The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 11, 1895, Image 3

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iary of
To Them Mom Thaa la Other Ts ! !
Fair riij AwnnlM to Wheelmen.
From the beclnnlnir of rrclinff In this
eountry the maker have hn It strong"
bai wark. and to them Ir due the credit for t bo
proud p'-eltion rider of tbe bicycle hold. To
the member of the trad", therforo, wo oi
much. if was thlr plit.dc an I their money
ttint havo made tor us our position.
Among tho m"n who earlT felt tho benefits
of erclln. and did not heeitat to Mr"!
money, I Colonel lien. B. Lovell, of Boston,
Treanurer of the John r. Lovell Arm Com
pany, of that city. ThWr Arm name ha
been a familiar oni for over fifty years, hav
ing; been established In 1S40. doing a sport
ing Roods ami gun business. llng In a
kindred trade, It wm but natural that they
should engage in tho making and selling of
bleyelcs. Their success bos been unbounded,
a they have made a namo for tho Lovell
Iiinmoml Cycles that la a familiar house
hold one in rverv hamlet In tho land. It la
Hot possible to have dono that without cost,
and a considerable one, too, aa reader of
current literature will admit, for have not
all of iia encountered thn symbolic words
"Lovell Diamonds?" To estimate tho rwm
amount that ha len expended for advert!,
tngwould beadifTlcult task, hut it Is said that
considerably over lno.OOi) wan spent by
thorn during IS'.M. All tho big Eastern dailies
bail entire pngee, which coot Iota of money,
and the magaslne filled many pages exploit
ing Lovell liamond Cyjlea,
C'un it bo wondered at, then, that cycling
hits become popular, when men like Colouol
Lovll spend such sums to make it so?
Colonel Lovell Ik Tr'nuuivr of th John P.
Lovell Arms ConiMiiiy, and la a man of rro
businoes attainments, acquired by long ex-
Frience and an aptitude xapwf-il by fow.
n private life hn has wn thn resiieot and es
teem ot every one he haM been brought In
contact with, while bis pulillo record It
equally good, on live different occasion rep.
resenting his town In the Legislature, serving
In both branch". He served on the staff of
Governor Long for three cotutecutivo yearn,
and la now amnmher of Governor Greenhalge a
tall. 1T haa been a delegate to four National
conventions, and there la not uti office In tho
gift ot bis townsmen which would not ho at
his ditpowil were it not for his great business
reiponjtlbllitioa. There la no man In tho
bicycle business more respected than Colonel
Benj. 8. Lovell, and u Iwtter bicycle Is mado
la tUo world than the Lovull Dluinund.
Tobacco Blinking Breath.
Not pleasant to always carry around, bol
It don't compare with the nerve-destroying
power that tobaooo kecpa at work night and
any to mako you weak and Impotent. Dull
eyes, loss ot Interest in sweet words and
looks toll tho story, Draco up quit. No-To-Uao
la a sura quick euro. Guaranteed
by Druggists everywhere. Hook, titled "Don't
Tobaooo Spit or Bmoko Your Life Away,"
fnjo. Ad. Sterling Bemedy Co., Mew York
Cfty or Cbie&go.
The Ladles.
The plruant effect and perfect safety with
which ladies may use tbe California liquid lax.
ative. Syrup of Fis, under all conditions
makes it their favorite remedy. To gut tbe
true and genuine article, look for tbe name of
tbe California Fig Syrup Co., printed near the
tottoui of tbe package.
Every Cense But the Ttlght One. ' ""
' Voiir headache: Vnu lay It to every ranse
. It tbe true one IndliNttun kn
know what lndivestion rcnlly U. llnrdlv know
Ubeybavelt. Til cure t llipuns Tulmic. A
.iu, uut aiven reiict. zutu your lU'ugglat.
Tin foil Is bow used extensively on un
klitiirvs in barrooms, it looks well and koepi
I uii's.
E. A. Rood. Toledo. Ohio, nan " Hall's Co.
t.rrU Cure cured my wife of catarrh llftevn
r axo aim alia Una uml no return ol It. It i
sure cure. ' bold by Urug lulu, 7jo.
Matrimony by advertluement 14 much more
CiVumion in tbe United Hlutes tban Kuuluud.
, aimon
Kilmer's Swamp-Root puree
all Kidney and Itladdor troubles.
KA nilili li.l Anil fiiiiuult 1.1 if in f '..
( Laboratory liiugbuiuplon, N.Y.
Allan Ramsay's favorite dish was oatmeal
I porridge and bit drink was water.
Airs, vt insiow s enotning rjyrup lor rnuuren
i teething, softens the gums, reduces inflanm
Uon.ailuys pain, cures wiud college, a bottle
I could not set alonir without I'lso's Cure
for Consu rnpiion. It always cure. Mrs K. C,
aoi'LTuN, Aeeunam, liana, uctotier M, iv.
If afflicted with soreeyesune Dr. Isaac Thomp
tou's tye-waur. DruuglkUneUutjo per bottle
Minnesota bas developed more rapidly
ban other Northwestern blate. Its aasessed
aluatlon Is 25S,02,(;m7.
Always Tired
'escribes a dangerous condition, because It
aeans that the vitality is becoming exhaust-
d by reason of Impoverished blood. Give
ew life to the vital fluid and the nerves and
liusclos will grow stronger. Hood's Sana-
drills gives strength, because it make
are, rich blood. Remember
Hood's Sarsaparilla
U tbe only true blood purifier prominently
i tne puoiio eye today. 1 ; six lor vs.
hlonrl'a Pllla ftr-llnner (III and
flUOU 8 rlllB UinUy cathartie. Jv.
:, Powdered and Psrfumsd.
t (TiTTB.)
be Urtrngnt aait pvpsst LYB
maOa. Unlike oUi.r Lye. It betas a
Oos pswiler sail paeksd In a can
wltb remuvsble bd, la oon'euts ara
alw.yi for una. Will muk
tua (Mai perfume.! Hani aoap In l
rnlouUM uKWul koilttia. It la Ike
beat fur clean. lay un ilpa, ill.
lnroilBg sinks, eloeais, waslilug
buuiea, i siuis. tiaet, ele
ftSSA.sAIr MCI), CO.,
Qou. AuU., fkl.a.. l-a.
l'l.L" iT?'i,,.Vf,'uui'rUulil. urUow ios(a
in. ialhim OahMaU Wiuivs. A). J
Philadelphia Celebrates the Fourth In
Fitting Manner.
The city, of Drotherly Love, i
usual, celebrated the Fourth of July In the
good, oll-fashiooed way. Tbe big crowd of
patriotic people tegnn tbe day at midnight in
front of thesaered ball where tho Declaration
of Independence wn -iveu to tbe worid liil
years ago.
After the lat stroke of the midnight hoot
from tbe Pii.ra u :. r of Imiependence
bail the Leu wa-to ie,i, e-i'Hviany l0 honor
ot the day, flrai Jiu 1.11,0, lor eacU yeai
of tbe kniob'a iile, ih. u rHudly oneeigbty
five, for the year, iml lorty-iuur lot tbe num
ber ol states in 1 tie untou.
Among the features of tbe day for which
the city provided tho funds, were tho eup
nd people s regatta ou the Bchuylklll, In
which seme of tbe best crews Id tbe country
were entered, a series of swimming races lu
the same streum and a, sporting meeting In
Fairmount park.
In the morning at 0 o'clock appropriate
exercises were held at Independence ball
under the auspices of tbe I'euasylvania
Hoclety of the Hons ot the devolution. I'rayet
was offered by Dr. Stevens of Christ church,
in which Washiug'on worshiped: a patrlotio
address was delivered by William Wayne,
lineal descendant of Autbony Wayne, and
the Ieelaratlun of Independence waa rend by
ltusacli Duone, a lineal descendant of lieu J a
niin Franklin, after whicb clevlr of tiOO
voices sang "America."
I'lTTMH lloll.
More than 100.000 ( eople visited Hchenlej
Tark during tbe day. The exercises began
with an address by Governor Hastings follow
ed by the unveiling of a monument in honoi
of L. M. Iligelow the proruotor of the park
system of tbe city. Vnrious sports A !. enter
tained o largo part ot tbe crowd until evening
when a niuguillceiit display of tire worki
ended tho performances.
Thololnt plcnlo of the American Fedora.
tlon ot Labor and of the Chicago Trndes an)
Labor assembly, at Mmrinliuolers park, was
tbe leading feature ot Chicago's celebration
ot the Fourth. In point of altenJnnce, at
least, it topped all tbo others, fully ttl.OuC
people being on the irrounds to listen to tbe
addresses made by Vlce-1'reeldeut blevenson
and Gov. McKinley ot Ohio.
Thomas J. Klderkln, vice-president of the
American Federation of Lubor, presided
over the speech making part of the program.
In few words be Introduced Vice-President
Htevensun, who was greeted With eiilliiislnatle
applause, and delivered a long and uloqueul
Directly after tLe close of the vice-president's
address, Mr. I'.lderkiu Introduced
, Gov. Mckiuley, who was very warmly wel
comed by tbe imuieuso audience. .
Independence Day was celebrated by the
Tammany society lu a mauner commensur
ate with former celebrations since the found
ing of tbe Columbian order 111) years a-o.
There was no diminution in the enthusiasm
niiuilfos'.ed by those present, although tbe
audience was smaller than lu previous years.
Ex-Gov. James K. Campbell of Otilo, all 1 ex
Gov. Tbomas M. Waller of Conuecticat, were.
In Tammauy purluuce. "the loug talkers,''
while well-known men from ail parts of tho
country delivered "short tulks. One fea
ture ot tbe celebration was tbe reading of
letters from I'resldent Cleveland, H'mator
Hill. ex-Gov. Flower, Frederick it. Coudort,
aud other distinguished Democrats.
Indications of the Midsummer Reports
From All Commercial Centers.
Tbe midsummer reports from all commer
cial contort Indlcato distlnotly better crop
prospeots than other official or commercial
accounts, a marked Increase in retail distri
bution of products, an active demand for
goods aud a general enlargement ot tbe
working forco, with soma advauoe in tbo
wages of more than half a million bauds,
At tbe same time they show tbe rapid ad
vance In prices bus somewhat obecked tbe
buying of a fow classes of products. Jn some
purts of tbo country tbe outlook for full trado
U considered bright.
Compurlsou ol prices for various Iron pro
ducts shows un advance ranging from 7X2
per cent, since Fcbruury for wire nails to 7.1
per cent, tor utitbrncltu pig, nud in nil kinds
averaging 22 per ceut. The demand and rise
have come so suddenly that even while the
first order for shipments of steel billets to
Europe, given some time ago, when prices
were low, is Belug announced, tbo price beie
bas advanced from 17 lu April to tiil'S, 01
about il per oont.
Wool is stronger both bore and abroad.
Kales have been enormous though largely
speculative, but exceeding those, ot May aud
J uue lu any previous year, i'rlces of cotton
goods continue to advance, aud tbo mills are
geuerully well employed.
(Speculation bus advanced cotton 3-10,
though tbo crop news Is favorable, but bus
depressed wheat U cents lu spite of estimates
that tbe crop bas beeu materially reduced
since June 1. Every year tbe crop reports
lire having less Influence, aud tbe time Is
ripe for tbe radical change In tbo govern
uient estimates wbloU the department pro-
loses. The crop of oats is certain to be
urge, and tbe prospects for corn have greatly
improved within tho lust few weeks.
There wero 6,057 commercial failures in
the first half of 1S'J5, nguinst 7,031) In tbe
first halt of 18'Jl, and 6,-lJl in tho first ball of
One Hundred People Thrown Into the
It Ivor.
At Dristol, J ml., while about 800 of tbe
population ot llrlstol were gathered on a
bridge spanning the 8t Joseph river on tbe
4th watching a tub race, 100 feet ot the side
walk of tbe bridge went down, carrying with
100 persons. The fall was about DO feet, and
the iron fell on many, Tbe town was crazed
with excitement. In a short time the victims
of the accident were all removed from tbe
water, and all the physicians throughout the
surrounding country were summoned to at
tend tbe injured. They were cared for as
well as circumstances would permit None
Were killed outright, but several will die.
Hurled to Death.
Monday night tbe family of Julian Causslan
consisting of himself, wife aud two children
a boy and girl, aged respectively 6 and 8
years, left the plcnlo grounds and drove to.
ward their home at New Kensington. Fa.
When they reached tbe lop of J'uekoly bill,
tbetiorae frightened and plunged sidewaia
over tbe embankment amid the soreams tl
tbe imperiled people all being burled to tl
bottom of the deellvily. Jtesouers soon
reached tbe scene of tbe accident and fouud
that Mrs Causslsn's back was brokeu and her
little girl was dead. The son was Injured In
ternally aud Is not expected to live. Mr.
(aussian, though badly hurt will recover.
The horse waa killed and tbe buggy smusbed
Another Chinese Loan.
' A Chinese loan for Vl.000,000 at 0 per cent
la about lo be issued at Moudou. It will be
liouted at J0U. It Is iudepeuduut ol the nego
tiwtiont for Cblueae loan made from bt,
Petersburg aud elsewhere.
The Russian loan bos beeu signed.
C.ilifomla has tho bicycle craxo.
There are Indications ot a big corn prop.
Dcot culture Is naw exten ling to Afrli n.
Tho Honth will hold an Irrigation congress.
Chicago has lGO.OTO pooplo of Oerman birth.
The trad" of the seven Aitrallari oolonles
declined $40,000,000 in 1H0I.
The persecution of foreigner In tho Chinese
province of Hsnehuen ha ceased.
A canning factory Is nlinit ti hi estab
lished nt Honolulu, tho first In Hawaii.
Itl B-Vlvn only iwenty-ei'rht percent, of
the p ,i r itlon is (nru of Am riou parents.
Tho F.ui!lh ciain that seventy per peril,
ot the Anericin sheep Imported are diseased.
A wimin llvin nir Hilni, Mexico, gave
birth to II t.i Ixiys, alt living aud doing well.
A threemllllon-.lollnrg.ild lo.inof Uie city
nf Chicago bits been over subs ribed In Lon
don. Naval bureau chiefs are nvle"id1 as to
the relative merits of plain and nickel tdeol
for structural work.
David Oldham, a Ilnptlst uWon.rif t'klnh,
Cal., Is on trial on a charge of holdiug up
tho Mendocino stai coach.
Tho Itnltlo Canal was opened tn traffic July
1 to all vessels of n draught n it -fxc ;e,liiig
twenty-four feet eight Inches.
Tho shortage of Citv Treisurer Ja'olis. of
finite. Montana. Is il,8ia, but his bondu
men will mako good the bun.
An anpeal has boon issued tn thiwmnn
ot tho 8'itith for fund to bull. I a monument
to tbe mother ot General ll ibert E. Leo.
A grout clotidburxt nt H d L ike, Houth
Dakota, the other day filled a dry lake n
six square miles right lucbe deep with
Mary Lasher, clerk In a fruit store, )n
Olneyvllle, It. I., was bitten by a tarantula,
and died lu two days from the efftx-ts ot th
Mrs. Butter, of Dickinson Ciurt House,
Vu., aged sixty years, bus Just b;vn appoint
ed mail rider In her district, which is c-jii-tillered
tho wildest in Virginia.
Mason City flown) elergy:nen have de
nounced Dr. Palmage h.ieousn he lecture! at
Cedar Lake, Hunduy. for which all the rail
roads advertised sh-iiI ecunlnn.
F. F.. Lurton.rrofesH.irof lllstorv In We-t-ide
High Hehool nt Milwuiikec, Wis., who
achieved notoriety by writing nn iirtlcln
der.igitory of tli A'neil 'un Hevolutloii, was
riiluced to an neeiHtant teacher on 11 .count
of the article.
The JelTcrsonvillo (Ind.) nnd LuiisvllW
(Ky.) Itridgo was completed. Work was lie
gun November 1.1, Ins. The totnl e-wt was
l,27.i 00. Tho length of th bridge i in.
litli) feet. Hixtcen men were drowned iii tho
calKNon disaitir of Juiiiiiirv lit, IS'.mi. Two
Shiiis collapsed Doeemlior 13, lfjj, mid nbout
ninety more Uvea were loft.
Hey. John ft. Gibson, pa"lor of the I n.111
nel Ilnptlst Church, Sun Frnin'isiM, where
the horrible girl murders took place not very
long ago, addressed a tbr iiigin a public hail
Hunduy night, in defense of himsoir ngniiit
bis critics. A hyfii itM. uiiunsl Tyii.lull,
pbnllenged him to submit to a mesmeVi,. t.-t
of bis innocence nnd tbe pnsto.- rciised.
The incidi.ut created excitement.
rroiulnent I'enole.
The Mikado of Japan Is fond of football.
I'riuco Bismarck is partly of Slav origin.
Buron Alliert It ithschll J Is one of the b.-s;
chess players in Vlenun.
Ex-rresldent of Frnnce t'imiinlr-r.rior in
tends to spend the sumtiiertruveliii j In Italy
and Austria.
The press of Japan shows its respect for
the Mikado by printing his uauio always la
capital lottery
By the death tho other day of James Cur
roil, Oovergor Frank Browu. of Maryluud.
luherW 2j0,00.
Blsniarolc declare tbnt ho Is n tiuturul
barometer, and tho slightest impending
change of weather suggests to hi 111 the ur-1
Of stimulants.
M. Alfred Copus is mid to be the really
rising literary mau of France. Ho has pub
lUlied several novel which have b "ii very
well received.
Field Miirkhnl Lord lioberts, "Our Bubs."
is tho most p ipiiliir mllltui y uiiiniii Engluii I,
and bl portruit Is in greut demand.
Lord Wolsoley wui slxty-tw. yours old on
June 4. He eutereii the army lu 1m.i2, whs
made n I'eer iu llj un I a Fi'el 1 Mursiml on
M.iy !. 1HV1.
The Czarina of Bussiu Is fun I (if swin -lulng,
and to indulge in it Ik Iiiiviii- a b.itli
of white inurblo iniidu In the Winter i'ulu
ut St. Petersburg.
Andrew Carnegie , has subscribe I $100 to
the umuuut nlrcudy rinse I for 11 lesiimiiiiini
to Dr. S. F. Kinltli, author ot "America,"
making a total ot t2 0(.
Quoeu Christina, of Spain, Inn received 11
lMNpifst of several million dollar with th"
reversion to ber children, from 11 rich mer
chant, Don Alexandra S itnr, ot M i lri.t.
Frank It. Stockton recently told a filcnl
that ulmost every fortuiglit brought to him
some eolutloii ot the problem couched iu his
famous story ot "The Lady or the Tiger.'"
Gladstone eay.4 that he Is hardly up b
theatre-going, though he does not hiv tint
ho ha given it up, but uiiiiet gume ut lm 'k
guuimou is bin fiivorit ,' wiiy ot speudiu 1111
It i said tho Prince ot W'ules 1ms t m visit
Ing cardf. one reading "Albert E Iward" 11 11 1
the lutter "Lo l'rinca des Guile.'1 The litt
ler is tho formal card, Freuch beiui; th-i
luuguatre of royalty aud dljilomucy.
Mine. I'attl istbe best paid woman worker
inthe world. For many year sln bus re
ceived fSOX'O per night when she sings. Mine.
Melba receive lUilll, Emne an I Nordlcu
each 700, Calvo 0OU and S-ulchl iMntj
Charles Alexander, the Canadian politl
ciuu, hn inherited the eurldoiii of Htlrliijs.
lueludlug It famous eiistles, the h j:iio 0
many Keneratious of Scottish kings.
William Taylor Adamn, known to every
boy In the country as "Uuver Optic.'' in still
nt seventy-three a greut traveler, fmrt of
fairy tale nud wild stories of irlveutiire,
John D. llockefeller, the Standard "; I
King, trie to perHiiudo all bis friends to
tbe wli l. Last year b 11111 to presents to
bis friend i of twenty-two bicycle, nut this
yeur be hau already glvcu u .,iy siste.u
Comitrollr Eckel Maried l:i lifo us u i
apple inerchani .it the tender age of eigiit,
ile Mill ttiTeJtouut y i-enmnilier thn old
farmer who bncked him, and ae-s that tii
old mnn's son, who Is a lawyer, gels j(
tlM business 01 bis oltlce.
Oovemment Offlolale Implicated in Heavy
nigh offlcials of tbe present Govornaiobl
sre said to be implicated in receutly dis
covered defalcations amounting to over t3,'
Tbe alleged stealing bat been going on foi
two years. Tbe money missing is said tc
have been charged aa expeuded for armi
which never reached burs. Frauds are slsc
reported In tbe purchasing of railway ma
terial, that put iu being nearly useless.
Both tbe civil sad military employes are
enraged over report tbat the Government
Is about to refuse 10 pay baek salaries eover
lug several month due and unpaid ut the
end ot the fiscal year on plea tbat neu
fiscal year should not be responsible foi
them, and that as the last year left nothing
to covir them they must go unpaid.
Robert Fltzlmmons, tried at Hyrscuse on a
charge of killing his sparring partuel, Con
ltlitrditn haa benn aeiiulted.
lViston lead tho League in run gettlnp.
Crnplre Murray use a unlipie breast pad.
Really scientific bull players .seldom got
their finger hurt.
Anson, of Chicago, ha been playing ball
twenty-live years.
O'Connor, of tho Cleveland, is a natural
horn first bomau.
Hoy, tho dent mute, is leading off tho Cin
cinnati batting order.
Tho Brown 'Viirsltv bine ha elected Fulla
captain for next yeur.
New York holds the season's error record
lor one game fourteen.
Th" ball has got to travel pretty fast to get
through Baltimore's Infield.
Catcher Fnrrell I playing n good pnrno ut
third baso for the New York.
Flteher Huwke's long rest is now attrili
uteil to 11 recently broken wrist.
K"ltf,of Ht. Louis, piny a deeper second
base than any man In the Lvigue.
Third ft woman Qiilmhy has lieen elected
captain of the Vale ten n for next year.
When on the road ball plav rs are liablo to
oat too much and tfot out ol condition.
The new League umpire, ex-l'ltcher
rln, dodge every time a batsmuu strike ut
a ball.
It 1 seldom Tucker, of Boston, allow an
opportunity of being bit by a j ltclic I bull to
Sexlon. Boston' new college pitcher, I
very quick on hi fevt and buck up su
rljly. Hpongn bath and alcohol or witch hazel
mlw are neeiiwury adjuncts to the daily toil
et of ball players.
About every club In the I.enuue, except
Boston ami Louisville, bus mado a bid lor
Bn-lteiisteln, ct St. Louis.
Four pitcher of League teams have struck
out ter. men in n game this season. They aro
Ink. McOill, Kusle nud Stivctt.
There are four full-blooded Indian In the
Topeka t,Kun.) baseball team. One 1
pitcher, and all are first-class players.
If New York and I'hiln lelpbia expect to
cut much of a figure at the liuivh thvy liuvo
to play great bull on the Western trip.
Most of the League player can bit speedy
pitching Ibis season, aiid the slow-curve
jdtchersaro coming to tbe front again.
All Boston' pitcher are now doing fin"
work, even the two youngster. Dolun and
Sullivan, showing an astonishing ability.
Ilroiithers's voluntary retirement from tho
diamond leave Thompson n tbe only 0110
ot the original "big four" still lu harness.
Long, of Boston, snv it' impossible for
any one umpire to siitiefv tho Leuuue play
ers, and next season llie League will have to
adopt the double umpire system.
1 "it i her Killen, of Pittsburg, has reached
home, lie I In n serious con. litem from
blood poisoning, and inuy do little more
work this Hciison.
I'lteber Inks, of Louisville, wn used a a
"ringer'' by the Oil City Club airiiin.-t New
Cn.-'llo In 1 he IVinisylvuiiiu Iron and Oil
League. The game biis hi-en protested.
Clarke, the man who wo, played on the
bench for the better plirt of tWo'sen.solis by
the New York management, hit been of lute
the mn iti dependence of the team in tho
pitching department.
An expert says: Boston hn the strongest
nggregnlion of bail player in the country,
and nothing short of sicklies or poor man
agement can keep tbcm I rum taking Unit
peuiiunt this seust n.
Muitl I Wimiiington's winning pitcher.
He goes In the box every fourth dev. uud
Usually ninnuge to bold lii oppotiontsi'owii
to about six hits. Maul bus won nine giimi'M
and lost four so fur this season.
Tho If ft-bunded pitcher In the Nutionul
League lire Hreiteiistein with St. Louis,
Esperwitb Baltimore, Killen with 1'itlslnirg,
M. Gill with Philadelphia, Ink with Louis
vills, nud Knell with Clevelund.
A bull player who eunimt wicrifien well
should not be usked to. 'Tuke him out on the
lot every morning nnd practice him until be
doe burn It. I'litll be dues b ain bis at
tempts are considerably worse than silieule.
Several clubs lire trying to get Oiitllebler
(Turk frum Louisville. Wusliiii:ioi oltiTed
to give them three players for him. ami Haiti
more recently bid for los reh-af-e, Imt Man
liter ."il' t'loski-y ms money will not buy
Standing of tho Leaguo Clubs.
W. I. P f. I W I. P ('.
Ilaltiinore Ml iil .iiH t 'Incliinatl. . U i'T ...T
llnsloii H.I Ui .ileil I'blln'lelpliin M 9.'
t. nlcafo in .Ss New Y. US.. 'Sill .tr:.
I'Hiniiiirs 1? ii mt 1 WHshiuxtuu v:i ,(.". . ;
I'levelaliJ ....37 VS M& 1 M. I.ullls v'l 43 ..'Us
llrouklyu M -Ii 'V.! Luiilavilla lu rJ .I611
TiiO Ceremony on tho Capitol Steps Didn't
Tin-re wn no ofllcinl recognition of tbe
fourth iu Washington, unless tbe service ot
tbe Marine Hand In assisting ut a civic cere
mony could be culled recognition of the day.
Two additional Hags flouted from the dome
ol tbe cHpltol.uivliig testimony lo the patriot
ism of the iinlividuul having them In,
Tim spectacular show which Carl Browne
lis 1 advertised to take place at tho main en
trance of tho rupitol did not materullr.e. It
was to bavo beeu a second wedding of Mamio
Coney, the late "goddosV of tho "common
weal," daughter of "lieueral" Coxey, and
the mountebank end, which was to have
taken place at IU o'clock. About WH) people,
assembled around the central stairway, but
bud their trouble for nothing.
Browne aud bis wife failed to appear.Thero
wero not even a few "hubos'' vim followed
tbo crank, Coxey. lust year, on baud, but
there were half a dozen stalwart policemen
present prepared to arrest Browns it ho at
tempted any of bis foolishness.
Browne uad bis wife managed to get Into
tho city early iu tbo morulng, and soon after
visiting a camp of "comtuoiiweulers" that
bad been kept un since hist summer. Tho
program which lie bad laid out wan to have a
second marriage ceremony performed on tbe
capital steps lu tbo presence ot a hundred or
so coniuiouwenler." Following this bis
wlfo was too rend tho declaration ot Indepen
dence, nud Carl wu to deliver a speech, tak
ing for bis text tbe motto of the now muster
ed out "urmy." "I'csco on eurlb: goodwill
towards uieu, but death to-interest ou
lie did not go nearer to the eapitol steps
than to trui. sfcr from ouo berdlo lino to an
other at the northern limit of tbo ground.
Ho and his bride then went to a fourth rate
hotel on Pennsylvania uvenuo and secured
quarters. His explanation to a friend of tbe
reason for not currying out the progrsin wus
"The oops are onto tne, and I don't want to
get run lu." It is rate to say that bad be
been arrested he would have beeu sent to tbo
workhouse for several months.
Lsavs Instruments on Trial and Taks
A gang of smooth piano swindlers, driven
oat of Illinois by newspaper exposure, sre
now working in Boutbwestern Iowa. Tbo
only Union county citizen known to have
beeu victimized is J. A. Tbomas,
A salesman called at tbo farmhouse, rep
resenting that hs was with tbe American
Piano Company, Ho asked permission to
leave tho instrument la the bouse. The
farmer receipted tor It aud the receist turns
up a a 500 note, Mauy farmers in adjacent
counties have beeu swiudlud. Detectives are
after the gaug.
Windfall for s Carpenter.
James Foxwoll, a carpenter, of Tlattsmouth,
Neb., who weut to England last winter te
establish his rights as a claimant to one-third
shsre of bis deceasej uncle's estate, has been.
successful, Tbeestuts Isv'-si - " 1
trt chl, Jron trow. (Sire them tlrr
for slow tfi,! n:4ural (lerclopnietit. (5i
them frwjliiiD nl IHnrty In thing in
osltlvly, tun i permanently liurtfii
What tnalttr If nil their dally hchavli
Is not qtilta plcnunnt or perftft. If tin
show Iniprovement and progress? ""siz-wsr-j.
jooil ikmsI, uuxlons jiarent; cnltlvn. O V",
wltli core, bnt wait imtlontl.t for hn
vest If you wish goisl fruit. Snppnst
child doe not dt s straight ns 11 nir n 1 o V f P 1 1 1
rod at tnldo. suppo a onp or ttinild.llil'cllli U.c-1 opouai
docs slip tlu.sigii its llttlo flngerH. 1 t 11 0 Y-n r)1nOO
food ih.j.v.v 1- and ti.o tuiods will taKO piace
rloth mined t, imt look cross, nr TTTT v" 001" V)
Break out with reproof t f what wn w , t J U JLJ X Cv
Intended its' ir it efe a willful wrop 1 -I 1 1 fy rj r i C .
Did you never leg ji class sljr Jirnug Will clli U W tA U1D
your flnperK? Instead of sending tli. r.-,rk- nilV "nVOS;-
chlld away In 11 or with thronteiOtlt. 11 OIH OU1 jJL
Ing word, whv mt lie ns Kenorotts r,
to n guest, to v: .. in you wotil.l klndU
say, "It Is f P
generally wis. t
nilMhtips or I'll. 1
even to diver r
the Instant. Ai'
firoprlate tlm- .
tlon to the li i,
of suitable c
the retiifdy.
take little
tit Ion from them
11 them
ward, at some a
w the child's ntte
lety. fault, or lm
ud pedut out kind
Good Reason fur It,
I will not go, jiurie, he said Amr.
"Hut John " shs expimtulntcd.
"It Is useless argue," lie Inler
rupted. "rrii k! -. 1 am aNtniilNluM
that yon shnul I sin jest in h a thing."
"Kveryone i' k ii '."
"I can't hel tl t.
"It Is all tin- rage."
"So much tile worse."
"Surely, John, you are not one of the
people who object on the rtouii f
un.nillty?" t,
"I know nothing nhont her Hmrallty."
"Then why"
"Marie, do ymi want nie to put myself
In n fillse light Before the public? lo
you want nie to slultlfy my record as
a consistent business man? ln you
want me to kiss the hand that smltcti
"i f course not, John, but Trilby "
"The bra .en, bare-footed wretch!"
"She Is a fad. nny way."
"A disreputable, shoeless fad!"
"What niuke you so bitter, John?"
"Hitter! Why shouldn't I bo bitter?
Do you forget. Marie, that I am lu the
boot uud shoe business?"
rti' w
"Ways of tfullclcss Druggist.
"I noticed," said the drugglet to Ills
ONHlstiwit, "that a geiitlotnnti catne In
with a prescript Urn, and that you tool;
It and gave It 1 1 is the stuff In about three
minute. What do you nieati by that?"
"It was only a little carbolic acid and
water," replied the assistant. "I sim
ply had to pour a few drachtUH of acid
Into the bottle and fill It up with wa
ter." "Never mind If you only hnd to do
that," tho druggist declared. "Pou't
you know that every prescription must
tako at least half nn hour to till or thu
customer will think he Isn't getlingany
thing for his money? When a pre
scription for salt uud water or pepper
mint ainl cough syrup Is handed to
you you must look at It doubtfully, ns
If it wero very hard to make up. Then
you must bring ll to me, nnd wo will
both read It and shuke our heads. After
that you go back to the client and nsk
li 1 11 1 if he wants It to-day. When he
eays he does you iitiswer that you'll
make a special en'ort.
"Now, it patlvtit appreciates a pre
scription like that that he's Lad so
much trouble over, and when he takes
It he derives some benefit from It. Hut
don't you do any nmro of that three
minute prescription business, my boy,
If you want to become a tlrst-class
Tell a girl she has a Madonna face,
mid she begins to long for u uiore proiu
Inwiit placo to show 1L
i.,to recovery, the
young woman
who is taking
Doctor Pierce 'a
1 svoritc Pre
scription. In
maidenhood, wo
manhood, wife
hood and moth
erhood the " Pre
scription " is a
supporting tonic
and nervine
that's peculiarly
adapu-u to her
neds. rrgulut
iiifr,'aud strength
ening the system
and curimr tbe
derangements of the sex. Why is it so
many women owe their brsuty to Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription ? Because
beauty of form and face radiate from the
common center health. The, best bodily
condition results from good food, fresh air
and exercise coupled with the judicious
use of the '.'Prescription."
It reaches the origin of the trouble and
corrects it
rA Fair Face May rpTove
PU In Girl
'x.u- u-Iaud t- sn;,'lirt.
1 1 sr r
1 I TTsTTSiCC! tfrnrtfl C!
all Ul Gbb VJUUUO,
Hd klndlAA. ji-- w
notlee gs, purchased on
Ume.ntOTJ TIlIC! Gnlf 111-
.kJXX. Aiiiu
Trr drnr C XXTf
Viz : Henriettas,
ges, Cloths, Silks,
5. Lawns, unaines,
iiiuuitf til me. nut t never omvn tin
hope, tn contiocttuii with receiving tbe at
tendance of physicians I have tried every
nie. Ileum known to the apothecary but never
received any relief until Dr. Williams' 1'lnk
Bills for 1'nle People eanie to my ssatstauns.
Before I bad tukeu half of tho first box tho
deformity In my face had left nie, and before
four bmes bad been consumed the paralysis
bud illitpprrcd entirely, nud much to'my
surprise 1 felt hl.e u new woman. I have
Hot taken nny medicine since last spring.
just ai'out a tear agi
and my trouble
Hot appeared since. I
owe my health, Uiy
life toUr. Williams' Pink Pill
'A short time since my little boy John
Was aftlicted with Ht. Vitus' dance. Ho
cuul. 1 not walk across the room without as
sisluuep, lu tact be would fall all over him
self, but after Inking a few boxes ot Or.
I Williams' Pink Mils, St. Vitus' dance enlro
ly left him, mid 110 trace ot tbe afllletlon 1
left. These Pills ure worth their weight In
' gold. You may say in this connection that I
1 11111 willing nt any time to make aflldavtt to
I the truth of these stalemenls, nud further
i inure, 1 will answer nny communication 1 an
I cernltig my case, ns 1 consider It nothing
I more than right and Just that 1 should iualt
1 sufTerlng bumuuitv."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pill contain all tho
elements necessary to give new life and rich
ness to the blood and restore shuttered
nerves. They are lor sale by nil ilrii,;;t.
or may be bad by mail from' Dr. V. illiams'
Medicine Compuuy, hchencetndv, N. Y., for
60 cent per box, or Six boxes for 'J.'.ii.
1-0 k
Dyspcptic.Delicate.Infirm and
A JOHN CAkl.lJ ft SONS, New York.
Tbe Greatest fledkul Discovery
of the Age.
Medical Jiscovery,
as discovered In one of our commoa
paaturo weeds a remedy tbat oures every
kind cf Humor, from the worst Scrofula
town to a oommoa pimple.
He boa tried It in over eleven hundred
eases, and never failed emspt In two cases
(both thunder humor). He bas now Is
bis possession ever two hundred certifi
cates of Its value, all within tw.-nty miles
of Huston. Bend postal card for book.
A benefit Is always experienced from tbe
Arst bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted
When the rtk'ht quantity Is taken.
When the lungs are affected It cans')
shooting pains, like needles passlns;
tbroiiKh them 1 the same with tbe tdver
r Itowela. This is causel by the ducts
sing stopped, and always dltappeare In
week after taking It. Head tbe label
If the stomach Is foul or bilious It will
Muse squeamish focllutfs at first.
No change ot diet ever necessary, Eat
the best you can Ret, and enough of IL
iJose, one tiiblespnouful In water at bei
Uiue. Bold by ail Ururvlsta
A I'wrlSM L4r.
Suscststul. MsrHorlosS
l'm,.hi.! Mailed Free
ba Msnursctui-srs.
40-SS4 W. Lake
Chicago, III.
Boat Cuusb fcyrup.
in time, enio
a Foul Bargain." Marry
If She Uses
1 5-
Ill tLSt (ails. I I
fftii do. 4. Use I I
nT linurlil 1 I
oni ICS
Ul ie no truth
wi ' 110
vimj uiey w
ut ull-F. W.