The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 25, 1894, Image 5

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    Sale Register.
i i i li m
:i m
Ercef Fuin Hawsa Barrick.
vtn Kkbnei. IIahif.k.
ch Lob tlcro shunt ilu tswio wocha
n hrerf g'shtivva, mi tlalo fun tin
. i ji. i
iwr tlerwicga. So tuuna mer kent
ch UHht onna hucku tin hrerf shriva
10 easy oh inorcn ous'ra
inil shindcl Ht hnit .la knit, awver
on sc es muolil brovecra don titiiui
OUH OH I K (lllli) lllohlri gait WO tZH'-
.ppu. ii'H wou k inaneu ion wei tie
it niiiohl hoongerich warn lussa.
'zu feel fnrilathetl tie Hoop. "Won
o kot. not in tlou wnnlt tier bri
ower." Do bcsht koch oh ich in
Licitu Leva gakcnt bob hut usht ga-
lunk fun yuilctn nil' tier dish oh h
u net gons sot guuiaucht but. Wo
h en boo woro bov ieli iiio not gn-
unk tzookor crocked fur mich sot
a, un do result woro ich woro oln-
art hoongerich ilcrfore. Wo ich
iiuohl geld Htlver furdooned bob bov
i i ... i. .i.... i ..
icil incr mom grawu tu muvu uuwicr
wierdt tzooker ga-kawit, hob mich
Llertzu ga-luikod un g'essa bin ich
ronk woro, un kcII hut do bisinHH
Es nuHicht ding oh ich uuch in
lueim Leva not ga nuuk grecked hob
wore gootcr licker. Ich woro fchunt
ho grouk oh en boond, bin iin drcck
Loom sa-rullod init da ouerii bi, un
lyrad widdcr uff un draw. Of
bourse, ich bin en Hiffer un yader
ebber farocht mich, awver ich will
Jere sawga, dale fun da leit oh mich
farochta wile ich olsebmohla tail feel
koffee-wasser nera sin de vcrya leit
os eich uft mohls ivverfressa un
m mcLa si fun eich uff onera wcrga.
' jit j:
Persons Rottlnir their bills pr1nt1 it this of.
fire will fret mrtlre under this heiullnfr free
of charire. A II ot hers w 111 be charged so cents
Ttiurwlnv. March l C. 1. Mtnrn will sell live
stock and fitrm Im'ilement t mils north
rant ot IVnvertown.
Thursrtnv, Ketirnnry . II. B. Hllirer will noil
nix linre met a Inrire stock ot tormlng liu
plvnicntn at New H rlln.
8ntun1iy, Foliniary , D. B. Itoypr will Mllhl
fiirm Hlak on I ho pnMiil'cs t mlloa aniith ot
tcnj-ovllln, on the road to MldUltburh.
Tuttxlny, Miirrh , W. . Hnyilor will wll llv
MiH k and furmlng liiiplcmoiiUi near Buaver
town. Tlmrwliiy, Kcliruiiry I, Phnn-a Htrotil) will wll
nil Ihh fiirm nix-k on tho prcnilws 1 mllca
wi'Mt of t ciilrt'vlllo.
Thurwliiy. Marrh I. Mr. fitlll Breon will aoll
prrwuiiil pnipiTly it mllra Houth-woat of
Ni-w Berlin.
Tncility. Ki'tirnnry . Aitnin Unwell, will unit
live Htock mill liirinliiK Iniplemeiita 1 mile
aouth of Mt lea.Hiint Mills.
Wrdnewlny. jvi. id. Iienjuinln .1. Yi-rifor will
hell ptTtomil pniN'riy 1 mllPeiiHt of Allnn.
Hittimlay. Feb. 17, Kiiimn HIMch nixe, admin-
Winter ot lr. T. It. BHiIuIiiiiim-, will m-ll
renl t-tiiiiaf tin- hoinn uf the di-eeiwd In
Satnnla.v. Feb. S. Mitry A. and I'obert W. Htotit,
A'lllllhl"trlir4 of Joseph II. Nloill, dl'O'il,
will im'II real pstiilii s mllea North ot Ad
aiiitliiiri;. Tneihiv. Ketirmm- II Clum. Kroiine will mll
live' s'. k Illel fnrin Implements II mile
NHilli ol ev llerilll.
Wedneclnv. MiirrhT. Mm. Mury A. WnirnNrwtll
M il l.irin utoek I mile of Miiiinoklu
Tiiemlny. V.ireli Mlelmi-I Ilai kenlierir will
H 'II III rtll HliK'k ft llllleM wel ill MlilillelllirKll.
on the road leiiilliix Iruin .Mlilillehurgli lo
H itunlav. M in h IT. .lernine tiarmnn will noil propeiiv l mile eani of Mt. I'lean
iint Ml IN.
TiH'mIiiv. Miireli n. Freilerlek l.elli'l will aell
I n ill sim k :i miles sniiilwiisl of New Berlin.
Tuesday. M in h jn. Wlllliiii l)r ese wilt m
live hI.s k ati. 1 1. inn lmleiiienis. mile wiiilh-ei-t
of Wi'llhsK'nive, on the F. J. Henoch
Wccliie-iSay. Man h 14. J. A. mid f. W. llaro will
M il live Him k aiel farm Implemeiita it nillea
iiialli-wi st uf MI'Mh htirh.
.M'inila.v, V m il .V II. lloleniter will "ell It linid of
It ll.- Ii"l-es aial a I.UL'r llnenl farmliiK liuplo
lin iils w' miles east or Mlililleuiirh'h, on the
load lo .Sellnsiuve.
Friday, Feb. t . F. II. Uelnle will ae'l llvo Ktm-k
aiiil t inn Hnplrmeiits, 1 mile west, ot Ml.
I'lea-uiiil .Mills.
Tile.ilay. Feb. II, Daniel Nhi linml vvlll sell person
ul property H miles north of Beaveriuvtii
Jury List.
e net so uft gronk warra os de
Luss n koo ons shroat foas
3 freat 'ift dote ; uq dart is
' ;nkt'd woo der -point ni coomed.
tier mesHed era foodcr ous far so un
vase we feel os so hovva not. Es
Bwao-banich fee gait olsfurt uclver
ade bbrout kibht, frest ho feel oh es
ivill un do reHult is bouch-wte, din
)pPHyt guldcnduro un bulsaiudoiuid-
- ta.
Mer con olios ivver-doo. Eh is nix
jichletlitoH incra deck kordu, awvtr
7. 1 1 a 1 1.
won uu ho do gona izett nanaiewiit,
Ehnetidtiht di geld un farHiiuchht di
biHtiiBH don in ch olles lctz. OHoh is
techt in Himo blotz. Schnitz-boy,
ebkoocha uu brodo-wierbht siu goot
'Iwon mer waHo wo feci derfun oh em
'goot in, awver wou mer frent bis mer
,gronk is don is tner usht so feel f uu'ra
,B0w os der mon woo tzu feel koffeo
' WasHpr nna Trnllpilioeln. nowfml
Es lond is foil societies far leit
siefa fun sich dote sowfa, awver ich
hob nuch fun keuera society g'h:t rd
os ga organized is far leit shtuppa
fun Bich dote frcHna, un oil do wile,
doona do goota kuch m:o leit doto
maucna dorrich en yohr oh oil do
wiertz-heiBcr im gouaa loud.
Doh room sawg ich, do leit lieua
my deitscho uorrheita bis se dick uu
sot sin, un fardarva era obbadit so
os ich ols awilo worda muss bis wid
der era hoonger tzurick coomed.
Ols Widder,
The roads are very muddy at pres
ent.. The protracted meeting closed
last week with two converts. . . . Win.
KnouHe, of Northumberland, spent
Sunday with his better-half at this
place.... Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Good
mingled among friends at Mazenpa
over Sunday.... 13. F. Herman Lad
a rib broken one day last week . .
J. C.Klingler of Central Penn'a Col
lege is home on account of sickness.
We hope he will soon be ablo to re
sume his studies again. . . .The Odd
Fellows of our town expect to at
tend the I. O. O. F. banquet at So
liuKgrovo on the 21th of this month
. .The Republicans Jackson town
ship will hold their nomination on
Saturday afternoon, Jan. 27, at Ul
rica's Hchool house. Let there be a
full turnout. .Last Thursday, Jacob
Ritter, of Monroe township, bado
adieu to singlo life and took unto
himself a life pin t ner iu tho person
of Miss Lizzie Klingler, ono of our
town'B respected young ladies....
To-day (Monday) Mr. Michael Reich
ley, one cf Monroe township's oldest
citizens, was buried. Rev. S. E.
Ochscniord officiated. Cxhab.
I.lst or Petit .Jurors drawn for the Court ot
Out anil Terminer and (ieneral Jail Delivery
an, If. mil ol I ir'er hessinns of the Peace ol
Snvder riiimly hel l ns Dec. Term, I'onimi-iii'lhg
Vomhiy. Feh. So, mi.
Adams-Isaae Mover. .1. K. Fetteriilf.
Il avet-.l. snvder, John W. Krlek. Win,
t'eiiireAinmiPii Walter. S'miin Knhiis, Jessi)
llaekeliberif. K. S. Sirouh.
t'hapinaii T. ,1. Nichols.
Frmiklln-K. f. oravblll, I'luirlea S. Snyder,
sm I Moycr, K. 1 1. II. Waller, D. F. Ker-
Jackson.lereiiil ili spiniifler. Jerome A. Her
man, Daniel llollenbaeii.
Mhlillelairvrh J. W. Kiinkle, Jacob!'. llnKsln'cr
K1i,ls Minium, Frederick WulUT.
Vniiree Win. Frymlre.
l'tiin t'haM. swartzlander, Hubert How, I'cr
flviil Nerliomt, Oeo. spuld. fulvln Forry.
Perry Michael A. Meiurle. Ilenry lliirdlmr, A.
(i. llornlMTcr, AbHiilinii S. linee, John Mlt
lerllnu. Sprlntf Win. Smith. Jimluh Kline.
Hclliis(frovelack tiross. A. M.irtmrifiT, Wm.
II. M'fiirtey.
I'ulon Perry Kothermel. (labrlel Wlae, John D.
HiKcr, Kinanuel Bordmir.
WuMhlnifton Kllas caw ley, 1). S. Buyer, A. n.
Hendricks, John it. Buyer, Fred. II. Hollz-
apole, UeiiJ. H. SletTdn.
Beaver Jaoob A. Aimer.
Ikmver WeaU-K. W. Uaker.
Centre Maxwell Howentox.
C'liaiupan U. S. Sliollev.
Fraukilnlliirry SimhIiI, Austin (lilt, Lincoln
KciiuliiKcr, Allen Klose.
Mlddleburxu Iturvey Pontius.
.Mlildlis.reeKl.ovlF. Hummel, J. 8. Mi'lser. C.
W. Lamlls.
Monroe -11. I', lloltenHtlne, Jacob KeshltT.
1'orry John K. Buyer.
I'enn Joliii KoiiiIk. -tr , A. C. Uemberllntr,
Benj. Mulin. J. i. Hlcliler,
Spring It ibcri s. Smith.
Selinsrove l.evl Fisher, Juiiich 11. BuriiH.
I uloii John s. Maul.
"During the epidemic, of la t;rliie
CIliiiiiliflluiM's C'ountl Iteineily took
the Itfiitl liere and was liuicli better
liked than other cotili medicine."
It. M. lliiiiKH, (Iru'niht, Cliutsworth,
111. The urip is uiuuli the Mime as a
very severe cold anil requires pre
finely the sitine treiilineiit. This
Keineily in prompt mitt elTectual autl
will prevent any tendency of the (lis
eane toward pneumonia. For sale Ly
). M. hhindie, Middleburgh uud J.
W. tSaiuisel, Centrevllle.
The persistent oouli which usually
follows au attack of the nri can be
perinuncutly cured by taking C'liaiu
Lh'i IiiIub' Couh Keinedy. V. A. Mo
(Jtiire of Mo Kay, Ohio, says; "La
(Irlppe left Die with a severe couh.
After using several dilTerent inedi
eiuen without relief, I tried Chamber
lain's CoiikIi Keiuedv, which elTected
a periuaiient cure. 1 have alto fouud
it lo be without an equal fur children
when troubled with colds or croup.
M and fiO cent buttles for sale by U.
M. hhimlel. Middleburgh, and J. W.
sjaitipsell, Centerville, llruKKisttf.
About one yenr a" 1 took a vio
ent attack of la grippe. I couched
day and night for six weeks: my wile
then wiirested that I try C'hamber
laiu'nCoiitdi Keinedy. At first I could
see no dilTereuce, buthtill kept taking
it, uud soon found that it was w hat 1
needed. If 1 got no relief from one
dose I took another, and it was only
a few days until 1 was free from the
coukIi. 1 think people In ireueral
ought to know the value Of this rem
edy, aud 1 take pleasure lu acknowl
edging the benefit I liavo received
from it. Madisou Mustard, Otway,
Ohio. 25 and TiU cent buttles for mle
by (J. M. Shiudel. MiddleburKh. and
J. V. Hampsell, Centervllle. rugg
La Grippe Again.
The re-appearance of the "Grip''
calls to lulnd the experience of Jus.
O. Jones, publisher of the leader.
Mexia, Texas, lie was sick in bed
for ten days with the crip during
it prevalence a year or two at;o.
Later iu the season lie had a second
attack, lie says: "In the latter case
I used Chaiuderlain's Couli Hemedy
and with considerable success, 1
tuinlv, only being in bed a little over
two days. The seoond attack, I urn
satlslled, would have been equally
as bad as the first, but for tho use of
this remedy" It should be oorue lu
mind that the k'I Is much the same
as a very severe cold ami requires
precisely the same treatment. When
"llll Vl'lsll til eill'M 11 ffil,l .....I
y ' - - - - uim
elTectually give this remedy atrial
.....I P! I I.,l 1., f ....I . I
una " vein. uumfB lor HUttt ly VJ,
f L'l.l-. ll. II.' I II I 1 ...
. ...., i, ,v-, f ii, aim j
tJaiupsell, Centervllle. Druggtstu
a mi mum n
s O
i i n
Antral IryioodsStore
We want your trade, and by
means of our advertisement we are
seeking to get your attention and
attract you to our store. If you are
a customer of ours, we are anxious
to increase our business with you ;
if you are not we hope you sooii will
be, as no honorable means will be
spared to attain this end. That we
keep the best qualities of everv
tnmg an wno deal with us cu
test. We guarantee you the low
est possible figures.
most varied we have ever shown,
we keep constantly on hand a full
line of of goods pertaining to the
thorough furnishing of a home in the
most modern sense.
Selinsgrove, Pa.,
of every description, Carpets,Rugs,
Draperies, Pianos, Organs, Music
al Instruments (send for catalogue)
sheet music, &c. Write us if you
need anything to beautify your
home or make it more comfortable,
or better come and see us, will at
least make your visit pleasant.
J. A. SITE & CO., LitGfl,
x Qi , HttUrm Po
" - - w mm III m A W mf , mm Aw
Great COtit ale !
Wo nroHclliii"; oil' all our Ladies' Coat ami Cam
for ono-third less than regular pnee, viz :
Formerly 12 now 8,
9 6,
6 - S4.50.
and all others in proportion.
Now is your time to buy a good
Garment for little money.
Great Reduction Saio of
II ,i IS S Si
For Ninety Days !
The Undersigned Oiler The Public Their EN
NVe are not Mi lling out, ti.t we do this to increase nur sales above any pre.
vloiis year. We uiveu few of the prices ns follows :
Soft Wood Chamber Suits $1-1.1X1 Cnttim Top .Mai tress o y.-,
Hard Wood Chamber Suits Id on Woven WiJe .Mullrehs...... J"
Antique Oak Siiil.s, M Pieces Ill (Ml I Jed Springs pi',
I'hisli l'arlor Suits ;tu (Ml rop l ables, per ft'.'.'.', ijil
Wooden Chairs per set l!.."it I'liillonu Uocaers...' aLw
III stock, .'vcrythlng in the furniture line, iiieliiiljn Mirrors, Ho,,lv ( 'useM
Iesks, Siile-lioaiilH.Cuptioards, Centre Tables. Fancy Itockers. !adv hairs'
Feather I'iilows, Lounges, Couches, nought r,,yH. Sinks, Hull Hacks ;mu!
Heat Chairs line, medium arid cheap furniture, to suit all classes
Prices reduced nil through, t'ouie early and see our stock before civitnr
your order, and thus save 15 to "JO pee cent, on every dollar.
Special Attention Given to I mlvrtnking & Eiiilai nin;,
WELL DRILLER, and Agent lor
Rife's Hydraulic
(or Ram.)
CiTIt is a'uew and marvelous Invention. Just the thing you want for el
evating a continuous supply of water!frrom springs or branches. It Is self
operating, simple iu construction nnd unsurpassed in ilurahili'y. They are
now being placed In every State lu the Union and are wanted iu every
county, town and village. We challenge the world to produce its equal.
JIust prove satisfactory before payment is made.
For further iuforuiationiwrite for illustrated catalogue.
Ilaving'drilled over three hundred wells In this', County, plenty of ref.
erence can be given as to the t fllciency of my work. I respectfully solicit
your patronage in this line and will uxaniiitce jou perfect satisfaction iu
every job.
mm- (
You Will Miss It
if you don't buy your
Fa MltS
ifa c
Others may blow about their big slock and low priees,but
and if I can't duplieato any suit sold in this county for
less money than you paid for it I will forfeit tho price of
tliosuit. Try mo on.
. Au . Kr ' uyA i'r.--i- -:U?-
J I j... w
IT'.'i 1
TJIK Ueavertown Carriage Company, having leased
the 5eavertown farriagt Works, the manager, .1.
15. (Jetehell, takes this method of informing the pulihe
that ho is now prepared to furnish them with superior
vehicles of tho latest styles and modern improvements.
Wo will bo pleased to make estimates on the building of
heavy vehicles, such as drays, trueksJ huckster and farm
wagons, also manufacturers of (lelcheM's Oueeit Palo Oar
riago dears for the trade.
JT. 33. G-ETOII r LL, Mnnnsor
If so uo to the
PETEK (1AKMAX, Prprietor.
The slgus of the times imlieate a most prosperous fall and winter trade
and 1 am prepared for ft with the moht extensive line of (Ieneral Merchan
dise ever seen in this section of t lie county, comprising everything kept inn
country store, such as
Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes,
Groceries, Stoneware, Glass
ware, Queens ware, etc.,
l'eoplo wonder what 1 want with it all. I mean Instil it and at such
prices that the people share the profits.
Fremont, Snyder county, Pa.,
A large assortment. of JJibbons, Feathers ami Flowers, Velvets, Matins I .
ecu, Fringes, Fassameutry Trimmings, and all kinds of Trimmings'
drebsea constantly ou hand. Couie aud see the Styles.