The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 05, 1894, Image 3

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The Misery Before Taking
Tho Happiness AftorTaklng
C. !. liml Co.. Umril, M.:
"Dear Sir.-.-- I have been In (ki- health for 30
r j", yrart. and have ln Mkitu distort'
medicine-more or lo-s all the time. I did hot
fnl v.i'ii h rcl.i f. My lilmi.1 wiii In a had shape
and my sy-tom wsa nil run down. I thnuiiht I
Oi lift die. I in t liotli U.j ni-ral testimonials lo
llir p.iitr- In Ish.ilf of IIimuI' Sarsaiiarlllii I
Dnuirht three Imm!c an 1 found It itll me
n much gisl ilmt I eontinued taking il. I h
etthoiit t'wt it-. slotiitiilly sleepy, ii uil had a
tlfatliti III1 lllnst 111) the litne. Ill fart I (Hlit.ot
lesi rilie my li-elmi;-. Alt- ' Ullitf on- Nitlle of
IIoo.IV nih; ,u ill. i 1 t ij .J it was doing ma
Hood Cures
mm li cstl ntul tow t p-ifn1 pr'tie tin mi-ill.
Mlic t h i nun Ii for hut il l.ii-iloni nr tin-. I
4iti a dt-wi'i'eil n.l.lier vi tear-old and wus af.
1 lu-lo.l with many nilmcbts. Incliidiiiii kliltoy,
nroin lull- ninl eat.-trrh. Mm- u-iti h Imttlea
tf ll(M. Sfr .h t.ri Hit I nni niiotlir insti.
Ill f. irt I think HotsT -nn.a;Mtrillii saved my
lift-.' H. II. Hfti.-. Pn. 41. Biiinnnitoi V .1.
Ilootl'a I' lur- r 'ni-i ku.i eni,-iui, ),
ti eetio.i. Sol. I tiy hI itrimrfmu. fteeuu.
of cod-liver oil presents a
perfect food palatable,
easy of assimilation, and
an appetizer ; these arc
everything to those who
arc losing flesh and
strength. The combina
tion of pure cod-liver oil,
the greatest of all fat pro
ducing foods, with llypo
phosphitcs, provides a re
markable agent for Quick
Flesh Building in all ail
ments that are associated
with lots cf flesh.
rrrr't liv So-M A flnwn ftitmlata,
JXvw Yur. Isold bj il druggiM.
or full
i our contple'.e
I. mi. i..r I.uIh-. :ml rn.
tit'ttirn or fctiu tor .
lilHurr-. , CiM'nt in-
Jl . ... ..I trmtifr
t liowl'ior.
drrhv mail. l'otni'e frre. Yon run j-t t tli N t
barpuirn of driili-rn w l.o pt.vh our tlio.-:,.
O 111 I I 11 THE CIlEArEST
(.soil I'll per. Ir. nnd .In, f-olil I'nper Ha.,
t. uinl lOr. n-iid ,)i-. Kinini; ltr aiiuiplu.
"J 41 Vuudlli'il. I'lll-biirvh. I'h.
January '2
1 -.
Pt-bruary I,
" IV ... ,
March 1,
-J tier i rut,
1 1 "
II "
. per rent.
We have paid lo eur i-antontera In Ii dam.
JTolUtt im.u lA -4- ea.-ll IliotllU. Illllie I'MII I1
wllliilrawli any tnni'i M to liJ i-.ui be luvrale-l;
arltc for Informs!. on.
t-IMItll il CO., Handera anil P roller.
ISmiil .11 Himilmi), New nlU.
Dfllln I IIP If M""r"n "uini, v Aiuv-i-, ii
VUUU lUvIV ii-la.l'owiiprl's.iitiiiifii o
Horn UtaxU'Jui. a niouthlyou Senile wots, stump
lliir.etc., -ul aid. J'i: riiliain'. IK W. 1410 M...N.V.
I lllllll t Irlll ol
w.pintfiou. u. c ho m ty t. ln-
laiiii-l ntr for InvrnMr
I ('ri'VTC'IlilI'l'' Kamliwtl n
I lii I himI mlvlru M.lo Hl-nlilillll
Of Invei.tli'fi K.nd f ir Inventor tiiihli-.or howioi t
.t.t lit I A1 hK'K t.'l- AltKKI.1. W-IIIH .ro. K.O.
(W-ctal-l. )
What They Are For
tick headache
bilious Iicadachc
l a.l taste ia the mouth l;rcath
loss A appetite
when these conditions arc caused by constipation ; and con
stipation is the most frequent cause of all of them.
One of the most important things for everybody to
learn is that constipation causes more than half the sick
ness in the world; and it can all be prevented. Go by
the book.
Write to I. F. Allen Company, 365 Canal street, New
York, for the little book on Constitatiox (its causes con
sequences and correction); sent free. If you are not w ithin
reach of a druggist, the pills will be sent by mail, 25 cents.
" Brevity is the Soul of Wit." Good Wife.
You Need
What on tilt Mlr.d.
Tho Hartford Tost records n tr Jt.
Inn Instance of preoccupation whhb
otcurrcd Id that city not loo if afro.
A teacher la one of the public
rhoola asked her pupils to write a
tcuteoce containing the pronoun "."
A small colored hoy responded thin:
"My mother made a shortcake. It
was so short I didn't Ret any of it"
Haw Vtrr Bflltkifal.
"Whnt rhnrmlne weather." we Ml say
llioo.neulng days of Ids ?arly spring thaa
Off Botbj wropianj up go the window ft
Irt th balmy air coma In -with It romn In
numerous thlatr that ought to bo kept out.
W fwsl or from mifrni llml, an I many
Ito lotterititx orounJ with lain backs. Mr.
Uarry William, (!rDvillp, Cat., under oath
write otitliinauhjoct a follows "Aladyaut.
frrtd aoaeverely wit:i palm In tha bank for
two days tW alto rould not fit up. Ona ap
p'.iiMtiou of HI. Ja.-ob Oif jravj lliu sufTirMr
a goo I tiixlil'ii ml, no I io the muruiui; sha
iTil well." That was ch.innltitf.
I'mident l.lnrn'n diclared t lie alaves ftc
Seilimter :2 IS
Pr. Kilmer Hwittr-lioot rorea
all Rnltii-y im l liiii.l lr tronlilea.
l'a-i l.l-t an I Ciiii'iiltutlon free.
Lttii'ratory ii. N. Y.
The Lithium army ute i:',i.KX),0t.l0 blank
cirtiid).'V4 11 yer.
7eafr.e t'aanaf hi fareat
hT lorn i a p: 'l.i hi ion . n tiu-y a n,ot n-arh th
dl aH-il Hirt -on ol i In-phi . I lir- in fttiljr -ne
way to ( ur I leaf ii il ul I- I V oli-t .! u
I-'iiihI riiiilii'i. i attic Ii i-auif tiyntiln
IIhiiiiiI i 'il.'li'l"il ol I ' n.ui ' i liiiltiK of the
Kii-tm h ail 'I .il,-. Wlini tti tula .-fii In
flatni'il von lutv h rtltiril itrf miii'hI or im;i-r-frt
nat H i, ntul w.n--i .t l i-iillri-ly rl ied
lrafiie- I t Ii--rr-ttlt, :nl tmii- tin inflam
mation cut I t.iiiii I'tit ffti,l tliw tulie r-
rtorcil to it iiormai intKlitioii. In rinj; w ill lie
ilrr.!,-1 tor-vci; ti -o u out ten are
Hii I l.y i iliirtli. wti r!i U iioiliimt I. nt a.i iu
t'an,'il i oh'l.tioti of f li 'tmi'iit.- mi: fa--.
Wo will l-Ivi- ti t - lldtnliv I Hill.iri for anv
'a of I' h'ioh u a inl li cnturi ti) Ilia: ran
iot l.rnir-1 ly H ill'. I'uti.rrli Cur. K.-uii for
I rmliirH, .'i't-.
r". .1. tiKNfY & Co.. Toledo, 0
t'flkj!d by 1 'rn.:iclsrv.
The difference iio'.wot-ri a form arid
1 ciTciiintiy U tlnil vou fit oti the
(oi lutr.uiid st. ii. (I on the luitcr.
The kill nnri Kiiowlrdna
Rax ntitil to tin- iio!ti, lion of tin- mutt perfii t
am! n i uliii- inx.itivc n-iiit-ily known liave e.i.
I Hlili-il tin-1 'aliloi iiiii Ki S rn;i t' ai-hleve n
1 trri-nt ti 1 1 ii, tlm n -itttntirti of its
i J
i sn.M.r Fii.-n. i.. oiii -il,.,i to u-1 in- uni
versal Inxi.t ,vc. Yi r ki1- l.y all lrtti:i:l-.ta.
I.'..lf.irn f.r n Vn-n.
Thi'.ir t w.i.;o:i in tin w iil.l can I:;' liml for
C!'.'i; nliarr! inrl for J.:.V. Ir v. tr wt'.t.
! i 11 nni i vi Aft xr.Mi t r -t.l'i .'i; t-i the JdIhi
I A. .:.' r Soi 1 C.i.. 1. 1 t'niM-, Wif., you will
iiv.-.vo tliiir maniinitli talaluii.-, njrrt you
vi ivm. u l.i a viairnii. a
Thf llrtit SI en Wnnle.t.
"Yea. lr: wt want omc trool men, men ot
Hrl-t lii-s I'liaractor anil aliility tnri'irt-iuiii im
Anions our rt-irt"t ntatlvi arc many of ttir
Uolilc-t anil In-.-i nu n In Atm- 'ii a. ami iiitrtii
f that flaiiip 1 an a I way tinil u rilt-mlid l'iil
iit oiitnii-tiinitv at our t-tittiiiliini-iif." M tuti
Is tin ' .UiniHio. . rni v
I Mild on a Kiuir.iiiti-t-. It run e u,. pirnti on
suinliuti; it i the li.-t CoJtfli Cure ! Sue., .
TTri nv Tiwf. For nron l.iul -itTfi tiona,
C'Hiiili'. ft'.. ' IniirM'n fii'-WiniJ 'vitiifj.'' hava
In ot n I 1'.. 111 t'llW ury l y a lest of uitny ytuir.
'iitt 'S trlilx.
1 :vi-1 11" i .w,t inti-or t ttii- h i-t-n-irt.
"I or Ii to 1 tin -i- I'lll- . 'la-1 r- an I - i.p. ii'itw
j t't'ii'-, '.': o'.iiiii e 1 I .nil liv 1111 I lo: M h-otr
I Ii. A. !! .!!. 'lii.rii -,o:i. S. '." iVi-- t.iio,".iu
1 Jfatllrted wlthoree kiihh Dr. I'AarThnmp
I aou'a tye-wator. lruiti.ttiiMll at Sto tiarVinttia
Unlike the Dutch Process
rTfi N Alkalies
1,1 i
Olhor ('iuMiiirah
T'rVSa art uei In tlio
jr3j3 preparation ul
irhtrU 1 i
1 1 jntf0 unii
It lixamnrpf hnn thrrrtlmr
1 1 e rlrrmilh ul IWna lliixml
i with Htnrrli. Arinwroot or
'SiiL'ar. ami I lr more eco
nomical, ciittiny Irsi limn one cut u rni.
It i ilrln iijuk, titiur:sliiii, and E.taiLT
Hold lijrtirnrera everywhere.
W. EAKF.R Sc COTDorchester, Mais.
p N U 14
sallow skia
torpid liver
ileprcssiuii of spirit.!
Who Say a"Wholiomo Impro.C.ont"
in Buaineas ia "Untnlatakably
The Trcsident Teloe.l the Dland m fpnlor
g bill. The ineneaK ia very Irnutt.y, but
lu most pa lit ul to. nt aie a lol
lowi: To the Houe of It resenative:
I return, without my npprov). lione
bill No. 4,!0l, ttili tlt-d "An ri-: direcimi?
the coinnjie of the Kilter bunion Pel.) 111
the tre.oury and lor olhrr poriMittrH."
ly,tronit ilture li atunl d cmrtiurtit
wiiii i!ioc in both lioiiM-aof ronaTe. who
lia-eriiroo"ei this bill won d lettd me lo
approve It it I i-onM Ix-lu-ve tl.rt the pinlio
Would l.o! b Ihciel v eintant,ertil am Mint
uch fctiou on tn v part would be froier
i)iHbr.t? ol oltii'ial il ily. lurriiiuih,
bowr, i- I i ui. utile to Vnl-Xv niyn-ll'
that tnv tirupuseti'ott ti t-ttlier
wie ir my i i) ir-ition of tin
obl-p.atii na ni l r.-. oiimIh'i;Ih ntiat lied to
great tTi-.e tc.-t.nlr me liiiliiltrnce ol my ,
)ei-: rai i Miitint-K n.e j
lolnt c-.-lii'e liT'; I oicuilfl by tny j
rt-on and J i n 1 1 1 . -. 1 ' . mul i i .it - J n it j
by a sinters purp.ino to p'ou-rt iimI j
ptoinole t ie Kcnerul iu.t-rtsii uf tur
jicrplc I
Tne lin.tnrinl d:l;irtanei. 'i wwrpt
over the to.iii.-y niir;iu ihi-ythr i j
unparalltd l.i H rvri y arm i'lis:tr.n;.
confiji:eni-e. I life neniid to be nlniit '
an t ut. re dipl--aiF,i. it tu.iii I'. o..r lit'k'i- I
Oil ability into a in. H !-; u in ot.r !
Iixal policy. A '.! tli'.if v.-'io 1 tf.iil-d
lo uik-.i tautr fi- our .i.ryt i( r Vt-i V
generally tv-n mtvii Unit l.?.'a I u 01 a
provi-ioti ul law Mie.i 111 forcrf ri irli re
quired ll.i' Kivr:,utni ts 1 uriv.f ti'.-iitii-ly
a lart air.niint of mv-r ti.lliur. 1 ia
iesue i s lerti.'itatts I I pay. .tent 'i-..'r.
wus either en. ir-iv o." lo it lurte r!
,o:iih!e 'or nir i riiditi ni. V.lie ltl c t it
leeal un the in! . ct .ovti;.r. i.l
IhiM Hulntory prt v iti'tnt. W'e luu'.li i'vih,
fallen to low In Ibe ceptlit nt ieflen'i,
a:id timidity and npprehenmoii :.a I m
CnttipltiJelj- vaittnl i- nitrol in ln.i".'"il .-
cles thai our rapid reci-perjtio:i ;t uid i.t
be reif-oiinbly expeeleil.
Our recovery, im. t.ever.lietei, alf.n'ilv
prof;rfied.arid thotiuhleit lluiii lite in. ut ': -
have elnp-ril Mine toe rt petl of the lu.s
rhieviou! ti v-r purrliice ri-.'iiip-ieiiln. a
Wiioleta'c ni rott-niriil it tliil:i.tak.iliv
appurent. i onfi leni e in our al-.'int;
olveticy W t ton ii an extent r. iniitited
and f.iiiti in o ir diioaiti"ii lo adliere 1'
ound tinaiK'.al im tlm.l i mi n tHnrr l u
lo product, tile HUM flic m nielli X ri;il'
both nt home ittul ahroad. Iiewlnti it
liio.lrrti inlii:ry ha e In -en -invlv ci i;i
iiii.tinii and 111- tide of .iore in i..vcu i:ui)t
l.a aviniii started in our dirretinri.
ur reeovery Ileum o well under way
nolhllie wi'i siiouid In- thine to r n i'K i.,i'
lonvalesifiiie, nor eh-. ul. I we li)-el Ihut n
rehipte in tin time 'would n'l-.i.i-t utv y
reduce ui to a lower "time of d
Irem than tl.t ,'r in wl.Hli wu lire j ltd
1 belu-ve tha' if t'o bill under ronsidern
(ion should b--c.iiiie u law it would be rt--ardeil
n a relrnjrt-vitio.i f ruin Hie li.ian
cuil intention- by recent tt4-al ot ihu
provision forettii: silver bullion pi.r. t . e.
that It would weaken il il did tint itexl'iiy
rauirijiiu laith ami eoii'iuuncj In
sound tilinticial tendencies and tliu. i a
rxmeiUein e our proitrtm t.i renewed b -lie-lieiiltli
would be uukrtunutely fhik
ed 1 a return to our recent diitrrsi," c
P' -lo.u y tiirt-ateneJ,
i Ut .!....
(ir-(.i; wiil I-- r "i. ly f
Weeks. A -itolin ry
lo ir.'es for the yeur
t-how-i a total of tl l.'J
r .pit riont oi'4 i.. .
of r----i t - Itotn all
'iidiiiur NoM'tnUT III)
i. M'. hi"li iiM'-d
to th l.nh. I" o
(.iVi l".j:..l.:l
i f -i. tMUI.illt fr- :n I" '.'
2 M n-III1-Miin t"it,il on tii'-
iloi it hid- t
tin- -lalo'" 1 -di'i-r Til- total
I nyiiieiits tor tin- wi n- Hl.t.' I.n . I ,7.
ieiiviin; a I -4i I ' at Ho' lol tin- li-' iil -it t
S.r.'.'tlil.tT 10. I"-'.' !, ol -.'i.MII.Hfl-t 117.
I I. e r- im'- "i l'i iiiiii HiM 'iillh;'
Iv toriM-'l fr. in Hi- t.i:ilioii o' ,-or otnlion-.
Ilre an- a !' t Ih iiin im ontt.iii! it -t -
'I'll i I: i-or'.."iito:i Mo.'k u'l'i 1 1 in it -' I pa't-i:-r-lil
-. i.."iH.'i.s :lo. in on irr.- re.-,-ipt-.
of rorporalt'iii-. ."I.'.um; tax n lunik
M-i'-li. . Vn I. i'W 7'.': lii on not i-iiruiiiL- ..I
in.-.. ttie-, 7'.','IJ. t'T'-tiiti ItiMir.iti nip, lil
ies tail .-otnpiitii oi,t-i.o '.'iiii I .-, ii in i
lilll.'-'u' .V.': tim "ti t'f-i r.-iniiniis, ii n. t-"
till, lli ilii' 1 1 i.l l-i,iu. S' s; i'oi .ornl'..i
lo.iii-. T I T ! Hi., lax mi por-'iial pmp'-rt,. .
:i..'.H'J.-t7il II'.'. lav "Ii writ-, will-, d !-. -t.' .
lii.''il 71. lux "i Ilnti ral iiilii-i'itiiii -.'-.
l.lil.d'il 'I. Ill" r- wiino roiu l:.--;
was tl.-lt.'.'."'! I .'. ditido.l n- f.ilow-
Mi-r.-lllillle. i-.'iJ.'i.".il -. l:oli i- h'pi
I'J'J.'.'lll : iTi-rti-r-. 01 li.itlli-l-.
1 1 7.4.' J .Ml; l.illl.inl. Tll.L'ttni: l.i'.kir-.
fi'.KW l: aie'ti nn--!-. l."i.,.'.'."i .'i7; p.-, I !--.
-rl.'.lil.'il: theiitr. olr.- i-. op-.. il.."i(l I: i-alUM
In. il- . i l.'.s-'.1 o'J. Tin- loini. mi I nt i-t -i -
ii'lioiititi-d to .MI.OIHI !'."i I lees It'oii' put.-
ii.- ..tV. -rt, ?! I.l. I.V.t s.l. lino i;i-iii ,,l t;. ,,ii
is .- "ll -i-.-" tt'oliey "
A x'ltiiiniii-y i! Ot- pay-u nt- P.r tin- '
iiit'-r-Miiik' it- slmwiiu w "i"'' H"' milli hi- jn.
lai-t your th-xpi-ii---ol tin- -.into Km,-ru-moit'w-ro
i.l '.'.. j'l.'i h. win. -Ii in- In. 1- - nil
tin depart menu liml Ih xni'ini- l.arl-. to
gether Willi III"- lel-l.itu-". 11 It tin- expen-
I tho .vi-riiineiii ol tit inini iiiwi-.illli p-p-
re-.-nt- less thllll on ixtll of til - lotlll ex-petidiniro?-.
It .!'' - ti "I I o l t-t - tin- I. nil m.l
lioii ilollais it x -itr to pnlili'- s lii.'ii- or tie
xit-t sum pui'i I t II..- ina'nl'-ti.iii ..f .-liar-ital'le
and n-ionnalory in-lilu'i .n-. ho-pilnlt
and u-y Iiiii.-. 'I in -lati- t i on poi-noil
I ropi ny reiim..'. I ttili.- a:no.inP-ii to r.'i. 1 ho n.itioiml Lu.ird itotn l.i-t
yi-iir wat -f P.H..HJ.", IIJ. w lit"h,oi -n t . i ii. Ii,.-
i-'l i 1 1 I.l 7 lit. niid-r il l ml appropriation
f. r ri'-oiiiipp!in,' tin- soldiers oi tin- i-iaii-.
'1 hop- I- nl- i '-har.-d in tin- nut ii.t I I
i-i I'ltiiu 717 " j paid iind'-r s ml n -l - of at-
ntnlilv to tiioinlii-r--ol I In Kuiird who w-n-(ii.-iil'li
'l at II .iini-Mi'inl iiud lu oth.-r serxi---fi
r the Mate. 1 ll- e.;ii'li" of silppp-. llll
the ll' ii.e-l.-ii l r.oi-w.i- ill.'.'t'i s." ;ii l it
oi-! t''.i ID h-r vollii' Iiooih- uinl
i.iii itrtim lit- (or lie-Minon- i-oiinti-s. An
item of -iril.Vi.i tt."i i wt down lor He- in.-.pi-.-.
tu n ai.-l Miporvi-ioii i l eonl 1111111 .
It it imt u dilll'- ilt matter t i di.-ener w li'-n
the iuoi:-v put, tho .-port pp-- .-iiittrf i-M-ry
it--Hi. In the most simple iiuuin -r. It ..liows
ii'i.niitf iith'-r pa lui-nts ilT.'.ill :hi for run-li-tt
in 111 tie- last h-itisli,-m-.. om-i- seats;
f Jl.tMiu for p'l-tn.'e -iionps lor tin liou.-o mid
ft.lKKI f r the s.-imt.; f2l.V2.t0 7- I'M puliln
pri'itut and I'-m lino; -:-.'.l) i lu for pr.ntiiii;
niid dl-tri) iitiiiif Hi" "l.-i,'islalni ll.-eoi-.l;''
f l-l.i ill! ! -r the jiidi"inr ; flii.l'.i.l refunded
to J. M. 1 rsp'i.l.ilo 1 11-,1 r,i ii.-- i-iiiiiiiiis.-i'iu. r,
(eos eois'ti-d for his iiwn in-, 1111, 1 paid Into
tin- stilt treasury, lii'lnre the (.'found was
I r ken or 11 stone was hud forthenew llhrary
ami d'-partti.eiil Imjldiin; f 11.1117 II wa-i
-I-i i.t. of this amount the ar-luteet. John T.
Witidrlti. re.-eiv-i f ll.'.'iili 2't lor ppih-ssiontd
Mrvi-es u.i I the l.iilau, -e went for inlyertisim
uinl tho i-xpi-iiset of lliu Loan I of pnlilio
I uildii't's ,111. 1 (.-ioiiihIs In Mslon and
1 xau.u-ii'K I luas and itrrauifeiiii'iils o liliru
rie, TI. present statu debt is -TH.3HS.0iil 21.
There. Is ulso a -tali meiit showing that the
eominniiweitlth holds stoelt iii i-orporiitlons
worth on the lie-e of the shares i4!l7.4.)4 12.
Al.other fl.iteinent tfives Ihu i-osl of ll'lver
lisiiii; the meri-aulilo list for lN'Jil on tint
t.i:t i f 10 -r eetit of the amount of llnousr
re.-eixed the year previous. Tho total einollllt
puld for this u Ivertiilng (-10.200 US.
' e
BnK "What a strong face that
man has!" Jle "Yes; it cariles him
erery where." Detroit Free Pre..
requires that in all receipts
baking powder, Royal Baking
r,ci. eK".5 rr -. ce? c?., irt
I 'I ti t.rrat V nil.
Tlcvrat wall of (. hinn w.ii re
cm'y ini-a-iiircil l.v Mr. I i.tliaiiK, nn
.Mi!'i n an piikiliii r i tiu' ii'il no tin
Mirvt'V lor a t Miliar; railway, lilt
ima-urfiiictit triiu I he lu-ht im fc,.,
, Kvcrv few hninlicj aiij there la it
tinvt-r tret hiktli. 'J'lu!'oii
of tlio wall ifntM out pluiiis and
iiuiimtaiiiH ovi-rv root of the founda
i lion Lfina ' sulnl uianne, and the
re.t of tin struci uro sulnl tii;iMinrv.
In so i c laces the wall Ii lunlt
Miiui.tli tti a.ain-t the lijink, or
i - a -ii-rijiife where thero is a
iheer di si cut of l.o.m Uet.
The lady wbow? portrait heads this articla
la Mrs. Mary K. t'ovell, of Kent laud, Bon
H.iumie t'o ,S. Iak. IS lie writes to fjr. K.
V. fierce, Chief I'oiisiiltitiK t'hvsit'ian to tha
Invalids' lintel and Surgical Institute, at
HulTnlo, N. Y., ru follows: " I whs sn k two
years with ' falling of the womb' and Irucor
rhuu previous to takiui; your metluititm. I
t-sik six liottlesof l)r. Pienc's Favorite rrtv
cription, mid wan entirely cured of both ill
ix months ; it is four yeiirs this mouth,
mice I was entirely well id Imtti those dia
easesaiid have never had any sikiis of their u
nenraiice sinee and 1 am sati;ticd the ' Kavor
Ito Frescription' saved my life, tor 1 could
hardly walk around when I cnminciicts.
taking that medicine nnd 1 think it is liu'i's
liletuuiK t.i me t hut I took it.
i was pronounced IncuioLlo by the best
iiK-tor here in the West. 1 cave up nil
uom-s ami made up my mind that I was to
im taken away from my liutlmnd and baby
5 two years old. 1 was sick all of the time
-could not eat unythini; nt all. In one week,
fter l-;':nninx thi use of tho ' Favorite I'ro-K-nptuiii'
my slotnu'-h was so much better
lhat 1 could rat anything : I could see that 1
was gaining ull ever, and my husband then
went nnd K"t mu six bolt lei : I psik three of
tliem and my stomach did not bother tne any
We sent to you find gt.t the People's Com
mon K-lise Sliiljrul Adviser, aud found
n v cuse det-criU-d Just as I was: we did
what the book told us, in every wny : in one
nnnl li s tune I could see I was tinn h ix-tter
than I had been ; we still kept on just an tha
issik told us, utid in three mouths I stopped
uikinir medicine, nnd to-duy, 1 can proudly
lav I inn n well women, yes, um well, strong
tu l healthy.
When I began to tnlte your medicini my
-ace was xur and eyes hsiktsl dead. 1 could
not enjoy invn-lf unywhere. 1 wastiretl and
lick ull the tune. I niiild hardly tlo my
botiM-work, but. now I tlo that and tend a
UK Kurdt'ii, help my hut-Lund uud tuka iu
The following will prove inten-sting to
feeble wnmeu jji-iterally , and i-spveinlly so to
those ubout to hecoiuti molhers. Mrs. Dora
and similar annoyances are caused by Impure Mood,
which will result in a more dreaded disease. Unless
removed, slight Impurities will develop into serious
I rare fnr some time beta
blood trouble, lor wkleb I
lock tuanv
did ma do good.
I b now ukra
wita tae mast wuuderful result. Am
anjoylii tbs best health lser knew,
hate talaej twenty pouods aad Iny
Jrlrndi jiy they never saw bis as wslL
aiu futuc guile Ilka a naw ruaa.
Oovcroaisnt Prtntlnf Ottiau,
SVeatis a flood aadfiH Ptssst !
f I DO if 1 l-Vlf VI
c trry tj n cnis, d,-i
1 fy)ymmafBmtyym mmmimimqQmm'TQmmymmQpmQQm
shall be used. It will go further
anil make the food lighter, sweeter,
of finer flivcr and more wholesome.
wall :r , Mt v-:w. .
"How i Sklnimlns cttlnv? alonp In
liis profcssiouV hi id out t'lih-auro
man to another, "lie Is (juiu sue
I't sifiil. 1 understand." "lUit In-told
me yesterday that he owed M-vcial
thousand of dollars. " "Yes That
diows how well ho must have eMail
Isht-d his credit. lhtroit I'm
lr k
VisiTOtt "Tommy, I wish to ask
fiU a few questions In irrammar."
rotnmy "Ve. sir " "If I jrivo ymi
the Kcntenec ''J'he pupil lines In-
teacher, what is that!"
I Texas MftlriK.
A. Guthrie, of Oakley, Overton Co., Tenn.,
writes : " I never can tbank you t nouh for
what your treatment has done for me ; I tun
stronger now tliuti 1 huve lti for six years.
When 1 begun your treatment 1 wus riot able
to do anythiiiK- 1 rould not stand on my feet
long enough to wash my dishes without suf
fering almost death ; now 1 do ull my house
work, washing, cooking, sewing and every
thing for my family of eight. Ir. I'liTie's
Favorite Praserijition is the l-cst medicine to
take before i-onfiiiement that ran be found ;
or at least it proved so with tne. 1 never
suffered so little with nny cf my ehildreu as
1 did with my Inst ai.d she is the brail hlet
we have. I reetinimend your meiin-ines to ull
of my neighbors ami 'especially ' Favorite.
Prescription ' to all women whouresulli-ring.
Have induced several to try it, and it boa
proved good for them." Yours truly,
Pr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a p
itive euro for the most complieattsl und
ol-stinata leucorrhea, excesiuxt. tlnwing,
juunful nieiistruutinu, iiiiniitural suppres
sions and irregularities, prolapsus, or falling
of the womb, weak bark, " female weaknuss,''
ante version, retroversion, l-curing down st n
jitums, chronic congestion, inttttmmationand
ulceration of the womb, iiiitniuuiatioti, uiu
and tenih-riu-sa of the ovaries, accompanied
with "internul heat."
I Ir. Pien-e's Favorite Prescription is a
scientific medii-ine, rnrefiillv compounded by
an experienced and skillful physiciun, and
adapted to woman's debt ate (irganuatioti. It
is (iiireiy vegt-Uible in its composition and
ix-rfeclly harmless in its effects in din oiul'i
t ton of the sjs.'riH. Foi'liiotuing sickuessor
nausea, due bi pregnancy, weak stomach, in
digutitiori. dv'hH-M-iii and kindrtsl symptoms,
its use will prove very beneliriid.
Dr. Pierce's Honk, " VVomnii and Her Dis
eases," IUH pages, tilietruted I, giving suc
cessful means of home treatment, cull Is hml
staled in jilain cu.v'oy.r) by t-nclosiiig 10
cts., in one rent stump, to pay sUige, to
the Doctor, at his address, us giteu at thu
beginning of this urticlu.
from a severe
rmftl lliat
four bntitat of
8. tpIUN,
WMhlaaa, D. 0.
Vas to any erftlrss.
-vs . . .
calling for
in torn
it H.-s f ! i-r iiih.sti ii
. t l-t i est.- , .i .!,,, mil u
i in. ti i io mil
1 i -ii. i rntrsf
.1 ,.H
It.filird .1.
I,., . I.t 4'l.
4kilUll.Ui f lV
V N HI 1
I jxti-rxa rrnxA j4
ft i nitwit AVu .
flioiloi i.a I ll.u
I ni'ilniian . It an-
swcis i. iiiesii,u,
a. eri.lni; the liis
tory. spi'ibiig, pro.
ti "' wnrils.
P---? I rl 1 yifj-.
Itself. It also
gives the . ft n il,..
-Iteil I, if. .......
I t.i -eiiiingt i::nent r-i.n; facts i on, i tn-
i'g 11 -.ii::.h. ii... iowii, ami ,at. fe.itiin - ol the ci.l i- irtn uln on.
rniiii- iio'. il tli-titi.'ii- t anil jiiaer ;
transition i I ft.ivii.-u ijiiot..ti..i.. ft in '
xul iaLle iii the liiuiie, trti.i-. K.nlv, aud
Thf One tirrrt Slimrlitnl A utlmrity.
linn. II. J. Ilinr. Jnallm ,,r I . v
Curl. wilt-. ' lli- liarriialiMiiil In. t...i,..-,
It.- I- rll' tl.'ll i t ill. In ti.illet. I i''.thlti,.,,t it
1,11 it- Ilii t -; - -l ti.' utlllioritv
Suhl hn A'l ..'i.l .-.'ir--.
!. .!' ". Mrrriitm Cn
S riii'itt lit, .liu .
? ijlro ru t tdtv . :it i.t. fa-
.i.iiMi:i- it rii,i i r ai. ii iii
t -kT"-ftiJ lor frn i-ri :ep-v..
tir Kiirtni-r. Mi'iert. H. K. llnniuVSi j)? si
uinl otinr. Tli iur or tuiij- tj-p- .-it.-liils Hi V hole lelis'l-i '-vt?r :-,' 'A
of tin. soli' il.. wtl to the la-el, "'
irt,tfi-inia the -.hnnk In ihieMiitj la
aius, Ai, III.- I' guuluy Tbrwughout.
for sale l.y the. 1ST Picl
V-DMfASt iu UiuiirMjia. l-t-ud for Maps sad Circu
lars. They toil bviul to you
sod llommiHlousr, BU Piul, Miua,
W A-VTllfl tn sell re'tes. l a- k
Ills'. II. e.
P. ii. I i.l. Sio Voik.
CoasBaspclve and people
who have weak lunsser aitta
mvshuuld use I'lso's Cure for
fuBsuuipiloo. It has ear4
Ihooaaatf-t ft has not injur
ed one. It Is nut in tass.
Il is tue vest oouu avrup.
Hold everywhere. aOe.
' l.t l MHI I le mwm
rTn)YALtoii"J j
I- t .i . "... , .f ti , .,, mi.i.aut m 4i
t It .sl tut M V 1 k. II. I nt, I, i I
S40 "
I . : .i S.w I ,ii,- i rm(
I -e.T ,r. . t .r,
IN ..I ' ... M ,
riijr s tot ). i t .. st f., . i , 1 1 , ,f.
a i f ,i 't i i tt i .. ... , , , ,itll (
ntn snot lull -1 a .Mtiun.n i
. . t
- a
s-vJ S'1-.
i iM a,,,,,.
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V. t
of a
t ' r
as .!. tn;rv ,