The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 31, 1894, Image 4

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Published every Thursday.
Geo W. Wagenscllcr, Editor.
Art!u:r E Cooper. Manager.
Subscript ion 1.50 per year.
irtllrti inl-1 P-iM In wlvutii'i' when Wilt oilt
tin' iuMiity.1
Ml tr.iil. n H.vrt"MiilitH n-t iiIhtI.
r-, '-I I'.r 111 I- tiiiv-'l t ! r.H'' of H
,-,.,iis i.. t llii- ii'ini--iri.-l mi- .Hiir. i r-r tlrsl lii.-r-TMh
nil I 111 i !. T 11 lt" fur fM'O mil'i-llt
lis. rtl'iii.
INiii.t Vihj..'IIit. I'rop'ru.
Thursday, May 31, ISO I.
Standing Committeemen.
. tin- r. .1. MI'M1' " irtli. .1. K. K.'HiT'iir.
Ii.iv.-r- IiHii KliH'V. VHImti I-'.-..
;.-.iw-r W.-l- Aiii'll'i-H. WHII H'l lli'iil'T.
. nir. -.l. W . .imi""'I. r". ll'r-"'-
I II..PIII III .l-llll -ll'T. IMM'l A- I'iTtIIW.
ir.inUli, .1. II. Ktit r li ii.-. .1. II. ll'ilU'.
.I.i. -I . Klliiu'l.T. in. Vurilii
VI. I. ll. -I. II. I'Ii-miK W Ilium r. l-.-i-w.
Vl...-. i.-. k W. A. K" . I- r. I. K. I"'.
M.iiiiin-.-.i. A. hniirfiiiiiii. C. A. Fntl'imili.
I'.'iin IrMii K. J ni'l.-n-Ui.'i-r Unl'l Mnyr.
vm II. I'. Arlii-l. Inln ll'-V!- ,,,,
Ivrrv W.-l - h i. M. ri.-.t-i. I . II. i.r nl'lll.
v,.,,,,.. . M I IMM MI.MI.-" irl Ii.
s. iinT.n.. -.1. II. K' kl. r. II i.. inl rllim'.
I til.. n- Hiram (.iinii'. HiM i i. Miilil.
'.iil(ii.t:t..ii- Wm. . IIHU'Mi. Philip l.M...r.
i'. V. AI.'llm.AsT. 'h;irltiiiin. III. Iitl.'lil. IM.
A. M. A I II NI. Nil.. H'.imt hprlni.". I'll.
Republican Ticket.
M A I K.
I-'. r itiniTiinr.
i.:;s i:it a r. haniii. h. ii atim.
i i; i ' j i f t '..'nil ' .
I' .r l.i."ii.'ii;iii'.ii.n.'iii..r,
u i.rnt IM'.
1 1; Ai!",'h.-iiv ' .in ii; .
l"..r Au.lP'ir
i ! 1. i:i.-.ii.-r f.itin';. .
'..i- .-ivury .it I rif Afl.ili
i.I;.M:1!.!..I MI W. I. VITA,
(If i'llllmlrlplllil.
l"..r r..'u'i. ".iir -I. iiv-,
i; -it A. i.i;i ivv.
i ii ii.i.'h inn. i i '..'inly, ,n.. I
i.i;uii.i: y. in ki .
i ! V. in. 1 f.iMlity.
I (ilM'V.
I. -r,
ill s. W. II K.HM A NN.
Ii .r ,
.1.1. M lllH'll.
r'..r IJ.-k'Isti-r A Ifnvril.-r.
Kit IMslrlrt AttnriH-v,
.1. M. IIAKKIt.
I'.ir .lur.v '. niinil.-isli ii.-r,
.1. II. KSKIT.
RepuU.can State Convention.
irno republicans were at Harris
burg last week and all their friends
were there. A yiiore harmonious
' eet ii
v ?er held. There
all withdrew before the final contest
except the successful candidates
and John 13. Robinson. While Wal
ter Lyon was nominated for Lieut,
(lovernor, the people of Snyder
county need not feel any regret that
tuey endorsed John 15. Robinson.
'Tighting Jack," as he is called, well
deserves the name. Ho fought vig
orously and honestly, and as soon
as the election was over ho shook
hands with his opponent and told
tin- vast multitude seated in the
Opera House at Harrisburg that he
und Lis friends would support the
t icki t liniiiiiiiiteil. We can not re
frain from ml.liii a tribute to the
nobility and peerage manifested by
"Jink's" ready submission to the
will of the convention. His manli
ness will bring him something more
important in the future. And now
with the same submissiveness, the
people of Snyder county will yield
to the will of the majority and will
roll up a larger vote thau ever bt
fore. That Mr. Robinson was uot elected
is no fault of our delegate H. (J.
Sitmpsell, because he voted twice for
Jack on the same ballot. Wo do not
desire our readers to think that tho
Snyder County delegate stufted tho
ballot box, but tho Somerset County
delegate voted, then our delegato
voted. At this juncture, ono of tho
tellers inquired how tho Somerset
County delegate voted. The ques
tion was answered and Mr. Sampsell
was recalled and again voted for Jack
Robinson. We do not suppose that
both votes were counted, but Mr.
S.impsell has the satisfaction of
knowing that he doubly represented
tho interests of his constituents.
Last week we gave the sketch of
(Jen. Hastings, candidate for Gover
nor, ttiis week we givo the sketch of
tho candidate for Lt. Oovernor,
Walt tn Lyon.
Walter Lyon is well known
throughout Western Pennsylvania
us a lawyer of ability, and a staunch
adherent to his party. Ho was born
iu Shaler Township, Allegheny Co.,
April -7, lo-VI. Early iu 1n77 ho be
came a member of tho Allegheny Co.
bar, aud is at present a member of
tho law linn, Lyon, Sanderson iV Mc
Keo. Ho has been activo as u party
worker and was a delegato to the
Republican State Conventions of
lMIl, 181, l.SN'i, I IsSC, 1N47, lNSS, lShil,
181K) and lstiu. He was temporary
chairman of the conventions of '87
ami W, und permanent ciinirman of
the 1W0 convention. Ia 1W Mr.
Lyon wan tendered the office of
)cputy Secretary of the Common
wealth by Governor Beaver, but le
elined. In .Tune, 1880, ho was ap
pointed United States Attorney for
the Western Dintrict of Pennsylva
nia, embracing forty-six of tho sixty-i-even
eountieH in the State. This
ofliiee he resigned last year to take ft
neat in the State Senate.
In lst Mr. Lyon was the leader
of the movement in Western Penn-
Hvlvaniii whieh resulted in tho nom
ination of Jiluine for President by the
Ilepiihliean party. The movement
which Mr. Lyon headeil attracted at
tention all over tho country, nnd it
ho crystallized Kentiment in favor of
Mr. l.laiiie an to make bin nomina
tion pos.sihle. Although Mr. Lyon in
a personal friend of Senator Quay,
lie hart at varioun times chosen inde
pendent uroiind in the Itepublican
polities of the State. He is thorough
ly imbued with tho idoa that tho Re
publican party is ono of progress.
He linn filled all public positions to
whieh l;e him been choHen with the
most scrupulous integrity and faith
fulness. J'.arly in life, while ntudy
in for the law, Mr. Lyon was n pub
lie hchool teacher. Ho in of a. quiet
and scholarly disposition, and spends
most of hirt leisure hours at a modest
home in Allegheny. He is the pos
sesor of a tine family, and takes con
siderable pleasure in tho company of
his children and books.
We will give our readers brie
sketches of tho other candidates
one each week.
The ticket is the strongest that
tho liepublicaiirt of Pennsylvania
have endorsed for many years. No
grievances exist, and tho hard times
despair and despondency that aro
prevailing in all parts of tho nation
the result of Democratic dilly-dal
lying is the strongest argument
for Republican restoration. No
doubt exists any where that tho tick
et will easily obtain a majority of
For tho second time , within live
years Penns Creek lias been on
bender (the creek ordinarily is
about l.)0 feet wide) it spread itByel
low waters a distance of oyer ) of a
mile and came within three feet of
tho 1880 flood. The occupants of the
Sampsel mill premises were forced
to leave tlieir homes and seek sbeltei
from the torrents with their fortu
nate friends. Many of the logs of
I)r. Sampsel were carried away. The
fields along the creek were inundat
ed and the crops entirely ruined. Mr.
Smith, the miller, before leaving with
his family trausfered his household
effects to tho 2nd story and other
places of safety, and it is due to his
wisdom and foresight that the loss is
not so great as in the woeful flood of
18S,i, hiivo garden, yard, etc., pasted
with mud and debris. Tho' tho rain
persisted in falling in torrents, it had
no effect on men, women and chil
dren who visited Penns Creek. Tho
iron bridgo was tho cynosure of all
eyes, w hen tho water was at its high-
ost, but it stands to-day unscarred.
..11. C. Sampsel, W. P. Sanders
and S. F. Sheary were iu Harrisburg
last week. . . .Samuel P. Sampsel vis
ited in town on Sunday. ... S. F.
Sheary aud wife were in Adamsburg
over Sunday.... Quite a number of
our people attended court Tuesday.
Two youug men, whoso names wo
withhold out of respect for their
parents, engaged in a boxing com
bat last Friday evening. If young
men haven't enough respect for
themselves to keep straight when
away from home theyi-houlil honor
their parents Oiie-lay last week
while Archio MiddleswVth was driv
ing around a corner ho wis thrown
out of his meat Jwagon ilnJ was
badly bruised about tho bead....
On Sunday afternoon, whilex, Alfred,
three year old boh of A. W. Musser,
was playing near a well that vas not
covered, tho bucket was shaken
out of placo and started off down
tho well. Tho crank of tho windlass
struck him on tho head, inflicting
severe injuries. Drs. A. M. Smith
and W. M. Buker dressed the
wound. .. .Pen. Rine, wife and
daughter, Susie, of McKees 1 Falls,
spent Sunday with friends here. . . ,
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cooper of Sun
bury recently visited tho latter'a
mother at this place A band of
gypsies camped west of town near
tho plaining mill over Sunday....
Some of our citizons attended-mo-morial
services at Adamsburg on
Suuday evening Misa jMazie
Dunkloberger of SwincforJ, was
sewing for Mrs. F. E. SpeAt last
week. WildJIoses.
.-sxl-OT WW W TT I s-o. 1
I.iimUiifo. twin In JoIiiIk or luu-k, lirlck iIiikI In
urtiii', fniientcnlK lrrlmiln, Intlntnmiitlnn,
Itnivi'l, ulceration or eiittin h of the Uadiler.
Disordered Liver
llilloii-nisw. Iii n.liirlii'. Iiuliircstlon or pout.
W.llIIOrr Invlifornte, cures fchlwy
ililluultli-, llrlglit's dlHUM. urlnury troublin.
Iiiiniire Itloud
Scrofula, miliaria, (rnnoral weaktieworilfMIUy.
m-Hootiiillclup quickly a run duwn
ronKtltutlon nnd niaki tbo weak ninf.
,tl DriiEKUta 50 cents mud $ 1.00 Slr.
iDrKlIU liulilo to IlitUlh" freo- CoomilUUon frr.
1)11. KlI.MMl Si CO., lll(lllAMTOM, N. Y.
Have You Read
The Times,
This Morning.
Tlao T"m.O ts th most
extensively circuluteil ami widely read
lii'Wcinn'r ptiMisliiMl in IVlilisylva
nia. Its lisc(ision of pulilii; men ami
public measures Is in tlie interest of
pul. lie integrity. Iionext government
ami prosperous industry, ami it known
no party or personal allegiance In
treating public issues, in the liroinl
est ami best sens.' a family ami gen
ernl newspaper.
TllO TilllOS aim to lmvt thrt larg
est, eirciilntiiiii bv ib-serving it. anil
claims that it Is unsurpassed in all the
essentials of'ii grewt inetropolitnll
newspaper. Specimen copies if any
edition will lie sent free to any one
sending their address.
Terms-DAILY, '!. per amium.
f 1.00 for four months ; :1U cents per
mouth : delivered bv carriers for It
cents per week. SUNDAY KDITION
twenty-four large, handsome pages
ltis columns, elegantly Illustrated.
00 per fitm n in ; cents per copy
Daily und Sunday. f nil per annum ;
ill cents per mouth WI.I.KI.Y J.HI-
TION, Til) cents per annum.
Address all letters to
Classical Department Prepares For
Junior Class of the Opllegea.
has foue coueses :
1. The Regular College Course,
2. The Latin Scientific,
:t. The English Scientific,
4. The Normal Course.
Nivpfwary Exrs'ns for ne Si-holiistle Yar
fill) u f hi! oiilv. Next. Si-IioliiMlli; ) ear 0h-ii
Auk. 1, isvi. For p.irlli-iiliirs iiitilress.
I. h. ill. MM, I'll mil ml.
Si-llnsKfuve, I'u.
50 World's Fair Views Free.
The "I'oultry Kii'per" luw reai-lird tho front
hm the li'iiilln iintnrltv on x mil r' Sixteen
lurk'i' pui-'i-x iiioiiilily, llftv cents H-r unniiin.
"Kiirni mill Hreslde" isu lo-pap. paper eoinlliir
twice ii iiimitli. lllty cents M-r iiiiniiin. We will
M ini lx.ili pain-is oiin veiir and lllty photo
K'riinlilr view sol thn Woild's Fair, to new hiiIi
(mtIIkts only, alitor lllty cents. Sample copy
of the "I'oiiitiv KiK-er," with part leiilura tree,
send tlvcoents tor either of the loll.iw Ink' hack
iiiiiiiInts iiiial to a-.'-cent Isiok : poultry llous
i's, .lulv 1KH. Iiiih Nl views; llnsnlcrs and In
ciiliators, Aiitrnsl lSs anil AiikunI Ad
dress, "Tlic i'oultry Keeper Co.,'' riirkeslmrtf,
To Farmers and Stock Raisers.
Tho undersigned takes this method
of informing the public th;;t his
Hambletonian StiuV'Star" will stand
for tho entire season at the stable
of tho Summit Hotel three miles
south-west of Middloburg on the
road leading to Freeburg. Pates
Sylvester Bowen .
March 3 mos. Owner.
SuccfMar of th
rtoiild own th"U
IHctlnnary. Jt un-
fV.I T Ull llll-lilllH
ciiiicurnlni; the his-ton-,
l-IUii(;, yr
imniliiiiuii, and
liicunlni; of word.
A Library in
Itself, n u1m
(jives the often ile
conccrninir eminent pcrsoimj fai-Ui univrn-
iiiU i no coiiiiiricK, chick, louim, nnil nut
urn I fi-atilivmif llii-L-liil.c: iiai-ticiilara inn.
rcrninn noted th-t it iiiim pcru!iHiiiid iilacca;
iniiiai.iiniii ui ii,it-i;ii tiif,iiiiiuiiH. It la lll-
THlnahlu In the home, olliue, uluUy, und
Tif One Crrnt fltnnilnrd A uthnrltr.
linn. II. J. llrtiHar. Jiivuco tif I'. s. K 111 trfi iiit
fourt. wntii I 'I hrt Iiiienttittoiinl i)t.tHmurv i
Itm iwrliTtltH. of ilictlofmr;. 1 t'omtiieuil U to
ull u I J 10 ono umi I mimum auiuonty."
Sold byAliiUm'kMlkn.
G. C T. Merrino Co,
CJJn-f. not lmy rlifap plintn
t"IrtinU for f rtv prospect ui.
rltlLA.. PA. .iatkloriat: unouirulonaf T.1.I fWm k...ii.u7
rteidul ution fro. KudorM-mtuuor yb vtlcluii, ItvdlM &u4 promt.
Imi.(iUu. UtA for firvilftr. iHktbtu, V A.M. wil.M.
It. J. C. AMIfl. I). D. P.
Trentimr. Ailing, nrtiflclnl teeth.
crown and liridg work. Teeth ex
trarted without pain. Satisfaction
trtiiiriint'il. . (MTl.-e next door to tho
Post printing olll'-e.
.MlDlM.l.lil ICHll, I'A.
AS. (J. CUOl'SK.
MlPPt.Klirnil. PA.
All l.n--liies pntriistf.1 to hin care
will receive rroiutit attention. C'oli
sulfation iii Kucli"h nnd Hi-riimn.
nM ontrttht. n,rit. bo rornliT-. WSS.
n 'ltj. Vlll V.inirr. J?n.'-'" " '
hom hnp iot nn nm. vira.. . nrt w ! Ir on srllv
Una In rlHanca nwM a nil to all lha
namhtr. Una Inajraniania. no r"'fT
nsa anan anii'iss.. s - . -- -r . - . ,
.mi ot nf or.l-f. no ralrln. laaU ll
lima W urrantad. A monaT "" V"
I WTp. Hirrlton Co. Clrk IO.ColMinbut.0.
BUGGIES at t Price fs1$.
1 An in Jt A ln.
tvn Top ItiiKiry... -f Tf Oit th-p
V i nwion i hii rs n-naVMnr3
loemiin j ni.u mim
"-0 K.d Wwud. ,ftcmprttt-nrn. 11 1 Wi I
iift R..1 rri . i wf huy of tm ?rJ
Jioltninrr " ih Mid'llrm-ui'i
)Tiin - kVJ IV'I Hrt. fit.
Monrftu HAddle, $1 6 ( i tr'e Tm
ar 1 - 41 . . 1 D1 t n
kltoU lAwrtoce Rt. ClurlnBtl. O.
Vvnuns, .NrrvnittnrM, lthlllly. Mnd ftll
th- tr mi --f cvllt (rt'tn rarly "rmrsur Ihut
th rr-nliP of ovim.rk. p ktu . worry, ct". KnII
rtniirfth. dfrltntiint, r.tnl lmi 0trvn U every
i.i-t i.n ..f Hi. hfwlv- Ktnntln. nnturrd
1iiii,i-mM. IftaU Tv'.rr 'u'. ll'Mk. riultinullun-l
The best Puniini: Oil that can bo
iniulf from petroleum.
It K'ivcrt a brillituit liht.
It will not smoke tho chimney.
It will not char the wick.
It has a hi sli firo test.
It will not explode.
It is without a comparison as a per
fection Family Safety Oil.
It is manufactured from the finest
Crude in tho most perfectly equip
ped refineries in tho world
It is the Best.
Ask your dealer for Crown Acme.
Vrs filled by
' urs truly,
io EEriNiira co.
cimS' 98 LYE
' mrsnis Aim ramis
TM i'm,' ud piml T.y
nuula. initio oilMtr t.yn. Ii Wn
wliiT rViuuvt III U ouotjrnt
m hii ''r . w in
nuke u iml -rfrnnd Hart
in -ti mtnuu- wltli" fcIIIai.
It la ! bat l..r clnaimlim wul
, r 1 rial I.
.ltw, iiiuui.s una. - "- " -
alUn bolUoa, palnu, m. et.
ocu. Agu VbiiM., !'.
-inr cattins Cjim-icr.
f atil and Cniilia
rtoo tliAiittTirtenttrrt
V rllf Ui ffrrAlalntlUHMld k MlAwTf fr-r-J. CtvlIU
W. H. MAMNIION AOO , K L ' . - ! ' ' M
Tonsorifil Artitst,
lias just opened, a room in W.
W. lttenniver s IiiiiUliit?,
where lie is -prepared to "do
first elass work.
.March 29, '94.
To the Public, Generally.
As Cormress did not pass the extra
revenue on wliiskey.tlie Marks brautis
of whiskey all of my own make
remain tlie same price. ew white
whiskev, ft. 7.1 ; 10 to H months old,
; 2S to HO months old, fa.fio ; 84
to ilil months old. 1.00. M to 42
months old, 3 ..In ; These are all flue
(roods. Do not forget the old stand.
Linpty whiskey barrels if I. .10.
J. L. Marks,
Near K. It. Station. Mlddletmch, Po.
I'nrk ols'sltv Tills will ri'diii your weight
l'KIIMANKNTI.V ITom Vi to in )oltndH liloiitll.
No sl'AUVINi' KU kii.-srt or Inpiry s No I'l It
1.1(1 1'V. 'I'lH-v liulM no tlm ln-iiltli and N-uiill-
fy the complexion U-iivlni; No W II INK I KS or
llalilillli-HH. S'l'OI T A ItlHlM KSS llnl diniciilt
lirunlhliiK surely ndlcviil. NO KXl'KHIMENT
hue n, scientific und iinMllvc relief, adopu-d only
utter years nr t'Xi'rU'no. All orders supplied
direct from our iilllre. I'rlee t-im -r purkuKe
ortnreu tmi-KiiKi-H tor ty man pimipald.
Tt'slliiionlalH and niirtliMilain (M-alc.l) sfcts.
AllCorrepiiiilece SlrlellV Confidential.
l'AUK KEMKUV CO., llobtou, Mush.
S. F. SI I E All Y,
Justice of the Peace, Conveyancer
anu insurance Atcent.
Penns Creek, P. O. Pa.
only rellulilo Cash Companies represoiitod.
SMH-lal uttcntlon k'lven to iiihiirance, JirawliiK
tilit'iintrurta. is-eds anil the collection of Claims,
Onii-eathts rcaldeiice on Murkul Street, Ci-n-
Irevillu, i'u.
X vters of Administration on the es
tate ol Saruli Arili-y lute ol .MIildliH-raek
towni-lilp, Snyder cuunty, l' deu'd. tmvliiK
bueu (irantod tu tlm undurtlicned, all ierni.i
kniiwtiiK tlmllifelvun Indulitud to talil ftata em
rMtietvd to iuhU liniiiediai payuieut, whll
iiiuna iiuviiiic t-iiniiia win imiini, luuut uuiy (IU
tUcntl.:tod tu the unden-lu-netl.
Muy 2, 'U4. Aduilni.tratur
J kL. -X. L. kL L. -4 A- -1-
Famous Aar Pictures.
Write your name and address plainly, and send this Ticket
with Ten Cents to FAMOUS WAR PICTURES, TOST Middle
burgh, r.t and receive Portfolio of SIXTEEN Famous War Pic
tures, by Edwin Forbes and others, V2IC, inches. Tho GREAT
EST VALUE EVER OFFERED. Cheap for 1.(K). For preceed
iug Portfolios clip Coupon from the Middlcburxh Post of any
Post Office, . ,
1 County
4 State,..
Spring Opening
AVo tako ileasure in announcing that we have
.just opened tho finest lot Clothing for Men,
Youths' and Hoys ever brought into this section
of tho State, and made our purchases at rock-bottom
figures, our patrons will reap the advantage
of our good luck. YVe are prepared to lit the larg
est man and smallest lmy from head to foot
with the most Fashionable Suits, Dress, Busi
ness and Working Clothing. Everything the
Inti-st iudesign,and the best m make and material.
Wo have a superb line of Xeckwcar, Dress,
and Work Shirts, Hats and Caps, and a full
line of stylish White Vests, and many things of
which we will tell you later. Come and see how
wo can save money for you.
I have added to my Extensive Stock of Cloth
Youths and Hoys. Wo can sell a Good Dress
Shoo for $1.00 and upward. Please call and
bo convinced that wo can save money for you !
This Space is Reserved for
lies Mi Mat
but they go a great ways in thatdlrectlon. Then why send to the
City for ready-made clothing and then take thein to a sklled looal
tailor to improve the fit, w hen you can get a
at onue oy uroing to
MERCHANT TAILOR, Sellr.sgrove, Pa., where your work la always
guaranteed or you have reoourse. This Is a question that Interests
every man and boy .A neat-flttlng matter what the material
Is It always looks better than an Ill-fitting suit no matter how fine
the goods. Then come at once and get fits.
Late Foreman for E. E. BUCK
-1 L -1 L. -J., 1. .L. u
Portfolio Xo.
f Tie Mai
four doors west of Bank. Sellnsgrove.