Ilia Caa IJopeleaa. Ad office-seeker applied to JoMah Qulncy, x-Assiatnnt of Bute, for place In the State De pirtmrnt. "What did you tell Mr. yuincyV" asked ft Senator to whom the olflce-aef Iter, disc, uratred by his lack of iuTe. applied for a-aalatance. "1 told him God only knew what I had done for the party at the last election, replied the would-he Con ul. "You did, eh?" tald Ihe Sena tor; "well, you might as well go hack borne. Any man who tella .fottlah tjulncy that (iod known more than he does will get no position In the State Department." Tti Veil Pllrtaltaa. The lattat "wrinkle" in the art of flirtation is imported from Cairo. It ia ailed "Le.leu dn Voile." If Ihe veil is dropped completely war the fare before the lady leave four night, it indicate "I am pleased tith you- but be carefnl." If on the coutrarr the veil is raised to as to expose the lips, this indicates 'a kiss" in metaphor nnfortnnstely, 10 d if the veil is lifted entirely off the lace tie intention is deHance and re sentment at the cavalier's imperii sence. Ia. t rt,Wle. MMiflur. Tli) olil anying: "A green ('hristma utksK a tut fmvftirl" is often rerifle, nn l k further says, thai the jaar wilt bring forth euah ulrbw. whrin pains and a.'hes, thaumali.' complaints, noreneos of joint nod Nmba will Ktioiim). In th olden time thers Were ti prevent its for pain, few cures tr tomplHint". It I not so ii'iw. Kvau old until t'lau Iju lerul n IIiIiik or two. la aiauy s Christmas storking was found a bot tle Ot Ht. Jaco'ei Oil, t lie best knosru, surast tsmedy for nil u h truut.lee. AH ) have Ihelr prophesies, mi l no year l without its racord of surprising curea wrought by I'm wonderful medicine. Prelty. fiold alloyed with 20 per rent, of iluminuiu takes on ft brilliant ruby Uot. HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES After Diphtheria Ilia lift Iiuiik a liy tLrrad, Hrrngtli failed hlni and lila flr-li llotrd. Ilmid'a SarimrlllH imrlr,cl hih IiIihhI, built Up Lia Ktriu. khvh LI in alrriiKtli mid alt-n lirnrtllvd bit ratati lial tmtililc" Mna. C. W. Smith, 'unln i(lui-. Vt. Iload'a Pilla ar rairrnltv prrparvtl and r aiadi- of tbr liint inamllritU. Try a mx. P N U 6 04 "German Syrup 5 I simply state that'.I am Druggist and Postmaster liere and am there fore iu a position to judge. I have tried many Cough Syrups but for ten years past have found nothing equal to Bosi lice's German Syrup. 1 Lave given it to my baby for Croup with the most satisfactory results. Every mother should have it. J. H. IIobhs, Druggist and Postmaster, Moffat, Texas. We present facts, living facts, of to-day Hoschce's German Syrup gives strength to the body. TaLe no substitute. tj "The Story of My First Watcii." A Whim, ful IHh-i-.mK-iI Look, son iaily Hi leu by Ami t-ii a'.-. in.-l iliMuitii.tiet suns ami laul.itn. M-nt KHKK. Hilil) t-iuerMiiiiu anil lusirtn live. A'l.lrr-s NEW YORK STANDARD WATCH CO. 1 1 John St., New York. GET THE Bt&T. MILLER'S Nfc W IH.HIUN8 r'OH 'U-l at tne lowest prices. Pottage ft cent. Perfect huitv tion stained pliist, Ant NTH WaM'I o. Wall .-, i, ,i.(ir., m 1 .... SS'I sii.nlirld Hit el. I'lllllli. I'n. CURES R.51NG BREAST v. "MOTHER'S FRIEND" WXfr.K offer. .1 i.ilil-bearliig woman, 1 tiata Urn a nuil-wife. lor many ear, ami In each cuso wl.eru "Mother hrlcnd" bud tieennsctl it haa anii'liiiel won. lent anil relieved much aiiflnlnir. It. la i lie let n mcly for rlslnir of the bruttt kkosn, anil worth I lie iiiw for that alone, tin. i M. It in ait a, aloulguuitiy, Ala. Bent by t press, (barer iirciialU, on rtcliit ftf riw, 1 M r iKiltle. m BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., BuW t all Uruiiiet. Atvmta, (ia I L- S'lf Ik 1 .1 III L-. .... JJ-ijastttaw "Vita iV-23:i.v J.rnlic v. .Smith THREE CENTS ON TBI! DOLLAR. Amount Realiaed Out of a Ventura In Which Million War Inveited. The boom loan of Fori I'ayiie, Ala.i wheta million vrera iiiTestetl liy X Knland riltaliia, liaa been old nndet the liammer to K. N. t'ullum.a HirmiiiKhnm rantal',t, lor the amall auin of fio.OX'. The t incline includes :MHK acre or nuneial IbiiiN, li.OiM town loin and vnrioii larit In duitrie. inciutlina rolling mills, furnacea, lactone a. Iiotvla and the like. In July, li rj, me emir piopeity of Ilia Tort I'ayne Coal andlroii ('mninny wa tlacl by order ol the Cnited Statu Court in tin- Imn.N .fa rueltfr upon the petition of A. I.. Loylra and othert of Nrw KnR. Ian i. J hew were anerward Joined br the Did I olouy 1 rtiMt'omrany o." Itoston.trtiatea who akei lor a lorecioiiie of a hioriRai( The rwrierliii. though hotly lontes'ed in the I'mtt'd ."tntM 'ourt by other NewKnglaud itock holder natl aua taincJ. I ort f ayne watlie first attempt of or gamed New Kngland ih ttot to found a rity in the South and it hns provrd a flat failure aft-r several millloiia have ben siiti.tndeird I lie town wua built to order. In the lall oriHs. v. C. I!, re and associaiea ol C.oaton floated 4(1,1)00 sharct ol Knat I'ayne 1 and Iron i oinpaiiy stock in Vermont, Ma ne, New llatiiliire, Maschiisrtti. Ku. ilf Island. ( onnertii'ot and New York t'lty at L' i per ahare or lithi. leal.iiiK a cie.iu I',''.i.nji, which was taken in a lump to lot t i avne. Artt ranrd lu.i tj shnrci ol stH'k resrrved In the lr-anirv was sold at l;;T tr ahnr. I'his soon wvlil und u blan ket morttHge with bonds utKr-t!n!iiiR l.'tuu,- was eiri'iitnl. Iniiniiise sums wore obtained Iriitu the tale of town lots, wbicll w,realsoeieiiiled uihiii the town in water wlnas, hotels, railroad", wer tyatemt, ftirnaces, r.illinn miliaand all Ihe acvoutre turiiiaota commercial ami manufacturing city i urn enme the bnn of limim ial depret aion in l.v.s) und r'oti I'ayne retired and bat teiuained in retirement ever since, private and cori'oratH expenditure having iiiiioiinted tol i Uiu uHl. Hi expendiliire of 'he Korl I hviibI oal and Iron I'ompany amotinlrd In iMI.Outl. all of which lias been sold lor tiU,tAlor for '! ..eira on the Hollar. Ihe r(tilt of this enterprise lis been ilisuppoititii.rnt in both I iikhiIi people and to Southerners, tlieoiiein lo.intfiheir nion- er and (he other III the check that it riven lo l.i.stein investmeuf. Korl I'avue wat Ihe lirsl ot a series ot boom towns that came lo (tip trout hi the South in Hyi ami i&aj, Mnl.lleliOM), Kv and lliirnmnn. Teiin.. hemp oiher exatiiile. a:! have gone the v;iy 1 ort I'avue went. TILLMAN BEADY FOR FIOUT. South e'arolina'a Fiery Governor Hay lie W ill Enlorce the Lawa. ' If tbee people want to get up u bloody rio' I am w illing. I'll give them all they want of it.-' "J'liwe words it. me from (iov cmor 'nilninti rei:urdiii) the direuiary trouble in ( hurlestoii. t'onlinuinK lie mailt ihee hot leniHrks; "What is more, I'll have the l.v;. attire here lo bark iu up in ihis t-ll'ori to enlorco the laws of the Mateand I want them to uiiilei-stand tliis. If they think they ate going to bluft", fri!li te:i or bullyrag me or my constable ihey are very inucU mistaken, "I urn not going to hate these tough ride roughshod over the law, and il the good people ot t'hurleston cannot prevail Uoii Ihe barkeeper to obev the laws and flop ivsMing tliem. I intend uoinir riebl ahead 1 want the people to uiideistHiid lor once und tor nil tune thut 1 propose to ace thai all laws ul the Stute are upheld even if we have to kill a lew of these Italian cut throats mid bulldozer. I am making no threat, but I am limply warning (hem. J am not angry." overnor J'llluiati in concluding what he bail to say. remarked: "I he law will have to be obeyed if It Hike all the military and constables in the tate to do it." s p KIT That ia lae w ay a,au , j atreefa Agenoy. Hradil reet'a llnancial review says: Throughout the week the market ha been in a waiting Mute. Activity wa stiaiieuded or confined to a lew stocks, though the tone ol' the whole was strong und quotations with some exceptions have been generally well sii.iained The stimulating inllueuc, 'whim it was hoped would h exerted by tbegovvriiment bund issue have been check ed und sentiment has Oeen chietlv iiilccted by the progres of the lanll bill iilYYasliing ton. I'liccriainty as to (he outcimiH in Hits connection seem lo keep the puOlic out of Wall sti.el, w lule the lending operator have restricted their ventures to a mark.! degree. The ' street'' appear to be mildlv bullish mid is iliipotfd not oule lo make the most of uny actual developments ( a favorable future, either in railroad affairs or in connection with the revival of busi ness, bin to minimi? the Importance of such results of die recent depression a (till continue to come to light. London lias not been a fuclor. The Mar set I here lias been omewnnt Mllected by the demoralization of Indian exchungo and by apprehension that the upparnnt abandon ment of ihe Indian government' silver pol icy will have leriotis results on Ihe trade of thetireut Kastern deMudeiicv. "Ameri cans'' iu London have however, been re a- livelv lll-elei'tetl lllH sellinc, rrm.k .1.. ter iu Ihe market being of a (rifling charac ter, tin I riday the merket'wa affecied by rumor of an attempt to restrict tb employ tnent of Ihe bond Issue proceed by congrejiMona! re-olution limiting tb aecretnry use thereof to the redemption ol A PTE A L (OK CLEMENCY. A British Subject Under Sentence of Death. John ('. Motler. co insel for William Leoiiare, ihe coiidemiied miirdrrer await ing execution at Frederick. Md.. on l ehru ry 6, hi written to Sir Julian I'auncefote, Hrilish ambassador at Wahingion, request ing him to interrele iu bah ill' or Leonard lor the purposo of having his eulnnce com muted to imprisonment for life. Mr. Mot ter claims thut Leonard is a ltrilith sublect and that in all hi experience a a lawyer with criminal tie ha never com across an Inaiance more deserving of clemency than the cae of I eonard, Costly Co. i.l t'ecorda. A record was delivered at the office of the ...,.v. uio,iiirriiieniiiri of I lie toiled -lutes which bore eloquent testimony mine complaint of the late Justice MilleV that "record iu these day are made up largely for the benellt of primer." I he title of the case i the l onsiiiidated electric light company v (he McKeesport elecirm light company and in it is involved the ureal Coll lest being waged between the leadmg electric corporation of the I'nile.l States. 1 be record comprises three large volumes, and its printing cost 117,00(1. A Bill Against Utah. Secretary Carlisle ha sent a comniuulc.1 '.lon to the senate showing the amount due the I'niled Suites from the territory of I'luh on account of cost and expense of prosecution. Ibex expenditures began In IS7A and have continued even tiuce. lb total amount being I7J5 ,VA ( appear '.bat the law reuirj that tbeie expense be paid by the territory, but t'ongres baa annuully appropriated the money re quired. A a order baa been entered In tba court i at an Krancitco granting Mr. J eland Ktanford an allowance of II 0.000 monlblv, pending the atillenient of bar butbaud'a estate TOPBEVENT STRIKES. New York Board of Arbitration Ask Fower to Enforce It Idea. The report ot ihe N'ewYork state board ol mediation ami arbitration vreamted to tba legislature asks for power t enlorce arbitration Instiad of rtcemmending it. Anions the matters settled hv the twin r. I during the year was ihe garment workers' strike in New York; the s eve.lor strike in Kuflalo: the sailors' strike in New York; the lumbermen' strike in rowandn: the longshoremen atrike In New York: the ink al llavemyer's sugar refinery ami the lhign Valley airike The losses to corHira;inos mid employes In a lew ol the more important strike ot recent year in tais slaie are estimate I as lollows: June to August. INA itt New York and Jereey City Kmployer' l.s ll.isu on i, employes' lo-s tj.ft.i'si.i. August, lair. New York I 'enttal llmplov ers' lost i.uim.u 4i; vmidover' los :n i.npo. August, IK'IJ. at Itnlfa o itl'i.'.IKSI to li,e National titiard i I otal loss Mnu.coO. A to the I.ehi-Ii Valley strike Inst No Vember (d board of arburatioii says: " The loss (o the Lehigh Valiev' railro.d company in a comparative tew ilavs w.i enormous. Included were iinse .f ireig,i and passenger traluc. diversion of to Othrr roads, del nut lull of litiomnlixs and rolling slia-k as well as oilier pi. (city Ihe total amouiit is t ri.n n. Ihe ,o-s i. the strikers in a :ex upprox miaied hi (XM, white it Is estimated i hat ihe lni.ow hu ninounis were paid out as rel el ir.oniv ly Ihe live brot herboods of rnilroa-i .i. Kngineers. Ilil.tsii; llremen, .l'.o'i. ,tt.;n nien,l l."i (Ml: cotidin tors t.' i.OtSi. teiigia..i era. i0,uisi: loial. (ii.isi I. "Vlr Is the lies ( lnrgt oil'ia.V by o g -Ir.eJ railway labor in inc country to m.i ! the Clncauo, lliirliiigion and tun v i which is slated to bae i' l me en.u.i . r nearly ll.issl.'i i and Ihe uremen. '.do mi. It i impiKislbie to estimate t he lo.-i u tallied hy me.i h ints, man .lacturers an I others dependent ui.ui die s. rvic.. of ih. railroads. In the cae of (he I i-high -: 1 1 k it was claimed that oo l coal iiiiners wer. deprived of employment nnd tl xwis I. in , I that thepr ceol coal would be auvunini .t, places that depend upon Ihe I trhih i.,al lor fuel.'' The following ions are m i I. by the board of mediation and aroma .on "Till board urges upon wotk.ii jineii t.i, feasibility of establishing h cal ,.i arbitration tbrouith iheir organiai i u or In their workshops. a-, by adopting ilns conrse many strike could b-; nippe.i in in, bud by prompt art ion. The hoard sim m urge employers to tec.ignize tli - ne. -i. and utility of local ImiumK iliiough uinrn they niuy deal dire.'ly Willi tl.inonu ruen." MAKKhTS. iinsniMii. tii w Hot ri k rKt. rs .r i.ivrM urmw. I. It UN, n.ol H AM. io n. WHEAT No. 1 Ke.1 t ill (t fil No. 'J 1 ted '' C'OKN No. Yellow tar... 4.1 -II High Mixed ear 41 4'.' No. 'J Yellow Shelled 40 41 Hhelled Mixed Mt M OA IS No. 1 bite ''i No. 'J White :!4 :tt No :t White : X-i Mixed "1 'M RYK No. 1 .rei fu No. 2 Western. New '! 'i FLOl'K-Kancy winter put .'IT.'. 4 ihi l ancy Spring patents 4 HI 4 X'i Fancy Straight winter.... " I" -XXXHukets - "' '! Hve Hour il i' o flour. - :l HAY Haled No. 1 Tim' v.. n 'J-i M 7. Haled No. '.'Timothy II W .') Mixed Clover I .Vt 11 .d Tiino'hv from country... l' " Is FEKU N'o. I W'h Md V T 1 7 .VI is ie No. 2 While Middlings.-- 1! 17 mi Hrown M:'1'' " 1 .Vheat Ct !i0 II isl l SO il .'hi " :o 10 l.i ll) 1 -' v: :i r. i.,i MS ii 4 vi ,-i on '.' J I I oil 1 i'l 1 !l :n ."! :a iiii '.'00 ,1 Ml :i in fi 'si .VI ,Vi 40 VI 'Kl J (HI 4l VI vi ;:, 1 0.1 I 10 7 H Hi II 11 IJ Kl II X !l IS ltl fi'i fid 4tl li M .' Ii ii sr, 7 00 J :' 'J :i i 1 10 1 70 i l l.i ii in i- 7.'l 1 IM I Oats liAIKY IHlllU lTa. Bl'TTEH Elgin Creamery Fancy Creamery Fumy country roli Low grude ,v cooking. . .. CIlEKSK-illiio. new New York, new Wisconsin I.imbtirircr ( New mti .. till tl IM. I .l I Mil SK Airi.r-rulii v. V Fair to choice', 'f HKANS N Y & Mi new illeuns f bbl Lima Mean I'OTAToEH Fancy t hn bweel, per bbl ("ABHAliE per hundred.. ONIONS - pi mi Miied t 'oiiniry Spanish, per crate TU KM P.H--purple top em i iav i.iv. Live chickens v .i Live Duck v pr Live t.eese e yr Live Turkeys i D Dreised chickens v lb.... Dressed dm ks tin, Pressed turkeys f fl. Ilressed gee.e .... FliiSl'n a ohio fresh. . FEATII KKS Fxtia he t.eese J fl, No 1 Extra live gee'e ' fb MIM Kl I ASIiil s. TALL()V-Coiiiiliy,t.n,... City SEEDS Clover Timothy prime Hlue grass KAtiN Country mixed ... tlONKY- White clover. ... Hock wnet M A I'l.E h Y Kl' I', new crop I IPr.K country eetH.h ti mi rili ls a r Ii VI FLOCK ' WH EAT No. 'J Hed KYE-No. 'i I COItN'-Mixed ... ATS EtiliS bC'I'I'EK ' tJ tl.MH J i ll I ,M 'Al HI Vi IU II hO'lff.'I i;:u 4'" ! L'4 Hi i 4' w .Vi 41 14 10 70 .VIJ ft? '171 "ll ii Lll HII 1 1 A l.r I I'll I A. FLOCK WHEAT-N.,. J. Ke. COUN-No. i. Mixed OATS No. -', . bile HI! TIE K Creamery Extra. EtiUSl'a.. J iists NW VOI1K. FI.OCK-ruleiita WHEAT-No it Ke.l KYE Western ttlltN No. OATS Mixed Western HI! I TEK Creamery ElitiH Stute ami I'enn 114 -' il' 1 17 IIVK-srork HKI'oKr. rAsTj.iartirv. mi iiu ut srm k vaiiih 1'erlOilib. t a 11 1.1. Trlme Steer $ 4 .-, t (iood butcher ,'i tl to Coin inon ;i 40 to Hullsand dry cow 0 Mo VealCalvea A ml to A 00 4 1(1 .1 VI :t 'jri 7 (SI rresiirowi, ier head... 'Jtl ml lo 4.1 is) Minte. rrlmefl.1! to 100-R, shee a w 1., . .i (Iood mixed 3 Hi to .'I 4 I Common 70 to 76 tl sheep... ) ::: to 21m Choice I Jim hs 3 is) 1 4 ,vi llllll Helecled .... 5 63 to S f J'rinia Yorker ftMtofiftS Hy 6 40 to fi 60 HouisU 00 lo 6 00 . ASI's.'r'.ryVS'fA"" pit' T'' ? f 1 1?'-' ' How s This nltet One 11 iiimIh il 1 i..',lars fie war.! fi .n-.'.f enlanh I lial caitiel Ix l)r lla'.i' sian li l ine. I-, .1. I'll i f v A- 'o., 1'ni., O. We, 1 1. n nnilei.'Kiii .1, lie ki o n I'. .1. 1 he. nevforlbe h.'l l." e..r., nt d lu lieie liiin f. r feci I , In. nor.. hi" in nil bn'iie- I rsiii t lona ntnl I nstil aiiv nnl In tai y out iitij ' oi.ligu I ion ui:i.le I y I he i lit m. V(r A- I'liUav, V hnicMilc Ih ugf!t-, Toll do, ulilo, Waiiumi, in A- Vsiivin, VMioleale 1 irtiKk' si i, 'I'lilt'it... Oh. ii. 11a 1st alarrli Cure Is tnkeii lot email v, sit. Iiil iIiutI Iv upon theli'.ooi un l no ns'ir- llli: r I lie "lelll. I'l I. e. '. I" r liollle. llll t.jrao III ngi;i?i. J'vstiiuniiinls lieu. N"tv Zealand etn Is tto. eti mi.ttnu to Knglaii'l U I '1 I ll . S l.l.. tints t c inn (Ire It lis. (-.'. i'.i.i t.-.n u , '. ,iiii'i-'. hii in :ir 1-if, i tel ! ti i. r--. .. I . 1 t . ; .i .1 i i:i A. .! r Sr. I I '.i., I,i i'i i.,'. V i , dy li'i. Winter, of .lnn I mill. "'. I l.l'i'e I 'i'l li'l. le '. o ' liiisit .N ul' I li. e'iiiit',''Ht,ri'.) tiile I ii 'i 1 itin.itpl ssiiie, a ii. I i. m no, ... t in s i 1 1 i i r rv mnii on., l.n- '. I of lii S n Itri'.i Hii. Lii' . 1 1 il ii .1 re 1 lni-ii'.. Il ' ii 'i '.'I'lrt fill "at. r Vol1 nil. I, i I T i M i nr i s o ss m I r ii h u.lag.. tn I he h'i ne lir hi t.ti imII ri.. "i i e satutili. iai'kiic. nl ii ii 1 . 1-nats sil l I lie l' liiainiiiulli tin in iri'.l la'ii'n.'ii". A A Inn '! d.amunds is valued at I l.'i.o si, Ji. We never saw anything that compared -villi tne samples of wall psjier Just receiv Me-' I. Kerwin Miller Ai Co., I iilsnuigh, I "a. Every 1 el I hem sn.l Wsntj "imitblteld Street. Hews never store honey lo Ihr light. Srimrn Ciianok or IWiiiim eause I 1' liiese-. 'Ilu-ie is in, more ifrei lual I letiie'li for I iMIiii. I 'ol.l. i-t,.., iIihii '"I., ,U'i fir. n. h 1.1 ti..'' t. ...Wiy in Irijti, l'riceU6 1 1 lite. 1 A wnriderfiil stomach mrree..r t., S. 1 I ills. i,u ulhers. ii i u j VV'liv .. Ii.mi... I'.,, trli's fli.versal I 1 Ullgll f X'l . I'tl's at .rii-k-!, I I'alllif'nl Mai.riH. ; Thut was :t touching- story toll In .the p:iier.4 tin; ol her day iihout I he j accident in the Mot 11 luish. twenty ; four mile fiom Opotiki, nays tlu j Aiiklumt News. A nirty weie clear ing luiish, when a Kuropwan k'nt his I leg Int. ken. one iif theMnrirla l.iunid I up hi U'g with a skill that autiao I iiienlly elicited the praise of the 1; then live white and live I Maoris atarted to cany the wounded man to opoiikl hy the Mot 11 toad, wh eh for miles ia a mere ledge on I the Hide of a precipice. The rivers ! were in flood and the fords washed j away. The waters were up lo the I necks of the bearer, and the tallest 1 of the men had tn hold the stretcher j up ahove their heads. They had to 1 alart In the evening, when tired hy a : hard day's work. The Maoris hehavcil like men and heroes, some of them taking a doi.hle luni in the carrying when fioui ex cessivo fatigue their white com panion were tinetiial to it. When they got to tlio Journey's end tbey fell on the ground am) went fast asleep. 1 have know n of a good muuv accidents in the hush at the Thame'a and elsewhere, and the behavior of 1 men on these occasions la really au honor to human nature. And an incident such as T have narrated show how much of the i heroic there Is In the nature of the ! Maori. 1 7" aaaaaaBaaaaaBxaaBa -BHeB-aaaasxaaiaaa.aifxaBaaa. am 1 MOTuinns i and those too 11 lo Ixt. come ruotbom, should know that Hector fierce' Favorite I're crtnUou rub . luld birlli of its tori urea, terror and danger to both mother and child, by aiding nat ure in preparing the system for par turition. Thereby "labor'' and the period of iniillne uient are creatlv ahortoned. It also pmmotee t be secretion of aa abundance of nourishment for the child. Mr- Dora A. Grraair., of (kihlru, fhvrlun Cn 7im., write: "When 1 Iwfan taking your ' Favorite Prescript ion I waa not able to (land on tnjr feet without ufferiog aio"t detu. Now I do all inr bnuework, waalnTg, oooking, enwing aud everrtb.Dg lor my family of eight. I an stouter now than 1 have been in Six year. Your ' Favorite PreecripUoti ' 1 the beat to take before confl Dement, or at least ll proved so with me. I never suffered as little with any of my children aa I did witfc my last, and aba mi tbe bealthleel we've got. Have m duoed several to try ' Favorite fraauipUoit,' and It haa prayed good fur Uieai." D URING liarri times cannot affurtl to with inferior, cheap bra mis of bak ing powder. It is NOW that the great strength and purity of the ROYAL stand out as a friend in nnd to those who desire to prat list; b!i on- cniy in the Kitchen. Kach spoonful docs its per fect wcrk. Its increasing sale bears witness that it is a necessity to the prudent it goes further. N R 1 c li every dollar in vest d in Royal Baking Powder is worth a dollar the world vt r, that it docs not consume the ir capil..! in tit ad stock, because it is the peat favorite, and bells thrcugh all tiir.t s ai.d Masons. ncvai Caking rcATtfl cc.irr. wii f.,i.f-vtr. A." XS."' A. ' A A N A iv .r.-. . 1 'P'-- ' Vi e'V'- 'V-' 'V' l,,r' ' I'r iiopt Hi 'y. Some l.i. mi. ess i liesi dune ii lck'y nnd with few woid. (it tu t Inisiiies-. of a linrp delicate nature, i- ci.ue nioiily etiteti'd upon in a more leis uri ly tnatitier. Now atrl then, how ever, a man is fo.ind who nuikes no such (list in 1 1mi I'm titer ,l ties smicht an Interview , with Willow Hrown. He 1 1 a 1 luni; I'lided liimscif uptiti his slim 1 hut ii cattle; ahe was, in tier way, us proutl df her jsuilliv and pigs. "Widow Htowu." said he, "I am u man of few words hut much feeling. I possess, as uu kni.w. In I wci n tjifcc mid four luni In 1 lie:ul of cattle. I have saved up eU'lit hiinrlred dullins nf so, and I've a t i Iv .Hid home. 1 want u to m wire. Now, ((tuck's the word with me; I uive ou five minutes to de lide!" "Farmer Junes. " said Widow Hrown, "I am a woman of few wonN I'll say nothing of my feelings. I possess. a Vou know, letieeti three and four '.itindicd head of poultry and about (en scute i f pigs 1 have nigh twelve hundied dollars well Invest (! my 'lite husband's sav ings aiil my own eaifili. I tell you 1 wouldn't marry " 'ver a choice lietwccn 1 --I. . , ..t he scan , . . 1 sTive you thrt ; uts to clear off my premises!" KNOWLEDGE Brinpa comfort ami improvemrnt and tends to personal injovnient wlien rlglitly used. itinnv.'vilio live let ter than otliersiind enjoy life nunc, with less expenditure, hy 'more pion,pily adapting the world's lsst pioilutia to the lieeils of I.;, I heinj;, will nttcst the vuluo to Im-h 1 1 Ii ol tlic jnne liquid liixntivo principles emulated iu tb0 rciui dy, !vrup of Fijjs. In excellence is due to its presenting in the form luoi-t iicceptahle iiml jiltas anl to the t.ite, the relichiii mid truly bctn ficiiil propetlies of a perfect lax ative; (-fleet ually cleiiiisin tin- t-ysteui, dispelliuir colds,' lieinluclics ntu 'leveiH Hlni permanently i-uiiiijr c.uislipation. Jt him piven witii'iii tiou to million mid met with the approval of the medical profession, H'c:iiM' it nets on the Kid ney, Liver mid llnwels without weak enui them nnd it is ilcetly lue flow every object iomihlc hiihhtatiee. Syrup t.f Fiir is li.r sale by all ilrup. a-istsin .Mie nnd $1 bottles, but it i man ufactured by the California Fijr yrup t'o. only, whose imnic is printed on every package, also the nauie, Syrup of Figs, ami beiiiK well informed, 'you will Lot accent any buLnaiiuie if oilcrcd. V N U 5 fit .ENSIONs?":,"-7"n" UJZr s ss asmitgio,,, n.r; 9ji.ial.t .... all, "t Tht tsfttjatti iilatnt.i... 1. ..'. o . - WV " V Mini .irw- tl' )IIIi la. a If til.l.l T.. 1 j ttar h nind That " The Cods Rel, Thtte Who Htlp Thtm !." Stlf Help Should Ttach You ia Us SAPOLIO rcnvumcrr. exj - criment ' -v f 'V' ' y e' "V"' "V it COLCHESTER SPADING BOOT n 1 1 I .Tl mir. ii. Mm . 11 II Mlir-.l7 ,t'. Mi.l .lii..- I t.e 1. .il. -or "'t' Si's 5eT " .ji.i .is in.- win ii- ' i . -.-f?riJKVr."i ..f tl... Ii. n I-. O r I.' et eel i.'B il.t- slit. .il. In an. 'Sine Us- alnti. Vi. H ' I' Oesliiy Ihluutilieut. V-A A A A A i 1 J W j Crc.itt htct i'an.ily Games h- stf I I Wl V! . , America, J lie nrt rniciiit:r'ri' 41 1 !, Mir :?vi p-ii.n1 tli r f " it tit 1 jttiili.llv le lit' A mrr.i tn crt'c.'.-r '' - 1.. r , : I A ' " u i rPii 1 .11 m; itHwMst. An ( j-j.v I y j .v t.,iin. . .. . .-, .-, t,y M.41I, H ".let I 'l j.iH1. 1..t . r n;rjrin.a. 'j In 'I Lttli t in; , t a-i n, M.i A, a 1 . . . e. . I . iMit t.l (s :t Mine !:. 'III WOl k, tl'Minw ttlin 4 ' t", I ' 1 hi- ti.f I I'l v III ITf Wi.tiil. ,u I if Ulll Ull.f i.Hiit itl i ii tlic Imrtnni. Itvi rv ' if letiitni. jkr tm (...l.sti t ilt . rc )... ; t .Hi' li.r lull ll'tu-li nt ii .t 1 1 tuiilf ! lints t-r l-t flu iiml iii. ii in n r m mi t.r fi. irivinaf in u ki in Ti ii ' ir " , I'V M.elll. I'll I. (I'l I lisp. . ... ... . ,1.x. s b.H(.'.uii, i.. trtis vl.u m.s. u(ir klioc. HARD TIMES I I.. mitt Hie tireM-m Herd Times an rarmera m h 11 tf-ll 1 1 r... .llie,- i,,r ese S.hi.1 trrlillre.s al Ihe f,. l'.llm li.iirsl iskulMkl. In,-e. t'ri lilivers f..r r..rn rot l. i. s.iu h ,. m f '!,.). i I ..'.ii...,. bi.... FERTILIZERS sn.l ins V-.-eii. cr.i s H..d M,.si.M- 1,1 ait Ion t en lllset fi.r I..I....H,' 1. i.Ih . i.'si. A 11,111 uttlAs.r w v l ..ellA I I lf Ms'lli!?.",. i,j sTi7F. WAI.T. TAFFR MTniCHAlU? V MIT II SELLS THE BE.MT, Olfll I II THE CHEArEST WALL PAPER (.mill I'm tiers 'Ir. niid.1i- I...I.I 1'ni.irs .p.t '.."'.'il W.r "end .1.-. x.i.iii,. Ir siiiple. 041 Wuu.l siie,-, l lii.b.iiyli. I',. SWIh I 0t M. . tnr p.iili.s c.iish.. Snr. Ihr.iai. II..n.-,i.-. s..ti.ii. rsisn.i l.n.n. tiiti.. .-. I'rl.-e. i., a I, Hi mail 11 IiUm.I Wn S. r' I n. At i.h. lye si. . einUilrlfdis fells. I 4 'I'l'VIX 111 Vl'l MAIIKB tl.llill.ullia I . I lol I i,i. I hiIi lie h-i.i ,lei.lHl...liv f if 1 11 1. .11 1 It. II H..111I fur It... ii'iii. I, ul, I,.,, 11- uut (...I. ni. I a 1 1: U K i. i (liiii 1.1, w.n.i..-,. 1, r CUIUS MntNt ALL US! IAI1S. uutin Fjrrup. 1 arles It.ssl. Use I n' ri in rv .l.tlk'atsls "St 1 IGENUINE i r. " . a kW'LDouoL..-4-l'.J - -' I m. m n . lad IKt'l I r nrt isl lrif''J'5