I'ublislictl every Thuimluy. Geo W Wagcnscllcr, Editor. Arthur E Cooper, Manager. Subscription $1.50 per year. (wtilrh mint le pil l In mlvunre when sent out sle tlif onmty.) HATtS Of AOVMTISINO. All Iran-lent iiiviTtl'!iii'iitH tin! otherwise .entrm-ted fur III Ih- rvr'l nt Hi" r :ti el 11 i-'iii -r 11 1 1 n.iup .irli-l iiiiM-.iir.-i It tlrt In-.r-tlmi Kiel lucent ht Hum fur every sMliv-iiieiil ih-ertlnn. (oper Wiiifi'iifdltT. I'rop'r-. Thursday, April 5, IS!) 1. Standing Committeemen. .iimi-.l. -I. Mil.ll- urtli. J. K. KetteMlf. Iti-.ivMr- IrMn hliiMV. Nnili;iii K-mm. I!. ,n.-r W. -t -AiiknII-iumii. wniiiiin lli u'i-r. i 'miii n- J. w. Miiip-u'l, r, y. llMrif.-. " li il'iiiun .tulm seller. ImMil . I'.irtlliiM. Iniiiklln-.l. II. Khti-rlliiM. .1. II. IMIh. .I.ii knoll I ( . k Unifier. W in. M.iri In. MiilillMlmr -li-.l. II. Klin'iiN. Willlum T. Kmmmi-. MnMleen-'k W. A. h.-i l- r. i. V. Hm. M-mrne ti. A. KiiiifTiniiii. '. A. K.irl.-tiui n. I'i iiii lr in K. l.iiiiMiilak'Mr. H.uhl M.i'er. ivrn - II. K. Arl.k'.i-i. 1 1 Iri li- -r. IVrrv HVl -t Inii. M. ArlHvM-l. T. H. lir.ohlll. Sit ii.v: - A. M A'ir.iii'l. IUU'1 Ml'lll' urtli. -i-Iiii-.kTihm -I. II. Knekler. K'l. U. tieinlierlltik'. I Mull - Hiram l.lllnln. HiM.I I.. St:llll. W tl.lt I II w:1 lt - Will f. llllllilHli. I'lilllp T. Mover. Republican Ticket. rol STY. Knr .Hefnliy, H AS. W . II KUM ANN. r'nr l'Mihiiimtiiry, .l.r. suns II. r.ir Id-truier A li.enrder, li. M. MIIMIKI.. For liMikl .Mlnrie , .1. M IIAKK.lt. I'm .1 1 1 r v i 'iiiiiintssl'iiiiTi .1. II. KSKIT. Slioul.l Sny.lor County Have House ? Poor This is n problem which should in terest every tax-payer in tin county. At tho present time Snyder County pays .'.i77(i.- for tin- support of the poor. A large number of mil' neigh boring counties art earing ior them in an almshouse tor less than half tho amount paid by tho people of Snyder County. Let us take Mitllin County. With a population of l'.i.W they support their poor in an alms house for S44M, while Suyder County with a population of 17,(!.I pays !'.77(i.'J.". At tho late election in .Soliusgrove where tho citizens paid last year iJl'JH.l.'jii for tho sup port of tho poor, a proposition to establish u poor hoUHe. w as il.-fo'itoi' byi'smiil' : -jority. If it had beei n --. -mw-u.u I . rented and not purchased the . .i ' ffiMit would have been endorsed by Hid citizens. It was generally understood that if a poor house would be a panacea for some of an iversecr's ills, tho county would fall in with the movement and then the borough would have a poor house tits own to care for, while other districts in the county would be free to accept a cheaper way of caring lor their paupers. i: .A 'i. t ii is ceimmiv clear io cverv lair minded man. that, if a district must support '!." families, they must pay lor that many house rents, '. coal tires, a sept-rate Doctor bill for each family in case of sickness and maiiv other incidental expenses that could be cm tailed. Uesides. many persons, who are now imposing upon the authorities t the poor, would be checked in their uniriatef ul motives and many would undoubtedly bo in- spiretl to rist. from sloth and indol ence, in dread of the poor house, while those who are actually in need of help can be far more comfortably provided with tho things needed o cite a caso of Chicago charity, viueh can bo appropriately consider etl in this connection. The irood peoplo offered to feed tho unemnlov. ed of the city and were feeding 2'ii(l people 3 times a day. After a brief interval they concluded to require :t hours' work per day from those who were able to work. The second day those applying for charity dropped io ;mki, uml tuo third day to -UK). This will give our readers some idea of tho manner in which contribu tions to charity are diverted from tueir original purpose. The same kind tf misappropriations are eon tiuually being made in our conntv. and in many cases tho ollieers tio not have tho means of acquiring tho true status of attairs. Tho chief difficulty arising out of tho proposi tion for tho establishment of a county Poor House, lies in the fact that tho amounts paid by tho different dis tricts vary so much in amount. Middleburg, for instance, needs no poor house because they havo no poor and hence, pay no poor tax. We eivo below a statement of tho amount of poor taxes paid by each district for tho year ending May list 1893. This will place tho matter in a true light before the people and we shall be glad to hear arguments for and against a County Poor HoUHC. Atl run Twp Heaver " llenverW " .... Center " Clinpinaa " Franklin " JiickHon " MiiMU-hurg Uoro. MidMleereek Twp. Monroe " IVnn " Terry " 1'erryW. " .... Nt'linsgrove J3oro.. Spring Twp Union " Washington " . .$175.0fi . O.Vi.25 . 4Hr..l.-i . -l.'J.HO ... 4Mi.2-" . CT2.ll . 101.M .. 4H5.47 . C.K5.1.-, . 4io.r,o ,. ."41.84 . f,s.U.- .. 1 10.00 Total $:77rt.!".' We invito a discussion on the ml visibility of the county buying fi farm nml establishing a borne for the puupern of the county. A home in HiiceeHHfully conducted by ninny eountien in 1'entin. no that the ques tion merits nt lenst a consideration by our people. We quote the following from the Tribune. Would it not be an ndvin able thing if the Overseers of the tlist rift h of thin County having a con siderable number of oorto nupport, to take measures of Home kind look ing toward the securing of a Poor House, for the use in common by the reHpeclive districts? A Poor House for Nelinsgrove, Penn, Union, Washington and Monroe, could bo run no an to almost be self-supporting, or at least for less than half tho Kit m spent annually by these district)) at the present time. Breckinridge's Lust. Congressman Ureekiuridge, the great orator from Kentucky, has completed tho ruin of his reputation by his own evidenco on tho witness stand. The long daily lio which ho has lived and which all men must live who wallow in his sin have been laid bare. Kor years ho has contin ued hisduplicity and thogratitiication of his lust. When men begiu in sin, such as this leader of men isconfoss ings all his life has to be wrapped and folded in deceit. Congressman Breckinridgo cannot suffer too much anguish for his sins. It is hard for him who was once the governor of his stata and the idol of his people's hearts to see hid popu larity swept away aud all respect for his name vnuish. B it then he ought to suffer, not only to ?sp' his ut rather and tnor class of so-called high. ..table men who are moral lepers hcuind the curtain. Mrs. Cuthbertllullitt of Kentucky exhorts tho women of that state not to bo "too hard ou Colonel Breckin ridge.'' She asks for consideration at their hands on tho same ground on w hich it w as asked by his counsel at Washington, namely, that "he was the victimofu smooth-tongued s'lcn and with a man's passion, w hich is different, ftoni a woman's, he could not tear himself from her. The condemnation which listens to no excuse or palliation, sho would visit on Miss Pollard alone. The moral of tho case, in her view, is that women do not punish such an offence in a woman severely enough. "Let tho ladies bo stonier with their own sex," sho says, " aud such disgraceful things as tho Breckin ridgo caso will in tho future be un known." Sho thus imposes on women a moral obligation different from that to which sho holds men on the plea that tho discrimination is justified by tho difference in their passions." Undoubtedly this dis crimination is often inado by women. There is a fomiiuine disposition t3 exterminate in men a licentiousness which they refuse utterly to tolerate in women. Thus they are allready "stern toward their own sex" and lenient to men. Wo doubt the expediency of such a doctrine. The condemnation wafted down upon woman for yielding to the passions is allready far severer than it is upon men for tho same breach of morality. A cowardly man takes advantage of this feminine disposition to palliate masculine depravity on tho theory that it is natural in man. By excusing in men a moral rot tenness which they make disgraceful and intolerable in a woman, they neutralize to a large extent the beu- eiicial effects of their condemnation of femimiuo corruption. Why should Colonel Breckinridgo bo pardoned t No man worthy of the name would ii.sk or accept mercy for himself, w hich has been denied to the woman ho has offended. He should cot make the false and. cowardly and contemptible plea that ho had been led astray by her, rather than gone wrong himself. Tho peoplo of this country justly criticise the orator of Kentucky for his duplicity, unjust- nt BD and his profligacy. 35 Complete Novels KKATI.Y BQl'Xft, AM) A YKAlt S SUilSl KH'TION to a Urge lfl-pHit illuxf rnteil monthly iiiiti-ft-itie for ONLV 30 CKNTN. This i a inoft lilipral offer as HorsKiiOMi Tories, the magazine referred to. Is u lilch-class piiptr, replete with Morten of love. dveiitiire, travel, mid short Interest'nif aud instructive sketrlisof fact ami fancy; auJ in th list of .'t novels are sneli t reaMiren n "A Itrave Cowsril." hv Itnhert Louis Stevenson, "A HlanksihitliV I)auiliter," by Etta . Pierce; "Ninettn," a most pleasing Mory -' M. T. Culilor,"A tJilile.l Sin," itinl "IWweii Two Sins." Iy the Hiithor tif "Dora Thome," The Truth of It," by the popular writer, Hugh Con way; nful the "Mnorelnne Trag edy," rather sensational, by Mrs.Une C Austin: "A Heroine." n delightful story by Mrs Itehefcii II. I avi;"'all Flowers," by tin popular Mirioii Mar land, and the great storv "Jinltv or Not Jnilty," by Amanda M. I.i -.liss. Space ItirbliN mentioning the otl-r novels; tilt they are nil the same high grnde. popular. bright. romnnt it-, spicy, interesting stories. The :i" novels and the current issue of IlorsKiioi.D Tories will be sent you the day your order is received. This will supply you with h season'e reading for a mere song; and will h. iippreci.-ited by all in the households Send lit once HO cents to Ilol sKllol.K Toru s Pi ii. Co , p. O. Hox mil, New York City, N. Y. Annual Apeal for the year 1394. An npK-nl will lie h'-M at flu-t'iiiiiinlslitier's oflli't, MMlleiiiirg, I'n.. nn l lie lvrli ilny of April, li, tiem-i-eii the lump, of 9 A.M., A : I". M.. fur Hie foMimliik' ill-trlitn: Adiilns. Heaver. West Denver, spring, rehire, mid Mlililleliiirg llnm on I lie villi of April, furl lie MIuw lug ill-t i ri - Jiieksoil, MIiMIm t reek. Mntirne, I'eiin, Sellli-,-grove lliirii.. ami ii -h I ii't on ; iitid mi IIim-jisI l'lniiliimi, 1'raliklln, I'eriy, West Kerry, ami t'lilmi, 'Vheii ami here m i lll iilteinl If M il think irn;'i r. .tAMK.s KKIM.CV. Tlli'M AS IIKltlM'KK. I'llAKKSIIKUMAN, .1. W. SWAKTZ. I'l. l'U. -..tuiul O.Ii. is. A riMToK'S nmtici: IS TUB KTTF lir liKOIIi.K A.SlUCt'KK lK. 'li. The iinil.'r-liiet Amlll'ir iip.iil. . l. He lrlian's I '.Hil l el snyiler enimly. to rll .i:l " I lie nihil' rehinliiliiifln tlif li:, nets or I), i.. ..r mini. iiiliiilnWIrator nf Dim eMail- of li 'uive A. Sluieler lule uf rliiipnimi n nslilp, lei-ll. In uml UlllllllM till" piil'tles l.'k'.lll.V Mlltllleillller. Ill, will iiltenil to (lulled (if Ills nppolhlhielit ill 1 1n ulllc). of siniili a (.llU-ri lii Mlilillelinrgli mi s.ii linlay, April VI, s, uf Hi oeloeku. In. of said lay. when uml where all pat'tlen IiiIi'i-mmimiI are re.pii ni.sl to pnwni their claims tietiire the mi ilerslirneil, or to U Ueliarrt'dfrniii coming In on said Mud. THOMAS'.!. SMITH. .Mart'h 81. 1SX. ' Ail ll"r. Notice to Builders and Contractors Tlie building committee of flin Missionary In stltute ut selliisgrovn, I'a . Invlve pmposaN for tliu eris-llouuf h new building tin I lie cumpiiH of the limtltutA'. 1'lans uml siieelflCHttoiiH can ls seen nt the ofllcool llio chali iiimi or seereUiry of the committee. Illds will lie reeelvtHl until April wi. The cmunlllee reserves th right ut reject sny or all hirts. Adtlrwn Prank l. Mn-ihie-i, chalrmaa COM" S.r.SiIEAKY, Insurance Agent and Ilroker, l'euns Creek, 1. ). Pa. (Inly flr-t cln" SliK-k Ounpnnlrt reprcfenteil. You -Imii mi premium note", hanra yuu pnyno a...tniioiieiits. In-urimrp pliiot..) on nil kin, In el k"oI larm pmpnrt.v, dwi'lllnuii, -ten-i ami chnri-lii-n iiuy. srhi-rn In Snv.ler ami t n Ion renin I,-. tutu-cln CM. Sho-rer'n Store.t'untrivllla, I'a D U. L. H. VOKLKLEH. I) 10 NT 1ST- Treating, tilling, artilW-ial teeth, bridge ami t-rowu wu.'k. Nitrous t,.ide gas for painless extractions. Everything pert:iluing to tleutistrv. Van Hoskirk's old stand. SELINSCKOYE, PA. Caution Notice. Nollee Is hereliv given that I have pureliiised ill I'uiiHlalile's sale III Mldillei'l'eek township, en Hie v.'llli day of r'elnuary, lsiil, the follnu luif Co." Is ol I'ailierihM Hoiisii ami I. 'II iliesnine In lier possession. All parlies are eaillloneil not to nieildlM with the same : 1 row uml 4ot'hlekens. .1 Villi's Kill ll. AtiKNTS WANTKI for the only Al TllolllEH O "h"J V Ul U1UIUU, Hv IJAII, HAMILTON. Ills literary eveeutor. w Illl Hie i'oiiH-i alloii of ills fiimllv, ami lor Mr. Ill, line s t'omplefe Works. "TW'lA' l V i:.l(S OK i t iNiiltKsS. " and his lat.-r I n h k , "I'ol.l f. t'AI, lUSt TsIONS," one prosN i tiis tor these H IIKS'I' sKI.I.IM, liiHiks In the market, A. K. I'. Jordan of Me., look Inn orders from III si us falls : itgenl'H ntlt tlT. M. Mrs. Ilallanl ol o., lisik l.'i orders, i;i seal Uusslu, In 1 dav, proiu f'.'U.V.'i. Iv N. Hire of Mas..tiHik 1!T orders In 4 da-s ; priilll 17 v:. J. I'artrldge of Me., I.k 4:1 orders rroin ealls ; iiroill i;.!.-.'!. K. A. I'aliuer ol N. Dak., took M orders In .) iuvh; prolll s -j.-,. K.Xt l.l sIVK TKKHIToltY given. If oii wish to make I.AKi.U Mo.NKV I lie Inunecllaiily lor terms to Till-. IIKXltV HILL fill. rt., Norwlrll. limn. March s. lsid, iw. 50 World's Fair Views Free. ThM'Toullry KeeS'r" has reaehed the front lis the leading aiitorltv on KMillry Sixteen large pages iiionililv. llfty feiils lu-r iinniim. "Farni ami llreslde" isn lil-pugn pa-r fuming twice n in. iiii h. miy rents per milium. We will semi Ixilh naiieis one year and lllty pholo graphic view s of tlm Woild's Kali, to new hiiIi-KcrllM-rs only, all lor litty eenls. Sample t-opy of the I'oiilliy Keeper." with particulars tree. Send live oeuls for either of the following lack numlx-rs equal to a-j.veent issik : I'onltry Hous es. July Is'.u, has Ml views; Hrooder nud In-filtialoi-s. August lssu uml AuguM Is'.M. Ad dress, "Tho Poultry Keels-r to.,'' 1'uikusburg. I'u. To the Public, Generally. As Congress did not pnss the extra revenue on whiskey, the Murks brands of whiskey all of my own make remain the same price. New white whiskey. 1.75 ; 111 to IS months old. fj.UO ; to 1!0 mouths old, o ; IU to :! months old. $:).m. IIS to 4',' month) old, a 5(1 ; These are all flue goods. J)o not forget the old stand. Empty whiskey barrels $l.ft(). J. L. Marks, Near It. It. Station. Middlebtigh, Ph. L"o1".",Vru kP.J.B.MAVf(,iuiilr-li. I'll 11.4., r. "wu.u uouiuUiiwT.UtfrMibailiiMa. CM.MluUa-. KiMlrMiUf ih,iotj4-,l4laitai.r.,l- vo-t aww-, i a.m. w r -n. Vanteo SausmanH STts'K nnd SKKIl l'OTATOKS. 1.1HKH L SAt AKY or t OMlssiN I'Alli WK.KKI.Y. I'Klt M NK.N T and PAVIMI POSITIONS lo (Ifiol) MKN. SI'Ki'lAL IMirt'KMKN'I'S to HK.UI". NKHS. KXt l.l sIVK TKRKITOKY OIVKN IF DKslKKK. Write ut once lor terms to Ttc Hawks Nnrscr? Co-.RochLStcrN.T- A DMIMSIUATOUSNOTICK. Let Vterstif Administration on thees- tlte el 1!. l,.1.'l Scherh Imp Ol SI l.lilleliliruh Kermu h. Snydi-r eouuty, I'n., dw'd. hnvliiv Im-i-ii urmiied to llm iiml'-r-laeed, nil per-et.f kiii.w;t,i ihemr.-n..- Iielnl.trd in pit 1,1 e-tuts em r-iiii-ti'd to iiihs liiiiiicdm't psrinrnt, whil tlie.n hnvliiK i-l'iliii will prt-.i-nt them d'lljr u-llir-lltleal.-il to 'w UD'ti-r-l'lK-d, M. K. St lMH'll. Mnrclil,'m AlininiKlrater IXKCCTdKS' N'OTICi:. Notice Is iherebv given t tint. Letters Testa iii-htH-i en tin- r-inli- nl II ;N H Y KKI.N.tl-'d I iim ei'lienvi-r iiiwn.ltlp Snyder t'eiinly, I'a. lu-i-n o"iic. .i Ho- undi-r-iuni-d re-ldim in siil tesiclnp. All t"-roi", tlii-rrlurn, Inilulded I., -at, rt it.- mil iln piii,li-' I mined lata pay-iin-ut. nml t luivim plitima nxaln-t it will pr.-eiit ihrm t..r fpitl.-maiit to MII.I.AIMI KH!N. KlUNk K. kDHN. .I.J. K l-.UN. I'UIN lll.l KH'K. Kin'Utori. JAS.L cKorsi:, A ITOUNKY AT I. AW. Mllim.Klirilll. I'A . All business entruste.l ti his eare will reeelve roinpt attention. Con siiltation in Ktiglish and Herman. fJIIIK SUMMIT IIOI SK, SYl.VKSTr.lt.noWKN.I'KOP. Tirst class aeroinmodations to the traveling publii;. Hood stabling for tlie horses. lOverylhltig new. miles south of Mnldleburgli on he road to Freeburg. fl IS H!l ELECTRIC TELEPHONE b.ij i La mm aaat an mr alf T. AdHPtA4 to t'it. Vllliw-nr e.ioiirr. nomtt. pn,.e. -.'. " trrnli mahr Ihrni aa loa-V) prrf nr. Oin. in a tMiclsiw mn a m tn all I ha nilKlitiini. Km In-lmnii-nt- tin t7". 'a niiiKlitr. n ll-tanea. eooiplata, rMrt? for luwalien-lol-iw.1. fan Is, fill up l;r M oa nYtr ci' t uf nr-lnr, no ri oirinii. Il a la tin,- W urnintnl A monr mnkr. vr"a W. P. Harrlton to. tiera iu. voiumuu., w. BUGGIES at 4 Price r- ' r-iT..p lliiifKjr .. t'T Wpllit tli .. M rHII'KH tun y 11; .Miix ll Al.l u. f G..niiH-tlt,.n 4 Vn l...Siirri- ii; .ml II ALL v"?i'' I IUU-14.II . t 'i Iteail Wmruu. t is c.iiia-llt..r-. aA ait n..i i-urt . m iiiit r fx-. vvJ lei liuiiy " t :.Miililliuin 't iT n " f S .'-! .r..flf . 'Inis-nli Sfwlfllp. ai &:if -At'tf'a I'm 3fiK I, a. ItfMiV A- 'AIIT vn. - ttV) IIjU Lawn-uru St , C'luiUinati, o. ?I0 i. r. .i i ti 'ju xiu Mb ma Cnsltv. Ouioklv. rnrinanantlv Rostorcd Yitla.ftrft, Nrrvniiu' lrtt1Mir. nnd nil t!w tr.ttn t fVtln Inttii urtjr vt ntrsor Intitr fcvitMt thn rt'outitt of iTrrw-rh, u Vim', wiurjr, cto, Kull irrrnith, iliTnlnmH-nt, aii-I lnn virin V rxrf n-!nii una iMirtmn of thn h-rtjr. Hluiftln, nnturtil ni-thiMln. liun'fili.ti iin;invtjiiirt sei-n. l-uilur ltm,HiihlA. Vint) nrn-iti'. li. xpl4UiaUunfl CRIB MKOIOAL CO., BUFFALO, $L Y. HENCH&DROMGOLP'S .7 SAW MILLNGINES " '.. ..M-T..,.-ui,-,n in rrirnnn rrraa ana 'is-lliii-k. Hack Iiiiitlnn tif C'urrliiKi. threr llmi-a l. Il.S, II. Hltv .itlii.r In til.. II...I...I i luteh l''ird. rallNlni-all tin ftiM uitirlna 10 aland MIII wlillt IwckliiKi srent aaln In piwrr and wi nr, Write fer t-ireulara anil irliin; furnli.li.1 Irve iixn i.llcailoii. AIo Hprl Tnnlh 1 1 nr. rima, llnv Knkrx, tf ulilviuorn. l orn I'lnnt. rra, Hkelli-ra, etc. .lci(iun (Ai -xi;xrr. HENCH & DRJ1MG0LD, Manfrs., YORK.JPA. crown Acme. Tlir l.i -st. r.innnic Oil that ean bo inali' from 'rtroleuiu. It Kives ii brilliant li'ht. It. will not H'liol.D the chimney. It v i!l not char tlie wick. It has a high tin- lest. It will not explode. It in without h comparison us a per fection Family Safety Oil. It is iiiaiiiifactiui'il from tho linest ('nnlu in the most perfectly equip peil refineries in tho worUl It in tho Best. Ask your ileulcr for Crown Acme. Trailo orders tilled by Yours truly, THE ATLANTIC ESPIUINCr CO. Sunbury Station, Sunbury, l'o. L EWIS' 98 LTE trATKNTKU) Theatraavratand r-amt t.ya n-aila. I nllhu uthtv I.)a. It being a fluo r-.w.ii-r atid partial I In a ran wtlu ri'lllovaMe 11.1. wtin ri'iiiovuiiio mi. ,iia t-uui.'iiis -I h.i.lu . Villi nuke Hip l,a a-rfiiinnl llarrt Snap III 31 nilnulwt Hllhoat bolllna. It la lti bm f..rrlin-ln owui .', lll-lllli Una -IllkV fn'l Wa-ltini UtUt, -olnu, ln, mUi. fENHA. BAIT MTO CO Ouu Agu J'lUla., I'a. naciLwer. THETORNROO CUTTER. A W. Cut 4VH-I (f Tout deftb r ditt iltAitill lhMnttrra U'ritnu lur cAtftiofuvaad lutfiMlnoiorjr girii't.'. tlult. S, ""I. dull n. HAaaiaosaoo , . ir """jir iriirruuu u s-. CANTON. OHIO. """ ToajiAUu. H r BE? MEM P. C. IiARTAAN, Tonssori.'il Artit, has just opened a room in W. W. Witteninyer's building, where- ho is prepared to do first el ass work. .March 29, '91. Stoves, Stoves, Stoves ! 11AXGKS from $13.00 up. Improved Cook Stoves, from flKt.OO up. These tire astonishingly low prie. but tii'Miey is nion-v now a.id gie r (-rent wnyn If you pay the nasli whleti is the way I d business, nnd it Is the ehenpest In the end in you ctiu nave, 'i') per cent, by buying of me. I nlsoliandle Stove Fixtures with nil kinds and sizes of pipe ready uuiniiiB i oner. M. L. 1 Hiiuare South of Depot. This Space is Reserved for G. C. GUTELIUS THE ONE-PRICE CLOTHIER! Mn Ml Mai! n Man but they go a reat ways in thntdireetlon. Then wby send to the City for ready-made clothiutf and then take theiu to a nkf lletl local tailor to improve the fit, when you ean get a SUBSTANTIAL MAKE Al ROOD FIT at once ov coing to HENRY L. PHILLIPS MERCHANT TA1LOH, Selir.S(-rove, Pa., where your work Is always guaranteed or you have recourse. This is a question that Interests every man and boy .A ueat-flttlng suit, no matter what the material is It always look9 better than an fit-lining suit no matter how fine the goods. Then come nt once aud get lit si HENRY L. PHILLIPS. Late Foreman for E. E. BUCK, four doors west of Bank. 8elingrove. New York Weeky Tribune AND The Middleburgh, POST. ONE YEAR. $1.75 Address all orders SQUAKK HKaT KUS from $1.00 up. And all other Coal Sto-.es from $3.25 up. and Spouting, for use. (Jive me a call ami see what SIIAXXOX, Swineford, Vn. to THE POST. s9 a ' I