The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 21, 1895, Image 1

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' I lll I'llltnr
e the
1. We
rove, Pa
d the
rill ex
,v tuvn-out
notice oil
,TS, and i
r boots.
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S'miiiriw.vpeiit..r LvrS --c I , P't 1 fl 'IP-H liiTT31t rxi'v f '&ttZ.'sfnfe VttfM ill V
VOL. 32
l)id you guess?
Court next wee k.
"Vit in tw
.if elect h
jit in i wo WCCKS.
I mil is over.
Komi our Sale Register.
Tl.e Convent ion is over.
1! itliing suit arc being iti;iil.
i w Jitl vu like your valentiue ?
Washington's Birthday to morrow.
Often called ilown tho elevator
Tin' fliiip who owns a sleigh in u
The Grounds Hog is keeping up
Don't forget the lecture on Sutur-
I :i.v evening.
Mifllinburg pooplo are building a
i ,y factory.
Azuriah Kroeger wan in Selins-
!iiv( on 31 outlay.
; Junes 1. Smith will move to Eliza-
thvillo this Spring.
Judge Savage is not very fri'o in
anting new lieeuses.
An honest bunk cashier may lo
l.ort'iu his replies.
I. 31. Baker, Esq., of Adauisburg
is iu town on Monday.
I Fiie fomic opera composer may bo
.used for putting ou airs.
('apt. and 3Irs. 3Iills of Sunbury
at ticveml days ia town.
Head S. Weis' advortismcnt iu
U issue, it will interest you.
Utorney Bower spent Sunday
lb his fumily at Lewisburg.
successful wny Jo begin nn up
J career is to Hit on r tack.
Excuse us fur repeating it, buL
is mi old fashioned wiutor.
K. Kreiiier, of Wiu field took in
concert ou Saturday evening,
l'bo Full of Richmond" on Sat-
I i.v evening in the Court House.
iiou IJiihhour of AJainNburg
it; his usual trip to Swinefortl on
i lay.
f ilkes-15 uto people will buiM a
: and try to revive the roller-skat-
iv. rred. liower was iiiinblu to
li on Sumlay on account of a
lie cola.
II. Hassinger aiul wife spout
iluy with 3Irs. H's pureuts, Jus.
ILuuJ wife.
erne county commissioners will
I a stone lire-proof court house
mdaburg Normal School is
howiled. There are Khl ltunil.-.
"U the rolls.
k Henry JJickhart is being en-
An- A
(iicd at Lewistowu bv her
I ter, 3Irs. Soule.
nffSpocht and Register and
ler Shiudel were iu Selins
on Friday last.
(. I'IhIi ninl vvifrt rf Siuri'iwfrwi.l
Ucrlill, HI Sunday with J. L. Cooper and
at Seliusgrove.
Hose Schoch of Brooklyn en
tlio hospitality of friends at
Km-.. ..,...,1.
y 1 jl'ckof ice 37 iucheu thick iu
111 11'"usport V office shown
LO U',Zt' thinjjfB are up there.
the days are grow iug longer
t for crawling out of bed in
'Ding seems to got earlier.
goods at slaughtering pricea
eutrul Dry goods store Selina-
aturday Jlarch 2nd. Wkis.
ft. Von. Neida of Selinsgrove
town last Friday talking life
ce to some of our citizens.
J bargain day at the Cen-
!rT good store, Selinsgroye.
T. March 2nd. S. Wns.
R- Hendricks, the Selins.
Mware merchant, and wife
me County seat on Sunday, i
Oct a new cash subscriber for the
Post aud you get 12 voting coupons
as n premium.
Tlie llarrisburg Telegram In being
published at Lebanon until now
iiuartcrs can bo secured at Itirris
burg. Shoe wcro cover so low ntWit
teninye r's. 10 to 50 per cent. off.
Clutliiii Pt to .";) per cent, off.
P. S.Mtt Iiitter of Shamokiu Dam
was in our burtf last Fridiy. lie
iliil not fail to pay his respect to tho
All taxes must be paid to mo before
Saturday, Feb. 23rd. 18!5.
('. If. Steininger, Collector.
3Ici's Miirts at. Wittonmycr's.
Wool hhirts, ."id cents, fonuor price
1 .-"; Wool shirts, cents, former
price, .l.ri.
3Iiss Kato Spaid of Now Berlin
who was attending convention,! is
being entertained by her cousins,
the 3Iisses Spaid. '
II. W. Smith and wife wero at
Sunbuiy and 3Iilton the. early part
of tho week on a shopping expedi
t ion.
Od.'ii C. Goitner and J. XStiieby
took out letters f administration in
the estate of Wm J. liortner, de
cjased. A dauciug party at Locko's Mills,'
3Iilllin county, danced ono whole
night last week ami pai l tho fiddler
5K cents. f
3riss Jennie Bibighaus has return
ed to tho city of Philadelphia to re
sumo her clerkship with Straw
bridge ami Clothier. ' .
Daniel Beavef of Dry ValhsfX
Roads is very seriously ill. Ho is
quite old and his friends foar that
his days are numbered.
.Misses Klia Renn aud Mary Bate
man of Sunbui v snout tho S.ibbatk
very pleasantly in Swiueford at tho
homo of Henry llcrbster.
Peter (birinan, the wide awako
merchant tif Fremont, was iu town
last week. Ho is busy selling goods
during this cold weather.
Ladies' Coats and Gents' overcoat 4
nro noV being closed out at cost at
F. H. 3faiirer's store New Berlin.
Cill to see these Kieat bargains.
31. ss Laura Weiser of Lewisburg
and J. L. eiser and wife of Mahon
tonga were enjoying tho hospitality
of friends in our burgh last week.
Wool and Fur Robes at and below
cost. Call aud be convinced and se
cure bargains.
W. W.
A bill has been passed by the Leg
islature of this State exempting
typewriting machines from lovy or
salo ou executiou of distress for
Salesmen Wantod. To sell Non-
Nicotine Midgets Cigars. Samples
free. Salary or Commission. Good
side line.
Address, Lanms & Co., ,
tf Shippensburg, Pa.
Next week wo will publish the
Roll of Honor. If you are indebtod
to the Post, send iu your subscrip
tion foes that wo may credit your
A bill has passed the United States
senate to abolish all two aud four
dollar disability pensions, and to
make the minimum of them all six
dollars per month.
I. R. Hotteustein of Shamokin
Dam was buried last week. He
stood high in the estimation of his
fellows aud the community offers
solace to a bereaved family.
Next Monday court will begin. A
few rases will be postponed on ac
count of Mr. Potter's inability to at
tend court. There will be enough
business to have an average court.
Henry Heimbach's store at Mifflin
burg was robbed of $13.00 last
Wednesday evening while be was
taking his supper. The key was
sticking in the back door, The
thief broke the pane of glasB, turned
the key and gained admission.
BmcK Foit Salr : Brick of tho host
quality for building nnd paving cun
be secured at reasonable rates
by applying to Camion Skeiiomi,
Washington II ouse, Middle burg, I'a.
Losr. A pair of scissors was lost
last week o:i S lgir strent b ttwecti
town and Swim-ford. Tho finder
will confer a favor by leaving tho
panic at this office.
Henry Herbster, tln miller at tho
Franklin Roller Mills, hi leased
Hopnia Sauipsell's mill near (Viitio
ville. He will take possession about
the middle of 31 n eh.
It is reported that an Ad.imhurg
girl put a lantern under her bed cov
ers to keep her feet warm and did
not know tho bed was on lite till the
corns on her toes began to pop.
W. H. 3Iiller, formerly of Selius
groyo has promised to furnish us
with nn article on 3Iormanisui. 3Ir.
Miller visited this territory and his
article will be relished by our many
Rev. S. G. Shannon of Philadel
phia will deliver his lecture "From
Shore to Shore" in tho Town Hall,
Selinsgrovo on Thursday evening
Feb. UKth. All who can should hear
this lecture
At Lewisburg 3Irs. Huntly found
in a bag of carpet rags which she
had purchased at a sulo of the ( fleets
of Mrs. F.isley ,." in gold. She re
turned tho money to a nephew of
the deceased.-
J. L. 3Iarks ou Wednesday Felt.
13th took his nephew, Howard, to
tho Chester Springs Orphan School.
.Ir. Marks is well ploasod with the
banner the school is conducted by
J. W. Smith, Manager.
1M ward R. Owen, of York, repre
senting 31. B. Spahr, Sons and Co.,
was iu town on Monday night, lb
was caught in the snovr storm at
Selinsgrovo and walked ?)io bridge
to Selinsgrove Junction dining the
worst of tin- storm.
Theladios of tho Reformed church,
Selinsgrove, will servo a chicken ami
wulllo supper in Si'hocli's store room
on tho evening of Washington's
Birthday. These ladies have estab
lished their reputation for serving a
most elegant repast.
The sup -riiiteiidi-nl of tho New
port, Perry county eeinefery, so
licits patronage from the public
through tho newspapers; says that
grave digging will bt done on short
notico and promises tho work done
iu'a workmanlike manner.
Dr. J. If. Harris, President of
Bucknell University will deliver his
lecture, "Tho Fall of Richmond"' in
the Court House on Saturday eve
ning under tho auspices of tho G. A
R. Post. Admission Free.
Zuch. Hettrick will move from tho
Park Hotel iu tho spring. Tho new
laudlords will bo Harry Bobb, for
merly of this place, aud Wm. Mecth
ley. Tho hotel will boom under
their management. Time,
Wanted. Every smoker to send us
7 two-ct. stamps to help pay postage
packing etc., and we will mail box of
our Non-Nicotino 3Iidgots Cigars.
Only one box to ono address.
Address, Landis & Co.,
tf Shippensburg, Fa.
Gocrgo Spangler of Poplar Bluffs
Misouri wiites that they have 12 do-
greos below zero and remarks that
it is the coldest weather tho people
have experienced there. We can
beat that, George. We have had 11
degrees below here.
Extra copies of tho proceedings of
the Snyder County Teachers' Insti
tute can be had by applying to this
office. They will bo sent postpaid
on receipt of 32 cents. The book is
neatly gotten up and has met the ap
proval of all who have seen the book.
Rev. I. P. Neff was iu towu last
week. He has resigned his pastor
ate at Shenandoah and will labor iu
the interest of his Master at Millroy.
The best wishes of his many friends
here go with him who labored so
faithfully in our midst for a number
of years.
CO., PA., FEI5UUARY 21, lSiW.
Fouitv-iiinc application..! ror liquor
li'-en.M have been lih-d in Centre
. , o, ,, iii i
eef Storritt. an old Ind-
milt a fort near Pleasant
In Kill l, K
i an ti:i. ler tun
View, Jntii tt i countv, and in this
fort his sou William was l m ii, and
lie was tin- first w hile e'uil I m Juni
ata Vallev.
The prize of two dollars ,s I,,.,.,,
awarded to ('. A. 3!eUer. -f Ki eaiii. r
for guessing the nearest what would
lie ii, Iv ill ise.I in lli.i liii 1' I
M' i n l. Ii-
torial page, (luili- a number of
gU Were received and while Mr.
3lei.,er did lot guess it exactly, lie
was I lie neai i si. he a ivertHeuieiit
appears iu thi-i issue.
Pllisovu. Tillliuiy i". r sale fur
the best, selling washing machine ou
earth: lelinU nl St. ,,,. I.
-. - . i'"i i ii in ii
money required, but. don't applv tin-!
less you have it to invest. Address!
3Iatlllgel's ollice, Jas.
cor. Third Ave. and
J. Will
.Millet St..
Pittsburgh, I'a.
2, 7, !:.. It.
Woi'cgivttd aim nitice the death
of Mrs. I. F. Liiideiislag.-r. a verv
estimable lady, and daughter of
Commissioner Pharos Herman, who
died at tho residence of her husband
in IVnn twp , on the evening uf the
12th inst. Sim was iu tho Hist year,
and leaves a devoted husband and
one child to mourn her earl v de it !i.
Tho next leap year will bo s;i',
aud then it will bo eight years b. luie
another. The year I'.iDil will not bo
a leap year. Tho year is Ilii.'i days
aud six hours long, less eleven min
utes. '.The eleven minutes ainoctntto
one day in 400 years, when leap year
is dispensed with. Tho year l'.HNl
w ill, then-fore, not be a leap year.
All persons indebted for 1 s:.t taxes
ni Franklin Twp. must bo paid o:i
or before Ft b. 27th. On Tuesday
of Court week I will be at the Court
House to receipt fur the hatuo. AH
such tiies not paid at that time will
bo I'ullected according to law.
2t. ls.Mvil IJoutusox, Collector.
A representative wanted iu each
locality to hand mv line samples to
friends or acquaintances. Paying
work. Not peddling. Send Mcents
to Alburt 1 Wood, perfumer. Wood,
av., Detroit, M ich.. for ." trial bottles
S itiu-S.'i'iit Nat J-' o.vef pur
ines, utid receive sp.-cia! offer to von.
The end of tho world ii to c inio on
April 2;td, I'.HM, according to a Ger
man theologian, who has just alarm
ed Jjcihu by his prophecy. Among
his cheerful foreciits are a great
war in 1h:i7, tho advent of a now Na
poleon iu ls.i'.l, us king of Greece
and Syria, and a terrible earth -quake
iu t'.Kil.
liitAMi IvKJUcrioN. l or the next
;in tlays I will oll'er my entire stock
of 3Ierchandise at n-duced prices.
All Dress Goods consisting of Silks,
Satins, Velvets, Henriettas, Cash
meres, Delains, cloths.ote.i.j 10 to 2."
percent. Discount. Some Special
ties iu Wool Dress Goods reduced
t i . i - . . .
iioiu .in ei-ius io i.i cents, urt-ss
Ginghams, i!,n, and 10 cents formerly
12, lii, aud IS cents. Lancaster
Gingham. .r) cents; Best Prints, cts.
Wool Blaukets, 25 per cent, off reg
ular price Bed Comforts, 2.1 per
cent oil" regular price. Boys' Caps 1.1
cents up, Boys' Fur Caps SO cents,
former price if 1.2.1.
W. W. Wittenmyer.
"Mistaken Socla Wno Dbicam or
Bmss." The following marriage li
censes have been grauted siuce our
fast publication :
) W. B. Humintl, Middloc'k Twp.
Mary Row. "
) Jacob A. Laub, Spriug Twp.
fMinuie B. Smith. "
S William H. Hood, Milllintowu,
Annie B. Strawser. W.Perry Twp.
Jesse Rohland, Jackson Twp.
) Jenuie Sholly. "
jChas. O. Bowersox. Centre Twp.
Austin H. Shafer,
New Berliu,
Frankliu Twp.
(uora suner.
i I. V. Bilgor,
t Ella M. l'rutzmau
IK. K. Musser,
)Kate A, Walter.
Ho tin; Vote St. in. Is
M ' W. Smith. Midlfg.
i ,, ' ',
' .,' C" . w"'"u 1 M"
lias. Iv. FMier. I,. nn
I. I win Charles, y,
M. C. Hai I'laiiiJin,
I . li. GelnlnrlitiLT, I Vim,
. S. Scfhrisi, t'niuii, . . . .
' '- Steely
'I'ho abov
: X"N'H I1"1''1
W. Heave! , . . . .
't llei. in,-!
le d 1 l-l w, , K.
li'iscs Ille
iverago man
No Mall h-
:ii I n- t'
ear, a I'm i v tuiig;ii
,l"l l-'HP .V"ur te. I a wai in.
i 1 u.t , i . .
, L lUjth i -U U : V p u I Slid l i ,i ye (I
' " Linip Us Im I 1 1 , v -t m tie- 1 1 illit ing
'Ion Rfriuat -i v .
Profeasor C ),,httl,-, ,,f ,,..
ligll Univer-it v . li i r..-.i 'i,.. l
will giltothi- I'liivelsily of l'eui,vl
vania. l'.ishop J. .1. IMior of Chicago w ill
preach iu tin- I'.vaiigelical church at
Port Trevoi tun mi Tuesday evening.
Feb. ltith lit 7 o'clo.'k. All ate nivit
td. Prof. J. C. Houser, Principal of
tho public schools of Danville, re
ni iiued iu our town on Friday night
to take iu the concert. Ho spent
Sunday -;ith his parents at 3Iilroy.
In accordance with our usual cus
tom wo take this opportunity tore
mind our subscribers that next week
bi intr court week, many of you will
bo coiling to Middh-hurgh and if
you arf iu arrears, you will find us
ready l(yr-dit your uccuuut for auy
amountu wish to pay. If you are
not coming yourself, you ttfY likely
have an opportunity to send il
with soma one. It takes money
to run a good live newspaper.
At the election ou Tu.-sday in the
borough the following were elected:
Town Council, I. H. Bowersox,
Anion K -iiiiiugfi : Asse.isor, Ctl.
Sleller; Auditor, (!. I), llassing. r:
School Directors, D. 1". IJhoads and
G. C (illtelills; Overseer of t he
poor, Josaphat Walter; High (.'nn
stable, , lame 1 powers. i; Judge uf
Flection, M. I. Putter; Inspectors,
K ibert Shainb.icli an I James P w
I'I'SuX. The libuve named officers
com prise the entire republican t icket.
Tim Democrats m ado no nominal imi.
A very peculiar case is rep Died
from Liverpool, this county. The
case begins by a chargo of fornica
tion and bastardy doing brought
against a young man which it is re
ported Was set' led. Subsequently
tho young man called for the girl
and ostensibly started with her for
a sleige ride. After going a short
distance a doctor was takciMnto the
fcloigh which was thou driven to a
secluded spot, where tho uil'l was
taken from the sleigh an I placed on
tho snow, and an operation was
forcibly performed upon her which
resulted the next day iu tho birth of
ii still born child. It is reported
that arrests have been ma le and tho
parties held to bail to answer at
tho court, but tho case has not yet
been officially returned to tho Dis
trict Attorney and we therefore
omit the names as furnished by our
correspondent. -'irrjl'mmi Time.
Do you waut Life Iusurauce ? Get
a Reliable Company. Win. G. Yon
Neida of Selinsgrove is tho agent
for Snyder County for the New
York Life Insurance Company. Do
you waut the proof of it ? Here it is.
George A. Lohman, of WilkcsBarre
committed suicide in January. K
leven days after the death of the in
sured tho New York Life paid Kx
ecutors of the Lohtnauu Estate
$34,502.10. Insurance was carried
iu other companies that are disput
ing the claims. Tho New York Life
Iusurauce Company loans money at
5 por' cent, to policy holders after
5 auuual paytneuts have beeu made.
Oue mouth grace iu payment of
premiums. This Company was or
gauiz ed iu 181)3 and is known as the
"Old Reliable." For further infor
mation, Address,
W, G. Yox Neipa, Agent,
Market Street, Selinsgrove. Pa.
II iHimi mi rtrnn."
It m. ,,t n.i'T,,iir.
It in i ril ik' il uisU
Ati'liii'n r m. .Minn,
vii', riiti.imi.r,i,H jr
NO. 8.
Ti,.' Mie.rcal Convent. on.
The Music t Convention w-ek
afforded .dmnd tut !e ( : i . - for all
"lio I'll I U'ip lie i tlie project.
Prof, li.liii mil. the m in i and
hoii .!,.,, , M1, ,;,,,! .ri f H1 f
' "I"" I. I-is rep n it i mi f..r scour-
illg the . V lie,! til. 11 I , la ,1.1.. i..
i,l't"ll Mi" an .bene, , that come
'" " iin-io. Mr. John
II iol ff Will; im -,p i, t!,,, master
' ":" '-'.;! ! Ihea:, h.-nc.-s even
I' IMI! ,'. i... .1; 1 1 ,.-t . ., ...
I l"' I M l, I.I! Ii III , i'olupos. ,
I"1 1 W,... tho e;,dlllg
j loillMe I:,,.,- mv, At every
I '' '"'''I I I Lev delight. -d and inspire.'.
I 1 li" an diet s. I'.noore aid r !..
j ' If lel.o. I. 1 to 111, in.
I'lfibuig and Mi I II. Im, g singers
i figured pi .mini. nl ly in the enter
tunnienl at tin concerts. Spi,.,.
t il bi is cpeci il nii-lit i. Ml of each
i ille.
Miss Di.ia Ihckhart isuii the sick
The . vival in the '. ',. Church
continues with unabated interest.
.Many have sought salvation at the
Master . s Altar.
I. H. ll iitiuau of Ciortoii Heights.
Centre County failed to see us last
Week. lie intends to spend '' weeks
at his homo iu Coiitievillo, having
left the lumber regions until tho
snow goes away. He is head sawyer
at Gorton Heights.
A petition is being circulated iu
this place requesting tho Legislature
to pass a law to close tho liquor n:i
loous ou 3ItiUiorial day. Tho meas-
J ure is endorsed by the old soldiei :
Woo iV. siitf Vu &etp tho
to tho memory of their departed
A youth in Lancaster has been to
the insane asylum through excessive
cigala tte smoking. lb-smoked six
ty i-igarei te.s a day, and his appetite
craved f. it- iu on. until, to use t ho ver
micular, ho ha.p'whi l is in head. "and
Ills father had to send him to the
hospital for lunatics. Then- are oth
ers who inhale these misty, sickly
apologies for g I tobacco, and they
Ille headed 111 the same direction as
tin Lancaster 111
William Kice, of Sham i -ed
I about ,'i'i i", mi -,, while digging i. . i
!a ditch in ak Hill colliery M m i..
J morning, met with a terrible acci
dent His pick struck du.iliti, and
i a terrible explosion followed Out
of I hf unfortunate man's t yes was
blown out. while the other was in
jured so badlv that the sight has
beeu dost roved. The man's faeelc
ceived some ugly i-uts and a 1 lig
gash in tho head. Tho man was ta
ken to the .Miners' hospital.
Dr. Allen Norton L i te, editor of
tho Scranton Ninday News, has
been notified that ho has ii.-en be
queathed .ti.-iO.IMH) by tho will of the
late Henry I!. Cuy, of Los Angob s.
Cala. In istlj Dr. Lectn loaned
Cary .vill i. At that time both men
lived in Newark, N.J. Cary emi
grated to California and made a for
tune, but he never during his life
time repaid Leeto his money. W hen
In- died not long since, his will was
found to contain a clause acknow
ledging his debt to Lot to and stat
ing that the i'iUil was the foundation
of his fortune and iu consideration
to this ho bequeathed him y5i,0ii).
W. L. Hamilton, of Clearfield, has
in his posession the docket of Wil
liam Wilson, who iu Isiki wasjustieo
of tho peaco of Pine Creek township
Ou December IS of that year the
docket records tho marriage of a
Hum and a widow, which ceremony
took place at the cross-roads, the
widow being attired ouly in au un
dergarment. These straugo roquir
ments ou tho part of tho widow were
iu compliance with tho provisions of
the law of that day, and were strict
ly adhered to, ) that the second
husband of the woman would not
have to assume the debts of the
first lord aud master. Tho docket
contains many interesting state
ments which disclose what appear
now to be strange and peculiar customs.