The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 24, 1895, Image 1

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    THE POST Jigf liiirli
l, empHft'lrnlly NP.WS
fl.l',l,,,1'l'"I",,nn1 L the ri-ople. Il c.
P.--!.. rn nlwn.vft 'l,n f'-r
ti,, ,n'uwt'n of lopiin of
;itlTVSl w pw... .......
Klw 1B1 JHBWhift m mm-
VOL. 32.
thiug iu tlomnml, Post coupons.
Aie you square? Wo mean on our
1'redriek Shrader of Seliusgrove
Las i town last week.
Undated coupons will not bo good
Mvr Jan. 2'.th
Ilev. Neff of Shenandoah wpt-tit
i vt rul days in town last work.
Rest on Nell' of (lord on visited rcl
tives at tho County scut lust wvi.k.
The first meeting of the now Hoard
f Pardons will bo held February
What E. G. wonll liko to
-e a town clock on tho court
Mrs. Julia Dcinningor of Millhcim
atited Arthur Reaver utul family
ist week.
Mrs. Emma Ribighaus ami fain-
hv will move to Mifllinburg in tho
prin g.
Fur capos wo aro closingout at cx-
letly half price. Como nu J hco.
Ruskle & Walteii.
Ofull Bweot words of tonguo or
leu, the sweetest aro" received pay-
peut." Call again.
Geo. C. Smith of Olcn Hazel, Elk
juuty spent Sunday with his par-
tats nt this place.
A Seliusgrove man is like a bad
bote when he gets a black eye. It
iworu his face value.
Foil Rent. The west part of uiy
aus&aud lot in Franklin is for rent,
in. 17, 4t. ' S. B. Walteii.
Mrs. A II. Smith, tho estimable
k if e of editor Smith of Elizabethvillo
us visiting in town last week.
If left to the author's caro the in
mio tax of this decade will go into
listory as a child without a parent.
C. A. Miller of Millerstown, a con-
taut reader of the Post, paused
Birough town on his way to New
Will you try n pair of those beau-
ful Gent's Put Leather Tip Shoes
i a very low price ?
Hl'nkle & Walteii.
Middleburgh boasts of a few self
bade men. The self-made man nat-
rally has trouble to trace his un-
23 per ceut. discount will be allow-
1 on all goods purchased at Guns-
irger's on his special bargain day,
in. 2(!th.
There will be no hog sale in Mid-
li'buigh, as previously annouccd,
i account of tho high prioe of
idiuua county pigs.
The natuo of S. II. Yodor was iu-
pvertantly omitted last week iu
iblishing u list of tho directors of
o Middleburgh Bank.
Ira. C. Schoch and wife of Selins-
n-e spent last Thursday at tho
uuty soat. They drove a spirit-
I horse iu a handsome cutter.
Wasted. Clean 2 uud 4 oz. bot-
. 1 ceut a piece. No panel bot
s wanted. Du. Hashinoeu.
Middleburgh, Pa.
K. Gunzburger will have a special
gain day on Jan. 2rth when he
'1 offer a special discount of 23 per
nt. on all goods bought of him
nt day.
JiiiicK Foh Sale : Rrick of the best
ality for building and paving can
secured at reasonable rates
applying to Cahuoh Seeuolp,
ashington House, Middloburg, Pa.
It's a cold day when I get loft",
sed a thirsty man in Middleburgh
t Friday when he shiverincly
covered that his favorite land
4 refused to give him another
'rank Rowersox of Rook Spriugs,
utre County is visiting relatives
this place. During his stay he
led at our ofllco and left $1.50 so
t tho Post shall continue its vis
to his home.
Coupons without dates will not be
good after Tuesday Jan 2'.Uh.
Jacob Rhoads who had been at
Harrisburg visiting bin oi l homo is
again iu town.
An entertainment was held in
Ocker's School house, Centre Two.
last Friday evening. II. A. Rower-
sox is tho tcaclioraud tho entertain
ment was a brilliant success.
A live deer was seen skirmishing
across the fields near Fremont last
week. Ho was chased out of the
woods by Homo dogs. The deer es-
ciped again to a secure hiding place.
Raho.uss, Bakoainh. ."ion Pairs of
Shoes on our Bargain Counter.
For sain way down in price. Call
nnd see them, at M S. Si mkoyeu's,
Sh.INsoKhVE, Ta.
The nomination convention of
Franklin Township will continue
from 1 to (1 P. M. on Saturday in
stead of from I to 4 P. M. as pre
viously announced.
Siiinyh.fs ! Sniyu.r.s !J I have just
received Kio.iiiKiXo. 1,2 and 21-inch
White-pine Shingles. Call and see
them before buying elsewhere.
, F. II. Maurer, New Berlin, Pa
Begining with this week all cou
pons will bo dated stating how long
a coupon will bo good. This is ren
dered necessary to avoid combina
tions by persons who aro collecting
Correspondents must not write ou
both sides of a hheet. If their sup
ply of paper is exhausted they
should iuforin us. Our correspon
dents would save us a great deal of
uunecnssar.r. trouble br consulting
The nominations for the February
election must bo made 18 days bo
fore the election and tho nomina
tions certified to tho Commission
ers' Oflice on or before tho 1st day
of Feb. lN!).j.
Tho prophets who were around
last week predicting that tho French
Republic had reached the end of its
rope now perceive that that same
institution has severval thousand
coils of twisted hemp lying upon the
reserve thrives.
A letter was received from tho
dead letter ofiico in Washington by
a Senator addressed to him at " tho
Senate of Peun'u, Philadelphia."
Tho clerks in tho dead letter ollico
think that Philadelphia is tho Capi
tal of Pennsylvania.
It was Brother Andrew Carnegie
who the other day said it was a sin
for auy man to die rich. Perhaps
Brother Carnegie has just cut tho
wages of his employes from 35 to 50
per cent, in his solicitude to preveut
them from dying sinners.
Tho nominating caucus of the
Ropubliciiusof Middleburgh willje
held in tho Public School house on
Thursday evening Jan 21th at !:30
P. M. Tho convention for nomina
ting will bo held on Saturday Jan 2ti,
in tho Register and Recorder's
ollico from 1 to 1 P. M.
Ordinarily the winter time is con
sidered an uufavorablo season for
a strike, but a striko ou a trolley line
is an exception. The motormeu
who pick out the period of cold
snaps for a tie-up show great shrewd
uess at least, if they work for a
company which refuses to uso ves
tibulod cars.
Many people are not familiar with
the origin of the superstition of the
number 13. It is supposed to have
orginatod when Christ sat down
with the twelve apostles, to feast,
he being the thirteenth, and after
wards crucified. Since then it is
supposod by superstitious people
that thirteeu is au unlucky number.
The Musical Convention to be
held at Seliusgrove promises to be a
graud affair. It will open Monday
Feb. 4th. Two grand concerts will
be given ou Friday and Saturday
nights of the same week. Special
musical talent has beau engaged for
the oooasBion and the affair promises
to be a grand event.
Tho welcomo nows reached our
ears that Middleburgh will get a
new hotel building next summer.
We understand that tho Washington
House is to be rebuilt. This is a
commendable move and will greatly
assist in improving tho ceutral por
tion of town.
"'Wlnit, Ill m nanii'?, In Mlys iM -
Fur mirly' t w no mIii,
If nnn a III tic siinkt"MMr know,
To Kniui'tlini't work II In.
Ami nil", with Hi it swn'l iii.'li-n nlnll,
Tlmi w ii in.i'i iillntvi,
I.(Kiki'i sin iv il'iwn. ;iinl M.rily H.u.1.
TliiTt' M wryl IiIhk In j itnr-t. "
Oliver (Jilb -i t, a negro lecturer of
Maryland, ou Saturday evening
Hpoko to a large audience iu the
Court House. Ho addressed our
peoplo also on Monday evening. lie
is a speaker of ability and in elo
quent strains defended the American
negro. Ho and his son delighted
tlio audiences with some excellent
plantation songs.
A charter has been granted to I).
P. Rockefeller, W. H. Lyon, Oeo.
H. Gibson, R. F. Adams and J. K.
Mc Williams to organizo a company
to bridge the Susquehanna river at
Sunbury. The gentlemen say that
tho company will bo organized at
onco and au effort will bo mako to
raise the money to build tho bridge.
Three sets of largo pictures show
ing many scenes about tho Blooms
burg State Normal school have been
sent to us. We have placed them
on exhibition in tho largo bay win
dow of tho Bank building. This
will give overy body a chance to see
by photographic! views where tho
winner of tho Post's most Popular
Toachor Prize will go.
I have some men's boy's and child
ren ovor coals w hich I will ne' at lo
15 and 20 per cent, off marked price.
Tho same discount will be allowed
on boys' youths' and men's clothing.
Now is tho time to como if you need
anything. I will disposo of all my
goods cheap iu order to save trouble
and expense of moving goods. I
will move next month to the First
Natioual Bank building. S Como
at once.
Reap and iiememueh that I am of
fering my goods at prices to suit,
everybody. (.Hosing out Pound
cans of Baking Powder with tea pot
at -" cts. Calico from t to 0 cts. a yd.
Best Lancaster Gingham at ! cts.
per yd. Also Boots and Shoes at re
duced prices. Pleuso give me a call
and be convinced of the fact that
you can buy at bargains to please a'1
Yours Respectfully,
Jan. 17, :it. T. A. Ewiso.
Bi'CKNEi.L Academy. A school for
young men and boys, T. A. Edwards,
A. M. Principal. Prepares for col
lege, teaching or business, thorough
instruction, firm discipline, personal
caro of students. Mild and health-
iui cumiuo. .ext sessiou opens
Jan. 2nd, lS'.l.i. For catalogue or
particulars, Address,
W. C. GiiETziNOKit, Registrar,
12-20-41. Lowisburg, Pu.
A Musical Convention will be
held in Middleburgh during the
week, commencing February 11th.
Some very fiue Specialists have been
engaged and the Concerts promise
to outshine those of last year, if pos
sible, lho whole mauagomeut wi"
be in the hands of Prof. Paul Bill
hardt, whose ability as a Conductor
and Musical Director is too well
known to comment upon.
It is predicted in some of the pa
pers of tho state that there will be
an eilort made to change the present
license law by tho incoming legis
lature. The important change pro
posed is to take the power to grant
licenses from the judiciary aud place
it iu the hands of county commis
sioners or excise boards. This
change is not as ked for by the peo
ple, therefore it would be for the
legislators not to take a step which
they would have occasion to regret
hereafter. No doubt many of the
judges would like to be rolieved
from this responsibility, but it is
questionable whether a change
would prove satisfactory to the pub
lic. We do not hesitate to express
the opinion that the law had better
remain aa it is. Cambria Herald.
CO., PA., JANUARY 24, 1895.
How the Vote Stands.
C. W. Smith, Midb'g 471
L. C. Buchiiian, Franklin 4C8
Chas. K. Fisher, Peuii, ...325
Edwin Charles, Perry 2!7
M. C. Harner, Franklin l.' l
1). L. Gembeiling, I'enii, II
A. S. Seehrist, I'nion X
J. J. Steely, V. Reaver, II
Tho above statement includes the
votes puhlihd last week.
The Middleburgh Post Office was
moved on Monday to tho new room
in the banlv building. Tho office
looks ycry neat and pleasant and
considering tlio size of the town it
compares well with tho most hand
somely furnished ollico at Solii'S
grove. Middli-burgU has reason to
feel proud of its new office aud Billy
Snyder, tl.u nsMstuut, is happy in
his new apartments.
Girls who luivo formed tho un
lovely habit of chewing gum are in
formed on the authorityof a famous
scientist that it produces faco wrink
les runningfrom the nose towards the
corners of tho mouth. The girl who
wishes to avoid such wrinkles will
stop chewing gum. Probably she
would not stop for anything else,
but when the choice is between an
unw rinkled and a wrinkled one the
gum will have to go.
Tho Spring election will take place
on Tuesday Feb. 19, for borough and
township officers. Great care should
bo takeu to select good men. The
positions to be filled in Middleburgh
aro two persons for Town Council,
two persons for School Directors,
on r-a-u rieer. one person
for assessor, one person for auditor,
ouo person for judge of election, two
persons for Inspectors of election
and one person for High Coustablo.
A bill has been introduced in the
state Legislature making it com
pulsory upon counties to establish
a county pom- house for the main
tenance of the poor and to provide
work for those able to do it. Rep
resentative Herman w ill likely make
know n to the people of the Count v
the purport of the bill. This matter
has been discussed by the papers of
the County and it should again be
carefully considered so that our re
presentative will know how to vote
ou the question.
There is a compulsory educatiou
bill ready to be launched upon tho
Legislature. The word compulsory
and arrest do not appear in the bill.
It is a complete blind on those
points. It requires parents and
guardians of children betweeu the
ages of H and r years to attend a
public or private school for at least
sixteen consecutive weeks each year.
A violation of the proposed act shall
be a misdemeanor, punishable for
the first offense by a fine not ex
ceeding twenty-five dollars, and for
each subsequent offence by a fine
not exceeding twenty-five dollars,
or by imprisonment not exceeding
thirty days or both, at thediscretiou
of tho Court.
After fourteen years of faithful
aud efficient services as assistant
Postmaster at Seliusgrove, Wm. G.
VonNeida will retire from the ser
vices of Uncle Sam. There is a uni
versal feeling of regret among tho
patrons of that oflice to logo Mr,
VonNeida. Iu the entire 14 years'
service, wo have the first complaint
to hear concerning his treatment of
of patrons, yet lie voluntarily retires
from his present position with a
view of spending his eutire time and
and attention in the life insurance
business. A special effort was
made by the citizens to induce Mr.
VonNeida to remain, but feeling the
oeed of recreation and more out
door work, he was compelled re-luc-tantly
to decline their earnest solici
tation. Harry Laudenslager, a
young man of sterlling qualities,
will succeed Mr. VonNeida and by
close application he will bo able to
serve the people satisfactorily. All
parties concerned have our bout
wishes. He will retire Feb. 1st.
A New Fe un m tho Prizu Offer.
Some intet ning and peculiar do
velopraonts I ,ve como to light as the
contest for I 1 1 l,NTH p,.,.,, Scholar-1
ship prize f. nt est advances. We1
are well rim that tho pii.. is ,111
unusually. la. noueand hence we are ;
uot Buprisuu ut find such vigorous!
work to capture tho bonanza. All
expenses paid for 11 weeks ut i
Uloomsbuig State Normal School is ;
an offer that has never been equalled 1
in the history of count ry join hiilisiii.
Wo want a warm contest and every j
effort will bo put forth to discourage j
aud to prevent, if possible, any ad-
vautagtthat might bo enjoyed by.
anyone person over others. Coup j
ons are at a premium in nil parts fj
tho County. Coupons are bartered;
in some instances like stocks mi
Wall Btreet. A cent a piece is often
Daid for coupons and iu some eases
a demand of two cents, mi, I even
moreahas beeu ma le for a single
coupon. Tlio bartering business
is distasteful to tho editor w ho Ins
made the liberal offer, but ho can d
nothing to abate the mischief unless
by opening another avenue for the
supply of coupons ou a different
basis. - It was to be presumed that
coupons would bo willingly and
gratuitously voted iu behalf of
frieoala. y Of course we believe that
most of Uiem aro voted iu this way.
We 6fi not mean that any of the con
testants have offered pay for coup
ons, but some of their friends un
interested in their welfare. Wo are
glado see this and aro wiling to en
cauragofas" much as possible the
frieuiMr -ntoreHt already nlistod U
behiuf v f the vartos-mnaldate.
Many of the contestants and friends
hive sent us quite a number of sub
scribers and some few have not
sent us any. As long as it is a more
rapid way of collecting coupons In
going to see old subscribers, no new
ones will bo solicited or at least
only a few. Every fair-minded and
intelligent man or woman will admit
that the giver of tho prize must
derive some benefit from the offer.
We will however remain true to our
original pledg-j not to seU auy coup
ons or papers containing coupons
except as before stipulated one to
each subscriber. For the tho reas
ons above stated we will offer coup
ons as a premium to all who enlist
their services in behalf of tho Posr.
Contestants or friends of contest
ants will be eutitled to I.' premium
coupons for every new subscriber
they get who pays a year in advance.
We do this so that it will bo profit
able for all contestants to work to
secure newcash subscribers. Cou
pons cut from the Posr aro good
when voted the same as before.
This is still keeping all contestants
ou an equality since all contestants
have au equal chance to exert them
selves. This is placing a premium
upou industry and that is the key
to all success. The coupons in the
Post this week aro dated. All coup
ons witnout n Uato must lo sent 111
to tho committee until Tuesday eve
uiug, Jan. 2'Jth lKG. This is necess
ary iu ordor to protect candidates
now in tho field. Coupons are be
ing collected in various parts of the
county and aro being held. If they
are not called in, combinations may
bo made and enough power placed
in the hands of two or three persons
to elect some one. Hence all coup
ons that are not dated will not be
counted after Jan. 2'Jtb. We regret
that it is necessary to make this re
nuiretnent, but it was niado nocoss
ary by the action of candidates who
hold their coupons. We wuut to
give all candidates an equal chance.
M: Idleburg occassiouully has the
privilege of seeing an aristrocratic
trump. One ot this character was
in town the other day. The follow
ing conversation will explain mat
ters: Tramp "Ploaso, lady, toko
back this pie you gave. Ludy
"You feel that you don't deserve it,
eht ' Tramp "No, lady, it am t
that. I'm 'fraid I'll disgrace my
perfe Jion tryin' to cut it,"
NO. 4.
Died By
His Own hand.
Wm J. Qortnor, a prominent
Citizen of Selinstfrove,
Committed Suicklo by
hanging himself.
KIN N. I .
'i H"i iii.ks in 1:11.11 in ,1 is
MI I.Kit MIX ,. M.I.I- I ,
sn:fi ru
The l!,i.w..v arm of fate i'j itj.
cruel deMiny l,;,s f.,,,,,,1 ,iili,tllt.r
human victim. Like a chip of thun
der from :l t l. ii- sky f, 11 H. ,.VVr: vn
Tues.l ,y (. veiling tli (t Wm. . I. (J.irt
iier ..f S, Improve 1m l commited
suicide. Tln news spread ovim- the
County like wild fir.-. The first to
arrive ut t h,. scene of tho tragedy
from outside of Seliusgrove was a
I'm lepoiter. The spectacle was
anything but pleasant. There lay
tile l.feless form of olio of the nob
lest benefactors of Seliusgrove.
The wheels of industry in his town
were oilod by his energy and ambi
tion. The canning factory, the only
late industry of which tho town can
boast, is the product of his ambi
tion. Ho was 11 member of the
Board Trustees of Susquehanna
University, an officer in tho church
an I enjoyed beyond all others the
high esteem of his fellow mn. II
was always jolly until the last few
mouths. Tho responsibility of busi
ness reverses depicted cares and
troubles upou his b-pw. Ou Mon
wLih in conversation with tho "h li"
tor of this paper seemed sorely dit
tressed. Au execution was issued against
him on Monday.
AU his personal property was lev
ied on Tuesday morning. At four
o'clock ho went to tho barn to do
soino milking. Ho fed the cattle
and brought the milk to the house.
Ho ret urned again to (he banian I
live minutes later his body was
found by his daughter Minnie hang
ing from the rafters of tho roof.
Evidently he jumped from abeam.
The body was suspended from a
strap which was cut by Wm. Van
lUiskirk. The coroner's inquest was
held by John M. Rover, Dr. 15. F.
Wagcuse'lcr, Dr. M. L. Eim-rick,
Dr. H. M. Nipple. A. W. Smith and
Wm. Van Riiskirk. Tho verdict
rendered was that the ileceased met
death with suicide caused by tern
popiry insanity.
Win. J. Gortncr is dead and the
town of Seliusgrove has lost one of
its best citizens. He w-as a man of
unyielding integrity. 1111 unblemish
ed character and a promoter of pub
lic weal, lie leaves a loving wife,
two faithful daughters aud a tin tif ill
son, Oden, who is the highly respect
ed Principal of lho Miflliutowu
Representative Einerseii Collins.
of Lycoming, has introt'.cued a bill
in the House, which is ihc first stop
towards establishing High schools
iu the rural districts. The measure
allows two or moio districts to es
tablish joint High t-chnols to le
classified as of three different grades
those in w hich tho course of study
is of fourycars'duration to bo known
as the first grade ; those iu which
tho course is three years to be known
as the second grade, and those of
two years as third grade. From the
annual appropriation for tho sup
port of High schools tho first grade
shall receive not more than HiX)
aunually, tho second $000 and tLe
the third $4i)0. In case of insuffici
ency of appropriation each grade is
to receive a proportional share.
The bill designates the studies in
which the teachers of such schools
uliull he examined, requires au
annual statement to he made to the
Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion giving as to the teacher, classes
courses of study. Tho course
of study is subject to the approval
of the Superintendent of Public
I Instruction.