1 s m H s? hs 11 la An v.i. i try U,s I tun- me ti rs iiT) Dl l)f. :iu', I ll I r.ul S fV-tl Ik--1 ifis'-l Wirt : 10"'" a.ov.: m i is ih-n i won H m all v sbMt-r (lrniw WlliUi N.V r i'i-A reail-l' red ot rsV: is on-r by c'in-t d i y llllllg o( IllrO ' id or lu .tlrelr ci . tlio it' ll. U til out t" Inn butr surfing Hart I rrh) " Jure with tenveu. L Vf , Uciviac-1 axullvc rt tiyMeia .. To lie ilv Ulll''11'' n. only, f ' I bottlea. :itd oa V ..tlnoT r-1 l,.rtro'i,-l iltatlotiirn IiptOU.Nl- iiixtraUit. nco Aiuivl of r' . mi oUU'.'- ...?.ll till- iliou alHe-it Mter. pre ,,( tho diuur U. CIA.. 11. In? Rvj'ir nu. redue ' wind coll - 4 wa It'" . . ... fix Vl ' IU IU ,'re f..r It I ot. rl, I"J- d. vps Jr' list"".. the Chlldr t.' esr.anl BIT ww the 1' Joux C. SIXTEEN E1VES LOST. DISASTROUS FLOOD. three Town on tho Isthmus Xnundntsd. Alto Tb "New Vorlt IItuM's" ;Ib1 entile friin I'.'Ji'nos Ajro says: I'.lo Jimrlo nd rios ftiito thut tto cholera lemlo Is ou the Itu-renso. W1ij. cargoes of drl '.l meat Bro l.eitm MturneJ to tht owners, thu ne-.'S-Mry ftitniKuliuu I y tlm hcul'.h b ar 1 having turn'"'! bwl which l.ul U'jca rocelroj ro ioufly. Ss hii bpTi riwlvsil from lllo of a dis astrous llool lu IVlropolls, tho fiihlon.tllu lut'tirbot Ui i'u pit itl, lu wtik-lt slxtreu ,cr (t,n wr-re drowned. A special cl)lo dls.nt.'li fro-n r.inniiit snvs: I'lpiU'l:'K puljllnha.l hern from tlm .e.int rr.riitn of I'arli'ii statu thut the towns ot l'nya, 1,1 Llinou nnd Ta(.llz have Ihh-u lutm Ut.'.l ty th overllowlnn river tulra. Nifpri,l hou'os hsva l'l destroyed, .laiiliitloL rtti I crops wiisbi'd away, and raMlo killtdd. Hull Jri;J of nersons up? how-less. 15,000 MURDERED. Eumbir of Victims to Turkish Cruelty Still Orowmir. A letter Just rei clved lu lloston from rt point f.irtlio ot ot tho reeent outrages Id E;u-t"rn luri.',y p!nv'fl tho number of sluiiKlittre.l Armenians ut fully 15,000. It Is written by a n.iw lu whom lha LIkIic.-I coufMeiKO Is I iceJ, and portions uro too terrlMo to rejeuL Tfce writer In part says: Hi.; Armenian, opposed ly Kurd and Turk?, said: "Wo ei.iiie.l tuiy luxe U both Kiir l' nud government.' I'tutidered nnd op (tiwd ! llio hurds. they rented tlieins l!,T'' were louto mitcii. i m-n nu.m iT" i"iit to Cousti.inmc.pl" that tlie Ariuenl u wf" I" rm I" rehidon. Or.ier wt.j kuI t j tlio tiniflilr ut Kr.riipiu to exteruiln u1..; t!.. :i.. 1 no order r'iid lefnr tho army oil :: 1 In hut ; Irom all tho olii'd tribes ol tvt.-rn Turkey wore: 'Whoever ppares tnati, vtu:ii' ii "r eliildreii is disloyal." 1'hn rt'Klou cii - r o.iU'lea uy gunners una .ur ls wo uro fcit'd to lnivo been niaed Lre. 1 lien tll" UOVBII.-'i U upou luo ieu re. Jriviur lu tlio peoplo llko a lloek of :.ep, i.i. a ei.titlnuva llius to uuvuuoe lor ,sv. No quarter was Klveii; no tiier.'y L.'r.vn. Men, women and ehlldren woro ttv l"t down or buleherea like ueep. ro'.aily whe athey wero get U.on In thu ,iv i-oiiiu tried to civo their lives and re. ,ted in hell deleUM-. .Many WHO eould J la nil i.lrei'tions, but tlio majority was am. Iin) mi's; prounl.lo estimalo is 13,0t!0 ...i. vimitfe piuud'rMl, rur.ed and riie.l. Wo:ueu wero oulriweil and men .Hi.-r-d. A rl' ft was taken to thu - ul of hi"1 church and haoked to ,.cet alii tho edllleo set on lire. A riji nuii.Lvr ol womeu and irls collected etiurvu, w ro k' pt lor uaye, mo pori oi iher, and thn murdered. It H said tho rul r uiv" fo lur-te that tho blood tlowuj lo! tho church door. lne .olUii r contended over ft boautiful ! tliey wa'ite.l to preerve, but hhe, too, was nd. A u con lit mat ion .f tlio report thu i.'rilnv several hundred soldier won rs liii irotn the neat of war aud ono was jd to nay that ho alone, with his owu 4. bad killed thirty iirccnaui womeu. HANGED AND FROZEN. trrld Outrage Practiced on Harmless Man by Whltecapa. I'm atory ot n Btarlluu outrao comes from Ilk river. W. Vh. At Coonskln. about 2 a.ni. xt. :t 23, four men went to tho houue of .l';uru'.ne, harmless white man who ,!o:.e. Dracjiiua blm from bed tbet ra:i.Ve hhj.-oufens to its Murder of i. it tuliace and Ills mother In a suburb of '.estou. four years niro. Mourulna denied kcowled(;o of the crime, whereupon the . put a ropA ubout his neck and burnt him l ratter of his house. Taklua him down. I averted his Innocence and lnorntice, iupou no was s:rtiug up ogaln and this wben taken dotva was unconscious. Ivnlajd him iJo-.vu nal Mt hj-'rl !mif 1 y Lo w.rTT'.iui,' on tho floor, t .'-r reisje; sVifrul dcgreei I When loiind bj- noiixTiljors ovori 0 llief- i s below era) hour vtih btill uneouseious nnd his leiw f Iri.-.n to uhovo his knees and his vara Utiltwcre frozen. Hi was tak';p to o !'l house nud his coulilion U kfill il. A deiiiiiv BhenlT aud a renresnntn. 'A tlio .r09?cutiiu attorney wer.t in kiu ntd a thorough luvi-btlgatlou will QUICKLY LYNCHED. untes Make Short Work of Thrai Oklahoma Uorse Thieves. Neuaies from Kinpflnher, Oklahoma, of of three borso thieves In the fiaonnj Arapaboo country. Theses lave been' the victims of mnraudimr a let horse and cattlo tbieves, aud flading Uioritles too slow lu brlnijiuu offenders . vik'iianee committees were crvaulz- lii.rne thioves havrt been particularly lute, aud the viullautck a few davn lifted ou tho trull of one baud, followed iu-.' l auiiaudlo ol Icxm tm.-li Into thu iBe.'ountry, and overtook It near Cau- Friday. Here a bloody battle wa . renuitiuit lu tho woundiug ot George nnd Simon Campbell. r teveral hours ol hard flchtlna the t'n succeedod In routing and eaptur ol thu tb loves. Tho prisoners re. ' dive tholr names or to make uiiv din. (but would lead to tbe arrest of the it were surly and deflaut. After a I -xulb' consultation the vhriiautes ' prwouurs to a oonveniont snruee "'"d them, riddled tLnir bodies with I 'l left them hanging as a warning EiNTUCKY LYNCHING. Diss Taken From JaU and Hanaed fler a Desperate 8trur;ale. Berlins, Ky., ubout 2 o'clock VTed jruuijra mob of twouty-ilve men oum ) li"11'1' " 'lie county Jul, overpowered Jailer ifed the key and took from th Jail ' ei Jiuruu county aud hanged him trestle in the city limits. Uialr 'I'eratuly for his lllo, and was 0 iiupiisibility before be was huuii r was ouu o( tne parties who assist. ' Capt. J. L. boiiiar iu this city 'ify. lie was cleared of the charge jutl tor sboutlntf with intent to kill J ago. fu Delaware Legislature. be Delaware Benate met It was call I'f by tormer Clerk Hurdcaslle, and formor Clerk Layton performed ""a. ine newiy uleclea onicers worn in. Ia the afternoon the message was read. It condemns im 01 votes and urges the Leirlsla. ohl HoVle . beon Bi'luS too practice. Messrs. 1'yle, y. kVDhHrd nnd KollHtn wurik ,Uo llouso Committee to attend the "JU of Governor-eleot Murvil. In t ootices ot contest In the coses of Pber, I'lerco and Moore, llepuli- ruMK, were Olod and referred to -1 1 in' fume on Elections. The jjround for lUt tin. .11... .I.. ....... UoTL- . ...vkiuivu I . II ft .CUR' 1 iuto au acree-mmt with J. F.d. lo votu fur him for Ilnitml lor If U0 would Day their cum- c. TRADE REVIEW. The Number and Extent of Failures Com pared With Former Yersv It. O. Dun A Co' Weekly llevlow Failure for are fully reported this week, Mag U.S-15 In the United States and 1,55(5 In tho Dominion ot Cauada. Liabili ties In the United States were 1172,932,830, and In Canada ei7,G10,21S. Neither the decrease of oyer half In this country nor the increase of over 40 per cent in Canada Is surprising, but the statement shows that most ot tho decrease In the United Mate Is In maiiuf.icturluir liabilities, wnlle tho entire Increase in Canada Is in liabilities of trndiiiit concerns. A few stntos. Including New York nnd Pennsylvania, show more failures than In 1'.3, and iu a low Houthrrn Mtntes the liabilities are larger but In Central and Western States very much smaller. In II of the last 38 years, reported liabili ties havo been larger tlm 11 lmn though for this yaar nnd lM'.is the stab incut Is confined to commercial failures, as It was not in form it years. The failures havo been 12.5 In every 1.000 firm doing business. Tlio liabilities have nveraaed ti;I2.77 lo each linn In trade, and In proportion to tho volume of solvent bust nes represented by all t tearing House ex changes, for every (I.O.ni. Thu complete review of different brnuche ot businc? places lu a clear light the fact that prices ot commodities are nt tho lowest level ever known. Kltrht years ago, iu July, prices averaged only 73. f.y por cent, of the price for the same articles, and In the same markets, January I, liti'i. and this remained thu lowest point ever touched until Auguxt 10. l-i'.i;!, wheu tho average fell to "2.7(1: but early In the pat year prices dropped below all previous record aud have never recov ered, the, average Jicccmtcr 2ii Icing only C.7.1 per cent: of tho prices In 1t,o. The range was very little burlier at tlio eud of tho year, and about as l. 1 ., ht i The fall since'a yar ago lias been 3',' per cent, but very unepi.l in ditlTent brunches. In irou and steel products, II per cent.: In wool, 1 1.4 per ccut: in wooleus and cottons, nbinit 13 per cent. Hu so 1 halites contrast sharply with tlio decline of wages paid p.!" hour's work, which average only 1.2 J. cent less tliau n year ago. The condition of Industrie has been large. y governed by the full lu prices, nnd while production is much greater than a year ago, tho aggregate iiicrcii-c being fairly measur by the Increase fit t.2l per cetit In hours of work done In November, compared wfththe I revl .us year, It has been tho cmtrolllng tent 11 re iu almost every important industry that consumption fun not kept paco with tho output aud hus not sustained prices. Iu iron and steel tho lowet prices of the year nro at the closo nnd the lowest ever know.'., the demand calling lor h-ss than half tho usual quantity of rails, with largo decrease in many other branches, though probably tho use of structural f,,rms was larger In lH'.'l tliau ever bi'fore. I lie wool.-u industry rec. ords a production for the yenr nlM.ut a iiiart'T l.s tliau normal, and for the last four mouth .'N.17 per cent, less than in ls'.u in quantity of wool c. hMiuicd, but In vnluo of product tho iiecrea-o was, 01 course, greater. 'llio year has been c.-p.vinlly notwortby for tho lowest prices of wheat and cotton on record, lloth suller from wholly uuprcce dented accii'uiilation ot stocks, the crops oeuig larKe. tnusido this country wheat production hn not increased enough to Justify a price of (!) cents at New ork, and tho accumulation is largely due to false reports of yield Intended to frighten buyers and ralso prices. The same influence) bus been felt In cotton, which Is also affected by world-wido depression In luniucss nud duerenso in consumption ol goods. In other produce markets tho yvur una ueen relatively uuimporiant. DISTRESS IN ST. JOHNS. Commission to be Appointed to Seoure Relief. A number of citizens who led in tho affairs of tbe colony bare combined to bring about w Gviuiufj ni s) fitnocic coaTuajion w o-.-held at Ht. Johns at an early date to devise way and mean for extricating the colony from the present position and for relieving the poverty which Is so general. The gov erment Intends nppolmlng a local commis sion of Inquiry, claiming that it is as Compe tent to deal with the iroubbu as a royal cjjrT.ksTinrisI lt It could uceompliin. the v:i KiTolf 7ed:iy. The crew of tTifl warship Tnurmallno fed 300 huugry people ouo day. Tho crew nr? very generous lu their benefactions nn l tfcy have received much pralso in c7s?!JTL'Trt Tho necessity for generosity of this o'asrac'.er is becoming dally more nppureut. The es tabllshmont of a food depot 1 coutcmuiatcd. ANTITOXIN'S GOOD WORK. Successful Results Obtained In Two Towns in Nay York State. Antitoxin has been in use in iu Mlddletown N. Y., for the past threo weeks, and four cases ot diphtheria have been cured by It. Two cases are reported as having been cured by its use ut . ort Jarvl. while at Lift llraucb. Delaware county, niter tho physi cians hud given up a boy ullilcted wltn thu disease, nntitoxlu was admluisterud aud thu lad Is now convalescent. Hawaiian Conspirator. Advices from Honolulu up to December 31 are to the effect tunt Uush, I'M 'k and Nuwuhi, who wero arrested Docembcr for conspiring to overthrow the government, wero commuted Decorulier 21 for trial by jury. They wero refused ball and are In Oahu prison. The conspirators wero betrayed by a spy named Van Glcscn, who had guiued their conlldcnco. Thx government will make an example of thu prisoners. Their plot would undoubtedly have failed hud they tried to execute It. Tho government was willing to s.-e the llrlUsh warship llym lutu luuvo December 27. It is not sohctious for the Immediate arrival of an American warship, although one would Lo very wulcome. Japan Ambitious. A dispatch to the Loudon Times from re klu says the Chinese envoy to negotiate for peace witn Jupiia hud a farewell audience with the emsror on Friday. Japan ruiuscs lo grunt an isruiUttic Jlr. Denby, the Ameri can minister, IxMicves ili.it tile negotiations will bo fruitless. The Japanese will wuhold their terms of pca..e until they shall have oe cupi.nl I'ukin. Japan Uui ling parties uro busy exploring llni buys ou tho east cost of thu pfov.ee of bhautuiig. Elllod Her Husband. Mrs. Flint, wlfu of Willdun Filut, of Utle. N. V.. shot and mortally wounded her hus band and seriously wounded her mother-in-law, hhu clalmo.i to have been forced to the deed because of llio constant interference of her motlier-lu-luw In the nil airs of the family. Mrs. Flint's UK'UtuI condition it beinj ex amined. Three Men Murdered. Saturday night throo men were murdored within threo miles of Falls City, Tex. F. 11. Young, a while man uud a prominent farmer; Will Duran, oolornd, u farm haud, and A. C. Iiun.llH, a ItlexleNO laborer, wero found dead on the ruadsulo within two rullu of earn other witn Uiii.it botes in their ilea Is. clue bun been found oi tho murderer. No A Dreadful AvUnohe. The village of Orlu. lu tlm Cunton of Alx-les-Thermes, I'yrenees, has been pnrtly over whulmed by an avalunclio. which has le. troyed four hoU'Wsi and twenty burns, ibe bodies of fifteen persons have been recovered irom the ruins of these buildings, ami at least eight persous nre known to have been severely Injured. In addition a number of cattlo are burled In the avulau.he. FOREIGN NEWS. Chinese Fronting By Experience, and Retain Confidence. A dispatch to the Loudon Times from Tien Tsln say that letter received there from New Chang stato that the fighting on De cember 22 about the village ot Kang Wan Thai lasted six hour, fien. Hung marched back on December 23 towards New Chang, which appears to be still In the hands of the Japanese, l'ort Wing Tzii Is now said to be threatened. Tho Chinese state that the Japa nese are sunnriug greatly from the cold and it is added that Ucu. Huug's force, profiting by experience, Is Improving In military tactic; and seem to so regaining confidence. The general troops have made some creditable marches duriug the last two mouths. Sovere earthquake shocks wero felt on Thursday morning at Mtln.-.x.). The earth quake shocks were also felt in tho province of Ileggio di Cnlabrlu. The popiilatl.m is in n state of terror, anticipating a repetition ol the disaster which have so recently occurred in that part 01 ituiy. It is stated that the mikado has conferred upon i:tnpcror William th grand order ol the Imperial Chrysanthemum. In recognition of tho service rendered by Herman olllcers to the Japanese olllcers, who have been tin der their Instruction iu military aud naval elenco. Mr. Gladstone had a rloiis accident last wek. He stumbled over an open drawer, out lit forehead, broke his spectacles and was unable to see for several hours. It ha now been ascertained that 322 fish ermen belonging to Hill. t.rniMiiy ouJ Yar mouth wore lost iu the recent gale. SAVED BY A SINGLE VOTE President Fsr.a. of Arjcnt n.i, has a Close Call Frcm Belnit Deposod. He nor Garcia, In the chamber of Deputies, meved that tho Chamber 1 1 1.1 a secret sessi.in to consider w!;i:thcr Senor Snepr I'cna, I'resl. dent of the llepublie. should n.d be deposed. Kcnor (iarcia made a violent s ch in support of his motion, declaring that l're-1-dent I'ena is unw..rtliy of thu oillce he holds. Two divisions wer taken r.n the motion, each resulting in a tie v.to. 1 he n;..ti..n was filially delented by the l'r. ld. lit of the ( bum lT casting bis vole against it, Senor (tar 'ln Intends to make a further attack upon I'r- ri ilcnt l'cuo. Senatorial Nominations. Tho r.epuUleun cuiicus nt l.unsing has nominated ( ongressmaa .lulius t'acsar Har row f..r Senator Irr.in Michigan. senator Fry has been re-nominated l y tho l!cpuh!i cans of tie .Maine Legislature. At a caucus of the House Democrats It was divided to nominate the Hon. John 1'.. Kuss.'ll lor lulled States .Senator for Ma-s-achusctls. MAWKIvTS. riTTMIl ItU. ITIIlt WIIOI.KSAI.K I'llli KS AKK (II VIS I.KI.IW ) Oniln, Hour and Kced WIIKAT-No. 1 red No ti red Ct'ltN No. 2 yellow ear, new .Mixed ear, new No. 2 fellow si. die. I OA Is No. 1 nite No V ivluli. Kr.tra No. a white Light mined - ItYh-Nu I No. 'i western iu :i. 47 111 fcl ;s .'.'I 1UH It Miun. fancy patents .. tiin. y nluler puieuis Knucy straight xlliler Straight . liukeis' Ityo Hour HAY No. 1 tliuotliy .No. -i Mixed clover. No. 1 Loose tliliolLT. fit.m wnuolls. KKKD N". 1 tt iiln MO., U-u..., . Aio. y'!dte Mlddltmw.-...... Urowu Mld.lliiitrs hi an, bulk bTHAW A beat Out 1.1 to 7.1 Ik) III r-o w 01 ti w oil AU IX Ii.) 3 7.i .1 S.-I V M li Ml H - U 00 11 on II 01 n mi 17 l it.fi in .0 11 .VI ft 50 1; oj Ilulry I'roiluets, PfTTF.i: Klglu Creamery 'uncy I rc.iin. r)- l am y CiMiiiiry Itoll Low grnde aud csitii;.. I'll t:KsK 1 Uiio, uew New Y01 k. new Wisconsin Swiss. Liinliuiger, new make . .. .- -. - j -.w-r Frull and Vegetables. APPI.I-Kiin. y. V l.l.l PKANs liiiU'l-plckcd, per tut 1 i...n iff lN (,, m is .I 11 iii 1 - 'J ir. I pi ii'i 1.' 11 1.1 I IM 1 Ml 1 111 Pt I A I nL'' 1 inc. in cai , From store, l.ti i!i:i:ie. ( .Mtll.M.K-ll.iii.c grown, 'ilUMI's-p'-i' 1.1.I tl.MllNS - ellow. 111! PA ION 1 1 'S I.U.. r..i .VI 1 -j .-. 1 .1 1 ri p. 1 l.l.l l.l.l 1 :i 1 M 1 pel- 1. 1.1 I 10 1 'M Poultry, Ktc. Live Cblckens, V pair Live lu. ks. V pair iMrssed I'm Us. & in Dressed tlm kens, V l young select... Dressed Turkeys. In K.K.S ll lllldlltllo, Iresli 1'liA I II Kit"- Kxtrulivei. ..,!-. t-lli No 1 Kx. Ll t.ees... 1 III t on 11 1 1 , li. 1 go packed Miscellaneous. BKEDH Clover i lb !M I.I II ..I II 10 '.'I Vi 40 1 I'l I -I !.' (.1 4.'i Id 1 m i,v i'. :r. I iiiicthy. prune Illue i.russ HA1S t'ouuiry mixed UONKY Wbito Hover. Ilu. -k wheal MAl'I.K sVHt I', new ... tllittt Coiiutiy, sivret, 1 1 nt J A 1.1.11 W .... ; CINCINNATI. FLorit WIII-.A I-No. -4 Ke.l in 1. No. 1! tiiit.N Mixed UATS L.iS ill I I KH Ohio Creamery .. " I'lllLAUtLPHIA. M ," : FLt H'll WIIKAT-No -J lied KiltN No. .' Mixed OA I s No. 2 V lute Ill "i"l LU-t remneiy, exiui Lous l'a. Ill ntH , 3 Ml. H 4 kl V I is I 4S 4'.l 37 :fs NtW YOUK. FLOCH Patents I IK AT No. DIN KY b statu t ol(N No. it OA Ds White W.-B'cru ... Id l I hit t reiunciy toos- state and I'.-nii... . 4 1 '.$ I 13 14 VK STOCK. Ct'NTHXL ST(Xk Y'AHIM, UiST I.IUl HTy, P CA1T1.K, Trlme, I.41W to l.l ins 5 in ?, jsjd, l.:.ai Uj l.l.'i Ins 4 Vi 4 75 t.oJ Ijuu'liers. I.A") lu l,lli... 4 1. 4 .'ill T Idy, I.'HJU to l.l.viti. HMI 115 Fair buhl steers, no 10 laid ll.s .1 i 1:. Coiumou, Jou Uj lili H i!i 5 OJ U00S. Phllailelphlas 4 fl 4 li') II. SI Yoikersund mlxe.l 4 :l 4 85 Cum inou to lair Yoikers 4 ! 4 " IlKKr. Extra, W to IU lbs 8 no ) OutmI, totn ins M H (m Fulr, "i to Hi Ilia 1 M 1 M (.01111111111 1 mi Ytarliugs. 8 1J 4 lii t'hlciitto, Caltle Common to extra steers, ta l.Vsj-V.nl; stockers nnd lix-lcis, J wM i 7; cows and bulls, 1 .VM I ;."i;chi-. 4 1 uo.4.1.50. Hons heavy, l H41 ": coininon lo .n..ic.. linked. S4 (. I l.'t, lUolcc UM...I led, S I ij L l'. ilulil, '1.7i..il. Ml; l.lfs. jC.vl i7. Sheep -Inferior to choice, 4)1. iOljII'I, laiiins, J.'.''ks I -V Cincinnati--lloirs wlect siilppuis S I I'.tol.Vi; butchers 4. i'i4 4i; fair to .-..! puckuis Sl.l'l to -I .VI; 1 11 1 r tu liht SI IHIIol. I.'i; c. mile. II Mil l rouiMi :l.;jtot'.si. t aulc U''d shippem n..l .1.', food tochoice l. lnto4..'iil; lair In medium 1 -.".lo-l; uoininou t'iUilto-'liai. Sheep-exuu I mioa i.'i; Coo. I 10 choice Si'Iilo.'l 30; touuuouto luir l.ij to i.L'i. Sanitation In Hiclty. At Syracuse, In Sicily, a model f1l infcctinif atitticn has Just been t)jxnit) by the Italian Uovrrnnient, for jitrsotis com inn from urcteil Kastern jiorts It l on tho ite of the ohl Fort Vit torla. built in in 1553 by Viceroy Ihm (iarciit tic Toledo, on nn Island iu the harbor. ( vrr the gateway is the in "eription, "ShIih pupuli miprein;i lex." The buildinif i.4 divided into two parts; on one side is a hospital, provided with every modern appliance to aeenre in ire air, proper drainage and the prevention 01 contagion; on The oilier nulo are tin; 1 (Usinreetinx rooms. Amotnr the out building are a dead house for post mortems, a crematory and a cidum. barium" for the ushea of cremated bodies, rassciigvrs and crews of sus pected vessels are sent into tho disroh ing rooms, one for eae.li Vex, in the dis iiifectinit wliii;: they there undress ami pa.ss their clothes through a h itchway to an attendant. They then p. 1 into a bath room, f:oiiiliiih,ii!t"ratlior.iioh Wash, they pil'S into a dressitiif room, Where, alter awhile, they reeeie their disinfected clothes. The clothes hnvt meanwhile liorti put in a larjje iron t'ltik, into which steam is ihti.nluced which tlcvolops a heat of 1'JO degrees Must wedilitigs miglit come under too htvid of siiei't'iciilar shows. Dr. PIERCE'S Golden Medical DISCOVERY Cures Sinety-ctght per cent, of all cases of Consumption, In all its LarHcr Stages. Al'hougli by many tw licved to lie incura ble, tlute is the i-vi.leine of hnmltciis of living witncs'is to the fact that, in a'.l its earlier statscs, cnnsuiiiptioii is a ctitablc ilisiasc. Not i vetv case, but .J .!!,' f ,i rrntiigr ot nt'rt. nnd wc In Hi ve, jullv m' ft inii. lire cured by Dr. Pierce s Cclileil Slcdical I li-covcry. veil alter the disease has piotrresst d mi far as to in. luce ti peat. .1 lili'cdiuiis fi.int the lung. ,i vi !r Iiiiki rmif couth w ith copious expt t loiatnm I on lu. I lug tiilieTctil.it in ittcri. cleat loss ot iuv.i and t'Xtti iuc t in i. lain. n and w eakness. I)1 yott lb nil it that hundreds nf m-li cases repotted to us as elite. I tiy t .oPH 11 .lie I- leal liiscovi rv " wi tc genuine cases of ih it ilrcad and latiil disease i" Y ou in c. 1 not take our word for it. Tin y h.ivesin neatly cverv instance, been ro pr'oiiouiiccd by the bc-t and most i-xpetience.l home physicians. who have no interest whatever in tins. representing them, and who were often strongly prejudiced ae.l advised ,-iK.iin-t a trill of "C.oldetl Midic.il Iuscovery," Imt who have been forced tn confess that it surtiassi-s. in curative tmwrr over this fatal tn.iladv. nil other medicines with which they ure acquainted. Nasty cod liver oil nfnl its filthy "emulsions o nu,i mixtures, had been tited in nearly all tin sc cases and had either utterly failed to In lie fit, or hud only seemed to lain, lit u little for a short time. Extract of malt, whiskey, and various preparations of tlie livpoplms pliitcs had also been faithfully tried in vain. The photographs ot' a large number of those cured of consumption bronchitis, lingering coughs, asthma, chi-nic nasal catarrh and kindred maladies, have been skillfully reproduced in a booh of loo pages wh'cli will -nailed t-: you. on re ceipt oi'aii'ureaM una six' tents in stamps. Address for Hook. World's Uispcnsury Medical Association, nuffalo. N. X. BEECH AM'S PILLS (Wjrt'Llblc) What They Are For biliousness dyspepsia sick headache bilious headache indigestion bad taste in tlie mouth foul breath k'ss iT appetite when these; conditions arc caused by constipation ; and con stipation is tin: most frequent cause of all of them. One of the most important things for everybody to learn is that constipation causes more than half the sick ness in the world ; and it can all be prevented. Go by the book. Write to I. F. Allen Company, 365 Canal street, New York, for the little book on Constipation (its causes con sequences and correction); sent free. If you arc not within reach of a druggist, the pills v U be sent by mail, 25 cents. "A Fair Face Cannot Atone for an Untidy House." Use SAPOLiQ SX Sf 3 S sg OOO tOOH OsgX52sQ Bood eueh as Scrofula find Anncrnia, fikin Eruptions and Palo or Sallow Complexions, ara Bpocdily cured by Scott's Emulsion Stndfor famfhltt en Scott ml Downs. N. Y. All rrtnn it - 1 u. . vjovcrnmcni cncmists nave reported, after an examination of the different brands, that the KOYAL l?nk- (.Vj m In-; Powder h absolutely pure, greatest in strength, and suncrior tn .tit nihorc j 4$ Tl.e Vnme of CmI. The nnnie .f i;.h h spelled wPh four . lettem lu almost cverv known Pin. I guago. . ! - - ' A ileus in n t--rei. Let the mother become sl-k an I helpless, nnd: the hou Is all In dl-orbT. When both lather an 1 moth'T nr down you may as well clos-the sliuttcrs. Order Is brought out ol chaos oiten very ea-lly, an I Mrs. John Malm, of South lliele, Mont., Feb. 17. Isoa, loun I an eny way out of lo r diftl iiHtlisj, as sli. writes thus: "My bus! an I and I look vrv bud rheii'iialis n 'r.i:n vre eo ds, and mv ar'tis were s. i.ene I could not rubo ihm to help mx-eif. sent nt on for a liottl" o' St. J.ic.i.. Oil, and befor- tlm bottle was half empiy I colli I no about my Work? My bilsl and bis'iim" so lame h.i could not iret out of bed. Tw nil I lull' but ties eompl-lely cure 1 hl'Ii. I vvli; always praise 81. Jacobs Oil, an 1 v.i inayusetais n VOII see lit." This Is a el.- .r .-as- ..' what Is '"est nt the rk'lit moment, an. bow i-vry household cau bo male happy w'.i r" pain abounds. lll-.lii'l lter..irrili Ills Imnirf. All ollleef di'ioraled wilii Hie I.egios of llotl'ir reeetitlv etllered II WilXWoV show near Fot ie Saliii I leiiN, n.., uf looking nt the exhibits . I'ully , a. dressed himself to the showman: "V" I niiiiininee in your list ijeii. I.l l I Woiiblyoii kindly point him out to me': j "Why, you have Just been looking i ; him," replied the showman, pointing i 1 O 1 ! a model In it general's unllonitlOll OtllC 01 ' "'1'here's) the eoiiiiieror of llelianzin ! "It's not Very like," said the strange "Fxetise ll'o," rejoined tlie sliowniai I "It was exeeuted by otie nf the ge- eral's) closest friends. Vou eaa't ha ! ever seen blm." Hy way of answer tl ' n ranger ha in led his eard nnd t'.ie show '.,, Vl..i,; "Cell. 1 bid. Is." I., ; I lui,- I I TllEIlK is it sweetness in il Woman' I at U drv goods store that her hus, . ouuu llt'ver sees, ' ' )n s recent srtlele on CnfTee snd Cnroi. the I eminent lo rni.oi i heiul-t. l,io!e...r stui.-r. i sis-ukliiu of the I'ulcii prtH-e ot pri-pariiift; t notion, and oi t be , Co:sn by the addition iriK'i-MS isimiiinn in liermiiii in lilt li ammo- loa IS Sliueil. sm i in- ...... n-.,o-.i no-',- pr.s'esses Is lo in ike the li.,ui. npls-ur turind to the eve of the consumer, H limit i-ITiilnm a real S'lllltloll of the I issm suiisliitiic-. Tlus nrtillelal lnauiiul.ilio:i for the purpn-c of s culled il u 1 1 ii I I-. therefore, more or less in spired by lb. i pi ion. mid alway. take, pliue nt tlieeisil tif punly, pleiisiint tiu-te, usi-tul uction nnd aroniat c llavor. The In-iitnieut of ( ocoa by such cheinlenl means is out ir. lv i.bjeitnni- ulle. . . . t is'iM treated with poiaMi or ammonia would I crutircl) uiis.ilahie l.ul for tliFsuppleuieiittryadditioiiol artificial flavors j bv which a l.r subsilluie f .r Hip uroini itrivrnoot Into the lr is orlernd totj: i -Olti-i .' l1ltil-dtcliiu Iterpliis-' ' v " by WaiU-r Haker Co.. nf liorchssb-r. M.ne... j is atsoluialy pure and soluble. .No elieuucuU. ; or live, or aroUtlul lluvors are usuJ lu iu I yallow skin pimples torpid liver depression of spirits Diseases tho Crcp.m of Cod-livor OiL No otber rem .' cdy bo quickly end vX ctivclj cnricLes nnd purifies tho blood oml fives couriuliuient to tlio wbolo system. It ia pleasant t j tako and CBJ on tho stomach. Thia, Emaciated Persons end all Buffering from Wasting Diseases 0' stored to licalth hy Scott'j Kciulsion. Bo euro jou get tho bottlo with our trado-rnark on it. Hefuso cheap substituted Stott't Em ilsitn. FREE, druggists 60 cents and SI. . . Ti'' riU.WAni Tlie slo itT lllm. Paddy has I -n lolling the story of a Ml' plh" In- caught too I.!-.- t.. got Into tits- b int, so Hint he had to be lowed ! hind iwlih tin- ga!T lu It. It niust li.- mi iest,i,i.l(. T'lii'll followed tins dia logue: "What wcici.t. PmldyV "I'ivil a Know I know, I uj t lie was tin "J. hi-; Icis'e." "Was that the Idugest y.ui evi r saw. Faddy :" Tliell .1 1ect -iptioti of t!n l.U';;. t. "What weight. Tad lvV" 'S. vra a hit 1 kn.iw In-was a terror "Mow Li.'. I'n.hh y "M:;o. I t :'.:i't tell to :i fni ,n- two, tint a man oorJ.I Miik d..w 11 1.1 . thr. .at." 1 i;i this in. r-. -. 1 1 1 1 i ; 1 1 1 1 I'a.I.ly 'eli-ie!,.-. l!- l...l;.f ,-,;.. v r. Ii;i'... 1 .i hliii;:; "W id lii-i hat 1. a." st 1cilu-nl Discovcrv v. WElS. TURE "l,ty Days fV.nr.i II ,. I Oild i-.lll' '.. .II . ' '. I, Kir ... ... f.l. .OK i'f' if..';; , '.. iu r I i 11 'o a '. .lii i'i I... l. mi. I i mi I I in I i' Hf mm h li. or M' i'l' 'I.. '01 ' 'He' l'l.fc I-,, .He If, i hmifr, Of curse v. oi ar urn fill 'i.i'i'', that'- the lluinor . I ill. .i,t Hire-, inor bottles ll-c ne.y Will L-et the la-t .f ti nt i. lit ol ..ur si.sleiu. in- ii.i-i .-. iif.oii fi.if. die' irrllif . ' ! J tlmnk ifH hi: liiUI '( Ill . !.-(. il ll .IT.'. N .''I''. :.i'Mi uuvt:n. N V 2 WALTER BAKER & GO. - 'I lie I.arti'st M;mufa. fjrrrsof PURE, HICH CRADE rv HI this Coallaaal, tim mln4 HIGHEST AWARDS lYotn th tfit lf Industrial and Foci i EXPOSITIONS Vllllii Europe andAnierlca. l'?.l f ' I'lilk-lh.' I..1I.I1 w All- '.JS' . . r . l,.rn..l.... I.- ... MJ-Sr ...r.l in ... 11 I'i. if l'.. ..r.ll-s. Tl.lrurhr...u. KH I A Iv 1 A - T I "I OA ( .'....luUl wl..Mf, si. I. 1W11 ""' " '",' tOLD CY OIIOL.iS EVCHVWHCIIE. WALTEr CAKER&CO. DOnCHESTER.MASS. W. L. Douglas S3 'SHOSE rr row aknt. . CORDOVAN, rri:;iCMLNWiitttto calf. 4.5C-1fc! riHtCALftKANClRO 3.VF0LICE.3 soles. t950?2iWCi,lKlf.GKElJL. .CKT.-JA riNf 14 r r-ur ronrATAincur WjsW-l-'OOUti L. AJJ Over 0ns Mlllina leopl j t. ear the V. L. bznl2S $3 & & Shoes AU ourfihocnars ;r,u!!y cz'.lztzctory Thry elvo tho t-st vnl.is f .r the f""'; Thi y jiiI custom s!-..hs In slvle sra lit. 1 h j(r wesrln qunlltles sr unsurpssd. Ths prices srs unlfiirm,. slsmpcj pn sol4 :rim $i to ? j stvoJ ovrrrihrr m'-kes. .. If yuur (klcr t jJim-t su;'llr ' we ua. ENGINKB, BOII.EKS. All M vies. 4 I i tWI h. I. 'I c ftr I'nfntniriliM ( m it iviirutilinr i u. l.tl.( V r't, I. nn Treated frw. Wy r-.iiiFirsM. -V allh ..(.Ubl. 11 cui-l is.nv ...i.l fw. P- W i.i list - i i-fi. f.w Ksft' fMurli-ir. K. in. II l-i r' I l nilu ii'i- siusfl i , i i,,r nn'i I- i" il I'"" '', "i'i" It. 7. i nu. i.t i.i.i ris : m.i.i nu- n SJi f5 ill.: I.l ..It" I . "I ' '' ": JKSV- in hi hi. '1' ni.i...'ii;l'i"'y; J iltf iViiii i-i.lui. J li. I'AVst iivii.uail o- nATrMTCTIUI'K MAI1KS Ki.lllisVl' PATENTS ,'",, ...l.-l.l.l0llU). of IKI-UII..H -n.l 'or l. . in. .r llill.lt'. ..rh.. ' (.Sit ill. ITT r-? r n i ci BrfXy I ui liilil--!-1- K ir- P 'V.i s'Ki'L' uiiitlTsTnT AiUiui UiiS. I J lost i wwli hrrup. TMs lt.uL vse 7 1 riTov not pufi