The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 08, 1894, Image 2

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T. B. HARTER, Enrr am Pu'v in;H. yy.w . imh.
The report .f t li Hoard of nelth
for New York City for the jtnft year
Khow t lint it was the hen 1 tint's t since
A writer in Longman's Mnpazino
fears that "in the itret American Ic
UKHTnry great men Love craned to be
fcuJ ru uever more erine."
The hliako has become a thing of
the pant in the French army. It haa
lingered only in the garritiou of I 'aria.
The Khako khn horn in limitary, and
dethroned the rockvil hat. It has as
timed many shapes, all of them ugly ;
Vtit it has been worn in ho many fam
on battle, ami depicted in ho many
military pictures that the flavor o'
Lislory attaches to it.
'While in (iunuany the people are
jilHt learning how many good t tiinH
can lie made from our eornincal,'
ft tat e the New York Post, "ui Kng
land they are discovering how good
our cranberry is when properly
rooked. Ileretofura the 1'nplie.h havn
11 ot taken to it kindly, which in not
wonderful if it be true tliHt tbeyhavn
always cooked it in tin and poured it
into metal dihbci. Cooked in purer,
lain and nerved in china, the tart siiuco
liac (juite a different tbivor."
One of the moKt peculiar chic, ever
reported in lciral initials i that recent
y decided by .fust ice Chitty in Kng
In ml. A widow, Mrs. ('ullciier, wn ind
liiliibaiid died many yearn ko, whs en
titled to certain property while nlic re
mained aniibtw. After Iter ItiisliHiid s
death ebe licgttu wearing nude iittiro
nd called herself Henry NevilleSmitli.
After it few uiontliN of her widovtlnio.1
there was u iniiriiHge) solemnized be.
tweeu heivlf and allot her )erson. Sho
liu asserted recently that she wax the
bridegroom in that marriage, and that
a woman uciu amtaiice was the bride.
The bride, a tt irding to the regiater,
however, lm?c the name, which lightly
tie longed to the vidow, and tho britle
groom appeared to bo one James Stan
ley. Mra. Cu'leuer'a etory waa that
tho pretended ' marriage was merely a
coneerinenc of the endiog of her
widowhood. The ktrangely mixed atory
waa argued before the judge, who Huul
ly concluded thatthewidow hud really
married one .James- Stanley although
tio mull person haw been dlHeocl'CL
Syn the New Orli aiis ricaynne:
"Now thai tin- recoril of busiucsM tail
urea diirita' I S:t:t is available, sonio
very remarkuble facts are brought t.
Jight. In tho tlrst place, according to
Urailst reel's, the total luisinesx failureH
during the past year amounted to an
increase of lifty-one per cetit. over
the previous year, the largest iucreaso
ax well as the greatest total for a
single year on record. The liabilities
were correspondingly large, but, as
umial in pnuic years, the assets bear a
larger proportion to the liabilities
than is usually the case. The failures
re, greatest in the central Weitcin
Htates, and were heavy in the Ijistein
tuid Middle States, large on the I'licitic,
eoust, and cuuipiirutively light in the
Houth. lu fvinr Southern Slates t lie
total failures for the year were actually
Dtlialler thau duriug the previous year,
these four States being Louisiana,
Florida, Alabama and Mississippi,
JiimiHiHiiH showed only ninety-six fail
urea, against 11G during IS'.CJ, which
i a remarkable showing floiisidering
the finaueial panic and the monetary
preMWire which prevailed here during
the. Mummer. Not only was the total
number of failures light, but the show
ing of assets and liabilities was small
considering the business contraction.
The total liabilities: of failing trade-s
were it trille more thau a million uf
dollars, the bulk of which a few insti
tutioua were responsible for, so that,
elimiua'iug a couple of largo fuilures,
the individual liabilities of the bulk of
the failing trader were iuaigniticant.
The reason of such small business
OttHualtiea in the Southern States
Lamed is not hard to seek. There has
been, for instance, uo disposition to
inflate values of receut years in tins
nection, and poor crops, coupled with
unaatibfactory pricee, for several yeara
in euocessioD, forced upon the people
policy of rigid economy and con
nervatism which left little room for i
excessive and sudden financial pres
sure. The immunity of the South
from financial disaster boa turned the
attention of investor in this direction,
nd, consequently, placed our people
in position to profit by the first evi
deucea of returning confidence."
Variant. I lie Anarchist, Diet
hhoutina; Vive L'Anarchlel
Vaillant.the anarchist who threw a ho nit
into t tie Pari chnmbfr of deputies Decern
ter !, wss guillotined Monday morning
'I lie iii"t runifiit of death wa et tip It
the Place de In Koipirtte, about , 4. .'to. A
large crund gathered about the place of ex
trillion ami many in the mob were evident
ly sympathizers with the victim.
Four rompanies of the tiuurde Keptihli
cane and a lutisdron of mounted guardi
Inrmcd around the Kpinre lo prevent any
attempt at rescue. Signs of approaching
lurbulam e on the pa-t ol ihe mob were ap
parent and an utr I v r uxli ot men and women
up the Hue de lu fioo,uttte took place at 4
o clock, hut whs stopped by the guard,
farm sdes were const meted across the
sir" leading into the square.
Yaillant went to his iltatli with a smile
on Ins the, hut littered curse upon the cap
italists bii.I Ins oppressors as be walked to
the god otine. several times before the
guards i:ralibed him and threw bim to his
knees he shouted loud enough to be heard
by ihe majority o' the crowd: " live
anarchy! Deaih to the bourgeoisie'"
I he prisoner seemed pleased with the
breathless interest mninlested by the crowd
mid walked with head erect and wi'h the
steady trend uf a soldier. Almost before Ihe
moli teuliied it the victim was seized, thrown
down and his head severed. During the
execution Ihe crowd wss nrderlr. l ew id
Ibe di-grie eful si cues that are usually en
need at executions were witnessed.
The prri'iiutiiilis taken by the authorities
to previ tit any anarchist demonstration at
the guillotine were pcifect. Many of the
vorl element weic prevented from seeing
any t him: of the guillotine. At ! o.elock
not mote than 7nool'Nl eople were where
they could cc I lit cxtculiou, but lit the
lime when the ktnfe tell about I .too jeoplf
were present. Many persons stood on the
roofs o houses. iiere was none of the
sliri-kitn; Mint ui.ully mark an exet'iitiou
At 7 o Clock Mead Warden lirude. Judge
l.eiiinnsse. liegiMrar lloroch and I list net
Police l omniissiiiy l.eygonie entered Yail
lunt sce!. Ihe ciinilemned man was
sleeping lie was awakened and told to
prepare for death.
lie npprared to he surprised and began to
reiterate the theories be advanced be
lore t be assize court lie declared that,
though it was easy to suppress was
impossible to suppress annrchisl
deus. "My body is nothing." he added,
'compare! with tlie p'.igresi of my princi
ples. J shall be avenged.''
Vnillant was pcricrtly calm and displayed
t o lnr ahatever. The waruen asked him
if he woulil like to see the chaplain. "No,"
replied Vaillnnt. "I will not see him.''
Will youihnve something to drink'.'"
fisked the warden. "No" be replied: "1
hall have enough courage without Hint."
tie was shnckled to the executioner a assis
tant and was led to the prison yard, lie
walked with a lirm head. He was att.ire
in a shirt and trouters only. As he appeurtsl
everybody there bowed their heads mid the
troops presented arms. Yaillnut adtanred
iteadily. When atiout 8u yards outside Hit
prison he sprang forward to about' Heath to
the bourgeoisie! l-ong live anarchy!" Hit
cry resounded over Ihe whole soiiare.
Arriving in front of the guilohne the
guards stretched forth thuir arms to grasp
their victim's, but the prisonerevaded their
gtasp and with a proud look on his face
sprung forward teed himself against
the p. suk. oropU, there was
a sharp c of the ' 's and
Vi'' .ni,d
...i.... tfut tiiegaard) covered
the basket.
Ihe bodv sa picked npqulcklvand
I Iseed in a laip.i ba.sket nnj in li ss iJmn a
minute the so., I. rs, guards and bodv hear
ers were gone. Dieblur, the executioner,
was very pule ar.J mueli more nervous than
hii victim,
The Problem ot Making the Chesapeake
and Ohio Canal Fuv.
I he substitution of electricity for mule
power on the Chesapeake and Ohio l aiiiil
will, it is believed, determine its continu -aiieo
as a waterway. A petition for the
ratification of the contract between the
trustees of the canal and the t'hetnpenke
and Ohio 'I'raiisisirlation Company fur the
purpiue of ititrodiicingelfelric power on the
canal will he hesid in the llaverstown.Md
conn on I 'ebruary !.' The agreement be
tneeii the trustees and thecoiiipsay gives
Ihe latter control of Ihe cuiml for ten yeurs
the a com pan v guaranteeimr that the net
profits shall not be Ins than fHW.000 a year.
I'.lei trital engineers and the promoters of
the new company are confident tbat the
wmeiway cun be opcrateil pioliiubly. .
Hie (anion old ranal bus cost the
Mate of Maivland imlltfiiiM i,r .1..II,..-
The capitslstmk of the Chesapeake ml
'lijii Canal Company is Id.h.M.otit t!7 Of
this the I mtvil Siiua ii ..irt.Lw . i
. o inw,wn mm
Ihe Mate ot .Maryland the greater purt of the
lemainder. In a.ulition to tins the Hate
holds two nioneanes. one foi I l.:i75,tX)0 and
iiiiother f..r ' These sum Were
iiiMittineni io complete the canal to Cum
berland and in sm. Petjislature passed
a law authonx'ng the canal company to
borrow I.;iiii.iho to complete the work and
waiving ihe S'a'u hen upon its jeveuues in
favoi of that loan. In HS the mortgage
as executed under the terms of this uct
and homls to the aiuoMlit ol Il.tltW tjOO Were
i-sued under it. Iheseato t!ie celebrated
bonds of'4l,'' whose tniitees are now op
erating ii,u canal under the decree bv Judge
Alvey. of October. IHtst. ( inter the terms
of that decree the trustees have until May I
ISW i, to show whether oi not the cunal can
earn a suilli ient revenue to justify its con
liuuuuce us a waterway.
Heut From Rome to Look Alter Italian
Catholic in America.
So rapid has been the immigration ol
Ituliuti Cui holies to this country and t
South America that it bai been deemed ad
visable by tne propaganda in Koiue to del
.ate a representative to took after their
Merest in the western world. It is under
toon mat this step has bren taken on advice
t Mgr. Satolli.
Jn pursuance ofthis plan the lUv.l'athei
loseph Vim.entinl.iif tlie order of )st.C'hui les
Hurromeo. has been sent liotu Jlome and
has just arrived In New York eliy. I jtti
niBtesolilie Italian Kouian atholic popu
lation in that city place the tiure at about
jii.OOO. Very many or tiiee are not renn
lar attendants at church, and meunsto bring
them within the puld of inlltietict have been
Tne Wife of the Ex-Vice 'Preiidont
Needs Financial Aid.
Grand Secretary C. Jl. I.yman, of the
Ohio tiraud Ixidge of Oddfellowa bat re
ceived a letter from Mis. Jenny Jfeck. of
Albany, Ind., a prominent member of Ke-
Hk?!', .w!,ich '""r on
be Oddfellow of the Uiickeve state to lead
-r ii i . L '? " wiuow or tne late
ice I res dent Schuyler Colfax coraforlabl
in her declining yeurs. The writer explain
that brreasou of the failure of an Iidian
IKili bank, a judgment bat been rendered
(gainst Mis. fulfaa for 12ft, IXM) able i will
leave her practically penniless. Mr. 'olfai
was a protulneul Oddfellow and tlie I Juod
ercf the degree of licbcsab. to which
women were eligible.
J.. .
flummarlsed Froceedlnga of Our Xaw
Makers at Washington.
rmsrT-sass.siH jr.
PrsAtr Mr. Hoar Introduced a bill civ
tux a pensioner whose name has been sup
pressed from the rolls or whoso pension has
been reduced the right to apply by petition
to the Judge of tbe Cniied niates Court for
his distric, wbo, after due notice and bear
ing, may order tbe ensioner to be restored
to tbe rolls or bis former periston restored.
The rest of the day was consumed in dis
cussing Hawaiian aflairs.
Hiii se I'be general debate upon the In
ternal revenue lentures of the tariff bill was
filtered UKin today, Mr. Covert and Mr.
iicMilliu making the principal addresses.
PrMATir. After another long colloquy to.
day between sienati rs Urnv and Cbaiidler
the liepubl.ctiis consented that general
debate on the bill repealing tbe federal
election law, should close Tuesday it 4 p.m.
After that hour amendments mav be pre
sented and upon, but the final vo;
must betaken before adjournment on that
day. Tbe bond question come up auain to
day and afier a long debate went over by
unanimous consent until tomorrow. At
'S.i) t lie senate went Into executive session
and at 4 lo p m adjourned.
Hot :. I re call of 'committees; for re
ports was dispensed with this morning and
the bouse aent immediately into Commit
tee of the Whole and tbe tariff debate wss
Pr.v Tr The entire time ol the sena'e to
day was consumed in the discussion ol the
resolution, ol Senator Stewart of Nevada,
declaring that the secretary of the treasury
lias no over to issue tne bonds for which
bids have been Invited.
lloi sr Tbe principal fight loi!ay came
upon the proposal to increase the lax upon
whisky fro ii !l cell's to f I and to extend
the bonded ienod from three lo eight years
liespite vigorous oppo-ltion the latier pro
osit ion was stricken out. Only one other
ameiidmeiit of impnrtanre was carried. It
was a provision to extend the operation ot
the income tax to all moneys nud personal
property given or bequeathed by inheri
tance, l ater on I he income tat was made
n part of the tariff bill by a rising vote ol
17,") to .'id'
ror.itrrti pat.
HrNATi . In the senate to day n resolu
tlon wa presented by Senator Allen. (.Top.,
Nebraska i directing the Secretary of the
Treasury to inform tlie'-enale what amount
ol pai-er money isued by the (iovernment
hail bei'ii redeemed since Is.. r, ami how
much, if inv. has been re isued: also what
authority of law exists for the cold reserve
mid when it wasestabiished and why it is
now maintained. Senator Stewart's bond
resolution was then taken tin by unaui
nio is consent and was discussed 'until ad
journment. Horse At 11 o'clock to-day the Wilson
tariff bill passed the house of representa
tives by a vote of Jo I to I to. The events
leading up to it were almost unparalleled
in our annals. At 1J o clock, after a pre
liminary skirmish of uu hour over the
barlev schedule, the bill whs repor eJ to
the bouse and the rinsing speeches were
mnde. The vote upon the income tax
proposition (taken in contiedioii with the
internal revenue amendment! stood 12 to
ror.Ti -rnisT pat.
fsr.NATi:. Tbe Wilson tariff bill was laid
before the senate a'id referred to the 1 in
ancc Committee. I he bill ordered printed
nd indexed. Ihe resolution (,f senator
ffewarl . denying the riuht of the Secretary
of the treasury lo issue bomla.tben becum'e
a subject for discussion and succeeded tn
ide-iracking everythitig else in the senate
linear. The proitositioti v repeal the
wimposinga tax of 10pe- niton State
bank issues was defeated in the House
Committee on Hanking and Currency this
mo ing by a vote of u to H. "rr'f 'v
n -cinitate ' ori-
'aside the next three legislative days tor the
'onsideratlon of the resolution of .Mr Mc
1 1 r.enr.v. Iieinm-rat. of Keninckv. cenMiring
Minister Stevens and the Kep'iibliriin ad
ministration for their share m the Hawai
ian imbroglio.
ronrv-sn om ii a v.
. -sSKXAri: The only traiisuetmn of any lm
xitatue in the senate today was thereVeiv-t'-g
of the report of the
Committee on Coinage. Weights
ami Measures of the House upon the Hiuud
bill propos hk lo coin the seingiorag. in the
I lea-ui y and also the bullion and the issue
uf notes thereof.
Uoi st i he Hawaiian debate was con
tinued in Ihe 1 1 ou -e today. Some routine
business picceded l he debate, though Mr,
Klaml pieseuted the report on the bill to
foin silver seigniorage in the Treasury and
ituve nonce tliat be would call it up at the
Ural opportunity. A hill to repeal section
-'ol the revised statutes, relnt ig to the ac
counts of tbe I'menl Slates Treasurer,
reported by the joint commission to investi
gate expenditures in the executive depart
ments, was pussttd without objection.
Experiments Made to Discover EtTect
of Alcohol on Rabbits.
A n tun her of experiments are being tried
in the pathological department ul t Ue .full ns
iiopxins Hospital, Italtiinore, to ascertain
the effect that alcohol has on rabbits, six
rabbits weieseverul weeks ac sturteil on a
diet ol alchol and whisky, and were given a
drachma day diluted ' with water ihe
object of the et pertinents is to ascertain the
luu.ini mu m'Kiirui lauy uegeuetuiiou
that loilows the use of stimulants.
Tbe opelator passes down through the
ninuin and g.tllel into the stoinucli a soft
hollow rubber tube, into the outer end of
'llij.l I. 1.1,1,.1 A -.....'I M I I...
a raiau (iuns luilliei. fly
this siphon like arrangement tbedose of al-
fiO'..,l . M-liiuL-.. u I , . . .. .
"iooi in uujii iioniereii. 11 laKes
but little i lnoi tuliuK. f. . 1 1...
-..m., m ... ill m iui inn ruil I
to become manifest and unmistakable signs
oi ininny on a uriiiiK are wttnessed. These
uruiiks a Willi men differ according tu
tbe nature and disposition of the subject.
In one casea lively mood supervenes, and
f the rabbit could get out he would show
how mucb of astiurt he could be. He jumps
np and down in bis little cage and is pretty
lively in showing the stuge of excitement
from bis drunk, lie will then become
Jtupid and heavy, bis breathing will become
fast and deep uud he will soon stagger like
a drunken man and full down as (,at as he
ie in upon uis ireu
The rabbits are given the doses once a day
or every second day and thus far after a
couple of hour succeeding their drunk
how no great signs of being worse off. None
of tbeiu have died and the result on bolb
tbe ystem generally and the nervou sys
tem are not yet suihc.e.ily marked to be
definitely dated.
Tbe Labor Leader bpeak of Union and
the Necessity ot Strike.
President Samuel (join per of the Ameri
can Federation of Labor spoke Sunduy
night before the congregation of the Church
or lb Divine Paternity, :ew York city, He
laid among other thiug:
"I chiefly desire to emphasize the fact
that a labor union conies into existence
with opposition, Concert of action is
essential when capital combines to grind
labor under its heel. How men and women
bo are employers of child labor can coin
toehurch and Uo the pious act psssis all
understanding They have Ihe blood of ill
uocent children on their beads.
"While 1 ilitnol advocate strikes, I be
lieve in them at time. If employer do
not fear strikes they would crush their em
ploye more than tbey do. At Madison
8uareUardtu last Tuesday night the
clergyman who spoke lo the labor meeting
there came lo ui and laid tbe pulpit is be
ing aroused ou bebali of the laboring people."
JORITY or 64.
A Boene Without a Parallel in tbe Natl
onal Capitol.
Thursday evening at the conclusion ot
one ol the grandest, most Imposing and
ImpreS'lve scenes erer witnesseJ In tin
American c.ipitol. the Wilson tariff' bill
passed tbe house of repr lentativet by
vole of 204 to 140. Tbe events leading up tc
it were almost unparalleled in Ibis country
Such a vsst concourse of people as assem
bled tn bear the last arguments upon tbe
great economic Issue about to be submitted
for final arbitrament to the representative
of the American people had never before
been seen within Jtbe precinct of the
nation s legislstive canitol. Nothing like
it wss ever known In the history of tlie
oldest Inhabitant of tne capitol.
For hours before tbe behate began the
corridois leading lo the naileries were a
surging mass of humanity, which linslly
became so great that men cried out in ter
ror and women fainted in frignt. it waa
estimated that over '.li.nisi attempted to gam
adirittatice to the galleries of the house.
1 heir sealinc capacity i about 3 000 nnd
every available seat was occupied long tie
fore the gavel dropiied. The people were
line I against tbe walls and bunked ngainst
the doors: so great tiid the crush become
that the members of the house secured per
mission to bring their vive upon tbe
Shortly after the house convened at 11
o'clock the crowd in the immense gallery
ou l lie north side of the chamber became (o
great that there was imminent danger that
some of the people would be pressed over
Ihe railiiKiuto the house below, those in
the corridors kept crushing Into the door
way and those still further back pressed
farward until the stairs and aisles of the gal
lury were literally packed it h a mob of
restless, impatient men.
lu one of the aisles a fight wss precipi
tated between two men over the color ques
tion. One of the combatants wus a negro,
demanding his lull rights us un American
cideii. ami the other was a while man
making the same claim. This claim involv
ed the right to stand ou the Mint square
foot of teiritory, ami as it was too small lot
both men n race war resulted. Tbe bellig
erents were hustled from the gallery as fast
as the nbsti uctiiig human wall would
permit and comparative quiet was soon
Thecrowding in at the doors, however,
confined until Speak er Crisp. n bo had been
nervously noting tlie daiiueious packing ol
people, interrupted the roll rail long enough
to say that It was in I lie interest of safety tc
htiluan lite that tin doorway should b
cleared. He asked the door keeper of the
gullery toclear out some of those wbo stood
in the entrances, so as to make tnose al
ready inside as lomfortuble as possible
without being endamtered. It was next to
impoisible, however, to at once execute
this order, as there was absolutely no rooul
for the ejectment of those wbo bad founit)
eulrsuce Into the aisles, but the policemen,
kept pressing buck the people until tney
had luaterislly reduced the danger tbat wav
o very apparent,
When Mr. Keed. the first speaker, arose,
to deliver the final plea for protection the
overhanging galleries were black with
spectator. F.very inch of space upon IheJ
floor was taken. It was a brilliant a well
as a large assembly. Only 10 of the .'16(
members of the house tsere absent; msny
grave and reverend senators and other dis
tinguished personages v. ere o ' the flout
and in the asllerles wer "levela
"- MMidn ' ;
uressvsrteckliig tbe landscape with color. '
Then followed for three hours the ora
tory of the champion of the two economic
svs ems Keed, Crisp and Wilson while
their pariisuns made the air vocal with their
shouts of approval. I he appearance of the
speekerof the house upon the floor engaged
in debate wus in itself a remarkable as well
us an unusual thing. Kach of the speakers
seemed to be in his beet form and the
speeches wbicli they delivered will rank
among the most brilliuut of their lives.
When these where finished Mr. Wilson,
who spoke last was lifted lei tbe shoulders
of his (diniriiiK colleagues and carried tri
umphantly from the hall amid a scene of
Unmatched enthusiasm.
When it came to voting the victory for
the measure was overwhelming- T he ma
)orily for the bill. til. exceeded the most
anguine, expeelion of the Democratic
members of the ways nnd means com mit
re. Whou the speaker announced the vote
cher followed cheer upon the 1'emooratie; papers, hats. Congressional Records
nd in fact everything which Democrats
could lay their hands upon were flung high
in the air and amid a perfect pandemon
ium of Joy the house adjourned.
It Scooped A Great Hole Out of the
On Ihe night of i ebruary 1, about P) ;n
o'clock, a brilliant meteor shot over west
em Nevada and eastern California. Tbe
1 lumiiiatioii was followed by a low rum
bling uud shock as iff earlhumike It has
- - -
uw i.eru iis.eriaineu that the meteor
.' """"'aria, about IP) ,,es from
l aison Nan
People there wbo saw the meteor describe
, stiiib uuy in nre wun a Bil
like a comet. A it rushed through theuir
it made a noise like a skyrocket as it ita t
upward. Al Candoliirtu many people were
greatly alarmed st the Hidden appearance
of a great bull of lire. Suddenly it seemed
lo burst in the air and then th tiKbt disup
peered. I he rejiort is that bouses in Can
dolaria were shaken as if by an earthquake,
leople have made wild estimates of the
weight of the meoter. some in their excite
ment saying it must have weighed Iimoia)
tons to cause such a shaking of theearlb
...V . VV"r"'"K P;r,T oraaniked
and started in search of the meteor Toward
eventriB thesearchera beKan lo bud branch
es which bad been broken from trees by
nying fragments, suge bush lorn up by the
roots and hole in the earth which bad been
gouged out by pitce of ihe meteor. Fiuallv
tbey came upon a huge hole, nearly 100
feet across, where tbe larger portion had
fallen. It struck on a bar knoll, composed
of sand and rocks. One repo t is that tbe
ground was hot about the hold and hence
close examination wa impossible. Piece
were found in the neighborhood within a
circle a rutle in diameter. The urface of
the earth for sev. ral hundred yards is (car
ted by piece of meteoric stone.
A Three Year Convict Trades Hi Sen
tenoe for Another'a Death Penalty.
On December -7 the Sheriff of Cowley
county, Kan., brought to the UavenwoHli
penitentiary Morgan Wright and Wilbui
Norton, under sentence of death and Cha.
I'oberts for three vsaea 1nr Tk.
Prison officials claim llisl In r-... ,r. I.'..' ,l..
new arrival fioberts and Norton chaused
name ana assumed each others sentence.
Norton was worked outside under guard;
Lately be acted nueerlu uml Hntti ,m.iu ...
effort to eacan- Itilmrama m ih l
ledge of the prison officials through a con
vict who worked himself into the cjnfl
isnce of Robert, that there was a cousptr
icy aiuong ibe Oiwley county trio for
Norton to iret nut nn tit lKiu.-n
when be Roberts, would aoou alter give bl
right nam, end if necessary, lie taken out
)n a writ of habeas corpus. Robert wa
brought up and mad confession.
ewyer Molinsri, aenced of inciting
w rklngmen to revolt in the recent Anar
eb t riot at Home was seolenred to 1
ye i Imprisonment, the first three year in
tary confinement and the f forfeiture of
l bl property,
intl-tai riots broke recently out in Cau
t I and Mangalda, India, tbe police fired
"i the rioter, killing 14 men and wound
In f many others. Troops were calif d out
' nlually to restore order.
Joseph Knitter Excelsior show cast
rk and (ieorge Slahl's Incubator factory
(Juincy, HI., were destroyed by fire. Loss
On.OtiO; insurance IT), (ton.
Forty-six head of valuable horses were
c eniated, together with two barns of Hon.
I enry t Ireland, near chlllkothe, Mo.
1 he lire wss of incendiary origin. Los.
I ."O.isjo.
rtKAM-iAL a np lOMxrR. ut
e old and well known bouse of Wil
1 am Fggert A. Co., wholesale dealers In
t ihaeco in Cincinnati and New York, has
' "en forced loask a general extension from
I I creditor.
rkiMrs ami rrNAi.Ttrs.
Key. I), (i. Cook, colored, ws shot den
i he ws returning home from bis church
I Fayet'eville, Tenn., where be had held
I At Fort lliley. Kan.. Ihe body of Charles
lall, a musician of llattery I., who disa-
l eared sorte weeks ago, was found lu the
'saw river. Mdll had been JS years a sol
lirr and lu two year would have been
retired on full pay. It i believed he was
A woman of Pussivl county, Va.. confessed
;o having witnessed a murder four vears
ago In which nn old tnnn named llrackett
was killed by Jim Hakcr because he hud
leslitied against him in a esse in court.
Wa Her Johnston a Swede. :i0 years of age
Slid livitu In CIoik ester, shot and killed
Miss Carrie Andrews, jn Huston, Mass., and
lben himself Saturday.
pis.vsikhs, aci inr.Mn ami rvr.M nirs.
At Cute City, Alo., the Congregational
( Church wa blown down. Mrs I!. J! Tried
,ell, Mrs. James Njles and hirle Olsen
'were fatully injured and a score of otbets
c Ai'tTAt. ami la ami.
A list of ueslions has been presented by
tie Amalgamated association to the differ
ent lodges in regard to the reduction
demanded by the Ohio manufacturer from
$1.7') lo per ton foi puddling. An
swers are requested to be sent in by March 1
H.l Axroi't.
The continental sieumship lines have
completed arraigemrnts to pool their At
lantic passenger rade earnings, and are
negotiating to io the earnings of their
freight busiues. ir,iis, sieamship com
panies are' oncludean -wits
in,. '
iltllu. .l
street cleaai
Hopkins. '
Iter. DeVjtt Talmsge bus arragned for a
trip aroiindthe world starting in May. He
will go overland to San Francisco and cross
the I'acilics opping at Hawaii. His family
will go with mm. It is expected that he
will lecture in Australia.
President Cleveland Transmits Anothor
Hawaiian Dispatch to Congress.
The president has transmitted to Con
giess tbe dispatch from Minister Willi on
last Saturday. The letter of 1 resident Dole
is not Included for lack of time to transcribe
it alter Mr. Willis received if. ' Dispatches
: St and J7. which are withheld are mere
ly statements of accounts, legstiou requisi
tion.. ec. Tb dispatch of Minister Willi
ii a follows:
l.ruATtot i r the UsiTrn STA rrs f
it "ovoi Li.t:, 8 1.. Jan. U. lswt. i
Hon. . g (.ireshum. Secretary of Mate.
Sir-On yesterday al : W p m. 1 received
lb Hon. S. H. Dole s ansa t-r to my letter
uf January 1 request. ng hi u "At his earli
est convenience'' lo give me tb specilica
11611s lou'ained In a prior letter. His answer
is isboui : pages of eiosely written olticial
pajtier and has been delivered loo l'e lo
eifher copy or rut-ly to in time for the
stt-smer leaving at i p. m. lodav. There I
oil extract, hi.eer, to which" J think vonr
at ennon ought to be called wherein it il
st 1 ted "This government has been and xoie
is subject to Ihe mcessitv of increased
i itchluliiess and a larne additional expense
nch, but for such attitude, would have
bt en unnecessary."
I'll emphasis above is mine. In a previ
ot: letter of December ..", Minister Dole
hs J stated: "I he government office tiave
be ui placed and still com utile in a condition
ol delenseatid preparation of siege, and the
ro ii inmmy hu, been put in a stats of miud
hi rdering on terrorism." Home portion of
lb le'terfrom wbicb these extract are
mi de confirm the above itateiiient. while
utl lersseem 10 iiet-utive them. With tin
ex p auatiou 1 submit tbeiu to your consid
ri itiuii.
Very respectfully,
AlheutS. 'Wii.i.1.
Iritn Trade Baiter and Prices Art
I'd "Iron Age" of New York lays:
"D til ing the pail wctlt the luiroveiuenl
in ' ?erlsin branches of the iron trade hat
gai ned more headway, and a more cheerful
to e prevails. The past week ha been
vet y active in western steel markets. Tbe
love price made ou steel billets 115 at
I'ii ishiirg having been unilouiitedly don In
a f ew cases and a ties-y demand lu the
wii e trade ha' e led to heavv purchases of
Ml lets and a large volume of Inquiries. The
lostvest pricei uu been withdrawn am!
maikeis are now asking nior
mo nev both for billet and wire
rod . Development this week will teach
wb ether this advance, a yet nominal, will
fan s buvera to withdraw.
" (n lotindry and forge iron there I a
betl tr feelipn so far a volume of business
Is ct kirerned, but prices are still very weak
nd It will take quit large sates before ait
imp jiveineul soia in. lu tbe wire trade
tiff ming in price bus taken place as the
testi It of large orders, induce I obviously
br t is very low price. Ureal activity I
also spreading it tb barbed trade."
IT e Iron Trade Review of Cleveland aytsi
The improvements in ibe irou trad shown
In il creasing sale ha cont oued the past
weei t and there i a mora general deposi
tion to concede betterment. Price, however,
sre i Qat a low as tb week preceding.
Whst I Transpiring the World Over.
Important Event Ui-lefly Told.
Tb Dolphin Silk Mill at Patterson, N J.,
resumed woik with 500 weavers.
Tbe Paxonvllle. Mass., Woolen Mill,
which closed for an indefinite period in
December throwing 2o0 operative out of
employment base started up.
Operations have been resumed In three
butt mills at the Mlddletou, Pa., tube
Work giving employment to.VW men.
Orr. Painter A Co , tore manufacturers,
nt Reading, Pa., resumed work full banded
after several weeks Id'eness.
Owing to a reduction In wages about 200
emiloyesof theSl.Lo'itl Routing Company
went on a strike.
Vsasklntlaa Mews.
Col. Thomas Moon tght of Kansas been
appointed minister to Hull via.
The , stent on the famous electric tele- -phone
invention of Prof. Alex Orabam
Hell, of Huston has ex ired.
The last debt statement Issued shows nn
Increase of the public debt for the month
of January of IT.8;O,0tH; cash in the treas
ury l.liT.l.'O.t.VJ.
Senator Hansbrough has secured author
fly from the senate committee on agricul
ture to favorably report his bill making an
appropriation of t,ntX),0oo for tho exter
mination of the It'.tssian thistle or cactus.
The senate In executive session confirmed
Commodore John i. Walker to be rear ad
miral of the navy.
The president nominated Thomas H. Fer
guson of Maryland to be minister to Nor
way and Sweden.
I liinnelal and roiMmerrlnt.
Theodore Pabst .V Co , one of the oldcet
and largest importing firms in New York
city, assigned. Hie firm imported china
and g usswurc and hud branches in several
of the larg- cities of the country, ISusi
liesg depression caused the failure. No
statement of assets or liabilities were
Dunial H. Judson, a lnr-n glove manu
facturer at (ireenvilie, V. Y.. failed. Ihe
effect of the failure will be far reaching.
rime soil I'ennlrlns.
At Alpine. Ark., three men were killed
and two wounded dining melee at a
Cracksmen blew open the sale of the
Planters' Hunk at K.laville. ;., and took
Near Yankton, fl. D., Mrs. Hunk Olson,
w ife of a Norwegian farmer, fastened a ro 1
about her neck and then tied the other ei
to the axle of a wagon. Then she gave tl
"aeon a push down a bill am! the weigl
v.i.iehtrai!"l her to doatb.
tst. Paul,
he famo"
. 1 . .. .
ieorge Gould formally antiounct ..1
New York, the engagement of his youngest
sister, Anna, to William M. Harriman, a
youthful buuker and club man of that
Mary O. Davis has won a toOO verdict
against the estate of Walt Waitmun for
money advanced and service rendered.
Twenty six lives were lost by the wreck
ing of the Kritish bark l'ort Yorrock, which
some days ago put 111 IJratidon Ray, Ireland,
in a disab ed condition, and which during a
gulu, dragged her anchor, and went ashore.
All on board perished.
llurgiurs at Rome entered the United
State F.nibassy. Not finding any valuables
in the safe they destroyed papers and
wrecked the room,
An anarchist demonstration at tbe Dal
ian Consulate lu 'u'lch resulted in a fierce
riot between the mob and officers In wbicb
many persons were injured.
A dispatch to tbe London Time from
Odessa says: There have been severe storms
entailing enormous loss of small craft In tb
Ulack sea. Two steamer have also found
dcred and the loss or life as far as known
foots up to Ii8.
Fi-l.ientensiit Ivanoft nud hi brother
I. uka, charged with being concerned In
plot to murder Prince Ferdinand of Rnl
Karla have been sentenced to 13 yeara' im- '
At Marseilles, three anarchists who were
found guilty of manufacturing and having
in their possession dangerous explosives,
were sentenced to term of imprisonment
varying from three month to tW year.
Railroad Able Now to Restore Former
Bxi pino, Mich. Tbe Relding company
and liall Rros, manufacturing company
employing 300 men. have started up lull
time . J he lormer concern is the largest
refrigerator concern in t inted Stales.
Oiuku liAi-ine, Mich All of the furni
ture lactones in ibis city are now running
on either full or part time and they have
orders enough to keep them busy until July
when the next nii-annuai furniture sale
open, l b January sule, which just clos
ed, wt very successful. There weie IM
buyer present Irom all parts of the coun
try. This was a falling ofT of 40, a com
pared with last J u y. Prices ruled Inirly
strong however and all order were placed
00 cash bun.
Kkoxviii. Txxv. General Manager
Hudson, of the Ktst Tennessee, Virgiuia A
fjeorgia railway system announced Hint
the wage of shopmen and trainmen on his
line would be resulted as agreed upon wben
tbey were reduced 10 W cent in August.
tiKXENsmiao, Pa. Ih Calumet coal and
coke company has started it work after
n idleness of several months. Tuere are
IM3 ovens lu the p nt and JUJ meu are em
ployed. To Dead-Beat the World,
J. F. Werner, a Swedish nwspsr man
wbostsrted from Chicago to make a trip
round tbe world, without cent in hi
pocket, has arrived In Deuver. The Rio
Grande railway gave blm pas across tbe '
mountains. He intend 10 take Bicameral
Han Francisco fCr Yokohoma and Calcutta,
working his passage. He eipeela lo make
tbeclrcul in Bve mouth and thirteen day,
,- ill aSSOJJ Ml ,. ... CI lux.