JSbBATH SCHOOL rEKNATIONAfi LKSSOX FOU 1 MAY 2a . . it u.na am tit fmmm ' Uinn 1 .... Tests Romans v., 8 Commentary. L lndUicr I'rlnn Him unto th plsc 'O . ui..h ! Iwtlntr inlnrnrotml. Th( If1'?' ...H 'f.r I'llntn scnurirod Him I""1. a 'trim tn fholr mil iilniuiint fillers crowned Him with thorns, smotn . and (I LI l1!'1 vli iiiiu, iir" miiftij ......... '?kn Ji to Him n.l finally led Him out llirtfv Him. Think on thus thlnirs until 71- Him bearing nil thnt for you anl "V " ., .ri... nut "I am Thine. i ip vrn1"" 11 - - , F,r. -.mt Ti.on .-hi-crtnllv. not bv com- t'Jnn Ilk Hlmon th Cyrenlon. bear thn w .' '. ' ifi.r.a Ifl.tllV HnrmT Simon! f1 . . wham mnM Hlmivit iiuwi ' 1Ir'4n.l tho iravo to ilrtnk win mingled R "'i 1...1 'ilo rocKcrl It not." t)nth.i LinCiilvary Hoopoko to thn wecplnijon" Lf:,iiniittriililnil!"'ry. Matthew. .Murk ' inu enlls It t'ulvnrv. In ' , L ii ! innl'iiTi nl n ii rnrt of th t'at city whw our Lor.l was crucified. Not the Wllir) "nil mjrril i-iiini- .iini n. ni.. HO f'linilmi'iit of Ps. Ixlx., SI. liut " .i I nisi-i.tit It. i'sc In tills vhp-h n literal fulfillment of - e- . I ..-II ... ITJ . I...n.lll Hii IS, Tor every ileum oi nn iniiiiiiiii- n n'nli u'lTiTiiii.'t w n.-curnt"ly foretold ? . ..t il, I. .Hoi- Ho slinll It l) . yltti every detail "f th predictions '-is-ming llisemnlng a.'iiln. As H" would . n.l l.v tn. ilrlnk offered to Him. H-V n t shrink from siitT"r.hg with Him iii-i" whiii. . , -nd it was tin' third hour. and thoy .',.'in.M Him." Ahoiit ! ii. tn. Hi nilun-.l .n- nvot nnvinu nmras nun i"-i i .-.ii. iltu riil miiU (I'm., ixll.. Hi). t .wa.tlK' fiilllllmt'Mt of nil tlm wi-rlih'i'j nr " SV'"l thnt H" mljrht ! rlothi'il; n . .,t n thnml o! th' tr.ipiiui;i uf L'rtli'i el tv: nil for u. I'm iv.rthorHM llV rilllt orili'WthoM Vn wnll''n in H"!iri-w ntnl tin'i'it ninl I.ntiii .thr- Innijuiiw!" wim-n r"rpwni"i m .i.n i'.Imiw nf Ni'znri'th. tho K'Uif of ..J.'W."'nn'l I'll"" woiiM not nlt.'r it. ,u -li Hi" t'hi'-f l'rliM.t n.KHii mm io v.ioiiii Vim II unAii tilli wllii'll w.ij. II ii I .ii'v.-t l" mnnito-t to t'. of intrn-t to nil i Ar yon int'T'Wo.l ii'JW ou mo ....( I n. Ixii.. . ".' '" Ii- ..- t..... ..vil.liM-ni viti it:i"I!1i'i1 with 1 1 i'Tt "i ll" In tin' tnl'l.-t (John xix.. li. If" j ,i! if. . ti-hoo"" 111 roinimny nny in in' tliiiu ,,thi . in tin; irinii, Imt II" toiiM nfv(i"'l'vn uii l'T Hil''h olr uiii-t:ili'''", I . iliil. Kvi'ii th wr. sii 'Ii in II" , ,;. ,.;,,.m. (i) KlVi'j 11(1 1 for jlt-t fll-ll titli. :i ilviiik. H Nuf lithriil-iiyini; tint '.m n iiAotho worhl to.-:iYi-sr:li' Ts( I Tim. li . rtr yonra iHiforc it win wri'.ton rii. rim llini. "Aii'l H" win n.riilx-rt'il witli otr!ti:n,.'W'r"( I-a. liii.J'iK mi'l h"ro was .rt!tlii'(iillllliin iit. In Hi." lifotiiiii-.whil" muni-mt rtoim: ir 'o.l, II" w!w tol.l that liailn 'l-vil mi l that It" was n k'lutt la wiiifliililT(,Joliu viii., SJ; Luko vli., i. Tim pn.-tnrliy coiihl not lot Him nlon", "t rail' il "ii Him n"'l l"'rv-tn-1 His wnN .1 p .fiit"il Hiinit'of th" vi'ry woriln whloh Tn u-nl in tho toniiitatlon, "If Thou !' .', Snuof ioil" (Jluth. Iv., :l; xxvii..4D). luolijn if nil tht'ilos of h.'ll worn l-t , iim Him (I'd. .xxli., it!), y-t Ho nu'ekly ro it nil inn I nnsw.'ro.l not. 30. "Saw thyiHilf ninl fonio ilown from tho f . (in OIIO Oi'l'lision Clinon l-i-i.T mm im to pity HiiaK'lf. Imt IIctoM himou unit ..it wr Hiitun tiilkiiiK throih him Hint l.Utl tlmt there was no way for Him or for , fullowi'in but by th !ro8i (Math, xvl., . 2i miirtfiii). ii. 'H.i ww.'.l othors! Ilimwlt Ho onnnot L-f." Tims Hivi. I tho I'hi'-f pri.-stH, nml they nl lictt'r tlmn thi'.v liitenih"!. lor no coiini nv Hiinelf nn'il us. Imt Hoeuoso not to iv Kimu'lf t tint Ho iniirht siivo us. As to isb.'ini;uiiiililetosnve Himself if He wixheil . tii.it of course wns a lie. Tor Ills own ie.s :ii.iiv was M to His life, "So ninu tnketh It m 'Me, t'Ut I lav it 'lowu of Myself" hn x., lHi. S -o our privili'u in 1 Julia i.. HI. si Thi'vmo.'klntflv onlle l Him '-Klnttof rl. ' mi l Mild thnt If H" wouhl iles nl intli" itoss tliry wuillil liellevn on Him. iiitmt the fstitiioiiv of Nutliuiini'l to Ills iWKim; of Israel" an. I His reception of ir.i J. ti ri i.,4'Ji. Kven the thieves revileil ini. iiltli.nik'h one i.i tiiem interwar.i - VH.l itifl whs nave.l. lietween people nml i.'-ts Hll.lsolillers llll.i thieve it WllM surely 'tintiiiiis of iiiiii'kerv.uinl no follower of li,i.s.-.m- hnl.i euoutrh to comfort Him with word of lovalty to Him. a. Kv.-ii the kiiu refuse. I t shine on fmell 'i-n.', na.l for three hours there was treat irkness. We think of the darkness of (ion. 1. uml Ex. x. . 21 . 22. and the outer darkness. I Math. xxv.. 30; Jud xiii., hut the dark- rfi't our lesson was unliiue), ftever in u arth's history ww then or will there bo .urn ju-tHtii'haday. It was theereatorof Ulilimssufferlun for His ereatures that H' t.uhi redeem them from destruction. 11. After six hours on the cross H cried it In tliD words of l'.s. xxil.. 1. forsuken of ii Futher for our lus, for Hu was inado ii fur us (II Cor. v.. 21). Hoe Mis seven ivlnus from the cross in Luke xxili., 34, 4:)j lm xix.. "7: Math, xxvii.. 4Ui John xix., 2. h". Luke xxlii., 4(i. Mark ives hut this one, t Hi tills Kospul Jesus Is peculiarly tuo hui rim; servant. He. was forsaken for us that "iiilulit never be forsaken, even as it is rritt.'ii, "I will never leave thee uor forsnko ""(H"l). xiii., 6i. "lli hold lleculleth r.lias." SothoiiK'ht "ie of the utandersliy. They understood ither Him nor His w.irds, mid It is even ho ill. 11" had lit one time to say to His ills. I'l'. "How Is itlhat ve.lo not uuderstalld'',, 1'irk viil,, 21 ). And it whs but a few hours !'iretli:it He had wihl to l'hllip, "Huve I loni; time with von, and yet hast 'ii not known Me, riill'ip?" (John xiv., in. A lino run to Kive if im drink, prol ly l"iiuse of His cry, "I thirst" (John 2H, another hard lie.nt said, "Let 'ii": li.'t us e whether Elias will com" to 'iJ Him down." They could not under bid one wlliinir to ilio if Ho had power to ve Himself. They were believersof hiiIiiu'h "inne, -All tlmt a uiau UatU Will no Kivo r liln life" (Job ii., 4. 37. "And Jejius cried with A loud voice, 'i'l Have up the fchont." Notice also tho id voli-H of verse .')(. He was in Hut full T''Hi,'th, but died of a broken heart, as whs "vtul.t in p. I xix.. 20, and inniiifowt in John 'l-. HI, Ho it was Mulshed, and commend- Ills merit to Hod I. ute vvill.. 40 1 Ho iwl. Compare, Acts vli., 6'J, and Imlieve "i "ai).Mut trim the body niuaus "pres- with the Lord" (II Cor. v.. 8) if only we reueuiued by Ilia blood. Linson Helper. tfin it mi:akh. Li or 18 tll of 'liw-i th i fwor ilriuk Ixtlui B.ile of povertvi ttie mile l .k U ,l" ai ot liMiiully: tti'i sale ut I .. --v. v,.,., ut i-iiiu- iii i..iiu ii iiriuiv ., k I1" ' deiith." Sir lienimniu WanJ i or'H. Carrnll T. Wrii.lit In the t.nlh ei.n. I. referriii.. t.. ,1... I.. .l.i. Mm I ....l..l.... .l " IlUt VL'liturv Htivn lloit "Dm reliirloim re. flvl work of the W'eltys wan one of the r i unt.rn.1 meiors in inu oomuiuaiiuu oi " e.i.uuul to the otublniuu.t'Ut vl thu iU wduKtriiii ordur." Thli prayer which doc not nuoceod In Mural Iiik our wish, in oiiaiirfinjf the pa. 'Hate doslru luto mill Muliiuisaiou, the unx U tUllll.lIll, 1114 etl. H'iMtlllll illlO MllHIlt kllh 'uer, in uo true piayur, and prove tuut w not the Hiiirlt of true uruvur." Itjbort. TKHl'ERASCli rtfB KI CHILDRItr. T'.inr thinej are don for "oharUy'i tret Kike" that should not be done, and one of these thln,M la the Indiscriminate g'dllni; ot IntoxlentliiK dr.nlis at open-air festlvaU. lWf I unid to he tlm lst tntoxl"utlnit nt troni drlukn. hut when beer M wold, In th name of chritv, o little loyn In nhort pants, it la time to call a bait. 'e Orleauj Vic. yuno. A VOLCANO OF CVtL. Intempf rnnc. nn pvll most helnoni befnra Ood, most dreadful la Its results, has crown among us to Riffantln proportions. In th countless homes ft shoots Its venom-laden fanirs, and annually, aye, daily, It gathers Into Its coils whole hecatombs of vt.-tlms. Its pirsfnce Is felt through the entire land, and everywhere It iwvels with domontao na ture in sin and misery. Alcohol, ocean-like', floods the land. Mild dilutions do not satisfy us; fermentation and distillation are called Into service to pro vide It In morn undiminished visor; ami whether It be wine or whisky, the vile art ot adulteration is often employed to enhance Its maddening power. With this Immense consumption of alco. hoi, upon what a volcano of evil nnd misery society rests! The direct expenditure of hundreds of millions for little except pleas urable excitement. Is tho least deplorable re sult. Alcohol taken lieyoud very moderate doses first weaken, then totally suspends, renson. Man Is Incapacitated for all tho duties of life, nnd Is left without prof.vtlon, a prey to his vilest and most untamed pas slous. Alcohol dire -tly Inflames then pas sions; It Is oil poured on tlieir Imriiltiit lire. It fills the mouth with blasphemy nnd arm: tho hand for murder. It Is the deadly foe of purity. It withers nil uenerous aspira tions of the heart, and substitute in their Mead the coldest sidlldiucss. It uiaUcs man the demon incarnate. Now picture to yourselves two hundred thousand or more drinking shoos In the Ite pilblie, belelilng forth ovr the land their al coholic fumes; from your knowledge of two or tliroo of them, imagine how many men in the whole country are le-reft through them of their renson, nnd you will form mi idea of he woe and sin thnt nb'ohol produ"cs. All classes, high and low. oiTer Imloenu-ls upon the altar of Intemperance. The brightest minds nnd lioblit hearts are numbered among the victims. Human wrecks, whoso fortune It hits lls..pii(ed, whose Intellect it has stilled, arentrewu mvr tho bind thick as autumnal leaves in t.i" f"r"M. H uues aro devastated; hearts of mothers broken; the oys of tho wedding morning turned Into roii-des mourning; children B.Mttcrcd as wnifs through a pitiless world. What Is to lie d.itie' Anything, but some, thing. Iu the miuienf huniiiuity, of country, of religion, by nil the limit saere l ties thnt Hud us to our fi llownien. for th" love of linn who ill".! fur souls, I Is'.secdi you, declare war against (nteinpi raiiee; arrest lU onward u.iuch. Arclii'isliop Ircluti'L TOVAl. AISTINI.Ni r. Till". IT" - r.Vt.T.. To nsk th drunkiir I to yiii.t drm'tiri?, 's to n-k lil m to iio want he t - ,.n. r ... doing. VI nil f..r. ii. of evil, int . :. r .. ;ui if tllki II ill time. Is the en.ic-t of I 'MI.'.ioli; but Having on. -nr.' I n i.nt u:, ;h must dittl -lilt ill eilic. Tot ill (lbs! ill U'i'h ti:! I,e.t nil" of netion. We urge the prc.-tiee as an eTe 'i ial sae -punrd to fathers, biisl.aii is, bro'liers mid sous who ar living In toe ii.i.i ... lemj t.i tiolis to whieli the cnilicf of In" ev ..-es them, nnd t" mothers, wive., .-i: m-.i iui I daiiglitcrs In their Mielil cin le. and in t!i"ir homes, Il Is a sad truth, tlmt p. .;!. ly loro than one-hiilf of our army ot ni ii:i:i.i-.:s be gin to feel the nuiMery of tin dre i iiul appe tite through the ilritiklug customs Ucy luiv.i brought Into their own liomes, Abuvt all ols, keep tho home pure. revor allow the wine-ciip etitrnr." ) willnii Iho hallowed precincts of the horn In re- I olclng or sorrowing, In health or HckncMs, et no occasion bu inado uu i'X'Mvj as use. To stato that there U no sin In a euiof wine, does not meet the argument. Nor wilt it avail you to point to total abstainers wiios ' example In other directions is bill, 'i lei question relates to your life. Can you tnuse It more scrvlceaiilii to yourself, your neigh bor, your country, mid your Creator by promising to abstain from all intoxicating drinks, and to prevent by ad.ice and ix.nn plo the mu of iutcmperau.'e iu others a .irror.s tkstimonv. In a recent artile Judge I :t n ! A"!i"--, o! Heaver, I'enn., gives tiUs fsti :i..;i-: a bi" of eiglitv-.ix yi'iliKr.lll eolilerexneri.Vic , and give some kuowle I go, penui;. iiiiii' in and out of courts of jitsMe.. :ii iii' li.. t,. i-.-s may entitle Hi" to a s nail iuar'. M ii" i . :i (be gush of selil i:ll"llt or erreti" elV'l-l 'II. 'J'iie lii-st hotnieid" 1'a-" tri-'d b".or n;.. v.n that of u brotii'T who kill" I a I. !. i.i a drunken iium-l while driving i a'.;ie. 'i' v eeuu.l, of II eolleg i .tudi'llt, fre-il If .iu a whiskey ehiekeii ro.i i. Killing a tio .r y...ii l.l ill. The tliirtl, (Hal ..( uu l : 1 1 1 1 1 1 . u . i i Miililied ill a drunken br .il in tiie sirci village, and tlvt iirt of t:ie victim pro In I Iu e uirt to sii in- tnu cut tli- k nf hit in 1 1 . ho Hi" ca!e:i.lnr of crime in lit .'.nil;. ,.r ' will Hhuw a homicide h-jui ilruiiken'.ie.,s ... every day iu the year. All judge t-i that liine-tcntlis of til" itiiii.'.i of vi u 'e and bloodshed 1iiim their u.igiu .n ui.u. .. .. Lcsy." rSOI.rTri.V MXCSSAI'T. Plr reniamln Ward Ml dririls. n, In m r..? dress lately publish id, mentions t'mt no once interrogate I it not d tiga.-r ip" ev;iert as to liis an. Tint u'-oVit ;nt"d that 'all good trainers and s'.ullod perioruiers agre-.i that Bbhtlne.'ici! ilolll III eoholin bl VelHTi s IH llbsollltely li"ci-s;i,'v. Him a Ivice to nt'ileteti 1h: "So long in yuii nr in ei.iii-o of i.- ar atlon touch not th" hurtful tui'i: it will bo sun to uii.lermin all tho qualities on wuieli you depend for U" 'i'.w; it will injure v. ur pleclsb ll. Jour lb e s( ii. your pfi.y. .I'.U nf tuJiid, uud jourm liir.iu 'c." TEMrEltAXC VKWH A!n SOTM. London has 10,500 public homey. The bam in thu parks of New Vorlc City bnvo been closed by the Turk Commissioner. The Cntholh! rcnovoloiit Legion, with 4'!6 councils nnd .Mii.liOO luembcrs, bus voted to exclude rum uclleis. Archdeacon 1'nrrar: T.very Nation, it has beeu said, lias lis own National tlevii, and tint devil of Kiiglnud Is intemperance. Tho fifth International Congress ngalnst "tho abuse of alcoholic drink" will bo held at iiuslo, Hwltzerlaud, August 20-22. Mrs. Hoffman, Uecording Secretary of the National W, C. T. I'., lion recently made a uccessful lecture trip through Canada. Chicago Btandard: The workingmen of Great lirltnln ami Ireland cam i.'iiOU,00'i.ooi a year, sixty percent, of which goos for drink. The "Willard Fountain," presented to the city of Chicago by tin children of the World's W. C. T. U., luts beou uuveilod uml dedica ted. Mrs. Nellie B. Eyster has been engaged by the 8nu Francisco Hoard of Eduuutlou its a special teacher of the eflocts of uiu-uotlc aud stimulants. The report of the Registrar-General ol England ami Wulin shows that from 1S6J ti lsLi.l deuths fromacutv-ulcotiollijut ha vo mors than doubled. Khama, the Routh African chief, Insisti that lire water shall not be brought into his country by tho white uiau, and Quoen Vic toria has seat him assurance of bur support The IirltiMi Army Temperauce Assoclatloa has within the past twelve mouths extend"! IU operations to troops serving at lionu, with result orf exjolleut u in thd army l)i India. i In a recent address Jndge Kimball, of tho Wonblugtou D. C, l'ollco Court. staid thnt for the llscul your lrt'JS the t'u.ted KtKii Uoverument Issued 228,003 liquor liotnueM, or one for each 2'J1 people. Hosid.-s thej U an uukaowu numour unuoeuauo. REUGIOUS RExVDING. DOCTKISC OR CREED. A doctrine or creed Is often bound tip la a common saying. More than that. It If sometimes an unsuspected doctrine. Ve bo Ilere many things which wo have never for mulated. Here Is one from Ht Paul In the fourth chapter of F.phesinns. The apostle warns those people ngnt giving themselves over to certain kinds of wrongdoing, ns II 'themselves'' were better than tho things they do. They all seem to imply that self Is something above and superior to those sins, wrongs, follies, which yet thnt same elf commits. Respect yourself. Rever ence your own nature. Think too much of yourself to do that. "To thine own self be truo." Rut why respect that which Is not rcspoetnhlo, or revere that which Is not noble? What do we mean when wo sny Hint a man lias abandoned himself to a wrong courser He lias not left his Identity ; he has left good ness. The word "self-abandonment" Is cur lously suggestlv". We abandon ourselves to pleasure, case, luxury i to tears, grief, di spaln but who ever abandons himself to vir tue? Virtue, goodness In all Its forms, nil high, heroic qualltii-s, imply self-possession, not abandonment, (fooilnessnlwnys controls, and hs matery, even In its gentlest manifes tations. Language ri'cognizi'sthls, and give expression to It, ns well as many another of our deep, unconscious beliefs. wiTi.hr. ri'i;iit:i'Trn. A very commonly mlsiij.prclien, led text l inn one in J nmes I : . ; "It any of you lliekelli wisdom." l'mf. Tluiyer Is cerlaiiily right In giving In his Lexicon ns the meaning of the Uroek Word ll-ed here, "the knowledge nnd practice of th.. requisite for godlv and upright livlnu's" In other word, u lint (iod promise In tbi place t., irnn.t liberally 1 not the wisdom of this world, prudence and skill In business, or oven guidance In dally perplexities (tills s promised else. Where but "the wi'dom that Is from nl ove" (J: l?l, or tlmt gi'liiillie goodness Mild right- eousiuss which I "lirst pure, then pi n nble." W ith this corn y end. thnt other text (!l:l:l): "Who Is lo uml understanding irnong you'i Let him show I y bis go.. .1 hie his works of im ei.m s of wisdom," And corresponding nlo to this thought b: the gen. Till Use of the word "Wisdom'' ill the llible, eqicclnliv In the 1'ioverb. which c..rres. tuls In the Old Testament to tic I ..... k of .lames III tho New. Tbe pr cuise In .limn t l.nt "wisdom" shall be given ill. rally lo nil tliat Bsk s, thereiore, of ea tly the s.l'lie sort as th" ninny others that n-ur" the p. intent seeker of salvation that ho Khali surely f-il bis Saviour. rn i utsr in oo. I.colilnj nt deiith a n dit'c-uity that taad In the way f ir In.-i it, . ., n . r,- lur eerg man w Im i u t in bi c. in I 'tr ns so far from the ibunalu of the (spirit ml Phil osophy, tlict" are iniiiiv i-f ii i ir i"i, " i stall- n and accomp.iiii:n"iits that are avoid iM. mi l especially the hauiitliii. ti r'.'t in ubl li wn lire 'li"oe.l in relation t" It. We bn" even created a llgure which o have call" I t!i" King of Terror-. W" bn" snp I that death was tic r. s,;it ol mm, u token . f i. .! s wrath that canie I m I the full, (in th. contrary, dentil I a plot of th.- initural order of the wrld, an I h i- I n per" ii lit has I n lu re, mliii. lis o M ais I.. i. .re man appeared. In th. inmost ii, tiling Would We W. I theeiirtbj' Who hundred veurs n mere fact of d iiil' tier i pain'.ui or .iisn.;rec.i! i . I" llV" llefo il.e!hol"lv 'II Would Isll t" I" e.i.i" a I I. and l ave nil tic s., b. cared for ntid loved in hi Chii'lllood, ill s uw.iv mid ca' want to st.iv lu re blV l.. e j.'V o youth, iu middle iig", pa-- ll I III llloll"? We Would Hot alone. 1 hero is iinpe ik.i this old planet ns the years pi by than tier. pO'slbly Colli. I be If Olle set of illllllhllallts e. malued hero year after year uud ago afb i uc. 111 MAN fills. SAI.1TY. "Human personality bus attributei, Helf. conscliuisiii s and Ireedoin, which dlsttu. KUsh it Iu kind from tho world of mere mil tnals and things, and relate It to n spiritual order, of w hoHC eminent reality it is liself the 'Altnes and the pr. of. With this conviction in tu lii I man loi ks nt the universe oiii-hk blm mid divines there, with nn Instinct Which age or argument cannot eradicate, tin presence of a person, whom be feels. Int may not see. On n llection tbi grows inore cer tain : for the world is rational, barmoid' ui-, beautiful ; it works out moral purposes, ana must, therefoie have u spiritual rmi-i', an. I these are notes of personality, and of person, nitty alone, W in n be a-ks why. if thisbe so. Cold has not made Himself more in. mil. -I. he Is met bv the nunlocy of human inter course.iin.i the restriction which sin imposes, even on the know ledge of a saintly friend. A( length, a- is meet, from the holy ra mo forth thu Holy One, guiding man into the I ( of love, wherein bs true perlectioii II s, and revealing (im! ns the nour f love and lliuc elf its (iod incarnate ; in union with wlc in our Unite, Imperfect personality shall Hud, il the far eteiiuty, its archetype and end." nir.i pu s orroiiri NiTV. Thnt hour in tho gurden was a preeou opportunity given ..r laying In fpiriti.nl strength. Christ kiu'w il well. Iictrugg.o.l mid lought tlu ii ; tberelorc, II.. re was l.o struggling afterward- no trembling in th.! Judgment hull, no shrinking on (lie cio-i, Imt only dignilled mid calm victory; lor he l)Ud foilgllt the te.'llpatloll in bis l.liees beforehand, and coiiqieTed all in the gard'ii. Tiie ao-t. H mis-id th" tin an lug ol that hour; and therefore, wihii it came to the quentloii of trial, the loudest boaster of them all shrunk Ir.un ac knowleilglng who be was, nnd the rest played the part of the craven and tin. retn ginie. And if the reason of this be risked, It is simply this ; They wont to trial unpre pared: they bad not prayed; mid what is a Christian without prayer but S'timtju without lib) talismau of l.iur.'- Uohcrts u. TAKISO A t.o h At IIIK roMpA'M. A new creed, so culled, Is proclaimed by Rev. Thomas I)i..ii. ,lr., oi New York, the resigned pllsler of the I wonly Third Street liaptlwt Church of that city. Ho eutille it "L'nloii i;v.iii;;i !cisn," ' ,i proposes to found a licw church In which denoiniiiatioi.nl lines, ritual, a per creed nnd le-i.istjeal building shall l e done u.vay Willi and the "Hacredliess of the s Mihir siiall b" lolly a;e predated." In this way lie hop. s to m ndi tho great musses whe le ver go to church I . r fear of liuviiig to li-teii to the old platitude!, for whoseiiiike sake he throws nsidi) bis ile. liomimttioiiai baggm.'"." II" feels convinced that the machinery of a Haptist church is a hindrance to the iiest Work. II" bebevej, tin) time has come to make Christian uiilou u reality in our great cities. rol.lTtCAL BCONOMV ANt I1M.10I0M. Political ucouomy and religion would never be onoahd the wini'n thing, but uu Identity of purpose. o far a a part of man's benefit and Improvement were concerned, would ever muke tiiem friends and allies. They are the brain and b'-urtof t becoming clvillrjitloii. The one must point the way, tho other must pursunde us. to take it. even if It Involves con cessions uud sucrlllceu. Religion has lit length aroused liself to a coiim-iouhiis that It bus a duty toward industrialism. Enter prising religion, which is observed by tho larger conception of salvation, is ullve to the fuot that It has a duty toward every form of human movement, uud ba ulready begun to prepare iirloiily for its work, l'olillcal Dooiiomy will remain "the dismal selcneo" uutil It thoroughly accepts lovo ns the solo medium through which to B(euk.-ll"V. Ur. Uouuld. - It was Bpurgeon who wrote so character Utlciillyt have often felt vexed with tin) man who t hopped thu New Testament up In to verses, liui I forgive blm a grunt deal of blundering for liU wisdom lu lotting these two words make 'a verse by tneumelvi', 'Jesus wept.' Add a word to the verse und It would be out of plane. Let It stiiud in soli Ury sublimity aud simplicity." A SONO OF MONEY, If thfl world bo dark or sunny, There's no thing liko money- -numcy Rut when all Is darkest night Money money makes it bright! With a pocket Full of money. Life Is sweet And life is sunny! There are songs divine nnd funny In the honor of this money; llut tho sweetest of all singing Is In silver dollars ringing! All tho world's A hlvo of hone With a pocket Full of niouev " -F. Tj. Pinnfon run AND POINT. When liglitnibg; striken it niltuit of no nrliitratioti. Texas Hidings. Tho wheilbiirrow tlcnlor lins no trott. Mo in keeping hit rmU ljcfuro the Kvcrv tniui occusiounlly wislic that lie cotilil attract ns mii.'li nttctitiuii u u liro. AteliiMiu (tlolio. Sotno jieojilc enro too littlo f.ir tho opinions of others mi.l sotuo cute ton lunch. tlalrchtoti News. A liloomcr ('(iHtllino is sotnidliihg thnt ii womuii likes licsl on iitiollu r wouiiiti. New Orleans l'iciiy line. In tho upriii tho iioiiNowifV'n oii;cv lightly turns to thotiyhts of n-rul', while t lie liil'iluui.l nkijis out r-lvly lot Ii in tl.tily j,ritl. Sotno women nro so ill-tiiaini.'tv 1 in to go ri;;ht into u rtoru und try t in tiTrnpt n coiivi rsnt imi ImImitii the clerk. Cleveland Plum Ieul. r. ViisKetier "Wlult is the I rain wnititjg t-ts long for here?'' ('.niilr.ctil "The en-,1111'1 r i xliuilsto l thu htcitn liv lilowitiL; the wiiistlo too loir;." riiegotulo llluctlcr. With terrapin, lih, oy-tors unl Cfl'.llS, wlllt ilo.s III;' ll l;iiy an I lor- tuniiti' l'.isterri hhoreni in care ul'.ctt th" inere iso in tho price oi I)...: .' llall itnore Auu rican. "What are von ilotti;: o'i the 'n irivin, Totunut '!" "Stan, lm' lu I. i-.' the l-iohm'-'rhi-s," Mil. I T'o:ntiilo. "Aunt ed to i i l ow I'd look 'l 1 was tu i:is." Harper's Vtnin.j People. S!:e "( III, this v. .tin ; i p -t o .'tly lovely. I IHVel ili.l t l:jo.v ii:ill'i;il ipiito mi mi:;'!!. I.etV t'.i Kioii'i l an I vote lit nil the ptac 's. " lie ' ',, 1 guess pot." Mi- "Oil, you i.ici.ii thin,.;." I. droit l'r. e Press" I.mti-e - "M irio hill H Iovelv XV" 1 tlin.T, luit w li it iuii.lt! I ho hn le a:i I prootn i'o n 1 In) nislo, huti. I i :i h in IV" Platu'lie " vVhy, thm't you I. now 'r llcr hleevs wete so hm,' the e .al l.i'l t'lko his nrin." Louisviilo t; i ru r Jottrtiiil. Pinhly ''I mtppose your koii picn in for iithlotie? Pootlnill, perhaps? What is he, hillMmek?' Ju,lly-"llnlf-lmck? Well, 1 Kiless tin ! Volt (h i ii Kl nco .lack once, uml then you'd say ho was all lmek. No, Jack Ik no f t t 1 :il list; Iiu'h ii liieyclo fetooper. " Postoti 'J'ratitteiipt. This is tho Hoasoii of the year when the yoiui1,' tnuii win is onig to uni'l tintii from eolte0'o this siiunuer, l.c;;i:is to womler ho.v ninny ? Vlil I posit ions will he ollere.l to Ui hi tin' first month after he iieipiires his tlerec lie will know nil ubotit it heforo August 1. Soiiierville Joiinril. "There's nothing more lieuulil'nl Ih'in tint month ot April," him Mgim.l teti.lerly. "I wish that it eoiil I lust forever." "So lo I," he answered fervently. "You, too, arc fond ol na ture, Vjien?' "Yes, indeed. liesiles I havo n note emu in,,' ,iie on the 1st of May." Washinototi Slur. See.ly Pilgrim (tire. I Imt ! ter mineJ) "If you've Rot iitiything to liutiil out for u hungry man I'll t.iku it kindly, hut if you'ro oiu' t.) flmw lilt- out to tho garden nn' hteer me ngin a patch o' Piuoreo p'tuter that needs weeilm' I'll In.' Irottin' on. I've run ugifi that pitch two tlo.cii time nlreiuly thin mortiin'." Chicitjo Tri bune. An liitercsllug II.iii lit. "Manuel (lureiii was u curiottH ehitr. neter," Kiibl a tJilhiiti gclilleuiu iu (tpealiiti to II I'lillil lelphia Press re purler of the repot te. I death ot tll'lt I(!Voliltiotiist. "ilo wm litofo like il character in ii novel than t man living in the nineteenth century. His houi i was the m mi ii t it i us nr. I Im le 1 a regu lar hull lit'h lite, every now an 1 th .mi Jioldin.; up Sp iniiir.ls oa tlu' run 1 or currying; oil one of the:u nti 1 h l 1 i n li i in for runs uu. II" would writ i to a Spanish planter : 'S.ui I ino .-") or 1 hIiuII i'uru your houe,' ati 1 if tlm money was not l'ortho iiuin,' ho woul 1 parry his threat into exec ition. Ilo would uveu write to lioveriituetitiil of ficials, signing; himself 'Kiir,' of tho Mountains,' and demanding tribute. Ha never proyodou the nutivo Culiuns, only on tho Spaniards, uud gavo most of bin inouey to tho revolutionary :irty to ptirchasu nrms. " A .cw I'ttiic. A peculiar Huhhtituto for wimlov rIush, known as "tuotorium," isst itcj to havo been for Homo time employed ia Austria, Italy, Ooriuiiuy, Switaor land and liiivua as a covering for hot lioiiHOH, maripuees, vera nil us, window! of factories, roofs of i-torus, eto. It ia special, insolublo, biehromated gela tine, transparent us opal glass and incorporated iu wiro gauze, and it is eaid to refract thu rays of tho sua. II is naid to possess tho transluceticy' ol opal glass, nnd to bo itcxible i it bundu without breaking, does not dissolvo in water, aud is not iujurod by i'rotd. It is a bad conductor of heat, uud bo comes stronger and Btronger, it if stated, tho longer it in exposed to the air. If tbe glass is as clour us thu ex jilanutiou builder will aoou nee through it New Orloam ricayauo. piMMM Yod ace thtm everywhere. MOO Model 40 Columbia (i AT 1 Mnw, . , I lrrv-ri; r.. ' I JlVlVU-.J. Pattern 1 hartfoko Colmnlihs Tiny ulncet tl. 4 V Vy ,1-V a' v J -J 'i' 'S le' V C. t it Cat ;aile.l fl I. I I -a moo SI A oU Pl'-'O 'it t.ltf ( '..!ll;l.l,l 'its l.V V 1 t.,l.( ,. vt t..oU.s.r t.vt,;.t. tv . , . 5 i: i '.I. . 1 .' f . ir) i i ! . 'i-.tTT 1 ' 1V - II I l llV el tr- c; I.'lil. Ir ' i :e: frr pre-: . -ti... Itiiii'.vmtunvvvu't fv' Misapplied .Missionary Work. She was u thin, narrow, dark vlsued woman with "s s" on, and she e:ir- l-ied il p'lek!l";e of truetlels ninl leilllels, whiidi she Keattefed bt'oinleasl union"; the sinners lii the i 'ass av.-uiio eur on which she rode, says the Ictfiit Sun. When only one or two of th" pamph lets were left ti man v;ot In. II ' was on his way to the depot, n eo'iiitr.N man go ln' home, evidently. Ile had a Id.' tur key, which he disposed tenderly oil the kcut imxt to him, ami a. '-I.is tlasl; w iih ii rulilier cork stuck boldly out ol' his Coat pocket. "I lough:" be eXt laliued, n. his fare lu the l.-.x. "( ' Iio Stuffed hill' than bla'-s up Ik iv. ."In't il V" Uu t'.vliody loul.eil e .Id dl-cipproval at Mill, as good, polite ( 'hl'lstl.iii people do u bi ll spoken to iu a street i-or, all but the woman with the "trai ts." She had lislmd out one ami t 'Mended il to lihn. "Thankee,' he said, ree. lvin It 111 a tipiwn paw. "i 'imik' almanac, lnyV" "No, sir," mild the woman, tirmly, lu a hi;:h falsetto voice. "It Is to save your Immortal soul. Touch imt, t.isto not, handle not the wine." Anil slni pointed with it crooked forefinger to the glass flask protruding from liU bleast pocket. "(h, I wo," said the man, smll'ii pood htimoroilly on IiIm Hour-vlsaged vis n-vls; "but this bottle uiu't tor urn, nm'tini." "Woe unto Mm thnt glveth his neigh bor drink," quoted tho woman, llereely. "Ilo ain't pggsuetly my neighbor, ryther," whl tho man, "You nee, Ifa tho now bnby, aud vlf cnlouhitcH to fetch blm up by hand, and th's bottle's for blm, . bless bin itoot.sy tootsy. Where' tln rigging of If" And diving Into nnotHer pket he fished out hoiuo India rubber tubing, etc. Tho woman didn't wait to Mulsh her dissertation on teinpernneo, but got out without askluj; the driver tostot. "Do you believe In woman's rights?" risked tho Atnerloau young num. "Cer. taluly," replied Lord poddlcby. "My linneoo 1ms f.luO.ooi) In her own tight, nnd I consider It deuced chai-uilnj In lntr.M Wiuhlneton Fur. P I ... X "'I'' ,J ',:.' ..av:rn .... 'l.i! ic.'-'T lie. . : , ' - t. e,.r!-' l- .ff I !' I.' . ' ' 1 f 1 '.. i. t.c ' e I 4 i. ! ' ! tl:.i I ..:.ic 'le ... i C,.":,...-..:.. ';;. ).. .;,-,. o ..,. . ' , , i- "tl.ia.K. ,'. Itit . ' . '. : . . .. f I , e ... ' . ; ! . l : . ; ". VI I! '. . ,;.. ". tf.-n t n:i c o. f ; t i .'' !:':';";.. I v.-nis'inr. t : ' I p.iniw.::1 S II I l lll' . I - ..... '.. ;..,M;iiiMt' viJiiiifV-t; j licycles Bicycle beauty comes from graceful lines an J line finish, in which points, Columbia bicycles excel. But there is more than mere looks to recommend a Columbia. Back of the handsome design and elegant tiiiish is a sterling quality that over the roughest road aud the lom:e:t journey will carry the rivler with saiety and satis faction. tr a IIAkTI cr.D. - fort Ml! A Mil SToHCSt I'ovtnn, N w Vi-.tV. CM. i.v. S.: I I t.lll. IsCOt I I 1 clt'llsC, Luli.,1 . '.'.:. f r J .. : ;. -f mm ..I (.....:.' S, il II- iv l , Pa., or WHAT R O M WILL DO. I IS KATl'HK'S OVv'K TOXIC. f'jti'r.iilnlea 11. r- xwva !tt" ,r.: l ;.,o- iliiten retr. slmo? '.ieeo r.l?S VITA! r.!.icv.tn Tr. r.: i-:'.i , i nv Ml-THEBS.. P-stsV Checks wr.stlnir tl nn M t i.ik.. i f'a'n'i C-..C, :m:ii-.ij i.'K" i f "-en! i ion. lllf'tlO.'l Jt.crcii ti r!.-:r.(:''. i .'! . makl's i ed, ri!.: y.i.v.vj, I'roi'i: tcs . ci." . i : v'l'l;ve ti c Ji.-l 1 -i: ,y l,s3 io.;y cbcek.i o-.' ; ic:"i. AM, fEKA'-i". C )'!!'!..:KT.1. I!:i'-e!i n'roni; i.i- .i -.vcit.caof '.'il . 1 1 ! I '.'A. SlKORtS tBOtf MC PILLS Cure nil Waiting Disea.cs a.-.J the Ir crruenocR, SRONCHITIS, CONSLlMPTiON.&c, They nro licit titr si "T'tic noi-'- oist;' -,r..i lillVr- tin Coliui'lllt lllK.i l! , ct on 'l - colli -Olt.l of t'lC Mtoll'lli 11 or Its llllllisc. C'lisi :j;i.-l-tiy (lo tn t lim t the tci th or t ni.-o t',,iitip'i'ion o- clmrrh.eii. ns !o t iio u.-.iml l.inns ot 1 roil 10 tinys ti-t .itinei.t l)0c. Diiuiiihlet t;cj. It .ot l.i-jit Ijy yoi.r d: ui;,:i.-.t, i.dJrea:i GILMORE & CO., CINCINNATI. O. l'or sale in Mi.Iillebiiru'h, I'u., by T. II. .M.'U'tiliiini. r.ca !mvc doirc 3rilhvra ffiSf-a3? they will d 'OU. Nic? . V lit 1AV. OF R?3 K U t,i,!y. Qj.c,'. i.'-r and rerma::intiy . , '' 1 A pr.sitiw v.::.- Ur ;i'.': Nsi'vctiMw-:, 1 .!!:::., l all '.!i-;ir tr.iiiii) cviIsil; u!i::;:; i i v.irJv ..rrors ;u;J later f.' Cc ; l!;.' i . ci i vcr v.'i .rk, : is'l.i.s..-, v. d'p. '. hv" clops ;'.:kI kiws toiiv' ! :i.. u : h j Sl;; iial organs. Sicp.- i;:iii.!iui..l lueses or iiicliily t'mis.sioiis c.itis. d bv y-mhtnl errors ( dexressive- ii-cdi loba'cav 'piiim :iii.l liquor, which !: iJ to aniMimpiioii ail 'ii.sanit. Their use lo'. s immedi ate improvement. Ins'itd upon havinj; the Kcmiine KERVE BERRIES, hj . dher. Convenient to cx iy in vest pocket. iJrice, Si. oo per box, six boxes, one iui! treatment, SS.oo. Guaranteed tocure any case. If not kept by your drug gist we will send them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. I'amplilet free. Address mail ordersto AMERICAN MEDICAL CO., CINCINNATI, 0. For Hiilu in Miildloburg, Pa, by T. Jl. McWillhiruh. jurs. tioooimrtiio mto the kitchen und cook w ill tlx you out. Wandering Wllllo Thiinks, wld profuso gnitltudo, inadrun, but but I you has no objec tion, I'(l rather pnrtuko of refreshtnent In do open ulr, I.Ike mu friend, C'hatin cey Depow, I'm very fond of dlnlug out. Now York Ledger. Buy a AT