J- J 'V Cleanse the Blood. Rescued Just in Time. LaBt Thursday afternoon as some Kills were hunting dandelion near the Dim in tho creek one of tie Kill, an fitflit year oM daughter of G. H. SfhnlVer fell into (lie race. In In i hi lf slio wnt hclploHH. Attorney Fre-h-riik liowi-r appeared upon tlie scene n (lie little one wan kinking the Mecond time. Like a true hero, Mr. 'w r removed hi overcoat and plunged into the hungry utreani. For Home moments he wrentled in Taiu to leiieue hia prizo from a watery grave. Finally with the. bb hintanre of Sie. Derr the loving little daughter of Mr. Schaflfer waH de livered from an untimely death, We congratulate Mr. and Mm tSchuffer upon the roHtoratiou of their daughter and MeHHrc IJower and Deir upon the heroic effort a they ko willingly gave to reaeuo tho thihl. . A. W. Pot er for JuJge. Tin' suggestion -f A. V. l'lilUr as an appointee for tin? hi-neh, in ''iim' the nppi-llute tllt hill lceom"s n liw, h u ii one and the l'ovr heart ily ( 'iidoi'sea the movement. Mi. 1'illc. ii w i 11 known in legal and p:'!::iral ciicli'H owr the entire s-Iate. I In aitility u a liwir is know ii as l'.ir ii Ills i -put.il ion rx f hi 1 -.. Tin- 1 H "J: .veins of a heavy I iw p. :i -i ha:; made him an emi nently ipiiii 'i' l pi l -on to lill the I I pi ii ! i in ill !' a s :t in this coin t of .1 mi ice. I Ii-mi-.l'oi't line in the lateuecideiit nt : ai.n r may son icwliat en. harass him in hi- inn suit-as an attorney. His mind is strong, his logic clear and liis jiidgmeiit of t In iry hest. We tru.-t that the wishes of his I'liiny friends may he gratified hy the iippoiiitmi'iit of A. W. Potter s 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 the coin t he e.-tahlished. .NKlTxMiKOYE. .lames Ilee.-c of I till l ishlll g sjieli t Sunday with his piuciiU V. V. I'jtter enjoyed the pure air on the portico of his residence on Saturday, lie expects to he al'le to walk in H weeks Chiis. P. I'liich was iii Middlelmrgh on legal husinens on Tiles lay V fakir took in the nickle i and iluues on Sal urday even ing in front of the Keystone Hotel (iio. K. Hi lull icks and wife were at Verdilla on Sunday.. .Harry lJiiti inaii of Sunhury rode to town on his wheel Sunday. To the Superintendents and Sec ictaiiea of the differ"'4" Sunday tutoju: ....ijujI co vouuiy : iou nie respectfully requested to make out your annual Sunday hchool reports dating from Jan. 1, ls'.U to Jan. 1, lS'.Cj as I w ill call for them next week. H. I. Ih'Mio, Secretary. "Ml-TVKKN SolI.S WlloIhlKAM 1' Di.iss." Tin; following marriage license-have hecn granted since our last pullii' ition : David V. IJetiner, liichtield. ) Annie M. lhirchlield, W. Perry T. Mlco. S. Heiser, Ueaver Twp., iMury S. Hassiiigcr, Ii a Lepley, Adam Twp., .Minni 'Ii. Felker, Spring Twp. Mit n.i. P. Huiiimel, Middlehurgh., I J miiua J. Ileich, Middlecrcek. A WOMAN' WHO WILL WOUK WASTMi ill every county to introduce tho Ccle I 'rated "Hygeia Waists for nil ages. This Waist supercedeH tho corset, and has received the unanimous np provnl of the h ading physicians of America. :l.oi outfit free. Any energetic woman can make from jl."to .s.'ii) weekly. Send for circu lars and terms. Hvokia M'r'o Co., Ml-":i). :S7S I 'anal St., New York. Caution Notice. Notice is lieiehy given Wit my wife h.is left niy hahitalioi!. All pe-r.son-. are cautioned not to sell to her on my account as I will pay no hills contracted hy her. Apr. 1C, is; i.-,. :tt. Joel ). 5enfer. New lh rlin, Pa. rCBIFT THE HY8TEM OF CATABKHtLIM- I'ORITIEa AND CURE IS CERTAIN. Spiing time is moat favorahle to tho cure of Chronic Catarrh. Hun dreds of letters are received, testify ing to extraordinary cure. Wm. Mandel of Sleepy Kye, Minn. Writea: "I have been troubled with chronic catarrh for thirty five years and bud tried nearly every catarrh cure known, until by accident I was advised by a friend to give Pe-ru-na a trial. In one week from the time I took the fu st dose I began to feel like a new man. I kept on using it for some time and I am entirely cured. I have no symptoms of chronic catarrh whatever. I am 74 years of age and am sure Pe-ru-na is tho best medicino I ever used and would not be without it in the house for anything." The lVruna Drug Manufactur ing Company of Columbus, Ohio, are offering free, post-paid, two medical hooks, one on Cut nil 1) and Catiill h'd disi ases, the oilier on Spring Medicines and Sp'ing dia tases. These hooks COIltlill tilt) verv late-! anil most reliable infor million on thvsi. importan t yiibjecta. 1'oi'fi'.' book on cancer address 111'. I lal 1 iii.m. Colli 111 bus. Ohm. MAUIUKI) April lith, nt l'Ycchurg. Chas. (). Lenig and Annie 1. Nauglo both of Kreiiiinr. On Sunday morning. April lM, nt Lieavertown lv ljnv. O. S. Scheirer, (ieorge S. Heiser to Miss Mary S. llasain ,'er both of Deliver Township. A pnl ill, at Fremont, by Rev. Oscar (I. Koniig, David W. Uenuer and Misn Annie M. liirchlield. both of Uichlicld. . ..ZJZZi.-siX rfitiril Umh, ut the Prothonotury's r.ftico by J. C. Sehoch, Clerk O. C. ijcnj. Hummel to Emma J. ltoicu. D1KD. OO th'.at KiDNEt LIVERS bOT.r llhcuiiiatlsm tumbaco. Pln In Jolnlt or lck, brick dunt in urine, tnsjuunt ciills Irrltatkni, lnHammntlon, (rmrol. ulucrmtlon or catarrh of tbe bladder. Disordered Liver WlfnuiinnM, lieailacnc, Indlgcation or Rout. MW A. 'HP-HOOT liivloratos cure kidney aiaicultlca, nrlgliff dtotiw, urlnanr troubles. Impure Klood Scrofula, malaria, nonchil weakneasw debility. Hwamp-KootbulliUup quickly a run down constitution and make tho weak strong. A DrasxIaO 50 cnta and 9 1.00 HUe. "InnUldf1 Uulrie to llrollh" trrr- Oraultalloa tnm, Anu iUuiaa u XMtMawn4i. If April 1:ilh at New Berlin Eliza leth Hummel, aged 'JO years U taouths and 4 days. Iu East Buffalo township, Union Co., April 17th, Elius Smith, aged 65 years 7 mouths and ti days. April 1:1, in Adam's Township, Daniel Zieber, aged 8'J years, (I months and '22 days. April 17, near Fremont, Catherine Smith, aged ii" years, 4 months and 'li days. Wm Vim Right Arm Paralyzed! Saved from St. Vitus Dance. "Our daughter, Blanche, now fif teen years of age, had been terribly attllcled with nervousness, and had lost tho cnt Iro uso of her right arm. Wo feared St. Vitus dance, and tried tho best physicians, wit Ii no benefit. Slin ha taken three iwltlea of Dr. Wiles' Kcrvino and has gained 31 pounds. Her nervousness and symp toms of St. Vitus danco aro entirely gone, Mio attends nr.liool regularly, and has recovered complete uso of her arm, her appetite Is splendid." UKs. 1 It. UULLOCK. llrlb'blon, N. Y. Dr. Miles' Nervine Cures. Pr. Vllrs Norvlno Is mild on a no""!' riiiiraiilt'ti Ihul llm llit. Iiulllo will iH-ni'llt. All ilruk'irlMiHhi'll It nt II, A liottliiH for (.". or It III l M'lit iri iali, mi roi iiit of irlro by thul'r. Milia iiuiiicul Co., Llkliart, Jud. LOW T:UIFFPKICES. BAEGAINS FOR ALL. The B. B. Roaster and Baker Improves till meats, ami makes tough meat tender. Used also in roasting foul and fish. Within reach of every family at tho low prico .50 each. Wash 15asins!l in. in diameter. .05. Tooth Pick Holders Salt and Pepper Sha kers .03. OUK20 CT. PADLOCK, llevolving key pin, steel key, no two alike. KXIVKS AND FORKS, Ilosewood handles bolstered and capped, per Set, .70. Em broidered Light, tan color knotted fringe. Lap Dusters from ,")0 to 75 cts. each, Don hie and twisted lilue Denim Overalls 50 cts. each. Ki NKbi: Ss Walthu. 1-1-l-m. Auditor's Notice. In the 'sfntc of I In the Orphans' Israel Honey,? (lourt of Snutter deceased. Ii " " V ' ) (oitnti, J'a. Tim imili'i-xlirni'.l Aiiillior Hppolntud by mud iMiiii to ilHirtlmtL thu Ualiinrn in Hiu bundii of .lama H MIiIiIIi-mwiu'IIi, AiliiilulKtrittor of anlil ilivriLHi'il, will nil lor Hie iiriMMH ol IiIh nppolnt liii'iit, nt lilt nftliiH III Mlililhiliuri;)!, ou TilrMduy, April 31), 1 '". ut 10 o't'lmk A. M., wtiuu uud whi'iv all i;ti'ili" liilt-ri'iiii'il ar noilfli'rt to jiro wiit tlii'lr rlaluit or t lorx.er Uoburrixl fruin imrllL'liiutliiK lu unlit (llHtrilnitlon. UtOtlUCKE. UOWKIi. April 2, ism. Auditor. J W. VANVALZAH, 1). D. 8. ' ' DENTIST. I make a specialty of treating and fllllnir deHeued teeth. Artificial teeth guaranteed one, two and three years. Urad. l'enn'a Dental College, l'hlla. Office In Weis' Klook, opposite Na tional Hotel, Selinngrove, Pa. How til t'ui'i- Ml Mkli llin-... " Mrill'lV llmly ' IV IVW. lirl!NT. ' N" lll'lM' In. I in.- Ili'lli"' t'-, l'l'' I ''l'--- t-lli-r. r. -"lill llrli. till i r IJ li n.i l!n- f ''-, ll.m H, lin- -. Af. l-'.lllll I'll- - VIM I'll'. Kllll" Hll'l ll-llll ll.V. II' vr- i ii.-ill' :-. I iir.,iiv,. i,ii-r nr.- -im-- -. Ii. ii'i "Hut i-- I". A-V v 'ir ilrn'.MKi. D l. .1. t'. AM1U. P. 1). s. 1 1 CNT I ST 'l'i'.-.-it in.;, tilling, itrtiliefid !. noun umI lii-iilir" vvmk. Trrtli x trai-'i'd lllmiit i-uiii. St icfuelli'ii LMlii I m in ,! i OlJii'i' innviil ! tin- lii-w Iv.iIik Ituii.l'iiir. MIDMLKUi Kiili. PA. EiECTnicrncrHcriE field outru'l.t. no ' ""f- A'li 1" 'll, Villiww r ( iMifitry. Sdrl In rmrf ! ofiif Imp 'rt nti't iirt.r". iriU'i toh 'H 1 i'. ...ll.itHi, irth Atff til imthr rrtuil n. . rr ht. Onn In ft riii.fnnf nt'Mina n unlx tn nil ' umhu )nl t''l 'n th ut up bf mnr "t" tin: Urrniitl, A ititniHjr nmhiT. W. P. Harrison k Co. tlun 10, Columbia, 0, WHAT iROI WILL DO. 113 NATURE'S OWN TOfilG. I3tlmultii th Bpriftlto ir,a -i- duoe rcfrehlr, ni-.inp. CIVFS Vim STRCMCOI TO I 'wPS.a R MOTHERS. XJhrcks wMtlnn 1'hp-iii, nori niht wott, ciue inoi(,iunt vonautnption. OXncrMcs atranrtU n-ul 3o-:i. MAKES RED, RICH BLOOD, Promotot healthy lu-.i tinirae. Will itIt tha pala and 5uuy the Nroay oheeka of youth. CURBS iXL FEMALE COKPtAJH 13. Makaa atrong man and wotuon of waakllnga. GiLMORE'S IRON T0NI8 PILLS Care all Wasting Diseases and their sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &e. ThyanpttvnrBtTptlonorcdtlniin4 rnre no conKuintiuff efTocl on tno ouutfliila of tha atomncli or i'a llninir; ouimuiiiontly Cr. j ot, hurt tbo lolh or onu' cotmti nation cr cl inrrhino. nit do t hn uunl forum of Iron. 10 diiya trontmeut 60o, pamphlet ree. It not kept by your di-ugnlst, aJdrem GILMORE & CO., CINCINNATI. O. F. r Snl- i i .Vti.liliHbiirU, Pa liy T. It M.-V.'illliniK.. H V Vs oil S!;'f;.!:'S ni-oiilliil.i .' -iriil- r'f I : -'i-r' W'lmt.-vi-r Mmr ;. , ; , - - in- Hi'' III, ' I II V. Ill ll'Hl t'lli ("lc ti, ' v.i.ik-. ruMUlii -i in lri-. Ml fi-iil-. Ht-iit f i--. I r.nipiirl .'.I lull I'lvi'V,-;. If i mi ii uilt Jti i-i-ii:i lur km M-rliM'in in 1 1 u i itu-l 1 1 ri Ii. tliti t-l-viiiii lni'i-"ti"M iimhiMiIv. Aiiri"- ll"Mi;.S AMI liKAlll lis l i nl.IsilINO CO., Now jik. GET V0UR SHAVING ami Hair Cutting tlonc at 1. C, H A HTM AX'S Uar 1 1 or Shop. ,MniLi:m'K(;ii, Pa. I i)surai)ce, SN VIJLCK'S OLD, AND HELIAHLE Gen'l Insurnnce Agency, SELINSGR0VE, SNYDER COUNTY, PA- 3Z31rnox "7V. Snyclor, Agent, Successor to the l ito William II. Snyder. Tho l'lir-Kxcillorco of Ilt-liiihlo Inmirance ih rfjirpsi'tteil in the follow ing lint of Stumhiril ComimnicK, from which to niiiko a Kih'ctiou. None Dottor tho World ovi-r. .H1K, I.OI'ATI, ASKTS. FIltE Koytil, Livi'i pool, Kin?, (imluains fordism m-soU) i:i.H)0,(X)0.00 Unrtforil, of lliu tforil, Conn., (oldoHt Anierifiiu Co.) K,r.tr, 7U5.i2 Phu nix, llui tfonl, Conn. 5,f)HH,aS.07 Contim-ntiil, New York, C.,754 .1108.72 (lorniiin Aincriciin, New York, fi, 2 ),)! W.K1 LIFK-Miiliuil Lifts Iiih. Co. N.-w York, S204,g:W,1)h;J.g(5 ACC1DKNT Kiiiployi'i'B' Iiiuhilit v AsHiininoo Corporation, Acciih-nt Iiih. Co. -Snhscrihcil Ciipitnl of :l, 750,000.00 I'iro. Lift ami Aiviih'tit risks ncci ptoil ut tlio lowest posHihlo rato, juu t'lieil hy n ntriet rt;iii(l to niutuiil nulety. All just tlninis promptly und hiitihfiictonlv iiiljiihtcd. Information in relation to all cIuhkoh of Insur ttiice promptly furnished. KL.MEU W. SXYDEH, At., OHice on ilarket Street, Seliimsjrovo, Pa mm CONTINUES AT THE Great Ba.ln Imporium OF F. I-I. MAURER, NElAf BERLIN, PR. Ti E E m Great reduction in every department, liargains all ov er the store, wo want to reduce ovr stock in order to make room for our early Soring Goods. CLOSING OUT Ladies' and Children's Cloaks, Capes and "Wraps, Also MEN'S and BOYS' Overcoats and Heavy Suits, now closing out at and be low cost, please call and don't miss theses Groat Bargains CAIlBIPiETrS, wo also have a vow lino of Homemade, Ingrain and Brussels Carpets now for Spring traid. "Wo still Give Pictures Away. to every ouHtomer using ono f our Premium Purchase Ticket. These Crayons are very tine, nlze 16x20 enclosed iu a beautiful heavy emboHsed frames, un ornament for the parlor. , We hav e no special liarRala Days, our bargaius are every day. The Mflliest Market Price Paid for Produce. MTCAHH 1'AID FOR GOOD BUTTEll AND EGGS. vj3 COX. VMB1A 9-Thtr lmt r Bicycling for Vomen Physicians recommend bicycling. Dame Fashion says it is "good form." Two new models for women's use in Columbia Bcles Model 41 Columbia Model 42 Columbia MoJcl 42 Columbia has hecn especially designed for t!u :v.:uiy ladies who prefer to wear knicker lockers railier than cumbersome skirts. Ladies' wheels also in Hartford Dicycles at lower prices ftfo, f60, f 50. Lor in No fi'rriff for Vmtalnfint. Free ut any Columbia Afcncy, or by mail for two i-ccnt Btampa, I BBARCn IT0RCS: Boston Kew Vort Chicago San Francisco .Providence mm? Six handioma paper doll, thowlDK ladira' bicycle costume bjr Uotc U designcru, will ba mulled for live t-ccnt Ktamp. rl sm m W i W sm W W W 3r Get n Catalogue. Fi-pe at our Cohunhia Asjnncj', Sulitisgrovc. P i., in uiiiiiuu lur ceiiis oy . U. JjuKer. Ilonent luHiirance at llonent Hates. The het Goods for the Leant Money. GENERAL INSURANCF AGENCY, immmmmmmmm 0 aazanaamaaBaaBaaaBi C Bin.i,nI.PII Only the OKI est. Largewt find 8troi)H8t CAM1I Compunles. No Assessments No Premium Note Nonml nollil niul True Indemnity. IJi'preHeutinjr every cluxs of ltiurAnee either Life, Fire, Accident, or Tornado. SEE DUR COMPANIES i NAMK I.OCATIO. Actnti Hartford Homo New York Fire Association Philadelphia Fidelity and Casualty New York Equitable Li Co I ns. Soc.Ncw York All IxihIhh fiitniHted to our Agency fhull alwiivs receive the utmost cure and Rttention. Entire Biitihfactlou guaranteed. We solicit a Hliare of your patronage. H. HARVEY SOHOOH, Selinsgrove, Liberal AitJiiHtuientc Prompt Payments. A8SKTS $10,050,139.(1 9,370,040.(1 5,007,85 l,5S7,OG7, 130,19S,518 COMB AND SHE THE BAMBOO FURNITURE GIYGN AWAY BY US. IIOGII & OLDT, New Berlin, P i mil s EE THIS? NEW GOODS. LOW PRICES. GUARANTEED SATISFACSION IN GOODS, FITS, WORKMANSHIP AND PKIOES. I ask but a teial. ltospectfully, H. L. PHILLIPS, MEUCHANT TAIIX3K. . Stliusgrove, P.