The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 27, 1894, Image 1

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    ' " '
f tliut'oniniWHtoiU'rc, 1 19
1 1
VOL. 31.
Tbo Roll of Honor will be fouud
The Lcwisburg fair is in progress
Luj week.
Tlio Milton Fair will bo held Oct.
1, 4 ami 5th.
The Republican Club meets next
liieHilny evening.
w is tbe time placo your Fall
rhowing gum factory will bo
,ilt at Sunbury.
Tbo Oriental Band will bold a
IfitivjJ next Saturday overiug.
iames Q. Crouae., Esq. baa a new
L to pica for nt this wet'k'a court.
Geo. 1. 51. Arnold nnd B. Frank
irlcy of Adamsburg were in town
: Sunday.
Gon. Daniel II. Haatinga will
k at tbe Lowisburg fair on Fi i
yof this week.
tl)r. Emericlt, 5elinBgrove guarnn-
U satisfaction in fitting of glasnes
1 treatment of catarrh.
KVe are glad to bear that Bucknell
Vivernity is booming with a large
mber of students this year.
hoabui y has a total of l,2ir child-
i in her public schools, 89 of which
e reached the highest grade.
XT. Rhoads was brought home
m Tittsburg last week having bo
ne nick in tbo Smoky City.
ng to many coses being settled
it i
o court tue attendance was
iratively small.
M. Aurtid, the vjft of
irandof Adaqjjitirg, waB
Ail th Beat visitoron Saturday.
. W. Lentz of MillerHville
wded a very able sermon on
lay evening from Psalms 17 : 15
. E. Davis of Suubury is tbo rx
or of tbo estate of bis father tbe
James K. Davis of Selincgrove.
o FooVBall soi'.son is opening
and every college brod youth
wear a Foot-Ball hair cut.
;e business man who don't
rtiso loans far more through
of trade than ho pays tbo print-
I'bbera broke into E. G. Shall'er's
at Oriental last week and stole
nt h)Q worth of goods nnd
publicans, turn out next Tues-
lovouuig to make arrangements
I'lc reception of our Congrcss-
ten tbo merchant stops advtr-
: people got tbo idea into their
, that his business is "going
"iJf to Hebrew Jlolidavs on the
id loth of October, II. Oppen
"r's store at Selinngrove will bo
fciilmv is 73 years old, so tbo
yard statesman from Columbia
y was mistaken when bo said
m 70.
tho old kind of stove pipe,
ho cheapest stovo repairs you
P'ousht, go to
M. L. Shannon.
tbo thing for applo butter
iiiso cleaning time t Old news-
for sole at this oflico at 10
a hundred.
n Swongal of Faxtouvillo, who
itod at C. P. College last June,
utriculato as a law student at
rJ University.
Republicans of the Eighth dis-
t Mauch Chunk nominated ex-
iey General Kukpatrick of
Q, for congress.
kr before in the knowledge of
Jest citizens was it known that
.oorn. rveand notatoARhrnntrVif.
ime price in tue markets.
M. L. Emerick. enecialist on
-a of the eye, ear, nose and
has opened an office on High
oeuntyfrove, fa.
A boavy frost was observed on
Wednesday morning.
Cool nights and coolor weather in
general was observed this week by
tbe w'iitlnr cranks.
Kl'Mi Snook of Troxelville raised
a rabbngu bead that measured 86
inches iu circumference.
Prof. I. J j. Herman, formerly
Principal of tho lliddleburgh school,
goes to Con.viigbain, Luzerne Co. to
teach this year.
My storo will bo closed Monday
October 1st and Wednesday Oct 10th
both being Hebrew Holidays.
M. Milluer, Kautz, Pa.
The September issue of the Insti
tute JoritNAL will bo mailed from
this ollicn tbo latter part of this
Mystoro will bo closed on Mon
day Oct. 1st and Wednesday Oct.
10th both being Hebrew Holidays.
R. Gi NsuriiGKtt.
T. H Harter. Editor of the Belle
font (razetti; was in town this
week in tbo interest of a libel suit
against James P. Smith.
Tho Miniiiiburg 7l!riph Bays :
"Buckwheat harvesting bus been be
gun iu Snyder county, tho laud not
ed for hills, bank barns and hardy
A western man was recently shot
by a neighbor who objected to his
singing "Sweet Marie." The local
paper beaded it accounts: "Sold his
life for a mere song.''
W. H. Rboads, a brother of our
townsman J. II. Rboads and a mem-
i.a. n 41, 41. tr i l
V n I."..
1'rinting Company, 1 ltlBjeBtuuteaHaop. -
, i
Teachers should provide them
selves with certificates of scholar
ship. A very neat design that will
last all winter can bo bad very ro
souably at this oflico.
President Cleveland never mis
ses an opportunity to send a con
gratulatory message, but no record
has yet been mado of him having
sent any to Maine.
Tho Milton Furuiluro Company,
whoso Advertisement appears in
this issuo is a now company and is
in no way, conuectcu with any other
What s-t-i-n-g-y spells depends
upon whether you refer to tho busi
ness department of a beo or to tbe
man that borrows bis neighbor's
paper to save a penny. ! Siiinolf.s ! I I have just
received 100,000 No. 1, 2 nnd'3 21-inch
White-pino Shingles. Call and Bee
them before buying elsewhere.
F. II. Macreu, Now Berlin, Pa.
Many of our subscribers called on
us mis weeK. rpaco lorbuls us
giving all the names. Tho names of
those who have paid appear in tho
Roll of Honor.
Tho Sehuuro Bakery at Mifllin
burg was sold to Royer and Close.
They in turn sold it to Jauios Beaver.
His wugon will bo driven to Middle
burgh regularly by Charles Rudy.
Among thoso of our citizens who
attended tho picnic at Centre Hall
lust week are tbo followinir : C. C
Seebold und wife, J. W. Runklo and
family nnd Jennie Stablnocker.
Notice. As I lutoud to close out
my stoves, you cau buy them at
first cost. They are first class goods
and all insured.
M. L. Shannon,
Swineford, Pa.
Fon Sale. A jet black, chuck mare,
4 years old, solid, sound and all
right. Good actor. Warranted in
every particular. Vill be sold cheap.
Too much stock. I. L. Klin,
Troxelville, Pa.
Last year a dollar was good for
twenty-two pounds of granulated
sugar but now you get about six
teen pounds. These are the "good
old Democratic times" promised by
the Democratic leaders and orators
a couple of years ago.
ltntllcaa Cindlrtaw cr Auditor
liucli andOldtof New P.crlin have
rerved space in another column.
Thfir announcement will bo mado
nx week.
Ui, J. O. Mohn of Centreville mov
ed ilkto Dr. Geo. P. Miller's housoon
the French Flats ou Tuesday. He
will take charge of Dr. Miller's prac
ticaj 7 dh'ect the attention of our
roarers to the Bpaco reserved by
H. pppenheimer, tho clothier nt
Sfcllfisgrove. Tho advertisement
willltppoar next week.
Rv. Jacob R. Geariuger, pastor
of the Nagle Street Church (Church
6f Ood), Harrisburg was comiuitted
to jail Monday, in default of bail,
forycrirainally assaulting ouo of bis
fertile Sunduy Bcbool scholars, aged
about 15 years.
ltd Republican Ierenr.e for the
t . ;,th S(infti0-ctum uo'j'.-r
.t jjtiaioru ana ou
lue second uaui
nNuanwyJl Allison EJwarits. of
. L . 1 . l.
Fulton county, v.ho received the
support of the conferees of Fultou-
Shippensburg business men are
making great preparation for a big
industrial trades display Thursday,
October IS, in celebration, as it were,
of the fact that tho town has so
thoroughly withstood tho recent de
pression in business affairs.
Rv. T. Bruce Birch of Boiling
Spriugs and Sarah C. Himmelreieh
of Coy. w ero quietly married at
tho homo of tbo bride on Sept. l"tb.
The first mentioned was a class
mate while tho latter was a former
student of tho writer. Wo wish
them much happiness.
Win. K. Miller, Esq. of Salem, Pa.
was last woek admitted to practice
as an attorney iu Union county.
Mr. Miller is a bright, aspiring young
muu an l'mo people of Union county
will find uim an honest counselor
and a vigorous advocate for his
Tho autopsy held on tbe remains
of thirteen year old Harry J. Smith,
of Antes Fort, who died recently iu
Williamsport hospital, revealed tho
fact that tho lad bad three kidneys.
The discovery created great sur
prise amoug tho physicians.
The Board of Public Buildings
and Grounds awarded the contract
for tho chandeliers, wall brackets
and other eloctrical fixtures for the
House of Representatives and the
now executivo and library building to
the Harrisburg electric light com
Now that you havo registered and
have been assessed, tho noxt thing
to be attended to is tho payment of
your tax. Examiuo your receipts
and Bee whether you have one dated
since Nov. 18U2. If not, and you
are over 22 years old, you must pay
a county or State tax before Octo
ber 0.
The new bank building in Middle
burg is a substantial and ornamental
structure. That town has attained
to a higher standard of cleanliness
Mifllinburg Ideyraph. Right
you are. We allow no factories
to Bmoke our town or dirty
it with cinder. The streets dare
not be dug up for anything, not
even for telephone poles.
CO., PA., SEPTEMBER 27, 1894.
lii'll. JAM KS W. -ainiir;iti inr.-c
. nl Internal AITalrs.
Andrew Bee, who recognized Jeff
erson Davis when ho was escaping in
disguiso from his tent, died on Sat
urday night at Marten, Allegheny
county, Mich. He was a veteran of
tho Fourth Michigan cavalry and ut
tho time of tho capture was under
General I'ritcliaid.
Tho Scranton JliniU'wan says
tho reason Joe Bucber declined lo
boa candidate ior Congressman-nt
large was because Joe was not con
sulted about running Singerly for
Governor. Our contemporary fails
to say what consideration was gicn
to Joo for his interest iu tbo Selius
grovo post-office fight.
Tho Republican Clfb of Middle,
burgh will Lieut iu'tho a A. R. Hull
next Tuesday vvoiiin, NOct. l?ud.
"", 'uporlanco t bo tran
sacted. - mriiiTirrb win :-r'
omed. Of course ou believe in
Republican principles and even if
you are mire tho republicans will
win, that is no xcuho why you
should not join in the movement.
Tho Middb Imivk'.i Post should not
worry. 1 ho democrats can get along
without us. We belong to no fac
tion, nor ilo we think there is any
room for factions. 'I'lie onlv time
they are bred is when mjiuo one asks
for something he 1ms never earned,
or some ono who has never done any
thingfortho party but beat it, wants
to speculato in polities for his own
personal gain.- Turn x.
Tbo Harrisburg l',i(rn!t of Sept.
17th virtually admits what ( ien. 1 Tast
ings said about closed factories. It
is us follows : "Tho banliiii' of tbo
Newport furnace last week leaves
tho three now at work at tho Penn
sylvania steel works, the only ones
iu operation within twenty-live
miles of Harrisburg. Three iu this
city have been out of blast all sum
mer." Wo wero erroneo.sly informed that
T. J. Smith, Esq., was regularly re
cognized by tho Slate Committee as
tho chairman of tho Standing Com
...!li. . .1 11. . I M
niiiieo oi nnyoer i.oumy. uur in
formant says ho meant recognized
by tho County Democrats, while wo
had reason to infer that ho meant
recognized by tho State Committee.
Hence, our error iu lust issue.
Nearly every man in town has somo
joko "on" him which his enemies are
anxious to liavo published. Some
.lull day wo are goiLg to print a
couplo of huudreds of these inci
dents and theu tuko u week's vaca
tion dowu in the next county. He
rald. We nro in tho sumo boat, Bro.
Aurand. Let us know when you will
print your batch and wo will print
ours at tho samo timo and go off on
a vacation together.
Somo party or parties broko into
Strodo's store, at Strode's Mills, on
Sunday night or early Monday morn
ing and stolo goods to the amount
of $80 or $100. Entrance was effect
ed by boring holes through the shut
ters and taking off the latches and
then raising the windows. The
theives took mostly tobacco, gum
boots, shoes, muslin and other small
articles to the above amount. Free
Tho Thirtieth Annual Convention
of the Pennsylvania State Sabbath
school Association will bo held in
tho Presbyterian Church of Hunt
ingdon, commencing at 7:30 P.M..
Tuesday, October 0, 1894. aud con
tinuing through Wednesday nnd
Tho Republican Congressional con
ferroos took fifty ballots in Williams
port, in all2.V., withoutroBult. They
then adjourned to meet next Tues
day in Williamsport. It was rumor
ed that Hopkins had been formally
withdrawn, but his conferrees deny
tho statement. They hope to con
tiuue tho deadlock and havo Hopkins
chosen as a compromise candidate.
Tho voto is a tie Packer fl, Lewis A.
Mmni.Eiirmm, Sept. lsth, lS'.t-l.
At a regular mooting of Capt. G.
W. Ryan Post, No. DM G. A. R., tho
following was adopted. Resolved :
that all Comrades of Capt. G. W.
Ryan Post assemble at tho Post
room on Oct. K', 1894 at 8 o'clock A.
M. to participate in the re-union of
tho 4!th Regt. P. V. V.
Jab. P. Smith, P.C.
G. C. Gt'TtLICH, Adjt.
Congressman Bill MoAleer has
been defeated for re-noiniuutiou in
Phila. This did not pleaso Colonel
Bill Singerly who had hoped to work
his harmony scheme. Bill No. 1 got
what ho deserves. He was some
thing and ho was nothiug. Ho claim
ed to bo a Domocrat and a Republi
can at tho samo time. Bill No. 2 is
furiously mud. Tho ono BUI is past
defeat aud tho other ono is expecting
Wo aro informed that there was a
bogus pension examiner trailing
rnrougii unoimi ana vicinity -jo-
cently charging "neb, cnt wbos N.,
he pretend') to investigate tf
'nlhir and mirkiug big proiui.
Ml he pciiKioi? officials nro paidJml-
aries lv tho government, amp have
no right to Ciicjrco pensioners any
thing. If nn.v onedoi. m can be
sure that ho is a fraud, i.ivt rinl
The Baptist brolhom of North
umberland are having a controversy
over tho doctrine of "Divine hold
ing" nnd "Sanctifieation." It up.
pears that somo of their pastors,
such as Revs. E. C. Pauling and A.
S. Burner advocated tho idea that
their parishioners should euro all
manner of diseases by faith and
prayer. The committee from tho
crunch denounced thoso men as
Tho moon was full on Saturday
night and had an eclipso on it so
were a good many fellows in this
place full and had an eclipse over
their eyes. Jlfa Vfitotri Journal.
Wo thought tho Lord treated ilis
people all alike, but sineo ho guvo
us tho eclipso on Friday evening
nnd tho McVeytown people ono day
later, it seems such is not tho ease,
or perhaps His pooplo don't livo nt
Tho Walter Ro-union on Saturday
in Bower's grovo was largely attend
ed. Tho various branches of this
'Xtensive family came from different
lul ls of tho State to lend a band in
making tho Ro-union of a timo hon
ored lineage a perfect success,
Speeches were mado by John Yodor,
Prof. F. C. Bowersox, J. A. Snyder,
Revs. J. S. Shaiubucb and Rcurick.
Iheso annual gatherings have the
tendency to cement tho bonds of
union und muko them more lasting
Tho case of tho Perry County
Railroad Company against Constan
tino Magiunis aud Francis R. Whito,
contractors, nnd their sureties,
Joseph C. Miller, C. W. Schali'iu r
aud Jonas White's estato which wus
ou trial at Lancaster for a woek or
more, was concluded ou tho VHh
inst., the jury rendering a verdict in
favor of the plantiff for $G,S)4ti.07.
Maginnis & White of Manheim, Lan
caster county, contracted to build a
railroad for the Perry County Rail
road Company, but abandoned the
road before it was completed. An
appeal has been taken by the dofeu
&ant.Jiloomfleld Advocate.
In run l.y tlicrdiidm.
II In mil ah irk'iin."
It 1 1 1 1"
II in .-ri.. i . I imiHSue
AiiiliH-vi i ti nut .
sun.-i i iH ; n i.:.(i)t
no. as.
His Companions Say that Ru-,! is the
Um l,:r.
On Saturday evening, August 2.1,
George Rusk. Horace Kruinhine
and Norman Long, from Chestnut
Ridge, were attending n ival at
Salem. They started for home
about midnight . On the way home
Rusk laid a plan to steal a chicken
and roast it. This was opposed by
tho other two and a crock of milk
vouched for. When they cimo to
Thomas Bailey's they took a crock
of milk from tho spring house, drank
it and set the crock in again. Then
Rusk laid a plan to steal potatoes
and chickens and sell them so they
could biro a horso and buggy to at
tend a festival tho following Satur
day evening at Krutzervillc. Finally,
it was agreed to meet nt Krumbine's
tho following Sunday evening in the
wagon shed. They met at the pro
posed time, took' some bags nnd n
fork and started for William Hilo's
potato patch about three-fourths of
a milo distant. They dug about
four bushels, look them lnuuo and
hid them in tho barn. They then
started for William Bile's residence
took ten spring chickens from the
roost nnd carried them homo mid
hid them in tho barn. The following
week Krumbine sold them iu Lowis
burg and pocketed the funds. Rusk
afterward stob n suck of sweet oorn.
carried it to Krumbine's liouso and
hid it iu the barn. Iu tho mean
time Kiiiinbiiie had left hi-; place
and tho corn was found iu the barn .
Rusk afterward t' 1 ''
thut he was . . '
flouting ark from Mr. Ira T. CltmituH,
and livo totally on stealing. Ho was
trying to entice his companions to
go idling to tho neighborhood of
Danville to steal a horse, lie t-aid
ho knew where they could sbal u
iorse, take it to Juniata county and
sell it to a man for ready cash. They
Iccideil to meet the next morning at
a certain place for committing tho
tin ft, but Krumbine's courage failed
when it was to go in that deeii and
10 backed out. Rusk went to Juni
ata county and perhaps being angry
because his companions deserted
lim, gave away the robberies that
had 1 n carried into execution.
Ho also volubly accused his com
panions of having made attempts to
ob John Bailey nnd the stores at
Shamokiu Dam, but this his com
panions deny. Ho also accused five
or six more of being iu the gang, but
lis companions have given ailidavits
that t he gang consisted oi ly of the
three aforesaid. Rusk was raised
near Oriental, Juniata county, lie
had been employed by a farmer near
Danvillo fur several years and last
summer ho was employed by Jere
Hummel, near Shamok in Dam, and
confesses t hut he hud be n ill such
gangs at different times and says
that- no otlieer could apv-t him.
Sunburn JUiii.
We have learned from II. ('. Fi.-s,
Just ice of the Pence, of S'uamokin
Dam that (irumbine has not yet
made his appearance und that Nor
man Long gives the same story that
Rusk gave iu our columns h-d week.
Hence, the statement, that (irum
bine has ma le an uilidasit i false.
The Soldier's Re-un on.
Tho forty ninth regiment, Penn
sylvania volunteer will hold their
annual ro-union in thispluoo on Oct.
Itith and 17th, Tho most extensive
preparations aro beiug mado for a
grand patriotic display and nothing
will be left uudono that will tend to
make tho veterans fool at home.
Flags will bo suspended across the
streets at various places and houses
will be decorated, and arranged in
our country's colors. Citizens of
tho town should soo that their hous
es aro properly docoratod. Tho
committee of arrangements havo
engagod excollout talout to speak on
this occassion and all stranger's will
be warmly welcomod. A large num
ber of people will be iu attendance.