The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 13, 1895, Image 2

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    .V iN rjM
, i
Lditur aril Proprietor
MlddlolMirgh, I'll., Juno 13. lx'.if-.
i "
Tbo nnntiril interest on tbo National
debt of Franco in 8370,000,000.
' The National l lt of Gnat Iiritain
union tits to rnthtr mora than 8100 for
each iniinliitatit.
Tli Pari (lun Company pays tbo
city 81,0,"0,000 n your for its monop
oly uml declare a twenty-five per
cent, dividend.
In tlio UuitcJ States H,3u5,000 fam
ilies own bonicH frc from encum
lirnnrp; l,:t."0,0(IO families own homes
iint'ticniul'ircd, and f, ".15, J families
pay rent.
' 'Tbo Supreme Court of Missouri says
tb at no (Irnnd Jury has thu riRiit to
inspect a ballot liox, nit tbo secrecy of
tlio lmllot is tmcrcd even from tLe
criminal courts.
Massnehiifetts, llboilu Island and
New York bnvo tbo largest avernpto
tiumlier ot persons to a bouse, each
lionso in the.xo States Laving more
tban nix occupants.
A pretty ami poetic suggestion is
nmdo in tbo New York Advertiser to
btlp tbo fund for tbo F.dgnr Allen Too
monument in lialtimore. It is to cul
tivate rosea on tbo poet's jjravo nnd
fccll them nt funcy price.
Tbero is a man in Loudon wbo
makes a good living by keeping care
ful lints of tbo names and addresses of
wealthy people. Ho furnishes these
names ui ;.j a tiiouwiml to begging
letter writers, promoters of com
panies, mailers of eirculurs, advertise'
incuts, etc.
According to tbo Courier-Journal
tbo President of tbo Keutueky Fun
eral Directors' Association proposes
that thoso of his calling should coaso
to etylo thoinselvos "Undertakers," or
even "Funeral Uiroctors," and should
adopt tbo euphomistio disguise of
The Russian Courts have reverted
. ; " -'' ' "' T;"ri-
Luual that when a husband and wife
are drowned in tho same disaster, the
wife dies first. The Russian doctors
Lave testified unanimously that tho
man would bo tbo first to die, because
the woman is moro agile and keeps
Ltrsclf afloat longer.
It ia estimated that tbo annual in
oorao of tho inhabitants of tbo United
Kingdom is not less tbau 8",000,0C0,.
000. Of that amount SSOO.OOO.OOO is
credited to houses aud lands. Foreign
and colonial investments aro credited
with S"O0,000,O00, nnd tbo remaining
83,500,000,000 is taken as tbo annual
inconio of tbo industrial activity of
Great Lrituin. Tho average is
per head of tbo population.
Tho world has yet to bear fully cf
tho timber and mineral wealth hidden
in npursoly settled mountain counties
of Virginia and West Virginia, main
tains tho Now York Sun. Hero a
hardy raoo of mountaineers has long
dwelt abovo tbo disturbuueecs of tho
valleys, defiant of revenuo officers, un
acquainted with luxury, and ecaicely
euspecting tho natural wealth with
which they are surrounded.
An Ionia (Mich.) man, after a half
dozen years of experimenting, has
perfected a model of a postal cur that
will uttain a speed of two hundred
tuilcs an hour uud is designed by tho
inventor to carry mail between tbo
principal cities of tbo country. Tho
car is to bo thirty-three feet long, aud
to run on n steel elevated truck eight
een feet above the ground. It is esti
mated tho road will cost 810,000 a
mile. The cur is provided with an
npratus for picking up aud throw
ing olT mail automatically.
A judgment of no little importance
to truvclcrs has just been delivered by
tho Paris Court of Appeal, announces
tho Ban Francisco Argouant. A
1'retich lady was staying ut a hotel
with her child, when the latter was
taken ill with scarlatina. The land
lord endeavored to evict her, and the
encrgetio intervention of a doctor was
seeded to prevent a removal which
might have been attended with fatal
results. A claim for damages esti
mated at three Hundred dollars was
then put forward by the proprietor,
and when the court before which tho
case was brought decided against him.
be appealed. The Conrt of Appeal has
also pronounced againat the hotel
That was a Expected but His Successor.
Caused Astonishment.
The place Inft vacant at the President'
cabinet by the di'ntb ot Judgo (lersbam wi
filled t jr the transfer ot Attorney Oeneral
Olney to tbe secretaryship ot state, while
Judge Judson Harmon, ol Cincinnati was se
lected by tbe president to succeed Mr. Onley
as head of tbe department of juttle. Tbe
latter appointment came as a completo sur
prise to everyone hern, and It Is believed that
tbe attorney-generalship was tendered to
Judge Harmon, only tliut day.
The selection ot tb Cincinnati man is gen
ernlly attributed to the Influenoe ot Hocretary
Carlisle, of whom tbo new attorney-general
Is au old frlnd and associate. It shows one
mote tbe reliance with which the president
places In tbe Judgment of his secretary ot the
It is believed tbat the atterney-goneralshlp
was llrst offered to two or three eminent
New York lawyer, wbo did not care to re
linquish tbeir vastly remunerative practices
In order to assume tbe more arduous duties
of chief law officer ot tbe government for
tbe comparative iuslgnillcaat salary of tH.OOO
a year.
Mr. Harmon was for a long time Judge of
the common pleas court, aud ia about Ml
yean of ago, and one of tbe most conaplciT
ous lawyer in tbe west. Upon the retire
ment of ex-Uoveroor lioadly from bis Cin
cinnati II rm on bl removal to New York, Mr.
linrmon took his place at tbo bead of tbe firm
ol Harmon, Colston, (kildstnltb 4Y Hoadlv.tbe
lat named being the son of ex-Uovernoi
U oadly, of Ohio.
Judge Harmon is not only recognized as
one of tho foremost lawyers and jurists of
this state, but I one of tbe most popular
ciil.ens. He was born near Cincinnati 4 'yean
ago, has always lived there, and is known by
all. Ills lather, Jlev. li. r. Harmon, was a
Baptist minister, well known throughout tbe
Ohio valley. Judge Harmou graduated at
I icntson university, a Baptist institution, at
tlrsnvillo, ()., in InTiO, and began tbe practice
of law In Cincinnati In IHu'J.
Ho was a llepublicau till 1873, whei he
Oreeleyisr.nd. lie was elected superior judgo
in IH1H, re-elected In 191, and wnen ex-(lov-ernor
(ieorge lioadly went to New York, In
Is7, Judge Harmon resigned from the bench
to become the head of tbe firm of Harmon,
Colston, Uoldamlth A lioadly, which repre
sents several railroad aud other corpora
tions, aud wttn which firm he will continue
bis connection. When Judge Harmon re
signed In iss7, Governor Foraker appointed
Judgo William Tuft, now United Mate
circuit judge, aud formerly solicitor-general
to tbe vacuuey.
Meeting of the Pennsylvania State Pro
hibition Convention,
representatives ot tbe rrohlbltionlsts of
Peantylvania met In annual stata convention
at the New llratid Opera House PltUburg on
tbeCth. Ktnte Chairman II. D. Tattoo, of
Philadelphia, presiding. D. R. Sherry, edi
tor of tbe Chester "iesua," of Delaware
county, was made temporary chairman.
Mayor McKenna welcomed the delegates.
Colonel llaln, tbe Kentucky temperance ora
tor, followed tbe mayor, and be In turn gave
way to National Chairman Wckey, of Mlen
gau. Itev. J. A. Bailey, ol Lawreaoe county, was
eboeon twranent chairman. J W. Vloker
V,,, . f Allegheny, and J - McCouneil
and F. P. Herskberger, of . .Iseurtr.wera
placed on the state coulral committee Co rep
resent Allegheny county. ' Just twfore the
noon adjournment tbe committee on resolu
tions rotired.
Tbe report of Treasurer Kpangler was made.
Since January 1, lH'A the total receipts
amounted to l,34!i.!U i tbe expenses were
1. 247.114, leaving a balauce of ttf7.!7.
hisretuty 11. L. Castle, of tbe platform
committee, announced tbat the committee
had reported upon, two of tbe resolution to
bo Incorporated In the platform. One recom
mended the general adoption Of tho eight
hour dav. The other was on tbe silver tiuus
tlon. there being a majority report favoring
tree coiuuge, and a minority report opposing
It. I letiates occupied the balance of tho uf
teruoou sefslon, and ')oth reports were dually
laid upon tho table. All ot tho other reso
lutions wcrfl adopted, as follow:
l'or the total mppreMlou of the llipior
tralllc; the protection ot Sunday as a day ot
n-xt; grunting the rights ut nulTrage to wo
men: better educatioual facilities In the pub
lic schools and opposing State appropriation!
to MVturmi; m'IiooIk: oxtending tlio period of
imtiiralizatlon of all forelgunri to six vears;
opposing all trusts and combiiKM, aud set
tling nil dlspu'es between capital and labor
bv iirbitnition: adiustmeiit of till tariff iiuch-
ti'on by a nou-partihnu Comintsslou vested
with nececsary powers; union ot all reform
parties; that tbe President, Ylce-l'rosideni
stid r nited State Senators be elected tiy the
direct vote of the people; representation of
all political parties In legislative uouiee in
proportion to tlio vote ot each pMrty; govern
ment control of railroad, telegraph and tele
phone lines nud pui llo road, and opposing
IndlHcrlinlunto foreign Immigration.
When tbo preamble was read the omission
of tho name of Christ us tho ruler of all na
tions gavo rise to a lengthy debate, wbleli
undeii in inserting the name.
There was no contest over the nomination
for slate Treasurer. Judge llrlggs, of Phila
delphia, named W. H. llerry, of Chester, and
Itiu choice was maue oy aucinuiuuon.
Bultan Refuses to Acknowledge the
Right of the Powers.
The reply of tho Turkish government to
tbo notes of tho representatives ot Circa1
llritnin, France nnd ItUHHia, in regard to I lie
proposed reforms in Armenia, has been de
livered to the envoys. The porte's answer
It uot satisfactory. The Turkish government
does not agree to tho principle of the oouirol
of the propused relorin by the powers. Af
ter receiving tbo reply the envoys of the
three powers held u meet lug, at which
they decided to reler tbo wbol
mutter to their respective governments.
'Ihe position is serious, us last week the
Ilnti.-u embassy Informed tho ports that
lirent I'.ritlun had resolved uot to accept any
modillcutiou ot the propositions uilecting re
forms lu Armenia, uud tbe representatives ol
tbe other powers Interested have inude the
sume declaration to tbe porta
Tho reply of the lurkisb government
causes surprise and it is tuouht tbat such uu
answer would not have been given without
eucouragemeut from some European power,
llut the preseuoe of the llritisb Meulterratieau
sipuadrou, consisting of seventeen ships, ut
lieirut. points to an agreement between
Oreut Itritian, France and Hussia to fores
Turkey to comply with tbe demands of the
powers. Consequently Interesting new may
suortly be flashed from Beirut, Syria, where
it It believed the lirltith fleet will be called
upon to support tbe demands of tho three
Two Hundred Killed.
An nfltnUI ilUi.Htch received from Ilerr
nti...,..r il... ui.veriior of the Cameroon
district ot tlerman West Africa, anuounoes stores ueultug In more tbuu oue ciuse of
there has beeu severe lighting with tbe rebel- goods, aud to declare department stores
lious llokoko tribes. Four of the strongholds uuUauoea and close them. Tbe peualty Is
of tbe rebels have been storaiod by the tier- ' ed at a line ot to to 20 for eauu day uun
man coloulal troops, 200 tribenuen were Illegal business is uialutuiuud. The bills were
killed aud many others captured. On the read aud ordered to second reading.
side of the Germans 12 colonial soldiers were ' an
killed aud 47 wounded, la the list ol casual- Tbe Year Book of the Agriculture Depart
ties there are no German. tneut Is In type.
Dun's Review of the Condition of Com
merctal Affairs.
The tide ot business Is rising; even as It
was falling Just two years ago, with surpris
ing rapidity. Tbe gain has gone so far and
fast in some branches tbat the more confer,
tatlve tear it may not be maintained. liut
Ihe period of dullness which ?ome in eacn
market after an unusual rise, brings as yet
noti lug like a corresponding decline. In
dustries vain much, bait or fall back a little,
ind then gain once more. The demand for
consumption steadily Increases as the em-
I lovineiit and wnges of the people!lnerease,
eniHOd for money expand, one Lank re.
porting 2'J per cent larger In tbe discounts
tor the country, ami another 23 per cent
more commercial loans than a year ago, and
all but two report some gain.
The serious question remains, whether the
crop will be full enough to susiaiu a large
busiucf. Hut tbo worst reports today are
better by far tbau the estimate recently cur
rent. Wheat rose il cents, fell bark U with
realising and has again risen 3, with a west
ern estimato of a crop HO.OO ,,0o0 bushels
smaller than lost year. It 1 perilnemt to re
member tbat ofllcial and most unolllcial re
port, down to a late period lat fall, put tbe
yield about H0.0O0.OO0 bushels lower tban It
is kuown to bsve been. Western reteipt
were 'ilit.OOO bushels more than last year.xnd
In live weeks have been 7, i" 1, 0:1 1 bushels,
against C.lKll.GjO bushels last year, while
Atlantic expoits, flour Included, f.70,000 bush
els smaller for the week, have been, in five
weeks, 7, 7:is.H2M bushels, against 11.K45.47H
last year. '1 here is neither holding back by
farmers nor anxious basto In purchasing by
foreigners to support belief In scarcity.
Iron pushes upward, like the great build
ings Into which so much nf it goes, and tho
advance In llnlshed product bns become
geueral. Of structural steel 1 J.COJ tons were
turned out In May by the Homestead works,
break iiig the record, aud price rise to l.S
cents for l esms and 1 'J for angles. The
Kastern Itar association bos raised the price
of rcllned Iron to 1.1 cents and the Amalga
mated association demand of Pittsburg anil
western maker a change of wage, with 1.1
cents ns the basis. Coke produuers are said
to have substantially agreed upou sales by
an sgeney, nnu allotment ot tne output an.j
an advance In price to I 50 or higher.
Chicago works are in full operation, but
tho demand from agriuultural implement
makers lugs becuuse the c. unlug harvest is in
doubt, lin I weaker, with a rlso in the
world's visible supply to 'jr,f71 tons, about
five months' consumption, but copper I
stronger at lOftO for lake, aud lead is bighei
at 3.3 cents.
Failure (or the week have been l'J5 fot
the I'nlted State against Ub last year, and
25 In Canada against 40 last year.
All the Missionaries, their Familtea and
Households at Chengtu Killed.
A special dispatch from Shanghai say
that it is almost certuin tbat a massacre of all
the persons connected with tbe Kugllsb
French and American missions at Cbengts
has occurred. Neither men, women cot
children have been spared, according to the
report. It is admitted that telegrams have
been Intercepted by the government, tbe oh
iect being to conceal Ihe news ot tbe iimsca
ere. A French gunboat I on routo to Wuen-
chnng to Investigate the report.
Keport pubiisned about Japan's prepara
tion to occupy corea are raucn exaggerated,
Only small garrisons remain at seoul and a
few others points, and, even in respect to
these, ltussia will shortly require Japan to
III a date ol evacuation. It Is not expected
here that Japan will oner any serious dimcul
lie as regards compliances with this re
One of the principal provisions of the Shi
mouosekt treaty is tbat which afllrms tbe In
dependence of tbe kingdom ot Corea. As
ltussia has from tbe outset of tbe war pro
fessed herself desirous to see Corea unfetter
ed by outside control, it might be presumed
tbat she is uow doing no more tbau brlnglug
pressure to bear upou Japan to give vlTect to
her agreement with Chma by speedily evacu
niiug the country. It bus, however, been
biuteJ tbat Kussla is anxious to obtain a com
manding iuflueuae lor herself u the Coreau
peninsula. This view Is supported by recent
dispatches from Seoul, thu Corean capital,
that liokuyaeko, who has Just been nppoiuted
acting premier of Corea, has formed au ul
llaucu with the ltuslau minister.
Turkish Oovernment Has Prohibited
Food Supplies Oonig to Nostorisna.
The Turkish government, It Isclulmod, ha
just taken the preliminrry steps in what may
result lu a mnssacro ot Nestorian Christian
In tbe mountains of Kurdistan. It is assert
ed that the government bus given, orders to
starve the Independent tribes ol Nestorlnus
In the mouutalu region Immediately west ol
Onwar, which may be described as lying
about mldwuy between Mosul and Lake Van,
about 50 miles west of tho Persian frontier.
Thu orders, it Is stated, are tbat no food Ue
plies ot any kind shall be allowed to enter Ihe
territory ot tbo ludependout tribes, nud
measure are said to have been tuken to en
force these orders to tho letter.
This action Is apparently taken as a means
of compelling the Independent tribes to sub
mit to Turkish authority nud to pay the taxes
demanded by the Turkish government, aud
is regarded as the tlrst serious attsmpt tbat
the Turks have made to extort taxes from tbe
independent tribes, F'rom tho earliest times
in the history of tbe Ottoman empire these
tribes have been ludepeudeut o( Turkish
rule. They have paid no taxes, aud they
have acknowledged no allegiance to tbe
Turkish government.
They Ventured Into too Great Depth
of Water,
Seven girls wero bathing at Stump creek,
six miles from ruuxsiitawney, Pa., Saturday,
when Itosiu ltiiiier, aged 111, daughter of Will
lam Kimer; Coin Hugh, duughler of Harvey
Hugh, and Maggio and Sadie Anthony,
daughters of T. J. Anthony, caught baud
aud walked single file luto a washout 11 feet
deep liulow the dam aud were drowned before
assistance could reach them. A man passing
by a tbey weut lino the water told tbem ol
tbe hole nud be was uot out of sight uutll be
beard their screams, but could not reach
them In time to save tbem. After tbe girl
were taken from tho water every effort possi
ble wus made resuscitate them, but without
avail. Funeral services ot tbe four took place
In tbe Methodist KpUoopal eburob, at Dig
ltuu, Sunday.
Legislation Against Them Proposed In
Tbe Illinois senate committee which in
vestigated the department stores of Chicago,
ha reported, Tbe report Utterly coudemu
department stores, aud declares tbat strin
gent regulations will alone save tbe smaller
concerns lu Ihe city Irom being entirely
driven out of exlsteuce. Hills to this end
were presumed, empowering tbe city couucil
I to impose cumulative llueuse charges, on
Seventeen Lama Passengera of tha Col-
Una Land la 'Frisco.
Peveuteen of the survlvots of the Ill-fated
fated steamer Co.lma arrived In Ban Francis.
co on the Han Juan. When she docked, hun
dred of friends aud relative of those wbo
went down on the Colima were assembled,
waiting tbe landing of tbe passengers.
Groups of women with tearful faces and
knots of anxious men Implored every oue on
board for tiding of tbe lost, all hoping
against bops that there might bavo bceu
ome mistake In the dispatches anil some
name omitted amoug the saved. How keen
was their disappointment In tbe face of In
evitable assarauce that there was DO bop
was shown in their bitter lamentations.
On tbe uptier deck of the s'.oaiuer were a
few bappy people whose pleasure o uilraeted
sharply with the grief of tne bereaved. These
were tne friends of the survivors, who were
embraced and congratulated at tbeir miracu
lous rescue.
The 17 men saved from a watery grave
wben tbey bad given op all hoe of resniie
were a sorry looking party wbeu they ar
rived at the main docks. Home had their
arms in slings. The beads of others were
swathed In bandage. They limped as they
walked, aud tbeir bruise were plainly In
evidence. All were looking thin i n t weak
and ihowed plainly tbe effect of the terrible
strain during the tearful hours whoa tbey
waited for succor.
Tbe dories ot tbe survivors all confirmed
the telegraphic, account of the disaster.
Tbey agree tbat tbe cause of the foundering
was the top-heavy condition of tbe Colima
duo to her bulky devk load. From the be
ginning of the voyage south, they say, tbe
t earner acted badly and would not aniwer
ib i helm,
t he storm which sunk her wa encountered
about 9 o'clock Monday night. May 27. and
blew furiously during the next 14 hours.
Ihe vessel lost steerage way and swung
shoreward in tho teeth of a furious southeast
erly gale, wbeu she lay helplessly battered by
tbe tidal wave.
Tbe steamer lay helplessly on her side for
about IS minute aud tbeu tipped over aud
sank. The women and children were drown
ed in their state rooms, where tbey were
confined during the gale. Ihe passengers
wbo hud been on deck were thrown luto tbe
sea. Many wero killed and horribly muti
lated by tbe lumler on the deck, blown by
the wind aud hurled upon the bead of the
struggling men In tbe water.
The raft ou which Cusblng. Sutherland,
Itichardson and two others were afloat drift
ed for about 24 hours. I'bey gave up all hope
until the San Juan hove in sight. They at
tracted her attention by hoisting a piece of
red cloth and waiving their clothes.
on the raft with the passengers were two
sailors. One seized a small basket ot claret,
of which both drank. Tbey became drunk
and quarrelsome, To save the lives ot the
rest of tbe craft, tbe men say they were
obliged tu push one sailor, mad with drink,
Into tbe sen, where he drowned.
Tbe passenger say there was no time to
launch the boats or put on tbe preservers
wben they realized the serious plight of tbe
Colima. and. besides, tbe fury of tbe storm
made it impossible to launch or mun the
boats successfully. Tnose who secured life
preservers lost them In tbem In the water.
Crane Is pitching fine ball for Toronto.
Brou'hers Is vaptuinlng the Louisville
' Cincinnati loads the League in base run
Chllds is Acting Captain of the Cleve-
llawke bos not been lu the box for Haiti
more yet.
Pitcher Hart has not yet lost a game for
Without much exertion DuTy leads the
Boston in batting.
pcitz ha Huecuedud Miller as Captain of
the St. Louis team.
Just before the Pittslitirg Club left for the
LaM Pitcher Weyhliig was relented.
lionucr I covering third for Ilaltimoro
Uurin the uIim-iic? of Metlraw, who is 111.
All tlio Chicago pitcher are bitters
can help to win their games with tliesifU,
Not for years has Cincinnati figure I si
pr.iiiinientlva a factor lu thu cluimtiiotuihlp
Tim IliHt m twirlers never know who H
going to pitch uutll thu team arrives on tbu
In the National Leajjii" Sunday playing is
doomed. Next y.rti' neither HnioUlyii nor
liultiinoi'K will play Sunday gamcn in thu
West, and the L'lucaus will i-Iomj thoir gates
ou da).
Anson, o" Chicago, it now accuted ot
Hhoiilderiiig and jostling oppoiug base run
ners at Hrst.
O'Krieii, p.'erTer's su --sor ut second for
the l.nui.'-vilii's, lint u, a lo u decidedly favor
able iinpr.iMiloij.
Of tile Pittsburg pitchers Ifawley lnu hit
11 butters this season. 11 trt 4, aud Killeu
and Coleoliiiiv;li 1 i acli.
The New orU ll ininn, liko his li i.tton
brother, i a strong and sure thrower, some
thing Unit was needed in New York's out
ilelil. It: l'iit.tbuig and Cincinnati the visitinn
(eum are treated its detested enemies. Kvery
uccasiou is taken to hoot and hiss them, and
seldom it a lluo pluy by tho opposition
I. ug, of liostoii, lends tho League in homo
runs up to date, and ho als i has the lowest
lleliliiig average aimmg the short stops.
Hitting this year ."ill count double where
team bnso running is properly worked, at it
ttus in ll stm two years ao, and Dultiiuoru
last season.
I'incluuiiti was in luck to draft such out
Holders us .Miller aud Hogriever. They have
made thu Cincinnati out Held the oipial of any
in the League.
The new pitching t ucee-'s ."t of the I.engua
this year are Wallace, of ( lnvelatnl; Hart, of
Pittsburg: Melieruiott, of Louisville, uud
1 I It 1 1 . of P. i-t.'ll.
.iiiimei , ol Cleveland. Is getting baci to
last year a throwing form. Ho hut bail no
trouble with his aria this year except that hu
bos been too utroug. .
The fact that Louisville i attending money
for players shows that thu Falls City peoplu
have no notion of quitting thu game, despite
the very kind solicitation of curtalu Eastern
magnates and writers.
Manager Stilee, of lioston. suystho duy has
gone by wheu a League team can win four
fifths of its games ou the road. Ho says the
best of them have to play magnificent bull to
do better than break even.
The Minneapolis team uow on its uniform
advertises a brund of flour ma lu in Minnea
polis. The other clubs should follow suit
Kaunas City advertising eauued bof, Mil
waukee, beer, and St. Paul, ice wagons.
Nosh nud Qanrell are the only men now
with tbe liostou team out of the fourteen
pinyers in 1H3U. Of that great team only five
are playiug iu the League, un i two in minor
Leagues. Thu other seven have given up tho
Btandlng of the League Clubs.
W. L P C
W. L. P.C.
ntianurg m 10 us
Hosiou SI IS .SIS
Baltimore 14 .MS
Chicago 44 IS .671
Cleveland.... W 17 6m
New York... DU IS .t
Cincinnati.. HI IU .MS
Philadelphia 1U 18 .614
Hrouklyn 1H ltf ,4M
Washington. 17 ST .417
81. Louis 16 H7 .sod
Louisville si .1(4
8Tr Punishment for Throwing Lieut.
Buchanan Into the Water.
resident Ketler, of Orve City college,
sentenced tbe 13 cadets wii'i were concerned
In the ducking of Lieut I '.chanuu on Friday
to leave tbe town within : 1 hours, but on the
pleas of their classmate t.ietlme was extend
ed until Monday alterno' ii. Then they are
to suffer these puulsbmeiits: Ira McCrvsry,
'!i5, captain of Company C. of Nw Castle, re
duced to the ranks and suspended from all
college duties for one years 8. F. Neshltt,
captain ol Company C. and H. C. Lewis, 'U5,
first lieutenant and quartermaster, uo;u sus
pended for one year. Lieut. Jatui and
Alexander Walte, Bf), "t lteynoldsvilie, and
Ilert Kd wards, "il, ol Slate Lick, nil Ibree
suspended for one year. Lieut. CaUerwood,
VI, of ew Jtodioro; l.ieut. .mcjuukiii, vo,
New Texas: Sergt. Chrlstley, Walker,
Oraham, 1. 1). Dodds. V. II. lodl nud Ket
ler, all were suseii led uutll September.
Among the guilty stud -nts are some of tbe
most prominent in tbe college, Including a
on ot tbe president
The millionaire sugar refiner, Charles C.
Harrison, wbo has for a year bcu acting
provost of the I'niveraity of Pennsylvania,
and wbo was permautly elected to that po
sition, gave the institution f JOO.OOO outright.
The fund Is for the enoouraement of liberal
studies and tbe advancement of knowledge.
ciunoKD with Exnrzr.t.nxr.r.
Cora Wood, until recently assi-tant post
master at Conusant Lake, was arrestcl Sat
urday evening, charged witu tbe einbeKr.le
ment of (347. the amount of a recent
shortage mails good by the p jstmosior, 1. C.
lloal, wbo caused her arrest. Ihe beailug
will be at F.rle, nnd she ssser.s her ability to
prove her innocence.
rnonri r.m Mr.triNo.
The Troducers' oil com pan v, limited, nt Its
annual meeting at Warreu re- -lected lor the
coming year Its board of managers, as fol
lows: David Kirk. Pittsburg; li F. Straight,
llradford: A. 1. Wood, Warren: J, W. Lee,
l'lttsburg, aud Clareuee Walk r, liutlcr.
At the middle year entertainment of the
class of lH'jtl, at Ml. Pleasant institute, the
gold medal was awarded to Kva May Andrew.
Mary Stuart llumsay gave a piano solo and
orations were delivered by Laura (trim,
George F.dward Schilling, l.dna 1 Myers,
John K. Kannrr, Luoch A. Arrlsou, Jessica
Parry.lF.uolyn M. Swigart, Gerard S. llryce,
Ellraueth Slrohm, Herbert 1. Sitnpsou, Mar
garet '.. Markle, William W. McAdaui aud
Lather K. Uainbry.
Tbe patternmakers of the Johnson com
pany struck at Jobustown. The bone of
contention Is an attempt on the part ut tbs
manager to c-bange tbe method ot work
from day to piece. Tbe employe assert that
tbe cbaoge mean tbe tneu would receive
about tl yitoll 69 per day instead ot tbe
present wages, which are from t'l 40 to t&
Cooper's Ilattery II, which did famous ser
vice during the war, held a reunion at New
Castle on Saturday. Nearly 3,000 persons
were present, and thirty-seven of tbe old
command responded to roll call.
The commissioners of Blair couuty, have
appealed to court from tbe decision of the
auditors who bad overcharged Commissioners
Funk and Hurd 4,000 each, and Commis
sioner Fog ley, ftOOO.
In the Blair county oourt at Uollldnysburg,
Peter Blair was given a verdict of 4834
against tbe borough because It bad appropri
ated Blair's run for a water supply aud bad
taken away tbe water rights ot farmers liv
ing along tbe ran.
Near Conway the body of a man was found
beside the railroad tracks. Upon the left
arm were the word In India Ink, "Michael
Loreuz, 1801," aud a Hah, Un tbe right arm
was a mermaid.
N. T. Oeorge, cashier of J. A. Gault's store
at Kittanniug. was assaulted by two men on
tbe street on Saturday nlgbt. who cbosked
him aud robbed hliu ot a box containing
At New Cast e, Mrs. Michael Parrot, carry
Imr a V-rcar-old baby, was struck by a train
aud fatally injured. Tbe baby was thrown
over a 10-tooi embankment, but was not
Work has been begun on the rebuilding of
the Carnegie rail mill nt New Castle, and
both that mill and the wire mill are expected
to bo iu full operation about July IS.
Frank Williams It Co., of Buffalo, have
purchased a half-Interest la the J. I). Boyd
coal works at Smock station, on tbe Pittsburg
Virginia A Cburlestou raiiroau, tor c
Tbe commencement exercises of tbe Call
forula slate normal school will be held Juue
117. Twenty-seven young meu aud women
comprise the graduating class.
Peter Ford and Ilobort Joyce plouded guilty
at New Castle to having robbod the Porter
resldeuce at Pulaski, aud were eacn sentenc
ed uine years in tbe penitentiary.
Tbe polishers In the II. M. Myers A Co.,
shovel works ut Heaver rails, went out ou
strike for tbo restoration ol a wage reduction
made a year ago.
Fire at Altooua destroyed tbe furniture fac
tory of 1. P. Hbtuier, aud several adjolu-
lug stsbles. Loss, J,00J, covered by lusur
an Cr.epkowic, wbo stole fiDO from
August Iieineter at California was captured
by officer at Lnloutowu and the mouey re
Charles I). Wolf, telegraph operator
eloped from Wllllamstiort with Margaret
Fisher, au heiress, and they were married at
Anthony Scanion, late United States dep
uty marshal! for Western Pennsylvania, com
mi ted suicide at scrauton ou naiuruuy.
Catitaln Jason Luthron died from his iu
juries lu tbe dynamite explosion at tbe Erie
water works extension operation.
James Flemlug and George Shullx were
arrested at Lewlstuwu on tbe cbargu of pass-
lug counterfeit mouey.
Tbe Cambria Iron company will Issue
t2,000,COO of additional stock, ail subscript
tluus to be maue oy juiy iu.
Parby Agan was Indioted at New Castle for
the murder ot Martin O Mallu, who was
killed by being hit ou tbe bead with a club.
The body of Anna Kay, 35 years old, was
found In tbe caual at Bristol. Foul pluy
Stolen Bars of Ooid Found.
Tbe 190,000 in gold bar stolen from tbe
Carsea mint was recovered Tuesday. In
most unextiected way. The government oftl
cers dug up tbe treasure In tbe woodshed of
William Pickler, an employe In the melters
and reHnishars' department, who had but
been even suspeoted.
Flakier was betrayed by a woman with
whom be had been living and whom he hud
A. Stork A Co.'s planing mill, with 19 ad
joining houses, iu Baltimore, were de
stroyed by tire. Loss, 125,000, One bun
drwd people are temporarily homeless.
Armour, Rockefeller, Baker, Km
Logan the Big Winners.
Tbe recent phenomenal rise In the
wheat, probably the greatest ever kno J
so short a period, caused Immense mr,
money to be lost and won on the
board ot Trade.
Tbe general public, so often floecivl .,
glad crv "wheat is going np," r, ' "
chsry during the earlier portions of tt ,
this spring, when Inside of three y
wheat rose fully 30 cents a bushel, jj, '
each succeeding day passed and tu) o,,(l
continued to rise tbe old fever t0
and soou tbe general piiblio was to t t
In It old and long deserted haunts srour
tbe board and soon it was the center of ,
It seems tbat the great public profited ny
from the rise to wheat than any other
lar Individuals and It seems alio that tl
great public refuses to prohibit by ejp p.
for they are still overwhelmingly i t '
ket, which Is working steadily on the d-
grade and every Indication now ppint, ,
tbeir putting their handsome pro lit iv,,
actly where they got It and going hint
experience, perhaps, but surety to r-W
J Illlip It. Armour, mv Ulllionairs &
man. Is said to have Individually nt! t
I'OU.oou on tne rise, in auumon J. htl I
Rockefeller, Armour and an unku ,wn .
Yorker were banded together In a dust,!
pool which Is said to have nettod ttw
12.000,001 ana f i3,ouu,uuu.
W. T. iViker. president of the UH
trade. Is said to have won about J.tmjoc
John It. Lyon Is credited wltuaproUt wn'ji
In the hundred thousands, H. A. K-nt
tbe Oss Trust, operated on a larger scsls n
some say he must have made 3.0ims).ooo. ;
(I. Logan, the broker, Is also credit l ik
aodaome profit well up toward the
figure mark. Tbe number who pr 1
tbe extent ot a few hundred or a few t u -ands
Is probably perhaps beyond a-iv ,i :
computation. I'rocably the most
loier waa Ldward rardrldge.
Three Boya Drowned.
Three boys, F'.mmett Sweeney. Patrick M
ris and Michael Sheridan, aged 11. u,
11 years, respectively, went bathing Id ,
trie Sunday. Tbey were ouly a simrt l
tanco from the shore, aud the water ai
very deep. Young Morris wns ei-e,J
nraiaps, and bis two companions weut ti
rescue, when nil three were drowue,!.
nreuls ot the !uds lived lu uiljom,ti- Ik a
un Luke street
The Bebela Have Ecuador.
Advices from Guayaquil, F.cuaJur, it
tbe government possessions are now
ated to the provinces ot l'lcniieim ( t,
Ar.uay and Loja. the other 11 t-iug .x,
completely In tho hands of the rcvolutiocn
Tbe four principal ports, llahia. K:nfl
and Manta, are also nm iy tne n,';r.-a
and the Interior provinces will be
to surrender.
According to rumor.
Mrs. James ati
has sued lor divorce.
1'ITTSBl K1.
iraiu. (lour and teed.
WHEAT-Nu 1 red w i
o. S red "
lUKN No. jrellow ear ' "
Mixed ear W l
No. S yellow shelled '
OA'l . 1 white 1'' 1
No. II while J 1
txtra No, tt white H
l.luht mixed - :i
KYh No 1 U 1
No. H western - .i '
FLOCK VS utter patents nleuils.. 4 t)
4 1
raucy nprlug patents v
Fancy straight wiuler 4 m
Straight Xki bakers'
Clear Winter
Kre flour -
BAY No. 1 tlitiotby
No. a ii 'w
Mixed clover. No. 1 1" M
Looae tlinotliv. from wasous.... I'' t 1'
FKK1 No. 1 White MiL, lnu )': I"
No. v hlte Middling IV
Brown Middlings is ' 1'
Brau. bulk 1' ' '
ST It A v Wheal f'-'i 1
Oal '
Dairy 1'roduiU'
Bl'TTKK Klein l reamei y I J1
rain y t. reamery
rrtui y Countiy HolL J
Low grade ami cooking
CllKtt thio, new
New Y ork, uew "l
W IsctiliMlli iwism. ' I
Lllll lui gel", UeMllittae i'
trultaud Vegetables.
LEANS llaud-picked, ier nu ...... 1
Luna, lu '
I'lH-MOivi Hue, 111 car. nil !'
h torn store, tu "'
Htl. in per UDI I "
I AlHiAl.h Heine grown, nnl 1 e
'1 L M.Ml'b-pe.' oni
ONlUNs vuuw, bu I '-1 '
I'AIDMI's per bl'i
I'oultrjr, Ltc.
Live Chickens, V pair
Live liuess. i pan
Lireased t-nickeus, V Ib.
Live I lirey, ' lu
Kiftt.t Pa. aud onlo. Iresn
r h I lltllS- hllllveOeee.flU
No. I fcx. Llteiaeese, l tu
lountry, large paeaed
hKEHS Clever lb
t i" i '
i ;u '
i j
i v
1 iiuoth) , prune
lllue uiuh
ItAtih c ouutry mixed
BuNhY v lillo viover
MAI I.a bi hi I', new Country, sweet, nni .... .
WllLAT No. li ltuu
ltYh No. li
t-OltN Mixed
t)A IS
HI' T 1 Lit niiio 1 1 earner)'
t'illLAUtl.l lll t.
W IttA 1 Nu. It ite.l ;
t-OUN- No. J Mixed
OA 1 h -Au. 4 mte
ItL I I Kit i leaineiy, cua
feuun i-a. In sis
FLOl lt-l'utents '' '
WlibA V-Nu. U ied
hit Mate
tUH.N-.Va V
UA1 Ulillo UeBlel ll
1L I IfcU Lleamel)
k.tOl atalt unu i t-mi .
CIMTSAt blots Yaktm, Last Um-;r
1.4O0 to 1.01H) lbs 5 l
Uuud. I.JOO tu I aim ins
Uood tmteuers, i.aio to l,wiba
'1 idy, i.wiu to i.Iikiji
frair llgul sleet s, ism to lino ma
tummuu, Vou to UUUIb
I w
$ 11
best Yoiseisaud mixed...
Couimuu W lair Yurkera..
Extra. W to 105 lba
Uoud. H6 to M) I o
Fair, 76 tusa lua
knrlng Lambs
Chicago, Cattle Common to "'J,
$1.iUtauuO; slocker aud lueuuis-
eows uud bulls,'5, cot'- TJ ,,
llogs ueavy, l.u.Jti..i; u iwu ,
UtfUl, ,4.Vt W-"V9 - .1
ililei lor to cUotco, ; ..'; i..m i- ' J
Cluclunatl llogs- select sluWJ
buteUns i.j0ui lair tu gouj l '
U 4.UO: lair to llglit .0ite4. . i
roilgLSI Ootol.16 t allie-giud sui'l"",i;
good tocliulee (4 4Ulo6 0 ; lair lu y
coiuiuou iv6io.ii L'"' . ,
good tb cuonu Si.Otoi. U, cumue"""