Post's Mi Contest ! FREE TUITION. ISofinl, Hent, Washinp, Furnished lkoom. T.iL'lit ntul us of ( 1 vitinimiiini fntnountintf in nil to $'.MV) nt tLo JiIooTiislnirc Stnto orml seliool for I ho Sprint? term of fourteen weeks lietrnuiiii!? Mirch l!.tb !.r, will be Kiveu to the Snyder county public seliool teacher who shall re. eeivc. tho largest number of votes up to Saturday eveniii";, March Ith 1W. Kvery teacher actively etiKiitfed at present in Snyder county will havo nn eipial rbanru to win this prize: tbo only ndvnntai;o to bo hud in for n teacher to yet his pupils and friends to din tbo votinc? eonnon bo low and mail it to us benring the teacher's name. Of courso it will be to tbo teacher's intereHt to bavo all bis or her friends to get the Post from which to clip coupons. Tbo l$looinsburr State Normal school has 2(5 Professors nnd gives thorough instruction. This makes the piizo n valuable one. Any person can voto as often as bo or shu pleases, but they must use the voting coupon as below or pre mium coupons that are earned by securing now subscribers to tbo Post. 12 l'lcninim Coupons nrc given for every new yearly cash subscriber. Cut This Out and Bring or Mail to Post r the ; mcV or h r t i. ' i i . v. .'I .:r th. f. b W.l :.r. '. Il l !.c t'-f i.i i t -Ik. I; 1 . I I'll . ,:. ; .. b'.i-ln. .- ;i' To tl.l-, r ''n'li tl.c .l". ii! i mi, r !, ml i :i ir U.c 'tun 1 in li. p:.l 1. lit. .".I'. -" In i , , l."t. 1 l.v 1 ii-.r vron.r ii-''.' !it hl..,ut 1, ...i .- villi Vi.. i i II r,, J -!, u I." !ni.;..rilv M' :ive in lit- .,! i 1. Il ( th- voi;.', ,,.'t i. I:t I in .:v,c i.f Mum r ro:i 1,11st V lui- I'l..'. Ill.t I . iV l..'uilv, In Lis h'tiurui.- I A Prudent weighs well his words before tittering them ; nnd they are doubly convincing from bis caution. Suf ferers from Dyspepsia can take heart there is that which, if theory in manufacture, nnd practical workings in actual life, count for anything, will surely give relief to their daily distress. It is OAKoAKAKluLA Tho Kind that Cures REV. K. T. JAQUAY, the pastor of M. E. Church at FERDINAND, Erie Co., Pa., certifies to his CURE of Dyspepsia by DANA'S Sarsaparilla. That it was indeed a CURE, and not temporary relief, his words below will show. ,lI was troubled with Dyspepsia, nnd in vain sought aid from phy sicians. Took any amount of all kinds of medicine, without benefit only temporary at most. I could not take even the lightest food without suffering. I was influ enced to try your Sarsaparilla (DANA'S). I began to feel better with its use ; and now, after six months, I feel I am CURED. I refrained from writing lest it should return again; now I am confident. I am happy to lend my name and influence to help others to be CURED as I was." Soo that you get DANA'S. J-D i Mr Published every Thursday, l.ii.. MARRIED Ceo W Wagcnseller, Editor and Proprietor. Subscription $$1.50 per year. vMcb must Im puiil in advance wlicn sent out aid" the eouoiy.) SATIS Or ADVf RTISINO. All trunsli'iit ni1virtlKitnnts nut otlicrwlw for will hi rhitwd nt tlic rule of lft coritH piT llni. (iiiiiipiirti'l iiii'iisim.) fur first Inner lion iiml ioccium p,.r line (or every Hiibsa-iiiictil Dscrtliiii. - VifA iii (i'v ;.Wi,Ai frrt : t.hilunni virty, nl-ulrt f rrsjifrt. tUrrrrrnh a lint. On Jan. St, l,H:r, at RichfioU, by Kov. Oscar (1. Homig, Mr. Oeorg'o rcltintin and Miss Amanda Swartz, both of uear Rich field. Married at Frooburg, Jan. 24th by Riv. II. (1. Suable, lienjnmin lluni mel of (Hobo Mills, andLydia Voch ley of Freemont. l'a. Married at Freeburg, Jan. 24th bv 1o II (1 Snnl.lo .Iinnlt A tr...,. and Rosa J. Field, both of Smith Tovt'.' - - -' Thursday, .Ian. 189."). I Made $75.00 in a Week. I have bought hoverul plating ma chines, but they wero either not lirgo enough for somo ai l ides or tluy did not work easy, nnd I have never mado much money until I ob tained the Practical Plating Dynamo. This is tho electrical machine used in all the great gold and silver plating factories, and does tho work every time. Xo sooner did peoplo bear that I had this electrical Dynamo, than I had moro spoons, knives, forks and jewelry than I could plate in a month. The first woek I clear ed ..U.60.and tbo d $7.-., and 1 think by tho first of January iwiuiiavo a thousand dol lars in cash and give my farm con siderablo attention too. Thn tl.. ing Dynamo is tho thing to use, and you can learn to use it in about an hour. Anyone can write to Y. P. Harrison & Co., Columbus, Ohio who make these machines, for cir culars. As this is inv first bwltv streak, I give my experience, hoping 3tbers may be benefited as much as I have been. A Chance to Make Money. In the past week I have made .vi) amintten.led to my household du ll. 'H. I thii.U will Co belter next Week. f htins th ,i:on) M ll, tho lii.uo demaud 1 fur them. I think mi v lad v or "' i;t!nuii.i. niiywh. ic, can nmke i";lie.V in this LusincsK. ltisHonio. every family wants, and when li.: v ran bo bought so cheap, they buy U-em, and the jierson who has enlei prisn i mnigh to take :ui agency is bound to juuku money. I wish any -f your readers that winh to I'ml.o fro,,, SstuSli ft ,lay, would try this business and report their Niicoebs. Any ono can get full pnr ticulars by addressing tho Iron City Dish JWasher Co.. ;. K. PiUbLu,g, 1 a. buck a chanco is rare at least I have never struck one. Maktua F. Ii 1 Sale Register. DIKD D!1 llitlir falotl.t Afiltu .T.ltl Olui Ralph Howard, infant son of IIow aid and Elizabeth Leitzell.agod .tnio. and 1 day. Interment at Olobo Mills Jan. iillrd. Died near (ilobo Mills, Jan. 2:trd 'niTwiti l.Svin unn if T.fiu-iu nn.l tjiiura Hummel, aged Tyrs.lmo. and 7 days Interment at Artley's Church Jan. 'J'ith. DUXDORE. Sleighing Parties nro numerous around this placo. Allen Secbrist says, he enjoys a sleigh-rido better than any other recreation, especially when he has a pretty girl sitting along side of him. .The candidates for tho dillerent township officers are very busy this week canvassing the town ship for votes. All we ask of the voters is this, vote for inpn that. wnt-L- for the common good of all and not lor such who waut to get all tho money out of the ollice thevenn nn.l then bo done with it Isaac liogar fi t 1 1 .Til tWkli T.nnin o a il.lin,. . liutcherShop at Port Treverton There are many benefits resulting from Teachers' Institutes. First, me exenange oi opinious is a great source of improvement. Those who have more enlarged experience can impart their information for tho as sistance and direction of Ickh for tunate ouos. Secondly, the relief .......uiuiij i i uuuuo nun in the schoolroom affords additional inspiration tor tlie weary soul of the teacher. Xo one knows the trials and struggles of a teacher better than thoso who bavo tried their hands nt this time honored calling Some time ago Mr. Biinon OoMtmiiui of Sail I.uis Key, Cat., was troiililwl with a lame liack ami i h"umat leiii He used Chamberlain's Pa!n Halm and a prompt cure was effected. He tays he has sinco advixed many of bin frieiuls to try it and all who have done ho have spoken highly of it. It I . i . i f ir . it w Kir Miif ny ,i, u. iampseil, I'eillis Creek, Pa. t'liiuiiberlaiu's Cough Remedy Is fa mous for its cures of bad colds. It opens the secretions, roleivps the lungs uml aids nature In restoring I ln syhteui to a healthy condition. If freely used as soon ns the cold has been contracted, and before it has bo- como settled In the fy.steiu, It greatly lessens the severity of the attack and has ofteu cured in n tdngle day what would have been a soi-rie cold. For salo by J. W. HuiupselH Peuns Creek, Pa, m; V.I V TlitlMiliiv, 4nn. DIhL Adn V. Hnll Bitmtnlnlra trlx, will wll pcriiniil property nf llownril . noiiK uni'iiwu, iiiio oi jrniiKiin jowd Hiup. Tucr1ny Mnr. IM'li. Hnnry SlinfTor of Kninklln i wp.vrin Hen persKiml proerty ana f.irrii' niK iinpieiiieniH. TilPlnv Fell, mih 1nS. snworri Krelfzer will sell IhPKim'k. l.irmlntf IrnpleTii'Miln iirel lioiielii)ia K'XK" 1 mill' sown ot McKeen Fulls. Ttlesiliiy Mnn li H !.,.. ItenrT rnntlin of Mon roe township i ll Kell l.lvemork Fiirinlinf iiiipiemeniK mm noiiMennni gooui t Mill. Nurlll KiimI of KrulerTllle. Tliundny. Feb. nth . A. Folf 7 of Monroe Trn miles North of Sellnsirrove, will nell lle ixik'K. liirnilnir linplemrDtH, lioiinehoM K Kiu'neu niriiiiure. TIH'IMtilV. Mnr. Rfh rn Anrnnil a tnlloa frnm Krenmer. will wll S hornen, ft heml of rut .le iiiiinniK iinpirmenis, and houm-hold kikkIh, Tliurwlny. Mnr. T'h 1M. t miles west of Middle nuriin A.M. Kline will sell 4 liorseH. row A hII kinds uf fiiniilug linpleineiiiH Tuesdny Mnr. nth, Amos Ilowersox of Fmnklln 1 wp. will sell if horses, 4 rows fiirmltiif Implements Rtid lnniMehdld u,Kls,.l miles wrsioi .MiiKiiennrif. Molllllir. Feh If h llQY onemlln nnrfh of 1!lrhf1ntr1 ('tn lu-rny will sell 3 horses, l cow nnd nil Kina in tartninif implements. Tlmrwrtsy Msr 14th, 4 mlln south pst of Trox rows. shrmis and all kinds of tunning Inipleiimnts. Vrliliiv Veh. 9Jth John S Inntr will aj.1l I o,,',..,u 01 i eniervine a nonu's. 11 eows. KiinnliiK niiueiiieiiin mm iiuuseuuia iiiniiiure Frldfty Mnr JSnd Win. Wenrlrh, two miles wesl nf Mlildli'liiirKh. will sell 7 liorses, II liend 01 entile and all Kinds uf farming Imple uieilis. AS OLl Ho LIU KH'S ItKCOMMKMlA TIOX. In the late war I was a sol dier iti the First Maryland Volunteers, ( oinpHiiy (i. During my term of ser vice I clironfo (linrrhii'ii Since then I have used a great ninoiiiit of tupdlujne, but wlieu I found huv that wouhl give me relief it would in Jure my stomach, until Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and diarrhtca Remedy whs brought to my notice. used It and will say it Is the only renn ilv that gave me permanent relief and r.o bad results follow. I take pleasure In recommending this preparation to all of my old comrades, who, whil giv ing their services to their country, contracted this dreadful disease as 1 did, from eating unwholesome, and uncooked food. Yours trulv. A K E IH.nh, Oregon, For sale by . I. W Satupsell, I'enns Creek. Pa. . i WV V.l yl 4S3 . LrC.Vn..a .1 ThtoT KlDNEt LIVER -122 IShenmnwism I.umbfltfO, piiin in joints or Lin k, brick dut In urine, freiicnt calls, Irritiitlua, Inlliiiimmtlon, gruvel, ulcerutiun or ciiturrh uf the bladder. Disordered Liver IlllliniMiixi, hoiidiichc, InctlKcutiun or trout. Sl t 'll'-IKMir InvlKiiruU, cum kidney dillit nit lis, llrlglit's iliM'USf, urlniurv troubles. 1 111 nine Jtlood Senifulii. imiliirln. ueniil wenktiisor ilelillitr. Swamp-Hoot Ijuil.Uup ipiickly a run Uuwu eoaxiuuiion una nuikci inu weuk strung;. At UriieuUta 50 teuta and $ l.OO Size, lonuiiu- uuiiio 10 Hi-AlUi'' frve- CanaulUUna tnc btu KiiMui it Co.. iiiMttMaammifl. x Wiiflilnuton. .Mldillrcreck. Monris'. ScllllMkToVe, AitlllllK, I'. rr. . Jiti'kson, J'erry West, l'nloii. Adiiins. MiuiriHv lentre, MlddliTiNik, Ailiiins. WOhlllllK'tdll. .MlUdlei-reek. t'nlon, Mlddli'reek. Cent re. Hi iprlliff, l'errj. OltAN'l) Jl'KOltS. Sylvester llowen, l.nnd Ij.rd, Samiii'l III. kliurt, Kurnier, Flanniiel Iteiifrr. Furnier, Henry K. Ilmuse, Kurnier, I. ' II. Ilakcr. I'nlnter, llunlel A. I'lilirinitn. CuiM'titur, Levi S. Ocliiclt, ('unH'titer, Hen). K. Ilernmn, Kurnier, tleo. (. HornlH'rKer, Kurnier, .liiekson II1T1111111, Fnrincr, (leu. I. Kline, Fnriner, Win, Kirkpulrlck. I.uli.irer, Uelijitlnln Lose, Cisiper, J. F. Musser, l.nlsirer, Tohliu Mlti'liell, Fnrmer. fhlllpj. Moyer, Fnriner. Kcubeii I'blllpH.Furiaer, 1). F. How, Teacher, J. 8. Klcc, IjilKirer, t'lnut. A. Sniier. Fnriner, Win. J. Stiinelliii. S, F Sheury, J. P., II. I. Swiiri., Farmer, I'eler Khufler. " rKTITJlltOlLS. List nf petit Jurors drawn for thn Court of Oyer nnd Terminer nnd Oeiiernl .lull delivery mid Court of oimrter Session of the pence of Siiyilercoiiiiiy held as Feb. Term, couiiaenu- ink .iioiniiiv, nfoiMury xn, isv.i, Amlg Lewis, (ichllclimM, Alk'ler J.icol) A., Teacher, Aiiinnd lleury. Furiacr, Arnold 11. F. Audit. AmiIk' I'lilllp, Furiiier, H11I1I1P. S. ltiiikMiiinn W. 11., cnriH'titcr, liciiler Keuls'ii, Fitriiicr, llliik'.uimu .lolia F.. " lleiiver Jiiines I., " liowerso.v ciiiiiii. LumlHTmnn, liaiils'rmun Jell. M , Uulchur, Frwil A. M., Fnriner, Felker Charles, oillH-rt Kimiiiii , LalMircr, (ieiiilMMiliufClias. I.., llin kciiliiiin Wal to, Fanner, ll.'llilcli I'liarcs, Tin siiillli, lluiiiiuel Paul, l.iiliorcr, Helper I'eler, Ful'llier, llerrold SI11111I1 I., CnriH'liter, I l. l rl. k .l.ilni, 1- i ri 111 1 . llniii.iino.iii 1. H . I.aiiorcr, Ke-slcr Jim. ('., Ilailu r. Kinney liaiilel, Lnlmrer, Keeler, W. A.. I.almrer, l urk Win. II.. s otr hi maker, Mi Kall Irvln, MarlK-l culler, I'lilllp T. Miner. Lalmrcr, Koiisli li.inl.'l, r, KuiikIiI I'li'd, Fnriner. Kennlnu'er .1. W., Farmer, Sanilers Ini'i'al, Lut..i-er, Smltli It-miei lllc, clerk, sinliii llar.y, Fnriner, SniMik J.i-pli, Sinliliiei ker. II. 1). Hindi Sinllli, showers John S , Fanner, Troup Jonathan I'Wi II. W .Mill'er, I'lrleh Fled. Fnriner, I'lrlch Jas. P., I'alnler, WiiIIit lieu. Fanner, Wic'iier Frank, " Wi 1 u Jiunes 1). Laliorer, Wei .1 1 .lulu. 1) Cupi'inui', Willis John 11.,'1'encher, Wlldt Jiuuh, A" Furiiier, Did yon erer see one of the famona waterproof Interlined Collars or Cuffs t It's very easy to tell, for they arc all marked this way TRADf CTIa fVfAOVC. Wf F " '1 I Ml " Thov urC tho nnlv tntertin Pnlfara and Cuffs, and are made of linen, cov ered with waterproof " Ckllcloid." They'll stnnd riht by you day in and day ouCaud they are all marked this way Elluloio llic first cost is the only cost, for they keep clean a long time, and when oiled you can clean them in a minute by simply wiping off with a wet cloth that is the kind marked this war TRAOf LLULOID WARK. These collar and caffs will outlast ix linen one. The wearer escapea laundry trials and laundry bills no chafed neck and no wilting down if you eft a collar marked this way La) LWJLOIO AfARK. Aik vour dealer first, and take noth ing ttant has not above trade mark, if you desire perfect satisfaction. All other are imitations absolutely. If you can't find collars or cuff marked this way, we will send you a ample postpaid on receipt of price. Collars, 25 cts. each. Cuffs socts. pair. Give your size and say whether stand up or turned-down collar is wanted. THE CELLULOID COMPANY, 4'iT.i Braaaway, NEW YORK. HvlliiKKruvo I leaver. Adams. WushliiKtou. WasliliiK'lun. llenver. Mlddlccreek. aslilia:iiii, Jacksoii, Mlddli'l.uivh. Jackson, WnHlilmrliiii. llenver. Adams. Penn. Vnshlia,'i.iii, sprlnif. Middle reek. I'eiui. I nl. hi. I'.cmer, Monroe. Nelliisruvu. Mlildleereek. I'.iin. Si'Ili'4i'.ne. W aahliiyluii, Sprlinf, Friiiikllu. llenver. Mlddleiiiux'h. Monroe, spilm;. Mldtllrliill.'li. Perry, Spring Penn. Selliisyrove, ri.uikllii. Sprlntr. Monroe, lleiiier. Sellhsvfnivo. WiisUlntun, The Post,SI.50 pery Pllnl I'llrat Itching Pllra. SrsmiMS-Molsture: liitenH)lt hlniranitatlnir- Inir ; most at Went j worse hv acmtchlntf. If iil lowed tocontlnue tumors form, which often bleed nnd iilcernte. iMi'oinlni! verv sore. Swiie Ointvifvt slops the Itchlnir ami bleedlnif. heals iiirer:n urn. nun in most ruses removes the tumors. At muL'k'isis. or hv mull, for 80 cent. Dr. swayne A Nin. Phllndelpliln. ADMINISTHATOHS' NOTICE, bet ters of administration In estate of Kll.uhi-tti N'eltz, I He nl t'nlon tnwnaliln, Snyder l'n.l'll.,dei-'il, lilt vl if lieen urillltcil to tlis nil. lor lint., all prrsomi knowing llixmfclvF Indebted 10 rnin i-Kinie nro re(iipnteii to iimka 1 11 inv.llnu payment, while thone having claims will preaeut Ihvin duly authenticated tn the umlc rulitned. Ml WIN C1IAKI.KS, Inn. l.V vs. Adiiilnlntrator. J- 0. iMOIIN, M. D. Practising Physician and Surgeon. esidenco in tho French Flats, Mid dleburRh. Calls promptly and carefully attended to. U "A AND tllCKEL Sm Something new at I. H. Boweiisox'h Confectionary, iliddleburprb, Pa. D H. J. V. AMIU. 1). D. S. DUXTIST Tretitintr, nilinc. artillclal teeth. crowu and bridge work. Teeth ex tracted without tiuin. atisfactloll luaranti'ed. onieo next door to the 'ost printing uMee. MinniiKiit iiuH, pa. itliddlelMirr illnrket Corrected weekly bv our merchants. Butter 22 i: itted cherries. Unpitted " .. Hln.civi.'e,M,!e..., Hasitlierrles Onions 00 Lard 8 Tallow 4 Chickens tier 11) fl Turkeys 9 Mlile H Shoulder 10 Hani 12 Old Wheat. New " .. Kye. Corn Oats Hran per 100 lbs Middlings Miop .50 .50 .45 .50 .2 .IK) 1 00 1 00 flour per bid 3,10 a a mmiiim tttaaa, Kwie r m M ' o SELINSGItOVE MARBLE-YARD M. L. MILLER, Prop'r I keep constantly on band and man ufacture to order all kinds of Monnmsnts AM MUwm tin Marble and Granite inntrt 1 r rl 1 1 n m K Mllll .uwutw A A XI 14 I1UUUMVUUUU CldJStoncs Cleaned and Eocairci LOW 1'lUCr.S ! LOW PltlCKS!! I have on.) of the best Marble Cut ters In tilt) Statu iiml ennuiw.iw.i.H.t turn out -oinl work. f ' Ohio and see my work A prices. 'J'llllllliflll I'llC llllut fllUM'U I Mi'. ----- ----- - 1. ...' ,l,.r-l. I U sped fully ask a coiitiiiuaiico of same, Mi L. MILLER. P. C. IiARTAAN, Tonjsorial Artist, has just opened a room in W. W. Witteninycr's builtlino;, wlicro ho is prepared to do ilriit class work, March 20, '01. Hard Times' Price We are offering a full and co plete line of new and seasonabl goods m the line of Clotfc and every thing else usually foun m the best clothing store. All our goods are of the lato styles and guaranteed to be stric ly first class in quality. G. C. GUTELIUS Middleburgh. P FURNITURE Crate ai Parlor Fiilr We offer the best pnnrlc of tdi nominal Prices, guaranteeing qui a-uncoil, diiu otyies i Latest. GoEiQiies, Lounges, Mirror BabyCarriages,. Window Shad fitrv nfTnvoH of times. We are catering to Snyder County trade, and AN INVITATION is extended to visit our place business. ' Respectfully, B9ILT0H FURNITURE Ci Front Street, Milton, Pa. J. M. KLINE, BEAVRRTO WELL DRILLER, and Agent 1 , 1 - i Kief's Hydraul mm (or Ran Wit is a new and marvelous Invention. Just the tliluir you win evatiuur a continuous supply of water frrotu siiriiiL'sor branches. I operating, simple in construction and unsurpassed In durability. T now oeiiifr piacea in every ntaie in ine union ana are wanted i county, towu and vlllnue. challenge tlie world to produce it Miiuf. urnvM HHtltefue.tnrv tieffii. rinvillHiit iu iiiulo For furtlier inforiniitlon write for Illustrated catalogue. WELL DRILLING. Having drilled over tlnee Imiidred wells lu this County, pletitj erelice can lie piven s to tne nueieney oi iny worK. 1 rrhpectfnl your pat rouiiKe in tins line mm win K(nrnoiee you perfect satlsiJ every job. I J. M. KLIld HENCH & DROr.lGOLD'S Al"r.";Li,"5EEJGIfJES A rl'ul Imnruvi-iiu nt In l-'rii-ilnn va i.m.1 ;iic-llncU, link moilimof i nrrliwi.; tlint-H iui fi. t iwaiiymli. r In il. umrki t. Krlcllmi Clutch I Vril, cuusinu al IUh' fii-il K.iiriiiKluaUui.l mill wlillu lark. biKi art-tit mivlna lu imwrr nnd wenr. rVml 4 ci-Mtliihi:iiitm tur lurv'i(.'uluUKucunil iirlc-a. Alna Hliiiua HurrowN. Ilur Itnkca, l ulllvatora. Corn I'liuitcrH, NIh, i u. M-ntivn (.lijxir, llK.vcil oi, JLltOJlUULI, MA-., Yvrki l'a,' BEAVERT0W Kotlung On Earllfl A rrrt1. c'.tanca v.i m..i.e inon.y. -. !; ' ' :l 'i ., . . 'I'.. U I .! I . 1.:.:. 'i'-r ....illl .. ! .. . v-.n .. 'ij:t l . .'. .-. . ' .. ' ; i fric. ... it,. .... i' I'il U .V. c.i. r i j- : ! i. LIKE Sheridan's Condition It l aluulilUilr tun. Iliirlilr era quantity it m laml Ihui a lentil ul nin.'iiv uiMiii-iiki. rruvvfiunnacu U...MI tor JTuni ilil.'lli Wi.rtli 11. mim hrnt Moult, "una lann pan t-liu Mix furll to nfMv..nk is. in. i If y.iu cau't tea It at-nd u. tu oonU I nva f l. A V t-t lioilnd ran 81. w M..t- aipnaapald. "Iltlt HfcHT PdlltTII Via coy fro. 1'uullrr KaUlnit Uui tikr-uriUMai La,.UUMauMACv Jfit'thU, tlt ted l)ltu.g.