. . ; I i. 1 1" 1 POST THt POST ..otilr. I' ool- I Tun hy tlii'iiiilcir. II iMKll lUl'OIVHIl," 1 1 iie, nc"i illnr." 1 1 iu'vt r. i, vi, , i inlsaut And iii'vtT m,,oill. Mii rii'ii,)iii.r,i'yct VA KM i I'M . Itv .ViV VT liir,' ill I IU ... r. II , I! 111'! 1 (' k i to VI I ml f 1 .r sua i te1 ydJ Bof LOOAL INTEREST next week. i.Awnsion Day. tbout the Conuty Fair f F. H. Maurer's new adver- t. Uowersox was a Selinsgrovo U Monday. n coeds man the huckster Ling vegetables. Much to buy Dry good ami :it WeiH Selinsgrovo. Hartuiau of Contreville vis iou.tbe barber, on Saturday S II. Yoder of Globe Mills, seriously ill with typhoid Aurand of tho AdamsbuiR went to Philadelphia on rttliMWifsluthi' brook. li.wUly 'jii'H Vin wlJ a IkmiIc, !t,,:netliluK funny In a butllo H.uldy iMiritl It duwu tils throtllt iKbolurship contest is open vbody. Don't be afraid to our ship. r Thompson spent a few Miflliu aud Juniata counties .r lust issue. D'.thel Lumbard of Solingrove t? bor sisters. Mrs. Totter o McLain. k lino of goods has justbeeu 1 from New York, at L, .erger'a Millinery. ifable Witteumyer, who had .ktiuirig school iu Philadel- irnud on Saturday. i in receipt of an invitation utral Pennsylvania College lumeut Juno, 713. couuty is well represented licatiouof tho Odd Fellows' I) Philadelphia this week. jr Hastings has approved ':ing tho standard weight 1 of ouions attifty pounds. f frost was found last Fri lling. Q.irden vegetables, Lil other things suffered. girl who is enthusiastically to as a "peach" is just as led as that luscious fruit. F. II. Maurer, New Berlin, o new spring Roods that arrived from the Eastern Iilgo Holt of Lowistown, the hospitality of Miss ius iu Swiueford over k J!jHitvh is advocatiug of John Wauamakof for Mean presidential uomi- uinny people from town the sheriff's salo at J. B. 1 J. Roller Peek's list G. Nye, pastor of tho U. . in 1 family uro away on a visit to friends nt Pal- Til Solos aud children of itt'o oa a two weeks' visit ts, Mr. and Mrs. II. 11. hu'.p t resurrect the r If so, come to. tho it luosdiy ftftor-iuou t House. 'to for County Surveyor 'inated at the ltepubli- "8 committee meeting rt week. Democrats aro growing Uorod throuirh thoir ef- rJ gold on one shouldor u the other. utical economist) Dar 'return in v In vt vn. 17 thing you have ever pt I can return." rT Hartor of Hartleton mie Smith ofMillmont let8 of Dr. J. V. Or wig' uay and Friuay of last MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., PA.. MAY 23, 185)5. Silkalines reduced to 10 cents at Libbio Dunkelbergor's Millinery. It TlotWt follow that because a man is a professor of pathology be would mako a good guide. Longinus Walter of White Springs, Union county, was in town on Monday to visit his sick mother. Rumor says that robbers broke into Harloy aud Dashoar's store on Monday night aud helped them selves to jewelry. Prothonotary J. C. Schoch aud Register and Recorder Geo. M. Shindel took iu tho Dedication of tho Odd Fellows' temple at Phila delphia this week. Sal (smeii Wanted. To Rcll Non Nicotine Midgets Cigars. Samples free. Salary or Commission. Good side line. Address, Laxdis & Co., tf Shippensburg, Pa. There aro only four days each year iu vhich sun uud clock timo exactly correspond. April 1 was one of those days. Tho other three are Juno 14, September 1 uud De cember 21. Tho Republican Standing Com mittco of Snyder Co. will meet at Middlebnrgh Tuesday, May 28, nt 1 o'clock l. M. Important business to transact. C. M. Aiibooast, Chairman. Tho Editor of the Post has benn elected a member of the Pennsyl vania State Editorial Association. The Summer excursion will likely be a trip to Chautauqua Lake aud Ni agara Falls, N. Y. Biiick Fob Sale : Prick of tho best quality for building and paving can bo secured at reusonablo rates by applying to Cakbon Seebolp, Washington House, Middleburg, Pa. A new tiuiotablo went into otl'oet on Monday. Th3 trains all run on the same tim, except tho moruing train from Lewistown. It passes Middleburgh eight minutes earlier. Merchants mid others are caution ed to bo on the lookout for a count erfeit 5 gold piece bearing date of 1890, which so closely resembles the gonuino as to defy, detectiou, al though they are lighter and thinner. The instructor of tho Now York fashionables on tho bicycle is one Isaac Johnson, a colored man. whoso patronage is so extensive that his bank account bids fair to rival somo of his millionaire pupils. Tho wise business man of to-day puts good advertising matter into tho best newspapers, and goes homa to his family at night spreuo iu tho consciousness that his business is still being pushed whilo lm recuper ates. Mrs. V. Gordon at Scliusgrove will oiler special bargains on Thurs day May 2!rd, Saturday 2,"ith, Thursday May :S"th and Saturday Juno 1st in Ladies' notions and furnishing goods. (Jail to seo tho bargains. "Mistaken Sori.s Who Dueam of Buss." Tho following marriago li censes have boon granted since our list publication : Elmer Kerhtetter, Union Tvp., )Mary II. Shotzberger, ' Frank A. Ewing, Spring Twp., ) Anna M. Snook, " James II. Weiand, Reaver Twp., ) Sallio E. Boyer, Perry " Prices to suit tho times iu har nesses. 11 y nets &c. All band sewed. yaukeo harness from 12 up. Buggy harness from 10 up. All other reducod in nrico. Mendincr nromnt- ly done. Come and bo convinced. No charges to snow goods. E. K. FllEYMAN, West Markot St. Middldburgh, Pa. Dr. Adam C. Spaugler, on Mon day came home Philadelphia where he has just completed his dental studios. He will graduate from the University of Pennsylvania on the 13th of next month and will then lo cate in the office next door to Weis' store in Selinsgrove. Adam is a worthy, young man and ia deserving of a share of the publio patronage. Mist Bertha Hauck, a popular young lady of Lewisburg, and Dr. Harry Oswell Carm'hall of a prom inent New York hospital, wcro married at the homo of the bride's motlTr in Lewisburg Thursday in the presence of a large aud distin guished assemblage. Wanted. Every smoker to send us 7 two-ct. stamps to help pay postage packing etc., and we will mail box of our Non-Nicotino Midgets Cigars. Only one box to ono address. Address, Lanpis V Co., tf ; Shippensburg, Pa. Hundreds of livos might have boon savod by a knowledge of this simple recipo : A largo teaspoouful of home tuado mustard, mixed iu a tumbler of warm water and swallow ed as Boon an possible, acts as an onietio sufficiently poweiful to re move -all that is lodged in the stomach. An exchange says that a woman's character .has been likened to a post age stamp ono black mark ruins it. Man's )ike a treasury note no mat ter hov many stains it still passes at par. ' When a woman falls from grace her character is usually ruined forever. While on tho other hand a man way straighten up aud be re ceived $nto tho best society again. All of which is too true. IAu&till Alive. Tho time has come wjion every body should get a gallon W Mirks' Pure Rye Whiskey for use' during tho summer. These goodtf.aie hotter for you thtui medi cine,. I have on uaud a tine stok all a (ori manufacture aud I guar antee those goods are not drugged. J. L. Mauks, Middleburgh, Pa. F. W. Wagner, a student of Rack noil, was iu Mi 1 Uob irgli over Sun day. Mr. Wagner will leave college this year and in August will become the manager of the Lycoming Opera Houso in Williamsport. He is a popular, young man mid we ho speak for him abuud uit sai:ens. Tho young ladies of Phil) Sociot v will serve Boston Baked Beans and ti host of oth'ir goo 1 things at Selins grove on Memorial Day to feed all tho hungry mm, womeu and chil dren iu town that day. Ice cream and cake will 1m served. Next dooi to tho Trifimti office. Patronize tho ladies. Brigade encumpmuuts of tin- Na tional Guard of this State will Im hell as follows : The First and Third brigades from July 20 to 27, inclusive ; tho Second brigade from August 3 to 10, inclusive. The place of encampment for each brigide will be designed by the brigade cotnmauder. The annual inspec tion will bo made by the inspector general. A WOMAN WHO WILL WOLK WANTI'l) ill every county to introduce the (Vie brated "Hygeia"' Waists for all ages. This Waist supercedes the corset, aud has received the unanimous ap proval of tho l iuling physicians of America. :U( outfit free. Any e!n igetic woman can make from !jl."to ."0 weekly. Scud lor circu lars and terms. Ilvor.j v MVo Co., 1-1 Mini. :S7S Canal St., New York In our last issue we stated that the New Berlin Junior Base Ball team defeated tho Central Penua. college team by a score of 8 to 2. On Friday wo were handed a com munication from representatives of tho collogo claiming the gamo for tho collegians by a score of 2 to 0. Sineo both parties claim this gamo it would bo well to have another game to decido the matter. Last week wo had a brief but ploaB ant call from Rev. J. M. Roarick and wife, of Centre Hall, aud Frank Walter and his bride, of Middleburg, Snyder county. Tho latter were on thoir wedding tour, aud, of course, came to Bollefonte, the most popu lar town in the Stato, to spend a portion of their honeymoon. They left with a good impression of our town and people, and we will heartily welcome them back sometime in the future. Belleout Gazette, Avoid Dangerous Crossings. In view of the constantly recur rimj Railroad accidents it becomes a matter of serious consideration how best to avoid them. As ling as wo permit the jaws of jeopardy to stand wideopii to p illiti and crush innocent victims, tli.'so occurrences will not diminish in number. Two miles I) ist of Mi niel.urgli at Re 1 Hill the driving ion I erossei the rail roa 1 at two pi ices within Mil yards. This cm very reililv be avoided bv constructing a roa 1 back over the hill. Tliis d nlhle crossing makes an exceedingly dingerous place and the citizens of that dis trict sii ml I in wise p rniit this constant peril. At Krca.ii v v!i -iv b it four sli rt months ai;o two lives were ushere I into eternity in tin' twinkling of an eye and many others injure 1 there still remains tho same peril. Is it possidle tint the citiz ms of Snyder county will tolerate a condition so perilous to limn m life .' They would not, we are certain, p rniit a robber to station himself in their midst, ready at any in nnent to appropriate their possessions to his ovu me. ei by their silence tlicy sanction and approve of a roblcr stationing himself in their midst ready at any unguarded moment, to rob them of what to them is far more dear, the companionship of friends or perhaps their own existence. Shall we calmly, q iietly aud un otl'ensively fold our arms and shut our eyes against tho truth ? If wo do, thep inalt v mustbu paid, sooner or later, in the sacritici of hum in life or in the torture of human llesli. The experiences of the past four mouths have taught is a useful, though expensive lesson and if we are not willin,' to pnr.it by them h similar fate will again crush us be neath a load of sorrow. To compel the Riilroad Company to station n watchman at R id Hill would not afford the best protection. Tho surest esc ipo lies in the aban donment of tho road and the chang ing of its course so us to avoid both crossings. At Krcauicr there presents itself an enigma that almost billies a safe solution. At this point tho danger can be diminished bv placing there a vigilant walclimiu orb -Iter still by changing tho crossing to a place where the view of I lie railroidis not obstructed. Wo call upon tho supervisors of Franklin and Middle creek Townships and up u a'l good citizens to lend a helping hand to abate tho peril of our public high ways. Let us not permit our safety to hang in joop.irdy a i l to invito public calamity. -- - - Tho R sh u Studio under the direction of P. M. Gettclisin town this weeli. A canvass tent has been place I o t Mirket street opposite the Posr printing office. He will re in tin for one week only, so don't wait to 1 ug t ) have your pictures tlliCII. Everybody is welcome iu audit or's office and shoul I make them selves at home. Walk right in and sit down in tlie e litur's chair an I put your feet upon the desk an I npit tobacco juice over the ;1 i r mi, I fumble over tho exchanges and smoke cheap cigirs and throw matches in the waste basket, and don't fail to read all tho proofs that have been taken or to occasionally read copy over tho writer's shoulder. All aro evidence of good manners (.'). Carelessness in throwing articles that are liable to puncture a wheel into a stroet or a road is frequently productive of disastorous results, , but in nearly every state tho wheel man has no redress. Tho city of Hartford, Conn., however, has como to the relief of cyclers in that vicin ity aud an ordinance has been pass ed providing for a fine of 1 for the offence of throwing or placing or causing to bo thrown or placed in or upon any street or highway any nails, spikes, screws, glass or othor similar substances. Similar ordi nances should be passed iu every city. For A County Fair. Be it freely confessed, for ten or twelve years Snyder county has had no County fair. The interests of our section depends chiefly upon agricultural pursuits and it is an unpardonable admission of m.gli. genee and error to have this state of affairs continue. It is the determi nation of a number of our active, leading citizens to change the status of thing. A few however, can not do it alone. This m owiuent iiires the hearty and co-oper it ive support of all our business men and every farmer. It nows remains to bo seen whether this support will bo forth coming On next Tuesday after noon nt one o'clock a in eting will bo held iu one of the rooms at the Court House for Hi" purpose of con sideling the advisability of organ- i.uii; ii niock associai ion 10 a ivance the progress of this movement. Tho proposed cntorpri is alau liblo one and should be encouraged from every portion of the county. Every county iu the state, except three or four, has an annual fair. Shall Snyder county remain dilatory in this matter .' Wo say most empha tically, "no". Let us have a full turn out at the meeting next Tuesday. PieiTUKs! Pictuiies I During the early part of June I will visit Middle burgh ami called upon the citizens to show them samples of the finest work on crayon portraits. I have placed a few portr uts and iu every instance the portrait must bo satis factory before any 'nifoey is requir ed. C. E. ( osi)3N .vtifflinburgh, Ifo. Have you looked at tho dale after your name lately to see how far your subscription is paid? If you have done so and find it in good shape, this not ice does not refer to you. It refers to those who tire il -linqucnt for one to live or more years. Perhaps you can send it or bring it in next week during court. The Editor acknowledges Hut re ceipt of Lee's condensed cyclopedia of History, Biography, Philosophy published by Laird and Lee, Chicago. The volume contains list pages of closely packed information, alpha betically arranged and sells for the extremely low price of .0 cents. There is not a person living who should not have a copy of this book. Last Thursday, Friday and Sat urday Miss Libbio Duukclbcrger had her annual Summer Millinery opening. It was tho neatest display of Millinery and fancy goods that we have seen outside of the large cities. During tho three days pur chasers were constantly surging to uud fro about the three large rooms used to display her goods. The secret of her business success lies hugely iu her liberal use of printers' ink. l'orhaps some business men can profit by her example. lioiipliiK l'oni;li. There is no tinnier from this li. ease when ( 'haluberluiii's Couh Kemeily is lively given. It liipielies the tonsil mucus and aids its e. per oration. It also leasscus the seventy ii in I frequency of paroxysms o couch ing, uud insures a ipeely i owry. There is no', the least danger iu (,-iv- iiiu' the remedy to chilol'ell or liahii'S, as it contains no injurious Hiihst.incc. Tor hale by .1. V, .Sitmpoll, I'emis l ivek, Pa. NO. 21. The Star Spanned Banner's Author. Many interesting ti,iuM u,0Mt Francis Scott Key - the author of the Star Spangled Banner -ii eeon tained iu a pamphlet, which mav be obtained five, from (lie Key Mon ument Association of 'ity M inland, by sending two cent siamp for posU,.,.. -'his As social ion is r.usj;, . f,,., s f , , . ,.t able monument to the p..,.;. and they suggested, that in the schools and every where upon or !., f,,re Flag Day i.luue luhi, this sM(.ct bo suitably recognized. (' . itnbu tioiis, howev. r mii all, are ado-d for. Kvciyouo Wll .loves the Flag, ought to have some sin ill .,haivi,i budding this monument. The (', .v, ru r t' Maryland has dro ,gy ,.,,, ( movement. The n am -s of ., ,..,. tributors will bo preserved j,, jj,,. ('Hilt O the l,i cm i I ....I. - " , ,i ; I I mi I ished I without amount i iu the his iory of the iiionum. nt wh n completed. Reduced R.i'.vj m Pcnn .y'vanu Rail road axinnt M.'eteief of German Baptists "Dunlur.k" at Decatur, III. For them Iiimo lit ion nf nersmiM who desire to attend the ineelin.r of the German Baptists Dunkanlsi, tube held at Decatur, Iil., May '-.. to June S, the Pennsylvania I! lilroad Company will sell from May 'J 1 to Juiie.t, inclusive, excursion tickets from all points on their system west of ami and including Biltimore, Laucastur, and Beading, mid south of and inclu dingSunbury, to Decatur ami return, at a single faro for the round trip. Tickets will be good' to" return to starting point within thirty days from dale of sale. WEST BI'AYEi;. 'i i i 1 '1 "i W 1 v i V S 1 rV ' H Next week is May Court and we must have grease for our new press. We use tho oil of gladness which is distilled from bank-bills, gold, and silver. If you havon't tho oil, bring us the raw material "out of which it is .made; Do naixt woch is do Moy Court un mero missa scohiuior hovva far unsor uio bress. Mere usa es tile fun harlichkeit wo g'shtilled is fun bank-nota. guld, un silver. Wou eer net es ale hot, bring unses shtuft woo es drouse ga-maucht is. If this don't bring the ducats we will translate it into Greek. The frost list week did n good deal of damage to the corn, grapes ami vcgatables liobeit Krcbs' little boy of Mifllin county who was visiting ut his Grand father, John IMker's took sick ami die I on last Saturday luorniiig. . . . llousi r and Knepp started on Monday mnriiiug to the eastern cities to lay iu a stock of new goods, for their summer trade W. H. Koch has b u sick list for the past two , . cks. Henry Troisier is improvinn slowly The question is now who put that butter under the McCluro creamery. About ."no lbs. of spoiled butter was found ...Win. Gross and wife were visiting in Juniata county last- week lohn I. Kris' youngest child was buried nt the Ilidge church on Monday. .. .Tho young bears at Crossgrove are re ported to be all well and in a good growing condition I. .1. Sieely is now dealing in (lying squirrels uud fancy chickens. He las u bi ood id' chickens he calls the wonderful white Americans. When fully grown they will weigh from io to I", lbs. each ...Jtis report d thai most of the corn will have to be r. p!nite,l on account of worms and lYo-t ... .). Irvin Howell at;.! i f : Siglm ville speii! .Sunday ith of their Snyder ce:;n!y ! i, ; 1 . lie p.. Of all tie 1 iv, . in i - v.-oild none can . ni p ; . ; t ; p.: ! . of n big boy for his mo! i., r. It is pure and noble, ! i . 1 1 - p. il ii , t the highest degree. By this dm i:ul af fection is not, mean I, but :i I ve t hat makes a boy gallant pud c mricous to his mother : a kin 1 of 1 .ve (h:i) says to everybody plainly he is fair ly in love with her. N'ex! to Dm love of a husband, nothing so crowns a woman's life with honor as this sec ond love, this devotion of a sou to her. The boys who begin life by falling in love with their mother never turn out bally. Any man may fall iu lovo with a fresh faced girl, and the man who is gilliut with tho girl may cruelly neglect his worn and wuary wife ; but tho boy who is a lover of his mother iu her middle age is a true knight who will love his wifo as much in her sore leaved autumn as ho did iu the daisied springtime.