 to 105 lbs M 8 in 8 50
.oid.K6 to He. lbs i
lair, 75 to 05 lbs. , 150 It vi
Common 50 1 11O
bpriug Lambs 3 ou 4 75
Chicago. Cattle Common to extra steers
t3.lU(g.t.0U; atucktra aud teedors, ilu.,m
cow aud bulls, Sl.Slk'i.SO; calves. S.'.Vi'.sWSO
Hogs heavy, .'i.0UtA.4d; hiuiiiou to choic
mixed, Si.H5ia5.H5; obolue assorted, S V 00,3 uo
light, l.e.'Kgt i.lti; pigs, StjOtt..u,i Mjeep-lu-leiior
to choice, S!.i5uf4.i.'5; iumbs, SUMiOU
Cincinnati Hogs select shippers none;
butchers S5.iiua.Vii:,- fair to good packers 4 ."ill I
loS.VO. fair to light Sl.VStoi.iiU; commou and
roiighet.5oio4.u6 Cattle-g.xol slitppers4.5 to5.UU.
food tochulcetiSotoMJi ; (air to medium SIM no
4 ; comiuou Si5utof.'.'6 1jihIx exira:
good to vuo'.uu SI 5oto6.'.'5; coinuiouio lair k.5
15! !
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