id iYl lr.1- il ' II J" llifr M , " I'lt CZ ,M wawb Clunk lJWWtrcat, f . w ft M'ff li. - Brief run ocmineiiown. AfmTiB DnooKiR: Now feci ich uf -.iff ordlicn leu iiMner on aer ff 1(H'n er J"0'011 Iftubt fleruicr r im hi aer . ... i(H im uou Hiuurr auitiiii muni ,rruk aVhwetzM un acroiding tzu ,irr c xi'lnn"0ii room il -Milder a r('I) Jn K""! luty txactly Rccojilinp tzu nine Iloulntion. Ariouuiui cvva os ue rtr Imck gouga in nf u for di i lirtzuiH'K wear lui tt nmitiiuoui n mliilnwt war lor tuy ouice, un La. j ilo umn ft-olit ar, on,n raon ar. oh dc MimnerS Irmitait, tzu lrjiRit.v fLtit kte vann'a ninoLl so it coom d oh po Di)cr BUtiKbt oh m fcIwit de bet-lit cflico getva T it," HPcbt ar, "confidensballjr, wihbft inter un deer, tie karln oh Lit roiumouA Democrawta Bin un por net we mer de delegate de (1 urn m a greenhorns hiuulla js on iUt convention ben gor kre neps mit tie cffiHsa. So fernhtane sirnre fun tier party gor net." D," geebt ar, "inainer o dri boon t hen uf'm clily tzu meer g'bbtickt .Wtion dawg un ben's gonHpubli- L ticket g'Bbtimm'd, except yunbt men, un Heller is aw ni coonia. kVe ar Bell g'Hawt hut iH ar abbor- h loonblicb warra un Bawgt :'Tit, lis tier waig os icb de ferflomty Lcals oh inirh gabutta ben for dri ,r g'foold hob," un weil mer iet-ht on' Blattnera waura hut ar lupoid oh mer amobl ni gane un a nnich ebbas nemino, un ferluHH h druf icb bin aw gonga. Un we ,jf (rnk(ht ob mer dort drin wain at chucks icb wane's pelver net. i wbho oh mer etlich mohl repeat n- t i pi, awcr wnn units uuiuui'i uuuu append iH un wans ollna g Kawt is irra wnse iob net. Anyhow ich bin rlinino aw galand bouio time do -lit nnucbt, un den morryn bob , yuHcbt'n fartle dawler un a finf t shtick im hussa sock g'bot uu ca odder tier onner waig biu uf h ncithnht dri dawler un a holwer .trriouuly dissappeared deweil oh my interview g'bot mit'm Yanick s Hlottners. Ich Buspcct oh nel r a lustily nbtient minded warra h un hob stiver de jiggers tzu uft g'getz'd. So gaita evva in der pities binnenH. Pit Scuweffelbrenneh. TROXELVILLE. Cur nimrods were favored with Wher fall of Bnow last vTfflti luifj t little fun.. '.. There is at pre t a great mortality among our hogs, they all die of the same ease target and knife. We have been favored with reports of vy weights yet, but are expecting khI report from 'Squire J. E., as hns tine specimens of the cigar ii specie. "Master" YoHt was com ing with the 'squire for a $'20 ie, put gave up the contest. He tiled his bogs had tho measles 1 whooping cough when quite ng, and got aback set.... Last t sday, John Sholter was killed on tram road while taking a load of PHto Pardee from the prop Job rth of this place. This has been eighth victim sacrificed on this . Mr. Sholter was "sanding" track, and for that purpose sat the dinkey, and when Mr. Sholter urned from tho truck in from ore be bad gone to turn a lever made a misBtep and went down front of the dinkey and be o tho train could pe stopped he sunder it, and, when gotten out was dead. His neck was brokon otherwise his body was not tiluted....J. E. Fctterolf, who f been at Bailey, Perry Co., put -up a saw and Shingle mill for ese Bros, was at home over Suu but left again, aud will remain week or two longer. Hubert of HalHted Kan. visited bis J er, Mrs. J. I. (Iohh, at thiipbice. t twelve yearn Hinco ho left here look s n at u ral y e t La h t Th u r s . Aumiin, who bad eloped k -i. Knepp about tho 1st of Oct. ifued ft penitent HiiunT, and whh ivul by her hiibband with out tiled arms. Marriage License Act. Attorney Oencral Hensel having been applied to by the Auditor Gen eral, at the suggestion of some of the clerks of orphans' court in the State, for an official opinion as to whether there is any marriago liceiiHe law in force, in view of the conten tion that the act of 1893 on this sub ject repcaln the marriage license act of l8nr, or suspends it until October 1st, 180.", sent nn answer to Auditor General Gregg. The Attorney Gen- eral declines to give an official opin ion upon the subject because, be says, no case or stnteof facts rnllinff for such an opinion has been present ed either to him or to the Auditor General. He sas. however, he does not hesitate to express bis individ ual and unofficial opinion that the act of 1W5 is repealed, suspended or abrogated is unsound, lie holds that it was the intention of the act of 18i3 simply to amend tho net of 188, by providing that hereafter marriage licenses might isHue either out of the county in which the cere mony was to bo performed, as here tofore, or out of the county of the residence of either of the contract ing parties. By the terms of the act of lH'Xi its enlarged provisions do not become effective until Octo ber 1st, 181I5. Meantime it is the opinion of Mr. Hensel that the act of June i'lrd, 1H85, requiring mar riage bcouses and imposing a penalty for the solemnization or witnessinc of marriages without such licenses, is in full forco and operation. Un der its provisions, and for the next year, tho licenso must insiio in tho county where tho marriage is per formed. After October 1st, I8'.i5, the bride or tho groom may obtain a license in the county of tho resi dence of either, and suchalictnse shall authorize tho marriago cere mony to bo performed in any county of this Commonwealth. Until that dato tho marriage license law re mains as it was before the act of May 1st, 1n;:), wub approved. Ivory I lionulur Itv of ( linmhprl 'Ull lil'llll'llV Hllll t llll'll HklMI.III Miii'll it is liel.l Ich.Im im to belli-ve 0 lu im nrtlolo of irreat worth hii.1 !'t. VH llllVH tllH llloiltlill-M ft lilu. Ii eximrlenort of tlireu nrnml 'iMti.eim of llmloiiilo Heneli, fal., '"iihHol Hit ruinmlv. fllr. A. V, tell huy: " 1 have iiKvnvn lecelvn '"I't n-lluf wlifn 1 iimmI Cliuui "iirnl!oiiK'li Keiueily." Mr. Jaiues 'iiii'il shvm: " 1 uiu Hiitlll...! tlit hitim lafii'K Coutjli remedy cured "in.- nir. .i. ai. luteher siivh; tlireu years 1 have used I'hiiiii Nlii'n (Jougli Keiuedy In my 'ly and itw rehtiliH have rIwhvs 'i Htihfetory,", For ulo by nuuipseii, 1 tun t reek, Tu. 6oa FURNITURE. Her and Par or ftirnitnre w AAMUAM V UUU A VIA lUi X llx L til U I O ' We offer the best goods at Phe nominal Prices, guaranteeing qual ities the Finest, and Styles the Latest. Couches, Lounges, Mirrors. Baby Carriages, Window Shades 1CK SlsTSffiL POFFITS BIG BUSINESS is what we hum and hustle for ; "L "ivA wv. uui i qu lung as we have the above named object in view, and give everybody STERLING QUALITIES, we expect to cet a deserved n in nt patronage. We carry the Biggest stock, we have the biggest assort- menu mm cnauengeany one to dis- l te t0 th0 ist P"ces. Our Fall and Wta- AN INVITATION is extended to visit our place of business. Respectfully, MILTON FURNITURE 00. Front Street, Milton, Pa. J. M. KLINE, BEAVERTOWfJ, WELL DRILLER, and Agent for Riefs H ydaulic 1 ter StOCk IS nOW in hnt.tpr shnno than ever. Ladies and Misses Coats in alMimliuuT. )rcss goods ii, all Uu, uVsiralile colors. CalicoMaru plenty, a line lido of calicos for omits. hverytliiujj dt sirahlo in the iindcrwaru line, unnlen llosicry, Sl.irts, cfc. Wc make a specialty in Floor oil cloth mid Linoleum, (live us a call, it will pa von totakoalook at our nlork, wlietlier von desire .' pur chase or not. KespeettullY, S. WKIS. Selinsrovc, la. Great Reduction Sale of (or Ram.) tiTlt Im a new and mnrveloiiH invention. Juct the tiling you nt for el ttViitliiK coiitliinoim niily of water frrom iriiiRor liniin-liHH. It in felf oiitTBtliiir. flinile in coiietrurtlon hikI utictirimhf d In ) urnbi Ii y. They arn now beini; (ilHCfil In every Stnte in tlie Union Mill lire watitfil in every county, town hikI villiice. We rtialleiiK t lie world to produce ltd equal. MuHt prove Hiitinfactory before iiayiuent In made. For further Information write for illuHtrated rataloKue. WET.L DRILLING. Having drilled ovrr td It Floats BEST POR SHIRTS. THC PROCTER QAMULI CO. ON TI. IN Fraie Chamber Suits. Look at them. Parlor Suits. Look at theiu. Side Boards. Look at them. Couches, Lounges, ratent Kockers, Easy Chairs. Look at them. 50 Baby Carriages. Look at them. Baby Coach llobes, AITaghanH, I.nce C'overH, all priiicii. Look at t hem. They aru bmiutlf. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Laco CurtaiiiSjCurtain Poles, Bugs of all kinds, and everything elso at tho popular furniture, and carpet store of W. H. Felix, Lowistowu, Pa. your"trotiar in ttlt ltaTttn! m eyery joo. r three linndretl well In thin County, plenty of to the efllrb'ncv of ni ork. pectfullr to ref. mbi can be given a to the efllrlencv of ni ork. pectfullr tolicit J. M. KLINE, BEAVEBTOWN, FA. crown Acme. The boHt Burning Oil thut can 1 maJo from Petroleum. It gives a brilliant light. It will not nmoko the chimney. It will not char the wick. It has a high fire text. It will not explode. It iH without a comparison an a per fection Family Safety Oil. It is manufactured from the tiueat Crude in the tuost perfectly equip ped rellueries in the world It in the Best. ABk your dealer for Cruwu Acme. Trade orders filled by Yours truly, THE ATLANTIS HSFimS CO- Sunbury Station, Suubury, Pa. ASKYOURH0RSESH0ER: ruK mt PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Suubury & Lewistowu Division. In effect Nov. S, 18'J WIHTWtlO I Dl. STATION . kAITVAID 4 .6 t-u 4 4. Ill .U3 3 J7 S.AJ Ml i.M u 3.14 1." 3.01 ill 144 .': U.06 l'i.OI liw II l II. 4 11.40 II. ll.M 11. U 11 I'i 11.04 1).W 10. to 10.41 10 311 U.35 10. IT 10.0 10 A. I. LIowd J . MsId strt L.i(ton MkUlaod .SblDJU WKBr Meiilur Kkub'i MIIH UrTrto a Hcnirr Mldillcbargb. Mir Krun.r Pw1Idk "llDiiroT SMnKrov J. 8uutBfT r.40 7.43 T.44 7.64 .Ul .o 11 .IT 11.34 H.40 H SO .$ V.O'i V,n9 u.M n t.3 Em 3.00 0.1 l.i'4 1.14 il .-ll 3.3U 143 S.4W a.M 4.11 11 4.U I.N 4.33 4'i D I 30 4T : ic ,r unE CAn cnuc run WINTER USE. It ABSOLUTELY prevents sllrrlnjf. ami limuri' vrlcc( kuiviy mt vuiutufl ta borwu ami lritr. hhoU UIi tlio NYvoMlIp ," your home' twl ro Hlwav In khh1 i'oihIIUuii kepi lv not liAViii to vounuutly tuuui tbo nuu fur nUurpuiilii. The CALKS are KFMOVABLE, Stecl-CentcreJ anJ SLLF-SHARPl'MNG Whn worn out nuw Calk cau lie eauily In orlml wiiliout rtniioviu; ijIiiwk, iuviiii kii liiunciiHo uiiiotuit ol Hum Usually lot kl Uio tlui kauiltli ulii'li. Un ruuvlpt of MMtitl will mail trw our da. mTlitivrln.'uUriHOiUlulug j'tuenof t alked Hliuva, TKAdy to Ik imllmt uu, fur trial, vllviwl tku wiutvt wry low vtiw. E E. BUCK, Ashland. Pa. Selinsgrore Accommodation. (tloUBMllDg with trloioi N. U. Rj.) ScllntirroT. Jo. Arrl at SllngroT t.i'j v, m. i.ur, tt Truiim Leave Lewistowu Junction : . . ui, 10 40 m in. 1 li ti tn, 4 W p ai, 7 13 p ui lor Altooiut.PlttiihurK ami lh Wt. 7'i;itui. l(Uu,l 4i UI.J40 4 14 u p m 11 14 p in. For FullaJalplila, M ur, Halttuiar uj Wa!i!iittoa. Philadelphia & Erle R R Division. AMI NUUTHSUN Ct.NTKAL. KA1LWAY. tnilui I.uiiv untmry dilly t -pt Sniu!y : 1.3k a. ui. lor Wtlllumiport aul (.'anaudaiKUa. 1 13 a in, t ur Helllut, tlij,u4 (.'auaadalKUa V.B9 to, tor IMte M iveii, 1 34 p Ui, for llaUoluuio, Kau aaj t'aaaoJal 4op iii, Knr Keoovo uj tUrilra. V tsi ui lor Wllluuuport. Suuuiijr b I imu, lor Krla a'l I'anan.Ulif un, v r iiavau. uua w.oput ivr win- tauiport. M." a I". 1' ir C'nU wi-a joJ ll.xvlion. i t in. 10' 0 a iu. h 44; p iii. K-r likil.rr, 7 liixui, lotioam, 1 p in, j top in, ForMia 'iH'kln un. I MiHint IVtriiu i U'.tf it ui, l ir ilki.'lirre. I'ritlnf Vtuvt Soliinriivi .1 niirilun M W a in, w. ,-i , n ,n ris u ; at I'liil.nli Ipl lil 3 I'n p. in. Now Vo I 6 p ui, Ilnltliiiuro 8 10 p iu. vVm.m -uton 4 ;.o p in. 4.17 f . M. witk lii.. urrlvinu ni Piilliulelpliln 11.15 lM. .New YoiW a 43 it in, I l.i 10.40 1. M.. V p iu, ilai y nrrlvliiK at I'lilliiil. lplila 4 SO a ui, flw 1 nr. I .viii HI, Trillin nl.-Mi l.fiive Siiulnirv : I 40 a in. .Inly KrnvliiK ul I ' ti 1 1 it .1 o I ti 1 la I i: ui lh.ltlnii.rt 4 i ii. in, Wa-liliiKtiui 7 4o a in. uri H .18 am. W k J i) n.lo ;.6 a in rs it in In . I 31 a ui. llly iirnvn.K l I'liilailulphlit l'o 20 it til., Now York l-'Mpm., luitliuorv ti a ui., Wanliltigiuu lo- 10 Hill. I I.D ii iu. oiU urrlv iiiK at I'lilliulolphla ii p Now urk03.i p iu., Itjllliuoro 0 46 p. III., tV.tMIIIKl0ll i do p in. Trm al-ui Ifuvt) Siiiil'iirr at u n a. in. ami ft :t ainl 17 p. iu. lur it t ri i.-'ni i . riulajclplnit uinl Kalntiioru. r'nr rnli't. inul" ko , cull on Tlrki't Aitenl or ililrw Tlioa. Watt, 1'. A. W. 1. 110 Fillb Ave rui.uunr. l a. .I.H. WOim, UsD'lI'ail Agent 8. M. 1'KKVUSl', liau'l Mauagor. For Ninety Days ! The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN- iiitr. siuutt. ur t UKUITURE AT THE CiUKATKSTSAtKIFICItKvKU KNuWN IN CKNTItAI, I I'.NN- fYLVAMA. vii!." ?r" "ot.'"',IU;tf out ,,,,,.wr lI ,,,U to ur any i.rn- vIoiiH Vear. . Kive f,w of tli pric.-n u follow : ft ootl ('hiniili,.r Suim 1 14.00 Cotton Top Muttif . MitrinoiM'liiiiul)..r Suit HI .00 Woven Wij Miittr-.rt - Antiqiix Oak Suit-, 8 I'lrcea l!.00 Hed Sprintrn i .'j HiihIi I'arlor Xuit- au.00 Drop THblr-n. per 'ft'.'.'.'.' .".'.-..- NV ootlen t hnlr per -et a.50 I'Utform Koc-ker i m n'l1' yTVM?X the furniture lin, inrlmlin,.' Mirror-. l:,,.,k ('Jen L Vakii. hi. f- Kiardn i.tuphoar.l-.OntreT4ibleH.Fui1..y Ko.ikHrn. Hal.y UmiM t oathfr I'll own. I niin.fM. rn,i,.i,. n. i.. .. .. : """"t Hjtut Chi!rHnA , . "" '" "i,ry p. i-lllK-. Illtll tl K. I 'llQe i, . nn. tuediuin and cli4vp f uruitiirt. to suit all ela-HH 1'rlcea red""' -ll through. l'rin.Mri,i.mi...: t ......... your uruVr, auu iuu, aa iJ M kkuL uu . ,',,,, Special Attention Given to Undertaking fc Knibalming. KATHERMAN & HARTNAN, Limited, MIFFLINCriWH. I'A. GUNSBERGER'S NEW STOCK OF Fall & Winter Is well selected and includes a full assortment f MEN'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING, Overcoats, Pants, Xeckware, Shirts, I'nderware, TRUNKS, SATCHLES, Hosiery, Suspenders and (Moves. Prices are lower than ever. R. GUNSBURGER, LKADIXd CLOTIIIKH, MIDDLKItUlUUI, PA, CHANGED HANDS! The Tinshop & Stove business lately conduct ed by J. H.Rhoads is in mv possession. I am tttw:tt u preparedito offer Spec- ial bargains in STOVES, TINWARE. Spouting, Tin and Corrugated roof ing. Call and see my goods. Respectfully, H. M. REIGLE. If f IiV.pji L