I 1 I othP Classed H Onion. One of the healthiest vegetables la the onion; yet, strange to aar, very few people one It as liberally as they should. Polled onions used frequently In family of children will ward of many of the diseases to which tho little ones ire subject The principle objection to the promts, ruous use of tills repotablo Is that the tdnr exhaled after eating Is so offen sive. A cup of strong cofTee taken Iirime. fllntoly after entlng Is claimed to be ex cellent In counteracting this effect. Although for a dny or so after entlng onions the breath may bnve a dlitagree ib!o odor, yet after this Aiue it will be much sweeter tlian before. For croup onion poultices are used ltli success, providing the child Is kept wt of draughts and a sudden chill avoided. Tho poultices are made by warming the onions In goose oil until oft, then putting them on the child's foot nnd chest ns hot as they eon ba borne. Except In very obstinate cases, when taken In time, the croup readily yield to onions. This, although an old fashioned rem tdj, Is A good one, as any mother who ht brought up a family of children can sttest. Onions are excellent blood purlflera, inJ for eradicating bulls or any of the blood humors are very cftl.'nclous. They are good for the complexion and friend who has a wonderfully clear. One complexion attributes It to the lib eral uo of onions as food. Pi-oplo suffering from nervous troubles are much benefited by using theso vegetables frequently, elthet fll;od or raw. When troubled with a hard cough. If I raw onion Is eaten the phlegm will loosen almoHt Immediately, aud can be removed with very little effort Those troubled with wakefulness rosy Insure a good night's rest often If. Just before) retiring, they eat a raw onion. Ttere are few aches to which chil dren nre subject as bard to bear and u painful as enrnche. One of the best reni'Mles we know of Is to take out the heart of nn onion (a red onion Is tho but If It can be had, although, lacking this kind, any other enn be used) and rast It. When soft put It Into the af fected car ns hot as It can be borno. Unless the cause Is deeper than ordi narily the pnln will cense In a very ibort time and will not return. If the angels keep up with the fash tons, they are weurlug their wings this fear on their beads Instead of ou their boulders. Tobaoeo I'Ht'i for Throat. It's so common that every tobacco aunt kt iq irritated thront thnt (tradiinlly devol ops Into a serious couditton, frequently con umptlon. sod lt' the kind of a sore throat that never gels well its long as you ums to bseco. The tobucoo habit, sore thront and lot manhood eurel by Ko-To-Ilao. Hold aud rirniitl to cure by UruggixU ever) where fcxik. titled "Don't Tobacco Holt or H rat oka lour Life Awsy," free. Ad. iWliug liom- uj to., now lorn or luioaao. Tm Cleans ih ftrstes Iffoctnally yet gently, when costlv or billons. tr wlien the blood Is Impure or slugirlsh.to pcr fcunntly cure habitual constipation, to awnk tlir kidney and liver to a healthy activity. rtliotit Irritating or weakening them. todls H hrsduchet, colds or fevers, uj Syrup of Figs. r. h. fvitmrn. M.jr.. ( larle sent, writes : i fnd 1 1 :vl I'm Catarrh Curo a valuuUio remedy." Your Health Deoenrls Cpon puro, rich, healthy blood. Therefore, k that your blood is mndu pure by Hood's Sarsaparilla Tbe only true blood purlflor prominently In tltt public eye today. Oet only Hood's. RaArlV Dili harmoniously with InOOa S rlllS Hood's brup.irllla. 25c. 1 N I' ! $16 rr tfiN flmf f lm Hlch Arm Murhln tlflivrHl, irriKbt iiMtO In v'iir iM-aret murou'i itiui ion. i lit ivnri i not ft rhiii ittnil- MiK-hihf, liiil a jton I lie lit il )oV lirll, Mllr to iwf Mmt'Mt c nn (hi iiiMrgft, uii'l fr nitrlHl,nitlii.w.rtiiiMiiniiipHn'l Pi-n lny iiiHlltls hn IP ctill ils hi.:), unit it un nit, 9ltli Nn 4, Iiv ilinwer, 11? I Nn. mvhi (lrAvir, MN, CAVA l.i mt K KtUK J NO. II I. It A VI', tlltf I lurk M.tl'blrnuu, III. CI C ClT A C E N TS M ako VJVJsJ.L Money Selling Sclu-ajo' Ql.OOO.OOO III. oimirttlo Curo. 1',i,f -.,11.1.1., MCr GOOD At,? Itl,ll DlMllll.l ar, 't 'TAV Ml,iUl II- I.'m ... 'nil r t.i..iCH. Krn let- ' '"" US Writ- i.vlnjr. SV.N-.ON HUM'. I I HI". CO., lo; Lvurou u M., i iilLtt.jO. ruTa line BiooDi..v'.r.r,.?; U11IT Olt liliMKl. ill IVIUH f;W BV pllllt'll-S lilnti-hr-. inlliiw rk 111. i-.. uivhltf 'ri-li. rimy roll r tuitii- inn li i iituriihliil I" Hit iii. win iUtv ivp. ..li. Mlli..l l'lri-. ( cmiuii, i n iin., nn ii tiritiul IiIchmI rilii-u tiilf. 1 will H-nil llu-.tiv l 1. liliwni-fur 'liir. t. M. (.OIX. llo oo. sUiu fily, iuwa. rATEMTi THADK SIAiiKS Flsmlnutloa i. " 1 Winl Ulllll'.,.! Ii.nl.lilll llf i.i ,tt Vf' '"r luv'Utiir uulilr. or liuw lognl ul I a 1 iuc& o'AHl;LU Wauim,tux. ii.O -.V,0"14 nMtht au list (ails, r; Must i bU(B feyrup. TuUuuiL Cm I iinin. nuiii p, nruL-viPiK w ASK YOUR DRL'flQIST FOR s L V IT 13 'J trtt't 14 Tm- r? c? t a liu n it o o i ooo POR NVALIDS "N CARLS A 50NS. New York, w I . . L I I . INDUSTRIAL SITOATIOH. MR CARNEGIE'S V1EV. The Country on the Threshold of Big Revolution. I In speaking ot existing eojdltlona aad tbs nprorement that bat reoently been sxperl tnovd. Mr. Andrew Carnegie Is qsoted as baring said recently In New Yorki "Tbe country at large does not retllES tbs boom which hits been started In the industrial world. Iron and stwl mills all ever the souutry have contracted tnelr full eapaolty tor keveral moutbs ahead, and many are ictunlly unable to take additional orders, ilu on tbn bulk of these contract werS book td inure has been an advauae ot fifty cents In pU IroL. CoDsuiners will flud tnls ftU that iht-y will bo unnbie to place orders a the tntiro capacity ot tbo mills of tbs country sill be occupied. Toe country U on tbe '.breshold of the biggest revolution In bust nest It has ever experienced and it I not a long way off." Tbe Iron Trade Itovlnw, ot Cleveland has published a number of Interviews wltb soma of the lamest and most promlueut maun, (arturers tu tbe country, In wblob expres sions tuch as made by Mr. CarneKfo have been made. Tbe interviews thus pablisbed ibow beyond tbe shadow of adoubttbatthere bas bern and still In roi(re-s a general snd wUespread Improvement In conditions (noeritlly, wbluh far exceeds tbe expectation aud most sanguine bopea of those who bar beeu watcblug clostiy tbe irons ot tbs time. an industrTal alliance. Between American and Foreign Olras Worker la Proposed. The American Window Ulass Worker' As loclation has tuken lb jireliininary steps to wards tho formutlin ot an International fed eration ot tbe wludow glas workers ot tbe world, by meant ot which. It is hoped, to pro loci and advance tbe interests of Ik one In all countries wbcre tbe Industry thrives. At tbe :omlng convention of the American associa tion to be beld In 1'lttsburg bvirluulng July 8, this proposition will probaoly be made one ot Hie most Importaut to be considered, and an tlllauce witb tbe organized workmen, ot Del Klutu and France will be uxtt:tud. A strike baa been In proftrese in lielftluin for leveral ocks, and tbe American wurkmen desire to tscertaln the true statu of tho trouble, with Ibe object of giving the foreigners financial assistance. An alliance such as Is now pro posed, existed between the workmen ol America aud Itvlglum for a number ot years, but loat Its ideunty some time ago, because at tbs withdrawal of the Auicrlcuut, LABOR NOTES, Labor questions in IUssia nre decided by a judicial process ot even handed justlos be tweeu employer and employe. L lu tbe case ot a strike tbe party who ha broken tbe la bor contract is imprisoned. If an employer find It neccessury to reduce the rate ol waes or to dismiss a larire number of workmen, be tend private Inlormatlon beforehand to tbe Uoveruor aud fautory Inspector, wtio endeav or to llnd employment for the discharged workmen. The Warren Foundry and Machine Const) any Of I'ulllipshurg, N. J., bare notified tbeu 6U0 employes that, commencing July 1, they will receive an ad vauoe ot 10 per ceut. on tbelt wanes. Ibe foundry ha an abundance ol order on band, wltb prospect of a continu ance for tbe ensuing year. In nn agreement for tbs arbitration ot strikes reoently adopted In England each Ide it to make a deposit ot money, whlcb tball be forfeited on failure to keep the agree ment. The arrangement aeetn an effective means at inaklug terms ot arbitration bind ing. Tbs Florence Iron and Steel Company, recently rcorguulxed at Cleveland, O., have leased tbe old Dsraell Iron works, wbieb were shut down while bclug leased by the Fludlny Hulling Mill company, and have re sumed operation wltb n lorco ot 300. For tbe Hist time in two years, tho Wblto K owing Muculue compnuy, of Cleveland, U., I operating all the departments of its fuctory on lull time ten hours a day. Employment isuow given to 3U men, a largo Increase over a lew mouth ugo. A striking evidence of returning prosperity la agriculture Is given In tho statment thai an extraordinary number of the "abandoned farms lu the state of Muiue have become oc cupied this spring by tenants who uppeur tu be pcrmuuent oues. After au Idleness ot several months tho p'.unt of tncKcyslouo Iron euuipauy at llesd luir, I'u., has been put in operutiun, with US men employed, 'ibe Sylert rolllUK mills, idlo two yeurs, huve also been started up on full time. Employment is now given to 4,250 persout by tbe reunsylvanlit hteel Company at its I ilant at Kteeliou. 1'a., whk'h Is within a iuudred of the largest number ever employ ed by this company. The Norfolk and Western miners' strike is drugglug nloug without oiucb change. The ui u seem determined to bold out, and the oporutors show little lucliuutlou to force mat te re. 'Iho Keystone Iron Work rolling mill In Iteadiug, I'u., bus resumed operations after au Idleuess of three yeurs, lu consequence of which employment bus bueu given to over 131) bauds. Tue I.oekbart Iron and Steel Company ba resumed operation witb new men at It Mo Kee's liocks plant, wbere a strike W4 Inau gurated about six weeks ago. Tbo Homo t'otton-tle Company, at Rome, Go., which bus been idle tor more than two years, hti beeu put In active operation, giv ing employment to 200 persons. Tbe lnrire steel plant of tho Wei I man Iron and Steel Company, at Thurlow, I'n., after a loug tenson ot Idleness, will be put iu opera tion this week. Every mining district In West Virginia ex cept along the Norfolk und Western lUilroad where the tlriko is still iu progress, report business laiproviug. More than four thousand men will bo af fected by the wsgo restoration of ten per cent to be made next week by tbs l'eunsyl vauia ttteul oompauy. Wages bave gone up ten per cent, in the chain factory ot James McK iy & Co., I'ltts burg, 1'a., duriug tbe past week. Tbe Otis steel company put Its plant at Cleveland, O., on double turn last week, giviug employment to 600 men. Tbe top mill blast furnace, of tbe Wheeling Steel and Iron Compauy, Wheeling, W. Va., ha resumed operations after a long idleness Tbs Cherokee Zlna Company, ot rittiburg, Kansas, Idle for mors than two years, bas started its plunt. Forty-six Horsea Burned. Fire broke out shortly after niidnltrht In the rear part of the livery stable of Kell t Co., at Filth aveuue, 1'lttsburg, and before It whs gotten uuilur control, tbe prop erty and adjolnluir bulldlUK were destroyed. On tbe second floor were stabled SI horses, of these ouly five were gotten out. Of the 4t) horses burned to death, '23 were owned by Kell A Co., aud the otber were tbe property of Oakland resident who boarded tbuin there. A number ol carriages and otber ve hicle were burned. Kell A Co. place their total lots at tlS.tiuJi fully insured. The loss ustalued by private individual, whoso horses were destroyed, I put at 5,000. I ; . R0SEBERY QUITS. Retlg-natlon of tbs British Cabinet Pre sented to the Queen. It I Just announced that the outcome of tbo deliberation ot the cabinet, in conse quence of tbe adverse vote In the house of commons on Friday, la that Lord Itosebery, the pilme minister bn tendered hi resigna tion to tho Queen. Her majesty bas there fore summoned Lord Salisbury, the leader ot tbe Conservative party, to Windsor, In con nection wltb tho formation of a Conservative minister. Earl Itosnberry was offered the office of frlme minister by tbe qnen March 3. 1"?3, Ir. (Iladstone bavug offered bis resignation on aiKount ot bis fulling eyeslitht. Lord Itosebery had occupied tbe position ot foreign secretary In Mr. Gladstone' cabinet and bad been prominently considered for ten years past s the probable successor to Mr. Ulad stone In the leadership of the Liberal party when tbe time for the retirement of that gen tleman should come, Tbe courso ot tbe new government on the subject ol home rule was by no means satis factory to tbe Irish members of parliament and their support of tliecoverntni'ut on many measures ever since bus been grudlngly given. The Scotch member, slso.were mauy of them dlssatlslled wltb the attitude of the government towards Scotch measures. The Irish member were estranged by the propo sal of the govornineut to erect statue of Oliver Cromwell at Westminister. The failure ot the government ha been considered Inevltab e tor over a year and It bas only been a question whether It should come In adlssolution of parliament and nn ap peal to the country, or In resignation, as has proved the esse. It la officially announced that the Marquis ot Salisbury lias accepted the tak of form ing a new Cabinet. Convervntlve aireut throughout tbe country have received official notice to preparo fur an Immediate dissolu tion ot I'arlliimeut. A RISING TIDE. Cuainest In Some Branches Larger Than Ever Befure. From all part of tho United State the best advices tell ot a rising tide ot trade and Industry which threatens here nnd there tc mount too fur and too fast. Tho volume oi all business I ly no means eiiuul to that ol l'J2 as yet, tuougb In tome lmportaul branches larger than In that or any othei year. Two inlluencc of tremendous powei contribute to tbe rise -vucouriiKlug crof, new aud conlldent replenlhbinir of 'Stocki which bave been for two yunrs depleted to the utmost. Tbe rush for supplies In Iron and steel re semble a "bear panic" In tbe stuck market, llecause priori are mounting everybody bur nrs to buy, so that they mount higher. Itesse nier Iron ha reached tVi.Hi at I'lttstiurtr the bar association has advanced common to 1.15; the wire nail association put Ito price to $1.80 per keg; the tieel rail tusker have raised the price to til; eustern aud Southern furnace bave both raised prices again 60 cent per ton; structural beams are tl.aio, and angle $l.Vc. It Is undeniable that works In operation are crowded wltb orders, and others who bave been Idle for years nre preparing to re sume. At the same time the most potent cause for tbs upward start In prices - the general bollef that combination of coke pud dueers wonld raise the price to tl 50 after July 1 Is apparently removed by war among tbe producers aud a tall of tl 2b In contracts tor the lost halt of 18'JS. Failures for tbe week have been 22H In the I'nlted States, aualust 211 last your, and 31 In Canrtda, against 2i last year. Though speoulatloujis lacking in breadth, and Is to large extent professional in char acter, it contluues to thow decidedly bullish tendences. Tbe principal cause wblcn sup port this tendency are the better crop pros pect and the incipient boom In tbe iron and tterl industry. Favorable railroad earning are also a sustaining InHuence In speculation Wall street practically Ignores the fact that exchanue I at the gold-shipping point. II relic wltb confidence on the determination nnd ability ot the lielmont-Morgun syndicate to prevent withdrawals. THE WORLD'S W. C. T. U- The Convention Called to Order by France E. Willurd. The third annunl convention of the World's Womuu's Christian Temperanco I'ulou, open ed In Queen's hull. London, a'. 9 3J a. m. with a prayer inetlug, led by Mrs. Churles Archi bald, president of the Maritlmo I'rovlucc W. C, 1. I'., ot Oi nil' I a. At 10 a. m, tliu conven tion wan called lo order by tho president, Miss Frances E. Willurd. The roll .all of of. tidal members followed, nnd then cumo thu uppolutinent of committees on credentials, courtesies. Iln.tnces and resolutions. Then followed the report of the Exe,;utivn committee, the address of welcome by I .a ly Henry Somerset, president of tho Itntish Woman's Temperance Association, and the slnniiik' of " There are Hands uf Kibhon Mute," by the Wblto ilibbou choir of Sol voices. Miss Willurd then addressed the meeting. The reports of the diffcrentsiiperlnteu louts were delivered aud at midday thuro wero prayers led by Mrs. Elizabeth Sulmer, presi dent of the b'jumark W. C. T. V. of Copeu button. The prayers were followed by a memorial service lu honor of "Our i'rotnoted Comrades," the memorial belnt; delivered by Miss Francos E. Willurd. Later In tbo day tbe report of Miss Alice (iullck. of San Sobas tlau, spuln, formerly of Dostou, Mn., was presented. The superintendent of tho Sun day school department recommended that the W. C T. I" throughout the world iiuuo In an effort to make tne last iua'tur.y tern, peruuee Sunday of In'ji, which falls ou No vember VI, a special temperance day, not ouly iu the Sunduy schools, but iu tbo churches as well. COKE PRODUCTION. Big Boom In the Past Week. Idlo Ovon to be Fired. Tbe past week experienced a big boom In tho coke trade aud it is asserted that by July 1 tbe conditions will be as good as they weru Murch 1 when the big slutrp beuu. There is very littlo coke lu the yards and the operators are preparing to fire up Idlo ovens lu order to meet the increasing douiaud The Frick compauy will lire mis week .10 ovens at EukIu, 20 at Frick, 60 at Lelceuriug No. 3, 100 at Sluudard, 'M a: Summit, 4U at White and all at Tip-Top. Jiy Juiy 1 tbore will be 15,000 oveus lu operation. The production Increased 345 ton last week and all tbe miues made ubout five aud one ball days. This week tbey are sched uled for a six days run. Tbe sbipmeiu lu iu car iucreased 100 In a total uf j,M'.i, di iribuled as follow: To I'uuburg aud river points, a, 420 cars, an Increase of 85 curs; to points west ot i'iltsburg 3,815 car, au in crease of 155; to points east ot Everson 1,5U4 S decrease ol I2i cars. it is confidently predicted that the price of cuke will r. ach 1.60 pea ton by July 1. The Friok company bas commenced work on the new car shop si Evorson. Nolo Contender. Tbe case ot Oovernor Daniel II. Hasting aualnst ex-Llstrict Attorney Fraucis J. O Couuor for tuaklnu defamatory remark aouceruiUK the governor dunuu the l-st Kuberuatoriul cumpuigu came up for trlul at Elieusburg, I'u., and whs concluded by the Uelouduut withdrawing bis plea of not guilty and outuriug a plea ol nolo contendere, by agreement of couusel, aud under Instruc tion ot the court, Hie Jury reudered a ver dict for the plalutill aud assessed tbo d urn aye ut f 3,000. THE REPUBLICAN CLDB3. M'ALPIN ELECTED. The New Torker Chosen President of the Club League. The eatloaal convention of republican ;lul held a three days session at Cleveland, O, Its commlttoe on resolutions consisted ol IS sliver men sod 31 anti-silver men. Tho lub-commlttee of 11 to draft resolutions to ubmit to tho full commit two bad only 2 sil ver men Dubois, ot Idaho, and Allen of I'tah. After nlt-nUht and alt-day consideration ol tbe silver question by the sub-committee, a report was submitted to the full Committee on Itesolutluos -it the Kepublicau Club League couventlon. The full committee hi ml tuch divergence of opinion that II went lack to first principles, and left tho duty of formulating a platform to the ltepubllean national convention. This action is based on nn article of the Icattun constitution. which provides that the leaitue shall not meddle In any way witb tho affairs which come proper ly within the province ot the party conven tion. lu accordance with this provision the com mltto prepared a report to be submitted to the couventlon, which reads as follow: "Whereas, Section 1J of the constitution of tbe Icngue lays: 'This leairuo shall not in any manner endeavor to Inlhieuce the action of atiyMitioual. state, county, or municipal convention,' the del(ntcs hereby renew tlielr allegiance to the principles of tbo liepubllciin party, and pledge their let eflorts f.ir the success of the candidate ol that party, lie lieving that this convention has no Instruc tions Ir.'tn the Hepubllcans ol tho I lute 1 States, under our constitution, to fraiun or euunclate ( arty platforms, we hcrvdy refer all resolution' In relation to public question to tho ltc ubllcnn national convention of l":iii, with eutiro eoiilldencn that Its action will redound te the prosperity of the people and tho continued glory aud ndvunceiuont of the country." 1 his report wa presented by ex-Sonat"r John Pat'.on, of Mu'iiUan, formerly of lVnn ylvanla, who Is a strong advocate of bl metallsMi on the lines laid dowu by Senator J hn Sherman, and whs acceptu 1 with unani mity by the cummlttei-. The sub-couiiulttee bad formulated a platform which was almost equally us mild us tli" resolution II mi II y adopted. It reaffirmed tbo platform of the Minneapolis c .invention, und the national resolutions adopn 1 at former national con vention of the leagce. This included a ro affirmation of the reso lutions adopted by tho league at Denver, In whlcb the sliver men were clveu a little comf.-rt. The silver men, however, insisted that this was ton roil I for them, and as nothing but .1 resolution of the 1'opuiist brand would sillily them, thnslnt plan was adopted. Tho sound money men ould have won out at any stago of the ,rame, but a slap at silver would certainly bave resulted in a minority report. On motion of Hobert Lindsay of 1'lttsburg, the rules were suspended In order to pro ceed with the election of officer. Thi was carried and (ieueral McAlpiu, of New York, wat elected president of Iho league by acclamation, tut the convention adjourned without completing the organization on ac count of tbo lateness ot tbe hour. AN INDIAN CELEBRATION. Four Thousand of Them Expected to Assemble July 4. (Sreat preparations are being uiadu by the Indian ol the Crow reservation lor a re union of nil tho tribe lu the northwest on July 4 and 5. At least 4,000 Indians are ex pected to take part lu the celebration of the nation's birthday. For several year past tho Crow Indians have been holding their i.n nual reuniou on the Fourth. I be war de purtmeut bas intimated that the annual gath ering of the red men ou the nation's natal day, even though for tbe purpose of col" brating tho Independence of tbe I'nlted States then promulgated, Is riot conducive to any betterment of their condition. The Indians learning of tho opposition of the (ireat (utt er, l'f'-idi'tit ( levelabd, nro Ratlieriiig lu largo numbers for July 4. be lieving that this may bo their liit oppor tunity to got together and enjoy themselves In their own way, and so tin y urn going to make a demonstration, eating soup, indulge lu the burbnric and seml religiuus duuees, and generally have a high old time. It will be ono of the most Interesting gatherings held iu years, and the rreat'-st preparations are being made by the ( rows to take care of their brethren, not only of I'lue llldge agency, but of all others throughout : ho northwest. GREAT CORN CTOP. Kansas Frcinlsos to t'xeeed the Largout Crop Ever Produced. Secretary t'obuiu of tho state ngriculturitl board, lias Issued bis report on tho crop con dition", based on report from ueiirly every township iu tho state. It shows t marvelous Improvement iu all crop conditions and bright prospects. A million uud it bail acres of wheal will be ,'ut, the average yield being be taoeu eight uud nine bushels to th acre. It is iu com. the crop overshadowiu; In acreage value und importance any other which K nil produces , where the statu now promises to exceed by fur tho best of Its previous records. LIGHTNING AND DYNAMITE. Temblo Explosion at Tunneltown, W. Va- Two Men Shocked. Near Tunnletou, lightning struck a dyua njlte muguzino. An uvvful explosion follow ed. 'Tho explosion occurred ut u stouo quar ry uear lluck llorn wall, on the iliiltimoro A Ohio railroad, nnd tuny result in two deaths, A workman had attached uu eb-otrbj lattery to several dynamite blasts nail hud them ruady to discharge. A bolt of lightning struck tho wlie uud prematurely exploded the dynamite. Polph Mc b-ker, the quarry boss, wu throw u several feet mi l badly Wounded nboiil Iho head uud chest, uud Stephen (linger was Injured severely uud badly shocked by tbu lightning. Neither aro expected to live. J. iey aru married mou uud Liuvo families. No Lives Loat. A dlf astrou freight wreck occurred cn the Pennsylvania ltullroad, ten mile west of Huntingdon, 1'a., at au early hour Thursday morning, resulting In the blouklng ot both trucks aud tbe destruction ol two euglues nnd 35 cars. A train that bad been side-tracked waa cent on Ibe main track lu Irout ol au approaching easlbouud train through tho carelessness of an operator. All trulllo was suspended for eight hours. Two tramps, who were tteallug a ride on oue of the truins, were caught lu tbe wreck and probubly fatal ly Injured. Pottery WaN Advanced. The sanitary pottery manufacturer lu Wheeling gave tbeirmeu notice uf au iucreasu lu wages of 10 to 40 per ceut. according to tbe slue of the urtioie manufactured, 'i bis U In accord witb tbe action of Truuton. N. J , potteries. Several new hop are being placed to work'oy one firm. , Bobbers in a Bauk. Tbe Hank ut Itniny Lake City, Minn., wat robbed by two masked men. Oue engaged Cashier Ilutlor' attention, while the olbui came up behind aud bit ou the bead, (tun ning him. About 1 0,000 was seoured sud tb.uo 1 no clew to tbe robber. Hllttlng a TTorae's Nostril. Slitting a horse's nostrils Is still prno Uccd In some parts of the worlil. nn In Tersta, Mongolia, and even in Northern Africa: and ponies with slit nostrils are often seen in the Himalayas aud In Af ghanistan. This mutilation Is resorted to In the erroneous belief that the horse ran Inhale more sir when going at n fast pnoo, nnd aluo thnt It prevents neighing a disqualification of ninth Importance during w-nr. or when It Is desirable to travel as silently as possi ble. It was practiced In Hungary not Ions; ago, If we are to ticrept ns evi dence the copy of n finished sketch of a horse's head, by tho celebrated Zof fanl, given In Col. Hamilton's work on horses. It In rather surprising thnt the fashion was not renewed In Englnad, for two or three centuries ago, to pre vent a horno neighing. It was recom mended to tie n woolen band around tho tongue. Mnrkhnm enys: "If either when yoti are In service In the wars nnd would not be discovered, or when upon nny other occasion you would not havo your horse to nelgli or make a nolso, you shall take a lyste (band) of woolen cloth, nnd tye It fast In many folds about the middle of your horse's tongue, nnd believe It, so long ns tho tongue Is so tyed, so long the horse can by no means neigh or make nny extraordinary noise with his voice, ns hnth often been tried ntnl approved of." A very barbarous nnd useless) opera tion for the prevention of Httitnliltng In horses was fashionable townrd the end of the seventeenth nnd beginning of tlto eighteenth centuries; this was the ex posure of the tendon of a muscle that assists In diluting the nostril, ami twisting It round two or three times, when It Is divided. "In doing this you shall seo the horse bring his hinder legs to his fore legs almost, when you have thus pulled nnd turned the sinew two or three times." Such a statement will give some Idea of the pain the animal experienced during the senseless operu tlon. The Nineteenth Century. Too Strong. The tobacco raised lu Itoloochlstan Is exceedingly strong und cannot be smoked by any but the most vigorous of white men. The tiulrvvs do not ap pear to be u fleeted by It. After a woman lias been in love tbree or four times, her heart becomes pit. rifled. 9 fji J s ei f COOK BO Titina in of our silver Every housekeeper ',';t things to eat. and 1 paper "The Royal B-ramo Contains One thoiui j it in 1 j r . little every K.1110 01 cuuki Rudmani, New-Yc,1, Free by mail. Add- mentioning this pap 1 UOYAL ISA KIN' , 1 nev tint) 111 111 f the India. 1.. 1: . ', $ ' $ $' fr 'l ':,; i d it is Not Ho Convenlrnr. Collll riivslrlans indor e Ki ( n- Tubules hv pru'll it Jerlbing the reiui-die, ih v loni.tni, but il . form not nn niuveult-iit, liii-xiniisivu uud kc l'' turale um lu lupuuii 1 ubulej, 1 will Mr. Wlnslovv's -iMithliig Sv run f-r i hlMreti teel bllig. sotlelis ItieguiiiK. iiitue'S iiilintui t it'll. iuia pain , i ures vv Hid l ohc. Jjc. a bot The floriculturists of New York met and organized a trust to Control the Uower Uu of the city. I-r. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot nires till Kidney and I'.bobler Iroiibles. i'lilllplilei nnd eoli-ultatioti free. baboratoi'Y iuiigbauiplou, N.V. Tho Pirlgo Telepono Coiiipany has sold out to tbe liell telephone monopoly. If afflicted with mreeyesuse lr. l-uic T!ioiii on' lite-water, lu uugists sell at per bottlo We itiluk PUo'H rare f..r I'eiisiniip'l tbe only medicine lor I'mitli. - .Iivmi. IIAlib, -plillgllel I, Ills . tl, t I 1, l-.ll 1'ISk- Work begins this week of tearing down tho rookeries ou "Muiberry lien, I," in New iorli, lor the new public park. OTHHRS; ti -covi ring from : the Ulnis-; at- tiinlitig cliilil biith, or wlioMif- I for from the cf- fci'tsof lliMlllll rs, tie ra n ce me it t s und ilif.pl a ce ment!; of the wo manly organs, will fitnl relief ami a permanent cure in Dr. Pierce's I'avorite Prescription. Taken limine; pregnancy, the "Prescription" HAKUS CHILDBIRTH HA5Y by preparinij the system for parturition, thus assisting Nature ami shortening "labor." The painful ordeal of fliihl birth is fobbed of its terrors, ami the dangers thereof greatly lessened, to both mother and child. The period of con finement is also jyreatly shortened, the mother strengthened and built up, nnd an abundant secretion of nourishment for the child promoted. V S V in mm, 11 Don't Hide Your Llsh! Under a Bushs!." Thai's JjsI Why na Talk About APOL A Mare From HovIicoJ. ("rem fn J?! Wing, JAnn., Jirpublienn y "l sm now tweuty-rour years old," said ! F.dwln Swsnson, of White Rock, Coolhue County, Minn., to a Hrpu'i'.ican repr senia tive, "and ss you can see lam not very large ' of stature. When I was eleven years old I ' became afflicted wj!h s si"'n"ss which baf fled the skill nnd knowledge of the physician. I was not taken suddenly III but ou the con trary I can hardly s'ntetli ciat tlir.ewhea It begun. The flr-d symptoms w"ro rniln In my back and rcstloj i.ight.'. Tim disc e ! Old not trouble Ibe much at first, bu: It seemed to have sett led In my body to s.y nnd my litter experb n-n during the lust i thirteen years proved that to be the case. I , wa of course a child and never dream 1 of tho suffering In store for me. I c.i'np;.Vnil to my parents nnd they concluded 1 1 : . t in tint" I would outgrow my trout. c. but vvlieu tbey heard ni groaning during my i.eoj j they became fbnrniighly nlarmed. M.-I,al i advice was sought but to no avail; I grew rapidly woesn and wn unn uruiMii to move about aud (trinity hivum" cotitined centum ally to my I ed. The l.isst do. -tors thi.t culd be liml were consulted, but did nothing for nut. I tried various kinds of extensively s i- vertlsed patent ini-dlclues with but the rame result. "For twelve long years I was thus a suf ferer In constant agony without respite, abscesses formed on my body In rapid suc cession and the W'-rld Indei'd looked very dark to me. About this lion- when nil h .'pe Was gone and nothing seemed left t ut I re sign myself to niv nn t latter fate mv u". en Don was called t'o Jr. Williams' l'lii t ill for l'ale people. I.Ike a drowning man grasping nt a straw, iu slu ci desj ration I eon eluded to ninke. one more atte-i.pt m l t re gain my health ( I il.uo in t to hope so much) but If possible t i rasciny pain. "t bought a bov ot tb't pills nnd t'v Seen.ed t'i do me gMd. 1 felt ene ur i,-ed and continued their ue, Alter tai.lt.i-- six boxes 1 was up and able to walk r ir 1 the house. I have in t felt So Well for llil.ieen years as during the red year, bu y one year huve taken I'r. Williams' I'mi t ills and 1 am at le i.ow to do chop and atuud to light I'utie--. "llo ( be.ititte to l"t Veil publish Went I lave snhtir Why 'should 1 It Is the truth and I am only too glad to let other suf ferers know my experience. It may help those whose eup id misery is as lull to-day as mine was in the n-t." lr. Williams' l ink Fills contain, In a con densed form, all the elements ueces-nry to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are n.so a specific for troubles peciill-irtu females, n,icb ns f oppressions. Irregularities and all I inn of weakness. Thevlulld up the blood, uud restore the glow of health to pale mid sa'low cheeks. Iu men they effect a ra lical cure In nil cases arising from mental worry, over vork or e.v eves of whatever nature. I'mk Fills are S'dd In t'oies (never In loose bulk at Ml cent a box -or six boxes for I 'J.'e, and may be hud of all druggists, or dire.-; by mail from Pr. Williams' Mediciijo Con ..uy, r-chelieetildv. N. V, es ell. rts - r ss -s s A rX " T .!? V V.. T .....?.?.. inports iiih Mtivr us i-rent an annual ii l.lttiou to H7;5 til their Hbi;'k of lIletiiMio furrenev. ")llli'iul tn.iiii t in- wt-ttistie's kIiow Unit in the KoM-Htiiiiiliinl emiu tries of tho world the atneks of money aro niiicli larger lu r eanilu than in n.. Milver-hlaiidar.l eountries. Tukiii-r tho large Kold-htatiilar.l c iiintries and tho large hilv. r-tan,liir.l eounfrii s, it ears that in ls. tho ht.iek of iinmey HI tho I'liited r'.utoH was over jJ'J.I jie't eapitu, in the LuitoJ Klti7..tu i.earlv -!i, an.l in tlermimv licarfv S !l wbib. '- . , :. .djifs was l.,i,i lv tssiii utiil rmlaiuj !.",. an. j C'liitiaSI.'J'!. Tlie golil-stau l,r l e .im tries uso largo ainotmti of ailvcr a mon.y, but tho hiker-Man, lar. I eotin- larger tries use no g, Us i.iiii'y, atbloantiot to su for tho reasons Ji;lVo alreuly .n leavoreil to iilain. Hut, gentlo men, for the reasons nlrcu.lv htatml. infry 7.',- ie-al uiu eoiiiin. rcial .Natimn of tho worl.i lo not now re, tiiro the Natin- iirojior tion of metallic money in the transao tioti or their Imsiiiess that they ro- liliroil il few feuluries iiD, r ,.VcU one century ago. ('relit has been vastly L'Xteii.lcl rin.l tho use of paper in the form 0f notes, checks nn,l bills has almost entirely iltsplaceil metallic luoiiev in the ,l,lv business of tho poiipl,., uu.l in K.ug u!s tlioho forms of credit an; kept opinl iu Valuo to the metallic sfuii laiil, the ef fect upon the prices of comiiio.lit les is precisely the Hiune as if tho whole vol ume of circulation i'iiiwi.1 1 ,.t ti.... 1 ItlCUIbUI UIOOUVCIJi DONALD KENNEDY, OF RCIBURY, MASS., Bas dls,'nvrd in ona of our commoa pasture wds a romady that ours every tint c! Jfumor, from th worst Bcroful Sown to a common pluipla. lie bas tried It lu over eleven bundrsd ruses, aud never failed eicept In twooaw (both thunder humor), lis bu now Is bis possession ovr two hundred certlt Cites of its vaius, all within twenty mils Of lloston. Send postal card for book. A Is-nellt laalwaysnxperlenead fromths frst bottle, and apsrla. t cure Is warrauUd hen the right iiiuntlty Is taksn. Whnu the luugs are atTentn 1 It causa hooting pains. Ilk needles passing through them . the tains with th Liver Sr Howels. This is cancel by th ducts being stopped, and alwnys disappears tu m reek after taking It. Ilea l th laboL If tho stomach Is foul or bilious It will Snufie s.iie!i,lsh feelings at llrst. No change wf dint ever aecessury. Eat the best you can get, und enough of It, Iioss, ons talilenpoouful in w itaf at bed tlai'J. bold bv ml Dru.vlsts, L EWIS' 98 So LYE Powdered and Perfumed. (PA TUN TBU.) Th lfrmwt unit pur it LYB tnvlt 1'iiltkt' iilh r I.. It bricm itu xvl.r itntl .t-ktNi la m vim muh reinuvHhlf ul, tho ormonta tu tivf.i ifsviy fr ut. Will mk tu hral isfrruiiifXi Mrd hyn 1 M ntnutt without tutiltnij, m lhr brsti for i'lttis)lu w nil pi en, dl lurUii lnk, rhssii, waahtmf l'fcfHA.fAI(T rvK.. CO., mrOR PttARAT WOHK Mill mr4 Chronsya Mi tvsMif iH'H4'ttt. lur I 1 Agency u ,) sjuj. DAVIS CREAM SEPARATORS lu I riMi svitl iissvli iuch. Du t.i mm horn'm U Itaa numKar of thli lturnl Anuthar mm m.,m K I (siriursxl vui. Mtanwlillt, writ lur Htniuw iJu i ritMi Book Praa. UaVi hAhklN bl.in aHU CO.sool tuucclurr.t w.iAtm ,CiUcssa I -- J s'lJ-'i" 1 J!-? I-- -"-S.lil. tsi-' vr-