Published every Thursday. Geo W Wagcnscllcr, Editor. Arthur E. Cooper, Manager. Subscription $1.50 per year. (which miH ! p ilil In mlvaiicn wIhti will out shir I hi' nullity.) n ATtS Or ADVtRTISINO. All trunMi'iit wlvrrtlsi'ini'iits nut tlior If" cntitrnrli-il 111 In1 rlnirjji'il tit tin-rati1 of IS evnta it llin' ii'nitmi l"l iin'.iHiiriM t'ir II rnt iiiht Uon nml in cttits ht ll ii." tor ri-ry miit-'im-iit iniuTiloii. Cooper A; Wngi'iim'ller, l'rop'rs. Thursday, May 3f 1891. Standing Committeemen. ,Il,i,.. .1 MMilli-Kwurtli. .1. K. Ki ili'Mll. llfitviT Irvln Klni'V. Nullum Ki-".1. Iti'ilviT Wi'it-Aimmlliiwi'll. Wllll.llll Ili'lttlT. oiitrr J. W. Miiinii-wl, 4'. f. IWrji: liiipiiinii-.lnliii Hi.i, r. IMviil A. I'nrtlliH'. rratikllli-J. H. Knt.TlliH-. .1. II. Il"ll. .1 ii k-u-n I c. Kllntfl'T. Win. Murtln. V 11I l-tiircl H. Ill K WlllhiinK. ris""1. lli.llisrik-W. A. KifliT. II. F. Ili'w. M'liirm-!). A. Knufliniin. I'. A. Ful li limn. -.-ti ii Ir-v lit F. IjinilfiiHliiifiT. HiivM MnjiT. I'i ti v - It. F. Arliotfast, iln ll.iyr. I'. rrv Wi'Ht - a h.w. l. A rtMi'ui . T. H. .rMtl. iriiij-A. M. A'iriitiil.'l Mlililliwwurtli. 1 1 ii wn v .1. It. K'klir, Kil. U. .MiitnTlliiif. t nlnii- lllriiln liiunliv. H.ivlil 1.. MhIiI. WiiHliinicliiu - Win. f. Illlliilsli, I'lillip T. Miyr. Republican Ticket. ft H N TV. Fur Ashi'IiiIiIv, I II S. W. IIKKMANN. Fur rniiliiiinit.iry, .I.e. si'llm'll. FiirHi'ttlHli-r A llrrnnli r. (i. M. SII1NMKI.. Fur isirlri..iiiini', .1. M. IIAKKIt. Fur Jury Ciwinil Ihiiit, .1. II. KNF.IT. Tito Coi.'yiti-'s, Thf followers nf CiM'.v :iif u'l'ttiii'-: iii'JVt" tiuiiK runs : 1 1 1 1 considerably bolder. The attempts t capture trains in Montana and ( )hio last week were Hiicct s.-fully accomplished, luit by speedy : 1 1 1 c 1 judicious actions on tlm purl nl" tin1 government, llic Hcliumc of tho Industrials failed. If theso armies marching on t Wash, iugtou arc net tinted by the purest motives, their liuaiiH must still In condemned. In lliu firs t place, wo dnibt tho expediency of tho motives, because we cannot conceive that pro fesHional trumps, viinricM, Kwiinlhas, full-bloodoil uuurcbists, countfr-litt-ers, prostitutoH, vagabonds ami idlers could bavo very puro motives. Sec ondly, It ii entablisbinK t bad pre ' Ur ' : 'iHiil, a ih . hith is a relic of barbarism and which con bfl traced to the darkest period in the world's history. In the days when despotic govern nients held sway over the greater portion of tho world, largo bands of men moved towan tho capitals to overthrow the ruling power or to demand concessions This is an ago of civilization and an era of intellectual advancement Such movements are entirely tmt of place. Coxey with Jl'id men has moved in to Washington. There are over n, 000 in ililtereiit parts ot tlie I nion now miurliing on to Washington. Would it not be a good idea for the Washington police to "cage" (.'oxcy's ! men and put them on short ra tions .' We think that this would bo the best of medicine for accomplish ing tho dispciHcinent of the vaga bonds. i neso i ramp armies deserve no consideration. They are not to be confounded with tho honest, respect able, law-abiding unemployed. They are in no way identified or associated with tho great body of American workiugiiien who aro deserving of public respect and sympathy. nucn summary wealing as that in -uoniiinii ami Uiuo will soon cure the Coxey craze. CKXTHKYILLK. Our merchants have returned from the city with a choice selection of .Spring and Summer goods 1. llartman made a business trip to Juniata Co. last week H. O. Uowersox anil T. I. Kleckner spent a few days last week in the lumber region ofCammal, Lycoming Co A. I. . Marklo went to Gorton Heights on Thursday whero lie has secured employment on J. H. Hart inan'a Bteam saw-mill Mrs. John Mohn and Mrs, W. H. llartman visited relatives in Laurelton last weok....J. K. Shinkel Ksij. paid Middleburg u business visited, Fri day Dr. (1. C. Mohn and wife of Laurelton, J. T. ' Oearhart and wife of Adiimbburg, Miss Aunio Sline, Mifllinburg. C. A. 1'rdly and wife of Middleburgh, Harry Mitchel and wife of White Spring, visited in town on Sunday....K. Ii. llartman has started up steam in his distillery and began operating to-day (Thursday). A. M. Tschopp of Dauphin Co. is the store keeper and gaugcr. Occasional. BEAVEItTOWN. It sadly behooves us to chronicle the untimely death of Mrs . Girtrude Dreeso. She was the old ? nt aught er of A. M. Carpenter, and was married to Charles Droee l little more then three years ago. On Sat erdny night Apr. 20, she was taken violently ill. and at the sani time beenme unconscious in whicli state sho remained until the following Thursday when she died at 5 A. M. She was aged yrs., 4 inos. and 8 days. Tho funeral took place last Saturday forenoon when alarf e con course of peoplo followed me re mains of one respected and loved to their last resting place. It .-vW. II. Fahs ofliciated. Gertrude Dreese connected herself with the l'.vangel ical Lutheran church Junellb,lww, and remained a consistent member of tho samo until God in His infinite wisdom saw tit to remove her from tho church militant to the church triumphant. The death of this young woman, has caused a vacancy in her home, in the church, in the Sabbath school and in the hearts of her many friends. Truly death lores a shilling mark. It is a bitter blow and our deepest sympathy is with the bereaved husband, parents, bro thers and sisters of the departed. We commend them to Him, who best knows what is needed to guide His peoplo home ... l'rof. J, Palmer Carpenter, and wife of Sunbury, Samuel Carpenter and wife of Lan caster, and Charles Carpenter of Camel, Cliuton Co. were here to at tended the funeral of Mrs. Dreese William Denver and Mrs. Peter SchaclVcr aro on the sick list. . . ,D. F. Coleman sold his confcctionery,flour and feed store to Henry Weaver. . . . Mis. Ellen 15eed and her little daughter Frances after having spent some time with friends, left on Thurs day of last week for their home in Virginia John Iloyerof Itebors- burg paid our town a short visit last week Jacob ( I. Snyder is treating his house to n now coat of paint. Wild Hoses. Snyder Co. Sunday School Association. Programme of tho 24th Annual Convention to bo held in the Evan. Lutheran Church, Deavertown, Pa., Muv 7, H and l, MONDAY EVEN I NO. 7:'M. Devotional exorcises, ' Pres. M. L. Wagenseller. 7:45 Address, Prof. JJowersox. voluntary aaaresse. . TUESDAY MORNINd.' 9:00. Devotional exercises. A. W. Musser. 9:4.-i. Relation of the Pastor to the S.S. Rev. I. P. Jieff. Prof. D. S. lioyer. 10:00. Relation of tho Church Mem ber to the S. S. Rev.S. Smith, N. T. Dundore. 11:00. (Question Dox. 1 1 :!.. Reception of Delegates. TI EKDAV AFTEI1NOON. 2:00. Devotional exercises, J.A. Smith. 2:lo. Organization and appointment of Committees. 2:!10. Children's Mass Meeting, Rev. S. E. Davis, J. A. Lombard. Rev. W. W. Rhodes. 'y.'M. Report of Secretary. TI KSIHV EVEN1NO. 7::50. Praise services, A. M. Carpenter. 7:1V The Infant Department its teacher and needs. Prof. J. A. Sprenkel. WEDNESDAY MOHNINO. 9:00. Devotional exercises, A.A. Fish. 9:1 Relation of tho S. S. to tho be nevolent work of the church. Rev. J. Yutzy, Prof. Win Moycr. 10:0O. Reports of S. S. ond selection of pjace of next meeting. 10:2.-i. What are tho present needs of the S. S. in our county f Revs. W. M. Landis, J. E. Eckersly, Rev. S. 13. Weugart. 11:00. Relation of tho S. S. to the temperance movement, Revs. A. K. Zimmerman, IX. F. Hassinger. WEDNESDAY AI TEHNOON. 2:00, Devotional exercises, Wm. Heeter. 2:4'). What constitutes membership of tho S. S., Revs. G. W. Schnable, C. O. Lehr. 2:4. Reports of committees. ;:00. Closing exercises. Every school should be represent ed by at least two delegates. Gos pol hymns Nob. 1( 2, 8 and 4 will be used. A cordial invitation is extend ed to all. Rev. W. Fahs, J. P. Wetzel, Rev. p. C. Weidesmyeii, Executive Committee. At the Court House. At tho Argument Court held here on Friday tho case of N. T. Dundoro vs. Robert J. Ringaman was argued. Attorney Hotdorf appeared for tho petitioners against tho report of tho viewers for a public road in Wush- ingtou township. Tho case of Henry W. Felty vs. John J. Yctter and Moses Yetter was submitted to the court. At tho License Court, liceuses were granted to tho prop'rs of all the old hotel stands in the count'. A licenso was also granted to John F. Boyer, proprietor or the Uoyer House, Fre mont, Pa., and the petition of Geo W. Weaver, Freeburg, Pa., was re fused on account of a remonstrance. 1- EOISTEH S NOTICES.-NoMo l hen-by "rn tlmt thi- MlldMing nntiifil person have fllwl thi'lr AilmliilHfrntor, Uiinnlliiti. flint Kx triitoni' hcimuiim In Hip llinrliti-fi! oniop of sny (Vr fount v, miii tlw nami' III Ih priwntcil lir rotitlrnmtlnn nml hIIowiiwy at tlif fourt House III MWIilMiurk'li. Mondiiy, May 1H. 1. Klrwt unil fliuil mvotint, ol Wm. K. HowHI. PVlMltor of till' cstlltl- of Sopliln Kni'pp. IWI; Ian Attorney In Fact furtlic lu'lra of ilm. Km-pp, ai-.M'asiil. . Flnt nml tlnitl iirniutil of o. s. Krrti'ltT. (luiirillHn of U'vi Kfillu, minor HilM of I'i-Iit MTIltl, IllWltWtl. n. Final aiwunt of J. . Ilartmnn. Oiinnlliin of oiivi'rsnip., minor rlillJ oi (.mi -gv Siiiui-'ll, lll'ITIII'U. 4. First ntnl final iii'munt of Win. Mover, exerti tor ot tin-i'-.iHtiot Shiiimi'I Ki-li'luuiliaVli, lata of hniiiiiK"iii lownsiilp. ll'l'luSl. . Final iii'iimnl of simon mi'l Tlio. Ilummi'l nilinliilitratorM of tlm -iiito r .liiii,t, iniiiii'l laic ol Molina1 towiisii, iIi-i'immmI. n. First iiii'oiint of Wm. II. ot-mlierlliiir. Amoa C licmliirlliitr nml Solniiion a pp. evrtitur ol tni- Kiiitc oi .loiialliaii tii'iulHTllmf. ilis-emril. .. First unit tiinil niivHini of I'hllip Amlii. nil ir of tlm fatiilv of .IdIiii AliilK. lulfof i rrry loiviiHiiip. 1-,-: -. I . a. First ami final iirvoutit of Samm-I F. nml lli'iiliimln J. M.iiiiit. iiilinliiHtrulorsol thrustale ut Saminl J. MaiiriT. iliifiiaml. II. Arronnt of .latnpa.t. nml Atvln Itortnai), nit fnlniMlrutora of Him oatati1 of pi'tor lliTinaii. late of JiK'kaon township, clivra.Mil. in Acronnt of Levi IU hmt nilmlnlitrntor of tlm esiiile of tiinrifi! K. Heaver, I it ol Molina tow n alilp, dist'iusil. II. Afoiinf of .lolin Folter. one of tin1 i.s.i tora of tin1 Hstnto ot Jiuiilj 1 ellcr. Ial' of l i tin township, iln-i-Kscd. 1J. First nml II lull ais-onut of Mary A. biiiI Idila-rf W. stout. inlttilnlHtrat.irs of thiM-stuti- of Joseph I). Stout, ilei ciiat'il. IS. Flrat anil final nii'ount of p. s. Hitter, nil Inliilslrntor ol the t'statt1 of Jiilin Yniiii)(, lnl! ol Molina1 township, ilisvuxod. 14. First nml filial neeonnt of It. ('. Flss ml liiltilatmtor of the estate ol Man ll.nisli Into ol Monroe township, dis-eaaiil. II. M. MIINDEI., Mlililli'luirc, I'a., May.frd, V4. Ililster. S.F. SHKAUV, Inviiriitice Agi-nt Mini Itroker, IVnns Creek, 1. (). Pa. Only flrat clan Stork Onfipiitilrii rcprefpnlr.l. Y'oii alvu no iruiiuiu iioIck, liaure juii pay no l..TllVllt. Inmininre ilnepi on nil kln.i l inrin pmppriy, iIwi.Iibk. pturr an. I cliurcliut any. where In Snvilcr anil I'iiIoii emititteii. oifliTlti C. M S!nier Stiirc.rmtrty.'IIU. I SO World's Fair Views Free. Tl l'l'lllliy li eM.- - re.n 1'. I Hie ft'iilll us I In1 IimiII'u' miloiitv mi piiipt, sli ii lnrte patfes Montlilv. llfi.v rents per .innuiii. "I'.inn anil llii -.lle' Isa li'. p.iKe p.iMT eomliitf twlee n tin Hit ll. (Illy rents per milium. We III sellil Inilil P.l'.iels one Mar lllel Ulty pi Kllipllle le s lit Hie Will Ms Kil. r. Ll IH'IV sllli- si rlliers only all lor nny reiitn. s uiipie eupy of Hie Pollitl V Keeper."' Willi p.illl. lll.lls tree, semi lleinMits l-ii' i llliei' ot the I-.1 1. v 1 1 ,f lurk lllllllliers eipl.ll to II '. l elll I' 1"k : Poultry Hulls. ih. .Inly Isyl, has ,vi ews: lltiimii rs nml In etiliuiors, A'i,'u-t ami .uiisi ism. ilress, "The I'oiiHrv Keener i n.," Pnrkcsluii'i;, I'a. SIIKIMFI' S SAI.K OF REAL ESTATE ! By virtue of n writ of HI. F.i. Issucil nut of t he Court ot I'oiumon Pleas ami to me illreeteil, I will expos to Public Sale at Hie I'ourt House, III MUlilleburtfU all ocask P.M. on Saturday, Slay 12, IH'M. The following Desrrlbmt Ileal Estate, to wlti All thai eertaln iinwauatru or trai t ol hunt alU uat In Chnpinan township, Snvder count v. Pa., tounilcA, 1UTU. WtkIu ot VUH UtTv.U tt, East by liuida of John M. Illneanil ieo. Snyder, South by lanilH of J. H. Hall. Weal by lauds ot J. B. Hull and John Hrloe, eontalnliiif 110 Al'KKS inoroor less, wnensill ani ereetea two uui b ES. BANK HA UN and other otltbiillilliiira. Ket.eil, taken Into exis utlon and to be Hold as ine pni'rty oi Franklin kreitzer. Ai.FKEOspwirr. sherirr. shPrlfTsOfllis.1, Mldilletiureji, April ;i, lw. U-UAU MM I W-i DR.J.B.MAV rnlLft., rA. Rion; baopriUo m 41 at ttvm btua. ttMtiUMb. Ht n4 tut lri.w. ifOWt totui, 9 A M.toSf.M. DR. KILMER'S KIDNEUIVERWI." Iiolt cm (aravcl (lull atone, drirk ilimt In urine. uiin In urethiu, Mrainlnit after urinutloii, puinln tin1 lutt k nml bl, auilden itoppaKO of water with preaaun1. llrilitN Disease Tula1 eiiata In urine, scanty untie. .NMitiiiji.fnot villi's urinary trouhlm mid kidney illlln ultiiw. Liver Complaint Torpid or mi lurireil liver, foul Im-uth, liilious ni aa, bilioui hruilarhe, KKr dlKoatlon, ftout. Cataniiofthe lllailder IiitUmruution, irritutioti, ulceration, dribbling-, f n ipient rails, pus IiIimkI, mucus or iu. AI DruKBUla &0 rrnta and IH.OOKUe. 11 Invalids llmiln tu Health ' (rrv CuuMilutlea rra. 1)11. KlLMLII & CO., HlNUIIAMTO.N, N. V. WISIiSTIlR'S 1NTHRNA TIONA L A Grand Ltiutatsr. Suceruorofthti "Vaubriilted." Evervboily hnulil own this Jili'tioniiry. It un wera all pieatiou roiuernllii; lliu his tory, sis-mug, pro nuiirlutlou, nml Uitaiilng of wurda. A Library in Itself, it nlao :iven flip often lie- kir...l I.... roneernmir eminent peraoiiKj ruetaeoneern Iiir tlio coiintrlea, l it lea, tuwua, and nat ural fi aturesof the t-lolH1; purtlrulara ou re ml n ii noted rtet it loua persona and jilaees; tmnalutloii of foreign ipjolatioua. It la In valuable In tlio liuiuc, cilice, atudy, ami ai'biKilrooiii, The Ore Grent Stnndnrd A uthnrily. Hull. I. J. llrrwar, Junius, nf I . s. siuin-ine Court, write t M 'llio liilriiiillulial lilelionary l Ilia iMTlrclinn of lili'llenarli'N. I e snim-lul u tu all ua Uiu elm yrrat tLuuduiU aulhoruy." . .'.. IlllullllUljllll Hold by All lltmisetlcrt. G, A' C. Mrrrluui Co. lHhlttiher. fprliujrtrlil, Milts. WEBSTER'S LVTERSAnVXAl I HClio not lioT rluap photn. aroi.liiH rirtuu ut ancumt filiuuna, lyisoj for free proapectua. DKT1UNAUY j r iiw wu ar -wtr w mm Roof u. J. c. am w. n. n.8. D15NTIST. Trentinir. filling, artiflclnl teeth, crown ami liriil work. Tepth ex trRcteil wltltotir tiiiln. Hiitlsfactlon k'niirnntepd lMllct next door to the I'osT print lnr tifllei'. MIDDLHUt HOH, I'A, Wanted Salesman to sail a hne una M KNKKY HTtM Knnd HEKD POTATOES. MMKKALHAt AKY or I (iMMIssloN PAID WEEKLY. I'EH MANKNTmid PAYINO poHITIoNS to tiool) MEN. rPE IAI. IMM t EVENT to BEOIM NEK1. EXt'M SVK TEHKITOHY HIVKN IH liESlllEl). W rite at ohep for terms to Tbu Hawks Nursery Co- RochesterN. Y- JAi. U. CltoL'SK, AITOM.NKY AT 1-AW, MlDnEKBI RH, PA. All business piitritste.l to Ills care will ri'ijelve prompt attptitioti. Con sulfation In English nml Herinnn. D X. L. H. VOKLKLKR. DKNTIST Trpatlnir. nillnif. artinplal teeth, bridge nml crown work. Nitrous oxiile KHa fur prtitilesa eklrnptiona. Everything pert'tlninjr to piitistrv. Van lloskirk'a olii Htnnil. .SKLINSUUOVE. PA. ELECTRIC TELEPHONE ftnM ontriirht. nn fnt. no mftUr. AAt4 tnCnj. ViiUor (Vinntrr. tn mf h'Dir hop. Pir himI offlr. Orlt oodwb imncm n mmuT on twinn Ayrnl miikr from ft I per 4tT. 4rn In ft riilnr mMna mm to all tn .-i.Ka.M l'lh inBtruiMntaV nn lOVft. WOfttk "?miwhr, n dl"Uinr. Vim plt. tAj fnr . 1 1 I w I .ki,.i A 'an Ka ! nti h An OM L! I 1 1 ne-vnr out t.f oHfT. no naitriiit, !! Hl I Httm) Hnrntnil. A mwny mnhr. W. P. Ha Harrlaon Co. Glirh 10, Colu-ibM, 0. Hrlta BUG6IES at i Price AhTS IlilUirMaHMM Jn T.pBiiW.., T7l t rat thf fTtZJS 4 I'm Tup aurrvr iw 0111111 ALL VLt'? V ! Kil Maa-iai. kit cutnia tltora. ilH..K'rt flf.wl Hu7nrtiuN. ZJJ Bumrr llarmaa, is at torranit aav tii liiitfr 4 M l.l.l I, t Tim " (l lmuimnt. .nvau sanaia, (l i,c. kl'if'. tn. r. III'OIIY CHUT . . . WS) I tu U LawRutw Bt , CinuiunaU, 11, VIGOR OF MEN cisiir. vmckiy. prmnnentiy Rtord. AVmknrtk .Xrrvnuiiifii. llvh.lltw. and all Ih triun of evtln fnxii rarljr rrntrsurhiUtr Pieetuon, llt fi'iiUii of oTorwnrk, ru knM, wnrry, eic. fr uit Mirhijth, drvoliipmvitt, nnd toito iiiTt'n t err irvnn nnd p-rtt. u i.f thn htxljr. binilit, imtunu nii'tiMRiii. lumtiMiiatu iiujmvuiiifnt vii. fraiiur iTta .t. n'fornii. JtMk. ciplftiiftiluiifl UiU j'pN.f nmd.-.t ummiUhI' frt'e. AiMrvm tKItt PntUIUAL CQ., BUFFALO. H. Y. crown Acme. The bent Buniinvf Oil that cau be nnule from Petroleum. It given a brilliant light. It will not smoke the chimney. It will not char the wick. It hat A high lire test, 1 . a It will t,c expiode. It in without a comparison au a per fection Family Safety Oil. It is limnu fiie hired from the finest Crude in the mont perfectly equip ped refineries in the world It is tho Best. Ask your dealer for Crown Acme. Trade orders Tilled by Yours trulv, THE ATLANTIC SSFXKINS CO. Sunbury .Station, Sunbury, Ta. I EWIS' 98 LYE L nwxuts ajtd mmiB (i-ATaaTii)) TMalrongratand pairMlT.y mailfi. I'oliku tiltiur I.). It lavlnc a Dim peaoler auU tikil In a can Hb reinmaM lid. tlia oouunta ara alwaya re. If fur . WIQ laaks lli' trfuniM Hard H.p In 'Ji Ditnuiea alibat bailllnar. It la tli fcrat l..r clinli. ., ilblht.vilna tluks dMel4j MlJiiR IwlUua, lolnu, Iruea, ele I ALT KTQ CO- Ocn. AgUn l'Ull., I'a. flia IPinalliga JU k CUTTER. i-V. st" "0t y a.nv.1 dMlrt Conuiktc doa lbaa41ttiMttrri fttuiMoiicra ,nru,fcrikMa4 liitriHlueuiry il's. (awl all 9r4, Ctllt W. N. MtaaiaOMAOO. w . , I ' " -1 - . U . ' r . CANTON. OHIO. " atoKNaliu, P. C. MARTAAN, Tonsoiial Artit, has just opened a room in W. W. Wittemnycr's building, where ho is prepared to do first class work. March 29, '04. To the Public, Generally. Aa i 'nnorpss iliil imr. iifiua lliu dutrn revenue on wliiskev.tlie Mxrka hrniula of whiskey all of my own make remain me name priue. isew white wliiskev. lKi.?5 : 10 to 1H nioiitha nl.l ; to !IU months old, 3.3o ; S4 10 iiii moiling oid. f.i.uu. as to 42 mouths old, 3 5l) ; Thesu are all flue irooils. Do not forget tin old stand. Kuipty whiskey barrels $1.50. J. Ii. Marks. Near It. 11. Station. Mlddlehugh, Vv. FAT PEOPLE. rmk tiiataity rills will rriliicn ymir welk'ht rKKM ANKN'I'LV Hum VI tu IS iilnil n I111111IU. Nosl'AUVINU Hliknrss or Injury 1 No I'l ll I.IiU'V. 'l'liry luiiiil up tUu ln-ultli ami la-iiuii-fyll.H roiii)lrxlnii U-u lntr No WKINKI.KS or lliilililllfss. STOI T AHlJO.MKNH iliil Ulltli'lilt breiilliliiH ailifly Mlvvml. NO KXI'KUIMK.ST bui a stanitllli1 una IHtsltlVB relief, Jilnptvil only niter .vciii-H of exia-riuaec All orilera aiipplied dlrei't from our ollloe. I'rlt'a t'JOU iht pm katfe or llireo uiokuufa fur Ii 110 by mull poalpulil, Tostliiioiilula uuU nnrlloiiliira (seuWsl) ih ts. AlltorrwiMindts'e strict ly I'ourtilentlu). I'AKlv UKMKDV CO., llutituu, Mtui. D N" X r. ,slc 'ir t. L. .L. X- -J , 'W W I XXIV i j 3 (iOOD FOR PART TWO OP 4 Famnus lAar PinturnR I at Write your name and address plainly, and seud lliis Ticket it vlth Ten Cents to FAMOUS WAIt I'lCTUUKS, -l'OST Middle- r targh, Pa., andreceivo rortfolioofSIXTEKN Famoun War Pic- tare, by Kdwin Forbe nnd othrin, liVtlu inehes: The ORE IT r KST VALUE EVEU OFFEItEI).' Cheap for $1.00. For preceed- ing Portfolios clip Coupon. from Hie Middh burgh Post of any fi liate. ' Kanifl, f TostOflice '. . - r 3 -3 -5 ) 3 -3 3 3 ) 3 3 -3 County, IState, js-ija- .p.- -T-" T- T- -T -T- -T"gTr Hew Goods at Oppe nil imer's. Selinsgrove, Pa. ( , rV Clothing of everyl description. Boots, Shoes and Gent's Furnishing Goods. Full particulars next week. ' H. OPPEXHEiniE! This Space is Reserved for G. C. CUTELIOS THE OWE- PRICE CLOTHIER! Clotta Doi't Mr but they go a great way In thatdlrectlon. Then why send to the CI y for ready-made clothing and then take them to a uk lied local tailor to huprovojhe fit, wheu you can get a - SUBSTANTIAL ME Al (IOOD FIT hi ouue HENRY L. PHILLIPS- MERCHANT TA1LOH, Solh-..Crove, Pa., where your work Ualway. guaranteed or you have recourse. TIiIh Is a question that Interest every man and boy .A neat-fitting ult,no matter what the materll i it always lookn better than an ill-Httlng suit no matter how flae tlie gooua. Then come at once and get fit. HENRY L. PHILLIPS, Ut l?.r.iiiD for E. UUCK. tour doer. w..t ol I),0k, a,llniro. -4. . X I Poit folio No -- ov ktoing to Tie Mai L i