f J ' SV 31 JL 3v V. THE POST N rim iy the I'ltnnr Ii Istiui im "Hrvnti." 1 1 r.it:. im"! ',.lnr II lli I Till i.k-ill lllllRSIM A ml in'.-r M.iiiiinit. suIim riiiiui,i,r,i,y(r Vil'RU.torilM reopienni mn ftl way on irr I : ;; the mMmmmst mmmmsm VJ1 HFXl n lift I 7 - le'AJ. . vXlvV m II r A I ' XI K til.- f r 'Jan. Jan 1 Mat ml 8. Ga.; NCI imS ry claw 10,G3(5. 9,370 5.007 1,587 L36,19S, recelv i raoteea ilinsgrol t Payuiil dved if 0 is sec inus is stove produce. SED r0L. 32. Items of local interest Pont miss the "F.nglo Clock."' ti.lttcl coupons will not bo good or Jan. 'ZH 111. Hi l miss neem iiifT ; liter Sale of Shoos tit Schroyer's. "I L. Wiigonscller of Solinsgrovo L a vi-itor to tins County Scut on IncMliiy. v, Frederick Bower will preach 1,- Lul horan church next Sab- i l ioininr and evening. -n Ibsr. Tlie west purl of my . nii'l lot in Franklin is for rent. IT, It. S. B. Wai.tku. iiiy persons vif itotl Kreamer lust !iiv to view tho wreckage nfter bob-sled collision uml futility. I! taxes must bo i(iid to me before nlay, Feb. 23rd. lN'.i.V C. II. Steiningor, (Collector, lessor Shortlidge, confined in Xorristown hospital, in improv- iiil will soon bo discharged. niTomit of tlio nail nccilent to i'otter nnd others tlio Musica ution will not bo held nt Selins M1DDLEBTJ11G II , SNYDEll CO., PA., JANUARY im. How tho Vote Stands. L. C. lluchninn. Frunkliu,. , C. W. Smitli, Mullig. Clms K. Fisher, I'enn, . . Kdwin Chiirles, Ferry, M. C Hiirner, Frunkliu,... I). Ii. (e:nberling, lYim,., A. S. Scchrist, t'nion, J. .). Steely. W. 15, uver HURLED INTO ETERNITY ....1004 ....1002 ....fiC.4 5K9 2.2 It :a ..H The above statement inchiilo the Votes ))illlisi il l ist week. You can help jour favorite teacher by sub-cribiti' fur tho Vvhv now. , (Jet a new f.i.ili hubscriber for the I'osrainl you get 12 voting coupon as a pieuiiuiuH. SuiNoi.rs ! SiiiNcu.K.s !! I havojiiHt nreived loii.nuoxo. i,'.'ftnd:J lJt inob liite-pinc SliingleH. Cull iunl Bee .... ; them before buying elsewhere F. 11. M.iurci, Now liM-lin, Senator Hackenbiirg is chairman1 of tho Library Committee uml. member of tho following: Compare Hills, Jihlicul apportionment, Jinf? ciary (b neral, .In lici.n y Local, New. u will iv MFOH1 0 rubber V 11! PMC! 1. Gu ml rum of Ailamsbiirg nm ruther, CharlcK, of Chiengo, visitiug at Henry liickhurt's )ck. Englo Clock TimeH tolls nl it. llcaJ tho pamphlet as it iterefct you. Jo ono cnu aflbn s seeing the work. regret that owing to the Coun- lument ami tho nceidon,t , mat- treat deal of important matter led out thia week. Ip.nglo Clock will bo on cxhi- in tho vacant store in New Uihling 3 days commencing -luy Feb. Cth. Don't miss it la Henrietta Smith, tho new :orof the Central Hotel, am were out sleigh riding on behind Gray bill's ponies. i:i).-Clean 2 and 4 oz. bot- 'ent a piece. No panel hot tie J. l)n. IlASKisvirit. Jliddleburgh, Pa. '1 interested in tho Teachers' "test ? For every new cash lbscribor you get for tho iare entitled to 12 coupons iiuim. 'on Sale : Prick of tho bent building and navinur ran oJ at reasonablo rates "8 to Caiiuon Skkiiolp. m House, Middleburg, Pa. duHiring extra conies of Hk'8 Post containing tho of the great collision can luted. They will howover "Id in job lots. WORKMAN s. )octfuUy, IILLI1 8cUnsgrov' I K Valuable House and Suitable for store or 1. Dcsiliililn loi'iition n,l. Wm. P. Fetter, Kratzervillo, Pa. ' tin oflico holding poli- 'l iy ambition, and some- :iiedby liis superior of- Uio opposing party has y. "in papers are warning Pure of that State that rpoJitious of the meiu- urious poual ami bone- itions are usoloss and ''J should be done away ''ttMwell. the National er, who is taking the Jlillur. examined the Ul Bank of this nl Mr. Caldwell is well the conditiou of the uding the sweater por- V 1Q examining tliA in. m - wmm 'ties he stated that the "iff a safe and careful complimented the of i'loudid s Lowing the K It is just what we Iroiu the careful super- "XCttllont 0 fllcer s who iiri of our bauk. 'ounties and ('.unity Scats U.viiciUNs, Uauoains. 5 H Pairs of Shoes on our Uargain Counteri For sale way down in price. Call and see them, at M S. Schuovkk's, A Kroilit train Colliclux with Load of Soliiijsrovo people. i Sled IdAAO D. ROMIO AND HIS SON CIIARLE 3 KILLED IN- S TANTLY. A. W. POTTER, ESQ , LOSES HIS RIOHT ARM, AND MOLLIE BURNS, A LEO ED.M. HUMMEL AND OTHERS ARE INJURED. jeiied tfa souls into eternity and brought, afflict ion to hundreds of other 8. j T"' TMKCVUsK. Outb. east Hide of tho ro i.lstau Is a new frame houso built very near to mi rmlrtiKl so tliat it is imp.is-il.l, no. ;. to HPO ft the trallf- N rain until one is n!mot on funerals I inline. After ,,,-, ,,,.,. h,.lvi,,,s llt tl.e house tho lv,,,,, ! .. ed toward the If til. JmiII v Jo . I , - tho st,,., t llt this time Moretlmn half of tin. , w, returned away being un.d,!,.,,,,,!,..,,,, ,mi SIOII. Si lill-L-lOV,. I. , 1 I ... . o one on th si.'. 1 I est i ii 1 1 j I, , heard aif)' whith until the engino was th- ,,; was ritfe nnL il.r illtrlt lit.. . 1.. 1 ii i i 1.1.1, T -----r-i -,n 1 1 T pr , "' Hint U hethi't thosi.;u:d was given bo for, t ) a oi'rl hi i no ono ft TIIKItK AUK IIOl'KS FOUTIIi: AITLICTlll). DonJLF. ITNTKM OF Till', P.O.MIGS. SKLINStJKoVK IN MOI IIMNC. Tho most teiriblu disaster that ever befel any Snyder county peo- plo was recorded last Friday morn ing at 3: iO o' clock at Ki earner sta tion. A, sleighing party of fifteen persons from Sclinsgrove wire re turning from this place where thev had spent the greater part of the tllght 1U social festivities. Tho sled was drawn by 4 mules driven bv Chas. A. Honiig and his father. I sane I). Itotnig. While crossing tho S. Sl L. Railroad at Kreamer. a full sneed west -linniul fi eii'lit Irniii Sn.tNHoitovE, Pa. 1 struck- the blediftstbukiud th mules ,ri , , ,. , .. .. , or near me unvers-seat, ine ton llio proceedings of the Snvdeit hi p. i.. ,i .ii -i . i in! K" tljB lo w'h on oua side Coui ty Jeachers Institute heldlawti ii , ,i , i , ,x , , , , ,. . , ' t othe troju jwhue the slod and its December are ready for distribution, ., n i..i n ' occupants Tuere ou the other side, Un Saturday they will be mailed to , u . , . , . un - it it. L. that the dnverB were right all wlio havo paid for tho same. The .i ,t - ' nt n . teachers who havo not pa d for theif 1 7111' . .-"-'" 'YT. , , ,1, . ; the dnvir aged about 24, with his pamphlets, should do so at onee. 1 ,v . . . J"" v An opeu grate lias just been put intlie directors room in the bauk It is a beautiful design and ii most handsomely finished by tho skillet workmanship of Aaron CrrH.'iovn 'Die room is so invitingly finished it would be no wonder if tho directors would meet all the time. Editors, as ii rule, are kind heart c ami liberal. An exchange tells of n subscriber who died and left four teen years, subscription unpaid. The editor ot the paper appeared just us the undertaker was screwing down the coffin lid and put in a linen dus ter, a thermometer, a palm leaf fan and a recipe for making ico. On Tuesday of this week it was fourteen years since tho wreck oe cured at lied Hill two miles Fast of town. A rail was broken and the engino got across but the passenger cars were badly wrecked. A great many persons wero hurt. Among them were Samuel llowen, Phillip Swineford, John Stuhluecker. Wm. Hans and others. Notice. Persons desiring to aid in the increase of edible fUh in the waters of tho State, cnu, by upplying to The Pennsylvania Fish Protect ive Association, 1020 Arch Street. Philadelphia, obtaiu placards con taining information as to elnso uou. sons of tho different varieties of lish. and information pertaining to the sauioi also blank applications for procuring Trout fry. froe. from Ponn- sylvania Fish Commissioners, will bo supplied by tho Association upon application. Mistaken Solls Who Dhkam ok Di.iss. ' The following marriage li censes have been grautod siuco our lust publication : Amnion Spriggle, West Perry, ) Amanda SI. Hutch, Henry E. Bill, Juniata Co., Mary Jaue Shawver. Adams Twn. j Geo. W. Whistler, Adams Two.. t Mary M. Weiand. " S Duuiel M. Herbst, Wash'n Twp., (Carohue Heckinau, " " 1 David A. Herrold, Chapman, Mattie 15. Stepp, Port Treverton. (Jacob A. Hummel, Kreamer, ) Rosa J. Field. " Lydia Vookely, I'erry Twp. iwiiver J i. uowersox FrauklinTwp ) Bertha M. Hearick ' ,l Franklin Ewig, Eva E. Musser, IE. P. Herman, ) Joauua Uh ich Joseph H. Snook, Middlecreek, Coretta M. Huffman, McClure Jackson Twn., Penna Twp., i.r.iscr, woro- iuoa Obiiii,t. The sou's skull wa fractured and brok en open ho that it was necessary to remove the brain. Tho father's body showed no signs of physical in jury but ho died almost instantly. Death was probably duo to heart failure caused by fright. H. Lloyd Shroyer and probably ot hers jumped from the sle 1 before the crash came. Tho train gave the sled a sudden jerk throwing some out while otheis in their desperate effort to get out and save their lives had thrown themselves into greater p ril. The engines with their puffs and snorts had but passed and the long train was yet to follow. Here lay the wreckage, consisting of mangled. bleeding bodies of life long friends while the shrieks of women and the cries of the most stout hearted men wero drowuded by the thundering noise of tho train. Tho lamentations were heart-rending in tho extreme. Of all tho torture, agony, misery, anguish, distress and grief suffered by this ill-fated party no human ton gue can tell nor human heart con oeivo. Darkness prevailed. No one know how many dead bodies would bj found when tho tr ain ha 1 pass. od. Every moment seemed tin hour and fato with its uucliangeablecoursti threatened death to all of them. Tho engineers exerted every avuil ablo means to check the speed of tho train, but it ran more than its full length beforo it could be stopped. As soon as possible ono engine was dispatched to this nlace and one to Seliusgrove to summon medical aid. Drs. Hussiuger and Mohu of this place ami Drs. B. F. and F. J. Wag- euseller of Seliusgrove were brought to the sceue of the accident. Dur- iug the interim the dead and injured were carried into Mr. Gordon's house which became a veritable hosnitublo. The uninjured made every effort to ave their .friends and to relieve them from suffering. TUB DXAO. Charles Rouiig, aged 24. who was killed was a christian youug man. le was alwavs industrious and Holier and at the time of his sudden death was a consistent member of the llo f ormed Church and Sabbath School at Selinsgrove. Isaao D. Honiig. aged 62, was a frugal and an active farmer. Ilia wife. Mrs. llomig is a weak, nervous woman and it is still feared that the news of the death of her husband and Ron may be too much for her. There are four sons away from home, two in North Carolina, one in l luladelphia and one in Willinmspoi (. THE l.lll;l;l.. A. W. Potter, V.h, hud both arms badly mangled between the elbows and wrists. The right was uiiipu tated and it is feared that the left must bo taken rff. Ho is also inter nally injured. Miss MollioC. limns. daughter of Stmuel 1'. Burns, h.nl her left leg-cut off at tho knee, her right nrm was broken and a gash cut in her bead. Miss Bums was a leader in society and highly r,Hrect. ed by nil her associates. Mis. Aunio M. I'otter, daughter of A. WJ'otfrr, was cut in tho leg War the anklo Mrs. Chas. P. Ulrich received severe bruixos in the back nnd probably a rib ' is broken. Edwin M. Hummel eusUunftd a very severe scnln wound Miss Lottie Eby suffers froiii a Blig&t.cut io the face. TW C V liartman was injured in one of tho lower limbs, yot he worked faithfully with all the other injured ones little dreaming that he himself was hurt. Tho balance of the party consist ing of Hoscoe C. North, Mrs. A. W. Potter, Miss Carrie Hen, Iricks.Chas. P. L'lrich and A. W. Smith and wifeescaped unhurt. Hoscoo North an I Prof. Hirtnian remained until the last to assist th,. pliysioiatis u, their arduous task to relieve the suf. feriug. Miss Carrie Hendricks bv the entire party was voted a heroine tor the valuable help she so gem r. ously offered. MOVINo rim IMl'liKn. At six o'clock il special train cur. l ied the dead bodies and most of tho injured ones to Selinsgrove. On Mail train east was carried A. W. Potter, his daughter Annio and Miss Burns. The town was thoroughly aroused by this time and tho streets wero crowded with curious people. Tears were brought to the eyes of the bravest men and sorrow was depicted upon every counte nance as the ambulances moved down Market Street. Never was there a sadder day in Seliusgrove and the experience of Jan.Jlth 1 will never bo forgotten. Business was almost eutilley suspended. The peoplo of our metropolis had not vet recover. od from hearing the sad news of the suicide of Mr. Gortner. Now to have thrust upon them such uuwel como news ! Oh it was honiolo ' To tho writer the that lunvr-to-bo-fonrotteii il.iv ii live no paralell. The greater part of the night was spent with tho party that was uever so jolly and haimv befor fciVory person was so happy. At half past two o'clock the huge sled load of people left the Eagle Hotel iu Swiueford each one as merry aud jolly as ever. We thou went to bed and slept uutil 7 o'clock in blissfull iguorauce of the pain, agony and distress endured by this unfortuu ate party. It required but a short time to reach the scene of the disas ter. There lay the brokeu sled; pieces of skull and brain were Beat tered along, the railroad track and the snow was crimson with human blood. Iu Mr. Qordou's house were still 3 victims of the collision, Miss Annie Potter, her father, who was writhing in pain, and Miss Mollie Burns who was then fast asleep. On the floor lay Mollie Bum's mash ed foot and A. W. Potter'B mutilat ed right hand. Oh 1 ghastly sight I How changed from a few hours be fore! One unguarded moment has- )e,'n s:gn ! i! o:( o 1h!! wa i j.'iv-i i uut n' and e v ' i v that, lie v po-i'ivc' If (!. no ono bold hea r the jinglliig of th body tyls wrapp, .' ii could ho ,i nothing. TUB t EDITION or TUK lYiri:n. Tho iii ured persons aie getting a Jong as veil as can bo expected. Tho eirc ilation h is been stariel in Mr. Power's left hand and h. i-. able to (novo his tingeks a little. This givis tho hop,, that his h and can bo s ved and justifies his friends in the hi lo of saving his life. Miss Mollie pirns is resting well consid ering heljnjuries. Her arm h i 1 t . bore-set Ed. M. Hii.nmel's face is consider Aj swollen an 1 ho h,t 1 u very serous time of it on S-iturday. but hisetneis not considered dan gerous, Uut ho has a great deal of pain, i lbs (ace and head are kwoI len and 4is eyes are closed on uc .count of th swelling. . Mrs. Cans. P. Ulrich in addition to $ craokod rib, has one rib broken ooiyr the ipine. She is not able to raiwhor head from the pillow and suffersTf .?iMnt! deal. Vfr ,.",; y! I Improving yerv rapidly. Vr. liartman. who tluu he was not injured, found that his lower limb was pierced. Ilis leg h stiff but is mending rapidly. Annie Potter and Lotti.' Kby are on a fair way to recovery. Miss Kby's f.iee bears two large spots and her eves are pretty black. Many of the o'tli ers who suffered no physical injury were prostrated from nervous ex- l'it eniell t . Even some who w..n at the party but travel, d in single cnu veyances, were weighed down with grief and excitement. Al-I-I TI'iNAI. t Mi IK 'S. We gleam from members of the unfortunate party some notes which wo append. Mrs. A. W. Smith and Carrie Hen dricks remained on the sled whil tho train passed and were not in jured. Dr Hartniau and others wen- thrown quite a distance into the air. It is thought that those who sat on the left side of the sled after rising to jump off. were throwu be tween the sled and tho train. The sled, being struck at th. front end, was dragged about ten feet. Prof. II. Lloyd Schroyer sat right behind the drivers who were killed and his escape without a scratch is miraculous. While the train was thundering past, A. W. Smith and Ii. Llovd Schroyer were tho only oj.'es on their feet. TIIK KINKKAL Ou Tuesday the funeral day for tho Ilomigs opened with a drowsily falling sno Iu fact tho snow fell so slowly and mournfully that it seemed nature itself was weening in unison with the sadness of tho hour. The day became bright to ward noon and peoplo from all oarts of the County poured into Selins grove. The Chief Burgess. (J. C. Wagensellor. issued an edict th.it. in cousequeuce of the public calami ty that Dad belallen the town, twn citizens killed and many injured, all stores should be closed from 12 M. to 3 P. M. Ti e mandate struck a popular choid and was universally obeyed. Owing to the false alarm, the Reformed Courch was consider ed unsafe and the funeral servient were held iu tho town hall Long before OUe o'clock tha fifim set for the funeral large numbers of mends went to (be bouse of mourn ing. I he Odd Fellows, of which the son was a member, the G. A. It. to wliicn the father ; l4ilonirt,i ad.i n, nvsv HMV Hook and LaddW Company with which both were filiated were all it I Ill's I 1 1 .iv. l: "'lioi't i?!g !l-.sste 1 1. KoV r I ie l-V ' .mi was t!,,. ar.. v. W. A Hi.. r i .yiu.m. He by l,"vs. Vuty, Iv. an ! S !, I. I ,' : i il the le i l I'm, 1 i'i III"!, till- i .l'r- 1 i :eii ICIli Ol'; Wife inia Oi'lletlfnr, After til Were I ,i I ' 'tiiet ry. v i t ! , . , gl".e. T -I " ery e-.i'-'i pros,.,,.,. ,v ,. I e-lis an I an ( sign wa, j.r,..: Ii" p:u v u I, ,: I'iie vy :n i , , ; I, v muiilv i, ui ti, th,. 1. reave I faiml The injur.-. 1 an- r iving all tlu Mi" that l e.i'ig !. s can .1.. Thi- H!l Is (he s l ! I,.,t Chanter il! th.. I,w lilt V. til t! -if til I ' e. ally l.i a i! ifiil ,1, 1 by the ( Kl Cl,i!, i I Ii-'.V u , re hauling "I the entire coin t.-rv ,,f , - I! H is Everybody would bi pleased if tin tini 's wen- better, that is if business were booming, work wep. plentv and bills eay to collect It can l.e ',1.,,,,. easily. Th" way to begin is for eei y one who has any cash to use it in Haying his or her debts. Just soon as business men are able tool loot what is due them they will take heart and increase their prrchases. This necessitates the em ryniout ht 1 u' i-;oiui'ri oi more han-is. These in turn then carry their earn ings back to the m -reliant, the gro cer, the dealer, the milliner, and all others in trad.-. Even the printers get their share. You must Se- how important, then, it is to pay what you owe. The plan is easily oan'i. OUt. No one can lo,e t hereby. Try it. and if it don't pr,,.,-,. n ili; Ul, vr,. lllise never believe ariot her word y see in the , nil,,,!. ..'. ,,,7, , V Cm, I. 1 M.J .11 In I I have sumo m.-n's Imy", and el roll over coats hicii I will sell at b 1111.120 i-ercent. offmark.-l price, The same discount will be allowe. on boys' youths' and men's eh-thing Now is the time to come if you uoeil anv thing. I will dispose of all m goods cheap in order to save trouble aud expense ot moving goods. will move next month to th,. First National Bank building. So Come !U '"ll'1'- It. Gl-Nsi:i-H.iEII. A bill of special interest to tho la bor interests has been introduced in tho House by Mr. Amos, of Cleur tield. It provides for a State Hoard of Arbitration and Mediation for the settlement of differences bo tweeu employers and their employes and makes arbitration compulsory. The board is to lie appointed bv the (loveruor uud is to consist of live members, two of whom aru to I... selected form bona lido aud recog nized labor org iui..itioin, two to be employers, or selected from some association representing employers of labor, and the lifth must repre sent neither and is to be chairman. A copy of the annual catalogue of Tho Ponnsylaviiia State College has boeii received, showing an attend ance of 310 students in that growing institution for tho present year. Tho faculty and instructors number 43. Courses of study are offoi-e.l along teachnical lines in Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry. Civil Engineer. ing, Electrical Engineering, Mining Engineering, and Physics and in General Scieuce and Latin Science The facilities aud & Dili Dimwit fiii - w. teaching studies embraced in those different courses an the preparation required for entrance, are fullv shown iu the catalogue. Boiugen- dowed by the National and State governments, tuition is offered free. Persons interested iu examining the advantages of diftereut colleges can obtain a copy of this catalogue by addressing the presidout. Dr. Geo. W. Atherton, State College, Penna