J' 1 tt. pi til I ( .1 THE M1BDLEBHRGH POST. GEO. W. WAOFA3ELLER, Editor and Proprietor Mbl-lb-burgh. Pn.. May 21. IH'JB. INCOME TAX LAW DEAE SUPREME COURT DECISION. Money Collected For Taxea Will be Promptly Refunded. KEYSTONE STATE CULLIES STATE CLEANINGS. Xe.spayf.re Revolution end Ice War in Fayotte. . - - Tbo Ico war which bai been In proves fot tome lime between the local Ico companies hat forced tlio prlco down to 25 cent a hun dred lower than It ever told for In Fayette county. The war wages also In Connela Tllle, Scottdale, Brownsville and West New ton. The troublo in the duplication ol Ice factories and overproduction. oil Korra. The South Tcnn Oil Company failed to dis cover a northeastern extension at Its teat well on the Llttman farm, In Greene county. The well waa expected to tap a rlcb, narrow Itreak north of ML Morris, on whtoh the Dunkard Oil Company and the McCnlmont Oil Company have found some very nice producer. A good dnal of attention It now being given to the development north of Butler, near loydstown. There I more new work etart log In that than anv other part of the county. r. W. Phillip drilled In a well on the An derson fnrm that may lead up to an extnn ilon of the third mini pool uast of Browns dale. Former ventures, however, In that part of the Held, proved ruther Mushy, and, notwithstanding the uew well made a flutter lug ihow, it may prove a small alTnlr. I ATAI I.T fril lilil, Tbe flue ot the tnwbout Ilescue collapsed while the vessel wan going up tho Monongn bela river, and Kngluecr George McKlnnhi and Firemnn Satnuol Sobootnover were fa tally scalded. lion. E. A. Wheeler of the Whoolor Iron Company signed a contract with the Oroen Vllle Improvement association agreeing to commence the erection of tbe new monster blast furnace within thirty dnyt, receiving In return a dued for the lund on which the Lliit Is to be located. The site of tho fur nace it on tbo linn of the Pittsburg, Sbeonugo k Lake Erie road, which company glvee no tice Increasing by 73 the number of Its shop employes and trainmen here. A taxpayers' revolt Is on hand In Spring field towusbip, Fayette county, against pay ment for a stone crusher which Hupervlsors Ubl and Murray ordered two months ago. The agent of the manufacturers bus not been able to oollect payment, and criminal aud civil suits are threatened. Tbe corpse of a well-dressed man was found In a thicket at Fowler station, 20 miles welt of Bellefbule. A pocketbook containing some money was lying beside tbo body, but there was nothing by which tbe dead man could be identified. Tbe Christian Endoavor convention at Now Brighton elected theso officers: President, C. W, Kurtf ; viae president, J. W. Huys; secretary, A. K Shaw; treasurer, W. II. Young; executive coiumittue, liev. O, V. Morris aud J. W. Zlrklo. Tbe Vnltod States Court of Appeals at Philadelphia sustained the decA-. J if Judge Acbcson at ritlsburg ainrmlDg tbe verdict of OU.OOO against tbe Weed estate at Wllllatne port In th. suit brought by Einlly E. Tru man. Although the membership of Morcer pres bytery of tbe United Presbyterian church In creased during the yuar from l.flti'i to 1,08 the contributiou decreased 767, leaving a dellcit of 827. Carnegio employes of Iioaver Falls, are so highly pleated with the voluntary udvuuce granted them that, I' is said, tliu organisa tion of nn Ainulguuiuted association lodge If impossible. (ieorgo McClelland und Wilson Fields, two of tho live uieu licensed of t!io murder ol Philip li. button nt Tuieutum, Murch were scutvuevd 12 J cars each to the peulteu tlury. Three boys employed by tbo Susquehanna coal couipuuy at N.mtieoke, wero discharged, aud wbeu tueir reinstatement was dcuicd 4ui men anl boys weut out on a strike. The Allegheny county lirimd Army iifsoela tion favors a stutu pcumon ol 1 cent for eucli day's service ol Pennsylvania soldiers from April 14, iMil, to May 1, l3-.'5. A movement is being mndo among tbe liraud Army pouts In Dluir county to eroel a soldiers' monument m Altoonu. A design shows u fort with surmounting tower. James Hendricks was convicted of murder in the second degree at Wilkveburre lor the killing of Barucy Belck on November 17, 1UJ. Edward William, Charles Jeffries and Willlum (.'"arrets, .'barged with robbing Hurry lllhsley, of Mouougubelu, wero held lor court. Edward rl.y smashed a window at Kit tanning, iu order to get locked up. lie was desperute ly poverty. Executions for fc'.'3,s55 were Issued against A in oh It. Hustetter. a leaf tobueeo dealer at Lancaster. Nib liubllme ury ebtlwuted at tiuo.ouu; onsets, e.'o.uou. Tho coruer-Hlotie for ft now l'roslyterlan church at ( lurlou bos been laid. J r. Elder Is the uhurcti's tecoud pustor in Its 6J years of existence. I o-tiiajtir llnwtliiH, of Ileitvur Fnlln, bns received lour cans of wall-eyed j.ike from tbe Lrlu linherics to pluco In iieaver county otr UU.S. ltus'll Irwin, tbe 12-yeur-old sen of Ir. J. R lrwlu. Iiaj beeu mysteriously uusnlug from bis home at Wusuiugtou sluco Mon day. In a quarrel at Wilklusburg.John Williams, 110 yeurs old, shot and killed Walter Cbup man. Dr. Cooke, of Jeanuette, fell downstair and sustained -rotable fa'.al iujurlus. He la lib year old. It Is now laid fhat V. D. Il'.te, the mleslng tax collector, of I.utrobo, is short tS.UUU In his accounts. All tbe traction roads of Philadelphia ore to be consolidated. The Pennsylvania Populist convention boa besn called tor Willluoisport, July . Tbe loss by Ore In tbe Nelson building at Mouongabula, amouutsto G,0U0. John Ramsey wa killed by lightning at Ddrgettstown. West Newton la to be supplied with water from two artesian wells. California Normal school commencement Will be held June 27. Wreckage From the Chioora. Large quantities of the Chleora wreckage came upbore three mile north of lieuton Harbor. Hundreds of people Hooked to tbe soene where timbers from tbe pilot bouse, cabin furniture aud main deck were gather ed. Much bad tbe appearance of le.ng freably broken loose. It is now believtd tbe Chleora lie In shallow water, and not live miles from borne. Four tugs will search In tbo vloinlly at once. Tho supreme court has doclared tho In come tax law unconstitutional. The cblel justice announced the following conclusion Monday. First We adhere to tbe opinion alroady announced that taxea on real estate being undisputably direct taxes, taxes on the renti or Income of real estate are equally direct taxes. .second Wo aro of opinion that taxea on persoual property or on the Income of per sonal property are likewise dirert taxes. Third 1 be tax imposed by sections 27 to 37, Inclusive, of tbe act of If;' I. so far as It falls on tbe income of real estate, and of per sonal property, being a direct tax within tin meaning of tbe constitution, and therefore, unconstitutional nnd void because not ap portioned according to representation, all thoso sections constituting one entire scheme of taxation are Lecessurlly Invalid. The decrees hereinbefore entered in this court will be vacated; the decrees below will be reserved, nnd the cases remanded, with instructloas to graut tbe relief prayed. Op inions will also be read by Jutloes Jackson, White, Harlan and lirown. I'pon tbe question of tbe general unconsti tutionality of the law, tbe court Is under stood to be divided as follows: Against the law. Chief Justice Fuller.Jtihlices Field, (iray, llrewer und hhlras; for the law, Justice Har lan, Drown, Jackson and White, lu delivering the opinion in the Income tax cases, chief Justice Fuller sai l: "Whenever this court is required to pots, upon tbo validity of nn act of congress, as tested by the fuudumental law euncted by tbe people, the duty imposed demands In Its dis charge tbo utmost deliberation nod core and invokes tho deepest eue of responsibility. And this is especially so when the question involve the exercise of a great governmental rower ami brings iuto consideration, as vital ly affected by tue decision, that complex system of government so sagaciously framed to secure and perpetute 'an Indestructible nnlnu, com posed of IndestructlblestateV. We have, therelore, with an anxious desire to omit nothing which might in any degree tend to elucidate tbe questions submitted ami aided by further able arguments em bodying tho fruits of olaborute research, carefully re-examined these rases with the result that, while our former conclusions remain unchanged, thoir scope must be en larged by the accept auce of thnir logical con sequences. The very uuture of tbe constitu tion, aa observed by Chief Justice Marshall, lu one of bla greatest Judgments, 'requires that only its gr-at outlines should bemurked, Its important objects designated and the mi nor ingredients which compose those object) be deduced from tbe nature of tho objects themselves." Shortly before 1 o'clock. Chief Justice Fuller concluded, and wax followed by Justice Harlan, who read a vigorous dissent. Internal Iievenue Commissioner Miller says tuat under section of tho revised stat utes all tbe money paid In on account of the income tax will bo refunded to tbe taxpayer by tbe treasury department without delay. Acting under this xectton internal revenue taxes wnngful y collected are daily refund ed by his olllce aud tbe same action will be taken as to repaying the income tax collect ed, it umouuts to only t73.0O0. SKINNEDAL1VE. Had Cftught a White Olrl and Held he, Captive Many Hours, Tbrco nogroes were lynched Saturday night, In a dense swamp on the Huwnnee river, by white men, for assaultiug white girl. It is reported that they were flayed alive aud then burned after being subjected to fearful tortures. The crlmo for which the negroes were so horribly i.ul to death was one of too most terrlblo in the history of this section ol Florida. Tho scene of tho crime of retribu tiou was in Lafayette, tho adjoining county to Madlsou on the houth. Miss Mamie Armstrong, tho beautiful daughter of a pro minent l.nfayeltu county farmer, left hd home live days ago, to spend the night with o uclghbor who lived two miles dihtant. iuc next day Miss Armstrong's father weut tuthe Ijou.-o to bring her home, nnd was astonished to hear thul uotlilug had been seen ol Uer. Mr. Armstrong alarmed tbe neighbor and a search was made. 'J lie woods wero scoured und the huwuneo river dragged. Finally, about midway between the noma of Mr. Armstrong aud tho neighbor's house, Uio handkerchief of the girl was found uliugiug to a bush, aud all arouud were evidences ol a desperate struggle. '1 ho searchers followed thu trail thus indi cated, llndlug all along thut thu girl had beeu dragged iuto the wood. Alter proceeding for u unto the corpse id Miss Armstrong was found lu a thick clump of busues. It was eviduut that the girl hud made a desperate light, for under nor nails were found pieces of black cuticle which sbo bad torn from her assailants. Hum Kcbol was luspected aud threatened with instant death uulors be confessed. He did so aud Implicated Hum Crow ley aud John llrooka. F.cbols said they kept tbe girl for 21 hours befor killing bor. Having secured the ne gros Implicated by Fnchols, the white men proceeded with the three lienda to dense swamp on tho Huwanoe rprer, where they were made to suffer torture similar to thut they bad Indicted on the girl. BAD FOR TRAIN ROBBERS. To be Executed in Mexico aa Soon aa Caught. A Mil has Just passed the national con gress of Mexico, regulating the manner In which train robbers will hereafter be dealt with in that country. Tbo new law says: "If, during tbe assault ot any train, there should result a case of robbery or tbe death of one or mure passengers, the criminal, it apprehended, will then bo oondemaed to suf fer the death penalty, without any other for mality than tho drafting ot the minutes re garding the execution by tbe olllcers in charge ot the forcts effecting bis capture. Those whose capture shall not be made at the moment of tn commisslonotthelr crimes, will be tried by tbe authorities most adjacent to the spot ol their apprehension, in tbe per emptory period of 15 days, and be made to suCer the doatb penalty, ' EARTHQUAKE IN ITALY. Church Filled With Worshipers Entirely Destroyed. . The earthquake wblcb occurred at Flor ence at 9 o'clock Knturday evening, has proved more acriou than it seemed at first. 1'uouimnds of people spent Saturday night in tho streets. nnd a second tdiock at 11 o'clock at bight Intensified n thousand fold the rirst alarm. The nvivemcnt ol the second earth quake was slight, home slight dumage was done, and seme persons were Injured, hlmliar shocks occurred nt Ilnris, near Flor ence. Tho casualties there included four deaths and many Injured, Numbers ot bouses wero also badly cracked. Other villages In this vicinity mrtered still worse damage. At Urasslna, 40 bouses were wrecked. At I.apaggl several buildings fell, and three persons weie entombed, 'ihe onurcb at Ht. Martiuo was destroyed, while full of wor shipers, several persons being crushed to death in tbe ruins. The villages of ialle?o aud Oamhino were badly damaged. Tbe l'rince of Naples and a corps of engineer have gone to these villages to aid in the work of rescue. haturday' earthquake, lasted 10 second af Orezzo. 'ihcre were two shocks at Hiena. it was Icza severe at Pisa, I'lacentla, Iloiogna and Parma. Tbe earthquake was recorded on Instruments at Home, liocca dl Papa and Ischla. The earthquake was felt in Moravia, South ern lluugary and Lalmatla, and also In Lai bach, where hardly a day now passes with out one or two shocks being felt. Herious earthquakes have also been felt In tbe lonlno Islands. An earthquake oocurred on tbe Isl and of Zauto on Hutiday. Allen Cannot Inherit. Tbe Illinois supreme court has affirmed a decree entered by tbe bangemon county court In the case of Egan against ltyan. The case binges on tbe alien' land act. John Lagan, a former wealthy realdent of tbls county, left a will giving all hi property to a nephew in Ireland. Two nephew living In this country petitioned to have the will aet aside, under the plea thut tbo devisee waa an alien and could not Inherit the property, and that they, a next of kin nnd clilzeu of the United Mate, were the logal bolr. Tbe court granted tbe petition and entered a de cree lu their favor. Meteor Fell In Mlohlgan. A buge meteor foil a few mile north of Nile. Mich., and exploded. Tbe aound wa beard long distance, and frightened many farmers. Tue meteor waa accompanied by brilliantly colored lights. When it struck tbe earth, ptooea Sew in every direction and a nig nolo wa maue in iua ground. BATTLES IN CUBA. In One Spaniard Lost 300, in the Other the Cubans 700. Late advices from Cuba state that Maximo Gomez la on the outskirts of Pureto Principe, with a largo force, and Is dally receiving re cruits from the surrounding country. An en gagement between the Hpaulsh troops, com uiandcd by Salcedo, and the Cubans, com manded by Mhcedo, at (uantunumo, Is re ported, in which the Spaniards were defeat ed, losing 301) kilied aud wounded. The Plant steamship, from Cuba, brings reports of iiu engagement ou the V.ltb near Jovlto. Tho Spanish papers say that 2,0U0 Cubans attacked tho city. Tbo 'Cubans are said to huve opened a general fire from three Hides ou the Spaniards, who retreated, send ing M0 men to another station for reinforce, ments. When these nrrived tbe Cubans withdrew. The Cuban loss is placed at 7u0. The Spanish lost 12 soldiers, ono priest, 1'r. llulse the pbyslelan. and Lieutenant i oionel Junqulu lioscb. Cubans discredit tbe story. MEXICAN REVOLT. Natives Killed SO of a Surveying Party, Then Defeated Soldiers. Information bus been received of a bloody local rovolt, which broke out in a settlement between the towns of liuadaloupe Calvo und Varvagama, In tbo Mate of Chihuahua, Mexico, a fow davs ago. The trouble began when tbo nutives living lu the district at tacked a surveying party, under upturn Morrison, an American, und killed '29 ol tbe party. The ulTair was reported to the com mander of Mexican troops ni Parral, who Im mediately sturted a detachment ol 1U0 men to tho scene. Lust Wednesday tho troops were nssaulted by tho natives, aud the troops retreated, leaving Hall their number dead and wounded on tho battleground. Tho usrolntment of the American Morri son to survey the government land, which Is now occupied by native farmers, caused tho trouble. Morrison was to receive a certain portion ot the lauds for his work. Tbo na tives number ubuut 2,000 men, living lu a district which is surrouuded by mountains. Troops have beeu ordered from C'blbuuhua lo quell tne revolt, aiorrnon esoaped. ST. ALBANS FIRE-SWEPT. More Than Half a Million Loss in the Vermont Town. A disastrous llro swept St, Albnns, Yt., Sunday afternoon destroying dwellings, business blocks, public buildings aud ii luigo amount of other t roperty, Tho fire broke out shortly nttcr U o'e.ock. In the luin ber yard of W, 1!. Fonda, and lu a short time several large piles of lumber aud business otllces hud been ignited, 'ihere wus it heavy wind blowing ut the time und the lire spread rapidly, burning embers being carried in every direction. Tho local lire apparatus and a largo force of townsmen endeuvored to prevent tho flro from extending to Main street, where the largo business i locks were located, but their effort bad little eflect. Swantou and liurliugtou were called on for help und soon respouded. It wus fouud itn possible to prevent Main street blocks from burning, and a dozen Imiiiliags were soon on lire. Shortly before ft o'clock the entire liur liugtou lire department arrived. The lire wus checked about 0:30 o'clock, in time to save the more valuable blocks on Mulu troet. The total loss will exceed 300,000. A Bad Wreck. The southbound passenger train on the St. Louis aud Hannibal Hallway was derailed by a broken rail two miles from Hilex, Mo., and thrown down a lid-foot embankment. The eutlre track for dlstuuce ot 100 b et waa torn up, some ot the rails being thrown off the right ot way. Very few of tbo passen gers und train crew escaped iujury. C. Meyer, ot Ht. Louis, was Instantly killed, und Lugeno Sulllvau, engineer, Haunibul. Mo., was probably fatally Injured, lu addition over 20 passengers wero more or less seri ously Injured. The Treasury Deficit. The'treusury dellcit bus passed the 50,- 000. 000 inuik, thu exact amount of the excess of expenditures over the receipts einco July 1, in1.).-), being 5o,40J.7. 'ihe best Infor mation attainable as to the net result of tue year's lliiauciul op-rations is thut even if thu Income tux law is permitted to remain us it Is, tho deilelcuey ou July 1 next will exceed Ju5,0o0,UU0, aud if the law U declared un constitutional it mny reach 600,Ooo,OUO. A Schooner Lost. All doubt that tbo schooner Kate Kelly was lost In Monday's storm waa removed when tbe tug Charm, of Kenosha, picked up wreck use bearing the schooner's name. The Kully left Cheboygan Monday night for Chicago, with a cargo ot ties, Caplala Ilatoh and crew of live men. It Is now believed that the entire crew was lost, aa tha wreckage found by the Charm Indicate that the boat wa pounded to pieces. A HARD FREEZE. Th Work of Destruction By Frost Com pleted. Cleveland. Information from tba Euclid grape belt Indicate that Thursday night' froit destroyed over two-third ot tbe grape crop. This district generally escaped dam age on Monday night. The loss ia conserva tively estimated at (500,000. Akron, O. Ice formed balf aa inch thick and the frost completed the work of destroy Inn vegetable, fruit, rot, whlob ba been going on for ome nights. Tbe damage ia great, and even tbe potatoes and grain have suffered. Fiudlny, O. Ice frore half an Inch thick, and urates were ruined. Tbo strawberry crop went glimmering. All the corn andean vegetables were ueeuoyea. New Castle, Fa. Lawrence county was visited by the heaviest frost sine 1H53. The apple crop will be a failure. Tbe early rasp berries and other early fruits, corn, rye and Winter wheat almost destroyed. Heading, Pa. Thursday night's frost was tbe worst of tbe week. Tbe fruit and vegeta ble suffered extremely. Iodinoapoiia A white troet covered tbe central portion ot Indiana. Keporta Innlcate tbe damage la very great It is believed even early wheat waa damaged. Trinidad, Col. Twelve Inches ot snow ) reported between here and Ilalton, N. M. Tbls ia tbe first anow or rain in thin territory for nearly alx month, and 1 balled with tbe greatest delight by tbe atockgrowers and other. Oeneseo, N. Y. Tbe freer probably min ed what fruit wa lelt In tbe (Joneses valley. Ice nearly balf an inch thick formed. SPANISH VICTORY. Desperate All Day Battle Fought In Eastern Cuba. New ba bcenrecelved of a groat Spanish victory in desparate battle fougbt at Jovlto, six miles from (Juantanomo, in tbe eastern end of the Island. The contest raged from daylight until 3 o'clock in tbe afternoon, wben the Cuban force were driven from tbe Held. Two thousand insurgents, under tho corn maud of Uen. domcr. the two Maccos, ltabl and Cartagena, fell suddenly upon 400 regu lar troop in a strong position. Tbe Span lards poured a terrible lire Into tbe Insurgents as they advanced. F.veutually tbe enemy surrounded tbe Spanish troop with a vastly superior force. ibo lleutennnt-colonel In command ot tho regulars fell wounded, when Maj. ltobles assumed tbe commnnd. With great fortitude be held bis position and re pelled the repeated charge of tba insur gents. It beenmo necessary for portion of tho Spanish force to cut It way out In ordor to communicate with tbe base of supplies and obtulu reinforcement. Ma). Oarrido, at tbe bead of DO men who volunteered for tbe at tempt, made a brilliant dash into the Insur gunts line and forced bl way through tbe circle of fire which surrounded the posi tion. shortly after tbe volunteers bad pierced tbe iusurgeut lino another detachment of Spanish troop under tbe command of Capt liruzon made an opportune flank attaek upon tbo rebels. The lattor were taken by surprise und thrown into confusion. The two bodies o! troops then united and make a combined attack upon tbe rebels, wbo were compelled to retire with the lot of 40 dead and many wounded. The Spanish loss was one doctor, one captuin, three nontenants and eleveuroldlers killed and thirty-one meu wounded. Among tho killed is Lieut. Dosca. The rebel cbiefs. Tadola and Macelto, aro believed to have been killed, while Cartagena, I'erlquito ana Perez were wounded. Tbe Insurgents re treated toward Sierra Canustu-Cbaparra. Maj. ltobles has gained the cross ot Ban Fernando for tbe brilliant manner in which be held his position agalust overwhelming numbers. PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY. BOOTH CHOSEN MODERATOR. Work of tho Assembly Begun Amid Oreat Oood Feeling. Moorish Rebels GaJnlnsr. Desperate flgntlng at Moroooo City Is re ported by couriers arrived from there. Tbe rebels bave tbe advautage and threaten to proclaim Muley, tbe one-eyed son of tbe lata Sultan Muley Iiusnn, Emperor of Morocco. Tbe Uerman corvette Alexandria left Wed nesday with tbe Uerman Minister to destroy tb vessel ot tb pirate along tbe Ionian coast, wbo recently killed tba Captain ot the Dutch brig Anna. Powder Mills Blow Up, Four mill ot tbo Scbaghtlcoke Powder Company, of Scbaghtlcoke, N. Y., blew up Wednesday. Tbe shock was terrlllc ( baun eey Leaues, .unmarried, wa killed, aud Charles Club, wbo bad a wife and tbre children, was fatally Injured. Bt Louis hod carrier lost their ttrlke. THAT REBEL MONUMENT Oen. Underwood Says it was Suggested by a Union Veteran. Ilegnrdlng tho monument to the con fedorate dead in Uakwoods cemetery, which Is to be dedicated on Memorial day, un ad dress to tho peoplo ot the United State ba been issued bv General I'uderwood. com inander of tho division of the North of the l uitod Confederate veterans. Among other things he says: Tho permission to erect a monument over the remain of 0,000 southern soldiers lu Uakwood cemetery was grouted by tbe Sec retary of War. Last Iieeoratlou day wben union and confederate veterans united In decorutlug tbo graves of the soldiers of both armies in Oakwoods. Maj. 11. G. Purinton, commander of Columbia post of tho It. A, It., suggested that tbe monument be decorat ed next Decoration day. that G. A. li. veter ans, because of Its being a holiday, might at tend aud tuke a courteous purt in tho cere mony. "I am tho rocli'ient of a letter from Lieut. Gen.'John M. hubolleld, commanding the United States army, nnd nn endorsement on tbe buck of his photograph by Gen. Thomas G. Lawler. cointnandcr-lu. chief ot tbe Grnnd Army ot the Hepublic, eueh commeudiug tbe uiouumeutlng of the remains of my dead comrades, the confoderates sloeplng in uak woods, us luudublo and praiswortny. BERING SEA PATROL. British Ships Will Act, but Under Mod ified Regulations. It can be authorltlvely stated that British hips will bo sent to Bering ea to patrol igninst poacher, and to use very effective aiesns ot carrying out the Paris nward, and tho British law based thereon. Tbe Instruc '.ious to tho British ship will not, bowover, direct tho scizuro of vessels fouud with arm. but will roquir other external evidence of leallug, such as the possession ot skius, pres ence of blood on tbo ship, etc., a a basis of eizure. This will differ from the instructions of last year, which made tbo open possesion of arms prima fucio evidence. The United htates law makes the open pos esslon of arms prima facie evideuce ot sea. lug. There is reason to believe that the British policy here after will be to allow United htates Ships to apprehend British ships under the British luw, but not under tue initea otaies taw. Tarre Haute Miners' Strike. Th. Mtiimlnntit mlnra in this field has agreed with tbe operators to go to work at 60 cents a ton. in is rate is to continue uuui July 15. The same rate will continue afler that date, it tbe operators in the competi tive Illinois fluid can be prevailed upon to meet it. Low Wages for Miners. Tho miner who were out on a strike at the Wilmington and Springfield ooul company' shaft, of Springfield, III., bave returned to work at operator' prices, of 85 ceuts per car ot it, 700 pounds, Tbi ia tbo lowest wages paid in the county to turner. Explosion on a Steamer. A crack in a boiler flue cuuaud an explos ion ou the rrver steamer Unique, on Lako bt. Clnlr. John Plant, fireman, wa terribly burned) Anthony Case, coal passer, wu lu atautly killed, and Georsu Itobluson, engl ueor.wo blown into tba water aud drowned. Standing of tha League Cub. Pittsburg... Cincinnati, Chicago...,. Boston CluTsiand., W ...10 7 ..1 8 ..IB 0 .1 T .14 10 L PC I .640 tW MS. Philadelphia 10 M Mi w. u p. to, New York... 10 10 .HO HHltiinure s tt .4 Nt. Louis .10 )& .400 Hrooklrn ...7 IS ,tm Wssbiuston...6 U .s0 Leuiirin...S It .161 I PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATE? Important Measures Consider w . ) TrtrA Tbe Foeht bill, alloB, ot eelpotain river and other irosxi finally, as did the bill authorizing k. . tboritie to order tb vacation of U,,.. Tba ona bundreth and teventh General assembly ot tba Presbyterian Church In tba United Btatet began It eesaion In Ihe Third ehurcb, Sixth avenue, Pittsburg, Thursday. There waa nothing unusual a .out the open ing, which wa conducted wi h Presbyterian Implicit and dignity. Moderator Mutchmors called the assembly lo order t 11 o'clock. Cmlrmaster V. li. Edward led bis choir In the rendition ot the tnlbem, "Send Out Tbv Light;" liev. I). N. Adams, P. I)., ot lied Itlver. Minn., offered an Invocation; Ilev. Ir. Page of Topeka, Kan., read tbe first Scripture leeaon, ana ir. V. L. LcEwan of the Third church announc ed a hymn. Following tbls He v. Dr. Nor sros of Carlisle, Pa,, offered prayer, and tbe Mated clerk. Ilev. Lr. W. H. Itoberts, read tbe second Scripture lesson. Ir. H. A. Mutebmora, tus retiring mod erator, delivered tbe opening sermon. Tbe assembly proceeded to tne election ot a moderator, lr. Muchinore warned tbo delegates against excitemeut and undue feel ing, reminding them ot the fact that the as sembly was a court ot God' bouse and tbe proprieties of tbe case demanded that they mould taxe up inn Dusines oeiore tnoui w.t3 earnestness and gravity. Nominations were called for. Ex-Gov-James A. lieaVer presented the name of liev. Ilobert Uusseli Booth, I). I)., of New tork. Ilev. C. W. Backus. I. V. of Kansas City. presented tbe nime of Ilev, Dr. Win. Page, of of Leavenworth, Kan. liev. Samuel H. Cryor, U. l.,ot Albert I.ea, Minn., nominated liev. It. M. Adams, I). !., ty nodical missionary of the etttti of Minne sota. Elder O. W. Shield of Kansas City. Mo.. spoke an additional word In lavor of Dr. rage, and tbe nomliiutiu ciose.. The toller reported that D41 vote baa been cast, '276 being n !ce?sary to a a choice. Of tbe vote cast In. Booth re ceived 300, Dr. Pago 105, und Dr. Adams. H3. fir. Booth was declared elected, and tbe elec tion was mado unanimous. Ilev. Ilobert ltussell Booth, D. P.. tbe new moderator, is pastor of Itutgors t Illverside) church, rew lorx. no is a son ot vvniiau A. and Allda illussclh Booth; was born In tbe city of New York In 1830; graduated from Williams college In 1SCJ aud from Auburn Theological seminary in 1452. After spending eomo month in Europe nnd In the east, be was. In No vember, 1853, ordained and Installed col league with Ilev. Dr. Beuiun ot the I'lrst Presbyterian church of Troy. N. V., which posit lou bo occupied for three and a half years. Early In 1867 be was Installed pas tor of tbe First Presbyterian church ot Btatnford, Conn. In March, lwtil. be became pastor ot tbe Mercer Street church. New York, and remained sucb until 1870. when It was consolidated with tbe University Palace ehurcb, aud be served as pastor of the United tburcu for thirteen years, and be bas been pastor ot tbe Old Itutgers (ltiverslde) church ten years, i nus, no uus oeeu pastor uuriug bla entire public life. Following tbe election of moderator, as llstant clerks were nominated by the stated and porm.ment clerk nnd elected. They are: Iter. William Greouough, Philadelphia presbytery; Ilev. John A. Ewalt, Columbus presbytery; liev. W. P. Craig. Los Angeles fresbytery, and Charles J, Deucon, Cedar lapld presbytery. Frlduy Dr. C. Young, I). IX, read tho re port of tue committee on seminaries, uo aid: "The committee stated at the conferences wltb tbe seminary boards that tbe power ought by tbe general assembly aro now pos sessed by it over a majority of the semi-oaric. Tbe committee recommend the adoption of the following resolution: First That it 1 the sense of Ibis assembly that the assembly of 1801 did not intend to prepare the way for any change In tbe tenure or management of the property of tho semi naries, or to do anything which can affect the autonomy of the seminaries, and that tbo laid recommendations were intended to have the meaning and effect as recited in this committee's report. Tbls assembly, lo re affirming the resolution of tbo assembly ol 18'J4, does so with the avowed purpose of leaving the tenure, and title to ull property of Ihe setuiditrles exactly where they aro now, In the hands of tbe various boards of trustees, and with tbe further purpose of securing tho veto power to the assembly, a nu elTcctlvo fore, by charter provision, nnd of sine guarding by cburter declaration, the trust bold aud to be held by board of trustee against perversion or misuso. Second That this (ioucral Assembly re affirms the action of the assembly of ls'Jl, and In view of tbe progress made, nnd tbo Importance ot tbe interests Involved. declares that in Its Judgment tbe effort should bo con tinued to Becure the adoption, in sub stance, ot the assembly's plan by all the seminaries. Third That a committee be appointed to bave further charge of this matter, and to make report to tho next General Assembly. Tbe seminaries wblcb offer to adopt all tbo recommendations are Omaha aud Dubuque. Princeton board "will endeavor to secure tuch action a will Insure to the General As tembly the right to bo represented in the eourta and enforce proper eoutrol." Tbo board ot tbe Western seminary, Allegheny, "sees no reason to ask any change in exist ing relations to tbe assembly." Danville will adopt the reeomtnondationa aa by-laws, Han Francisco, being under syuodicul care, ba deferred action. Dr. Cunningham read tho report ot tbo peciul committee ou Lane aemluary, which outlined thut tbe board of directors of that institution are willing to adopt all the recom mendations ot reorganization aud increase ot the General Assembly. Dr. Cunningham recommended that no debato take pluce aud tbo report was adopted und tbe committee continued, owtug to thu good work tbey have done. Tbe committeo on Sabbath observance re ported as follows: Tbe aaeclul committee on Sabbath obsor vance would respectfully emphasize tbe need ot vtgilanae and united action on the part of those w bo value tbe Lord s Day. Tbe antagonistic forces w,hich tend to un dermine tbe American Sabbath, both as a civil and religious institution, are luaidiou and active. Vigorous and organized attempts are being made to destroy the legal aud moral safeguards of this sacred day. A secularizing Sunday llteruture invade our borne; Sunday truffle, Sunday excursions, Sunday concerts, Sun lay social entertain ment, and Sunday traveling for gain or pleasure, lu many plucea prevail. Evon among proteasing Christian there are those wbo, while admitting that pbyaical, iomestlo and industrial Interests of the people require tb maintaloanee of tba weekly rest dav, do not seem to appreciate it religious Obligation. Tbe present situation is seri ousdemanding tbe Immediate consideration of tbe patriot, the philanthropist and tba Christian. Tba Saturday session of tbe Presbyterian General assembly olosed at noon, after bril liant debating on tbo question of seminary control, in wbloh Lawyer Thomas Mo Dougall, of Cincinnati, aud Dr. E. E. White, of Columbus, were the principal disputant. Mondays' session was given up principally to a continuation of tbe debate, in which Brest Thompson, of Miami University, ltev. Fraucis Montford, ot Claoinnati and Dr. Zeno, of MoCormick bouiluury, Chicago, took part. At lbs suggestion of Dr. Mutobmore a rising vote ou the report was taken. It re sulted 1n tb ad optlou ot the report Flv buudred and thirty vote wero cast. Of these 43'i voted for the adoption of tba report aud M against 1L which infectious diseases prevail, tw .' vui, pruwuiug iut iub r.iniiiiiiailMQ In the bliunnuous region, and to it,v employment of incompetent miners "Vllt' tented. Tbo Anderson act to p'to- miner and operators, and providing j; lk nppuiHimcui ui n eeuier 01 weignti fttili ' "l tires, also mol defeat on final passJ ?l Nickell bill empowering cities and hr H to appoint inspectors of food cattle i.?i l v.- 1 ,,,tU UUUB'V, lUniKD) UrBIIUp WtlerS fcVJ Is sold for food wa also ilef,.,,.,, V bouse d Is cusssed at lengbth tbe Uouii ?j Of ml s nrnvl.llnif forth tnml.lintanl r I misrepresent tbelr age In order to t-n's 1 tonicatlng drinks. Mr. Gould, of tni 1 mr. roeni, oi i nion, maue strong tuJr In t.tvnr fit tha mnnsiirn mbi! tha kA Wf4 ikIIv rnt Intrl thu nlil.tltnn l.nnl.,1 ... tlon over tbe consideration of this nwl t'lnnllv rnnaMHmtlnn of thu Kill ."J boned for the nre-enL Wr.niDtT Tha bill allowing w, boards to purchase out of tbe aobnol w?1 flag made ot American bunting, by ij? can workmen, to be displayed ou ths JtT bouse on tbelr respective districts ot . AmMlMB.. ,1ml. ... ..f..n...l J .. 3 day in the Houso. The reveuue bills fl ing real estate agents from tbe proving A the act ot ltfCl and 153 and reqmn 2 payment of a bonus ot one-half per oKT of capital stock by corporations Urc,j,. established or on renewal of charter. finally. Tbe first two bills were IntrJ at tbe request of tbe auditor gsnsrti id relieve real estate agent from pyiL"i'lv;J tun u. UB..7I m Tuirsuat. Mr. Grady, frr.rn t!. . nil t tee on rules, reported a reolutl n to A pnate amending the house resolution journment irom tno 2itn to tne win iug. ;j senatu urn not tuao ainuiy to n. air. or-J I the leader of the senate, but It v J that he was "buncoing" tbo senate, uj J words full without effect. Senator II,. J i crg nniagoni7.ou Jir. urauy s aavm: Un pointed out why it was Impoviti. :, adjournment on the date sugge-tej. Hts there were 138 appropriation bills still u-J committee, and that it would reimin eJ days to puss each one. He reniiLH It Grady that be bad sat on the b)ino:-f.J to adjourn on May 80 tor a month, anil s, J garded it as unfair. Senator dra lTujiJ is not in lavor oi adjourning on me .10 & ti that no acted merely to cull tue atn-uhi 4 tbe bouse to the fact thnt it was Kmy;J lo adjourn, lbe senate ry a large v-t. June 6 as tbe adjournment date. ,o tin ordinary scene was enacted In tbe m-lci dav. That body, on motion of Seuii;. rv adjourned for five minutes In orl'T to ti tribute to ex-Senator Tom Coorer, A come upon the floor. During the UW si cess Mr. Cooper addressed tbo sita'.i u brief but witty speech. FniuiT In tho bouse those nrpror r.t'i j were passed: Western pcneientiary, riJ'.M'j.!. itit Insane, 1 1,000,000; National Ctustrds. f. 000: Eastern penitentiary, flilftxiu: r nersvlllo Cbrouio Insane hospital, Connellsville hospital $25,000. liauv;.,(: sane hospital, f 'J3.000; to aupply the !:. ency In aalarles nnd expenses ut lii',-i of coal mines. trJ.000; Statu host itb. H cer, t'J.UOO; erection ot monuments to P-J aylvanla orgumzntlons engaged id w:i , Chicamaugu, Lookout Mountain, !:! tc llidgo. etc., aju.ooo; uouru OI UfultDOM Bills to agproprlato 40,600 to yny ur-i lloopes, sergcunt-nt-arms of the hou-is:d for services in election contests anl (11.000 to pnv expenses of election coxier wore defented. The goveruor npprotsl i bill to creute n statu board of veicriuuT 4 amluers, and to reguiute tbe practice ol 4 urinary surgeons. These bills wore passed finally: Ii so much of tbe net authorizing the anl Pittsburg to issuo bouds as relntu to '4 appointment of a bond clerk; nou ti, lating to actions Instituted to os.'erun 4 cover damages lor appropriation ei rr way in lands br corparutious Invntt! lands by corporations invested witbUtrd of eminent domuin, empowering onf lands and corporations, municipal or . wise, desiring to exercise the right cl rJ nent domain in sucb lauds, to ati s assessmout of damages by vlew-rs. In tho senate the bill to abolish t!i building commission of l'hila l-lcn 'I defeated yeas 10, nay 11 not a r tlotial majority, but was reeousidurv.il t. expected to pass next week SEVEN MEN KILLED. Explosion of a Boiler That IUJ H Condemned. The bodlos ot eight men, horritij -J gled, scalded nnd disfigured, w-'re ; out from the ruins ot the Peck, ll.v Cobb sawmill at Welt Bingham, IX Unas of a boiler explosion. Five wr -i and two of the three otners nuve tiuw Those killed were: Cluudo Euglish, James Mowers F Merrick, Lyman Perry, Cbus. Hour, H Converse, Albert Degrout. Bull Gndley waa lujured Interns!!; sustained a broken leg, but he will Two ot the men, Euglish aud Cuuvor peued to be lu tho mill at tho tiiucw tutors, Tbe mill win run by stetnu. f ated In an old 80-borse-power boiler, -it Is reported, bad been condemned bv i specter a few duy before because tli i guuge lulled to record accurately mo of steam nresbure. Tblrteen meu were employed In tb i They were busy ut work when a oiii i shutting dowu operations. niu. beiug repaired nobody paid any attest! tbe boiler, wbloh vu milking steam : time at a prodigious rate, for a but fit' beeu kindled under It. It was iw- business lu particular to teud the Ut! in sawmills nveryooay tuxes n uuuj Suddenly there came a boom as oil uou, followed by a cloud of steam, smoke, which rose high lu tho uir. 1 the victims wsre torn lixib from 11" ( their remains scattered about the iu tho immediate vicinity. Tho mill most entirely demolished. tho boiler were blowu hundreds ot I' victims were horribly innugled, hut- beads crushed to a Jelly, aud being able only by their clotbiutr. workmen wero all married and bud IL NEGRO'S AWFUL CRIME Attempted Murder, Fired His Ilou B ew Out His Brains. EU Wllllums, colored, while surpo sane, started a fire In tbe cellar of tin dence, No. 129 North Juniper street, I delphla, and then bit hi wife, Marf was asleep In tbe bed. on tha bead ax. As a floats to tbs tragedy, ! committed sulcldo by blowing out nu l' with an old musket. Although tbe woman's skull wu A in, she ran to the street in ber nlgul ci and gave the alarm, and tbe fire x Avllnjiiliihfwl The trnm. n vu tflki'Q I llihnaminl kosnital nhurs It la foUDJ he bad a compound fraoturo ol U Tbe pbyalclau bave no bope of ber n' William was 45 years old, and his wi( ' inesaiaeage, ineynou oeen ui'" 20 year, but bad no children. Kabies Kpldemlo. Owing to ths enldemia of ruble, wbi' prevailed In certain Florida coimti'i bouse ha passed a bill put of animals affovted with bydropbo nana oi tue state neaitn omcer. Baveral copper furnaces Igau have closed down. . flnn tb V dropbobU" llcer. lu Upp