The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 13, 1894, Image 1

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    : t
i, mr'm'lfntly a NEWS.
v tltr i "i i'
?'nniirc Blwn.v!)x'li for
., .. .iiw'iixsiiin o! tuples or
interest to Its patrons.
VOL. 31.
I'uy jou taxes before Oft. 'th.
Tlio schools opened on Monday
Your subscription. How about it .'
Court begins next Monday a week.
The 1'ort Royal Fuir is in progress
Lis week.
V.F. alter Iiiih returned to his
Lome iu Akron, Ohio.
Middleburgh was laid out in 1HD0.
(jet ready for tlio coutoniul in nix
For your boots and shoes go to
Illeisor anil loder who nro selling
;ooiU cheap.
Miss Anna Steele aud Mrs. Joseph
iDrecseof Altoonn, are visiting at
A, II. Ulsh's in Swincford.
Mciscr anil Yoiler of Globe. Mills
IIV1U Bt'U gUUUS) Ut CObl, 1111 Ul'l. 181,
ii ii i . - l i i:u
,,Len they will leave.
Many of our citizens attended tlio
l)dd Fellows picnic at Aduuisburg
a Saturday.
W. W. Trout of the Free I'rc
nl V. II. Wren, of Lcwistowu, mado
pleasant call at our office Friday.
Miss Carrie Ulsh of Brooklyn re-
irued Saturday from a ten days
jouru with friendj at Adumsburg.
The attention of the Standing
mimittee is directed to tho cull of
c chairman for a meeting Sept. 25.
Xleiser and Yoder aro welling
ughains, calicoes, overalls, Hhirts
il all merchandise at tho lowest
,i rain the latter part of lust
. brouiriiijov to many a Jarmer a
ut and an increased crop to his
Hisses Jennie and Belle Bibig
is accouipuuied their Bister Mrs
i'ry Uibighaus to her homo in
lev. 0. P. Sunders, who preachci
t Sunday morning to tho Luth
b congregation, created a favor
a impression.
mlliamsport's Chief - o f - p o 1 i c o
tes a letter concerning the Index
.licine Company and tho sumo is
'lished in this issue.
liuuel Rowo of Centre Hull shot
ob From threo timo3 while the
erwas attempting to stoul chick
from the former.
M acknowledge receipt of an in-
ktion to attend the McKeesport,
centennial celebration on Thurs-
and Friday, Sept. 13 and 14.
he Lewistown Gazette shows up
uliant military record for Capt.
.Reed, the republican candidate
Assembly iu Mifllin county.
r. John C. Amig and S. S. Schoch
in the excursion to the seashore
Thursday. They spent some
tluutio City and Philadelphia.
m. Smith of Troxelville is teach-
be primary school in place of S
Dicker who was prevented from
s' bo on account of sickness and
A. Rothrock, a prominent
inuu and the lather or Mate
try Commissioner J. T. Roth-
died at McVoytown Sunday
Blue Hill, Prof. J. K. Miller, of
kk, Del., and his troupn of ed
it dogs were struck and killod
& R. train on Tuesday of
ester Bowen, of the Summit
wears a smile as long as a
rail, as wide as the street, and
k as a pumpkin. It is all on
at of a new hostler.
Kaino of buBo-ball scheduled
ko place Saturday at Adams-
between Middleburgh and
lville, did not take place on
U of the rain.
Republican Senatorial cOnfur-
f the Twenty-fourth district
Williamsport. 0. E. Oeyer,
1 1 mbia county, was nominated
urt ballot.
Wantkd. A few country
Inquire tiMhis office.
Clara Johnson, aged 4 years, was
killed on the P. R. R. on Monday
nfler tionn nt Siinburv. Tho body
cut in two pieces.
Von Sam:. A feeond handed cook
stove, burns eonl or wood, n first
class hiikcr and is in excellent con
dition. Call on or address this of
fice. F S.i.r.. Tho Bracket House
made by Clias. llano is i.i my jioscs
sion and will bit Hold at private salo.
Cull on or address, H. K. Speciit,
:;t Swincford, Pa.
Pott's Shoktiiaxi) Coi.lf.oe. Fall
term opens Sept. ilrd. If you can
not conio to Williamsport, take mail
course at home. Catalogue and first
lesson free. 8-2:i-3t.
Rev. John J. Minnemyer of Liver
pool, will preach next Sunday morn
ing in tho Lutheran church and Rev.
R. P. Fetterolf of Maple Rill, in the
Tho Republican Standing Com
mitteo will meet at Middleburgh,
Tuesday, September 2."th, lSDiatll
o'clock a. in. sharp. A full turnout
is solicited. By order of
Ciias. M. AnnotusT.
Hereafter fourth-class postmasters
can act as notaries public for pen
sioners and witnesses in ponsion
cases ouly, and can charge tho pen
sioner not exceeding 2." cent 8 for each
Tho houso and lot on West Main
strict, belonging to T. H. garter,
will bo sold at private snie. iTor
particulars pall on or addrees
J. M. Steixinokh,
Middleburgh, Pa.
Ook Special Reduction Day Sai.k
will be on Saturday, September 15th
There will bo Special Low Prices on
this day and bargains for all. Don't
miss it. A. C. Smith,
Kreamor, Pa.
Tho Walter Family will hold their
ro-uuionou Satunlav,Sept. 22d, WM
in Bower s grove. Trains on S. A L.
R. R. will atop at the grove. All do.
1. . .
Hi:t!iiii.inis. as wen as others, are
cordially invited to attend. By or
der of committee.
Housewife (showing shmple of milk
to local dairykeopor) Look here 1
bought this milk from you-it's half
water, and tho rest is chalk, and you
sold it as pure country milk,
Tho Milkmaker (with diguity) Ma
dam, to tho pure all thing. aro pure.
fstihea of i or;.
II. Burns Smith has gone to Buck-
nell University to resume his studies
and Francis Qilbert has matriculated
as a freshman in Franklin and Mar
shall college. e wish our young
friends success m wading through
the profound mathematical calcula
tious and classic lore
Chas. A. Qundy of Lewisburgh
was at Snyder County's capital the
early part of this week collecting
samples of various brands of phos
phate for his father, John A. Qundy,
who is a member of the State Board
of Agriculture. The samples will be
analyzed to detect fraud, should
auy exist.
"Mistakes Souls Who Dream ok
Bliss." Tho following marriage li
censes have been grautod since our
ust publication :
S Amon A. Ulrich,
) Anna Hartman,
J Asa H. Kantz,
) Eva M. Adams,
S James M. Fisher.
Globe Mills,
Griswald, Iowa.
Elkhart, Ind.,
Peun Twp.
Perry Twp.,
Amanda E. Arbogast,
J William K. Herbster, Beavortown,
(Odessa Haines, "
Look! Look!! We have about COOO
yds. of Calicoes in stock, which con
sist chiefly of blues, blacks, reds,
pinks, etc They are all 0 and 7 cent
goods. We will oiler that entire
stock at S cents a yard cash. This
special sale will begin on Saturday,
September 15th, and continue until
the whole stock of calicoes is closed
out. Call early while the variety is
arge. Resp'y, S. Weis,
Selinsgiove, Pa.
Sidney G. Ocker Passes Away.
After a long, lingering illness cov
enng a period of more than two
luonths, Sidney O. Ocker was finally
compelled to yield to the ravages of
disease, lie died on Sunday night
at 11:21. During hi long suffering
he wns constantly cared for by fath
er and step-niotlier and tho mem
bors of the Camp P.O. S. of A.
Death came as a sweet relief to his
pnin and suffering.
Tho diiceused hud fully expected
to bo ablo to begin to teach school
on Monday, but the hour that should
have called him to duty was charact
erized by tho sounding of his own
death knell.
Sidney G., the son of David and
Mrs. Ocker, was n dutiful son, a
faithful husband and a christian
gontleiuan. Ho was buried on Wed
nesday after-noon in tho Salem
cemetry with tho funeral rites of
tho r. O. S. of A. A largo number
of pooplo paid their last tribute of
respect to his remains. Ho was 2i
years of ago. Ho leaves a wifo and
threo children.
Wo would liko to see wheat worth
$1 per buRhel. ! Shinoles ! ! I have just
received 1 00, (Kit) No. I, 2 and :i 21 inch
Whito-piuo Shingles. Call and see
them before buying elsewhere.
F. II. Mauiieii, New Berlin, Pa.
William Miller, Esq., tho bright
and aggressive youugSnyder county
attorney, accompanied by that titer-
ling, yard widoand irrepressiblo Re
publican, Georgo M. Wittncr. saw
tl' Ti"ruts in Union's capital and at-
iut,j rn loyal business on hurs-
. .
have leceived four or five
copies of resolutions of respect with
a request to publish tho mine. This
we would bo glad to do, if wo hud
the space, but to this would necessi
tate the omission of that much im
portant news. Read tho notice at
tho head of tho editotial column.
l....l.i: rii .i ... . .
. uv n-iuuuruii v -uiu 111 Cl in me
G. A. R. Hull on Tuesday evening
anil elected tho following officers
President, Geo. W. Wugen seller
V. Pres., J. F. Stctlcr ; Cor. Sec. C,
W. Herman Roc. Sec, G. E. Has
singer; Troas., J. C. Schoch; Janitor,
i. U. ftcnnlel. I ho Delegates to
tho State Convention made a very
elaborate report of tho Convention.
C.-W. Herman, J. C. Schoch, J. F,
Stetler were appointed to make ur-
rangemouls for a few pu blic meet
The Harrisburg Boiler and Manu
fuc turing Company have the contract
for furnishing tho apparatus to sup
ply hot water heat for the new bank
building. This same company has
putin the steam heating apparatus for
the new University buildiug. Selius
grove. Their work is mooting with
the highest approval wherever they
have received contracts. They fur
nish estimates for steam heat, hot
water or hot air, on application. S
F. Dunklo, their representative, is a
gontloman of tho highest repute,
prompt in the discharge of his duties
aud faithful to all parties concerned
It is atiource of gratification to know
that worth aud merit are so readily
rocogmzed by our citizens.
At the Convention of tho Repub
lican League of Peuusylvauia last
week, the following delegates were
eleo ted to the National Convention
at Cleveland, Ohio, to represent the
18th Congressional district i A. N.
Gemberling, Selinsgrove, P. P.
Riegel, Beaver Springs, D. B. Miller,
Miflliuburg ; Alternates, F. C. Bow-
ersox, Geo. Y. agenseller, Mid
dleburgh and Charles Braucher of
Millmont. A delegate and alter
nate from franklin county were
elected whose names we did not
earn. Dr. B. P. Wagenseller of
Selinsgrove was continued as a meui-
er of the Executive Committee
rom the 27th Senatorial District.
Snyder county had three clubs repre
sented at the State League of Re
publican C lubs. There are now four
clubs in the county. Why not
double the number T
CO., PA., SEPTEMBER 13, 1834.
;ujv Ay
H.'P'iMli'nn CiitnlMuto rnr l.livit. tinv. of ivimn.
Death of Jas. K. Davis.
James K. Davis, whoso death wo
noted in last week's issue, was well
and favorably known throughout tho
central portion of tho state. Ho
was born in Selinsgrove, Nov. 20th,
and spent his entire lifo iu his
native town. His early lifo was de
voted to bu.iincss of a very success
ful nature, and his energy and care
ful business method.-) brought to him
an accumulation of wealth estimated
at .l.-i,0,Hi to .sjoo.diH. l,r several
years Mr. Davis served tho First
National Bank at Selinsgrove as
presidiugollicer. He was associated
in tho mercantile business with
Georgo Schntiro who died ubout two
years ago.
The f uuoral o' tho deceased took
place from his late residence, on
Saturday morning at'i 1 (clock. A
largo number of friends and iciutivws
paid their last tribute of respct to
tho departed by following tho re
mains to the cemetery where they
were buried. Mr. DavU was u clover,
courteous gentleman and his face
will be missed on tint streets of
Selinsgrove. Ho died at the good
old age of 7S years, 10 mouths and
11 .lavs.
Four Trampi in J.t l.
Last Wednesday (too. E. Speeht,
Constable of Fiankliu township,
arrested four tramps near Globe
Mills on suspicion of being tho mur
derers of Frank Henderson at New
burgh. New York. The murder was
committed the 2"th of last April
while six men were robbing Hen
dersou's store. Two men were cap
tured and lodged iu jail, but four
are still ut large. Tho authorities of
Newburgh were uotitiod and Emun
uel Parrot, tho Chief of Police sent
a deputy to identify tho prisoners.
It took but a moment to discover
that these were not the right par
ties and they were given their lib
erty. A reward of $li)00 is offered for
tho capture of Homer Survis who
committed the murder and $125
each for tho other three, Thomas
Vttughan, John Gregory uud Johu
The Coming Fair at Brook Park,
Lewisburg, Pa.
Tho forty-first annual fair of the
Union Couuty Agricultural Society
will be held at Brook Park, Lewis
burg, on Sept. 25, 2(i, 27 and 2S.
cursion rates on all railroads. It is
one of tho oldest organizations of
the kiud in the couutry, aud with
increased ago its exhibitions become
better. This fact will be demon
strated this year more than ever be
fore, as the management is composed
of enterprising gentlemen, who have
formulated a list of premiums that
will prove very attractive to owners
of fast horses, live stock raisers,
farmers and farmers' organizations,
manufacturers aud others. Pull
particulars are given iu pamphlets
issued by the Society, which cuu be
had on application or by addressing
G. E. Long, Soc'y, Lewisburg, Pa.
The public is assured that this year's
exhibition will prove pre-eminently
Found Guilty.
Focirr and Fr o t the Pem rr.
The Mifflin! own Triln-m- in its
court proceedings gives the account
of the trial of the Snyder county
trio as follows :
Commonwealth, vs. Tra Fry, Frank
Zochmun and Harry Fochl. As.-uiult
with intent to rob, assault with in
tent to rob, assault with intent to
kill and carrying concealed deadly
weapons. Jacob Ludwig, prosecut
or. Ihe defendants were charged
with having mado a plot to rob the
prosecutor and iu pursuance, of that
plot concealed themselves in the
stablo of Ludwig and when ho went
to feed his Btock and stooped
over to gather up some hay they
pounced upon his back and held
him fuco downward when ho shot
one in the arm with a revolver which
ho had provided himself with in an
ticipation of this attack. They
then took his revolver and on ac
count of tho outcry ho made lied.
When tho wholo community was
aroused and they wero pursued and
captured about twelve miles distant,
and upon being captured in the
woods various admissions of guilt
wero mado by them. Defendants
attempted to explain tho matter by
testifying that they had been in
search of work and were passing
from ono place to another and stop
pod in Luil wig's barn to sleep and
Ludwig finding them there shot
at them and mado a great outcry
which frightened tuem r.ud they ran
aud made their confessions when
tfiy-. i?V-A?J :.ff. .M.e, threats
made against them nf bodily injury
if they did not confess. Verdict,
guilty as to the count for iissai '!,
with intent to rob Jacob Ludwig.
Hairy Focht and Ira Frv were
sentenced to the Western '-penitentiary
for two years at - b.'tor, S. fine
and costs Hid Frank .eclnuan to
the ilunti; ,' Ion Ki lonnatory, S5
and costs.
A Correction.
Iu response to our Adumsburg
correspondent iu the lust issue, the
following letter was written:
Wimiamspout, Pa., Sept. , ''Jl.
En. Post : Somo days ago I had
a letter inquiring ubout the Index
Medicine Co. of this place. I replied
by saying I thought them a fiaudas
I could not find any one here who
knew anything of such a company.
I have since learned there is such a
couipuny here, composed of a drug
gist and two other respectable citi
zeiis, who ure engaged in man u fuc
turing medicines under tho name of
the Index Mediciuo Co. I know
nothing about the medicine, but they
claim that it is all that is claimed for
it. I write this at the request of the
Iudex Medicine Co.
Yours Respectfully,
Evan Rcssell,
Arrested in Selinsgrove.
Georgo Thompson, a "dudy-du-die"
of Williamsport was arrested
iu Selinsgrove on Saturday at the
National Hotel. Larceny, forgery,
misrepresentation aud embezzle
ment are the charges against him.
Thompsou left Williamsport Sept.
22, 1803. He has been in Washing
ton, Brazil and Cuba, but sinco July
he has been in this county. At
Selinsgrove he used his ill-gotten
gaines to have a good tiiuo with the
fair sex of the town and in fact ho
made quite an impression on some
of the young dames at our county's
metropolis. Thompson was in part
nership with S. P. Hagonbauch in
the cigar business. Ho made fulso
entries and claimed credit whero no
claimes were duo. He secured en
dorsements on false pretenses and
conducted business in a very crook
ed and irregular way. The County
Detective, Joseph G. Piatt, took
hitn back to Williamsport and now
the crook is behind prison bars.
Is run liy tin- riliturx.
It If ii it nn (!' tiui. "
It i'.iiii i" ii!lur."
II iii-. ni, ii ;, , nnismic
Atlll HCVlT H'llll nut.
Mtl'si'l liiit I .Till tl M U
NO. 30.
Another P.i;vr to .. f,L!l,(, f(, ,S
The Ivri i't i'K -lut iiNM,, j, mmitlilv
paper,. , f.- tin. v.irs ,y
J: II. Dit.ii.i. 1. D.. i s.hl,s:;rv,l.
Will hereafter lie pnl. , .,,., fi , .m 1 1 1 i
office. The owner-hip, title, and
subscription lil have In n ti.ite.fn-.
red t.i us. The ,.f the
monthly lias been 5n I copies, timim,
the subscription list will fail l.Tw
this number. The publication is an
H page monthly magazine, .1. -voted
to the interests of Missionary Insti
tute, (now a collcgni at Selinsgrove.
The first issue of Vol. IV (September
number) will bo somewhat delayed.
It will conio from the press about
October 1st. Each subsequent issue
will appear about the loth of the
month. The subscription price will
bo 50 cents per your of 10 numbers,
there being no papers issued during
July and August when school is not
in session.
The Editorial stall' is not yet com
pleted, but it will bo made up as
follows: (,.(). V. Wageiiseller, A. B.,
Editor-in chief ; Associate editors
from Philo und Clio societies, from
tho Faculty, from tho Theological
department and tho Alumni; and
other contributors. A. E. Cooper
will be business manager.
By untiring energy, and strict de
votion to burliness and uir chosen
culling, wo propose to merit the con
fidence and esteem of uu intelligent
reading public, both through the
Post and the IxsTrrrTK JoriiN.w..
lour of thfc rotate" on -Monday, tne
I'thofthis month, ami will speak
or. the evening of that day at Em
porium, Cameron county. On the
lth he will iipeak at Bradford. Me
Keun county : ou the Uth at (.'lar
ion, on the 2oth ut Kittuniiing, und
oil the 22d he will luuko two sp. ecL
es in Westmoreland county. In the
afternoon he will speak ut Jeuiiiiette,
and iu the evening at ( in . uslnirg.
He will begin the ni-M week at Hun
tingdon on the -Uh, and on tin--'th
lie will speak at. Williumspoi t. on
.the -t'.th at Iiloom.sbunr, on the 27th,
ut Towuuda, on the 2sth, at Lewis
burg in the afternoon andShaiuokin
in the evening, on the 2'Jth he will
be at Reading. Ou the 1st of ()(
tober ho is to speak at Gettysburg
and his other engagements for tlui
month ure C'hambersburg on th
2d. Carlisle ou the ".d, York on th
4th, Pottsville on the 5th, Lancusti
on the nth, Du Bois on the stl
l'unxutawuey ou tho !th, Altoon
ou the Mth, Johnstown on tho lltl
Pittsburg on the 12th, Newcastle o
tho 13th, Greenville on the 15th, O
City oil tho b'.th, Meudville ou tl
17th, Erie ou the Mil, Beaver l'ul
ou tho luth, Washington in the u
teruoon and Wuyuosburg, Greene
county, on tho evening of the 2lh,
Scranton on tho 22.1, Hones.lulo on
the 23d, Wilkes-Burro on the 21th,
and Chester on tho 25th. This is as
far as tho schedule has been com
pleted. Among those who will ac
company General Hastings on the
trip at different times are General
James W. Latta, tho candidate for
Secretary of Internal Affairs; City
Solicitor Warwick, Henry Hall, of
Mercer ; Congressmen C. W. Stone
and W. A. Stone, District Attorney
Georgo S. Graham, Jerome B. Niles,
General Flunk Boeder and Ex Con
gressman H. Clay McCormick.
Thero will bo a partial eclipse of
tho moon Friday, September 14th,
which will bo visible iu these pints.
Tho moon will enter tho earth s
shadow on Friday night at 10:2:
o'clock i the middle of tho eclipse
will bo at 11:25 o'clock, aud tho
moon will leave tho earth's shadow
tweuty-ono minutes after midnight.
Tho iiiagnitudt of tho eclipse will
be a trifle less thuu one-fourth of
the moon's dianiotor on the northern
limb. The point of tho first contact
with the shadow will be tho north
paint of the moou's limb.