",. BEAVERTO'WN. Published every Thursday. Geo V Wagertscller, Editor. Arthur E Coopsr, Manager. Subscription $1.50 per year. which mihl ! pill In mlvnnrn whm sent ont nMi tin fount y.) SATIS Of AOVlRTISINO. All frinili'tit A'lvirt.u-rTii'iif tint ntlirrwNc Cintr,i''ifi i.r v. Hit rlmro'l nt (V n'' of u font kt llii'' iii'itip'irli'l iiMMNiiri-) fT ftrt inwr. Hon mi 1 10 1'ftitt mt liiii- for rvrry militfii'irnt in.Til.ni. iruum xt t.tp,;'t, it ., r,rv r-'i r it (inc. ConpiT vV WiitfiMifolli-r, 1'rop'rs. Thursday, Xv. S, 1 Sf 1 . GROWING OVER VICTORY. -y3r EVERYTHING REPUBLICAN! HASTINGS GETS 234.855 MAJORITY MORTO TARRIES (W YOP.K. -WITH 160,000 MAJOWITY. The funeral of Horace S. Spechl was held from Lis father's residence last Thursday forenoon. Iter. P. C. Weidemyer officiated. ... The Dub Kite, fact ion cf the Evangelical Asso ciation will build a church on a lot donated by Moses Specht....On Saturday night a wreck occurred on the S. .V L. road a short distance west of town. No one was hut t. .. Miss Annie ltiegle of Faintcrville spent a few days last week at Post master Keller's. .. .Lawrtnee Kep ner, former proprietor of the Central hotel, recently paid our town a brief visit. .. .Rev. J. W. Wetzel of Sunbury called upon friends here last week Samuel Uickel and w ife have returned from a visit to friends in Mitllin Co. Wild Roses. WAI.TKH I.VON. I.li'iitriiiint-Oovi'rnor. GEEAT REVOLUTION ON ALL SIDES Congress Republican-Malion Cartics the District Snyder County Gives over I, ICO Republican Majority. The Great Avalanche of Democratic Bui. watks Surprises Party Leaders Kulp Elected in the 16th Congressional District. MAHON GOES BACK TO CONGRESS WITH 6000 MAJORITY. FARMER'S PROTEST AGAINST HARD TIMES AND THE LOW PRICE OF WHEAT- The most partisan republican was HUprihcd at the immense majorities that were sent in from every quarter of the United Statesyestcrday. Wo publish elsewhere the tabulated Htatemeiit of the votes east iu Sny- lrr county. All the republican nom inees were elected. Hon. ("has. W, Herman was eh eted w ith Uiil votes or a majority over Sinyerly's vote of l:ii m. The least number of votes wis cast fort lie Democratic candi date for District Attorney, ho beinj; c it in nearly every district. Hast iut'b' majority in the stale will be about I,s." votes. M.ihon's ma jority will reach C.iiihi. rWLt and the entire ticket is elected iu Union county with limn majority. The hi,' surprise of the campaign is the election of Monroe H. Kulp in the bUh Congiession.il district with at least tioo majority. The people have had their say mid tin y have protest ed against the Ureu Trade policy and closed factories and hard times. PAXTOXVILLE. David Biekhart and wife of Pallas visited here on Sunday.... Tom 1'iiliner of Williamsport visited at this place Amnion Gill and Win. McAfee arc visiting their families at this writing Quito a number of our Republicans and even Demo crats attended the grand meeting at the County Seat on Friday eveuing . .Mrs. Smith of Lewisburg visited here over Sunday M. K. Massing er and Adam Walter members of the board of directors visited ourschool on Monday and they were warmly welcomed. Come again.... Nathan McAfee is home to visit Jus wife. . . . Rev. Smith and wife were in town on Suuday....A certain tramp viwt- visitor wasr,' A DOCTOR'S PHILANTHROPY. TIIOtTSASPS AFTLICTED BY CHROSIC CA TAHIUI tXPEB FREE TREATMENT. The first day of November, 180.1, Dr. Hartman gave his consent to take chnree of Ihn tifntiiirnt nt 10. OdO cases of ehroiiic catarrh freo of charge. The announcement was at once published in all the leading papers, when the applications came nonrinir in from everr Xtnf in t im Union. With a large number of clerks and stenographers to assist him, the doctor actually directs the treatment of thousands of cases by corrrspondenee, which costs the patient nothing, except t lie necessary medicines, which are obtained at the nearest drug-store. To become a patient it is only necessary to send name and address, desenbo symp. toms and minute directions, am other advico will be sent nromntlr. Wherever Dr. Hartman is known the name of Pe-ru-na han become a household wold. It is safe to 8(1 V that no medicine in existence is us ed by so many families as IVrn.nn This is especially true of this tinm of the year, when neorl urn 1i,.liln to catarrhal aflect ions, coughs, colds, la grippe, etc. Pe-ru-na has more coses of chronic eotarrh flmti all other medicines combined. Tim great majority of those who uso it according to directions, not even re porting their case to Dr. Hartman uutil after they are entirely cured But now that a limited number of cd, well kern : to leave he remark- noch der lection morria. lie V" .X"iuocrat. . . . luo Esherites' minis ' .sits here quite - let him have Chas. L it left for the often but Jerry n the key city Tuesday. . .rV'Jsley Valler shamp of New Rerlin visited 0. P. Swengle's recently, fmm AMOS II. MYI.IN. Audiior oi'iii'iul. cases chu secure the personal atten tion of Dr. Hartman free of charge, it is not to be wondered at that many pcrfcrred to do bo. Po-ru-na never fails to cure catarrh wutn properly used. Tlie I'e-ru uii Drue Manufacturing Company oi Columbus, Ohio, aro sending free to any address a book on chronic catarih which irives tlio latest treatment for.eatarrh, coughs, colds, la grippe, brouehitis, and nil other allectious of head, throat and lungs. II 'atcrfioof collars ntid cuffs that will net v. i.t, are not elTcctcd l y moisture nn l lock just like linen nrs i;ll the f;::,l:ivi t:tnv. They ore mada ly cov e:i: n li::c:i collar or cufif with "ccl l i'c;iil" r.t:d ore the cn!y waterproof c !s rrnl3 with on interlining, con cc ; ..t ::.!;' t'.-a only ones that w illstnnd wc..r u.-.d give perfect satinfuction. Try Ihrm nr.d you will never regret it. Al wr.yn nent, nnl cmily cleaned. Wlica roiled simply w its; olTwith a wet cloth cr rponr.e. Ivvcry piece of the genu iuc is stamped as fullows : "rrr Ask for those somnrked and refuse any imitations, as they cannot possibly please you. If jour dealer does not keep them, we will send sample di rect on receipt of price. Collars 35c. each. Cuffi 50c. pair. State size and whether stand-up or turucd-dowu col lar is wanted. ' THE CELLULOID COMPANY, 437.440 lirandwajr, Nrw Vorka Classical Department Prepares For j.110 Junior Class of the Colleges has fout. courses : 1. The Regular College Course, 'i. The I iiit in Scientific, '1. The English Scientific, I. The Normal Course, Nmvsviiry I'Mii'iiv for Olio Si'hnlnstli' Yonr f mi in iniiv. Ni'xt 4'iiiitf t yrar om-tm aii. i;i. r or I'liriirnuirM iiiiup'hh. .1. 11. 1U MM, I'rltn-liMl. siiliiiwmve, Pn D It. J. . SALLADK, v kti;ui x a u v su nr. kon. Graduate ot the Ontario Veterinary College, Canada. All ealls and tele grains promptly attended to. oillee at central Hotel, iifiiver town, l'a. et. 24, 1H1I4. ham sua a. ;now. l'uni,'ri'hMiiiun-at-Liiri;i,l ADAMSRURG. On Saturday night as a double header was going east, a wreck oc curred about ouo mile East of town. Two ears were wrecked, one loaded with meats and the other with eggs. W 01k train and divison hands work ed nil Saturday nicht and nearly all of Sunday to clear away the w reck age. No one was hurt There were sixty two tickets sold at this ollien for the mass meeting held at -mddicijurgu last lridav evemu! Robt Middlcswarth moved into the property of Mrs. Surah Smith. S. L. Kliuepeter into the house of J. C . Speeht and Mr. Werner, our new blacksmith, into the house late ly purchased by Mr. Koch The Hogeomniittee was on duty Sunday ....Mrs. Lain a Diccso and Jos. Shannon are on the sick list. . . .Ou; public schools observed the holidav 011 Tuesday. Siiixcii.Ks ! Siux(in:s !! I havejui t received Mo.inmiNo. l.'Jand.'l Ul inea White -pino Shingles. Cull aud ueo them beforo buj iug tlsowhere. F. II. Maurcr, New lierlin, l'a DR. KILMER'S JrloolT THtiBAT KlDNETt LIVERS BLc'uW Hilioiisiiess licailaclip, foul hronth, four stotnnch, heart burn, uin in cbeiit, dyciH'imia, cuiistlpatloa. Poor Digestion DlMtrrMuftcreutlnir, puln snd bloating In the itoumch, short nnif bntttb, (tain in tbe heart. Loss ot" Appetite A fiH'nliil filling to-lay and a depremcd one to-uiorrtiw, iiotlmiK Mt'iui to tuntu irood, tired, (le-iU-M and all uiiHtrunK. Wfaknusa, debility. Hwaiiipltot biiilili up quickly a rundown constitution and mukea the weak ttronir. At DriiKBlala 0 rrnla and $1.00 alse. "InTailJa- Uukl. tu IlMkllh" frao-CoonlUUoo fra. DR. K1I.MKU ll CO., IllNOHAMTON, N. Y. Nothing 0a Earth Will LIKE SherioVs Condition Powder! II ll ahanlijt4)T puj. Ilihlr nrntrtl U fjt.ntiiy a mku ttMi limn a ti-nth f cvut m rty. hlr. tiy awiM-lK'ln. -ruvnbi arid rumt all dtw-aM- f.,r yotjuif ibU k. Worth won llti K"U vhtti htn Mu)L "tn Uryv fn tuavnl m vinl n furfi ii frpvtnt rmiPN u; rut.fii-r. If you cirt vf It ut ut rj (nu (r tw. ut rBrt Mait. 1 H K HKbT f' l '1.1 It 1 I'A I KH,M tuiiii- Idei ropy I'oiiHrv lUtstlirf (iill'lu trn wit Ft 11 -arWi ur ii.ujaL I k li 114 s..i iv , 1 n. ... u . ' 1 - w v -v- w w-i wmmi! PV WALL PAPER Not retailed at Wholesale Prices tut sold lower than any other house. I Oft if V"y 'n"'ll'h R'Kd 4.ul, LU U It liiMr Uir.rvi r ihn Miill.nf a l''.;i tu ft, nn, tin 111. Ill k iic.c ioltl Iti'rilrr. i'. I r iUi Dii l ni.v. im t"mr rami'li B'hI 'Avl.'.o KooIi How to la;i'r, (mi. WILLIAM VALLACC, 10U3 ktuo Kt., T'LllnUelyltlM, l . I" AS. O. CROUSE, ATTORSKT AT LAW, MlDDLKUURU. PA. AH buinp8- entrust (-i to Irts'eare will receive prompt attention. Con sultation In Englisli and (ierman. ULUICH'S DENTAL BOOKS. Selfnssravei Fa., Tcotli rlrnnod, ontriirtod. Implanted, ri'trulat d. nisrawH anil InJurli'H lo tlm tcelli and ininitli In aii'il. Artlllrlal KctM. criiwnB, brldifos ami ulMluratorH Iiih. rti il. All kinds of lining. (ioM work 11 specialty. .i:o. h. ri.itn ii, n. n. s. onief In WelH' dwellini;, Houili hldo entrance, opiMMllo Nullnnal lintel P. C. MARTAAN, Tonsorlal Artist, has just opened a room in W. W. Wittenniyer's building, where ho is prepared to do first class work, March 21), '04. J- 0. M0HM, M. D. Practising Physician and Surgeon. Residence in the French Flats, Mid dleburgh. ('alls promptly and carefully attended to. D U. J. C. AM ItJ. D. 1). 8. DENTIST Treating, tilling, artificial teeth, crown uml bridge work. Teeth ex tracted without pain. Satisfaction cuatanteed. Otliee next door to the 1'ost printing ofllee. MIDDLKBUUQH, PA. ii i. n, totrrr Sfj BREATH Something new at Rowthhox's Confectionary, Middleburgh, Fa. Corrected weekly by our merchants Mutter Kggs Pitted cherries ITnpitteil " ttetoi.l .r'a Raspberries I tnioiiH I.urit Tallow Cliickeus per lb Turkeys Hide H Hlioulder 10 Ham p !) old AVIwnt New " Uye Corn Oath Itran per 100 lbs. Middlings " . Chop " Flour pcfbhl ..10 , ..VI .mi .:i'J .110 l.oo 1.20 U.10 Tornado Feed Cutter, prepares either Dry K.ra or Knsilago in a manner that is supetior to any other make of feed cutter. Farmers and Stock Kaisers can save money hy usinrrtho only perfect stalk cut ting and splitting machine in the market. Call on or Address, W. J. u ac.kxsi: MiKu, Sclinsgrovc, Pa C3AMLY VIGOR Qntrklr4 p-wiitly RrSTARm ! tnm lot Mai,k4, funrllanal dUardrn, r , rrmaliir 4.1 1 nr. r(iiRlfi alrrar. wa ar CnliltHtlli( hrurl, allrtlnr, rlntlnft II. !!., n.iinlit ou by iKnurmuw, fulljr, otr.uik, om, or ei Cll.'imiit, Aroinpletcrure la taaranteedbraalna Dr. Caton's Vitalizes and Nerve Tonic. A true ELIXIR OF LIFE, and inexhauttibla fountain of youth and health I A marvel ol modern medicine for men who .ave epun out the thread of life too fait mini who have euf tered great nervoua ehocki) men who have been indiicreet, over-indulgent, or carelcta. Men, alail who aro no longer men. (A tample eitract from let ton dally received.) ha eorrna r aura AiJtra r"i oer. ana glat f n, I am frrliio i' a line man. Bffnn taking tfirm it VOB a ffrmt effort for mt ttnio my wwlr, bvt not I da tfifUrkam (f nothing had rtvr hiirirnrii me J feet J cannot ant . you "n rnmioh. fihali alirav Illty an irorth their tmght in gold. "" o a TuAKKiDb ramre. (One thounod more of the aune tenor la oar poeaeeiloB.) The only trlrttr Irattliaate ear tar l.aat Vltallt v kaaoa im mnn. At 4ual.(a. ap aat aralra by aaail .r PrM. Tor l l fop 5, with wplttra aaaaalra ?M"rH- ,,.""'"".,t" aalraaadca. UaL W Pita alla atalpaiaata af yaar eaar. Addreaa CATON WEO. CO Boetoo, DIaaa. Hard imcs' - w -r Pricey We are offering a full and com plete line of new and seasonable goods in the line of Cloii Hats, Gents' FarDisls Goods and every thing else usually found in the best clothing store. All our goods are of the latest styles and guaranteed to be strict ly first class in quality. G. C. GUTELIUS Middleburgh, Pa. ARE YOU LOOKING FOr BARGAINS of Fall and Winter clothing Viewed at a dis tance you can't realize vhat great bargains I am oil'ering, hut a visit to my store will convince you that my slock is not equalled in Snyder coun ty, that my Trices are the Lowest over known. Shoddy is not cheap at any price. I sell only re liable goods. Overcoats both dress and Storm, Hats, caps, Shoes, leather boots, gum boot aud shoes, horse blankets, lap.robes, oil clothing, trunks, satchels, valises, etc., etc. BEKORlv YOU BUY OLOTtflNQ, miTS, OIlPs, OR FURNISHIN GGOODS, Come to see me, H. OPPEKaHE.fclER, Leading clothier and Furnisher, App'a Block, Sclinsgrovc, ra.