at is Beauty ? "Question of a Blind Man !" I'pplicil Aristotle. But Mrn. Sber- MTi IU81 It la uiunuiim iu r article which opens the inter- ting pages of the July tosmopoli iinnutv is alwava a fascinating ibjoct, and Mrs. Sherwood's dis l88ion is an especially interesting That the July Cosmopolitan U midsummer number is shown L mnnV directions. Three short rU(. "J nvins. including one of sport and - & 1 ... A a l mlna anil i i . ii .... loa .!. I11TI1T. Ill II I.I.Hr. I1IHHH lllf Aci nf pliiirmincr minimer rcndinir. The July Cosmopolitan marks the . , i . it i : . n w nnnnitnpAtiiltlll U'Afi IllllllA UUUH'J " " ' - i - ttiA fia if tVint trincrfi7iniV Al- - 1 Inn lio.l lionn rut to DllP-lmlf 1 1' j " ,f three dollars a year. All sorts of ircdictions have come to bo unful ,lled during the rear it would be mpoHsible to maintain the rest he quality would bo lowered the ; would bo decreased. But even i i 'l n. -a. 1. severe ci liics auiuu iuut nu i-ai-n succeeding number there has been a betterment in the quality of articlos and illustrations, and tho size has remained unchanged, except the al ways growmg advertising pages. The magazine printed, for the six months embraced in Volume XVI, one million four hundred and nine teen thousand copies, an entirely unapprouched record, and has doub 1o,l its already Inrce riant of presses and binding machinery. The walls nf tho mneazine s new homo are rapidly rising at Irvingtou-on-the Hudson. Artistically designed by McKim, Mead fc White, tho new lmildinsr. with its eight great por ticos, will bo 27D feet long by 7ii feet wide, and ono of tho most perfectly lighted buildings iu the world, hav ing lfiO large windows, each nearly double tha size of the ordinary win dow opening. PAXTONVILLE. Amanda Weirich is on tho sick list. . . .Mercy Bruncr is homo from Sun bury where she had been working. . . Charles and Wm. Howell spent tho Fourth of July at this place Ira Harner was home from Bloomsburg a few days last week. . .Chas. Dobsin who had been working in Ohio is i mi , - home at present. ... xuo peopio oi this place are busy carrying hucklo berries from Shade mountain. . . . II. D. Custer was in town recently SfcrriVuvfo 2&wfilL visiied .at. Ivantz over Sunday. . . .Frank C. Bowersox J visited his mother lately Horace Kline is viiiting his wife at present. . .Lena Zelner of Painterville visited hero this week The C. E. Society will hold a festival here on Saturday evening a week. All are invited. . . . Jane Bruuer of New Berlin paid a visit to her parents recently Bingaman Ernest was home from the lumber regions on a visit last week. Ciceho. Christian Endeavor Convention at Cleve land. For the benefit and convenience of those wishing to attend the grand reunion of Christian Endeavor So cieties at Cleveland from July 11th to loth, the Pennsylvania Company will run a special train from Pitts burc at 1 r. m. Wednesday, July 11th. This hour will permit of con nection being made by people resid ing east of Pittsburgh with the reg ular Pacific Express leaving Harris burg at 3:10 a. m., Altoona 8:00 a.m., Blairsville Intersection 10:11 a. m Greensburg 11:02 a. in., Braddock 11:47 a. m., and intermediate stations at intermediate time. This is the only direct route to the beautiful city of Cleveland from 1 1 ' . . .1 n (lulu i no it ilnna mis bciuuu, nuu joriu(ii .v.o, around the Allegheny Mountains, a most pleasant trip is aflorded. Hq 3 D U. J. G. SALLAPH, VKTKK1NAUV RU1UI KON. Graduate oi the Ontario Veterinary Colloue, Canada. All nulls nnd tele griiiim promptly attended to. OHlee Mt Central Hotel, IWver town, Oct. 24, 1N94. OUIMIAN'.H COlKT SALE OF REAL ESTATE! 11 v virtue til mi nil. is imL r l-'iei out of tho Orhti'H I'mirt nl Hie county of HnvrtVr, state of IViilivvkiinlii. for tin- iV "t tlin Hml Kstate of ratliiirlni' aikii'iwui, ut tliiiniii town Hliln. In null! iiiimtv. ilo-'il. Hie uiiili-rsliriied Ait iiiliiisiriiinr of k.iuI I'Miiiti'. will I'Xiitis,' in rutillc Sale on tin1 1'ri'liil-'i's, nlniiil uiiu mill) North of Mi-Keen rail, on Thursday, August 2nd, nt I oVI'H'k. M. tin' follnwlnir il.'siTllieil Kent Kit all'. Illrliiilliik' mi I'M.'i'lli'lit Fi-rry Kltflll iicnifs tho Siisuiii'iiaiiii:! rlviT. All that 't-rlalli nirssiiiiiri' or trm't of land Hit Hale Iu l hapiuali ton uhlilp. Sayili-r eoiinty. I'll., ImiiihiIimI on i hi' Nnrlli liy lamln of .1 1 li 11 1 lit ki-1 ninl Jnliii A. Muvi-r, on Die Kant by I'lilillo Itoail mill tin1 I nsvlvaiilii l aiiiil, on Urn Soiilli by lamlNiif I'lilllp llllliMi ninl J. A. M.iyer. nil the Wot liv l.illils nl llmniiii'l mill Mlrllai l KiTmIi'I ler, roiit.iliilnx 41 ArKKM anil -n'hi" more or less. Alwi niiothiT tnirt runlalnlnif tiNK Al'HK. mul iH-ri'hi'M. Iielnir nimii of the orlif mil tnu't ami lylnif lift with ihu I'liiiisvlvaiila i'iitiiiI mul the Siiwiiii'hmina rlviT. TKUMS aitHT eeiil. of the pun-hnse money IoIm- piiht on ilay of sale. piT ivnt. on I'oiillr niatliin of mile liv the Court wlu'ii u Merit will Ik- ilellvereil anil iiisi'.s.ilon will Ih Klven. the lialani'i' ri'liiullillik! umialil to Ih htriiriMl by V .IiiiIu'IiiimiI or M'lriK'ak'i'. payalili' llm IhI day of January, is'.ii. wiin unt-ruta on Maine irom unui Of COlltll'lllllllllll HI Mill'. JAMKS M. ANPKItSON'. AdnilnlMlratiir. MARRIED June 2Kth. at New Berlin, by Rev W. H. Schoch, Charles T. Bailoy and Mary E. JIabus. both oi entreviiie DIED. June 24th, in Washington town ship, Maria AlagUtuena ncnoii, aged J5 years, 4 mouths and 1H days. June 2."ith, at Bnavertown, an in fant child, aged i days. June 2(ith. at Beavertown, Carrio E. Manbeck, aged 23 years, 4 months and l' days. July 1st, near Pallas, Katio Agnes Gaug'lcr, aged 13 years, 2 months and I'J days. July 1st, near Pallas, Jennie Alice Incle. utred 4 months and 21 days. July 2nd, near Salem, Daniel Boy- tr, ogea 1 1 years ami m mouius. Tnlw Rfli ncne T)entnr. .Tolin T. Smitii, aged 00 years, 3 mouths and 13 days. S. 1 SIIKAKY, Jiixtlce of the Peace, Conveyancer ana iiihurauce ARem. Penns Creek, P. O. Pa. Only rellahle t'aMh fomnaules represented. HiM-i-lal alteutlon irlven to IiiNiiranee, Drawliij,' lijCoiiMaot8. DeeilK and theeolleetlonof Clulmn. lflH'6alllia nrDlucui:o vu RiftCb qiicoi., veil trevllle, I'm Xl 11 i.VXXOil,,ih()okoiiU 'IVIlMiill about thin wonderful Miitijocl. Whatever your vlrwH nre on llypnoilNm, vim will 11 nil thla book of Kreiit value. rulillHhoil price, AO eenta. Sent free, traiiHiMiriaiion prepaid, 11 you remit x oenw for Hiiliwrlpiliiii to lliiiuu nnd Hearth, the ehvanf. hotewliold inonililv, AiMri-mi HOMKS ANU UEAKTUS I'UBUSUINU t)., New Yurk. CARTERS SplTTLE CURE Flok Ileodaehe and relieve all the troubles Inel ti nt to a biliouHlnte of the ayntm, auch at liiiin-w, NaiiMra, UroMniuewi, DUtrvu aflvr rnl UK, l'ain In the Kl.1. Ac. While their most remurkublu (uuocim him been rIiowd in curing SDCG Iteadaehe, yet CiRTia'a T.itti.i Ltvm Piii arn eipiallv valuable In Onnitlpallon, cunn and preventing this annoying complaint, while tnev alio correct all dtmirderi of the ntnmarh, tliiitilaui Uie liver and reKulaut tha bowel -a If Uiey only cured mm Ache they would be almost prtoeleaa M thnee who luffer from this dlitreeatnK complaint: hut fortunately their (oodneu does not end here, and tlrnne who once try them will find theee little pllla valuable In to many way thai they will not he willing to do without theiu. But after all tick head AGIK.H t the bans of so many lives that here It when vn niake our Kreut boast Our pllla cure it hlle others do not. Cahtkh's I.itti.b f.tVBR Tiu f verysmau tnd very easy to take. One or two pills Disks dost. They are strictly vegetable and do not kHmi or purge, but by their gentle action please all who una r.hein. In viali at US centm live for fl . Sold everywhere, or tent by lusll CAZTtB slZCtcmS CO., Mi Tat WE Smite. Sail! ftici D ST R.J. H. MAN'S CORDIAL & BLOODPURIFIER. A reliable remedy for afrengthenlng the weak, Imparting vigor to the circulation, pu rirylng the blood, restoring strvugilt aaJro bnbt health. A certuln ruoiedy for WEAKNESS, LOSS OF APPETITE, LOW SPIRITS, STOMACH SICKNESS AND DVSPEPSIA. riucE i.oo peu ijonxi':. Tho Dr. J. II. Mclean Medicine Co sr. LOUIS, MO., 80L.EC PROPRIETORS. AIMED A6EHTS to represent the Moat Complete Nuinerles Iu America. Kux-k wlilely silvvrtlMnl lltiy- four yearn; known ami wauled by every plmiter. Thul Is why belnuer iilware suei eiid wild us, anil esiierie.ieed Asi'.H" dmiUle Ihelr sales lind liicunie. How Is the tuue to start. wme ELLWANGEn& BARRY, Mt. IlefS urserlt, Itvcbester, N. V, A Wll WIT Ul mi ni ii lyjiyjp s O We want your trade, and by means of our advertisement we are seeking to get your attention and attract you to our store. If you are a customer of ours, we are anxious to increase our business with you ; if you are not we hope you soon will be, as no honorable means will be spared to attain this end. That we keep the best qualities of every thing all who deal with us will at test. We guarantee you the low est possible figures. OUR STDCKISTHEFIT EST most varied we have ever shown, we keep constantly on hand a full line of of goods pertaining to the thorough furnishing of a home in the most modern sense, of every description, Carpets,Rugs, Draperies, Pianos, Organs, Music al Instruments (send for catalogue) sheet music, &c. Write us if you need anything to beautify your home or make it more comfortable. or better come and see us, will at least make your visit pleasant. Central IrjioodsStore 1 Selinsgrove, Pa., Special Sale. Our semi annual special sale of Dress goods will take place SATURDAY, JULY 2dST. As usual we will allow a dis count of 20 per cent. Irom our pres ent low prices on all Dress Goods (except Calicos and Ginchams) , purchased on that day. This will give you an opportunity to buy $1 worth of goods for 80 cents. Re member that our entire stock of Dress Goods is at your command. Black and Colored Henriettas, Serges, Cloths, Silks. Challies. Lawns, Dress Ginghams, Outing Cloths etc. This Discount is only to spot cash buyers, and only for that one day. Respectfully, S. WEIS. J. R. SMITH k CO., Ul! Front Street Milton, Pa, Great Reduction Sale of RNIT t For Ninety Days ! J. M. KLINE, BEAVERTOWN, WELL DRILLER, and Agent for 17 The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN TIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE AT THE OKKATEST HACUIKHMI KvKK KNOWN IN CKNTKAl. 1-F.N.Y- SYI.VANIA. We nr not nellin out, but we lo tliis to Ini'reiiMC our Mile above tiny violin vetir. We clv a fiw of tho priiM-n us follow : Soft Wooil Chiiiubor SuifH $1I.H Cotton Top .Muttiei. Hard Wood Chniuber Suits Hl.dil W'ovi'ii Wi-in Miittri-ns 1.75 Antique Oak 8uitn, 8 Pieces l.0O Heil Spring l'lubh Parlor Suits JJ0.00 lrop Table h, per ft i.J Wooden Chair per set 2.50 Platform Uoekers - W liesks, hule ioarus, Cupboards, tentre I ables, r ancy Kockors. Many C liaint, Feather Pillows, Lounges, Couches. DouKhtrays, Sinks, Hall Kacks, Cai Heat Chairs line, medium and cheap furniture, to suit all pIufkch. Prices reduced all throned, t ome early ninl . our stock before tcivin your order, mid thus save H to SO pee cent, on every dollar. Special Attention Given to UnaVrtiikiii"; & Embalming, KATHERMAN & HARTNAN, Limited, MIl FI.INIU'K(ilI, PA. Riefs Hydraulic 3r El (or Ram.) lTl. t ...n.ttalniid InvAlltinil. .IllK. til 44 til. Ml' Vf.11 Wll tit. fflT ttlo It ID tt Uf w aim umi n j evatliig a continuous supply of water frrom spnnpsor branches. It is self, operatiutr, simple in construction and unsurpassed in durability. They are now beintf placed in every State in the 1'nion and are wanted Iu every county, town and village. We challenge the world to produce Its equal. Must prove satisfactory before payment Is made. For further Information write for illustrated catalogue. WELL DRILLING. Having drilled over three hundred wells in this County, plenty of ref erence can be given as to the efltelency of my work. I respectfully solicit your patronage iu this line and will guarantee you perfect satisfaction iu J. M. KLINE, BEAVERTOWN, PA. GUNSBERGER CRN SrWE YOU MONEY. GENTLEMEN WHY DO YOU PAY HIGH PRICES FOE, YOUR Spring k Summer Clothing When I am ureimrcil to funiiali you tlio most complete assortment of tho LATEST SPUING ami HUMMER STYLES in Hats; Caps, Shirts, Neckwear and" Gents' rurnislihig which is tho most desirable and best selection that I liavo over shown. Bargains in Everything and for Everybody. R.GUNSBURGER LEADING ULOTlIIElt, MIDDLE11UKG IT, PA. 2STjE"W" G-OOjDS. New Goods just received from tlie Easterm Cities. Special Bar gains at PETER GARMAN'S STORE FREMONT, PA. Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes Groceries, Stoneware, Queens ware Glassware, &c. An entire Counter richly loaded with 5 cent Goods of every descrip tion. PETER GARMAN. M CHANGED HANDS! The Tinshop & Stove business lately conduct ed by J. HRhoads is in. my possession. I am prepared to offer Spec ial bargains in STOVES, TINWARE. Spouting, Tin and Corrugated roof ing. Call and see my goods. Respectfully, H. M. REIGLR