The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 09, 1895, Image 4

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Hoard, Heat. Walilnif, Kurn kIiciI l!(m. I.lKlit
uvi i if Uvniiimliiin, napnf tet book unci I.I
brury rind manual trultilni; tor mm arholuttle
vear l r.' "Pk nHh'1 HloitiiMniriftiiicNorm il
ileiol will Ik- dlv I'I'il N'twren two permn to
. 'IiVtl- Ir, till' TlMlll'M nf this tujvr.
FIUXT l'l(l.K.
Th p rs-in re vivm the iniwt villi's will !
i !itti-il t.i .i m linLirtliip nf two term or lit
wifit hi' linllnif Tuition, llourdnnd rverjliilliir
111 ' lit i IIK' l iltHlve.
KtniMt rm.K.
Tlii' ; nvrlMn." tli" in'M lil'ln--t tiumli'T
of viiti h n ill ni'i'tvi tin- Mi'dinl prl''. iM-inif n
' li' Tor II work nt tl kiiih- arhool.
This lin linl-1 Tuition. Hoard mid I'M-rythlnir
m"iilliiii''c iiinvt.
Til'' llr! I i li' Is wort H f mi. Tin" M'i'oiiil Is
worth I'H a. This 0IT1T ii'llsi s our former
iiirtirniiiiliniiiis off'T ntnl alioiiiil tiring to the
In-lit all Iimi h"rs mid ollvi s lio up' imxlntls
fn la-tier prfiiri tln'iits!lis fur life 'a ureal
'1'lly. Kir)' lsi, ul tli I'iit foli'ulfiH II hlulik
ImIIoI or voting rin;in. Any fn'rsoii can Vote
as often in lie or sliipleasoH, but lliey must use
the vntiiik' pi"imn tslnw or a premium fouKn
l.ild lij tlieeillltiT of this paper for servlee-4
rendered In Its tifhalf. Klifhteen premium
rniions will Is" Issued for every hew wli
,enriy suii-xTttH-r to this paper. Miould nny of
Hie sulis.-tlls'rs of the Post f'S'l RiinU-lently In
leresleil In the welfare of iir.y ronteslant mid
I'iiv up nil iiif.iraifsuii mihsi'rlptloii ninl one
ye ir Hi mlvaiv-e the aiitwerlticr Is entitled to
tin'hi' pi"iniuin eo'i"iis nr one coupon for
every Mount p.ild in uilv.un'o. The preinliim
i lupous will lm cp'dlted to whomsoever the
j!i'i'rllh'r II iini'S. It mutt I untUrnt'MMt thit no
ro,ifrtf 4. mthritl t" iiot tuUtrrOirrt for mnn
m. Mulii! tIIhts will confer favor liy reportltitf
itiy p-rs 'i- wiei disregard this ropiest.
Tlte Teachers' Contest.
I lie Int. to! In the l'o?r s prize lonU'st eon
mines to iticroiise. It would not be fair nt this
nine to illM'liise how the vole stiiuils, yet nil the
readers should know for wh"in votes 11 re i,
pj-lii . 'J'lie nalni'S follow In ulpliulx-tli ul or
: r
ll.mey. Ml' hii I. Kantz.
h irli H, Kiluln, I'nrt Tii-veitnii.
I. Ill, A. V Mlilillesw.ulh.
Keller, Laura, Ailiiniil.tirtr.
Kulm. William Mialuuklt: Pain.
Iindls. r. W.. Kiei liniv.
Mill.-,' lull, l.lzzle, Nrlllii,'roe.
lii nniii :er. II. s,, I r.mkllii Township.
i- . nt. eh. ii . i:., v. p.. Mil.
! ' I'll ! T, Ii. I-.. Ml. I'le.Kaiit Mill".
inn. .11, W. I., Tl'ovl-. 111", ii allies w III Is- lidded from Mine to tlln.
.is -iiii'i a, the liUlilliel' ef otes 111 )H ,ify,
nunca im iuU ...v. J '"iiu
. Illl I III II -) i
uoine. They limroU with nii'l",
(no .lrunm Wat reveillo nr tattoo, ntul
in BctionthoJaiiia,o "'" 110 cheers.
Tho oflk-trs have a cmle t-if-Mitils y
whihtliug that hi rvin to .lircct tho
movements of the troop.
Four thoUHiiU'l miles of ruilroml
were in contemplation iu China when
the war with Japan broke out. Tho
jiroposcl roii'ls iui'lu'lo.l a gruu.1
trunk liu.) from l'ekiu to Shanghai, a
truuk lino from lVkiti to Huukow,
lino from l'ekin to Maukil. u in M
.. ... . 4., .nt fee , " 1
a wot. Of (oumo all'
' work h Wen mmloned, and no one
knows where mutiny will be raised to
resume operations. M "K vdinntj
Las always been a vitforou udvocnte
. of railway construe! ion.
Tho me thins that M-ems to tho
New York Tribune well-nigh eertaiu
in regard to tho future of Kustern
nations is that extensive and revolu
tionary changes, such as have not been
witnessed for many generations, will
follow the struggle between Japan and
rl.inn Jmuiii will bo more than ever
determined to assimilate its industrial
and monetary systems to those o
Iurone ud America. China wil
Publisboil every ThursJny.
Geo. W. Wagcnseller,
Editor and Proprietor,
Thursday, May 1), 1895.
The Money Problem
To The Kmtoh ok the News Itkm:
In voiir issue, of Anril 'J.'th von nl
liido to "In these duys of hilver
craze, it is u uroat utny to tho faith
of bouihI money uieu to liavo u l'roui
dent vvlio in uncompromising in hi
nostnity 10 n louiispii currency
v in j on pienso fiuigiiti'U your
worthy rciitlfi'8 bow long Kinco it is
since Kilvcr is n tlebaseil currency.
IftbeliiwH against Hilver bavo not
nut it in tho condition it is: what
has? If the ditVirent nations bad
demonetized gold instead of silver,
for what other jpurpotio would gold
have tho valuo it bns to-day? Is it,
oris it not tho "liaf of n. ii ii t ion
placed on its money that gives it its
value T
Will you pleaso Mate to your read
tis the "great tday to tho faith of
soiiua money that ileHeiKon and
Jackson bad Did they believo in
t lie money ot our Constitution, or
did tin y take half of tho lnonev
from tho people as has been dune
since, thereby causing all valuo to
."o per cent., and doubling the debts
of the people
In a recent lctteryou say tho Presi
dent sc ts forth bis views with great
clearness and force. I supposo you
allude to the letter addressed by
him to Messrs. W. (. J biker, (ieo.
W. .Smith, and others of the Chicago
committee. I In is regarded as the
father of llie present linancial con
dition of tho couutry.
The policy for which be labored so
long bus been established, and the
money of tho United States reduced
to the shrinking value of gold. 11a
nays: "What is now more needed
than anything else is n plain and
pimply presental ion of the nrgumftit
in favor of Round money."
If there is any argument in favor
of bis Hound money jiolicv which bo
I... ,l. ...1 nn.l f i .A
country, we nhonld have it at once.
He bns nlluded in his public i
speechen for nomo time to "sound
money," "safe currency," but be bns
never as yet eiplained to the people
what is "sound money'' or "safe
currency"? Canyon?
He acknowledges that we are in
a time of misfortune and depres
sion and if be would onlv tell tho
people what "sound money' is they
could draw their own conclusions ns
to its effectiveness.
In bis letter to (Jeo. Noithen be
was in favor of tho unconditional!
repeal of the Sherman law. and lie
was very much astonished at the
resistance in tho Se"nnte to such
prompt action as would relieve the
present unfortunate condition. His
prediction to the repeal rallied to
his support tho commercial press,
tho boards of trade, and the dealers
iu money and bonds, called business
men, and enabled linn with his pa
tronage to overcome this opposi
tion in the Senate, and the people
ask for an explanation w by the ro
neol of the Sherman act did not ro
lieve the unfortunate situation. Can
'0Ji.?. ...
His last sale of !iy,000.(KMl of bonds
to the Rothschilds syndicate for
ihhi.oini lens than their market value
to obtain gold to maintain gold
monometallism, is some evidence of
his familial ity with "the forces of
safe currency '. ill you please ex
plain under whoso wood pile the
negro sat in this transaction f Of
course, this "is a great stay to the
faith of sound money men to bavo
such a l'resideiit who is uncotnpro
luisinr in his hostility to a debused
In your article of "March 'jsth von
would pose as a national bi-metaiist;
but in your article or pulf of April
li.Mh you say: "Mr. Cleveland's
timely letter will bo an inspiration
to the Chicago meeting of sound
money nien, and a great aid to the
Have you miico then changed your
opinion, mid I'eelared for a sound
money policy that has destroyed
one half of the world's metalic mon
ey and enhanced the value of the
other half fully loo per cent
Have you declared for a 'sound
money policy" that will compel the
debtor to give more than double the
amount of property to Inundate his
debts, than the amount of money he
borrowed would have purchased at
tho time bo incurred the debt? If
not, bow canyon indorse Cleveland's
letter 1 In your article of March Mill
you sav: "the United States is giving
both silver and gold full local tender
powe rs for all debts both public and
private.'' If this is ho, why did Sec.
Carlisle not pay silver dollars when
silver certificates were offered ot the
Ireasury? loualso say that: "the
actual value of our coins depends on
MftJ'n vt'ioirlif. nf Mi. i mien m.tfiil
, V T.l.KMVW. . . ' I'M.V. . , ' t- VI.. L , , , ,
contain" Is not this actual valuo of
the cold dollar, you speak of fixed
by Knglund, France, Germany, and
the Utntod States? And is it not the
use they mako of gold as money
that gives it its actual value you
speak of ?
A"irtf Vsiimateif tiat" irgofTf should
not be used as a money metal, there
is enough mined to last in tho arts
and other uses from fifty to sixty
years. If this is correct, what
would Us actual value be, if noi
used as a money metal ? If the dif
ferent nations should pass laws
prohibiting tuo raising and manu
facturing ol cotton ami cotton goods
would not wool bo king, and what
would be its value.' Or if they
should prohibit tho raising of wlieir
and rye, would not corn bo king and
what would be its value?
Is it true, or is it not that a gold
dollar will purchase from two to
three times as much goods now as
it did thirty years ugo; ami that
your "actual value in a silver dollar
will purchase just us much to-day
as it ever did, gold excepted. The
condemning of silver because it does
not circulate in the gold standard
countries at par with gold, is similar
to clipping a bird of its witigs and
them damming it because it will
not or canuot lly.
Every dollar at a party ! Hero is
Hon. Joseph C. Sibley's illustration,
and defines Cleveland's catchv
phrases, "sound money," "parity,"
''national credit," "patriotic devo
tion" etc. that cannot be successfully
"I. as a business man. build an
elovator capable of holding l.tiuo.OiHl
ousneis ot grain and invite tho
people to deposit with me. Thev
bring lOO.lNK) bushels of wheat, "Jihi,.
ooo uiibiicis ot outs and i.(ii,0kj bush
els of corn, and my ware bouses is
full. I issue certificates against the
grain the oats, the wheut. and corn
and go away and attend to other
business. Jjiit my hired men whom
I left in charge of tho business give
their own interpretation of parity
to the warehouse receipts, and I
learn that they are cashing out in
wheat tho certificates culling
for corn and oats. I go and make
inquiry about it and auk, "What do
you menu by this business ? This
contract, these certilicutes call for
oats and corn, and you aro issuing
wneai upon tnem.
They answer: "Well, don't you
know you must maintain all grain
in this elevator at a parity? Tho
iioanis oi trade, tlio speculators,
the jobbers, and tho sharpers, all
tell us ho." "Well" I say, "but this
contract calls for oats, and I think
it is Pretty well fulllilled when J
give them oats."
"Oh. you don't know your busi
ness, sir. Tho majority of the ro
ceipts in this warehonso would be
at a discount if you did not cash un
;.. ... !,.... " !.. 4 t i....... -..l.. .....
Ill n uuill, JIUI 1 Ullll' Olli.V fJOl II HI,.
(KM) bushels of wheat in tlm st nro
house." "Well, can you not under-
stand business ? Or course a farmer
can not understand it. It takes an
educated man to understand it.
Do you not sen that the way to
make that good in to put a mortgage
upon this elevator, and buy more
wheat to put into the bin, and then
keep cashing out in wheat, and then
put on more mortagages and buy
more wheat?'' If this comparison is
not a correct one. please give us ono
that is correct. Of course, this "is
a great stay to the faith of sound
nioney men to have a l'resideiit who
is uncompromising, in his hostility
to a debased currency."
This must be one cif his clear and
forcible views, you allude to in bis
rTHE best investment
J- in real estate is to keep build
Injjj well painted. Paint protects
the house and saves repairs. You
bomclimcs want to sell many a
r;ood house has remained unsold
fur want of paint. The rule should
bo, though, "the best paint or
none." That means
Strictly Pure
White Lead
You cannot afford to use cheap
flints. To be sure of getting Strict
I .' Pure White Lead, look at the
bt u'id ; any of these art safe :
"Armstrong & McKalvy,"
" Ecymcr-Baunan,"
Tor Colors. National Lead Co. 'a
Pui u White Lead Tinting Colon.
Tii.c rolor rm told in one-pound ton-, each
-a.i Ihmiik tullicient lotinl tj liximlt of Suiclly
1'iiro While Lead he dorired hade ; their are in
l , ne rvadymixed paint, but Combination
'f p if.-cllypure colon in the bandiett form to
Mi. Sc i. lly Pure While Lead.
A ir.wxl many thouiand dnttari have been
Mvcl prnperty-omer by havliiK our book on
p iiimn'; nml rnlor-card. Send ui putul laid
iiJ iiU boll. '--e.
I'iltbiiru Branch,
'.i National liank iluildiU, FitliliurK.
Tin' fillowlnv AmmiitM h.ivelKo-n flli'd. evain
Ini'il mi'l p.ihm In tin- rriiilinii'itaiy'H uflliv. mi l
will In-pri'wiiii'il to tlm iii't iMiirt (if 4 'iiiihihmi
i'km fur lull. All tiih Inli'ivriM-tl
will taki) U'HIrc.
1 first mi'l tliml Aivnuif of J i, Hurulx-wr
AvhIk'ik'i' ot yiioiii.ii (.r.iylilll
J. c.ll.viN' scilU4 l'l'itium .t ii j .
Trial List -May Term, 1895.
II n Mnrkli'y vs. MrH.Catlmrltn'Hi'llfrftil Hi'b.Hj
IhmiI U.K. Sliiiiiibarli V8. Mury M. Treiistcr ct.
ul. 47 May III
I. . :. Lull A' Co. v ( K Tohlrin (,. '(ij
II. K, Wiiifriwllcr VH . HellliHKfOO WiitiTt'o Is I
May U4
N. T. Iiimilore v. Ilolicrt J, lllnsatiiun v.M
Haiiiin'l lla-HMlnki-r liolrc. vn. I). Iluloudi-r ot.
ul. mi Mav 'V4.
Tim W. II. I. Ex. c. vm. cliurb'R HowiT 4-t. ul
113 Sept. 1l.
4'lmrli'H llnwcr v. A. A. Ilonnt'tt Jr. i t. ul.
171 Hi'tlt. IM.
KIiiht K. Lianlwrt vs. A. A. ilonnt'tt Jr. i't. ul.
17;i Sept. 'in
Kil. M, lliiuiliicl VI. N. S. KIsliiT, ct. ul. 1)
hU'lil. m.
Kl. Si. Iliiiiit.n l vi. N. H KImIut et . al. M.t s-pt .
M. M. MrlAiiKlIn ft 4l E. r. vm. MkUirl H.
Wt-llid II May 'n.
lico. 4i. 4.lHit v. Honr)1 H. Iluuvur May V5
Sunbury & Lowistown Divittion.
In effect Nov. 25, 1894,
wiaTwann dis. utitiox. kaitwakd
rm i id A. I. in tn
::t li.u6 LwltownJ. T.4u S.oo
4.W li 03 Main Street 7.44 8 Ui
4 'ii I'i.iM l.ewlatown 7.46 i.vt
4,10 1141 1 .Malllaod , 7.64 t 8.14
4. us 11.46 ! I'aintr l.ui .'ii
;i 57 11.40 II suimlle .( .v
a.r..i 11 Wanner Ml ; J.;r;
:i.4i lM IT i MflOlure 8 VI s.43
Ml 11. Ill HI i Knub'l .Mllll ! H.ST J.4H
U l'i SI Adanatiuric 1 .:! , 8.69
H 11.04 K6 , Vvavertown . K.40 I 4 0-:
1. 14 ln.M Sit Henlxr : H.MJ 4.1:
.'!." 10. M MI'l.lleburgb I I 4 1H
a.ot iii.4J 89 ' Meiaer v.ol , 4.21 10.:iw ST Kreamer V,o I 4.W
Hi 19.85 an PawlInK w in i 4.:3
H44 ln.'.'l 43 SellnnnroTe 4 to
i.37 10. IT 45 StllniKrov J. VM I 4.41
10.0 6 SuoburT i S.U ! t 50
Solinsgrove Accommodation.
(Oonnefltlnic wltli traloion N.U. Hj.)
aye Sallnmcrove. to. Arrive at HelloKroo
6.45 V, 51. P. M
Trains Ijcave Lewlxtown Junction :
. . . m, 10 40am. t l'i pm, 5wpm,713p
lor Altoona.rittiiliurK ami the Weil.
7'27inn,wa5aiii,l 44i tn,'J40 4 38 p in.8 iff) p ni 11 1
p in, Kor F,iiladulilna, New York, lialtlmore
and wariiinvton.
Philadslphia & Erie R R Division.
A Nil
1 ralni Leave Smibiirjr dally except Sunday t
l.:i6 a. in. tor Willlanniiurt and 4'aiiBDilalKua.
I l;i i in, Kor Hollelnate, Krle.and tJauandulKUa
.60a m, Mir ic Haven.
1 at p tu, Kor Hallelonte, Kan and Oanandal
tiua. 6 4op in, Knr Konovo and Klnlra.
v Up in Iwr WilllHiiuport.
Kunony . 6 iam, lor Krle and t'ananiluliiiu,
9 viiiu, fur Ik-h Haven, and witopia lor Will,
5 Vi a in. Kor Ciiln wmna and llncalti'ii.
U' m, 10 no a ui, and 5 47 p in. For VIIU'l'ri8,
7 10 am. lovoam, 1 88 p in, 50p in, t'orhliu'
tnnklii and Mount 4'aruim.
iSuuday Woo a ui, lor Wllketbirre.
Tralni Leave Sellniicrove.lnni'tlon
utoaui, week day a arrlvliii; at I'lilladrlphla S
00 ii. ui. New York 5 53 p in, Hulliiuore 1 10 p
iu. Wanhlnxton 4 SO p iu.
6.J7 P. M. week day arriving ul Pnlladvlplilu
11.15 I'.M. New York S 61 a in, llaltlmore D.40
1. n.'.
I if.i p m, dully arrtvlnx at I'lilladelphU 4 3U a
tu, Nuw York iaa in.
Tralm "l'u Leave Miuhury I
1 60 am, dally arriving- ut I'liiladelphla 'i
6 5- a m llnltlinore 6 in a. in, Waalilng-loii 7 4u
a 111. New York 9 33 am.
vi'4'ekdaya,lt S6 a ill Sun. lays. 4 34 a in. daily
nrrlvlhK at I'liiladelpliia 10 SO a in., New York
l': i ) piu HalUmoro s 65 a m., Waalilnton to-
'1M p m.'week dav nrrlvlnn at Philadelphia
(vjpm, Nuw York 0 38 p 1U lUlllllluru 8 46
p. in.. Waflilimtnii 7 6i p ui.
Tralnn alo leuvo Snuliury at0 4i . m. and
6 '.6 and 8 17 . 111. U't H irriilmrK, I'lilladolplila
nud llnltlinore.
For rut". mm" fce.. call on lU'kotAirent or
Hildri'M Th". Wait, P. f . W. H. llu Filth Ave
,'uuuurir','v .i.n.w)i."en.,P.,.AK.Dt
8. M. PHfcVOSl'.tJeu't llaiiUKor.
The Post $1 5 0 year
Ititcrlincil "CclhilolcV'CoIlars antl CutT
turn water like n duck's Imck aii'l nlnf
neither Fjxit iter noil. They are not
ctTrcteil liy tcrspi ration, and always
look os if fitlit out of the box. When
they get soiled you can clean them
iu a minute lv simply wiping off with
a wet cloth. These arc Imt t) lew of the
advanlaxes of weiiringthc "Celluloid'
Collnrs and Cutis. There are ninny
others that you will readily discover
the first time you wear one.
They arc the onlv waterproof inter
lined collars and culfs mrxle. He sure to
get the genuine with this trade mark
stnmnr.1 inside, if ynu desire perfect
sntislMctii'ti. Made in nil sizes and nil
htyles. If you can't yvl them lit the
dealers, wc'will send simiplc jiostpnid,
tin receipt of ricc : Collurs, 2$ cents
each. CufTs,5occ!:tflpnir. State size,
and whether you wuut u Eluml-up or
ttirtiel-4lown collar.
l f).l llroadwar, NKW YORK.
Tin1 VeiidiTi nf KoroL'ti and liomestlti .Mcr-rliai-dW''
In Sny i-r coiinly will tak( imtlre Hint
tli'-ynri- HjiiiraU'il aril elaMM.'d by tin' uiiili-r-
Hl-.'iK'd Ai;ir.ilv
I" Misr ( IX I ir III'
i- n' M 'r.'li i:it.' and iillwr II
yi'.ir 1 -.". .im Inllnwt :
All 4. us
iiuv A V.itl'Tn
W. II. II. in. Ill,
Kind nf llri'iisf l lans
4ii'!i' Store, 111
$111 mi
1 1
A. II.
II 1VVITSOX. (il'lll'l'.ll, Sinn
l'i M
; 11,1
I-.' :..i
,1 II Win, v a llr.i '
'l li nn n Knlil'T. "
.1. P. shirk. Il.irl'.var.'.
V. II. WfllViT, 4 'ollf.M'll, miTV Ai'
T in
.'. no
W. M. h' ll'i . ' "
lir 4VKI4 WKT
Mutilli' varili I Isli.ti.' Slore, 1:1
IbTlMiT llii'k'T. " " 13
IbiiiK-rA A. V. Kncpp " " 11
H. I. WuKlltT. " " II
.1. It. sii li'iiinTi,'i'r. " " 11
Aliilir WaiiiT, roiili'.iloiirry, N
I. I.. Ili-rman. (ii-iioral Mon. II
saiiipwl Kuapp, 11
4'. 11. Shower. ' ' U
A. II. Tiinitiiiun, (ioiii-riil, n
n. 8. Hlnn, " " 14
J. h. Kino, " " l'i
A. J. lliiuiliicl. Ilarihvni'c, 11
Mary K. 'rroiiluiau, Hloiv 1 1
In mi
in no
7 (in
7 mi
7 on
.1 00
T on
T 4111
10 4X1
111 OH
1 .VI
7 nil
7 Ul
1(1 on
III no
l'i VI
HI mi
7 (id
.1. M. 41. ll.Sli'liiliiu'''r. (imlQ ACoal, H
It. II. Custer, (jeuoral si on1, 1:1
W. II. Wliicv. (ir.un A ( ml. VJ
I'liarM Hover, SUirt', 11
D.iv Id Wctzt'l, II
II. K. Yuurk'k - 14 T OH
II. M. Di rk, " " I I 7 w
1. 1. ItomlK, " " II T W)
lltinkle A Walter, tieucral Mtore, l-j U .V
w. 11. iii'iivt-r. " ' l'i U so
W. W. Wlttcniiiyer. " " l'i W 80
IL hiumImtitit. ' " 14 7 00
ii. 4'. (iiitfllns, Mothllif 14 7 IM
W. I. liaiinau. sum's. 11 1 i
I. II. IlimiTiMix, loiili'i'tloiu'ry, 14 too
4'. II. Walter. " II 7 ()
Tin-Mi'WIIIIaliiHfo., DrilifH, II 7 un
II. M. lll'lKl''. SKIU'S Ai' 14 ( no
t. r. siM'iMiiii, iii'K.iuit ,vc 11 iii
,1. A. Stultli I-M., lii' stnre, II 7 ici
s. l. I Irliii " " 11 7 (i
T. A- Kwinirn. " " II 7 m'
Juliii Kleld.i. 4'oiiIiM:tionory Mw
K. H. Ilotti'iisteln, li'in'ral store, l'i 10 no
4.. M. 4,ro''', " " i;i 1" "o
.1. r.i'oi vi'll, 4'oal. 14 7 1X1
J. J. Ko;,e, lii'in'ial stori', 11 7 no
M, MlllinT, Ih'licriil Stoiv, l'i l'i M
41. M. VS inner, 117 mi
I. II. UuuilK. " 1 l
viliPun A Si'lmi'f. 4i(!lirral Store, It 701
s. iimv A KreU libillnu, " " II 7 no
1'Hi'i-ii.iriiinn. " " 14 7 mi
l'. F. lloj er, 4"ii(eotloiu'ry, s ft in
E. H. Htroub, Hciu'ral store, II I 00
II I l'lilllH, M'Ti'liant Tailor, 14 7 CO
t:, WiiKi'iiwIliT, MftvlmiHllHP. 11 15 mi
J. v. Ki'ilT, Tolwivo Jewelry, n I mi
A Mnrlx ivr. livii'-rul hUir', 14 7 on
J. lliiuanl I l.-li. liruifH, 11 7 (
II. 4p'iiiu'iiiii'r.4.'loitiini;, 14 7 no
II. K. SlIII'T. 4iro'i'rlc, II 7 mi
lilllK ii a t'o 4-liitliliiK. II 7 mi
Jai'uli llaiipt, Kuriilture, 14 7 Oil
.1. 4i. I Slilndol, Drima, II 7 no
M. s. N'lirovi-r. hlioen, 14 7 On
Will lloltzwortb, tiroi'frleH, 14 7 mi
s. WeiM, 4ioneraI Hioru. in 1 fw
II. K. 4uikH, tlrwerles, 14 7 mi
io. II. Iieiidrleks, Hardware. It 7 ml
A. N. ileinlji'iiliiS " 14 7 0
A. II. Keek. KlUH it, 14 7 W
II. K. 4'lmrles. Woven Ac, 14 7 On
N. J. l.iuiikioii". Fiunllure, 14 7 mi
.1. k. Ilill'lis, l.roi'erlr, II 7 ml
M.4I. snvuer, 4.0111, 11 (
.1, M. llover. " M ' '
II. 11. Si llllUIC. " 1
4). W. Mii'K, 4,olierai moro, 11 n
4. J. Si'lliH'll, lil'Ulll, II IU
J. V. SK'i Ut. tii'tieral store, 14 1 nu
llarli'v a HaMiuar, 1- w
Adam smllli. " " M J'
A. A. I lli, " ' "
1". ('. Williams, liiiieral Slor ', II 7 no
W.M. lioy-r, " ', ! .T'"'
J. K. Ilollinan. " " 1 1- 'i w
Alli'ki'l' A Kultflll. " " '
linear A lliiiifuiii an, (iriiln Ae II , im
N. 1.. Dun. loie, tieiieral sion', 11 10 on
l.eo. 1. J'l.llllleW III ou
II. P. siruiili. (ioiieral sion', II Too
11. s. Srllliee. 1'luiir ai. 11 In1
Jerry I'liarb'M. ti.'hiTalStorc, 11 7 no
l'. 1.. naiin. roiiniore,
W. I'. Moyer. Inn;,'. II
MIH011 si raver, iieneral S'nre, II 7m1
t'lllvlil Mliil.ln l'i,'''!'. 4 olllei'tlolu'O, s I ('
J.J. I'av.llu:,'. " "
Take not lee nil vvlio uro eoticerued tn this v
pralsem 'ii!, tint an a'iK'tlvvlll bo held ut t lie
CoiuiiiK-I a.TV n.llei' In tlio Court llouto In llie
uoroiii;li of MUUicbuulioa Saturday My the
iJtll ISM between tho Iwur. ol l A, M. Ulid 3 t'.
M when and where 11U who led tlitiiiiavIvfH '
grieved by thotr cluislileat Ion may attend If they
tli!:ik pi'oiier.
itorcnntlle AppruUur.
Tlis Space i Reervcl or
Middlebitirgh, Pa.
Ciller ii Parlor Fiirite.
We offer the best goods at Phe
nominal Prices, guaranteeing qual
ities the Finest, and - .Styles the
Couches, Lounges, Mirrors.
Baby Carriages, Window Shades
etc., offered at prices to suit the
times. We aye catering to the
Snyder County trade, and
is extended to
ousiness. ifcespecttully,
a4 I
filial I Ull I
Front StreSt; Bfilton, Pa.
Big Stock of New
Spring Shoes, Shirts, the finest and
the latest styles of Neckwear in the
County. All kinds of
for sale at the most reasonable
I wave ,j ast opened a tailoring establishment op
posite the Tost Ollieo at Selinsgrove- Call
anil see my (.1 noils anil ciniparo prices.
1 Selinsjjrovc, Pa.
visit lour Dlacel of