Grand View Cemetery. Your rot T-"tnli'iit lia f'rrtu'nt fv vi-il .l i;!iin! View ViiiHrry at .lo!m-tiv!i, Pa. "I'lii - 1 w:i i it i fit I lnr pri'iind iln;ii'il m a Mil nlnuii iiim linnili'i"! I'fct lillicr limn till- I 'iv. " 1 ' 1 1 . vi-ii"'-" ;ih rili up on tlio ili 'Ii ii' wllii'll i- illnillt Mile tlmu-ilinl fit'' iii Iciitli or ilrivt' up t tin- luir ial Tuiinil mi tlic nnnl. '1'ln' ilrivi wav rnultiiillv winds arnutnl llir I lit in tin' Mi:i;" f mm M. T!u' cravivanl v.i Imiii will ii:itn'l. A- ViHI ;ikv!IiI nil till" ilH'lilli nr drive up tn tlic l:i'-, vnu Live a -;'rail i"v" nl tin- ril v, Tlir en trance I'rulll t!ie rn:i'l r.'lil"tiTV ! fl'l tireliway. 'I'lie S:. Hie a fell Im'.II' tiie ii'.-i-ripiin.i, "In Mi in ry ul'l. .'. Merrill" 1 1' liail lieeii a pr- t'.im "l! eitiell nl ! T 1 1 1 ' II. alul l li.Iuilt (ilV.II'l ( ' liietery. .Ii-t i wiili- (' the entrance a i n.p el !i:i- '("en I't'eetci) ful'tlie lle !' ,'m ...!!-. Til- : . r..!in . ! lie line ! i..; ui.r.-!. t'a i; ri'l !.!. M.rti i! i-a tn;t--ivi ! i 1 1 ir SFXINSGROVE. WHsbington'i! birthday wa ob Hpi ved in nil the public hcIiooU in town. Tho rooms were tiiHtefully (lecoi lit el with the national color ntnl the program wti all ai ranged for tho oci'uhmoii. . . .EvJuJtjo J. C, ltii'lii-r win In town Lint week. pt.vl:iif his re nvts t f rn" H-riim InJ'lifil III Hie K. Ii lircliloiit ....Nurinii (Hover of N irilHiDilx rlinil fhrtnorty nl I liW pl:i.'-. r:illi"l mi a ti'W of hi many friend In In" ii mi Putiirln.v....Hnv. 1. K. Mr Lulu unit r.iinilv luivt t"'n Hji 'inllmf "pxcrtl iliiya Willi K lll'ir l.iimli.inl'4 futility .. ..Ttm )liHHulit ih'WhId ii a- hii;ii diirinif tlirpsi wrck la tin1 fa' I (hut Ivl. M. Iliiiiuiii'l hits i Mr rrrovprt'd a In ! utile to lie iiInxii ntruln l.wui'K Heaver and tiimlly ol Mttlllfiliurjf were Ihr gueatauf P, 8, AIIhtI unit fiinillv.... I). H KrvnuT of lliln p ace, ulni I niitliivi'il In tlin cuhIoiii l'hllu ili'lptiln, sM'ht. wvcral days' with IrloncW here. r ii.ii1 li'imi' Id iak n llitli neeil'il rel nfter tin' ..n'i ; mil ' in l'hllu. Tiie-ul.i.v a week.... Si'liusmvi' In wcl! reprreulrl on I lie Jiirv thin I'liiirt lli'V. f.!iniii'riniiii lllli'il Mii pulpit III llii' M. K. i liiin ii mi S'tiiilpiy pu'iiluif.... W. I,. I'niks :! i ntiip itilr l ly lili imttlH'r ilinve lo rn in- r. mill j I. Wi'i'k .... 'iti'H. 'Vcti I nci'iilnp.inl I by Iht ilmu'.ifrr Ainili. dn)vt In Kr'nliunj m siiikI.' v I'rni, II. I., n-'iii-uj er'' a IhihIih-vi trip In If ' lull',' nil S.lMllll iv Ml ( atill'l- in.ei rn Vailiiiinir;. vlMiicil in r .i-. r. ;rn. Fi'niik Ii r'.ii r. nf I In- Knit K'lil. U-t w. k. Tin- " i.Ml'i to til! hurt f Mini (!eli ilili'iiK if i'titli"l' that a liimlii'i'liiiin i i' iIIi iI iimii In i iiilnri-in i li c i uipK fit fit I'l'inllU'i'i I'ViTP I'llllli wliirli, It ( .(-. i i. ; .i I i Im'i-Uc.I. rt'Milf in ron-'- -iii n i i.i iiiimiiiii. y.r. A. O. V.! ,'. ' v., iM Vi.-. i!i'i i l; :.t. 'lill'i'l- i- l!u !, !',i I" Li'.r.e- in til'- ivv nl tlic ill., in i i .ii 1 1' i 1 1 ;:! i ii I The I 'liKllieA II," In were il i:i li.c u-rral i!"" 1 nl' 1 l', ,ii'e linl'icii. A larn'e, li;i!li-oine lilninilili llt, llloillltl il Willi tlie(iil- .! - el' Li'iertv, nrirk- their imH e ! ii 'ins ni' liiinal. I lie iiiuimni. ;it t le f.ilii.W ill' ill eliptinll i "'rile I'll- known." I'"or e;ieli ej-ave there U a marker. Thrre are illicit eijil I iin.liiil nt'the-ic markers which arc ananue liu row- li:ie! the iininn n i'.i. A- vulll' ci i I'l't po! ii li 1 1 1 fiaeil nil t'le 'nkllnwil" plot he W.l ileeply iMiprc m w ii'u ilii-. tii'cal liiititlit The nana-, nl' tlie.-e ileinl ill' "I ,'ll kiinu n" to man, but their names an known to tx 1 who is omniscient 'iiiiiivs nil tliinirO ntnl . !hji .'y.Lfui'lJ ill of them in the threat JiKiurre'- tinii IViv, a:nl will ju.le them ae- II. if.iv t.'in linger i f tin' Folt !; i ii'l t'i .. an' ili i i'i .il l'i il i iin:;., ciiy.s '. 1 1 in in ii n of t'liaiu'ii r- ii .1 I e i ' I y lit I lie i' nil). ni h ,il,.ll!nl In' l.iniM'il' tisi'il ttlix '. i i' ii m'i re (n I iiinl otitiiiil- i ll iinn i iliute !-lief. Tills liirilicilli' il i'Vi II '. .UiV ti'lnii lipy of a c.i'd to. Uill.'l 'lil'llllel!;l illhtiri'M 11 ir..inii i I'l'i'very. For huln liy J. W. S iinp"('ll. I'eiuiM ( 'ri'i'k, I'a. I :. lt.:: -'Il'i t Il.-V III ill' I I I'llH era eni'iilt! II.' I'VI the ileeils (1 . i leeis done III tile ImkIv, whc'ihcl' tho-" ilel'.ls Ik- rinl II. S I. KM.O S'illp Level. I'll. CjI.I Weather Rules. Never I.mi with tho bark upon i:i.vtl'iiiir Unit is eohl. Never bi"iu u joaniey until tho l-l'e;ikl'a-.t has lireii euten. Nevi'i' ta'iii warm drinks ami t licit ..'umc'ii id ly 'o oat in the ciM. Keen the bur!;, I'spcei'illy between t!e Hil l ) blaiU-s, Well eovere l : n'.so ! hi- ctn r-l well pj-etectcl, J i s'ee)iinr in ii eoM room esl.ib li Oi a 1 abit of breathing throti;,'h the iinsc it:nl never w it h t ho open 1'ioiith. After ( N'reise nl' atiy kiinl never rub- in an open eaniae or near the vviiiilow iif n ear Torn moment. It i il, macrons to health nr oven life. . Wlie'i' speak as little as )i.-t.ilili! until the hoarseiu'ss is re uvi !'"l from, I;;,- (lie voii-e may be 5'r 'i tiuieiillv lo- or ilill'u'iilt ies of tl.' tin nut be prinbice'.l. ? rily w.j ii: the back by a tire, linl iievcr e.iiitinue keepiutlu biiek epi.-i'.l to the heat iil'ti r it lias be ron;." I'Dinfortabl.v wiirm. To ilo oth rv. ise is ilehilitatin;,'. iX32 M'hcn i'i'i'4 from a wai iiillat mo fihei'i' into a cooler ono keep tlio mouth elo-e.1 so taut tho uir may bo wanae.l in its piisssin through tho .ose In fore it rniches tho lungs. Never kd to 1 it'll with coblor tlanip feet. Never omit regular buthinp, for :i:.b-s!: the skin in in netivo cou- .'itiou the col I will close the poreB i:nl favor congest inn uiul other cIih- f A.s Never htuml f-till iu oohl weather, imperially after huvinsr trtken a ulight ieyrto of rxerciHP, ami nlwnya avoid sttuuling on ice or snow, or where the person is exposal tocobl wirul WW?? rij'j vt -vtiv ' iy .-.'ri'.. vu f VUIIjIlvI TuUO Could Not Sleep. Trof. L. 1). Edwards, of Trcston, Idaho, says: "I was all run down, weak, nerrous and irritable through overwork. I suffered from brain fa tigue, mental depression, etc. I be came so weak and nervous that I could not sleep, I would arise tired, discouraged and blue. I began taking Dr. Miles' Nervine and now everything Is changed. I Bleep soundly, I feel bright, active and ambitious. I can do more in one day now than I used to do in a week. For this great good I give Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine tho sole credit. DIKD. Fel). 1'.). !'..". In Limestone Twn Hiinuiih Margaret lliickenburg, ngeil 2fi years 11 months ntul 1 tlaya. Feb.'JOth jiearMiiblluburgh, Lydia Kasiiiuscr, nged ' yoara 1 months Feb. 21st, near Salem, Harvey 1 Uoyc r, aged 1 yeurs 7 month. It Cures." Ir. Mil.'..' NiTvInn 1 mild on a positive Kii.'iriinti'ii Unit I ho lirst. liiililu will uciii'lit. Allilr i"!;!- mm-! I It lit gl.O Wiltlm for l.'i, or It will l'n wtit., pri'paiil, mi rocoipt of prlru l y tliu Dr. Miles MuUlcul Co., Elkhart, Ind. I 'HERE is but one way in the world to Lc sure of having the best paint, and that ii to u.;e only a well-established brand of strictly pure white lead, pure linseed oil, and pure colors. The following brands are stand ard, " Old Dutch" process, and are always absolutely Q Strictly Pure VTT. . IT White Xxad "Arai3troi:g & McEelvy," " EeymerEal:alan,,, "Davis-Chambers," 'Tahnestock." If you want colored paint, tint any of the above strictly pure leads with National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. These color, are sold in one-pound cant, each can being lufliclcnt to lint jj pound, of Strictly I'ure While Lead the desired thade ; tliry ate in no cense ready-mixed paint., but a combination i.f perfectly pure color. In the handiest form to tint Strictly Pure White Lead. Send u. a postal card und get our book on paiul. and color-card, free. NATIONAL LEAD CO., New Yoik Pittsburg Branch, German National Bank Building. Pittsburg, A Itnoumn tid.llon From Lo Anujrlr. :12 tutelar St., bos AxdltLKS, Citl After having suffered for a long time from unlit ilieuiiiitt Imiii without ol tulnliig relief, I tiHt'il Chniuberluiu'v 1 'nl n lUliu Hiid was alinont inline illati'ly relieved. 1 highly recommend tliln u the bet.t uiedlelue known. ) ElECTRJSmEFHOrr" !" ' i n iy, Vll or it try, S- .iI in r .i-i j w, ' 'horn li'i "torr nm ortu1. irMt.tonr".i. ' V . 7-nt mnl4 friM fc.1 lofUSO trrf:tT. i m i m in ci I't'i'lfiirn mim i'il' to M ' j tintlitcm J inn iiiHtriiiiiut. n tn, otks 1 n- hen ihi', ! I mi ! .'i' iii Ii, nny I'li" 'lf,vi rn"t "f urili'f, iu ri'iurltit. l.,l n hi. Tu. iirrin'-.l. A niimi-jf ni.iT. rni V. P. Ilarrltun & Co. Clem 10. Columbus, 0, till VJ I 'n'Mi IhcK our. Telia all a'trm this wiimlnrfnl utihjfM'f,. WhHtever you' Iiwn re on II.Trnilm. vimi will find thlanonk ol ifrent ViH!i. I'lililWln-if prli'n. so rent. Hoi't tif. trinivirtminn pri-niM, If jtuii rotnlt Si i'iiti fur MtiiMcrlpilii 1 1 ll'iinn and llmrtn. ine cli'vniil. Iiiiiin'hul'l iininililv. Airi"-B H'lMKi AND I1KMII IIS I'l'lll.ISIIIMI ru., New York. lloT In 'rr All Xklit lll,rar." Z Hlmtllv lllllil v ''HWAVKK. Olfl MUNT. ' No HlKT- rial mi Hi'I:ii i"t"H u t-,1. r rvi liitir, wrui'in.i. Hell, nil rri'itloiM nil lli f ii"':, Imnil'A, noii, ?., Ii'iivlti'.r lli i t kin rii-iir, wnlli-mi I IwiHliv. i irri'iit ii 1 1 nvr uni rimi'lvM m.vit, nr? mi'Mi'WH'4 In no nilipr I iH'ilv. Atk vmir irnirviHt. Ge! an Education. K.liii'iitliin iiml lonniio ifo tiimil in h ind fli't in -t i'.ti .ii tlii'i'i' fiiiiii Nurnnil Sohiml, l.oi k IIiivcii. I .. KirlM'InHni'riMiliiil.itlnimniiii mi rit". Mi.ii.' id to mint. ntH. Kor lilimtra ''d catiilmrm Bil'lri1 JAM KM KI.IION. Ph. n., Prlnolnl. U k Union, l'n. I EVIS' 98 LYE (rAT.RTKO) TtiatriicManl pareat T minn. I nliKe mlHtr I ). It U-ln Aim r""'l' r auij In a tun rlih ri'niiit.Mn IliL Hit runl-tii m .iii r,a.1w ttr iim. Uin ni lli ii'rftimM H.rrt Hmp In ' minnU'ii wlthon. teolllnir. t la the ! firrl,mlnK w-t. tl illOlifif'lltiK Milk. cl"'H wjriilna Imliii', lni. In, Mo. PEN HA. IAXT HTO CO- Una. Akui., I'hlla., Pa. Mi ft-.-.u WHAT to WILL DC. 1 T .'..lit IS NATURE'S OWN 70 Utlmiilntea tho npprt''r i"-. duces rci'n.ahinir i li j; . GIVE! VITSL ST3ENtril T9 MOTiitns. Chppks wnitlns; il:nr.Kn.n. i niirl.t rwi-iil.. i.u.'.'.i i:',l'!, coiiHiimr) Incroubcs otrcuu'.:! nuii 1' ah. HAKES RED, K1CJI BLOOD, I'rotnotcs licultliy lnrifj Will (five tho pnlo ami nu.iy v!;o rosy chock, ol youth. CURES ALL FEMALE COrirLAITiTS. Makna utronu uiuu uud womouof wouklinEB. GiLMOBFS IROM TOSiC FiLLS Core all Wasting Diseases end their sequences, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, &c. ThAVannllh..( t , r TS DO COHl(nti,1ff etloct on tho ountonta an Tnt hurt thn tAAlh n , . . . .w ui.tiaB vaunt) ruunuiinuuit or oiarrhaa. a do the uaual forms ol Iron. 10 day. troatment bOo. pamphlet Iroo. If not kept by your drueglat, adiiruaa OILMORE Sc CO., CINCINNATI. O- For'Snle iu Miii.lleburtrh, Vii., T. 15. .Ar.iWiiliitum. V'i Hkiirnr, r r ohim. t'h!v, p,, 1 .. r:nri .f vlU Tit'iii m iy -t: Tr i.ii-T vi . lfi r'uit t( liver!"-!:, h 'i"",, w.rrv, c-!. :rniitn, (!rTliMi'pt, .t i'i I :, v. ii t cvtry fvt'H mm Ntrli'n t t tl, rt i; . rf tirf I t: tlMMl. lllif'.'. ni !i,(r ..,, ,t 1 1 r rii.iAihi., n fi. r. U...-K. 'Mli"Jtivu4 In Combination!! By Special Arrangement I!! THIS JOURNAL with the i ( n ( A Alt ! Tt 44 S Hit LUMiiyUUIILdllJ , Vhlch was the Mont WWcty CIrcufated Illustrated Monthly cj IK Magazine In tho World during 1894. oooo N' 2 AT A MERELY TO llOMF. it cmnptrte without tlio local nancr ntul one ot the gront illiMtr.ttdl montlilici rcn. relenting the t!im;;lit ami tnlctit of the world. Dur- 1 ?:ave dona fovoiiit-rs ithv wiil to x 1ST BAY v ,-.J v.Vur'W VIGOR it? 13 &3 m. 1 83 0 NOMINAL ltd PRICE. g3 ing one year the ahlest nulhors, the cleverest artists, A OO B'vc '" 'n The CosMorft itan 153d pities, with over 1200 illustrations. H XO And you luvc all y .. .''.,. ', ?'"' OO thin, Loth your local pa- ' ' " ' ' a () fiv ih.t and TltK I'osmopol. ,-,-f'X-- . - '.. -' . W i'-..-.. .' '.T'l'-i-,. W' 1 . - 1 Itax, for only ,y'iQ a year-much less limn ?Mimimmtit ;'J52 33'!?: Sq you formerly j.ald for sOi tjQlV , Tlllt COSMOPOI ITAN SiV. OP andt'ermar.tntly HestfreJ. Huri A positive cue for r.'.! W.'-ktiosses, Nervousness, Debility, zci ail their train of evils resultii;i;ii o;u early errors and later excesses tlic remit of over woik, sickness, worry. etc. Develops gives tone ?.nA ytrengtlj to thesex ik'.I organs. Stops unnatural losses or nigl-.tly cmisi-ions causal by youthful error? or excessive use of tobacco.opium an.1 Ikjtiur, which lead to consumption and insanity. Their use shows immedi ate improvement. Insist upon having ihe genuine NERYE EERRIES, no other. Convenient to carry in vest pocket. Price, $1.00 per box, six boxes, one full treatment, $5.00. Guaranteed to cure any case. If not kept by your drug gist we will send them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrapper. Pamphlet free. Address mail ordersto AMERICAN MEDICAL CO., CINCINNATI, 0. For n .1 tlill'Uurjh, l'a., by T 15. MoWilliiiuiH. P. C. MARTAAN, ToriMorinl Artisst, ins hist openoil :t room in Y. W. Wittennivor's lu U1 iiir, I wliero lie is ivp:irt'tl to do j lirsr rlass work, I .March 2!), 'iM. J-:0. iM()HN,M. D. Practising Physician and Surgeon. lu'sMctii'o in tlio Fri'iicli FlittH, Mid illcburuli. (.'nils promptly and cuffullv ut ti'iiilfil to. I'llr.l I'll. .! Ill lll.lK I'llr. sviirniM.-i- Viil ituri'; liiii'iiscln -littii; mid Mlntr Hiu; iihimI at nl'.'lil : wor-ii' t.y wr ilrlilui;. H11I inui il iiii iiiillinii' luiiiiii'H liiriu, irlili liulu-nliU'i'il mil ti ! in I . Iii'"iiiiiln,' very win, swaynk'h I MM VI ST SlllllN I III! Iti'lilus; Hill l.lll'llllli;, lll'lllS iiiri'initiiii.auil In iih mi i'hvi'h r-mov"tlit luiiinrM. M ili iiL'.''i, or l.y mull, tor Ml renin. Hr. Xu iiwir . Si. 11. 'lillaili'lililiu mil La MM wlLL I'd). 2nd. ui'tir Frc-mout. Howard F. Ht-iwr, nucd 1 year 1 month and J M. lUmilton. Formtle by J. W. Sump V tiny. sell, I'enrm Creek, Pa. UI1 CONTINUES AT THE Groat MgJd Imporaum OF F. EL. MAURER, NEW BERLIN, PR. Oreat rccUictioji in every tlcpaitincnt, Itarains all ov er tho store, wo want to reduce ovr stock in order to inalvo room for our early Spring Goods. CLOSING OUT Ladies' and Children's Cloaks, Capes and "Wraps, Also MEN'S and BOYS' . Overcoats and Heavy Suits, now closing out at and bo low cost, please call and don't miss theses Great Bargains. CAflgfl'iBTO, wo also have a bow lino of Homemade, Ingrain and Brussels Carpets now for Spring traid. We still Give Pictures Rway. to every ciiHtoinor uaing one of our Premium 1'urchane Ticket. Tliene Crayons are very line, size lOx'.'O enclosed lu a beautiful heavy einboHweil frames, an ornament for tlie parlor. We have 110 npeclul llurj;tiiu Days, our bargithis are every day. Tho lllflhcst Market Price Paid for Produce. JSrCASll FAID FOtt QOOD EUTTEH AND EGGS. 0 alone, when it was not so 1 1 grnxl a magazine as now. QQQ OOOOOOOOO Tll COi.MufuLllAM i M.W lluMt. LO O 0--f-0-0-0 7 2 Uyppecial arrangement with tho puhlishcr of this iiin: nzine, we are able to oiler our readers "The CosmopoliJ taif and the "Post ' lor one year, both tor only !?2.o. Honest liinirnni!" at llonit Itiiten. The Het!oocln for the I-fiiHt Money. ENERAL 1NSURANGF VA aaetaftawiTTj U MBmnKaoaujcuKanixerat Only the Olilcht, Liireht auj KtroneHt CASH Coinpniile. NpJVflsessment3 No Premium Not Sound nollil ami True Imleinuitv. U(.reHintin every cIuhs t Insurance either Life, Hre, Accident, or Tormulo SEE DUR COMPANIES 1 ft A HI K I.() ATIO. Aetna Hartford Homo Now York Tiro Association Philadelphia Fidelity and Casualty Xow York Equitable Li fo I ns. Soc. Xow York- ' . . t WSJ A.S IJiVJ All lUHlne8 entniHteil to our A-iency shall always receive the '"V""' inicmiunucuiniii. cimru cm i si do i lo ii (cuarauteed. Vt Bolioit a share of your patronage. H. HARVEY S0HO0H, Selinsgrove Liberal AdJiistmentH. Prompt Payments. J!l0,(io(i,13! 9,370,(M 5,O07,S5 l,5S7,0li 130,198,51 OW-OR-NEVE We have lust reneivRd Largest and Finest lot of OV1 COATS ever offered in this senti These will be sold at unusud low prices for 10 days ONLY. At the same time, we will hibit a fine line of JLap Robes and Blanks some ciii:ap, some extua finu, for tho boy's new tin While yon are looking at these, yon will noti large stock of HKIMJLAXKKTS, C0MF0UTS, fact everything belonging to a first-class store 1 LOWKST MAKKKT PiMCES. AVo tiro solo agents for Stout' pure rubber bo Cash paid for all kinds of produce. 1 1 00 II & OLDT, Xow Ucr BID 1011 SEE THIS MEW GOODS. LOW PRICE GUARANTEED SATISFACSION IN GOODS, FITS, WORKMANSl AXD THICKS. I ask but a tkial. llospectfully, H. L. PHILLIR AIEUCIIANT TAIIX)ll. Selinsgrove,