The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 06, 1894, Image 7

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r or mirFBRiJiu.
ItTTr Rss-erlrar ml a Well Kwa
,ial WHf "tar That
. - Ml... I. Aft...
konittr CMtnnooga, Tenn., Vms.
,ouDiy cflk'lni In East TfDmwone it
incn and morniRtiiy lxmHllnno
C Wilson, circuit court Clrk or
County, at Iyton, the home of Mr.
He r-njoys tne coon Jfnee aol re-
,,1 clnss, id1 Id th buslnr eom-
hl word It as (foou as hi bon I. Just
ir. Wilson i rvceiTinK nuaniren con-
tilont fro to on numerous friends be
ofthe itu'oratlon lo robust health of
Bible wire, who dm for renrs been a
Invalid. Mrs. Wilson s high staml-
iccMv, and ber mnnr lovable traits
rocti'f hnve won hrr a host of frtonils,
r woD'brful recovery baa attracted
reed nltcuHon.
Id r !' medium of bringing
inrslld Indy s attention the remedy
, f (Tifli'.l Iht n-mnrkitble cure, a fa
wns n nt to Dayton to Interview Mrs.
Id order that the general public
bare the lir-ne.'lt of the sufferer's ex
v diI be mtule aware of the treat ment
roiik'lit sueh n marvelous changa In
lltinn. The reporter was welcomed
Wilwn homo, iiDd the enthusiastic
lh tec"iilntf rehictiini'B kiivh the hls-
her iinlii'tloD and the manner In
hf wu relieved t
mild Sirs. Wilton. "I was for H
n Invalid with one of the most lls-
sfflictinns woman can suffer. For 8
nn'ied iiround. tlriitfitlnir myself with
tv lind I vr 1 fa out of bed. Mv IlltWi
writ untr.illiej mid were Kreutly n.'K-
whlle i iooko.i listlessly and help-
the cheerless prospect before mo
Inn. I suneren me moi inrene pains
niillol my Mies, nn I these s,mil
tvsier In the reirion of the stnmueh.
ntr down to I lie urolns. I mi (Tern. 1
,i iiir or awake. Uespulr Is no
rlhe feeling caused by that dreadful
n l weakness and helplestncss I
t iv iperieneed.
Ln treated !or my trouble ly several
y.-irt lie. hill they were able to give
P'trporury reilei ty the use of se In-
i,l imr.'otl,. I had almost (riven up
f of ever seeurlnr permanent relief
u im aecount 111 t he I'nm of a cure
iir. Williams 1'iLk 1'ills had effwled.
n to try them, ns I knew the lady
I leen cure I and hud great confl-
ib lier statement. I beKiin to take
in October, is;i3. and In two months
mm; UKbt housework mid attending
children, without any bad effects or
ft. nidi us I had formerly ex perl-
llitlHTIo, I had been unable lo re
r lnod, but now my appetite grew
, and with it came tck that old.
nnd hearty tone of the stomach. Dr.
l'ink Tills cured me, and I assure
curu tins brought a great change in
-ne. i can now rejoice in my bus-
uccess, for I feel that I have some-
live for. Who has a better right
bis thnti n mother? Que thing more.
recommended these pills to others.
toiv ol the women ol Dayton have
cm with good results, and it is my
pleasure lo recommend to every
r woman a remedy that has done su
r me."
imiysls proves that Dr. Williams'
(is lor Tale l'eople contain in a con-
n uli tli elements necessary to
lite nnd richness to the bloo t and
wiered nerves. They are an un-I'-rlilc
for such diseases as looomo-
u,'irtilgl, rheumatism, norvous
e, the ittler effects of In grippe, pal-
oi inn nenn, pitie ana sallow com-
. that tired feeling resulting from
'prostration ; nil diseases resulting
nted bunion, In the blood, suen as
i chronic cry-lpelas, etc. Thev are
'pecillc tor trouldes peculiar to fe-
e'li us suppressions, Irregulniities,
lorn.s ot weakness. In men they
Milir.'il euro in all eases arising from
worry, overwork, or excesses ol
-r nut ure.
Alliums' Tink Tills for Tale Teople
'manufactured by the Dr. Williams'
f t'ompnny, Schenectady, X. Y..
old In tcxes (never in loose form
ilo.en or hundred, nnd the public
Honed ngaiust numerous Imitations
this chape) at 5'J cents a box, or six
r ti.MI, and may be had of all ilruvf
ilirect by mail from Dr. Williams'
p Coiii puny.
p ctcbinn 18 dune by the aid ot
city a wire is soldered to the
o l o etched, hy means of which
trie current Is passed through
tilntr solution, wdich Is made
mure dilute than in the case of
7 etching Th!s actloc is
ucrcascd in intensity, and, in
cases, acids, which under ordi-
rcuaistanci'H are insert, can be
ps. for Instance, copjjcr and
kiphurlc r.cld.
Clover Root, the great blood purifier,
"librH and clearness to the complex
cures couBlitiHtiun. Z5 els.. SO cU., 1L
rk. True l.ssailve Prlnrlple
luiiti used in nianufscturing the pleas
ly. Kyrup of Klgs, has a permanently
il effect on the human system, while
l'l vtyelsble estriuis and mineral sola-
imlly sold as medicines, are pvrnia-
'tijurhius. iieing well informed, you
tbe true remedy only. Manufactured
Iifuriila Ki vrup Co.
"I with soreeyesnse Ir. I"ac Thoinn-
n.iler. lli'UKUK'tHM'll ul ier tsiltie.
'in farmer has received an order foi
irreis of cider.
Kilmer' FAMr-Iloi)T curs
Kidney and Illudder troubles,
mi. bletiuidConsultuUonfreix
Ul'rutory lJii.gbaiiiptun.N. Y.
''''is hickory Is the strongest wood
. the I'liiti d Ktates.
' Tinker To., of Dorchester, Mass.,
iiiHiiufiu'liireror pure, Muh grsle,
me i ly tre it'ed Cocoas an I I'hoi nlalei
'"iitinetil, buve lust arrUd erf the
''"iiiirn hi I he Mldu inter Fair in tu
" The pi lliled rule giiverninr the
'li Kiur, ft lies tliut "One hundred
HI ei the enhihit In a seeiitl nwurd.
"i of Honiir. Tbe scsle, luweer. is
I'li.'li. they Miy 'Ihnl il will beull.illl
M luo-t tueepliniiiii raes.'" .411 n'
at, , ,v Cn.'j. whmI rrrrltviinnt huwtmi
''' 't J (fit III (u tl ( lll( (lUXII ll lllll J
pood Appetite
"in to good lioaiui. and wnen me
Iwire for lood is gone strength will
For loss of appetite, Indigestion,
laotiu, und other troublos ot u dy-
mure. Hw.1'
!rla is the
hlnh most
cures. It sSkto
'ones the stomach and make one
ruirrv." lit, turn In ul llnrwn anil
N's Harssparilla.
' Pills arc purely vegetahl. Wo.
Two mounted highwaymen are holding up
Omaha people, riding right up on side
walks. The Humboldt breaker, owned by Llnde
man A fskeer, nt Haxelton, Ta., was burned
Sunday, the lost being 11,000.
Penec Falls, N. Y has a reign of terror
caused by Incendiarism. Hundny three al
leged firebugs were arrested.
The operative potter ot Trenton, N. J.
have toted not to accept any further cut in
wnges. The manufacturers have not et
made any proposals.
Thomas Nelson, a Sew York stonemason,
was found murdered In Albany Sunday and
Huron W. Kecds, aged HO has been arrest
ed. Eugene Zoggl, formerly American consul
at Home attempted suicide unsuccessfully,
by shooting in Home Hunday. Financial
A. H. Wilcox, of Chicago, who Is charged
with swindling his business associate out of
about 100,000, has been apprehended In Ujf
talo. ItuMia will on September 15 reduce the
tnrlff on distilled petroleum exported via the
Prussia frontier from 34 to 34 coccks r
pound. In order to facilitate competition with
American petroleum.
At West Chester. Tn., r.ev. Father Spnldlng
of M. Agnes' Catholic clmr -h, lias declared
the recently organized branch of the Ancient
Order of Hibernians an enemy of the church,
and forbade the male memters of his congre
gation to give it any encouragement.
lieproii'-'hed by his wile FJi.atcth. Sunday
night, nt St. I.ouls. for his failure to provide
for his family. Henry liesche shot the
woman four times. I.oesche theu shot him
self twice in the left breast, cut his arm twice
with a razor and then cut his throat, Iloth
are in the hospital in a dying condition.
(loverncr Wnite has issued a quarantine
proclamation against Oklahoma, on the dis
covery that New Mexican herders, who were
disbarred from driving their cattle into Colo
rado, uuder the quarantine established a
month ago, were driving them Into the strip
with the intention of entering Colorado from
that territory. New Mexico will probably re
taliate with a quarantine ngaiust Colorado
The number of lives lost bv fire In the
northwest is cow stated at 400 nod it is prob
able that ns many more will die from Injur
ies. Hinckley was the chief sufferer, only
one building left standing In the town. Hea s
of unidentified coriiscs are being gathered to
gether, to be buried in long trenches.
The burnt dlntrlct is absolutely desolate. The
fires ate Into the very earth, destroying cor
duroy ronds burled three feet deep.
German and British Warship Bombsrd
the Rebel8tronghold.
The steamer Mariposa, from Sydney, Auck
land, Apia and Honolulu, brings new ot fur
ther fighting among the native ot Samoa
and forcible Interference ot British and Ger
man warsblix stationed t Apia. After sev
eral skirmishers lu which many native were
killed the warship bombarded tbe rebels'
stronghold nnd King Malletoa's army follow
ed up tbe advantage. '1 be retiel chiefs prom
Ited to lay down their arms, but did not do so
and the slaughter has been terrible. It Is
now certain that unless vigorous measure
are taken the position of tbe foreigners there
will be critical.
John S. Dus a Musical Composer.
John Samuel Dus, the head of the Har
mony society, at Economy, Pa.. Is a musician
of superior ability, and also a composer. He
ha composed a march called Liberty Chimes
which he has dedicated to the (1. A. K.
national encampment. On Sunday evening
Il was played In Schenley park In Pittsburg
by the (I rest Western baud, and received a
double encore from tbe enthusiastic audience.
rtTTMii no.
drain, 1 lour anil I red.
WHEAT - No 1 lied
No. 2 lied.
COHN - No. a Yellow, ear....
High Mixed, ear
No. i Yellow, shelled
OATS-No. 1 White
No. 2 White
No. 3 White
liYE-N". I
No. 'i Western, new
H.OI H-Fancy Winter pat.
Fancy Spring patent,
Fancy Straight Winter
XXX Ilakers
hye flour
11 V-lUiled No. 1 Tuny...
Baled. No. J Timothy ....
Mixed Clover
Timothv from country ....
FEED No. 1 W h Md. ton..
No. 2 White Middlings....
Itrown Middlings
llrau, bulk
(THAW - Wheat
f N U SO
The Tresldent of Chile gets J5,000 a year.
Bismarck has iHi crosses and decorations.
Oliver Wcmikll Holmes bus just celebra
ted his eigbty-Ufth blrthduy.
Kma Butabitaxi, of the Gilbert Islands,
is a great monarch ; weight, 345 pound.
- rTr OTuiesf flh&Aftf fa t& Cuureu ui"rdg-"prig'TVE;nr"": "
innu iu jjisuup vi iuicuveier, woo 1
Dr. Vircrow, it is said, has fallen into the
habit of taking only three hours' deep out of
tbe twenty-four.
It Is ono of the old habits of Pr. Ulackle,
the distinguished Scotch philosopher, to
Wear indoors a broad-brimmed hat.
Se nrTARV Giitkram, who M raroly seco
without a cig ir In his mouth, is said to allow
himself twenty cigars, of the best graue, u
r.osr.RT Elaine, brother of the late James
O. lllaine. has lieun appointed to a t'.KlO
clerkship iu the Library of Congress, Wash
ington. General O. O. Howard is having n house
built overlooking IUe Chamnlalu at Bur
lington, where he will reside alter his retire
ment from the army.
It is now rumored that childless Itussoll
Rage will build a monument to hlmseli )y
leaving in his will a fortune ot over t5,U(Xt,
000 in philanthropic, bequests.
A statce ot Prince Lultpold, Regent of
Bavaria, has been torn down from a park in
Garmisuh and carried away. This is said to
be a sign of his growing popularity.
The German Emperor, In spite of bis lame
nnd uselukg arm, Is an excellent horseman.
Attendants have to help hi in into the saddle,
but onoe there be can master any horse.
I'BorEHSoa Stellwao vo Casion, the
famous oculist of tbe University of Vienna,
bas retired owing to old age. Many Ameri
cans have studied under the professor.
Ei-Governob Bvraocc, of Rhode Island,
is now living in a small cottage near the
beach at Narragansett Pier, and discharge
tbe duties of Chief ot Police at Narragoneett
It is said that Senator Polpb, of Oregon,
never smiles. In the whole oourse of his
service In the Senate nobody has seen bis
eye light up or bis lip quiver. Why It is no
on bus ever bad the eourage to ask.
Load Buiadalpa" Is credited with own.
Ing the most rusgniflceut resldenoe in Scot
land. Ills lordship can ride 100 mile west
from Taymoutn Park to Arniuddy Castle, on
tbe Argyllshire coast, without setting boof
off his possessions.
Georue M. l'ri.LMAK itnrted in life as a
house mover. He made his first stake in a
contract tor moving a large number otstores
and other buildings from the hanks ot the
Erie Canal, the job being made necessary by
the widening ot that waterway.
Bei'Iiesentative Talhert, ot South Caro
lina, occupies u uuique potltion among Con
gressmen in that he neither goes to tbe the
atre, drinks, smokes, chews or plays cards.
He ha a habit, however, of never passing a
bep;garon the street without giving him a
nickel, disposing thus of the small change
that most men spend on themselves.
W. C. HnwELLs, father of W. I. Howell,
the novelist, died at Jeffurson, Ohio, of pa
ralysis. He was eighty-eight years old. He
was engaged lu newspaper work from 1H30
until 1M74. when President Grant appointed
lilin United States Consul nt Quebec, where
he served four years. He wns also Consul
at Toronto for live years. He served lu the
Ohio State Semite la lHCt-5.
Fayette Forests Ablase.
Forest Arc have been rngilig fiercely in
the inouiiluliis east of Coiiuellsville, I'll., and
the town Tuesday night wo wrapcd in a
thick cloud of smoke. The held fur
destruction is so extensive that all the feuces,
barns and mountain dwelling are iu liu
luluent danger of the sweeping flames. The
resident ol the Ihreateued district ure
watching for rums, u the tires ure already
spread to such an sxtent thut only a general
rulu will stop them,
Jaaix on:r. lorty year of Age, went to
hi borne, in Philadelphia, intoxicated. HI
mother reproaohed blin, and in a quarrel
that ensued tbe son kicked ber to death,
beating in ber skull with his heavy shoe un
it! sh was dead.
IlETTF.Il -Elgtn creamery. f
Fancy Creamery
Fuucy Country Itoll
Low grade and cooking,.,
t HEEsK Ohio, uew
New York, new
Wisconsin hwiss
I.lmbiirger, new nuke. . , ,
APPLES-- Fancy, f hbl . .
Ilucklelierriea. pulls
lleorgia, each
Ann Arundel, iht ug bbl.
BEANr green perbu
Lima. II
Fine Mute, on track, bbl..
From -tore, bbl
Home grown, crab's
Yellow. per I'll
I'nullry, Me
Live Chickens, t' pair . . . . t
Live Duvks, V pair
l'ressed Ducks, f lb
Pressed t hickens, lo. mix
' " young select
Dressed Turkeys. V II
Eggs - Pa. and Ohio fresh..
Extru I.lve ttcexe, r' lb
No. 1 Fx. I.I vn Geese, ' Hi
Country, large, packed....
M i elln m-oii.
SEEDS Clover. IU lbs
Timothy, prime
Blue (irass
HAGS Coitntrv mixed
HONEY White lover
ClDEIt- Country .sweet. hbl.
.Y1 fn t M
11 li
!, :,'.
II 12
M as
;)4 us
:i:i ;i4
:s :i;i
41! 47
4!l Ml
n i.o so
:i ii i :i Tit
i mi a
i m a "i
h io a 2.'
U Mi l:l io
10 .' () 11 M
11 (HI II Ml
1A (Nl IK (HI
17 Ml is IKI
Hi M) 17 (Ml
1.5 MJ W0)
1.5 60 1 ('
ft (H) ft Ml
i Uft 7ft
M fm 27
iX Xi
HI 1"
10 10'j
12 W
u ;i ,
2 SO Op 2 ':
;o l no
10 20
2 7S a i.'
UO 1 (SI
2 1.5 2 2ft
2 ii 2 60
1 75 2 00
75 so
M) Cm t M0
IS Mt-
40 Ml
10 16
14 14',
14 15
11 12
15 l'i
5ft i.o
40 4 ft
:t: io
ii :ift i; t:j
2 ftft 2 7ft
1 -0 1 Mi
17 IN
II 12
4 (HI
il on
( IN( INN41I.
Fl.OCn 2 M r.T 2 f.S
WHEAT-No. 2 lied 50 ' !M
IHE-No. 2 fti
t ('UN-Mixed 6fi
OATS !ll
BV'ITEK Ohio Creamery.. I'J V4
FIiOEB 3 50
WHEAT -No. 2 Bed
COHN-No. 2 Mixed C2
OATS No. 2 White
Bl'TTEB- Creamery, extra.
EGGB - Pa. flrsUt
FLOUn- Patents
WHEAT-No.2 lied... .
BYE Mate
COHN-No. 2
OATS White Western. . .
Bl'lTEB-Creamery . ..
EGGS- St .te and Penn.,
3 ('5
ti a
3 55
Cattle Slarket l(eMirls.
( I'alllr flir so' nl llu n fi.)ui' Hn ri iyhl.
lltxjK nrr SoW net irsigV, )ml is 20 or (
iyi ii frail y) offfrum lice irrKjhl, V,ep nrt
o(U jrimt, tltnt is Uri irviijhl ur iwthingiJT.l
Cnttrul .ViH't I'unfs I'lilsUuvij, J'ii.
Extra, 1.450 to l.COOth 14 (iOri 4 K5
Prime, l.aoO to 1.400n 4 i.V.4 40
Good, l.'ilCj to l.SlHim 4 (Kirk 4 L'I'
Tidy, i.oftoto i.iftoit a .'.oii a n:
Fair. 1HXI t I.Ooott, 2 3 Ml
Commou, 70u to U.OOIb 1 10 (i J 00
Heavy Phlladelphias f. Iftrail20
Commou to fair Yorkers and pigs 5 30i ft 70
Grasseni 6 2ft'p ft '.'ft
Boughs and slags 1 25a 1 7ft
Prime, 95 to 1 Oull 3 00 1 10
Good, 85 to UOtb 2 Mfm 2 isJ
Fair. 70 to sort 1 10($ 1 till
Common, fift to 7011 Mi's I On
Spriug l.amlnt 2 ud'y 3 )
Veu) Calves. 6 00ra5 60
Heavy calves 2 00 s 3 5u
Chicago - Cattle -The market was inactive
.ind weak all around. comiuonto good grades
being lower. The week's receipts foot Up
t:n,uoo head, Hoggs The w,-ek's receipts
amount to 100.60.1. Hogs bought early Sat
urday were resold later at udvauoe of from
15to25cper 100 pounds. The top of the
market was 6.25. The advance varied from
100 to 20o., the bulk ol the stuft selling above
5. 'JO, and ouly very common lots going below
tti. Prices were ttrm at l(!ea.40 for poor to
choice sheep, and at 1.7 Vo4.;ift lor land's.
The supply was light and the tendency of
prloe rather upward. Hecelpt tor the week
umount to about 62,000 head.
Cincinnati - Hogs strong at 14.75; receipts
3,000 head; shipments I, SOU head. Cattle -Steady
at t2.2!a4.AO; receipts 600 head; ship
ment tlOO boad. Sheep firm at tl.Ka a; re
ceipts HO0 head; shipment 1,000 bead. Laiube
firm at 1.754 ITS.
The Petroleum Market
Refined unchanged; last quotations were;
opened H2tf; highest 2-;AC lowest bi'J40;
eloeed S2sc.
now the nrltlsh Oovernsnent tt That
Rum Blip Thro' Their finger.
All England IsUncply intcrcstrj In
ft new mystery what became of King
f hcotiaw's crown Jewels aw) other
wealth when tho ltritlsh occupied the
palace In Mandalay, liuruiuh, after
the campaign (if it 8.'.
This question hus conic tip through
the death tied confession of a private
in the West Surrey Keglment, who
declares thht he and a companion,
Private Wllliaru White, icurcd all
or a portion of these- treasures and
hid them In a moat in the vicinity.
This statement has lccn made public
and Private White has ltecn sent to
Hurruah to help recover tho ttcasure.
At the time of the Htltlsh occupa
t!ou orders were given hy the (iov
ernment that the annexation of Hur
mah should lie carried out peacefully
and without bloodshed, and every en
deavor was iimdc to obtain Klntf
Thecbuw's submlsslcn. liut he re
fused to comply with tho Iiritlsh de
mand and the troops were marched
from the rlotll.a to the palaco walls.
An assault was then madu, nnd the
palace was occupied. Shortly after
Thccbaw abdicated, am! he and his
two whes wcro sent off. by steamer
As soon as the King had given his
submission guards were, hurriedly
placed In the royal rooms to protect
Hie Jewels of countless worth which
were known to le there. And great
wa-t the Hrltlsh disappointment when
It was discovered that tho treasures
had disappeared. Among these mis.
sing treasures was a gold calf weigh
ing several hundred weight, as well
as a portion of the rega la and quan
tities or precious stones. The crown
N studded with rubies an 1 iliaiiiotids
and is suni.cuntcd by a ticacocg.
At the time suspicion rested or.
the Knrmah MlnMirs and tho mauls
of honor, and every effort w;ic made
to trac; the treasure, but without
avail. Now. ufttr nine year, the
whole subject tunes up on this con
fession of a private soldier who was
present at the attack on the palace,
and who decland that he and a com
panion bulled the stolen plunder be
neath a sentry-box.
Theebaw's kingly wealth was in
disputable, lie bid accumulated
from his ruby mines a most valuable
collection of stones, and his Insignia
were set with diamon ls of the rarest
arc. What was known as his
betel-hoi was of puie gold, and tho
cover was ornamented with rows of
rubies and diamonds, the center ruby
a'.onc weighing thirty-nine and ouc
halfiarats. There was aNo In this
collection a golden ewer, made as a
receptacle for sacred water to be used
at the coronation. It was done in
the shape of a t rayllsh, of pure gold
and studded with cwels.
The crown Is also of cold and cov
ered with pearls and diamonds
These articles, together w th the
royal peacock and the llenu, were
prffSBl St- uhPyal audiences and
were thcr'.Oiijsjiliar to the many
agents and officers of'thv A'jitish fiov
ernment who had been ndiim'u-d to
Theebaw's j resenee. Tnev wcrc'ip
fact, carried about with him.
Through all this picturcs'tucncss
one can perceive an earnest pi uic
that (reat !ritaln somcnow failed to
gobble that tliirty-niiie carat ruby.
It Killed l he Cure.
'.Tohnnle Smith! You whicriri(
again?" demanded an Oakland
teucher of a particular y mischievous
' Well, come up here and get the
mousetraps on."
She stcod the boy in one corner
with a heavy mouse-trap dangling
from each ear. They pinched and
pulled, und Johnnie winced, twisted,
und then commenced to bawl.
"What's the mutter now?" asked
the teacher. "Those dou't hurt
"That ain't It." whispered the boy.
"Well, what is it?"
'It's a shame. That's what it is,"
be sobbed.
'What' a shame? To punish you
for whispering?"
"No. but 1 was born with big cars
that stuck out like a barn door open,
and I've had to sleep with 'em tied
back to my head ever since. Now
my step father pulls 'em and you put
mouse traps on 'em till this tying
back don't do any good, aud I'll have
cars like a veal cutlet.
The teacher removed the mouse
traps from bis ears and interted the
empty waterbucset over his head as
a substitute. San Francis. -o l'i.u
irowsoiiie Name Tor a Doctor
Greene. Graves is the name of a
new doctor who has located in Kan
sas. With the aid of the watermelon
season he ought to be able to keep
up the reputation of the family
name. Kansas C'ltv Times.
S imf men would never marry If
thev could noi marry a urass widuw.
SS0 rflbba-llUlblRAIftD.
Oueof Ilie IjimuM Mint Best ook
HOOKS iullllml MllS iasiku
lor it Lsr( Lub ki rul Iroiu lueu
( VBcc wnii.,.r, au.l i-(vlit slsmp.
Wrile for 11,1 el uur oilier Sue 1're.
ojIuu.. wooisosj asire Co .
iM 11 u VII PI., XutklAI, UU1U.
01 AAA aesliles olbsr vslus'ls
71111111 pretmuma lu snl suisi. rc ilnae.
VIV WW bsll Heeler, r.i, n. s.r
Mer lu MO UK A Nl IOIATKI l U; A.
.I.SK. I'llisi, llivuk kiiii1i, Mitiiie cmu Is,
leeti ii'iil full irllcu-sriiobllliKa mi ISisoSltst. All
rlvws.lsler. or M K-mm ISi Hireel New V rk f Iv.
Veasasssillves and peonl
wbobsss lunor Attb
ns. stiould ih iuh's Cats lur
I'ouiusipiloo. It Ass are
ItHsuA. It has not Injur-
TU on, li is nol led iu isA.
I Is lb bwi'couiairnip,
ASIDE from the fact that the
cheap baking powders contain
alum, which causes indigestion and
other serious ailments, their use is
It takes three pounds of the best
of them to go as far as one pound
of the Royal Making Powder, be
cause they are deficient in leavening
There is both health ami econ
omy in the use of the Royal Baking
oovAi bakino rcArrn co.. irr waii st . .rw-vrM!K.
flin I'uiposr.
A certain justice or the piece from
th- State of Iowa having arrived,
prcMnus to a trial, at a conclusion
upon a question of iaw highly satis,
factory to himself, refused to enter
tain an argument by the opposimt
counsel. "If your honor leases,"
conscl plea led. "lshould like t cite
a few authorities uon the point."
Here he was sharply Interrupted ly
tho justice, who stated: "'J he court
knows the law, and is thoroughly ad
vised in the prcmi-es, und lias tflven
his opinion, und that settles it." "It
was not." continued counsel, "with
an Idea of convincing your honor that
you are wrontr. but 1 should like t
show you what ad n fool Mack
stone was." Anr.'tiaut.
of diseases and is
ranKsinsntsbaTs their
origin in turrxir of th
liver. lWunife,! a-
t elite. einstiati'ti,
isodaebs, sour stim-
Aih prittftV lil,'Viinm
li If fa'ljfl luili(testion, or dys-
wuitiau leri.
Ma. Jons: A. Da
IliHar, V. H. Insrwet
or if InirtilKrnMno
at II ufn u, .V. I'.,
-inr. a. II.IIH1.I.
"From early rhlldbnort I suffered fmin a siutr-f-uli
liver. DM-tors' fresiTlplions ami rs'eut
iuelielnrs nffonled on it (euipersrv n inf. I
tried Iir. I'lsrnr'a I I, n.nnt I'elleis. Inklnit
three at nlbt and two slier dinner every dv
for two weeks and then nos " I'elh t " etery
day for two months. I Lsve In six months lu
rreased In solid firsli, twenty- I pounds. I
am In lielter health than I have Vfn since
rhildhiHxl, Irrwsiness and unph-sssnt f,-l-lu(s
after meals have eompietely duiapprared.
llMtu..! full.. n,.M .
V. 8. Inspector of Imtnurraiioa S
I K'W VT'1'',' MAKKx t irilt,,.
I 1 I.' I lmul .1 I. r ... I.. I . i
, i in, , nii'.i . N-n.i ,-it iu ri i -i - .u ti. .
ll III. I'AI H H k ( MKl 1 .-li
I ooo H.'k:;"
Tlie Mound llullilrri.
Officials of the Smithsonian In
stitution have discovered evidences
which lead them li believe that the
mound builders were the progenitors
0' the modern Indians
llrwsre of Ointinenla fur t'alarrb Tbal
twniHlii Slrrrsrt.
AS mernirv will surrlv deotrny tlis sens of
smell ntel i'i inpleiel deritniirtlie wlnileyt4m
wlien enter, titf it thrniwli I lie tnuoms surfares.
Sin h nrt 'I'lea eiiMiiiil never lie used eteept nn
pternpt ions I mill n pulalile rliy.K !nn. its t he
ilitniiis'e lin y will iln m ten fold totliefissl y.i't
inn pmlliiv derive from Iheni. Hall's ( atarrh
i lire inn'iiifnet ured hv K. J. CUeney A Co..
Vole lo, o., i oniains no niereury. and W taben
inti'riiMlly, a tunc d rertly nini the blisxl an t
m'l. oils surfm eo ol t lie" svMein. In hnyinic
II ill' i 'al.irrli ( 'ure lie sure to vet the yenulne.
It n tiikeri iitteriisllv, nn I l inS'le In Toledo,
O'.io, liy I. .1. I'lu-nevA ' Tetimonlala free.
WSo.d I y liruitu- 't, r i e (r Is.tlls.
I at Armn. II, IfVZ, Ar J .
.Itl'l Kitt-
H.-w. one
I tti l- ff I h
if,H r wild
I ir n r rijihl
M lllvll 4l
througli Intn th
I' I II. Hr-felllAll
fiilinK it utx-iit in
inch, tlllrllv urT
thf ,nr r fnmafh lift prrvrntl
atc. ffofiuainiii.
1i. 1 1 1 sr I n g.
hfs-rtihirit In (hit
Kim , i
1 ric-t
i. ii'.ir li -iiiif 1 1.
. Hut! l. N. t
'ilil-hcs. otilV I i
im I hllu . t .
fnil. nml pftstlti vrlf riir fh huhit nt
f li r. w t ii ic ' Im huil.
r r . i if 1 I i ..i I s si.'Wl v ! I wtum th? tu.rai fstf
IN- -n a ' is I ncri- nim ti.-i ! it.
a m runt it the imi it 'a: m r nVrnl it Mi
wt'. sc i i- l fs-nil li.f in uUft
What They Are For
sick licailache
bilious headache
I ad taste iu the mouth
ft ul breath
loss of appetite
SjIiCW Siilll
I .mplrs
ti rpul liver
dtpitssion of spirits
when these: conditioMS are caused by constipation ; and con
stipation is the most frequent cause of all of them.
One of the most important things for everybody to
learn is that constipation causes more than half the sick
ness in the world; and it can all be prevented. Go by
the book.
Write to D. F. Allen Company, 365 Canal street, New
York, for the little book on Conm ii ai ion (its causes con
sequences and correction) ; sent free. If you are not within
reach of a druist, the pills will be sent by mail, 25 cents.
FooPs Hasto Is Nao Speed." Don't
Hurry the Work Unless You Use
IJ1QRIIGP !) llb l.'XHI p.r.....l" .I..I
mMtin IHUC II. .1 -r- Iwk ....rill,., ,1, , aailril
Ira. CUNNtL'ttMONTHLV, Toledo, Ohio.
The 1 iirm t .Muiiiifui tui ers i f
On Ihii Con I nit nt, have rttiT4
on all their Oooili at Iht
Which, unlik tht )ulrh I'metf,
talttaiie vlUitiut Ilia useol Alkftlir
of whf I hiiiiUl or J) '
lolrly but iiti Milublr, ui cwiU
o wal cup.
W. L. Douclas
33 SHOE NOBOUt'a'Na.
r Br f NAME -D CALF.
4-.v5 s-c FlNf CALf iKANGARCl
9 5,?policf,3sou3.
2.1.? Boys'SchoolShoes.
.1 ADirt,
. . . . . . mi im mm
"VrMs'A r.qcktON. MASS.
Tau run soto mouef bj wrsrlof iko
V. 1.. Doutlus 3.00 Kits,
llsraasr. s srs hs Isrfsst msnutsrlsrars nf
IUis Krai f iIiik's In ti e world, and f usrastss Uirlr
talus li nani.i:.f His Dsins sad prlts oa its
iHitium, wali'li l you ssslnst blf ta (irlcrs ana
lis nilddirnian' .rnni. Hur slrnss jul euiiom
.irk lu '!, rsny biiiur su4 wssrlug quslltU-s.
Wt'liststbrm slii vrr;brr sllowrr irlraa for
ibluslraltisnsuyotlirr rusks. Tsksaosub
sUtuts. II jour urliT yiiuul suuli leu. w saa,