The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 14, 1895, Image 3

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-HE U. S. Government offi
(TCT) cially reports ROYAL Bak
ing Powder superior to all
others in leavening strength.
It is the best and most economical.
frt-rmn merchants some of them at
ut-nre npcrlcvcd because of tha In
,)nrtlou Into Gcrinntiy of "bargain
lot." ami they bare appealed to ths;
rernment to suppress them. Their
nflnJ Is that the state shall deflno
at constitutes "unfair competition-
,1 prohibit It Probably the mer
ants who united In this request
nl'1. most of them, strenuously deny
laliftlc proclivities, but their re
ot Is In the line of pure socialism,
would bo only another step In the
me direction to ask that the fforcrn-
,nt prohibit one from underselling
mhr-r. we do not road that as yet
r customers of the Gormau shopmen
ire Jnlm-.l In the demand for th
Llltlon of bargain day.
In tlio method and results wnca
krup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
kj refreshing to tho tartc, and nets
rmly yet promptly on tLo Kidneys,
:rcr and liowcis, cleanses luo eys
m cflectually, dbne's colds, head-
thes and fevers and cures habitual
nstipation. Byrun of Fiirs is tho
lily remedy ot its Lind ever pro
uced, plcnsinrr to tho tasto and ac-
pptable to the 6tomach, prompt ia
action and truly beneficial in its
Sects, prepared only from tho most
eclthy and agreeable substances, its
lany excellent qualities commend it
p all and Lave made it the most
rpular remedy known.
Syrup of Fies i3 for Bale in BO
lent bottles by all leading drug-
lists. Any reliable druggist wno
iy not have it on band will pro-
re it nromptly for any one who
L-hes to try iu I)o not accept any
a A
Big dinner Utt ntxht
It u, indeed.
Plnty to drink, too
Will, I thpaitX My so.
Headache la consequence.
Oh, no.
Sow do yott mantes it
Ripans Tabale
will tUt doltf
tnrj Urn.
& L.Douglas
nnHCHrMAMn i in calt.
4.63fi? FlritCUf IKWOMB
i 3.QP rCLICw,s 50LCS.
extra riNe
Over On Killlan Pooplo tvesr the
-A L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
'II our shoca ere equally catlcfactory
iv no best volus for lh money,
f y 4ual cuttotn vhuci In sty l and fit.
Ulr woarlnf qualltias ar unturnstMiJ.
lit prlccg ar vnl(orm,stainpeii on solaj
i In $ i onvnd over other makes,
a jihj dealer cannot supply yuu e cao
PN C ll
Worn nUthl auil day. Has
an Ad)uiuble I'a.i v bkb
can b nale larger or
mailer laiuitehsuirme
ronulimnof Kl iTl llK.
rjdbyu.v. llouae SIfg.Co.7j4 Iiroadway.N.Y.Ulty
1 Treated fr.
I LJ BsaMll,, Mva
V J curea eitny thou.
1,1" Iwwle-a. From Srjt dow tymptora, itpell; iiri'.
Vm"1 (Uy4t Irut lo-lhirdtof ,11 yicp1vuiftieiriiivp(l.
iriintniaii .1 ntir.ut.m. ins. ... rnsa,
The Cannon of C'rlmcnn Days.
The cannon of Crimean Days were
mounted on wooden cnrrlnj?ps of the
crudest construction; the recoil was not
controlled, but merely limited by t
stout brecchlnjr ro;o. Elevation and
trnlnlmr were given by moving the
pun and carriage by common wooden
handspikes, and tho irun was run out,
after belntf loaded, by side tackles.
Every operation was performed by the
simple and direct application of man
ual labor, nnd the number of men told
off to work a thirty-two pounder irun
of not more than three tons weight was
fourteen, and they all had hard work
to perform. With the modern gun of
more than double the weight Just half
tho number of men are required. The
gun captain, or number one, alms nud
fires, ond, unassisted, elevates and
trains the gun with the greatest ease
and nicety up to tht moment of firing;
the gun runs out automatically after
recoil. The only operation that re
quires nny expenditure of force Is the
actual loading of the gun, and that 1
reduced to a minimum.
Ne Hneh Thine.
Tho qnnllty of endurance ot orlndifforenes
to whnt In otlrnr mon produrca shook or re
pubdon Is said to belong to mm without
norvc. Thcr Is no u?h thing and cannot
h. Ths flnnr tht physical divnlopmnnt the
kroner perhaps Is thn S"alblllty to pain.
Lot nouralgla put on Its harness tor o raid
nnd K"t nflur u-h men, thn nrvis will he
found all oulvrln st onc. And so this
mala ly works, a ernoplng ugly 1 to hnalth
bnt on torturo and mlwry, until it mKs Its
nntfpnthy, 6L Jaxtb Oil, which cures and
comiuors, quickly, surely, j
There Is moro Catarrh !n this section or the
Country than all ether (lineuwe iit toui-thrr
a:il until tiiu la-t lew years was sunMrd t be
incuraili'. Kor a (trnet many yenreiloetors pro
nuuuced tt a lorai dmnow, mid pp-vr U'd local
rvmetlies and ly roiiHtuntly lailliiK tn rtira
ith local trentmont, liroimuiicril it incurable.
Science liax provxu c.ttarrll t lx a coniMtu
tional dlecae nnd tlmrcforo renuire constitu
tional trcatinent. Hall's i.'atorrli t'urn, man.
nfaelured bv F. .1. Cheney & 1'0.,'fiiicdo, Ulilo,
in thentiiy roiiktit'iliunai cure on tbo market.
It l taken Internally in doe from l'idroie to
a teunpoontul. It acta directly on tb blood
and mucmie nurfacoe of the ayntem. Tiiry offer
one hundred dollar f T any raae It fails to
euro. Send lor circulars and testimonials
free. Addrees . , , '
V. 3. CfiEKKY St C0n Toledo, O.
IVSoM by Drogiclita, 7 jo.
Mr. Wlnnlnw's Soothing P)-rup for children,
teclblnif. wif tens t lie kuiiih, mlucen Influma
lion, allaya iwin, curve wind colic, ii c. a bottle
Menial Alertnrae
depend very .luruvly on the phynlcal condl.
tlou. hlilKKlHh biiMxl dull the bruin. A Ki
pan Taliu.e utter ineuU will clear away the
logs In abort order.
Taso's feature were regular and pleasing
but he had s wild eye.
I)r. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot cures
1. 11 Kidney nnd liludder trouble.
1'aii.pbli t mill consultation freu.
l.uborutory llint;biiiiiitiii, N.Y.
Charles I. Imd n pointed beard, in the styls
known as Vandyke.
Hurl' Clover HiM)t. the (freat blood purifier,
gives freshness und clearness to the complex
ion ulil en rv a constipation. i-U. U)ix. fl
Liphael. Angelu, Kubens. 7 um
Tlia "LINKNK" srettia Rmi and Moat KnonnmL
eai 1'ullsrs ani Cnffa woru; they are made 01 flna
cloth, both siiisa finislied ahka, and hsintf rsar
oie, una'uiiar isetiuaj 10 iwo 01 any oi:iar iiua.
Iks; fit urlt. irMir wll ani ln,,S ill. A l.nnl
Ten Collars or fnal'uraol Cuffa far Twaoty'lTt
A Kamels Collar and Pair of Cnffn hj man for SI
Oeula. Nauia aiyla and ai sa. Addruee
firraaAUaBt.. Maw Tori. naUbrSL.
- " anil a.lvlra am 4i k&tt.nLmlilltl, (if
nventou. band lor In veal or. liulde. or how loirei a'
patent. 1'ATklCK o'VAIlKKt. V..hisotos. 1). O.
WANTED buyers KVrra
Iff HI1 I blaf uu. IDduitlua bulldlnKa. Cail
tt or addreaa W. H. Bruaddua, At., Waal uiot, Va.
Dyspeptic.Delicate.Infirm and
f'"' . ri
I u j
John Carle4,Sons. New York.
Items of Interest About
ths City of
Tne majority of the special committed ol
ths nous appointed to inquire Into the
causes of the prevailing nKrloulturnl de
pression, bus 1 repnrcd a report In which It
'Whllo ths value of properly owned If the
American farmers lias decreased In thirty
years from l.early one-bnll ot thu total
wealth In W,0 to less than one-fourth In l;lu,
ot which 80 per cent. Is now under niorUnK"
tn.xos bnvo atendlly Increased, nnd debts
bow require four times tho labor to be pnld
off than was then required. The urchnsliiK
capacity of the dollar to seuuro thu farmer's
laud and his produce has Increased lour
fod, whllo tho power to pay his taxes nnd
debts have remuliied at a standstill. Iu liTU
wheat sold fr in i.fi5 to J.ii a bushel. Iu
New York iu 1S'JI It sold nt Cll rents.
l)iscu.sliii( :he cnii'es ol tne depression tho
committee buys: "'Ihs iecislailon ol tho
Worst character encumbers the statulo looks
and bus been carried on to tin) detriment ol
agriculture and lis dependent Industries for
UO ycHrs, culsilutitltiK iu the crime ol the !
the demonetization of silver In lX Mi
ter bulliou tod.'ty bus tho capniutv to pur
chase as much wheat, cotton, pork, and corn
nnd land, nud every oilier commodity, that it
over hud, therefore' the dei pvintnm of every
article under the sun with ono uwtrlu escep
lion the Kld ol hhylook.
Hie tarllf system Is decbircd to l0
and condetnniitlou Is directed ncniiist Iho
talo of futures oti stock exchanges, "whero
tho (jniin Ksml lers trow rich by Inrniinit t!iu
telexraph win-e and selliim wind; while tho
bonc-t and Industrious toilers on tho
reap tbo whirlwind."
'lo secure relief wo suiftjest: That silver
should bo remotietied at tho ratio of It) to 1;
bounty on exported iwrlcullurul staples
should be allowed, similar to that on llsli In
11 J, and for which Joliut'.C'nlhouu votcdthitt
Kumtilint; in futures should be prevented by
law, that a national pure lood In shoubl bo
euadud. A ualuotlly report is bclug pn-par-Sd.
Novel Labor Eschanire.
Vnlted rilittcs L'ousul Murihy, of Luxem
burg, lu a report to the slate department,
outlines the scheme ol a national labor ex
vbauK", which bus proved CtueUolnl In that
grand duchy in luciiltutlng thu umploymuut
of labor, It was Instituted lu l-'.U, and
evety pes to nice co-operates in the traustnis
fclon ol offers and sppllencts (or uuiploytunt
betwuen wais-payrs and wuko earners.
Oilers sad applications urs uddreased to the
nearest post muster on special pot!ll curds,
ami the applications are registered. 1'bu list
are publlcuily postei m ull pottul'.lccs, In
railway stutlons, hotels nud public houses.
1 be ( oatoRlce assumes uo responsibility lu
the business beyond the trnusuilsi-b. u und
posting ot application and otters. The post
master informs an nppltcunt by postal card
wueu an oiler ol employment is received. A
statcuieul attached shows tbut Jurlng two
years thure were received through this sys
tern, I'll) 4 applications fcr employment, and
1,701 ol these applicants secured p.:i " s.
buriUK tbo ssmetiuie !J:.U employes applied
(or beip, and eUKat'ed 4.4J7 persons.
Tho Next Con-ress.
Tbo two prusosltlcus thut are liablo to tnkn
up most of the tluiu of the next Congress
will be the annexation of Hawaii uud thu
building of the Nicaragua t'uuul. li' tli ol
these tvill be entbusiustlcnlly supported by
the Itcpublicans. who will ruiy upon them to
create a spirit ol Jingoism In thu laud which
tbey expect will aid them In tbs Presiden
tial campaign. These propositions will also
bs used to ward off nny attempts at silver
The silver men will, of course, attempt to
make a great deal of campaign capital in tho
llrst session of the uuxt congress, but It has
bean remarked recently thut thu sober, cou
eervs'lve element in tho country is being
llu..y aroused on this Ireo coinugu proposi
A Mil has been Introduced In tho Indiana
IsKlslature, which taxes the gross receipts of
Indianapolis street car cotnp tides S per cent,
the resulting revenue to o to the credit of
the park fund of that city. The llrst propo
sition wns to nuiks the tax IS per cent but
was subsequently reduced to S per cent. Thn
bill bas already passed tho lower brunch of
the legislature.
The Oklahoma houso fsssed llepresenta
tlvs Little's bill for the promotion of atbletla
sports; which allows sparring matches and
prise fights. The council has been polled
and will pass the bill as ununimoiisly at thu
bouse, where only two votes wsi aualnst It.
This will open tbs territory to Corbtt and
FIlEslmmous, and any other nntlonul chump.
Ions without fear ot interference.
What Is known ss the "common drunk
bill" bos passed ths Assembly at Albany. It
provides that nil habitual drunkards shall
serve cumlutive sentences on each arrest, sad
provision is also made for the Identification
Of person convicted of Intoxication wltblu
two years of bis or ber arrest. Tbs second
ssntencs Is to be donbls that of the first, the
third double that of the second, and so on.
As the bill is now Interperted tbo sentencer
cannot bs doubled after a lapse of two yeurs
Of sobriety by any one person.
me ueorgiu legislature nas enacted a law
grohlbitlng the ruuutng of freight trains ou
unday, except to cany perishable freight
Missouri Las a bill before tho legislature to
proveut people from shipping grocu water
melons for ripe oues.
Governor Matthews vetoed . lbs Itidlanc,
Legislative Apportionment Hill because of Its
unconstitutionality. The House pas-tod the
measure over thti veto.
Tbo bill to grant full municipal suffrage tc
women In Massachusetts was defeated in tbs
lower legislative body by a voto of l'J7 to B7.
The motion brought out anlmmcusenudienct
of women and occasioned lively dubato by
the legislators.
A resolution offered In tbo Illinois legisla
ture charges that corruption exists In every
dupartmuut of tho city of Chicago ond Cook
The Gerry bill to re-establish tbo whipping
post for wife beaters passed tho New Vork
senate unamiously.
The Oklahoma bouse pusstoj a bill pro
hibiting the manufacture or giving away of
cigarettes, or cigarette paper lu the territory
under peuulty ot 5J0 Hue, one-half of which
is to goto the luformaut.
The woman's suffragt bill bus pussed tho
Malue bouse by vote of HO to 53. It has yet
to pass ths senato.
The New Jersey senate defeated Senator
Holer's bill making it a misdemeanor for any
public school teacher to wear uny gnrb. iu
siKnis.omblem or murks Indicating thai such
teacher belongs to auy suet or religious
A hill prohibiting pool soiling ami book
making except upon race courses during the
racing season has passed both bouses of tho
Missou.l legislature.
wiration Acoountant Arrested.
Manuel Alrna., accountant nnd Interproter
to thn Argentine legation iu Washington,
C, was arrested at thu request of Minister
Zeballos, ou u charge of emoezzleing eJ.WJJ
of the funds of the legation. Almuuro con
fesses his guilt, lie says he lost a Utrgo sum
bolonglug to the legation on the streets last
November, and tried to maLo It up by giimb-tug.
After weeks of wrangling tho Nicholson
bill to regulate tho lbUor trafllo has boon
passed bv the Iudlnaa senato by vote ot 3 J
to 9.
Ex-President Harrison, niter a wonk ot
Illness that threatened at one time to take s
dangerous turn, is rapidly recovering and
will be able to be out iu a lew duys.
Investigation shows that lluffcnbnrgen'f
estate in is worth 1 1(3,000,001), instead
of ,10;,000, as llrst stated. It will bo
divided soon. Mrs. John Crawford, of New
Vork city, will get ei.Ol'O.PiiO.
Two men armed with ouly a rcpeutiug
shotgun, robbed tho Adel Statu l.uuk ut Adul
lowu, after shooting the cashlur aud a mer
chant who W is iu thn bank aud slightly
tvouuillug a number ol pucple on tho street.
They wero pursued aud out! was captured.
Tho other refused to give up, aud was shot
Mrs. Vanderbilt Divorced.
Justice llarrett, of New York, Issued a do.
free of slooluto divorce In the suit ot Mrs.
Alva K. Vanderbilt against William K. Van
derbilt. The decree awards thu custody of
the chll Iron to Mrs. Ynuderbllt, it being pro
vided that tbey thull bo edueatod lu ths
Clilted Htates.
It is sal t that tho break between Mr.
and Mrs. Vanderbilt camo at thn close of
the yachting trip on board tho Valiant Inst
iiminer, during which, it Is allege I, Mrs.
Vanderbilt was subjected to lndlKiiltis
In thn presence of their friends Hint inudo
It imposslbln longer to defer action. It
Is alleged that Vamlerbllt's relation with
Miss Nunslrctter wero so openly puruded by
tilm with the purpose of forcing his wife, to
take cognizance of them. Vamlerbllt's friends
isscrt that prior to this yatehlng trip his be
havior toward Mrs. Vanderbilt had alwnys
been Considerate, and that ho had before that
tlmo conducted hituselt in au exemplary
nanner. They assert that ho had no n!Tec
'.lon for M:s- Nmistretler nud Was lu no souso
fascinated by her.
I'l l Isllt ltd.
(Till; llol tAIK I'llll M AUK (ilVKN iu:iov )
i nil 11, I lour ami teed.
WIIKAT-Nu 1 re. .',7
No 4 red
ll'll.N No. il yellt.w ear, new !
Mixed enr, new , 4', 4.
No J fcw sl.elled 4'i
ti.i-No 1 wi,it ,v- y
No ii While !'l as
Kxtra No 3 wittte I. I 31
I.lftlil mixed U I "I
11V h-.No 1 M
S V tt extern , 10 ' I
1 It Mum. lane) patents f.o 8 :
1 line) win'i r 1 it t nil, .1 la a
liiie ) stiullii winter T'J '' "
Mrn.k'ia .. l.akeis' V i SIS
Kjt- Hour :) ii .'I l."
U.V No. 1 tl thy II '.''' 11 VI
No 1 hi i'i lo Ni
Milt d clover. No. 1 la 01 II ii
lo'se llni.itliy. Ir. r:i wntfoits.... II
KKKl-No 1 Mint,. , , IT M I" l'
No 11 White Middlings In M IT fl
llr..wu Mldtliiiigs l'i il it. M
Hinn. tailk i; in r. M
bTltAW Wheat r v!'i 1I
Hat fi VI li o
Hairy I'riitlui-ls,
lil'TTKIt KIkIii ' reatuery t.f, S I
Katiey . reuinery it IN
r um y 1 oiuili y Hull 1', I,
Low grade and cooaiiig 'J o
ITlM-.-k, iilo, new 11 IH4
New ork, iihw jHii i j
Wlseuuslu Swisa Kii l i
LllllUillt'er. lieaillHKe Ill, 10
Fruit and Vegetables.
AlT'LKM fancy, V bid I 5 (W
litAN.t llaud-pleavd, per bu. ... J uu 'J iS
l.iinii, in
l'O'l A 1 nfcH l-Inc. Iii ear, bu
I-1 'jin store, bu
HKKls per bid
l AllliAt.K Home itrowu, I1I1I
Tl'hNII's per lni
4M.Nl elluw, lill
IMHtMl'-- per 1. 1.
6 &V
o 75
ol so
g 11 61
I r, 1 1 is)
1 ;: tl no
lit . !.'.
10 so
11 I'l
10 II
11 1 1
I'l 11
' V.'i
l.'l tit
40 4
I '.M 1 a, li I I
S 'l '.' H i
1 40 1 1,1
I! U
'l 1,0
4 ff & in
4 U-ii
i; ir..ij '
(; M
4J 4 !
'il 1
I'utillry, r tc.
Live ChtekeliN, 'tl pair
l.iV.t 1 Ml' 1.1- j Ji-lil
Ill, '.4. ' I ll, III ..
l'resed ni--ei.H, r i -
) ouli xi-ie.'t ..
l ive Tnrseys. "fi In
Kt.t I'n and tiuio, it-en
1 KA I II MU a live!, ei.c, fill
No. 1 l.s I I . l.e, p, II,
t otiiitiy. lull,''- paca-'d
.M la-elliiiii'iitia.
H:KI!- 'lover ii U s (
1 1 : : 1 1 1 1 1 . prune
Itllltl 4ltbS
l(Af (.uutitiy mixed
lln.VHV While lluver
MAIl.h M 1(1 I', new
(. Ililill I oiiiiiry, sweei, hid
1 A l.l.ti W
ru ifn
Willi, M-Nu. !i lle.l
It Mi No li
ItiilN .Mixed
It l' 1 IKK ni, 1.. ( I. aini'iy
I'lllLALII LI'lll A.
WliKAT-No bed
f isi.jt i 40
.... fit It.
4'i 47
..... i'ij no
ifj VI
I'OK.N No. Vlived
iAi No. K tt Idle
Ill' I Tt'lt 1 ream, 1 y, exira
LiiliS-Pn nisis
II Vt mute
tnlt.N No X
OAT- White Wentei-u
I'l 'I I KK I. rviimriy
!.(.(. Mate lin-1 I'ulili
1 110 ,
I li
1.1 V i: STOCK.
CENTIUI. Mlllk MtHllH, l.ial' LlUiiHTV, l'A
till II.,
rrlmc, 1.4CK1 to !,rin!iia ft i &
(ioud, i.JUU lo l.tiv II,. 4 . 0
(iisid lut.'tiirs, l.:oj to l,.;Jii.a... 4 'i
'lldy, l.etv to 1.1V . , 4 41
l uir btflit steel '.'i 1,1 Mm Hi. .. . il 1.1
Coiuiiiou, Too to isA i T'i
ft .15
a 10
4 1,5
4 :
4 ft I
4 I'D
4 Ml
4 HO
l'hllll lelphla
Ili SI V orkei itii't iiiixe l
luininoii lu Ian ium -r,
4 4
4 i' I
Estra, ll"i'Mb -I M 4 To
li(H)d. ss f. ts ,1,, 4 4 jo
Kair. i lo 11 a 01 a;:,
oniini ii 4 Ml a ml
Yearlings u so li ui
C blcagi), (alt. 1 I oininon to extra steer
I'l i'.'itijO. ,(1; llniii'V leeilers,
eows uud bull ti.'xMiftn, ei. Ives. w :s ft VI,
lloa heavy, a 1 ,.1 4. ,'-. cuinawu 10 eiiiai-'o
nixed. 1 .'JO-S4 HI. Iliac,. -i .'l, Jll'iti'O;
llulit. 'l.'J('ia ': puts. i. ..1 1 Ml. htte,.i iu
It I lor lu elioice. -!. allli3, 4 1. V.'iftJil.
t'lucluuati llk'i si'luci si'ii,pers noun
butchers t4litoi4i; full 10 II ". I pa pers sl i'i
to 4 'i. lair to Hi;:.t i iwtm. i.'i. c ciiinoa an 1
rouifhSi TMrM. 15 (.utile -(fool s!iiii"r4i I silo., ill
yisid I'K'holeeSI 5o'i i'j. I11.1' lo 111. oiiiui 1 , Mo
I 0, Cullllliou i 'v'to'.H Hliee,--eliaSI.;'.,ti
4 " J, food to cUii'.cu l.'iJlol.oJ, com niuulu titlr
.'.uo loi.'.'i.
. Tub On. Maiiurr, Mant-ii !).
rittsbtirg (peiiliifc', 1 li;i; hiirlicsl, I (1714
lowest. H 04; clusoiu, ii tr, l ieuii nuluucea
steady at H oft.
nil i.lijr Natloii'.l t:i:i!kt ee tltlcates open.
I'd ut 1.07: lioj.u-ol tl.oi't; luuesi, tl.0.,14;
closed, tl.b;!4.
I'llll.Atir.t.rilU Wool Is ijnb'l; prices steady
Ohio, I'euiisylv.'inlu uud West Virginia XX
ami alsivu, IV . ic, X nnd above Hi-rl.c: medi
um VutsVIc; asiter tlisjd, Klm-.-A.-. ; commou,
Isin.liv. New Vork, Alichiiiun, , is '.nusiu, etc,
at 1114171'.; X, lii',10'.'.; nieifoim, IWiMe.; uarmr
blood, W'iilc. ;ceinmoii, li'i. J.V.; wuhl.ed, ennili.
ins, di'laine line, l--Jm-.j nii-Oiulii UliaUU-:;
ti.iuse, UJ'.'lc..; low,V.',,,jic.; uuwatLoJ uicaiuiu
loulTc; low uittdluiu iraljtl
Is so I mporfsn! Ihat yon sliottM 1o snro
to got THE HE -IT. Hood's Ssrsain
rilla basprovou itsuncquallc merit lv
its thousands of remarkable euros, anil
tho fact that it has a larger sale than
any other arsstisrillu or Mood nri
ficr shows tho prcut rnuMdctico the
people hare iu it. In fact it is th"
Spring Medicine. It euros all Id md
diseases, builds itji tlio nerves nnd
Rives such strength to tho whole system
that, as ono lady puts it, "It scctnod to
tnnko me anew."
It you decide to take Hood's Snrsa
parills, for your Spriup Medicitio do
not buy any substitute. Bo sure to) get
Wonted to fue It,
"John," snld the man who Ind been
Obtised by the newspaper, "will ymi n
uln your football suit tomorrow?"
"Why, of course," replied Ids sun. "Well,
hurry up and izct through with It
I'm golnif over to dotntind sallsf.u-tlnn
of tlio editor, nnd I think nmybe It'll bo
n Rood Idea ftir uio to wear tt." Kx
I'hange. Cnnstderato,
Tenant Bee here: Thnt flat yon rent
ed to me Is full of cocksonches.
Agent That's nil rliht. Wo never
claim anything loft over by a former
tetmnt Now York World.
A Bank
A jrenernl hanking business Is done by
the human system, because, the Mood de
posits in its vaults whatever wealth we tuny
K tiu from day to day. This wealth is laid
up nR.iinst "a rainy day " as n reserve fund
we're iu a condition of healthy prosperity
If we hart,"- f ml away eulliciriit capital to
draw titKia i.ttle Uotr ofuut areatrsi need.
There is dantrrr in (rcttiiiR thin, beennse it's
a siirn of Icttiuir down in health. To sain
in blood is nently always to Ruin ia whole
some flesh. The odds are in favor of Mie
perms of consumption, grip or rrum.mia,
if our liver be inuctivr and our blood im
pure, or if our flesh be reduced brlow a
healthy standard. What Is requited is an
increase in our germ-fighting Utenyth. Dr.
ricrce'stiolden Medical Discovery tin it ties
the blood nod mulct s it wholesome, stops
the waste of tissue nnd ot the same tune
Imilds up the strt tieth. A liie.'.ii me winch
will ritl the blood ol its poisons, cleanse ami
invigorate the Rtcat nivalis of the limlv,
vitalize the system, tht ill the whole bcniu
w ith tieweticruy and inaLe permanent wot it
of it, is surely a tetnedv of nu at value, l ot
when wo make n positive statement that oH
percent, of all cases of consumption can. if
taken in the cnrlv stages of the disease lie
ct'Ki l with the '' Disfovetv," it secmslike
a laild usHiition. All Dr. fierce asks is that
you make a tlioioiirli iuvc stratum ami
RJilisfy yourself of the truth of his asset) ion.
hy si tnlinn to the Wo: Id's Dispensary Med
teal A tsociatioii, llnlT.ilo. N. voti can (jet
a fiee book with the tiatiu s, ittldiessts aul
photoirratiliN of a laic nniiilit r of those
iliieil of throat, tiroiit hial nnd lutiR diseases,
as wi ll as of skin nnd scrofulous aflections
by the "Coltlen Meilicul Discovery. " They
also publish a ook of 100 p tifi s, bemi: a
metiical treatise on consumption, broni Inns,
asthma, catarrh, which Mill be mailed on
receipt of address and sis ccuUt iu (damps.
1 I a7
Cures Where All Else Fails. BEST COUCH SYRUP,
I ISTI.S 1. (Milt. 1 i; Tinr,
Don't Put Off Till Tomorrow the Du
ties of To-day." Buy a Cake of
"I was nil broken down in heslth,
I so weak nn 1 nnrvotis I was hardly
.ablotoboup. I ha I sovcro psius in
my sido, and hoadsche. I wonl I oflotj
I havo to stop when Roinjr np ststr4 oa
ccotiut of pnlpitatinti of tho heart.
I I hsd no appetite nnd a distressed feel
inr in my stotnsch. 1 resolved to try
, Hoiid's Sarsapsrillii. took two but
: ties and havo not ha I a spell ol ruck
! headacho for four months, feel well,
work nil day mil ent ln-nrtily. My
friends retusrk how well I am looking;.
, I think nil nervnui, run down ptupl
ought to take it, especially nursing
! ruothers." Mn.s. S. Asawyuni, Latou.U.
tm f sr w. .tam. .i, ,iof .t f l.s .f .1.Hl,ff
.,l i-f har n,,ii.. pi a mtssi iskss.ts
ai'ifnism. ,,i '.... n i,Kau. i ai
WIIH SI SI. aSS. 1',. w, t at n. ISn.f 1., il.: WHS,i
IS. ,n,1 ,i..ih. ? .n.iff lo Sllmf oel.r
,ih wSMS wi. S..4 ri. S'S an,1 ,.Ail.4 wtta
ft..-" .l. (.....v iii... a n., i,,,IM.l.Ht, , ...,.n,.
wiiii ti.tusti.ii ttrrtihils, IstsktsttaritiUTisa.
isn itr sitistn iiots.s rsi.a whihi tu i
iioiii ra oi s tunn., wa ns sow t isa sua tu sua
(HSR, l.t w.r.,11 k,i, S..i,m w.r
.iwp.ll.,t in . . I. I i ts. itH.,,4 f., i.mi'i.f'la.
W. a., I J ha. Mn ,ti.St nli l (,, hot h, rf.ata
,l,ial wh.fh . not tbt,,) v. h. B,ta Isa
S..,,aM p.itriia-.. ,,f .Ml an,1 im.i.i,.! brniM it, a.,ra Uiia
.a, ai4 at nut l.nt. I f-'i'... S.. S..4. Wr.,,
asi'.ii ln-li .a.. I.. m.k. . isMrnla-l .,,a.
Is nnalit,. rS.ra-t.r, .,.!.. Sii,S, an, Mr.ib,l If (
full ,1.1 ,...e a., I m.,11, . a,. ,th it ...MtiMra.
In i, t-i.n -I .o.i(iif I..I . ,D,MM in rnrfti.h a aim .Kit., r, ,1.1,, .,.n,titii, lu, let f,,, ,,anp, ,1.1
aln.a wa Sii srt r'j I.I. II,. .!,.. ti,,nf . ail II,. f.t rat.
, waa S it ,.t "nt. W. a. , -. t.i wt.h. aai.ala in
11.. f tlni. n,,nt,.r W . II ...i,....n. in On, ., .11,
sin iU.IiL v sht si riHiiui riku u tisa, susia
$40 21 $10
.trt With order fob Lliaft Onl nn n tsut ftrtsats, h
furnish twli.r. tf ten Heifb W,-rs b.t tt igtil In hv ism.
I nt in unt I n Cot 4iciiiUuu Uil nU loforMiaiiMi r
fat.i"l il will ai ra -.-n.
pe r m;-s sila c0 rc Mvris ya fitnst prtyimf
mtll MatSi. r. ,M.a,n.
ft nm IK prt tk
ftmn. $im fit
MW, Si ia.l..V
.aurt ' t-ieiaw
if;.V . r "'P.
rsis, 1 ywss fSI ISf
rt. arvsM S4T
ISMir s
. Mil
trfU is wnMarf Wa
hlri in tfw iric.
HXM'II if ll, lift i1lll
t tiulput of our faWtfit
asa vtiaaj' t t liasa fca
-l fsf Hen p'f. n 4
n it U .-fcinff
4n svfftin huttiill hM
in lh malarial which
ha aiatanal nt lavirta
IsXntna IhCfisH of Ul-or put
11 1 thai II ia ! wurthl
Tienli'issint W has bt
roasa lh largtat it Calais in
material m th smntryi
tha malatial, nr "r ha
aiaal alanirl aftai e m
IM mria tip in iii fstrrti r
Ibinnf an t fslK latika
imi, , let aye mm
aafaul haa thta tMsTtiiaairua
tha arica af air ff'xala iaai I
lot ) in n n atanl hat
s-n th a '. . I lha .
1e rrorainn IsflHrt
ata or )Mr T'ii(iaa tan
bit that rl K MUtaf tNUll I. rum kit sin AMI III T.iO
I'AI al R Ritl INI tttl f i4iil.l Tl l HCt I III I
9am TnwiiNi an i ni ihm j m t ut t cniii'im
THtf TMti 1 ta ia 1 1 111 1 nn i i,k rm.
rHRtl TO ttl.VlJlll RVKRTTHIMU mm IT IN I ll.
rkrrift, and toarLiri tvrMtTMiiiy &tc n.i mihht.
Thva rmrria ar wi, fur, avsxi tfcwfh liiar (r IM4
fr(ti th hart of haaB. lb whaal will ha h lafX ofawa.
pa Haai la a ymt nam mAtnm. i1 Ikwvaa mt yar
sihlMfa h aiay n4 naaiha m liaa. aa. iwrvbv sM
Ihaw a f nswl tsirak. T tifilin la. M mm mt M aital wrstt.
HI .! nrpr iswa hi haa Wa launrlsatl m raca w.
Umm lis auaraaiiay adaatliaaasanu ll tsa stiwaaawl n4 aiate
iaar tka 'inaa ssn wkifN that twffaaa haa baaa srka4 m-i, U
a 4ata h faftttav't hT. A arSl fallstia 4 Ma a4.
asrtwa'f ' at a aiffl I Mt taw fataaar av a
aTs . . COaa liUIUlt.H'"lMli ,niNfc
r b aj to to v.'. rod for,
fM okM yti nt4Uitia
Lt WofiR Wlr Kn. 011'
aarttt.bnrts hlfti,biil lrotif,
itf ul rhlrkvn llirtit. fi.
3 to 20c. A I.
A man and my un Mtakt
fioui 40 iO 490 ftptJ
la? 0'ratnlllT-,i
2i5i3Sj2tfe":lTSI!LSSAN ftsos.,'
UiIliT-rit ktflM
( alaliTiia Kraa. A'.it
.w. KitlHsviii. imcaoa.
tinathlril mora htittar anil f k'fhsl
uslltr llisn a bnuwn aataata
S i.i from I to l,iM ( ,,a. I'.mpai.l
Mnilad Sraa. Aoenla WaslM
l'VIS IIASlim lil.lnt. tsliMFO
CXI., Salt Maaufauluns, l aicago, IU.
I jim i.iiii(itis
i usllaliuloll, ll.f.
Successful I v Prosecutes Claims.
1 .at. I'rtni i- xsiiilnai 1 H raiiaimi llm eao.
Jji.mlaAl ttur, laiijudaaUi'auia.ui., tti: .luta.
FN Ull
Work on Hand
when you try to wash'
without Pearlinc. - Your
hands show the hard
work ; your clothes
show the wt'ar.
Pearline is harm
less to the hands or
fabric. It saves the
Rub, Rub, Rub that
wears ; it saves the work
that tires. It is cheap, safe
and convenient. Get the best,
when you c,ret something to wash
a4 a.,.. VWfrt.'
a,.S.,.sn aflawS.
with. Soap has been but
Pearlinc is.
Spare Pearlins
Spoil the Wash
"We think IWhCUUE
for CONSUMPTION is tha
willy metliciuo for eoiihs. "
Spriugtlfltl, III., Oct. 1, "M HV lilt I (;isTs. 'J.l 'TS.
"s"sjia wWMrr4 )'ito-wmG;fbtrVKvy'Xilk..