TEST HEWS SUMMARIZED FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. at is Transpiring the World Orer. Important Events Briefly Told. CAPITAL AND LA SOS, nlon dcx'kmtn at Duluth are on a strike. .yal)ianna miners refusctl to accept the t cent. advuncM. 1 1 niixrd. The tube worker divided by ,ro majority to stay out, but the mcclmn workers have decided to go back to WAHlltMOTO. nittors Pavls, of Minnesota, and Oenrge, liMtwIpiil, hve each Introduced a bill to ito boards o( Inhor arbitration. nMor Kyle say he will not call up his IllUflfl tlltrnHltiHi1 Ian VMilr ! tk NtmiM.t V railroad strikers, but will allow It to ain on the tniiln until he decide what iitlon he will take ot It. roftEIU. t -Premier HtBnibulofT. of flulu;iirli, will ndlctoil for ir-niTfil abuse of (tower and ulng rlvnte li'tt.'rs. IvIccb from Ilollvl.t report that T.x-Tm it Arce has born assassinated. His body . horribly niutiluU-d by his murderers. he by-eleetion made necessary by tho ii ion 10 ine iintisii fmoriitr. 01 uvrnnra rid He, son of the Into Lord Coloridtfe, was i by tho Liberals by a plurality of 1,01. in Ilriv'.lllan Minixter In London has re. 1 n illsateli saying that 1,000 rebels ' killed in a buttle nt Paiwo Fundo. Bio iuIo do Hul, June 27, whivh General Para- tho Insurgent oommamler, baa claimed victory. miMEs asd rMALTir.s. irt Perry, an Alliance railroad employe, it beat junn Miller, colored. forlusulllnii ivife. ih Allnn 11 nrlil. Inillfttmnnf tn M.n. Lhterat Ht 1'iiul. committed suicide by iiing nimwii inrougn tne nenrt. . Allen, colored, was hanged at Upper lioro. Mil., f nr mtHAii It mfin th 1'.vpnr Inueliter of Thus. Hlinpson, residing uoar iiuure. tin Tlrtworth, a farmer uonr Oreen , .mo., killed his wife by nring four shots her body. Immediately oftorwnrd Tits li blew bis own braius out. Ho Is thought ive been Insane. They loiivo a family of hildren. horrlblo murder was committed at Tnlo i, I. T.. Thurmiiiy night, and the Coro Jury has been trying to get a clew to perpetrntors without success. Oeorao t whs the victim, and his dead body was i, wnn nis skull cruslimi ana his neck n. His watch and 2H0 in cash were I on the body, showing that he wasmur lfor other purposes than robbery. ISASTCRS, ACCIDKSITS AND rATALITIH. Lang, a laborer, was killed by a lire nt tue un city rune orns. .Tnllnr Til Atl Wnrtnn.if nv Pi-nf Tiiim loomingtoii, fell from his bulloou and fatally Injured, stlert Kent and Mex Golden were drown- ...the Ht. Joe rlvor and George Wells was r lied in the lake at Alrla, all near Fort eder Kprlngs, Mich., the lumber yards II. Wordnn and 2,000,000 fort of lumber destroyed by fire. Los oovered by lo- AN OLD-TIME INDIAN TERROR. in Afed ladtea Warrior Wfce far Tea Tears Terrorise' .he Settler ef Arlaeee. Tbcr eM .alktng about the pre lot Indian outbreak when one of tb parly, who bad been for man yean l resident of Arizona Territory, re narked: I tell you, (tentleman, tbat thli ndian Illumes is liable to become retty et-rlous Lei ore long". Yfbj on urth the government don't enlist 6,000 men and imyo those red skins ounded up once and for all la some biDkt 1 rannot understand. "Why, down, In Arizona, we lived or fifteen year's In a state ot terror n account of. be marauding band of tpachct that nad things pretty much heir own nay all tbis time, In spite f all that the government troops ould do to keep them In check. "I call to mind particularly .Old 'l?tor1o. There was a warrior for 'mi. lie commanded a band of some .wo hundred bucks. They were the ;iilr.irahua Apaches, and the mur-ler-t. robberies and depredations com bined by that band during those en years in which they were on the sartath are almost Incredible. Old Ictorlo was nearly ninety rears of one when tho trouble began, le rule! those red skins with a rod if iron In splto of his yours. And he as paralyzed, too, completely pura yrcd. lie was only able to use hit .eft arm a little, Just enough to lift I cigarette t.i his mouth. "He was constantly in the saddle, ind had to be strapped on like a bale )f goods. Ill band hud tho finest ponies to be found anywhere. They would sometimta appear at one place ind In lesi than twenty-four hours rou would bear of them at some placo 100 miles distant. All through out southern Arizona and northern Mexico Old Vtctorkt continued hit raids until the settlers Anally gave ap In despair. The government troops appeared to be utterly power less In the matter. "Why, thut band of redskins would lometliuc plunder a wagon train tight under the noses of the troopnr, ind by tho time th. latter were mounted and ready to start In pur suit, they would be out of sight. Tho oe day, perhaps, the w res would tell of some fresh depredation com' tnlttcd by the same bond in a section of the country over 100 miles away. "This old war dog, however, was finally rounded up and shot lie died In the saddle, fighting to the last, and his band, what was loft of It, dlsterst-d. Of course the settlers heard of it and were delighted. Dis may followed, however, when Co chise took the field. This Indian ran things pretty much the same way for flvo years, and then came old Gcronlmo. "The Indians of the Northwest are rruch more numerous and better armed. You may take my word for It, gentlemen, we haven't seen tbt last of the Indian troubles. We've totCij ibfeu the "beginning of tivm. The government will wake up to the fact before long, too." New York Herald. ' Both Wept. When Lawrence Barrett's daughter was married iStuart Kolrnon sent a check for lii.OOu to the bridegroom, Miss Felicia Itobson, who attended tho wedd ng, conveyed tho gift. "Felicia," mid her father, upon her return, "did you give fi.ni lbs check?" "Yes, father" answered the duti ful daughter. "What d d ho say?" asked Robson, "He d'dn't say anything," replied Miss Felicia, "but he shed tears." "How long did he cry!"' "Why, father I didn't time him: I should say, hnwoer, that be wept tully u minute." "Fully a minute!" ; roared Kobson, "why, I cr ed un hour after I'd signed US" CbLago Kocord. The l.arilra. f be pleasant effect and (lerfert safety with which Indies may use the Cullfuruia liqoid lax stive, Byrup of Figs, tinder all conditions wakes It their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article, look for the name of the California Fig fyrup Co., printed near the bottom of the package. TUERF. is no entry or postnumnui charities on the credit side of the recording anifol'ii ledger. Pr. Kilmer's Rwamp-Hoot cun all Kidney and Iliudder troubles, l'aniphlotund Consultation fraa, Labrutory lllnghampton.N. V. Have you nover noticed tho dif ference between the clothes a talloi wea-s when at work and when m dinner? t iey ( near 6 IS. n ir ei t ei a ni lit eifl d t( 4 'g le it. n, irul Charles . Lyon was killed by Dubuque, la., while he was on his to gut un luformntiou agninsttho strikers d by a Lulted Mutes commissioner. Cairo. III., two freight shod 350 feet and 600 feet long respectively, nnd 23 lit cars in tho Mobile and Ohio yanL destroyed by tire. It is believed tho vas luuendinry. rail svuffold on tho sixth floor of the itory annex of tho University of Tcnii- ula guvo wuy. precipitating threo men h (.'round. TlionuH .lenkliw, colored. urs of age, aud John Lowry, 80 years of were instantly killed. Tho third, John , csoupca wuli sllgnt bniM'S. ostly wreck occurred near Hedall.i, Mo., e Missouri 1'aclllu Hallway. Tlilrteen f a westbouna freight train went Into itch. No trainmen were injured, Throo own tramp negroes are in tho debris wreck is supposed to hnvo been caused i) removal ol a rail strap Dy unknown s. ir Otturnwa, I'l., tho MmlUon passenger going east struak an obstruetlou, ilitoh 10 engine and killing the engineer and un. It Is believed to have, been the of strikers. i. Murphy, son of E. J. Murphy, Itnpnb caudiiiute tor Congress In the Twenty. Illinois district, was terribly Injured by nature explosion of powder at Kant Ht. and will U. Tho boy's uoso was i off and tho sight of both eyes du- s a irs lea er as iad ow ni sit ill ire he Are of ta nd re. on eso it. lot ?he ere ;er- ind the fit. aen nty ies i teJ Jes, the les; a la md, vez MISCELLAXKOU. rn Is no meat scarcity In Now York, the Vts oust of Chicago sending a supply. Cook's Artie expedition, of which Prof lllson, of I'ittHijurg, is gooio;riBt, win m Brooklyn lu tho steamer Miranda. h Hubsuher. of Chlcao,hasben held m. Itrar.il. sinco liut Mureh, on sus- of murder, notwlthMaiullug thut three ary exaiulnatlous tiavo lulled losuow linony uguinst hliu. LAR SIGNS VALUELESS. srruptioa of Business by the Rail- strikes Spoilt All Calculations. 14 Co.'s "Weekly Itevlow ot T.-ude," l, says: Tho interruption of bus!- tho ruilroud strikes has been such usual signs, whether bright or Uiave little value. Htocks are not- jfleetod, and close with a decline ol cents p-r share, because It is com veu tnot the struggle cunnot last, t loiiowea uy quick recovery ol Railroad earnings show adooreuse lent, for June, aulnut 20 per ceut. u In products has turned largely rary unoeruunilee. but meat pro- ueeo oigaor, wuu a inreateuei ) and the probability that largo ill be spoiled In Chloago, while rop prospects nave depressed lent. The crop year ends with brts, though a little larger than i no aggregate lor tuo year has from 166.000.000 bushels, flour pugh at the owost average priue iment has closed lis fiscal yeai e of HtJ,0ltt,ii0a In revenue and uke numerous payments which ItrrflH MrhilA trnwn n(tt.. flan.... -..w, ua.w ..wu. vwvi U1IUVI ivould naturally be reduced in irs are, however, caloulatiua that wnger le past, espouially as gold Tbout stopped. Ijirge Imports IVo tu new tariff goes into till tend to lessen the customary 3rts In the fall. Sing the week have keen 1S1 In jtatee, against 834 last year, and V- against US last year, with no tier as yet since the new ball Brisk BImacerf Market There has of lata been a sudden and unprecedented Increase In the demand for wild animals, not only for the continent, but for the United States. Tbe stocks In most of the European toelogical gardens have de creased of late, a shrinkage partly caused by tbe closure or the Soudan by the Dervishes. In America tho popularity of tbe great menagerie at the World's Fair started the boom In wild animals of all kinds. Circuses and private menageries are compet ing with the zoological gardens and scientific societies for rare and Inter esting animals and the. demand for Hull's Catarrh Cure (s taken Internally. Price 75 America is far greater than for the continent of Europe. After five or all years of neglect there is such a boom In the wild-beast trade as is hardly remembered. Until the ei pedltlons whl.h Ilagenbeck and o. tier ..jve :l.ptiichea into Central Africa, via herbera, and Into Borneo and the West roast of At-lca, return, there Is little to fall ba:k upon but the average supply which arrives without system and In chance ships. A single purchase by an agent from the Philadelphia zoological gardens Included a leopard, a hyeua, a pair of cheetahs, a Dornean bear, antelopes, emus and other birds. Karl's Clover Knot, the great blood pnrfher, (Hves fretiliuuiis and clearnest to the rumples Ion aud euros ouusliimtiou, cts., 6u uU., SI. If afflicted with sore eyes iihc Dr. Ikohc Thomp son' Kyo-wutcr. DruKKisU sell at &v l r bottle. It Is Not What We Say flut what Hood's Hareaparilla does that tells tbe story. Tbe great volume of evidence In tbe form of unpurchased, voluntary testimo nials prove beyond doubt that Hood's Saraa M- parilla Cures Be Sure to Get IIood'8 Hood's Pill cur habltaal constipation. 3PNU 88 COOK BOOK svFREE . 880 f B064 ILWJSTMTbD. Oaaof the LrM end B Cook Books publutanu. SU11S Is Sir ss Uir Un Am4 ml tnm Uosj l off o wisihmvs, sad a Seeat nmmp. Write fi iui ot oof etbm Sae rr Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report A060WTEI.Y PURE BEECHAM'S PILLS (Vegetable) What They Are For Biliousness dyspepsia sick headache bilious headache indigestion bad taste in the mouth foul breath loss of appetite sallow skin pimples torpid liver depression of spirits i His Order. A speaker who haa planned an ad flrcta for a multitude, and finds him telf confronted with but a slnglo ludltor, sometimes fails to readjust bis remarks, and the result Is apt to le ludicrous. A little story Illustra tive of this point Is told In connec tion with a former president of the University of North Carolina. One day, as this dignified and itately personage was walking about the campus, he observed an unlaw ful assemblage of students at sums little distance. He did not hasten Ills steps, but proceeded slowly to ward them with his head down and als eyes apparently tent In contem plation of his own boots. When this leisurely preceding had brought bim to the spot where tho itudcnts bad been gathered, oulv ono roung man remained, the others hav 'ng precipitately departed. The president raised hi head and mrveyed the solitary culprit wltu ipparcnt severity, although the roung man always contended thut lie detected a twinkle in his keen syes. "Hr," said the president In a com-.-oandlng tone, "Instantly dlspcrso to your several places of abode.:" Mrttcult though the feat required :ertalnly was, tho joung man exe ;uted to the best of his ability by 'dispersing" without further delay. jvjiiuie itimkj (tu nis mower's dinner party i "This is the first din. ner mamma would let me sit at the table with tht cotnpuny." Ono of the tJuests "Then you are not very well acquainted here, are you, Hob ble?" Bobble "No, sir. I don't even know who all this silver be longs ta" Hrooklvn Life. NOVEL COURTSHIP r r THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA by Columbus brought enlightenment to iM world. New fields of nliKhtenmert in lass century are In tbe Hoes ef science. The triumph of Conservative Starf fry is well illustrate by the fsct tbat PIIDTIlOCer Breath. iwi I v it a. f eow reeV irnllv mired without tho knife end without Bala. " Clumsy, ehsSnf trusses . . . never cure put ortea 1s- Inre Inflsmmstlon, ttrenvulatlop aad death. TUMORS ovarian, ribrold (Uterine) and ?vmvnj, mtnf 0(Ders. are now removed without fh perils of rutting operations. PILE TUMORS riLC. lUmunOi endot her d Isrseee of tho kiwer bowel, sre yermenently cured without mln or resort to the knife. STflWF t 'he nisdder, no matter how glul'L Isrwe. le crushed, pulverised, washed out ind rerfertly ttoiotw! wltaout euttliiff. STRICTURF IV-wt Pases It also humlretls of esses. Kor pamphlet, reference and particulars, fend 10 rent (In stamps) n World's IMsptsrv Medical AssoclstloSk I J Mi.ln Htreet, Dulfalo. N. Y. W. L. Douclas CUnr isTHCatsr. OrlwEw NOBQOCaaiNO. f 5. CORDOVAN, FINE CALf &KAN6ARC1 P0LICF.3 Sous. 1W, I ''W.ie:!' i3& r.X7RA FINE. BoysSchoolShoes. LADIES , tNOrCCATA10HJE ,i WL-DOUOLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. Yea rnn srive money br wearies the W. I.. Doaslae B.'J.OO rhee. Ilernnse. wo sre the Isrrnt msnufsrtnrers of ttiiiftrlenrli la thwnrlil,BBiljturnUUilt alne tf HAmt !: turn name end prlre oe the I'otiom. wbK'h protei-t rou Sttslmt hlta prtrssod ih mlilill'innn's prnltts. r shoes equal euitora work In Klyle, r-.ty flttlnsr end wrsrlns quslltl. Wi-hnTethfm S"M rrywhre si lower prl'sfi th lue ln thun snr othr insko. Tnkii bo nib stltulr. U jour rtislrr csnimt supplj you, we can. when these conditions arc caused by constipation ; and con stipation is the most frequent cause of all of them. One of the most important things for everybody to learn is that constipation causes more than half the sick ness in the world; and it can all be prevented. Go by the book. Write to R. F. Allen Company, 365 Canal street, New York, for the little book on Constipation (its causes con sequences and correction); sent free. If you arc not within reach of a druggist, the pills will be sent by mail, 25 cents. Ann nappy marrianes urouin nnnm . tliroiitfh. I'liele Snin's Mail Hue, I'V THE IDEAL WORLD. Coplcx ...ntutninK lull Infnrttmtioii iiml dcxcriptlotii nf l.mlii's nnd I (ii ntlemen who ilenlre cnrrt-Hx inlcut mulled for Ten Cents. Addrc, .1. r. Mii.Nt n. eiO I'rnn Avenue, - - I'ltutiurs, I'a. WANTF.Oto Ion mnnoTtorvorTiKHijri tr, lotinoi t . c. Kil-rMl; r.y )mmrnL; ' MdnMih Imii. : rht ter olil unit youn not iii:'slius t"1'; ,MI1 11 ! Nrinl amp for I'riti-ulsr. AtftiU wauted. Mu lual U-iisi AKit "u. Hlrnniuud, Va. Jus.ab lly luJ. Jr.. I'ra ,Brf. Auil. nf Va.1 1 niMJ4ll.lAlJ.T: CoBsaniptteee end people who have weak lunMor Atb eia. should ne rise r. Cure fur rnnanniptloii. It baa eared lhouaada. ft h not injur pit ene. It la nm bt 10 lake. It Is tho heat cutisn ayrup. Hold eTprywhrro. SAc, u3 "One Year Borrows Another Year's Fool." You Didn't Use APOLIO Last Year. Perhaps You Will Not This Year. ll.lrealwl -C Aim it h Sua vW f hafff. P tVOTSLIj nHll t SJf irwWCU Ant 0 LOVELLi DIAMOND BICYCLES. Omr Atm tt U SaiI IU fiUl'l' am itvcLt. ( RIDE THE BEST. ALWAYS IN THE LEAD. a iiiiiiihiii inmiiMmwiaw Tho Lifihfet, Stmn(je?t and Moit Durable WherJs Msd A Wheel That You Can Flare Cot.EJeocr In. As Hill Climber If Is Tc.rlm At s Ro.dmcr If Hi No Equl Ai Racer It Is Supcnt.. THEY STAND WITHOUT A RIVAL. OUR LINE. I rioj-a'andGlrli 5i-C01n.,eutlikia tins j Beauty for Hoti. ?4-ln.,cuhkn tires . . ! Prlia. convertible, Jl lii , cuihlon tires. . ! Dora' Dlnmund, Jil ln., ruihlon Urea . . . Prlia, conrrrllLIc, Vfl-ln., cualilon tirr a . . i HUJiord,Uoy','.'.hi., pnaumaile tlrea Ulrla' Dlamoiid, W-lii.,parumatlc Urea . rtora1 Diamond, 2C I11., purstaallc tlras . Youlln' Dlamoml, 28-ln., rmlil.ii tlrca , F.iccl C, boya', ? In., pnrum itlc Hits . Esc.1 1), glrlt', Vi lli., pnrnmntlc Urea . . Tornado, routht', K-lii., puiumatlc tlrra, Queen Mab, Dlura', iK-ln., pmumatlo tlrra Eical A, youlha', K-ln., pn.umalle tires . Esosl It. nliaoa', S0-lii.. piieumalle tlrca, Model 1C, Sn-ln., ruthlon Urea, ffim', , , IIimIoI 40, 38-In., ctiahlon Urea, ladlea' , , Model 7C,IS-ln.,ciiahlontlrea.eonTrrtllils Model IP, SD-lii., pneumatic tlrea.genta' . i Mwlal el', SB- In., pneumatic Urea, ladies'. Model 71", W in., pneumaUo Urea, con. isrtlbl VeMsjol P4oMSkA eatoAM twheeaVsastaaf oVtefM MoMMbbb 1 1 I " I oeee toU Biso.sjj M.tUt T-fa.tJ Rini. OUR LINE. Modrl J, Itu-ln., eiuhlnii tire., f. ni' .. SiTO.OO M.hIcI. '.-ln., ruililmi tie . I.li-a' . . . "(MKI Model H, W in., riul.loii lir -. nmv. niMc KMMI itixM 3, 3(1-111., pill IIU1I.IL tl.i, k-rnti' . lU.OO Mi d-1 11, iM.lii., ptlt-lfil:tU- lin t, lulu . in.tm Model 0, S"-ln., pneii, ilri . l onveiiihlc . 'JB.O'.I Model In. '.H Jll-lll.. pill lilnatir Un a. ei.l' (III. II I Model ll,V-;'-lli.. pneiiniatirtlri-i .B' lil' 110.(1(1 Modi I I'.'. .HHil., clli liloti tiro,. ieiil . . . M.VOO Modi I :i, '.'M.lHt'li.p.ieumiilir nict.li 1V III). (HI M.id. l It, .M-ln., eiiildoii nn . I.iUIs' .. nr.. (Ml Model l'. ;'-ln., inifiimntle tirei. eomer- tdie ltd. till M' iM 10, '."H Mi , c u.t. i..li tlre, i v rrl.l U Hi.o 1 Mo.lrl K, Villi , pin lini.llir men. Ir.n k I ir 1S.VOO Mil"l 17. "-In. i pnriiliiutle lin n, aeml- rmi r 131.CJ Model IK. ift-lm ll. pliillliulic Inc.. liiiht lo.nd.ler 11.1.K Moi--l '.1Uil.. p:icuiu.:lic Urea, full r ,-d,i.r ..." ll.VOI Mnl'.'l Win . pneumatic Urea, la lir.' I ir..tl.) Modvl '.'l.'JH-in., pniu. tina. conwriitili . 1 16.00 lrar?e. -in.. I iH'Ucistu-Urea 1'i.l.UO WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT Did you. ever know sHer of a LovcQ Diamond who would exeketf! ge Yit heel for a&y other 1 -JL Th tideri oJ chtt LovtH Distnocd. now sn4 n toa pa, vt (heir Wet advertiser. THEY ABE THE UNIVERSAL FAVORITES. aa'aetaneso Ur l Iff I tteSX 1? WitalSOTOef IT A Lot of $er.ondHar4 VVI.eeli for Sals Very Low With Them a few Pneumatics lot Udtes ijnd Cents st the Low Pries ol 145.00 EacK $ FREE 400-Pngc Illustrated Catalogue. Send 10 cent -yzSJiU" mZmm This sew MamBKMh duloeue, which Is worth fully ten times th cost of (ettinr It, Illustrates aad (Wee prices ol a " thouunj sad one " uacful and dceirsbia articles. Io not UU to send lor ess. As. Mae for the Lovell Dlaasoads ore lo Nearly Kvery City and Town, Call and See Tkesa. If bo Afent ia Your Usee, 6ouU lo Us. JOHN P. LOVELL ARMS CO., Dsaltrt In Bloyelet, Trleyclss, Veloelpsdts, Guns, Rifles, Cutlery, Flthlns; Tackle. A Full tint of Bate Ball and Sportlnf Goods of Every Description. 147 Washlntrton Street BOSTON, flASS. 131 Broad Street. Agist WutooT ia aJi Cttitt aad rowTt waere wo Dare Bone. 4WTeHlltSB IM. 1 i