Co. Conimimiioncrf", 1 1 05 1 ' .... : ' t THE POST THE POST ffnplmtlenlly N EWS- m,Hl.l,""ll'i,,n!,!IUM1 ' IhuitilM IIM mil. N run by th.. I'ltllnr. II Hum urr-ntyiiii, 1 1 "mi mc, ciinr." II In MTilmlyi il iinlMSlie Alhl iiovi r hi11 out . MiiNcrliiiiif i.Miayi'ar If Hit" :mInrfl lwii.votn n for 'llSHlon Of tO)ll!S of iUvat W IW patrons. VOL. 32. SlllTEMSof LOOAL INTEEEST Keiul our hJulo Register. jCew rubbers often cover old shoes. A iuuiiler of our citizens are nf- .lieted with bad i'dUh. F. E. Hilbish of Froeburg visited die county seat lin;t week. Head S. Wois advorlisinont in ,liiK issue, it will interest you Mist Lillian Stetlei spent several Invs ul ncuusgrove nisi wei k . . i i i. (imss for the Gold Watch ul T. A. f '.wing's, Globe Mills. 4 IS ;-, This has been biul wentlier fur the orner loafer. What became of him ? Xoah Brouso of Kratzerville paid I in ic.spccts to tho Post last week. Anew telegraphic iuventiou will onvey 2,()DJ words a minute over iio wires. .V Mas party from this placo visi d Ccntrcvillo last Wednesday eve- I mi,'. A gradual thaw is tho only hope I r escaping destructive floods in ; ,o spring. Cold snaps may bo expected as iiff as tho snow remains on the irouiui. Hon. C. W. Ilernnin spent lust tik witti his family on tho French Geo. Ely, Esq. and Dr. H. M. Nip- lie ol Selinsgrovo were seen on our Ireets last week. We ri'-grt't that T. J. .Smith, Esq. stiuVo.'Afiued to the house with u i lf sijekness. W. II. Rboads of Pittsburg visit his uncle, D. T. Ehouds for the d week. Dr. J. (J. Amig and Hiss Nettio Inks drove to Snyder County's dropolis ou Sunday. C. Edgar Smith of Selinsgrovo in tovyn cn Saturday evening : ltoo in tho lecture. U. F. Herman, tho wide awake ublican of Kratzerville, paid a it to our burg this week. hiccial bargain day at the Cen- 1 Dry good store, Selinsgrovo, inday, March 2nd. S. Wtis. ris goods nt slaughtering prices ie ( c ntral Dry goods store Selins ve, Saturday March 2nd. Weis. X. Thompson, Jr., Cashier of the t Xutional Dank, spent Washing 's r.irthday in Juuiut n county. 'iiniel Dailey, Isaac Napp and ins Marks of Centrevillo start- 'ii Monday for Dellovuo Ohio. null Dailey and wife and Georgo tins and wife of lied Dank visit H. 11. Dickhart and family on luy. 'il II. Kreeger, Asst. Cashier of Hunk, represented Middleburgh Midwinter Dance at Sunbury lluirsday evening. i now Bottled that Hon. Win, T Spousler will remove to Mc Vovt Pa., on the first of April. ''!) Co. J'Wemui). 'h shirts at WittennivorV 1 Miirts, 50 cents, former price . modi siuris, io cents, lormor . 1.5U. Union County Agricultural ty will hold ita regular nnual tiugat Brook Purk on September -'Hi. 2Cth and 27th. 18H5. '") thanks to you for the check lie prize for winning the guess contest, Long live tho Editor Post, C. A. Meiseii. lies' Coats and Gents' overcoats w hoiuir closed out at nut nt Muurer'u store New Berlin. to oo theBo great bargains. new United Evanglical church '"o was dedicated on Sunday, ''Hi, . . . . : : Tsorviceti wro Held at 10 "d 7 P. M. Dev. B. J. Siuoy Hurrisburg, Editor of the mlii'ul officiated. Tho notice of Jiention mentioned above ar lo late for our luat issue. MIDDLEBUIIGH, SNYDER Prof. Dover will continue to Bell tho Columbia Automatic school desk manufactured nt Piqua, Ohio. He bus had remarkable success the pant year in handling this desk. Duick Fon Sale : Brick of the best quality for building and paving can be secured at reasonable rates by applying to Cauuon Ski.isoi.p, Washington House, Middlcbui g, Pa. A Mitlliiiburg bride crew indig nant when her grocer asked her if no warned any cracked wiu a,. folio l (plied that she could afford to buy!'"' the (i v best The (iovet nor sent in tlie nomin ation of D. F. Gilkeson, of Ducks county, to bo Commissioner of Banking. The Semite immediately confirmed him by a tinaniniiiiis vote. Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Lulzell, of this place, were to Ueborshnrg last evening to attend tho wedding of Henry W. Durd and Miss Florence J. Wood'.ing, tho lady being a niece of Mr. Leitzi 11. MUUh im Journal. uorn.Ks! noni.i:s wantk.o! All kinds of bottles an wanted at tha Middh burgh Pharmacy. It will pay children to collect bottles and bring them to us. Mc Williams Co. Salesmen Wanted. To sell Non Nicotine Midgets Cigars. Samples free. Salary or Commission. Good side line. Address-, Lantis & Co., tf Shippeusburg, Pa. We retrret t hat in our Inst iawnn. wo iliadu tho error of saying that Tho New York Life Insurance Com i ii," wrB,",Mtu ,n X0J'K ""UUiatthe iirm of Sampsiil Stn.ub tihouldLave aaid 1815. Th 0o-'d,u- dissolved on Jun 1IS95. The lauj m iiu uw UU S (Jill. Wanted. Every smoker to scud us 7 two-ct. stamps to help pay postage packing etc., and wo will mail box of our Non-Nieotino Midgets Cigars. Only one box to one address. Addi 'ess, Landis i; Co., tf Shippeusburg, Pa. Owing to (ho sickness of Win. A. Spousler, the sentence of Wm. A. Sponsler mid and D. F. Jiinkin w liieh was to have been given tin Wednes day, has been postponed to March nth. Dr. John H. Harris, President of Bucknell University delivered his highly iiiteiestinglecture, "Tho Fall of lliehiuond" in the Court House on Saturday e;lfjing. A large num ber of people were entertained and instructed. Pkusonai. Territory for sale for the best selling washing -machine on earth; retails at !l ; not much money required, but don't nnnlv un less you have it to invest. Address Manager's ollice, Jas. J. Wddon, cor. I bird Ave. and Market . Pittsburgh, Pa. " ii-. n D. F. Crouse. of SeliliSL'love. will move to Deleware next month, where ho has purchased a farm. . V Meek, of New Columbia, who will op'" a general store in the Schoch store, will move into Mr. ('rouse's residence. A chemist advises that canned fruits and vegetables should bo op ened an hour or two before being used. In this way they become richer, as the oxygen of tho air driven off at the time of sealing is restored to them. A representative wanted in each locality to baud my lino Biimplos to friends or acquaintances. Paying work. Not noddline. Send l()enht toAlburtF. Wood, perfumer. Wood. av.,JJetroit. Mich.. for 5 trial bottles Satin-Sceut Nat ural Flower por- nies, and receive special offer to you. 2t. Everyman doinor business innnv town should have at loast a card in the local paper, even if it is onlv five or six dollars a year. Hundreds of papers are scattered each week all over tho country audit must .r. ' tainly pay any busiuoss inau to keep Lis name and business before the public. On Sunday morning an axle of n freight train broko near Kreamer causing considerable damage. Tho car fell upon tho track and toro it up for a considerable distance. Tho wreck hands worked nearly all day Sunday to get tho track in shapo. Nor i tk to thk Taxpaykks ok Ckn tiik Township. All taxes for 1:U must be paid on or be f. ire April 1st 1". All taxes not p.iid until (hat time will bo collected according to law. Ioi:rn Km:, Collector. Jiellefoiite was laid out in 17:1.", and the centennial will be celebrat ed on the Mb, Hlh and 7tli of June, hum year, wuu appropriate cere monies. TIm program contem phtcH laying a cornerstone of tho Cm t in monument on tho 5th, fire man's parade on the Hth and an in dustrial parade on the 7th. M.tntt. Last Friday morning as tho anni versary of Washington's Dirt Inlay was ushered in, peaceful slumbers of Middleburgh people were dis turbed by the ringing of bells, the sounding of drums and the hilari ous shouts of "Young America"'. Tho boys made Home howl for a while. It pays to advertise. During con. vention Miss Klla St et tier lost a scissors. Last week wo made it known through the columns of the Post. Tho papers wero mailed in town on Wednesday evening and on Thursday mornim? tlin scissorx were 1 1 . . i . brought to this office. Surely it Ipnys to advertise. :'V.x..j x :. i. .. I... l- uwiiLi. mmni in neieoy mvpii books are in tho hands of H. C Saiupsell nt the firm of Sainnsell &. Napp nnd the Accounts must be paid or given satisf-u tion in .'M days. The Accts. not paid at that time will bo handed to legal authority foi collection. Sami-si-xl v Stkocii. A special telegram to the Philadel phia limes, from this place, undei date of tho )Hth inst..snvs informa tion was received here of the discov ery at Newton Hamilton, this county of gold bearing quartz rock, which, when assayed, was estimate.! to yield worth of gold per ton and 2 worth of silver. The rock was takt n from a well being sunk on the property of J. K. Dhoads. .ctrh town Vic J 'reus. A verdict of suffocation from tight lacing was returned at an inquest held at Preston recently as to tho death of Amy Dudden, a servant who died at a dentist's Kurgerv lift r recovering from application of gas. It was stated that the trill had habitually tightly laced herself. She was then wearing stays nearly live inches too small. The leftside of the heart was greatly contracted and tho riirhl much distended. null Wjijitn A' irs. On Sunday morning President Harris of Duckiiell University preached the ablest sermon that we have heard delivered in Middleburgh. For depth of thought and clear logical expression, the Doctor stands equal to the ablest ministers in the state. The church going people of our borough are loud in their prais es of tho Doctor's sermon ami he will bo warmly welcomed to our midst ut any time. Doctor Harris represents ono of tho irrowinir col leges of tho state and is universally praised by t to students. Washington Camp at Freeburg had appropriuto exercises on the evening of Washington's Birthday. ilio beautiful display of Hags and bunting, the brilliant illustrations, the music, addresses, and attentive audience all added to the interest of the OCCassiOU. Addresses worn mado by Messrs. Holzapplo, Botdarf, Dr. Tool, Profs. Doyer and Walborn. After the exercises in the hall u ban. quet was served at the Empire House. Responses to toasts were made by Messrs. Walborn. Boldorf Willis and Doyer. Tho order is pro gressing and the exercises on the 22nd inst. will give them a new im pulse. CO., PA., FEBRUARY 28, 1895. GllKAT llmilTCTION IN Punts T)nr. ing tho month of March, on nil goods on hand, to make room for a full lino of Notions and Fancy Goods. Goods at ami below cost. Woolen Hose worth 2"i at .rts. 2 Pairs of children's Hose for 2"i els. Lidies Fur Boas at greatly reduced rates. Mas. V). C. A nt ami, Middleburgh, Pa. Quarterly Conference of Mid llo burgh to convene in Salem IT. church Sit. and Sun. March 2 an 1 :t. Business meeting Sat. nt 2 P. M. Celebration of t!i L i d's Supper Sun. M A. M. i;. v. II. S. (label, P. I',, of Sliauiokin DiKtriet. will be here to preach on S it. 7 P. M. and Sun. lo A. M. and 7 P. M. l'i ieuds aii.j members of sister deiuoninat ions are cordially welcome. Prof. Warren I,. KaufVmaii, a graduate of Bucknell University and instructor of (ho Natural Sciences in the Central High School, Harris bin g, spent Saturday and Sunday with the Editor. We are pleased that, Prof. KaulVniaii is meeting with much merited sm ivss in his highly important position at the Capital city. He graduated at Susquehanna University in ls:i0 and Bucknell Uni versity in K'2 and is now complet ing his third year's woik as an in structor. Congressman Sickles, of New York, has introduced a bill in the House providing that military organizations furnished by Pennsylvania under the President's call of June l.", INC.:!, which rendered actual military ser vice shall bo considered to have form ed apart of the military establishment of tho United States. The Secretary of War is authorize 1 to issue cerli- licates of discharge for all honorably discharged members of the organ izations referred to, but no person is to receive any pay, pension, boun ty or other allowance by reason of this act. 'I'he injured in the late accident at Kreamer are making rapid pro gress. E.l. M. Hummel is able to be out ami on S inday ho called U .on Miss nurns. Miss Annie Potter suffers no pain, but she will not be permitted to use her Ii in 1 1 for iMdays yet. A. W. Potter is better than at any time since the eollision. He thinks that if his hip were not hurt he would be uMe to hit up. The re port that Mr. Potter hud blood pois oning is without foundation. Miss nurns is able to sit up and is as jolly as any one could be who is not uf- llictcd. Gn.vvn lU:or i tion. -For tho next :i days I will offer my entire stock of Merchandise ut reduced nrices. All Dress Goods consisting of Silks. Satins, Velvets, Henriettas, Cash meres, DelailiS, clotlei.elc.eij ID to 2-" percent. Discount. Some Special lies in Wool Dress (Joo. Is reduced from .ID cents to 15 cents. Dress Ginghams, and ID cents formerly 12, ID, and Is cents. Lancaster Gingham, r, cents; Best Prints, ." els. ool Blankets, 2.1 per cent, off reg- ular price. Bod Comforts, :, per cent off regular price. Bovs' Cans 1.1 cents up, Boys' Fur Caps .ID cents, former price 1.2.1. W. W. Wittenmyer. Do you waut Lifo Insurance ? Get a Heliablo Company. Win. G. Von- Neida of Selinsgrovo is the agent for Snyder Count v for th e Vnur York Life Insurance Company. Do you want tho tnoof of it. Hei n it ia Georgo A. Lohinan, of WilkosBarre committed suicido in January. E leven days after the death of the in. sured tho Now York Lifo paid Ex ecutors or tho Lohmaua Estate $:M,r02.4). Insuranco was carried in other companies that aro disput ing the claims. The New York Life Insurance Comnanv loans mnnev at. 5 per cent, to nolicv holders after 5 annual payments havo been made. uno luoutn grace in payment of premiums. This Company was or ganizod in 1 K-13 aud is known us the DM Kthablo. Uor further iufor- ination, Address, W. G. Von Neiim, Agent, Market Street, SehuHgrove, Pa. The School Questions. Ilopreso ntative Herman is deter mined to know the opinions of his constituents on nil questions affect ing thn interests of Snyder County. Mr. Herman is gaining u reputation all over tho slate ih a member of the cmiinittoe on Education. A copy of the following letter was sent to all the school boards, lu order to give every voter a cli.ine.. to cxnrc-w liw opinions to Mr. Herman, we give tiie letter iu full. It i h us I'.iii.ov.-, : I atii niixiou ; to i -. -1 -, sunt hi: !- Imly tiro mteiv I i i. n,y e enity.ui I I t.'iketliisiueun i to gather the wish es and opii ions of school boards on pending Tueasiir m th i! directly af. feet our school system. Will you be kin I enough io give iu answers to the following propose. I legislation us soon as you conveniently can ? The school term will not be in creased this session. Such a bill was defeated and your member as sisted to bring about, such a defeat. 1st. Are you in favor of adding music U the common school branch es. 2nd. Do you favor a mild law coin pi lling children between the ages of eight ami thirteen years to. 'attend kcIiooI sixteen weeks iu u year .' Hi d. Aro you in favor of a scho 1 census.' The object of such census is to ascertain Hid number of chil dren iu tho State between tho ages of eight and thirteen years and from that determine tho number of children tin t do not attend schoo'. 4lh. lVijriu favor a law raying directors to tho triennial cor. veutioa to el.cta (.Vo'inty Wuperia 7vV,r -. - Cth. Are you in favor of giviug tli rectors tho pov r to establish hih schools iu townships. If tho State appropriates from sjud. toi00 to maintain such sel Is '. !th. Are you in t.ivi.r of compel! ing school direct. ir to put the American lag on topof every sehoi l house in tho Commonwealth .' 7th. Do you favor a law compelling teachers to read'a portion of Scrip ture at the opening of each school day . Hth. Are you in favor of a law pre -viding that all school districts shall raise as much money for school pur poses as t liey get trolll the State- provided that districts levying two 2) mills Will not be affected ? Very truly yours, CllS. W. lllIM. Important Estate S.iv On Tuesday afternoon, .1. S. G la bill t Dro., consuiuated the sale of their mill and farm to Kreiger, of Middleburgh, for the sum of 11, odd. 'fho farm consists of S2 acres. Ti e new owner is a gentleman of ample means and will make immediate ar rangements to rebuild the mill on the old foundation. The in w struc ture will be frame. The mill will be operated by a sou of Mr.Kreiger and sou-in law, I. E., who will move here, as tho 'senior Mr. Kreiger has a mill and business interests at Mid dleburgh to occupy his attention. W o are glad that an owner of abun dant resources has gained control and that our farming community will soon bo streaming here with their grain. Phaios Grabill and family may remain here for a year and Mr. J. II. Grabill has not yet de termined what ho will do. Wo trust they will re-eugago iu business in our midst, us we do not want to losom tho way of citizenshin .1;. lerttbury Herald, The followinc tribute to Win tor in of unknown origin : "It blows and it snows and stiugs your nose makes all creation shiver; it bites your toes, increases your woes aud freezes up the river. The frost nips all, both great and small, this dismal dreary W mteri it freezes types, it bursts the pipes, und vexes sore tho nrinter. So lot her roll we mean tho coal- it takes the cash in Winter; so please be kind and muko un vour mind to settle with tho printer." NO. il. A Pos'.vu Stamp Fake I J We understand that a number ot oiirciliz-ns ate coll. ( ting cancelled stamps tu send away to a lady win promises that when she has a mil hon sheeail Itsethemtosecuicmedi c d treatment for a lady l.n I,... , "'i n a erq.pie tor lite. J'!,,, nysten, of chain let ter is used. j 'I'll" teller is a, follows; ' . up..;; ,cd institute oi' K me, III., 1, is oiV.-r i ... , ' ' " o a i i y y, j been a ei ii!e e,, r .1 .'i w.i- !'"" "l a-: . i; !.. will ,11, ,.; lis-. si II. I I laill. 'II sl.lni' 1 u ,, ,. ,. ; v.. I ii en mi, iii wiii. 'ii wo a Mi aid. Mike three cooler nf thi:; ,-ttel', ti , a I have d ', i .., o dy ch.ingmg tli d lie and putting the next nuiulier at the lop, nunilii'i'iug all three alike." Thi , i-. sign,. 1 by .'dis II hi i I iown. The Cliieigi 'J',-!!,,!,!- siys that tiie Miss Drown, of K.iuevitle, is a fake, 'f he p qier goes on to say t hat "there is 1.0 such person a 1", lna Drown, such a person having been m irried t i a m m n im G.imi iu. and he lee, a crippl 1 sisier. If tin 'chain' in 11 lua Ihown's postag. stamp collection scheme is not brok en soon the little village of Kaiieville will have the whole world at its fe, t and tho postmaster will be a raving m iiii ii'.'' Kaiieville is a crossroads town on the prairie, live miles from a railroad, and has about thirty houses: twenty-live letters a day Would be a big mail for the town. Since 'Miss Brown's' scheme has been working, tho letters for Miss Edna Drown kept increasinr.They Boon filled , bushel linket ilaily. '" v. ; '1 tve-'1. b.'i.s-1 sf.H J raJucd loiters.' Instead vt the usual S nail pouch the Kancvillo mail re quired several. Not only letters c mio. but boxes and bundles of can dled stamps from well-intentioned but idiotic j e ipht, 'flic stage couch became so crowded with mail b igs there was no room for passengers. The postmaster was obliged o hire an assistant to help handle the stuff. The "chain" is st ill n,, c oupleled. and mi average of ft s.iiiiu ,( pi.nn i 1. Iters a d.l.V is receive I at the post office for Mi. :s I'.dna Brown, to say nothing of boNes ami bundles e f stamps by mail and express. llesila.V 1 lie IllllUoer received a 1 , n' io, Monday il reached l.l.o i i. S .,. of the letters eeli contain money orders sent by sympathetic bin die. Often whole sheets of stamp are sent just as they cillllo flClil the liostoluee, except, with an ink line drawn through. The three million mark was p issed long ago ami there seems to be iio way to stop the ava lanche. The much-abused post, mus ter of a fourth class ollice draws n bout $2,111 a year and is obliged t handle 1 7, Dil i let let s a day and hire illl l I I'll l I. I I.. No medical i led it ute wanted a million caueelled stamps, or ever thought of such a thing. Th. fanners ale in. id because lie y have to wait an hour or t u o ',.r the distribution of the mail, ''he one who seems to be lnal.llig any thing out of the scheme i, I'ucle Sam, w ho is i i eei ing fi oi,i ,j'ii to SitllO il day postage on the h i b i s st id to Edna Drown, of Kaiieville, III. A Chance to Malw Money. 1 inn out id' debt, and thanks to the Dish Washer business for it. In the past live weeks I have made .11 Mi, und I am so thankful that I feel like telling everybody, so that they can bo benefited by my experience. Anybody can sell Dish Washers be cause everybody wants one, espe cially when it can bo got so cheap. I believe that in two years from now every family will have ono. You can get full particulars by addressing tho Iron City Dish Washer Co., E. E. Pittsburg, Pa., and you can't help but make money in this busi ness. I believe that I can clear over Sll.ODO the coming year, and I am not going to let such an opportunity pass without improvement. Wo can't expect to sure e d without trying. Mas. D. V