Vntmii Jt In but mt that t flttln nwnl. tlonof hl many Tirt hps 1ioli behadi there fore be It Riuaoi.Tin, By Ad.nnsburK Lode No. (StW, un der tho JurlMlctlon of tlio Ornnil cl Ponn'ii. I. o. o. F., that whiln io txiw witn humble mibmlfwion totlio will of tlio Mrwt Illfth, we do not tho Ipm mourn tor our Brother who hint lHon tnkon from m Ukuoi.vku. Tlmt III tho rtfiilli of Amnion M. Jmlth, this Ixlifolnmnnt.s the low of a brother who was ever renity to proITer the hand of nld and the voice of sympathy to tho needy and dlr rpswd of the fraternity I an artlve member ft this IKlire, w hoso titiinwt endeavors wito ex erted for Its welfnrti ntid prmpi'rtty i a friend and companion who was dear torn nil i a clu ten wlnmo uprlRht and nohlo lire was a stardard of emulation to his fellows. Kkboi.vko, That tho heartfelt nympntUy of this lxltjo Ims extoiulrtt to his family In tholr anili'tlon. Kkivii.vkp, That these row ilnt Ions bo spread upon tho records of this Ixltfe, a copy thereof be transmitted to the family of tho deceased brother, and to each of tho newspaper In Mif flin nnd Nii)der counties tor ptiblloation. Tm. A. M. smith. I. U. It I. Komio. I. U. A. M. Ai RANO, C'ininlttee, D oui the Ite'lefonte (inwtte. Brief Fum Hawsa Barrick. ieveb Kernel Harder. tier oKU Grovcr Cleviland t hmt i blotz futu olJta bower in tier norft end fun Tenns valley woo la yohr tzurick pa-broveered hut nnwr filler tHU brecba luitera tzup . i i t i r : no. Are mil tie uox iuii nine wie-ciloH wauKrt, un but si boova reeked far do filler btova bin are ufl olouirwid ua groddled in. "Luhs ... lone " but are e'sawd. un do filler !u dorrich dcr bush nunner r shtnrt vcr Hhtoomba un feltm, ivver becku a nosht, bis endlich sin bo in cn too Her bind-Kibblo cooma un dart pn bo der oldt tuou bucka lunim uiit cr tzup liuo in der bond awver de ilo worn fordt. Der awrera oldt ail woro bo fariielnhterod oh are ich net far-raked but bin anes fun lanucbberatsu Bbiirinca is cooma n euo p'froKt far wohb der dihenk r os aro' ho dob un uuhu room iiwtra daid. "Ah," but dcr oldt kail g'ttawJ du conHbt net olsfttrt onua font koo du wid won du om filler breclia isht !" Dioom Hawc ieb. deu is der foil litemoldta Grovcr. Aro but en ,t filler in Bincra fubr un Bin dor ieb Ronpa mit emo un now buck Ire uff der loncwid fun Bime wauga lit dor tzunlino in der bond awve Re cilo Bin fardt. Ieb glawb os ar n eooter fuhrnion is un but ca-wist ioo are no will, awver wo an sbtart but bin bo amobl es avbbt vers free-trade folder nows os do trcle c'floga sin, un es naixt Bin bo r'floga is un wo are Be widder end ieh uff der grawd wake greeked but h der Hoke Schmidt rous cooma far so nbtuppa un but Bi pension policy n der wake g'Bcbnnssa un bou but so recb fargelsLterod, un bo siu in ler bush ga-draid un es arstht os fie 'wist ben sin so im income-tax bind ibble ga-land. Do gilo Bin so diben- keritih g'sbprunga os es der oldt Grover bissy g'boldta but far tich urt'em wausrn boldta. Do filler ben le wbipband g'bot fun emo un der oldt inou but ous-gfunna os mer uet oima fora con woo mer will won mer om filler brecba is. Do fact is, Kernel, des is oil en htory, awver es is der beHbt wake os ich dere ouHliega con we de Bocba really siu. Do Demagrawda fun der Nort in net dorrich gonga mit em oldta mon. Es Bin de Brigadiers fun der Soot woo far drisicb yobr net feel ous tsu daila ben g'bot in un Kerani government, un wo bo amobl der Cleveland elect hen g'bot hen bo era uiinduffg'mauchtoBBobo gingta we bo wetta un won der oldt mon net mit wot daida so one obsoddla un era wako gro oony ene. So cevva nix urn der bower in der Xort woo aw belfa but der Cleve land electa. Se wella der tariff bo arranged hovva os Be arlro ga-bene fit sin, un wilo de domagrawda in der Soot der boond Bin un do dema tfrawda in der Nort usht der hebwoutz, far woss ware der boond L'oot won aro not bi Bcbwoutz Bbid dla keut wo aro wet T Ieb bob dor ouner dawg en ma chino g'sirna os en oldter Dema grawdisber bower ga-patont will greega. De machine is en rawd we eu horhpol, un ouHa uff cm bosbpel sin Bex grosso Bbtiffol. Des lawd will aro ou de Doiuagrawdisb con- voutiou nemma bo os yader oldter bower woo far der Cleveland ga-vote hut bich uff-backa con, cs rawd ilraya, tin Bi agony hustsa kicka on tiuf cent dor kick. Der liilly Disler will do macbino ruuua, un arb but urosBo bull'uing far blcndy geld raisa far Domagrawdisbekefl'er-brce 01s AVidder, Gottlieb Doonasteil. s8f Mtiiniul KiL'i i (Jeiiiilne ttmfederalo Hills onlv five ci iits eueli : Hiki and TiO hills ten cents each, m ami IKI cent Hhlnphist'Tsiei ntsiMi-h. fl A" liillsi.eeiiis eaeli. Sent ncciircK w-ileM on ns'i lnt in price AdilrcsK. 111AS. II. li.MtKKK. West AtlallU. tin. 35. U. J. i. SALLADC, VETEKI N'ARY SL K( J EON. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Colleue. Curiiula. All (tails anil tele grams pfoiupfly uttended to. town, l Central lintel. Heaver Oct. 24. 18U4. IMR? T . f THROAT ASE -j. . We want your trade, and by means of our advertisement we are seeking to get your attention and attract you to our store. If you are a customer of ours, we are anxious to increase our business with you ; if you are not we hope you soon will be, as no honorable means will be spared to attain this end. That we s S t o re Central Irylooi! Selinsgrove, Pa., Qia.lclc Sa l es, Sxrxall Prof i-bs 33g 33-uLslixoss. We aro offering bargains in Dry Goods, and esneciallv in summer lh,? aBitS. .TO-'goods to close out Challies at 3c. a yard, all wool Challies at 40 cents thing all who deal with us will at test. We guarantee you the low est possible figures. R STOCK IS THE FINEST most varied we have ever shown, we keep constantly on hand a full line of of goods pertaining to the thorough furnishing of a home in the most modern sense. reduced from 50 cents, Irish Lawns at 10 cents. Great reduction in Ladies Cloth, White goods, Dim ities etc. Give us a call, it will pay you. Respectfully, S. WEIS. Ij UA ANO M ICKEL MS3 1 MoWy0 Something new at II. Dowkihox's Confectionary, iliddleburgb, a'. of every description. Camets.Rucs. Draperies, Pianos, Organs. Music- al Instruments (send for catalogue) sheet music, &c. Write us if you need anything to beautify your home or make it more comfortable. or better come and see us, will at least mate your visit pleasant. J. E.MTH k CO., LiiCl ' Front Street Miltm.. Pa 133 4 CARTERS IITTLE IVER PIUS. CURE Pick Heailnehoanit relieve all the troubles tnct dent to a hlliuu, atate of the lyntmn, auch al liiznif s, .auPH. I)ri)wines, Ili.lreM after eut'liK, l'ain iu the hiite, &.C. While molt reinurkahle aucctwi bu been tlio wo la ourin; SDCC Headache, yet PiaTta'a I.itti.i Lima Ptt.i are ually valuable u Comtipatlon, curing and preTentlng tlila annoying complaint, while ney alio correct all dlnrder of the atomach, (tdnulate the liver and rKulala the bowel k.-.u If they only cured mm Ache they would be almoet prtoeleaa o Uiom who suffer from this dlatreeetnc complaint: but fortunately their oolne ooee not end here, and thoea who ouce try them will find the.' little a.tllH valuable In so many ways that they will not be willing to do without them, but after all sick bead AC1X1H the bane of so many lives that here ts whers e nmke our irrent boast. Our pills cur It IiIIh othent do not. Caktkii I.itti.s Livicn Vium a-e very small ml ver)- easy to take. I ne or two pills maks a dose. They are strictly veKetablw and do not irrlpe or portce, but by their intle action i.lewte all who una r.heto. In vlaU at l cents: ilvo for tl. HolJ e,erywhe'-o, or scut by uma CASUS K131CK1 C9., Vi Totk. MR bSSb Saillfe Great Reduction Sale of RJIT For Ninety Days ! The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN TIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE AT THE GKKATESTHACHIKICUEvKU KNoWN IN ( KNTKAL 1 IINN- SYLVAN I A. AVe nrn not M-Uing out, t.t wo ilo thin to It'erouso nr hiiIos nliovt ;.!,y pr.' vlotitt year. We given few of tlio prices um IoIIdwm : Soft Wood Chamber Suit tl I.imi ('otton Tup MnttiesH .'." Hard Wood Cliiiniher Suits Pi.OO Wov. n Wijo MattresN I.7' Antlqnn Oak HultH, 8 Pieot'H l!.(MI Hod Spi in IJ'i I'lush l'arlor Suit an.iMi Drop TuIjI.-m, per ft I Wooden Chairs per net 2.00 riatfurm Kockera J.M In stock, everything In the furniture line, iiichnliiig Mirrorn. !.-'- " Peiika, Siil-boardf, Cupboard, Centre Tables, Kurv itoekc- ' Fenther Pillowa, Loungen, CoucheM, Dot ' tL""'"r ' i-Tun io Sent Chalra fine, medium nnd cheap fin P N U 83 thrnim I I,..! rr'HIITII II I lliriMIKH. VOI1IO Ci ST PJ.H.M.'S VlENIWC in Memory of Ammon M. Smith. At u r'fc'Ulur mootliiK of AdamsburK Loilk'e No. W. I. O. O. F., bold Auif. 1. Ml, tho tollow lug preamble and roaolutloun word uuuulmuuHly adopted i Wukuvah, It lias pleased AltultfUty God, Kuler ot the f nlvorso, to remove from our tuldnt our CORDIAL & BLOODPURIHER. A rellablo remedy for strengthening me weak, inipartlnn vlorto the circulation, pu rlfyluif tho blood, rtorlng strungtb and ro bust bualth. A certain remedy for WEAKNESS. LOSS OF APPCTITB, LOW SPIRITS, STOMACH SICKMCSS ANO DYSPEPSIA. I'KICK t 00 I'm BOTTLE. Tl'o Ur. J. II. McLean Mcaiilno Co, J. M. KLINE, BEAVERTOWN, WELL DRILLER, and Agent for Riofs Hydraulic El 19 r IL D (or Ram.) ie tiling you want foi evatiiiir a eontinuoUH nupply of water Irroiu epru.nHor bran. lien. It U at oiieretitiir eimple in coiiftrui-tioii ami iim.nrpiihhe.1 In durability, they i now beinir pUeeil in every State in the I'niou himI nre wanteil in evt tirit itt a new ami mnrveloun Invention. Just the tiling' you want for el it u Keir aro ery COtlUty towtl ami Village. w ciihhi'H; wermiu irouiiio iiriuiu, Murt'prove antinfaetory before pnyment hi mn.le. For further iuformatlon write for illuhtrated catalogue. WELL DRILLING. llavlnc drilletl over three hundred welln in this County, plenty of ref erence can be c'iven aa to the nicieiicy of my work. I ret.pee.1 fully nolicit your pntronae In thin line ami will guarantee you perfect i-atlcfaction In "erY, J. M. KLINE, BEAVERTOWN, PA. GUNSBERGER CRN SAVE YOU MONEY. OP1NTLEMEN WHY DO YOU PAY HIGH PRICES FOR YOUR Spring & Summer Clothing When I am prepared to furnish you tlio most complete mioi'ilui Ti ATKST SrUTXd ami SUMMER iliPUlUIV un ' STYLES in Hats, Caps, Shirts, Neckwear ami Gents Furnishin" uhich is tho most desirahlo ami best selection that I havo ever shown. Bargains in Everything and for Everybody . R. GUNSBURGER TRADING OLOTlIIElt, MIDDLE1JUKGIT, PA. pjw I a Cl J undertaking t Sz Embalming. your order, ami thou tavo f Special Attention Given to KATHERMAN & HARTNAN, Limited, MIFFMNIin:::i;, !'A Special Reduction. In order to make room for new goods, I will sell at specially re duced prices all lines of goods in stock. Call And Bee My Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Stoneware, Queensware, ulass ware, &c. An antire Counter rich ly loaded with 5 cent Goods of ev er description. Mt. Pleasant Mills. i i CHANGED HANDS! The Tinshop & Stove business lately conduct ed by J. H.Ehoads is in my possession. I urn prepared to offer Spec ial bargains in STOVES, TINWARE. Spouting, Tin and Corrugated roof ing. Call and see my goods. Respectfully, H. M. REIGLE. mm It y-". .',M' 6 HT. LOUIS, mo , BOLE PROPRIETORS, Into brother, AramoaM, Hmltl), and