The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 25, 1895, Image 1

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    Co. CommUMOuer,ll
PA I' Kll.f'T t he People and
r th People. II"
mn lw.v open for
the dlvuwlon of topics of
merest to It patrous.
lr,inliyt lie editor.
It iHimt ft"ork-nn.''
1 1 cnr nii" i)lliir."
1 1 iievrrdiMhri-d .u.UUi
And iii'ht xiiidiiut.
, lV.o
. of
re Hi
d. We
rlin, f
jrovt'i l'
Marks of success
Fisb stories will boou bo ripo.
Winter whiskers nro coming ofT.
Abase ball five-cent whiskey.
Living high rooming in a Riirrct.
"Shut t ho iloor" signs nro disap
pearing. Pr. ShilltT of Hairisburg was in
town this week.
. V. Wittoninyer was u Sunbury
i.-itcr on Monday.
Sheriff Specht was lo Sclinsgi ovo
ii Friilny morning.
The front row of the thmttris
.imllyall bald up.
l'laiik Spaid of Adanisburg wan in
wn last Thursday.
fnorge Getty of Scliiisgievois the
i.tlior of 2i children.
Tho plumber now stops down to
ike room for tho milh::cr.
LiiilifH Sailor Hats nt is cents at
blue Duiikclbcrger s Millinery.
China silks, 25 cents per yard nt
Duiikelborger s Millinery.
hy O. Woiser attended the audit
Uunisburg on Monday.
he next term of tho Freeburs?
sical College opens May (HI:.
he cough-drop man now takes oft
lint to tho ico cream vendor,
romn Thomnso'i visited his par
i in Juniata County over Sunday.
bbio Dunkelberirer has an ns-
inentof Children's Hats for 30
iie FurmciV Alliance of Snydor
ity nu t in Middleburg on Satur-
l.e liuiin-lightor has a verv f rivo
occupation, for he makes light
s huKiness.
8 Saturday JCueninu licvicir
mbal publication on Saturday
at Klingler nnd wife of Free
visited Mrs. Adam Spangler
IUubeu Weiriek of Paxton-
visited Phillip Spaid's last
ill llowcrsox purchased tho
iioul house at Paxtouvillo on
lay for $:o.
0. V. Meek opened bis now
tSeliusgiovo a war of prices
Stay man and Miss Rudy of
iburtf were nt the couuty Heat
"liiy evening.
M Mover ninl Afiuu limin
" ------ ....... -
iliug were Middleburgh visi-
hist Sabbath.
s-liolurshio contest is ooeii
body. Don't bo afraid to
"our ship.
I'jhttt's Sarsapaiilla at tho
Wfii Pharmacy. $1.00. Fv-
wait for one of theso large
1 full into Your hands. Get
urk for them.
lV(J an exeeiitionallv Lood
' curtains this Hoason.
S. Wtis, Siliusgrovo.
weildinir of tho future tho
I1' una iiie proomsmaid will
"(,'ure extensively.
advent of the new wo-
l'lll becoma of that, ol.l
tho summer fiirl T
Milloris writing verv nlilo
K tho Adamsbur Herald
s oi tue Lfigislature.
l'J Estata of K.imiil n
1'eun Township will be
ourt House May 4th.
jQobinhas Used August 3-
eior the encampment
r wigade at Mt. Gretna.
A $120 Hartford bicy.
p'a w tho first cash buy.
I m BS Kooa new.
Absolom ltoush and wife visited
H. R. Bickbart and wifo on Sunday.
"We Lave a beautiful lino of Dress
Ginghams. S. Wris, Selinsgrove.
J. N. lirosiusnnd Mr. Schnee were
at tho county heat on tho 21st in
stant. Pont fail to tl V Pil CohI.-i'h Snran.
parilla nt tho Middleburgh Phar
In tin- Hprlnif tho llttio lir.Miklcls
KiibMi' In a inrrry rlivnuv
Hill It "M lliniTl'Ilt w It flu tfiUMpS -
I-or th.'.v l nil tli;
M. . Sit inincer. incrcmililn nn.
praiscr, has inailo liis trip over tho
.Inlm I: I. f.. ........ .... .1 t.. r 1 1
Amiro.Ui to Cent rev illo on their!
wheels on Sunday.
A !?120 bicyclo can be bought for
.. at tins oHice. It is u Hart ford i
nnd as pood as new.
P..vid Moyer, the active young
republican oi Pt nn Township, called
lo see us on Saturday.
Send in your coui ons. In a wi.i L-
or two tlio names of the contestants
will bo published.
Tho State Order United AmoricniJ
.uorenanies win JioUI a four d.ivi
hcssion nt Scran ton beginning May
Conductor J. (). Downs of tho
Lewistown division is Hi)endinr thin
week in Juniata county lishing for
KG. 17.
it', if- .
J. F. Srr.Ti.Kii. Architect.
Tho Mifflin County Bank Building.
Wo have on hand now all kinds r.f
i ertihzer. Salt, also
ot l Uosphato for corn nnd potntoes
J. M. and G. II. Steixi.ngkh,
Perry Aurand of Mi.1.11
Township called to seo rs on Satur
day and renewed his subsciption to
mo I'os r.
Iu this, the Ninth Internal It..v.
enuo District. H7.J returns were made
nud tins will not tho goverment
if luti.ODi).
MiHS Naomi Schoch attended the
wedding nt Northumberland tlmt
mado Miss Laura Yenrick of Kratzer
Villo ilrs. Ivuouse.
Luther Stein of P
- . V . ,
found a com dated 17lKi Thw ia
older than the one mentioned iu tho
1 oht sometime, ago.
Aaron Crossgrove on Snnduv
. . . .
weeK ago rodo throucli flu, ...!
from Hairisbiuc to this ohu i (in ii
pound wheel.
"Hard Times" Sociablo was linl.l
on Tuesday evening at tho residence
ot Arthur Leaver for tho benefit, nf
the Lutheran Church.
Why not use Da Costa's Karn.
parilla, nouo better. Try a bottle
and bo convinced. For salo nt tho
Middloburgh Pharmacy.
Ladies' Coats and Gents' overprint u
are now being closed out at cost at
II. Muurci-H store New llmlm
Call to sou these great bargains
Wo have tho largest variety nf
Carpets in this county or anv of ih
neighboring counties. Prices lower
than ever. S. Ws, Selinsgrovo
Tho Snyder couuty Sunday school
convention will bo hld in Si-linu
grovo this year on May l:)th, 14th
and 15th. A full turnout is desired
Prof. Kli Portzline. ouo of the tltn.
gressive leaciiers of IVrry Town
ship, who resides near Meisei villn
. .... ,
was at the couuty seat on Monday,
Rev. H. G. SunUo will hold
muniou services at tho following
nines anupiacos: urubb s28thj Free-
uurg, Jlay oth ; Zieber'sand Artley's,
lam ; ftennee h, 20th.
The Pulmvra Slin ('mr.nn
whose capital stock was $25,000, bad
been closed out with Auunta a
ing to $2,200 thus paying about nine
cents on me uoiiar.
A very painful operation
formed by the Dra. V
' a,M0v;uWft
upon W. O. Hoffman of this place,
last Thursday, which proved to be
very successful. The patient is get-
ling aiong aa well as can be expect-
eu. urioune.
We present in this issue a cut .f
tlie new Mifllin County National
Punk building, recently eonmlcted
an I now occupied by tho bauk. J.
K-rftfitltT. U Mfddleburgh, Pa., is
the architect. The desii'n ii mrwt
odmirable, combining both elegance
and convenience nnd haviii'' i.nniv
pleasing features. The underpinning
is built of Hummclstow n brown
stone, rock face, the suiii istiuotiin.
of Washington hydraulic pressed
brick with Huumn lstown brow n
stono trimmings. The mansard roof
is covered with slate and terracotta
trimmings. The lines are well bro
ken by many dormers and loggias.
J ho muiliau windows in dormers
and throughout the buildiug have
beautiful turned stone columns.
neat tower rises up in the coiner.
Over the entrance to the bunk is.
stono pediment resting on heavv
turned stone columns and beautiful
carved stono capitals. Polished
glass has been used throughout the
entire buildim? Tin, i-,it,.ii,,i- ,.r ii...
building is itiually bandsomelv ar-
rauged. We congratulate our
townsman, Mr. Stetler. unon haviin
mado the jilans for tho neatest
building in Lewistown.
JobnV. Lesher of Northumbei-.
hind, who has u foot-ball record all
over tho state, called to hco us on
Saturday. Ho is now a student nt
Lucknell University.
I will open a select school in il.i.
Franklin School I'.nililimr f.r,, ..,.
of six Veeks, begiuing May ilh.
Terms will bo moderate.
Jeisome Kuih.ev, Teacher.
Tho scholarship contest is ooen to
ladies and gentlemen alike. Anv
person can work for tho scholarship
prizes, especially teachers and
those preparing to teach.
Matter sent us as local news, w hieh
relates exclusively to tho business of
an individual, if inserted, will bo
charged us a business local at live
cents a lino for each insertion.
T. H. Hurler. Editor of tho Pelle-
fouto Gazette and wife and Mrs.
Georgo H. Smull of Rebersburi?
spent Sunday with J. M. Steiniugor
and wife.
Henry K. Sanders of Penns Creek-
was in town last week and called
upon us. He thinks that his town
should be called Penns Creek nud
not Ceutreville as is usually the case.
We regret to note that the attend
ance at the meeting of thn KnvW
county Medical Society last Thurs
day was not very largo. Many were
kept away on account of the sol
diers' re-union at Lewistown. Anoth
er meeting will be beld in July.
lack's Mountains have been burn
ing all wtek. Shade Mountain with-
ina few miles of Middleburgh was
ignited on Tuesday noon. A largo
area was burned oil".
John Geist of Muhantongo is 52
years nfngn'nnd never saw a town
until a few days when he visit
ed Shauiokin. He is mi uncle of P.
G. Si'iler formei ly of Snyder county.
I'i:ni; Fou Sai.k: Prick of the best
ipiality for building and paving can
bn secured at reasonable rates
by applying to Cakiion Si i iioi.i.,
U nshiugton House, Middle burg, Pa
Genial Harry 11 li ter and familvof
Hut let on inhaled t lie good pure air of
Nn.vdcr county on t he I It h inst. We
regret that wv did not learn of 1 heir
visit, in time to note their visit in
our last issue.
4 1V If . . .
-v r laiiKtoiii hard wrote a poem
to his inamorata which w as publish
ed iu a suburban paper, lie haid
her mouth was like a cowslip. The
printer spared it, and it read "cow's
lip." Unhappy bard.
Salesmen Wanted. To sell Non-
Nicotine Midgets Cigars. Samples
free. Salary or Commission. Good
side line.
Address, Laxms A: Co..
tf Shippcnsburg, Pa.
Tho Xaticnul J 'dmuitur of Allen
town on Saturday published the por
trait of C. V. Smith, winner of the
Post's J'.loomsburg scholarship prize.
The winners of the Post prizes are
destined to become popular.
Frank Smith, formerly of .Middle-
burgh but now of Carhomlalc, was a
Middleburgh visitor on Tuesday.
Frank 1 las grown a full beard and
looks like a gentleinam of high
estate. He is traveling for a grocery
Wanted. K very smoker to send us
7 two-ct. stamps to he In nav tiost
packing etc., and we will mail box of
our Non-Nicotino Midgets Ci-'ais
Only one box to ono address.
Address, Lanms it Co.,
tf Shippensburg, Pa.
N. A. Howes, in last week's AYir
Item, on tho responsibility of a few
taunters, assumes that our local con
coring his fence was too funny to bo
a joke. He talks bkoa man who
burns old ehoos to smoke moat.
We nro sure none of tho readers of
tho Post took anything more out of
the local than a joke- In tho ab
sence of nuy throut we should have
consigued the paper to the wasto
basket without another thought,
but when be attempts to silence our
pen by making threats, he will fin.l
he has barked up tho wrong tree.
Newt, gives wholesome advice but
sets a poor example. His friends
would think more of bim if he were
only a little more diligent.
oung ludy, would you hko to
teach T Perhaps ho. Then don't
waste another moment. The Post
will award two scholarships.
Ladies bold high positions in the
profcsMonal woi Id and the privilege
is open to them in this contest.
Cards announcing the wed ling of
Miss Anna M. Pill, a former resident
ofl'reeburg, and daughter of the
late Maj. Win. H. ),U, and Dr. .1.
Calvin Schorl. r,.rineilv of s. lit,-!
grove, at tile h. :,ie of the bii,1e at
Patersou, New .1, r-ey, .., il ;! ,
have been HI lit out.
1.1 .
ii lias Keen .h a l, ,l. alt. r sever,,
lengthy cot, I, ten,-.... (,, ,; )
National Guard . uc unpi,,, lit t,i.
year, as usual. The . i,canipient is
deemed lieC.CH-.u -.. ;..l ,(. , A,
eonferenco tl e .1 nil . , ,-,.
Iiolding it. Ii i, aid that the Fir!
brigade will co inio c,ii, fro,,, .,,lv
'"' to 11. and the S, end and Third
from August : p. In.
Under a rule issued for the infor
inatiou of the Iiagg igeii,aste,sol il.
Pennsylvania r.nhoad under the
date of April 1, . hi 1,-eiiis carriages
will only b carried free when no
other checked baggage accompani
ed them. They thn, u ill b.w.l.... i
extra. The same mle applies to
An exchange savs : "ir..t.u ..ti...
vieker, the treacherous kicker, the
Kicker who neveris true jwhoalwavs
h crying. ttnd never trying some
good for his town do. -No u.a, to
correct him or need to expect him
to go to thf front like a man s while
others liuillo he'll sit down and
rustle';ju. to every plaji.''
Tho is a world of comfort to a
young lady w ho wears a becoming
mil, and to have the assurance that
everybody is admiring the beau I v
and taste m which it has been madi
up. Nothing adds more lo II
eral appearance of a young lady oi
woman than a beautiful hat or I......
net, and the place o get hucIi at
lowest prices is u( Lihbic Puiikel.
berger's Millinery.
Parties who were present in C.m t
at tho trial of the case of S IJ ('.
rad the .Milliintown Water Com
pany, will remember how tedious
tho examination of tM. .laintitr was
by reason of hm being d. uf and
dumb from u paralytic strokosim.
taineil by him some time previously.
On Wednesday evening of last week
io recovered both 1
speech ns suddenly as he had lost
t liu.M;i)t;t,to,ri, Hi raid.
Hero's An Idoj
""" U.. ,;,.,. u mimnk M.
I'Kii i H'i: nit: vrisriov,.,- ,;,.-.
It is .piite . vident already that al
'' ' very American w,.,',,:,,, ,
lo lid,. bicycle t,,s v,.ar
M ihel s of bicycles an. deluged VMth
'"' the special patterns ,..
I'.l.ed lor 'oiiim.,' . i i
" -..-.Mini I, ess
I llilie desi 'ii,., , in-..
hy den, 'in U upon
t''i'a..i oi,, di es-
f l-lliol
Wig col
I'M he si,!M. e( of
ti.l u here-. n
1 1 1 1 1 1
"He I h ee,n ),,
' l
1 makers and en
"V l ll. blind
I h. ir in .r 'nn: i
i" ni '.V!..!- riding. Tl,
1 , ' "' " 'i ..ha Iv
: U'Mtl- ::n I . ,g(.
; bicvcledres -. a
, eon. .'l egate I i
I I'e W he her , ,,.. a , I,,.,.!
; lhat having I.. e, dee, .. 1 , ;(,
j hoiii alive, ', . ,, (,., ,..
'less il 1 .,Vy i-,,. .,
: .
A Huntingdon count v farmer
went into his cow stable tl,eoth..r
night and by mistake mixed her up
n nico mash in a box full of sawdust
instead of bran. The cow merely
supposing hard times had come and
they were all going to momi.u
meekly ate her supper and that man
never discovered his mistake until
the next morning when he milked
that cow, and she letdown half a
gallon of turpentine, a ipiart of shoe
pegs and a bundle of lath.
The Vi.rWy Caarur makes
note of two sales of ileal Kstato as
follows: F. K. Hilbish has sold to
Hon. Geo. C. Moyer thirty-two
acres and Hiu perches of his faun
lying close to town fur .l:i."i per acre.
Ihis tract adjoins Judge Mover'u
farm west of Fretburg. Mrs. Har
riot Hilbish has disposed of her farm
east of Freeburgli. consisting of
seventy-nine acres, seventeen acres
of w hich aro timberland, to John K.
Moyer for S?."),IMK). This wus former
ly the Johu Miller farm.
The Allegheny Presbvtorv hna
placed itself on record as opposed
to the theory that duneine- is n uin
Miss Mary Ewalt, of Hakerstown
rresbyteriau church, was dismissed
because she danced and would not
promise to refrain in the future.
She appealed her case to the Presby
tery and was upheld, the decision
being that dancing is a question of
conscience. Dr. R. M. Means, of
Pine Creek Church, who was ex.
pelled by bis pastor for siguing a
liouor license application, was mm.
stated by the Presbytery.
I roni the beginning of bicycling
the Pope .Manufacturing (',,, iiny
have always been at hand with help
ful suggestions whenever a knotty
problem affecting the interests of
wheelmen has.. been under discus
siots jitnl (1 , ,(). () thecase
' f h.Tproblem ni.'VwIieel;: v
men. In addition to iirovidiug'hjh
year bicycles for women's use which
.... i . i i .
' iiiunci.s oi iigniness, grace,
beauty, and ease of running, they
have issued a series of beautifully
lithographed paper . . ills, si inches
high, which show specially prepared
designs by such noted makers of
costumes as K. df. i n, ( io-ta Ki aein
er and Mrs. .Iei,i,e-s Miller. These
designs are practical iii the hi. d, est
degree, and illlls! rate ev. rv i,...liti
cation of the prevailing idea.-, from
the "bloomer" an. 1 divided skli t to
the neat and natty skirts that will
be affected by the majority.
All the designers have Ii' e.l
conscientiously to produce .-;,... .
that shall be helpful in su-'esi ion-
ami artistic in appearance, and every
woman who proposes to ride this
year will welcome the clever little
series of dolls that animal's so on.
portuiiely. A sample can be obtain
ed tree by calling upon an v Columbia
agent, or the whole sel ..I' -iv will I,..
mailed for live 2 -cent stamps by the
Publishing Department of the i'om.
Manufacturing Company. Hartford
( 'onn.
Our New Goods are Hero.
"The greatest M illinerv .lisnl.i v in
Snyder county." That's I he general
Verdict of everybody who h is set II
our new stock.
We are gratified that our elforts
have met with such general approy
al, and extend lo those who have
not yet called an invitation to do so.
No obligation to buy, only just to
set. tho largest stock of Millinciy
goods ever displayed in the county.
All kinds of Notions on hand, a
full line of gloves, ladies' Vests, pelt
Duckies, Pelt Pins, Ladies' Waists,
Chemoisettes, Ladies' Fine Hosiery,
Ladies' Neck Wear, Swiss Embroid
ery, Mitts and Handkerchiefs. Call
to seo our bargains.
The council of the Pcunslvaiiia
forestry association, desirinir to en.
courage the observance of Arbor
Pay, has issued a few vauablo sug
gestions. Included in tho circular
sent is tho advice to select a small
rather than a largo tree for planting
and u treo that has had its roots
well bunchod bv freouont earlier
removals than one that has boou
removed for the lirst time. Trees
should not, as a rule, be planted
deeper than they were before be
ing removed. j