The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 09, 1895, Image 2

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Editor and Proprietor
Mlddteburgh, Pa., May 9. IHM.
It is iirop'j'-i'il to tunnel into tho
tniilillo of Mount ltlnno, Switzerland,
an.l excavate a vertical shaft to tho
toj), to lio proviiloil with nti elevator.
Tho cost f tho work as estimated nt
$1,. "1)0,000.
Jt.'l(i:ltl Pottnli luU'ltJ of woo. I Illl
in ton. I to l! cln'iipi r, MrniigxT ninl
prettier than tho genuine article, ami
secim to tho New Orleans I'iiM.vtiiie,
to ilrivo tho "ili-jioHoJ kiun" entirely
out of the world.
Living ly rule in objected to ly a
writer in tho Hospital, who snvs that
a monotony of diet in 1y no nieiitii to
l)o recommend. d, Hud thnt viiriety,
and even iu notiio cnes a littlo excess
fcbutild occasionally lio indulged iu.
California is luinij literally Kcjueezeil
for K"l'l j'"-t "w. l'"'.v urt'
old iliKpinK in t'aluvt-rns and a nvrc
of other counties worked over for tll!
precious diiht, Imt tho very hole along
tho ocean in eiht of Nuu 1'raiieisco is
being Hcnrclicd for it.
What n luinfortiiut) for W. W. Antor
that he waa not born a woman! ex
claims the New Orleans Picayune. His
money might easily have got him a
title and eiitranco into the swcllest of
European society. As it is his dollars
lire spent in vain nud his aspiration I
itro disappointed.
Tho terror inspired by the Jnjmuein
armies in the Orient is greatly en
hanced by tho fact that they miiko no
noise. They march with no luiiidn,
,no drums bent reveille or tattoo, and
in action tho Japanese utter no cheers.
Tho officcm have n code of higimlH by
whistling that nerves) to direct the
movements of the troops.
Four thousand miles of railroad
wore in contemplation in China when
the war with Japan broke out. Tho
proposed roads included n grand
trunk lino from Pekiu to Shanghai, a
trunk lino from Pekiu to Huukov, a
line from Pekiu to MonkJvii in M .U-
"' w(!t. ' Of course all
'work haa been abandoned, and no one
knows where motley will be raised to
rcHiuno operations. M Hung Chang
has alwnys been a vigorous ndvocate
. of railway construction.
Tho one thing thut seems to tho
New York Tribune well-nigh certain
in regard to tho future of Eastern
nations is that extensive and revolu
tionary changes, such as have Hot been
witnessed for many generations, will
follow- the Htrugglu between Japan and
China, Japan will be more than ever
determined to assimilate its industrial
aud monetary systems to those of
Europe aud America. China will
probably have to choose between ex
tinction as a biuglo und independent
Power and a radical and thorough re
construction of all its methods. No
ouo can foresee the great changes iu
monetary condition which may result
from causes bo fur-reaching, nud
affecting tho operations of so lurgo a
part of the world's population.
Tho Railway Age (Chicago) is au
thority for the assertion that 373 rail
way tcompauies are now building or
preparing to build 20,.') -17 miles of
new line. As this amount eijuals that
built during the past four years tho
news is of some significance. Of the
above amount 3,000 miles are now
being graded or are under contract.
Iu relation to her transportation facul
ties tho West is by no means dead on
tier foot at tho present timo. For the
greater part tho new enterprises
hitherto reported had had reference
to lake navigation. One of the lake
projects is for a ferry from au Ohio
port to a Canadian terminal across
Lake Erie, transporting cars over
what mny almost bo deemed au ocean
voyage. Another Ohio company has
organized to navigate the Erie canal,
aud is having an outfit of boats aud
tugs built. This undertaking goes to
illustrato tho position taken by the
committee of the New York Produce
Exchange, that thut canal, properly
eulnrgod, is capable still of giving tho
cheapest lino of through trunsporta
tion from lake ports to Liverpool. It
is clear that a part of tho West shares
this idea. It is to bo observed that
tho substantial advanco in meat pro
duets, coupled with tho full prices
obtained for her rather short corn
crop of last seaaon, are putting the
West in a position of res'ionsibility
for meeting t j;.,.r, meuu jjj she
enters into.
Beginning of the American Industrial
Union at Chicago.
Tho initiative steps, la the organization ot
the ong-ta!ked-nt American Industrial
Viiioti were taken In Chicago durinit the past
week und the organization effected. About
100 delegates took ( art ia the proceedings
and the new Jordcr stnrts out with a local
membership of about f00. In Chlcngo, while
It Is slated that a number ot Independent
labor organisations and union throughout
the country hare Minified their willingness
to affiliate with the movement.
'Ihe Industrial I'nlon is to he international
in character, and the general titan of the
organization is much like the American
Hallway I Lion. Th" preamble and constitu
tion propose, In brief, tho eetabilsbmcnt of
employment bureaus, general co-operation
and the Introduction of a general right-hour
work day on Sept. 1, iJl. All differences
between employers and employes are to be
settled by arbitration, and the only thing ot
a political nature contained lit the preamble
Is a declaration favoring the universal suf
frage (or women.
The cc-opcrative feature la the one upon
which greatest stress is lull. It Is proposed
to ask for the establishment of postal siivmiri
banks for the use of wage-earners, and from
the funds thus accumulated the organisation
expect to establish industries which will ab
sorb the unemployed aud enable tbum to
become at least self-supporting. 'J he new
I'uluu will keep in close touch with the ex
isting co operative colonies, thirty-live or
more of which have already been established,
nnil. Instead of setting aside, large ntns of
money for strike fuud and the nyiin nt of
high salaries to officer, it is intended to ue
all the available funds of the organisation for
the establishment of moro colonies or the In
crease of those now in exitcne. Such a
thing as a striko is to be unknown to the new
duo of the articles of tho constitution pro
vides that no one w ho is addicted to drink or
gambling can hold office In the organization,
aud ntiy otlicer contracting these habits will
be expelled from membership, -ho doors
of thu new organization are open to every
beily except the representatives if monopo
listic corporal ions. Farmers, mechanics,
tradesmeu. laborer and professional people
are all Invited to enlist, and no discrimina
tion in uiituu tin nj rt'iigiou, i-i-a or lyiui, jb
Is expiefly state that it is not tho purpose
of the ii"W organization to make war on tho
old ones, tut to aid them In every posslblo
way. In (act, It will make a point ol a king
the older futons to come Into the co-operative
feature of the new without losing the
original Identity.
It is set forth as a living principle that,
with natural opportunities always open, to
the uuerr.ployed, and w'th a general eight
hour work day, there would never be any
serious disputes on the Ucstlon of wages,
but thut they would regulate themselves by
the natural order of supply and demand. Ia
order to have the opportunity always open to
absorb a surplus of workers In any given
place, the Amerlcau Industrial I'uion pro
poses to establish near-by colonies, where
any msu who Is willing to work van always
tarn enough by his lauor for self-support.
Boot and Shoemakers Union
The permanent organisation ot the Nation
al Hoot aud Shoe Workers' I'nion. oomposed
of three or four Nutlouul t'uious representing
different branches of the boot and shoe In
dustry, which have heretofore been antago
nistic and hostile toward oue another, ha
finally been e ducted, the final conference of
vitM Jn lloinn. rtio-Jag tliex''
i t 'raauUt-i u( iue loOnfag oi tud'
orRBiiI j-yw 1-WWWS;ijm conven
tion wr.biled with a majority aw.d minority
report on a preamble and constitution, the
committee having promulgated two distiuct
declarations of principles. The majority re-
1,-irt was Dually adopted, after a long and
ited light. It reads as follows.
Organization being ne.-esjary as the first
step toward the amelioration of labor, and
realizing tnat weapon ot oneuse nud de
fense, socially, economically nod politically.
are all necessary for the Dual emancipation
ot labor, we have with this end in view,
orgaubed the Boot and hhoe Makers'
I ulon.
The minority report was a straight out and
bold dcclaratiuu of Socialism, to be brought
about by independent political action upon
the labor cluss Hues, ibis report was iu the
hands of Mr. John F. Tobiu, who fought
hard for its adoption, and. although it was
defeated, be wa subsequently elected I'resl-
tent of the organization, alter having de
clared himself to be un avowed Socialist.
In performing the functions of the ofllce, Mr.
Tobln will be required to do a great deal of
traveling throughout the country, nud es
pecially In the r.ostern States, and he bo an
nounced that bts lutsutlon is to sow the seed
of Sociullsm wherever be goes. The new
organization has a membership aggregating
several thousand.
Pitubur the Weak Spot.
i-I'roelilent Samuel Oompers. of the
American Federation of Labor, addressed a
meeting of garment workers at ii'l Fifth
avenue. Pittsburg. lie said the garment
workers of Pittsburg were the weak
pot in the chain of large cities where the
"sweat snop evil is met. au onuer large
cities are organized. In New York, be said,
"sweat shop'' competition baa been reduced
to the minimum, and the task system wiped
out by organization. He said the same
could be done here if the effort was made.
Pittsburg garment worker, be said, were
tb only one who work 14, 16 and IS hour
a day tor lea than 10 hour' pay.
A $85,000 Factory.
The Paugberty typewriter company has
awarded contract tor a manufacturing plant
to be located at Klttannlng to cost tVS.UOO.
Tb building are to bo completed by July 1.
The main building will be two stories high,
tUilOO t with a wing. Fifty bauds will be
given eaDlorment. The citizens ot Kit
Unolug donated f 4,000 and one acre ot
The very large number of manufacturer
who bae duriug the past few day restored
or partially restored tb schedule of wages In
force before reductions were made necessary
Is on ot tb most encouraging signs of the
times. It is a significant fact that most ot
this advancss have been made voluntarily,
tb gsusral disposition on the part ot the
employs! teeming to be to restore the wage
as rapidly a the improvement in business
warrants, bat to resist dmaud of employes
which are made prematurely.
Among favorable indications or the Im
proved condlton of trade, tb rise in tho
prices of wheat I not tb least in Importance
That great staple baa been ruling so low that
tb farmer bad begun to fear tbat it wa
hopelessly down. With tb increased activi
ty in manufacturing came a gradual advauce
in wags, and comparatively small as these
improvement have been a yet, their influ
ence are gradually spreading.
Seventeen Bailors Drowned.
News received from Kodlak Island, Alaska,
on the steamer Alkl, that tho stemuor
White of Seattle, wa wrecked in a gala on
April 14. Seveuteeu of the crew were either
drowned or froseu to daath. Light reached
shore aud still survive
Standing of the League Clubs.
W. L P C. W U P C
Pittsburg. .....10 THU Cincinnati T T Be
lloaton 7 8 .Tn ; New York & t .4.M
Cleveland, 4 f blladelpiiiu,.4 n ,4nc
Baltimore t 4 tC IaiiiIkvIIIo...... m
Cbieago T 4 ,M WaliliigUin...S T ..).
Brwxin ...6 5 M St. Louis .-ill)
George Mill was hanged at Italelgh, N. 0.,
Friday for the murdor of hi niece, lana
The latest adviee from the eene of Wed
nesday' cyclone near Italstead, Ktu., give
the number of Injured at Si.
Ed Westbrook, oa 14-year-old negro, who
killed another negro in a dispute about a dog
was hanged at America, (ia., Friday.
White and colored Iiepublican of Alabama
are to be united for the. first time In tlx
years, and an effort will bo made to effect a
uslou with the I'opu lists.
Tho lines in the Central TrafTlo Association
have authorized a rate of one c ;nt per mile
to the Grand Army encuuipm jut at Louis
ville. A tornado Lw down the old postofflce
building at 8t. Churle. III, and killed two
women and three men. The samu itorm did
much damage at Galesbur, III.
(iov. Ilrown, of Keutueky, I so distressed
over thu killing of his son by Fulton (iordou,
who caught the youug mau In company with
Mrs. (lordon at Louisville, Tuuid.iy, thut he
may resign.
A contract ha been signed in IWlin to
orgauUo nn Angio-Uerrnan company. The
object is to acquire I.OjOjOO acres in South
western Africa with a trontugo of 200 mile
to the Urnnga river.
Fire members of a band of Guatemalan
outUw.4 who have Icon committing many
murders and robberies at Sau Juan Il'-autls-la,
Mexico, the last few mouths havo been
captured nud shot.
The government of Honduras his made an
earnest appeal to the other Central A'licricnu
PUtcs for a defensive alliance, laying It Is
now known that nothing can be expected
from the United States.
I'r. Leslie Kceley I In a predicament. A
ft He court bus ordered bird to tell the Com
position of the Keeley euro. The United
htites court has grated a perpetual injunc
tion restraining blm from making It known.
Tho joint conference of coul miners and
operators at Columbus adjourned slue die
without fixing a scale of wages. This mean
a geuernl strike. The operators olTcrcd 51
cents and the miners asked 70 cents.
Mcnrngna has accepted the offer of Oreat
Britain, aud will pay the Indemnity of 115.
C00 In Loudon withlu 13 days ot tho evacua
tion of Corlnto, but will do so under pro
test. The last test of the 13-Inch Carnegie nrmor
plate at Indian Head proves that lMncli
gnus are needed for the new battleships, they
having grout I y increased destructive powers
over the 12-lucli guns.
There has been submlttod to the Mexicau
Congress for approval a contract between
the Mexican government und Samuel Bros.,
of Mexico City, for the supply ot :j,009,0oa
worth vt rolling stock, bridges and macblno
for shops, etc., for the Tehauutcpeo linilroad,
bridges, tugs aud u&'ers for tho linrbors
and iteauishlp for lighthouse purpoio.
The Cook eotr-. M.. Domoeratln conveu.
,,ion I ik'sko'auTWesLluUUs'Vuv'url.ig
the free coinage of silver nt 10 to 1. Iu the
speeches of ex-Judge McConnoll and ex-
Congressman Bryan, of Nebraska, President
Cleveland was bitterly denounced for bis
position on silver, and especially blsletter to
Governor Stone concerning tho duties ol
Three Fatal Biatlng Accident -Ten
Live Lost.
Five persons wero drowned at Cnrsrudu
lako, six miles from Fort Collins, Col., hi u
day. The dead lire. liny Badger, Deuver,
uged l'J; Bobert Craig, Fort Collins, aged 20:
One sou aud two duughters of 11. C. Cars
rude. The party went out llsblug in a leaky old
craft. Badgar, becoming frightened, tried
to puddle to shore, aud In some way upset
the boat, which contained seveu persous.
II. C. Cursrudo gtasH)d bis eldest daughter
aud struggled through the weeds to shore.
The other live sank before help could be
summoned. The Carsrudes are woalthy and
among the first people ol Colorado, as also
are the parent of Cra R and Badger.
The capsizing of containing four oc
cupuuts Saturday evening caused the death
ot Miss Birdie Ned. eldest daughter ot Capt.
J. G. Nert. present stale representative, and
Mis Annie da;gbtr of J. G. Wyatt, of
Charlettown, W. Va. The two other oo
cupants U. L. Bowman, cashier of the Mount
Jackson National bank, and Mis Elsie
Payne, of Mount Jackson Va., bad mlracu
escapee. The boat bad i eea allowed to ap
proach a narrow, swift current In the river
and an effort to stop caused It to capslse.
New ho been received from Itoanoke,
Tex., tbat Peter Hammond, bis wife aud Mis
Bell Taylor were drowned while crossing
Denton Creek, near Justlu, Saturday. Mr.
Hammond wa a prominent citizen of Den
;jn county.
Little Doubt Now of Peace in tb
The Emperor of China bos decided to rati
fy the treaty of peace negotiated at Shimon.
eskl by the representatives of China and
Japan. According to the terms, the ratifl
cations will be exchauged at Cbefoo on May
8. The Mikado rattlled the treaty oa April
20 lost.
In aoeordance with a special Imperial edict
Issued in order to prevent the possibility ol
the Japanese enteriug Pekin, the Chinese
nave cut the river embankmeut near Pekiu.
Mile of territory have been Hooded, uul
hundred of Chinese have been drowned.
It is learned from an authentic source that
Japan has decided to accede to thu repre
sentations of the power and abondon her
demaud for territory ou the J.lao Tung
peninsula, except Port Arthur, iu reluru lor
couipensatlou elsewhere
A Hotel Clerk Killed.
Isaac Jope, night clerk at the First Aveuut
bote), Pittsburg, Pa., was brutally murdered
Monday morning. He was about 70 year old
and Had been employed at the hotel foi
years. He was familiarly kuowu a "Iad
Jope amoug the patrons of the boute. Ttit
murder wa discovered about u 4 J o. in
wbeu be was found lyiug in the cellar ut tb
foot of the steps leading from the hotel offlot
His bead was crushed and battered, evident
Ip by a piece of gas pipe, covered with blood
found near by. lie was still living when dis
covered and removed to lbs Homeopathic
beapttal. He sled a few minutes laier with
out regaining consciousness. It is thought
robbery was the motive for the crime, as the
murdered man's pockets bad been rn'.od and
were turned Inside out. All the tuouey In
IO0 uoioi onion um nnq mo neen stolen.
Turney Declared Qovernor.
The Tenuessee legislature declared Turney
Democrat, elected governor, by a majority of
a . t..... t...u... '
Houee Were Crushed Like Egg Sheila In
the Twinkling of an Eye.
Wednesday afternoon a fearful cyclone
devastated a strip of country several hun
dred yards wide and at least 16 miles in
length, near Halstcad, Kan., killing sis per
sons outright and seriously injuring several
others, while many have received slight In
The cyclone struck the bouse of Mrs. Fry,
a widow lady, who lived about nine mile
southwest ot Ilalstead, completely destroy
ing it aud slightly injuring Mrs. Fry. ft
picked up the house of John Scbultz.baek
and scattered It In every direction.
The tine two-story house of Joseph Weir
was completely swei.t away, killing Mrs.
Joseph Weir, wrace Weir, aged lit Herman
Weir, aged S. and a flve-weeks-old baby. Mr.
Wuir had previously left the house, and when
the cyclone struck was about 60 yards away.
He clung to a tree, but was badly Injured by
flying debris, and will die. Joseph Weir, Jr.,
and sister, Maud Weir, the only ones iu tho
family who took to the cellar, escaped with
only (light bruise.
'1 he home of K. C. Caldwell, which was 1(H)
yards to tbs west ol the Wler home, wan un
roofed aud side torn away. The family es
caped by taking to the cellar. The next
house In the path of the storm wa William
Armstrong', which wo completely wiped
from the face of the earth. Mr. Armstrong
was killed, Mrs. Armstrong seriously and
!rha fatally Injured, and Grandma
Chapln, who was there sick in bed, was
About 100 yards east of the Armstrong
house, the large two-story residence of E. K
Fnz.el wai picked up, as was also a large
two-story house of J. F. I'rlzzsl across the
road, nud both, together with all the out
liulldlng. wero completely swept away, leav
ing only enough detiris to show that a house
hud stood there. The families of both the
Frlzzls escaped Injury with the exception of
Mrs. J. II. Frlzzel, who woe considerably
bruised ubouttbe bead.
The next place visited was the home of
Captain William White, which wusonly par
tly destroyed, one wing of the bouse being
torn sway. Across the road from White's
the home of Cyrus lllokston was entirely
carried away. Mr. Hiukston received palu
ful. but not serious injuries.
Spencer Hose' house was in the line of the
toruudo and was carried away, as were also
the homes of A. K. Powell. G. A. Coma, A.
Thompson and Mauno ilege. Miss Daisy
Neff, at Powell' bouse, was badly injured, as
was Mr-. J. Coma. At the Hedge district
school the children had just been dismissed.
iladge saw the storm appioaohlug and fear
ing Its revilts hurried the scholars to hi
cyclone cellar. His loreslghtedness prevent
ed an awful oecurreaee, for Just as tho last
child had been snfely stowed away In the
cellar the cyclonescruck the house over tham
and demolished It. As it was. not one of
hem was even slightly Injured. The fury of
he storm seem to have done its w-irst nliout
live miles went of Ilalstead where ail six of
the persons were killed.
Near the Irlzzel borne dead horses, cnttle.
bogs and chickens are scattered all about
over thewbent Held. Those who first saw the
disaster coming say It made verr slow tiro-
gress, traveling not faster than a person
cou m run.
The latest report now how that nt'
IS or 20 persons were killed and unwards ol
40 persous were Injured.
. - am tow rvri nNr
,,.i I rrinicii vu.!.jl'jl.' wtti
Ten Killed andVU.'tach Property Destroyed
by the Storm.
Order Is now coiniug out of chaos In the
ourrew district of Sioux county, which was
twept by the tornado on Friday after
noon. Prompt aid has mado .the survivors
of the devastated couuty as comfortuble as
posslblo. Nearly all the dead are uow bur
ied and none of the Injured now living are
thought to be futully hurt, one who went
ill over tho ground swept by tbe storm, says
1 10,000 will cover the property damage, in
cluding outbuilding aud houses, ihe cor
rect IM ot thu dead numbers 10. None havo
lied since Saturday. About 20 persous were
iujured in Sioux county.
The niavor o' ;:i.u Center aopealod to
Sioux City tor J itdvl a public meeting was
held Salurduy n c. t, and arraiigsments madu
for seudiug clotutjg aud money. OIHcljls ot
loux couuty, However, uy it is not needed;
hut all have been properly cared for aud
nut all the people of the neighborhood are
ell ablu to do It.
Duriug a storm Saturday night Fred Conk-
bite and team were killed at Hendersou,
111., by lightning. Lightning struck a party
it field laborers at Last Prairie, near Nile
Center. Ilermau Spaodikow wa inslautly
killed and his 10-yeur-old son badlv hurt
The Mosquito Reservation Annexed to
Tbe Nicaraguan government bos recently
done away with Mosquito reservation,, which
bos been tbe cause of the teceot trouble, and
bat Incorporated It a a state ol Nicaragua,
with the name of "Department ol Zelay,'
named after tbe bresldent of the republic.
This action has been officially communicated
to tbe state department Tbe slgulduance of
the movemeut has attracted little publle at
tention, but It Is stated by oftlalals that It in
volves greater considerations than th armed
ocouDation ot Corlnto. Now that tbe latter
crisis Is past, officials are turning' their at
tention to what Great Britlan will do toward
Nicaragua's oourse in creatiug tbe new state
and thus indirectly terminating all British
authority or influence in tbe Mosquito
"The importance of tbe creation ot tbe
new state arise Irotu tbe political struggles
since 18(10 over tbe Mosquito country. In
thut vear England and Nicaragua made i
treatv by wbicb Nicaragua wa given sover
ela-uit over tbe Mosiialto terrilroy, but tb
latter retained the right of self-government.
This latter right was us broadly constructed
as to Include coining money, collecting dune
etc. So much trouble resulted that irancia
Joseph of Austria was called in aa arbitrator
in 18X1. His decMon was largely sentimen
tal. It allowed the Nicaraguua flag to be
raised In the country aud also allowed the
Mosquito people their own Hog, The con
tention a to who governed tbe couutry con
tinued until last year, when Nicaragua took
forcible possession aud expelled British Con
sul Hutch, who was accused ot encouraging
u rebellion agalust tbe Nlcaraguan control ol
the territory. This expulsion of Hatch and
other British subjects has been tbe cause of
tbe trouble just settled.
But while the settlement has been pending
Nicaragua has permanently intrenched her
self in the disputed territory aud has estab
lished a complete International system of
government it is au executlou ot tne plan
against which the British consul was accus
ed of exciting rebellion, and lor this reusuu
there Is much apprehension aa to whether
Great Britain will assent to tbe obliteration
ol the old Mosquito couutry which wa tbe
teat ot all British influence in Nicaragua.
The new state extends along almost the en.
tire Atlantlo coast Hue of Nicaragua. The
southerly poritou is near Greytowu, the east
ern terminus of the Nlcaraguan canal, aud
this fact bus given the country its chief itu
portanue. Now that It U a Nlcaraguan state
Consul Hatch will have to be accredited di
rect to the Nlcaraguan government and pot
to the Mosquito authorities. Tb return of
Hatch was one ot tbe terms Insisted on by
Great Britain.
Important Measures Considered by O
Howimt. The oniy business transact
bo the House to night was to pass finally s
Mueblbronner bill providing for the prii i
iug of official advertising in second elf s tniwo.
citie. in ,o German paper. In ,da,,n f The Famons Blair-hite Contested Eleo-
those now required by law, and the Qj t,on c 8atl,etl-
reading of a number of Senate bill. . ,. -
TctsDAi. Tw bill whletf bare arouse xDe Blalr-Whlte contested election case was
out of parts of Lurerne and Schuylkill. Ilfon. Harry White the winner, and Judge of
was opposed by 13 ot the r. memoers frombe Indiana eouuty court, by a majority ol
those two counties. The . -Ouown bill td2. an Inerease of 41 vote over tne 7 re
prevent the changing of cb...,i hooks oftenef urned by the election fcoard Inst November,
than oneo In 5 years, defeat.-1 lat week ant A large crowd filled the court room when
reconsidered, was called ui. again and moJutKe Barker, Doty and Ileyburn entered,
decisively laid out by a vote of 10J to 7L When the court wa seated, Judge Koty,
t...... tu t . . tbe president of the trllmuol, said:
Tiit'.siMT-When the Pennewell local op- ..e llnd that at tho election contested
Hon bill wo reached this morning Mr. Ten-,nrfB wer(l 671 Illegal votes cast. Of these
neweii aimed tbat Important amendment! ,65 mvtm ontt for Harry W hite and 80it for
were being prepared lor iue bill, but wen Jobn j. jlHtr we, therefore, declare Harry
net yet ready, and asked tliet the bill be pas; Whll. h. . malorlty ol UH votes. 1 he
eLupon second reading, snylngthat amend;
i J i i V ' j . ,rBCU
i uiii iuru im!i-"u prcoim reauini
without further comment ihe bill makln)
reiirunry vi Lincoln oirtnaay, a nollday
wa called up by Mr. Ho wood, of FayetU
Ho presented the bill, be said, at the In
stance of the colored peoj . of bis countrj
who thought tbey owed a dubt of gratitud
to the martyred president. Besides ID
colored pi opto ol this state, all others revel
ed his memory, and It would be right i
crealrt this holiday te bis un-mory. Mr. Foj
of Philadelphia was of th opinion that
needs nn holiday to commemorate the memo)
of Abraham l.lucoln. for hie greatness was!
all times held dear by the j eopie of America
He thought that It would be more proper t
proper i
liday. f:i
ing. L'rj
the rlfti
mane (-mancipation aay a le-al oollilay.
uiii was paseu on second readl
hunkel, ol Da iphln, moved thut th
provide for a uniform contract or ,iollc4
tire insurance which was on the special jal-
enuar lor nnai passage at VI o cock, be lt
oucd for one week, was agreed to.
They Have Itnlted the Foreete a the
Mountain's Base.
Tbe glare from the eruption of the to nno
of Collma. CO miles iu tbe Interior, Is ilaly
seen at Manr.auilla, Mex., aud at other 41 uta
alon the Pacific coast at night llou-fi In
the city ol Collma, but a few miles fro 4 the
base ol the mountain, are coated with l-'D.fs.
Tbe railroad line of tbe Mexican national
construction company, from Man.mll.a to
Collma, Is depended up to furnish a metusof
escape to the people of the town aud haci
endas ol tbe vicinity in case a panic 'mould
Subterranean rumbllo es nre heard tit In
tervals during thu day and through tlieulght,
and masses are being said In all thecb'jrcbes
to avert the threatened calamity. lh vol
cuulc Urea havo ignited some of the tercets
around the base of tbe mountains Tha vol
cano of Collma is 12, HOD feet in altitude, with
two apertures, which rotate in their dis
It Is reported that the volcano ot Jorullo,
Iu the stale of Mlchocan, Is showing uuiwual
signs ol activity, probably caused by the out
break of the Collma volcano. Should Jorullo
come Into play again the aspect of
ulons tho west coast country would t
ous. 1 he first outbreak, Iu 1H7 j, re.-o
itd in
un appalling loss of life and property
reuuwui ot operations is suOlcieut to J
of Kentucky's Qovernor and Bis
' Paramour Shot Dead. ' ; I'
.... - . . Wi-MI-rv ,1(
Governor John Brown, was shWIJ
killed of i uiion uoraon, wno aaugui i5iov
in company with Mrs. Gordon, at 1025 Wst
Main street. Louisville. Ky. As Gordon shPt
Brown, Mrs. Gordon attempted to make tier
escape, but ber husband followed her dotfvn
Ihe stairs and snot ner aeaa. uoraon wp
arrested In front of tbe house s.nd acknow
ledged tbe double murder. Mrs, Gordon
was Nellie uusn, ol tnat city, iicr lamer w
once stste librarian, and ber graudfuthpr,
Zaobnriah Wheat, wo chief justice of t"
state court ot appeals. Tbe coroner's jiry
rendered a verdict of justifiable nomicidet.
Every Iron Ship In Frisco Bay Hired o
Carry Wheat.
Every Iron ship In San Franclieo harb
with one exception, has been chartered. T
Is a condition of affairs wblob has never
before at this port A year ago Mission b
was crowded with Idle British ships, but 0
(twr tha other thev have been engaged
nricna ransius from 25 to 81 hil lings. T
sudden demaud of wheat carrying vessels ws
a mystery until tbe statement was roaae t
the U00.0OO tons of syndleate wheat was to
be sold and sblnned to Liverpool. Tbe n-
raaed tonnase in tort now amounts to W,
683, while at least tony more vessels whig
are on tbe way to can rrancisco nave ai
been engaged.
Tbe Doctor Must Make Known His
pound Ingredlenta.
At Leavenworth, Kan., Judge Meyer,
tbe District Court, bos mado a very impo
taot ordsr affecting tbe rights of Pr. Lesllo
E. Keeley. W. F. Johnson, of Topeka, suits
Dr. Ksslsv for 100.000 damage, the ieti
tion reciting tbat plalatifl badVbeea made
physical wreck "because of the gold cure).
J edge Myer la granting tbe petitioner's re
quest rules tbst Dr. Keeley must make known
lb ingredients ol the bl-cblorlde ot golj
core. 1 be eourt nnids tbat tbe cure Is net
property right nor a trade secret; it is uspro-r
tecitd by a patent, has been in use mor
tbsn two years, snd tbsre Is nothing to pre
vent ut. fceciey irom testiiyiug aad tnat bi
must tell what It Is.
Sherman's Battle Ground,
Tbe Cblekamauga park commission bss
comnleted tbe Dnrcbase ol Gen. Sherman
battle ground at the north end of Missionary
llldge. Chattanooga, and It now become
port of tbe National Military park. Tb
tract contain fifty acre, and embraoe tbe
ground ol assault of tb army ol tbe Tenn
essee, and the position shout Tunnel bill de
fended by Gen. Bragg's army. Tbs central
drive ol the National park, twenty miles In
length, bas already been completed, to and
tbrougn tne tract tnus purcnasea, ana His
torical tablet, batteries and monuments will
be erected upon It before the dedication of
September next
Destructive Forest Fires.
Forest fires caused tbe destruction Ot Pol
Ivor's sawmill, between Glen Huxel and Ket-
tier. Pa., together with 10.000.000 feet ol
lumber, an engine house, raiiroud switch, 10
curs oi luinuer auu coal, eignt dwellings, an
on wen au 1 several thousand acres of timber
laud. Help was asked from Bradford aud
steamer and crew were sent by speoial train,
oy uaru work tne Humes were kept Irom at
tacking Glen Hazel. Several buildings in
ma putn ot to lire were destroyed and tbe
luiuaiee nan narrow wi.iinw
The Dslaney's Guilty.
Tbe verdlot in the cose of Charles H. and
Henry Delauey, cburged with conspiracy to
uetraud, in conoeetiou witn tne tuud pool
ol their brother, W. U, Dulauey, was banded
Judge Collier when court convened Monday
The Jury retired on Friday afternoon, and
after being out three aud one-bait hour
found a verdict ol e-ulltv aa Indicted.
)C(tR cott o( Uie onse ,ro to be paid by the
county of Indlaun.
wsst nioHF.a wsors.
The turnacemen'e scale of wages arranged
by the Mahonlug and Shennngo valley man
ulscturers is not sgreeable to the employes
of tho Sharpsvllle luruaces, and they statu
they will demand a ttlll larger advance In
wages. The rates asked will probably be
10 and 16 cents higher than arranged by the
manufacturers. Three thotisaud luruace
men are employed in the two vaileys.
M. deary, of the Cil City tube mills and Oil
City toller works has notified his employes
. . , i. - I ..I in
but after .May wages woum m uiain-.-'i i
per cent. Big demands lor pipe, machinery
nd boilers loiiuwing tbo ndvunce In oil and
aud drilling have caused tne increuse. Iho
two concerns pay irom f5,00J to C0.U0J
ontbly aud employ 1,000 men.
A levy was made on tho Wood's estnto lu
Wheatland by tho sheriff at the suit of the
afe Deposit and Trust company, of Pittsburg
trustees, vs. '1 nomas and liuimii II. Heath,
ixecutors, also ol Pittsburgh ine uujouui
be executlou was t ist.s7y.7'J.
The construction works of the Colombia
Iron and Steel couitmuy will lie sold by sin r
iff Wilhelm. Juue 1. The Dollar Savings Bank
of Pittsburg, has issued nil execution en a
mortgage lor 2i!.ion, which it uoids uguiL-t
the compuny.'
The laree blast ftirnaeo of the Valentine
Iron company at Belleloiite will be light. .!.
after an idleness oi i.e muuiu.
ttoek ou baud has been sold, aud suillce iit
arders have been received to kecptue lurua o
In operation lor tlx months.
At a meeting of District Lodge. No. 15. In
dependent order ol Gool Templar, nt oii
maugh, tho name of tho district was changed
from Bedingtou to Wide-Awake, uud new J-
Uccrs were elected and instaiieu.
Harrv Ciutey. of Greensboro, committed
luiclde by shooting himself. He was to liax.i
been msrrr'd Jliursauy auu mo cuunc -i
act is unknown.
Cartuin James Ogden. one of the lc l ib-
llcau candidates for slierilt of Webtmor-'
couuty, was uttacked aud terribly cue '
dotjs near Crubtrue.
Recorder Mathews, of Beaver count?
ports that from March 1 until Apr.,
this year there have been mortgage s.c 1
at bis ofllce to the amount ot 2Vj,l-'.
The Building Committee of Westn .i.- i
Colli g-, New Wilmington, l a., nasiei ;i
traot f r an annex to tne Slary Tho.i.
Science Hull, to be devoted lo chemist;
"J?.!. .frw'senool 1 ,
amuuu'HLii ,
-ti ll B - 'M
loan jk, nilliam Dorsey, rkmen m
Joseph Wallock, a driver, were fatal;) ' -it
by thcvjollupse of a building being ' ii
down at Bauustown, Westtnoreluud cou
Jacob McCauley bus sued tbe boron.- t
Brock way viile for tlO.COO damnges for i
death of bis wife, zauited by injuries recel '.
on account of a detective sidewalk.
A Protestant Episcopal church to be km :
as Ascension Mission, will be stalled
Washington, with Lev. J. 11. Greare us r-.'
Joseph Herman, of Greensburg, was nr
rested at Silverlyvlllo, a suburb ot Oil ( ty
for flourishing a revolver. He has been r
ntunced of insane mind.
Martin Boyland, aged 1C year, employe
as a driver at tlie Monitor colliery, uear A-b-laud,
was caught between a mine car ud '.I.'
props, und lusluutiy killed.
Teu freight curs and an engine were lunl j
demolished In a wreck ou the Pittsburg uud
Western railroad ut Muboulugtown.
The Pennsylvania steel work at Steeltcn
bave orders for ,000 tons of heavy steel raa-
for the Pennsylvania ruliroad.
Mrt. Joseph Kampmlller tried to start
fire with carbon oil at Lniootowu and vtu
burned to badly (be died soon after.
Teter Rapphold I under arrest at I)euv;
Falls, charged with stealing different painn
bicycles from a bicycle factory mere.
Allen Keenan, a grocery man ot Uniontowtil
committed suicide by shooting himself, i'l
nanolal trouble was tbe cause.
Lee Hoy. a mine worker at Fayette CinJ
was killed by being thrown from a mule H.-1
the river.
supposed ghost In tbe Y. H. C A. t ull-
Ing at New Brighton, bat been discovered-
be the clicking ol a gas meter.
Joseph Newbold. ot Greensburg, was r1
baps fatally injured, by bis bone ruuiiiM
away and throwing him from bis buggy.
Tbe Central hotel of Pottstown. Willisl
W. Turner nrourletor. was closed by tl4
sheriff on executions amounting to fl-i.WX'.
Kew Pennsvlvania noatmasters: T.
Brown, at Cataract. Clearfield county, aud i
H. Itusseil, at Hawtboru, Clarion Couuty.
Mr. Jane Shaw ha tieen appointed pc
mistress at Perriue, Mercer couuty.
Alexander Frv was bitten by a mad J I
near Greeusturg, and will probable die.
The Slate and Lookout Man Cham
With Gross Meg.iasnoe.
The Elbe Investigation was resumed
Lowestoft Weduesdsy. morning. Tbe
ener. In summing up the evidence, said
was clear that the damage sustained by
Crathle In tbe collision creveuted her I'
proceeding on her voyage. As to the
sion itself, It was for tbe jury to d
whether It was one ot grots and eulpi
negligence, and If so, to ascertain who
to blame.
Tbe jury returned a verdict that. In tt
ouinlon. the collision was due. to gross ti
ligence on the purl ol the mate and look
man of the Crathie. Owing to tbe ulwi
ol evldeooe from any of tbe crew of the 1
tbe Jury wero ol tbe opinion that there
not sufflcleut proof tbat the Crathle was
to blame for tbe disaster to justify a vet
to thut effect. The oaptaiu of tuu Crs4
was entirely exonerated.
Salvador Will Pay.
, Tb department of stale received a
gram from Ambassador Bayard, at Lot)
stating that Great Britain bas aouepteJ
guarantee made by Salvador ol tbe puyi
of the ludemuity by Nicaragua In 1a
ivitnlu a fortnight, and that ss soon ss
Wagua accept and so Informs tbe B
admiral, tbe admiral is Instructed to