Brecf Fum Haws; B.irtick. Lkvkk Kkiinii. Hauhku. Ich utj dcr Dud mi do loKcinoni niy wixMisi in (ilnlil)cr (1 iw, um tit r Datl hut mere shunt cm letlslitu nhpoto-yohr faislipniclia oh won ich lpcht lleisicli wclshkiirn busht.i tlaiil don dniil are mich niit. nuch dor Iliuniiiff court nciutim in Schwiuo ford Hhtottlo. Km lcdshtu Dinsh diiwy sin mere ob-j-'Hhtait. Ich lin now uincl.u; yohr oldt im woro in moim Leva net weiiler fun liame os do lniddlo-fonHC. Ich bin shim" Hex foos Ion-;, hob on tzuw look un wa r shunt wullich um dcr b.iwrd room ; hob on glii'iier browner hoot su-woru os Rooked wo on droohtor, '.in my huHsu lion nil' sox tzoll not nunnor on my Monroo shoo ga-lon-H. Mor sin null" on dor Ifawsn Unri ick riggd-wako, un wo do train roi oooiim is hilt so ga-lilosa on ich nil' do knoo g'folln Lin so hut 8 in ich farshruoku. Do k:or woro full hit. Lots fun shirna ninid un do lion shier oil nuoh mere cn-locht. Ich hob bully iff cold. Wo dcr conductor room cooma is hut dcr Dud cmo on ticket gevva fur mich, uu mor sin druff nei ga-yawkcil os C8 fa-doonti t hut. Wo more ins shtettle cooma sin hov ioli grawtl g'frogt woo do court h. Dcr Jock Hetzel hut mere g'sawt g'liot os ware eu ga-decr ho groso os en shiro, hot awga hinna un fornn, en ham uff em kup bo prone os en bind shtarra un liet eu bell aw. Uff amo eck fun der shtroso hov ich en lot leit sieua shtra un dishbadawda. Ich bin onn far Be froga woo de court ware, owver se hen bo arnshtlich g'schwetzed os icu jLcu wardt nei greegahob k ..iia. Ich hob bo en dicker, fetter mon, os der bouch shier uff em budda shlaift, g'frogt ware seller rent kail ware woo so en fuss man eh a daid. Are hut g'sawt are ware en politicianer. "Un wos is en politicianer?" hov ich g'frogt. "En politicianer is anor os boll en koudadawt gown will." "Uu wos is eu koudadawt V "Ed kondadawt in en mon os room gait hands shaika un lickor kawfu far de leit bo os so emo on oflico gevva." "Un wos is en oflico ?" "En oflico is cnblotz woo nicr goot batzawlt wierdt far nix do." "Oh 1" hov ich g'sawt un bin ivver do shtroso gadufla woo do leit in en house nei sin. Ich bin uoach un gli bin ich in en grosso shtoop cooma woo en lot leit g'hucked hen. Im . feddera end fun dcr shtoop wore ' ebbes os ga-gookod hut we en kelver fense. Es wora tswio dish inside fun dara kelver fense un doh wora en lot leit droom g'hucked un in bicher ga-licsa. Gli is bo en dinner, longer mon ruit ma schwartza bawrd uff en hoacher shtool ga-groddled un hut a nawr mohl ir'sawt. "O von. O yea," grawd we de groBe-momiuy ols sawgt wons era farhed is. Demo hut are nuch en lot onery socha g'sawt in english os ich net fershtonna .hob. Demo is en shiener, uff g'schmutzder yunger gentlemon nei cooma uneichuffen grosser shtool g'hucked on der fire-bierd, un usht ivver dem is widder seller fet mon woo ich uff der shtrose aw-ga-druffa hob nei cooma un sich navich mich g'hucked. "Ware is seller mon os dart om fire-hierd bucked?" hov ich ene g'frogt. 'Sell is ken fire-hnerd," hut are g'sawd. "Sell is der bier un dor mon is der Judge." "Doot der btor Lisa?" hov ich g'frogt. ' Der fet mon hut awfonga locha os si bouch g'shiddlod hut fooftzio min nutta noach dem os are g'shtupped hut g'hot, un ivver dem Bin nuch tswto mon nei cooma un eich uff yader side fum Judge g'sitzed. "Ware Bin selly kails T" hov g'frogt. "Sell Bin aw Judges," hut 'sawt. "Wos doona bo ?" "Se neesa won der Judge sclmoop aembt, un nooka der kup won are . jfw' sawgt." Ivver dem hen de leit in der kelver ben awfonga f edit a, un ich hob far hoftich ga-glawbed es daid fong gevva. "Ware in selly kails woo bo tzarrifa T" "Soil Bin lawyer." "Far wos nin se goot T" "Ich hob's nuch net ous g'funna." "Wo inaucha ho era litva T" "Mit nxa fethta inaucha." "Huts feel fun eenat" "Yaw. numma tsu feel." Un ivver dem hut anes fun donna kail dor miner nows g'fuddet-od un ich bin noach far dor fooht furnu. So sin iv vcr do shtroso nivvor un in en shtoop nei woo en longer hoacher dish wore. Hinna on dor wondt wore en roy buddln, un dart wora se g'shtonna un koflVe-wasHcr mit anon ner ga-ilmnka oh won bo do benht fun freind wnra. Ich bin donio nows nn hob em Pad g'sawt ich kont iV bNiiins net forslit:i un ware red ly lur liume, un wo mor on dor viggel-wako cooma sin hut dor glchbrr-mon g'sawt un- nor train ware li t shtnond shpole, os dcr "oow-kotchor" hot en koo g'sclildokod deli dcr wake druvva un d harm r wain eiim im hols shtecka blivva. Ich hob nix tsu essa g'hot Bidder morga. per Pud in gonga far en doot full essa, un wo lire cooua is hen more iiiisoiina g'hucked un crackers g'frossa os huh dcr shtawb tsu da era roun g'tlogu is. I'll so hov ich diich om end del fun hnii io missa oony de court nana, awver ich will goot det fore hi os ich so sane os naixt mohl os se on Sclr.vim ford shtotllo cooinod uu wcjih kowd kusht. 1 1 t'KKY IiF.EIISHTICKEL liv I'M ClO ITI.II ll UoOSASTIFX. TU'1 Kl roiigest I'ccoimilf Dilution tllftt any art iele can have w tin endorse im nt of the mothers of the town. When the mothers recommend it you may know tint that article has more than ordinary merit. Here what the (Vntrvjlle, South llakotn, Citixrn says editorially of an article sold In their town : "From personal ex perience we can say that Chamber Iain's ("ou'h Itemed v has broken up bad colds for our children. We aro acquainted with many mothers in t'enterville who would not be without It in the house for a good many tlmen its cost, and are recommending it every day." 50 cent hottles for mile by (l.iM.NhlndelMiddleburirli, Dr. J. M. Kiitupsel, I'enns Creek, l'u. Three days Is a very short time In which to cure a bad case of rheuma tism ; but it can be done, if the prop er treatment is adopted, us will be seen by the following from .lames Lambert, of New HruiiRwick, 111.: "1 was badly alllicted with rheumH" . jiiiiihu. . o, vueu . ooueni a bottle of Chamberlaiu1 Pain llulin. It cured me In three days. I am nil right to-day ; and would insist on every one who is afllicted with that terrible disease to use Chamberlain's I'ain Halm and get well at nne." BO cent bottles for sale by (J. M. Shindel iMiddlelmrgh, .1. M. Saiupsel 1'eiuis Creek. I'a. "The people of this vleinity insist on havimr Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy and ilo not want any other," savs John V. Hishop, of Portland Mills, I ndiana. Tliat is right. They know it to bo superior to any others for colds, and us a preventive and cure for croup, and why sliould they not insist upon huvim; it. ftO cent bottles for sale by H. M. Shindel Mid dleburgli, J. M. Saiupsel PennsCreek, I'a. Sale Register. ich are l'rnns K'-tttiik' llielr lulls nrltitoil t tilts of. tire will (el u iiellce liniler I Ills liruritntf free of I'lutrk'i'. All utliers will bu clmri'd &u cenU TlnirHdiiy, Mureli . I. Mut tern will sell live slock mill fiiria IiiiiU'Iim'iiIs ti mllos nurtli eiisi ei iieuveriuwn. Tuesilny, March So, Mlclmel llnrkonlM-r will sea limn biiM'K & iiiIIks west, of Mlilil uliuruli. on Uin roml leutlliiK Iruin .NUilUlchurli lo Ut'UVLTWWU. Siituiiliiy, Mari'li IT, Jcronin (iariniin will soil is-i-hoiiiil property 1 inllu ctut of Mt. I'leiu- ttia .tuns. Tuowliiy, Muri'h 1.1, Frederick I.olf el will sell lariu sioi'K a iiiiioh imtli-eal of New llrrlln, Tuesday, Starch shi, William Dreese will sell llvn HUs'k and litrm lliiiileineiilM.l inllu kouiIi- east of HellliHtfruve, oil the K, J. Sclioi U . fuiiu. Wednesday. March 14. J. A. ami C. V. llarn will sell live Mi.M'k slid farm liiiplemeiils 4 miles iiortu-west ui Miuuiuuuruu. Thursday March is, I.evl J. Heaver will sell 8 IiinkI of hurwH. 6 milk rows and farm Iniple mentsln MouriH- township, l uillu north of Kiat.i rvllln, and 1 mile south of Dry V'al ley X ltouds. Tuesday. March 47, J. V. Ixuidcnslaffcr will Bell live sus'k and farm Implements miles north of SellUHKrovu, uu (he I'hurles lleufur liirm. Friday March, g. Iloth A Hon and Issue linger will sell tM-rsoual prosnty t miles south of New llurlla v" inu uremlses of 1'hlUuan lleaver. Saturday, March IM, Krank Portzllnn, adm'r of tiii.rLco I'ortllue, di-e d, will sell live sloc k and household goods, alout 1 mile West of Melservllle. Baturday, March 84. (ieorfB I'ortzllne will sell live stock and larm linplemenls about 1 mile West of Melservllle. Thuixduy, March in. Kll Koeler will sell live stu k and farm linplemeuta H mile West of Kramer. Thursday, March W. C. A. Melser will sell live stock and furm liiipleiueiits x utile West of Kramer. Saturday, March 24, Thomas and Simon Hummel w III sell iMTsoiial pioiHrly of Susan Uummel, dee d, on chestnut liiiltfe. Tusday, Mareh 10. W, n. Illl(fer-ill sell farm stock and ItiiplemunU 1 uillo north ol Mu I'leasant Mills. Monday, Marcb 10, C. A Mnyer will sell personal property at tilohe Mills. 50 World's Fair Views Free. Tho "Poultry Keeper" has reached the front as the leadliitf autorlty on pullry. Sixteen larife patfes, monthly, fifty eeals rs-r annum. Farm and fireside" isa lA-pajfu pajier i'iiiiiIiil' twlrt a laonlh, lllly cents wt uiinutii. We will send both naimrs one year and llfty photo tfraolilc view s of the Wnild's Fair, to now sub scrllmrs only, alitor nrty cents. Numple copy of the "I'oultiy Kwiper," with particulars free. Send live oelits fur either of the lollow lnir back numbers equal Ui a&vcenl look i poultry Hous es, July 1nj1, has Ml views ; llrooder and In cubators, August ls. and Auiust lsid. Ad dress, "The Poultry Keeper Co.,-' Parkesburir. Pa. A WW WITH TNp s ()- We want your trade, and by means of our advertisement we are seeking to get your attention and attract you to our store. If you are a customer of oui's, we are anxious to increase our business with you ; if you are not we hope you soon will be, as no honorable means will be spared to attain this end. That we keep tho best qualities of every thing all who deal with us wa cu test. We guarantee you the low est possible figures. RSTOGKISTHEFIWEST most varied we have ever shown, we keep constantly on hand a full line of of goods pertaining to the thorough furnishing of a home in the most modern sense, UiilFliffl TZEE3U oodsStore s olinsgrove, Pa., G-i-etvt COat Stile. "NVo am si-1 lii i v: ,,IV nil our I-sulips' Coats jiihI Canes ftu one-tliml loss than regular pricr, viz : Formerly 512 now 58, S9 " 36, 44 ?6 " 84.50. I T 0 R E of every description, Carpets,Rugs, Draperies, Pianos, Organs, Music al Instruments (send for catalogue) sheet music, &c. Write us if you need anything to beautify your home or make it more comfortable, or better come and see us, will at least make your visit pleasant. H smith rn nnM Front Street Milton, Pa. J. M. KLINE, BEAVERTOWH. WELL DRILLER, and Agent for Rife's Hydraulic (or Ram.) ClTIt la a'oew and marvelous invention. EJiiht t lie tliiiij; you want for cN cvatlnii n contlmtoiis siiily of wntt'r'frrom t-prlns or braiiclies. It is self operntini;, sliiiilu iu coiistriictlon oml tuisiirpaHhed in iluralillity, Tliey are now beintr placed in every State In tlie 1'nion find are. wanted in every county, town nnd villau'o. Wo flmlleiio the world to produce its etjtmf. Jlust prove satisfactory before payment is made. Forfurther lnforumtionwrite for illustrated catulogue. WELL DRILLING. HavlngMrllled over three litindred wells In tliisICoiinty, plenty of ref erence can be Riven as to the efllclency of my work. I rrt-pectfullv solicit your patronage in this line nnd will guarantee you perfect satisfaction iu every jou. J. M. KLINE, BEAVERTOWH, PA. You Will Miss It if you don't buy your Fall Suits Mjjk Guntberger Others may blow about their big stock anil low priccs,but MONEY TALKS and if I can't duplicate any suit sold in this county for less 'money than you paid for it I will forfeit tho price of tho suit. Try me on. R. GUNSBURGER. and all others in proportion. Now is your time to buy a good Garment for little money. Respectfully, S. WEIS. Great Reduction Sale of E II P i P T il r m m m k 1 Mb h i m i u 1 1 For Ninety Days I The Undersigned Oiier Tlie Public Their EN TIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE AT T1IK (IHKATIvSTSACIUnrU F.vKU KNOWN IN CKNTIt.W, l'r.NN- SYLVANI A. We are not hcIIIii out, bt.t we do this to Increase our sales above any pre" vlotis year. We jrlveii few of the prices as follows : Soft Wont I Chamber Suits $14.1X1 Cotton Top Mutt to- 2.2.) Hard Wood Chamber Suits Hl.uo Woven Wi.te .Mattress l 7."( Antique Oak Suits, H I'ieees I!MM Med Springs I'liish Parlor Suits Jill 00 Drop Tables, per ft ', Wooden t'ht Irs per set 2.50. l'liitloriu Kockcrs 2.50 In stock, r verythitij- In the furniture line, Includiii)- Mirrors, Hook Cases, Desks, Sideboards, Cupboards, Centre Tables, Fancy Kockers. Haby Chairs' Feather lMl.ows, loitnj-es, Couches, Dounht rays, Sinks, Hall Kac'kB, Cane Heat Chairs line, medium and cheap furniture, tn suit all classes. Trices reduced all through. Come early and see on- stock before Kivimr your order, an'' ' v- 11 o 20 ir - ' 4 ww.i ..., -jivcu to i i ,vuh. ..uing. KATHERMAN & HARTNAN, Limited, hiTITLIXltlTIKiir, PA. TakeOTotice I TJIK lieavertown Carriage Company, having lcawd tho Ueavcrtown carriat' AVorks, the manager, .1. It. (ictchcll, takes this mctliod of informing the public that ho is now prepared to furnish them with superior vehicles of tho latest styles and modern improvements. Wo will bo pleased to make estimates on the building of heavy vehicles, such as drays, trucks, huckster and farm wagons, also manufacturers of (Sctcliell's (t)uecn lalo Our riago dears for tho trade. JT. 33. ft-TTITflTTTnT .T TVT-t-i ngnr ARE YOU HUNTING FOR BARGAINS? If no bo to the PETEH GAUMAX, Proprietor. The Hltfns of the times Indicate a most prosperous fall and winter trade and 1 am prepared for It with the most extensive line of (ieneral Merchan dise ever seen in thin section of the county, comprising everything kept in a country stote, much ait Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Stoneware, Glass ware, Gtueensware, etc., People wonder what I want with it all. I mean to sell it ami at such prices that the people vhare the profits. MRS. MARY GARMAN, Millinery. Fremont, Snyder county, Pa., A large assortinent,of Ribbons, Feathers and Flowers, Velvets, Satins, La ce, f ringes, rassameniry i rimming, ami an Kimisoi rrlminlDgs dresses constantly on hand. Come and see the (Styles.