Last of the Pennsylvania R. R's. Popular Excursions to the National Capital. Tlio M i it H t.f hpi ins rxoursiims to ti.c N:i. ' l"u -it w liicli JiiivnlxH ii no MH'i'i'ssfully romliictnl 1.V tlio l 1 5. l:. ('., will rlusf with the fnml trij.t ;i A i ill l'.'th. Tin m- ciii iiii have proven -t'i v.'.iii'.y M''i.lai, l.ctli mi lien unit (f tin-low mil' uinl the tunny iittriict ions w hich Wiishiiiti'iiollViM (he vis itor (luring thf spi-itu;. Al .vuy it li lihtful city, Viilniii;tiiii is jtiutic llhilly lit 1 1 act i c when tlio tucH U'nl IIowiih willi which it h pttfks uinl fiii;iiM arc ini iihi il, are shnwiiir tin- lirvt lui.N nn.l IiIoohih of i-pi ine. The cxciiisidii ticket.-", w hich are Hohl at S.i.on in. in l'itt-tliii ; ami at n;vi ti'i!i'it lv low rated from oilier Millions, lelniit a top-olY at $alti im He in either direct ion, tun I are valiil for return within ten day. The hpeeinl t t in 1 1 if parlor earn and Juy coaeheK will run as follows, and tiekt t h will he Mild at t lie rule- ipiot-Cd:- 'i'liiln I.I'llMl. A. M l M Kit.' l'iltslni! S.i.otl s.ii-, Altoiina, T.:!"i 1 J.n.'i 1 rone, 7:S 12.27 Ii istown .Iuncti"ii"i .' I..VI " Mitll in. M Wushintfton, . . Ar 7.1.1 " In addition to the special train the tickets will he jiiod for passage on till trains of the I'.Uh inst. except the l'ennsylvaiiia Iinitril. Tickets on sale in I'ittubiirt:, at Union Ticket. Oilier, Fifth Avenue nnd Sniithtield Stteet, and Union Station, and at all stations mention ed iihove. For full information ap ply to T. K. Watt, l'ass. Ant. West ern District, 110 5th Ave. Pitthburtf. Expel the Anarchists. Tho Moody riots lust week in tho coko rcKioiiH remind us of tho ne cessity of halting on tho importation of foreign labor to compete with American integrity. Tho foreign ilument has caused so much disturb ance in tho industrial world that tho American people ncod to bo cautious about admitting aliens to enjoy the freedom of American citizenship. Aliens in every cus are tho cause of blood shed and labor disturbance. The American is entitled to'freodom because he kuows how to appreciate tho privileges afforded by tho con stitution. The foreigner comes here ignorant and remains so. How cun he appreciate the merits of freedom afforded by our National laws t 1'heioisno room in this f ee laud for Anarchists nnd those uho hare uo respect forour institutions. Tis true, some foreigners make good citizens, but it is the exception and Hot the rule. We welcome to our shores all who are oppressed iu for eign hinds when they coiuo here understanding our free institutions and knowing how to appreciate our laws. Ours is the land of freedom, but our liberty is the liberty of law and the lawless should have no sym pathy from any class or condition of luei ie:'li people. MAUHIKD April. i, at Ireeburg, by I Co v. H. (i. .Suable, Miss Cora V. Mover and V. 1). (hible, both of Salem. ' DlFdX ..April 1st at Fremont, Klmcr J. Kuiish, aged IT years and 1 days. April L'lid, at Kant., Mrs. " Cath erine Moore, aged 71 years,. months uinl I day. To Farmois ami Stoch raisers. The undersigned takes this method of informing the public that his Hanibletonian StinP'Star" w ill stand for the entire season at the stable of the Summit Hotel three miles south west of Middlebiirg on the l'o!J' ':"lin " 1''l'l,,"",g. Hates Svi.vr.vrnt JJowkn f:-re.i :' llios. Owner. Tin i.e. re Chauilierlaln's Cough l;.'ii..:v is ue, the hetter it is liked. e Know ol no oilier remeil v tin. t iil wnys trues satisfaction. It H good Win n your emigll U t.eatei uinl vour lings .".iv s um. It is ood in tiiv Kind of a cough. We Imre sold twenty. llvo dozens of it and every liottlx has given satisfaction. KteiU auui Jr Frieilman. druggists, MIiiiih ifa .ake, Minn. .Vi cent tijt ties for eule y ti M Shindel. Middlebiirg, und .1. V. Sampsel, IVuuoreeli. My wife was confined to her bed for over two month with n very severe attuek of rheumatism. We could get nothing that would afford her any relief, and as a last resort gave Cham berlain' I'aiu Halm a trial. To our great surprise she began to Improve after the first application, and by us ing it regularly ahe was soon able to get up and attend to her house work. K. 11. Johnson, of V. J. Knutson & Co., Kensington. Minn. 50 cents bottles Coi kale by O. M. Hliiudel, Mlddleburg, and J. W. HauipsH, l'enusareek. Tho Post,SI.50 pcry IVORY 60AP ar"-B a ara. a- TOR CLOTHES. tse pnocTtu a GAMoia co, cin-a THE Kind That Cures Mrt. ROS B. JACOBS, ASTHAVA CURED WHEN FOUR PHYSICIANS FAILED. Hx years ago u takon with Aathma, which steadily gnw worm. 1 emiilored four different phjrsloUna, ho ears me up, saying there was no help for me. Fonr bottles of DANA'S BAR8APARILLA saved my life, and I am well ai bappjr. Maa. ROSA a JACOBS. fc Barre, VU ALL DRUuoiars. DANA 8ARSAPARILLA CO.. Belfast. Ms. o vieoa YOUTH DR. J. H. MCLEAN'S STRF.HGTHENINQ 22 CLCOD PURIFIER AM AXTIDOTE X)R ExhoiKtlnn. I.o.of Apetlts, Iw flplrlts, bioimioh sk kuvM and l)jjwpila. I'.--nnt to Uif ta.ti. and a tsvoiitn tnnlo with IhelnUlea. 1'rlcaal. bold liy all druKglat- THCDR.J.H MCLEAN MED. CO ST. LOUIS, MO. CARTER'S ITTLE IVER PILLS. CURE KU'k Hailai-he and relleTe all the troubles Incl ili nt in a liilhiut alata vt tha ayntin. such as luziiiiH, NaiiM-a. I ro nliitnn. Iii.trem afu r rM nit. l ain In tha 8hl, Ac While tlwirnuiat rviiiurkuble succcm lias Uwo allow n iu ':urin tloadaflia, yet Cjirtsr a I.rm.a I.ivts Tti.iM art eiially Taluabla In Oonatipation. curing ami pri'vcnting this annnylnircniiiiilaint. while tn.'V alan rnrrrot all diaordnra of tna at.unarh. atiiimlata tha II. rr and regulate the bowela a -nu it thry only cured ehieao Arha they wnuld he almnet prinaleea to thnee w liii aufTur fniiii thia dlatreaainfr complaint ; Hit rortunately their (nodneaa dnea not eml lii-r,', ami tlnwa who one try them will And tli.'M little I'lllt valualile in an many way that IIh-v will nut tin willing to do without tbeiu. liut ofur all alvk bead fcm the hane of ao many tires that here Is where Vi. innke iiur great boast. Uur pllla cure It 'hiln uthera do not. C'iKTKa a I.ITTI.B I.iver Pills are ery amal) and vi-ry eitny to lake. One or two tillla maka a ). Thi'V are atrlctly veiretnule and dr not Kriie or purice, but by their gentle ai'tlon pliviw. nil w ho iim r.hem. In Tlalt at (ft cent: 11 vo fur $1 . Hold everywhere, or sent by mail CASTU kSSlcntl CO., U Tort lz$R SmiH 9qs& SmaS Price, .a1 ltV its aV J tk Owes OalaOavchaJeraTkieaiOreBy.Iaf oaa ea, Waeaaiag 0aua. BrMhibs aaa Aaibna. A eattala earaTef Guanitioa la aralaUgM. aa a eara relief is s4aaM atagM. Via at an".. Tea will seethe eseallnt affMt after laktea; tSa jret 4aae. Bali ey Stalars rwiwUrt. Xt UttUeMeeaUiaVltJO. 63 s n i it ' HMIr TO Barpii i Chainbor Suits. liook nt them. Parlor Suits. I. ink nt lln'in. Side Itoarils. Look at them. Couclics, Lounges, Putent Rockers, Easy Chairs. Look nt them. 50 Baby Carriages. Look at them. a1y Coatli Holies, AfTacliaiiH, Lure Cover, all prim-. Linik at thiMii. They are bcautlfx. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Laco Curtains,Cnrtain Poles, Hugs of sill kinds, and everything else at the popular furniture and carpet store of W. H. Felix, Lowistown, Pa. SELINSGROVE MARBLE-YARD M. L. MILLER, Prop'r I keep constantly on html ami man ufacture to order all kinds of Marble and Granite Old Stones Cleannd and Eemlred. LOWI'IU.'ESJ . LOW PRICES!! I have on of the best Marble Cut ter in the Statu and eoimequeiitly turn out (luoil ivr . k. tittyi'omp mi, hho my Morkitprinea. Tliankfiil for paxt favors 1 moxt re pectfully iihk u continiiHiice of hiuiih, M, L. MILLER. Every Man whose watch has been rung out of the bow (ring), by a pickpocket, Every Man whose watch has been damaged by drop ping out of the bow, and Every Man of sense who merely compares the old pull out bow and the new will exclaim: "Ought to have been made long ago!" It can't be twisted off thecase. Can only be had with Jas. Uoss Tilled and other cases stamped witu this trade mark Stnd tor a milch cut opintr (tree). Kcytion Watch Caw Co., I'tuUdclylii. THE PATENT VAKilAMX' rRICTION FEED Beet Set Work in the World. Saw fy3ill& Engine Received the Medal and Hi)hestvAnard at the World't Columbian Export!. Warranted tha bait maale HhnikU ililla Mu tilnory and Standard AariculturAl lMil-ni'nik il ;.M IJ'i.l it al lixiaat pruM. rw.'l lnr li, ..i ij. t lnaua. A. B. FARQUH. C;)., Ltd., YORK, r ,V A TO $150. A MONTH aPUU. SSS'TJ AGENTS HISTORY the VORLD rmm thaCmatlnn of Man to tha firrsetit dar. In. rluillng a euiirliriiilve IIIHTtlK V OVAMKK. ft A. i.iiuaiuiiiK "Mi") 1. aw IN. a"fl a.rr 7uu llaalratlnna. from tlrawiiiKa by tlie beat artl.u. The iimmI valualile arnrk u( lit Kind evar imbllsliBd In 011a volume. ( oiilalnliig all Important facta, wlln baltar lllu.tratloin lliaii the to 1V). work. Kelt In liuiairtanre to the Hllile and Ulrtlonary. Needed In every lioine. We want a law liitelllneiit, arlile-awake men or women III earn county to aacure urdera. No ailairlaure uur capital roiulrct, otily bralaa aad eaah. Wa pay well, Klv eirlualve territory, luy rrnlKlilnreiiirvMrhargra, anil furulsb bookann JOiUri' rmllt. A iiilenilld oinorlnully fur teaahera, atuileuta, mliitiitera, latllea, or any una out of ainiloyiuenl. Hiaire time ran Iw prufitablr uaad. Write ua and we will irive uu I urtlier uarllculara. F. W. UKQIEB CO. (Boa 1700), rkllaaelphla, Fa. Film Hemenr The Dead! mikm iSFARQUHAR 3T. II. uowim VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR WILL CURB THAT Oold AND DTOP TIIAT The best remedy known for the enre of ' I Consumption, CouRh, Colds, I Whooping Cough, and all Lung , iDISOasoS. ooia ercrj-wbere. I rnee sso.. fioo., and 11.00 pet bottle. ' CX27ir. JCIQtSSK I.0I3, Trrpi., IirUifte. Vt. rr anli hv W. II. Ili'iiver, Mlddloliurtfh. and J. W. Hiunpwll. reiins creek, I'a. ULMCn'S DENTAL BOOMS, SeHjisgravs, Fai TV'th rliMinod. Ptlr.irl'-d. Iiin.l.intfd. n-ifillnt-ed. IMhimwk aid Inlurli-H i Urn Uvlli and nimilli Iri'iili'd. Arllllrliil Hi-ta. rniana. Iirldi-s and olHliiraliim ln-ri.'d. All klii.lint tilling. Wuld work it KKM'lnli v. ;i:o. it. n.iurii. n. n. s. oniro In Wi-is' (Iwi-niiii;, tHiiiiit al.lo t'litraucc, oii)Hitv Niiilonid iliiti-l. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Sunbury & LewintoM U Divinion. In effect November 19, 181)3. WMTWAID til. I KAtTWABb p 111 4 . it; 4. -.ii 4. id 4 !il 5 J7 .5J .t.4l a.&i V4 3.14 4.1X1 3.01 St 4 a.7 i.U A . I. a in i r m J. ! T 40 J.oo j Main Street j 7.41 1.0.1 I-al,ton 7.46 ' 1.06 a , .Mallland 7.61 t.14 N I Paintor i s.oi i n II I Shlmlle ! R.uf avr H ! Wanner I a 11 . i.n 17 ! Manlure fil .u In I Kauli'i Mill s.27 I.4W It I Adamaliara 1.34 l.6 I livavertowD S.40 i 4.0'i i Henlr 8. jo 4.11 13 ; MMdleliarab a.M 4 18 14 Meiaer B.i'-i m '7 1 Kreamer e.n H Pawllnit oln its 43 Halinmrore e.21 41 46 Sallnrota J. 9M 441 60 I tsuiitur? I t.3 1 90 I ...ui 'lllHI 11.61 ll.4 1 11.40 ll.:wi ii. as jll.W ii n lu.04 110.66 1 10.60 ; 10.4.1 j 10 i 1.SV via I0.1T i io.o Selinsgrove Accommodation. (Honneollna with tralnioo N.O. By.) LeaTa Sellneiuore. Je. Arrive at Mellnairove 45 H. M. 6.MP.M aaaaa e i fLeave Lewlntown Juuotlon : . a. 111, 10 40 a m. 1 I 11 m, IMpn.Tlls n lor Altoona.l'lttuburic and the Wat. 7'i7am, 36ain,l 4611 in.UHt 4 31 p m.l 2fi p m 11 18 p m. For Pntiadeliihla, New lor a, Haltlmere and Waaliinaton. Philadelphia A Erie R R Division. AMI NOKTHKKN ('rJ.NTUAL KA1LWAY. Irnlna Iave Kunliurjr dully eirept 8 am ay : l.6 a. m. lor WllllamaKirt and :atiandelirua. 113 a tn, For Hi'llelnaf, Krlr.and t-'anandalicua M a ra, r'or ! Haven. 1 M p ui, For llelleluute, Kane and Canandal Kua. I 44p in. For Kenoro and Halnton. t Up ui lor Wllllamnivort. Siinuay . 6 l.iain, lor Krle and t'anandalirua, OMaiu. fiir LK llavan, and V6tim lor Will lanmport. (, ForCntawia aad llaulmn. 55 a m.ioiaj a ui.aml 4 47 pa, For Wllkeahtne. T lam, 100 a m. 1 6D n m. tton m. ForKh la .iftwiwiMini4.iiiii. Sunday luiAi a rn. for WllKeaharre. Trulna l.ove Soilnnirriiva Jonrilon 0 6.1 am. wm-k (iy arriving at I'lillad. lplla S on p. in. New Yora 6 W p m, Italtluiore 1 10 p in. W NnliliiKtun 4 . 0 p in, .S7 f M. wwlt day.. ar'U Inir at Pnlladolphia 11.16 P.M. New York 3 63 a ui, Hultliuore 10.40 I W p in, dally arrvilir at Philadelphia 4 80 a iu, New ork 7 :tu in, Trjlna nlno Leave Sunhury t I 60 a m, d uly arriving at I'hlladelphla t t 60 a ni ll!illii! 'in. m. New York 38 am. Weekday,!)! 116 u in ,siuav(. 4 :.5 a tn. dally arming-al I'lilLnlelpMa l'u JO a m., New York 1 11 pin., Iliililm. ro s 66 a iu., WanhliiKUin lo in am. I f6p in. week daj rrlUn at I'hlladelplila t to p in. New York 10 imp in., tialtimure I ao p. tn.. WakIiIukIoii s :i; p m. Tr.iln al.i leiite Sunluiry at0 4S a. in. and 6 :t and a 17 p. in. lor liiirrii-lnirv. riiiladulplila nnd tin Ii i For rale", in in a.' , rnll on Ticket Axent or iid.ln . Tho. Wait, P. ,. W. U. no Fillli Ave PlttuNurif. I'.t. J.K. Wui 1 1). en'l Pan Aaeot. S. M. PRKVOST, leii'l Mananer. tV Crons I if; and all otlier rropaarel I ,if A 1 . tWM ftreut ly lucrcuaed by Uia 1 Phosphate ine l.OHt Known f. rt Hirer fur uny Kiniioraoll. bund fur .now i-rice i.ihu JfORK CHEMICAL WORKS,. lOnR, PA. iR.J.H. CLEAN'S rr m CORDIAL & BLOODPURIFIER. A reliable remedv for atrenirthenlnir tha weak, Imparting vigor to the circulation, pu- ..;" "o uiuou, reauinug atrengia auaro bunt bealtb. A certain routed? for WIAKNISS, LOSS Of AfPETITC, LOW SPIRITS, STOMACH SICKMISS AND DVSPEPSIA. PHICE 1 00 I'EB BOTTLE. The Dr. J. n. McLean Medicine Co, ST. LOUIS, MO., SOLE PROPRIETORS. WALL PAPER Not retailed at Wholesale Prices but sold lower than any other bouse. I fin If fi00 w1" UT anooirh good eM LUUlt l(Mrtoeuvartiie wallaof alOxUfw room. Including a neat iold Bonier. Band Ion. for poeiage and reretve 100 Iwwatlful eaniplei and tiailde Dok Hew to Iatera free. WILLIAM WALLACE, aa ria riiiiaaeiwki, raw Sportsman's Hqirtti m. B. REED. Siftni'y, Pi. Open Sonson For O-wiaao i Woodcock, July 4th to .Inn. Int. VIM Turkey, Oct. 15th to Jan u Squirrel, Hept. lut to Jan. lot. Quail, Nov. 1st to IVc i'a Deer an Klk, Oct. lat to Doc. IMh. PlieaHant, Oct. let to J,, u Ilabblti, Nov. let to Jan. Int. Duck. Sept. 1st to May i CoADeD Shells From 3 to 3J Dr lilk Powtler, tin.l 1 to 1 hhot No. 4, (1, ? fii! s. 25 SHELLS IN A BOX, J3oc. per Bu.- Or 1.40 per huiulretl. In Case Lots of oOO, n Per Com. Less SM0KEU:SS LOADKI) SHELLS. 12 Ga.f OOCKNTSPEIt BOX. All Other Ammunition in Proportion. -I- ?LinXgOr3t G m aiflSsorliai's Materials ii Csalral Pdnnsylvania AT THE LOWEST PRICES. M-Ajjent for WII.KESHAUUE OUN. IIotiHHt IiiHiirnnce at Honest Hate. Tlie HeMtOoodrt for the Leait Money. GENERAL INSUBANCF flGENGY. Only tlie OI(let. I.argentand oiroiiReoi uasu Uompanlea. No Assessments Hound solid and True Indemnity. ItcpreHentinff everv oUkk of IiianrArinn cltl.or T.lf Pleo A !.! ' - a. " "VT OI8H OI . ujjjj uun LiUi.vir'iiNiJiiti i LOCATION Hartford NAME Aetna Home Eire Association Fidelity and Casualty JNow Eanitable Life Ins. Soc.Xew a. onalneaa entrusted to- A;enoy ahall alway receive th. UtitiPBt care and attentlrH'Entlre atifaetlon cuAranteed. We solicit a snare of your .-Jronnge. mineral Atijustnienis. 1894 SPRING 1894 F. H. MAURER NEA BERLIN, PR. Special arrival of the very latest advanced styles of Dress Goods, Laces, Kinbroidcrij. Silks, Braids and IrimmiiKj. Also tho very latest styles of (Septs' and Hoys' Sprint: ana Mimmer Mnts at lower prices than ever before SPECIALTIES. The largest assortment and latest styles of Ladies Dress Shoes and Oxford Ties in Mack nnd colors, also iii Uents7aml Jioys shoes, better in quality and so low in prices that F. H. Maurer's shoes are tho talk of all tin people. Ladies fine dress shoes from $1.00 to S.'l.Sd Gents' lino Congress Shoes from $1.00 to $1.00 The lliifliest Market Price Paid for Produce. KtTCASIl PAID FOR (il)OI) I5LTTEU AND KOCJS. ll Baaaa'iiaaBBV- mr.'j a- i iae cond lion aaaiau.u-.VeiCSairavia i.JU. ,"23 tai V?LZZLwu. If You Can't Get It Near Home. Send to Us. Ask First. 70S SJItl BY EUNKLE 4 WALT 13 Stocli. Of-,'- lerials ii No Premium Notefl uuviucui, vr a uruHUO, A8SKTS $10,G5,139.03 9.370.G10.00 Xew York Philadelphia 5,0C7,S51.74 1,5S7,0C7.40 lork York H. HARVEY S0HO0H, Selinsgrove, P Prompt Payments. "LKeepChickensStrong healthy ; it gets your pullets to lav- V' r;inv : ii m wnrm 1 1 ei wm nnr in rr i. Kwhcn hens moult ; it prevents alt disease. v..w.v.H, wui'a aVIUI 1 IVaVUa aW. U - CO IW I1C93. IWilrA I llltThrwo T mnr ll.a'.l.nrr It la a puwcrl'ul food dltft'etlvc Large cans are most economical to buy. ' mlla 'CONDITION POWOEfl ITherefore, no matter what kind of feed i'ou use, mix with it daily Sheridan' I'owaer. utnerwise, your protit tnis fall and winter will be lost when the price for tggs Is very high. It assures perfect assimilation ol the food elements needed to nroduee health and fnrm ram r