The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 25, 1894, Image 3

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    The Mast Flraaaal War
Of tTeiliiiu tbc grippe ., liea4arliesand
fevers to to use the liquid laxative mnrdy,
ftyrup of Tie. whenever tbc ) Mrm umli a
gentle, yet effective cleansing. To be benefited
one must gel the true reniedy manufactured
by llir California Fig Syrup Co out). Kir Mia
by all ilrunKii.n Id jot. antl l Littles.
In AnMria there are 15J,0X) savings bank
"Baowa's ItsjnarniAi, Tarx-na' are er.
eel lent Inr I lie relicl nf Hoarseness ir Sort
Throat. 1'bey are rtiredinaly iflcctlve,"
CstuWml 111,111.'. London. AH'..
Iru ba bill W telegrapn oilier in
entire country.
" frit It a ilnly to th- public tovnrl th'l
certificate. I had ihe arlp in tbe wimrr of HI
awl VJ severely t list it deprived mrofth,
ue of i y arnm so my wife hail to dr. a,
ami undtvse nir. I tried live doctors and noi
our acc .inpi.rbed anything. 'J urn I drier
liiilird to try
Rood's Sareaparilla
F'rfnre I kail taken our loitlr I had the use n'
my arm, thank Coil. These are tacts ami tai
la- vrnllrd hy maliv persons here. I am p.stoi
of Ibc M. K. . hunh," C. W. ( l.AIHAH
Clut ch Cierk,Md. lrt only Ho.1V
Iluatl'a Pill, arr I lie Imat Wlar-Uasr pills.
P N V 4
Thin Children Grow Fat
on scott s
fat food s
make fat
chi Jdren.
They are W
thin, end remain thin just in
proportion to their inability to
assimilate food rich in fat.
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil is especially
adaptable to those of weak diges
tion is fariy digested already.
Astonishing how quickly a thin
person gains solid flesh by its use!
Almost as balatablc as milk.
Prrp.rxtar Bw Ben. W. Y. All ami, .
Highest Awards
lafoala and Diplnnw)
World's Columbian
On the following articles,
Emu 1st rnroi.
fci UM Ml LIT (BOtOMTfc,
Poff"tnrtty rf mitrrlal."
"itv.leiii ttMTor. and "uul
fonu ern com poll ligu."
la a source of mncb.
euffcriiig. Thasvstera
should te tbornugbly
cleansed nfalllmpur-
!ines. and the Blood
kri't in a hraltby con
dition. 88.(3, re
move a all taint of
whatsoever origin, and builds up the gen
eral health. T
for lhrc year, I wm to Ooul lt I it, ml:,rlal
l'i ; H..I lilt i. i 1 ut tliaoat i I m.d mr. uo.l
anil rr-M-'lif . , hi;f (Cfa,j gct ho
a.atle a m.
aiaiimt rurr,
J. A. KICr. Otuwa.Kan.
Cm tlnf k en b ,-.) and Skis
iu-:rr sriuTr ce .
Thr C hild a Haat Trarher.
ilaveyouarenlt? Oldei
folk! will And it very
amuilng. Would you like
ont-r For 1. (( will
larod It to your addn-aa,
(chargea paid '
f 21 lanaom ttraat,
Philadtlphla. P4
for aale by tba S.ikt Pact
A Lll'irm kiiiinm
OwfaJit in Micueaoia. bend for ilapa and Curcu.
lara. TUjrwUlUtKDttoyoa
J and tommiaa loner, 8k Paul, Alua
liaed and 5r. (.old Paaera So.,
Sr. and ltlr. Hrud !ir. aiaiuaa fr aaauflaa.
41 WeadOlrari. I'tiiabarali. la.
uuill r'au-ai v
Waaiilua-ioD. D. C. No a ir a twm
tbialiird. writ for laveator'a Uultle
FOK HAI.Kt IIKAP. OurVSH V Kchrl.llrrMUd
Mi Namar uy)t,e; l, 14 H H Kchrlrilrr tra.-lioD en
flu-, I acliridler aawuilll; I Hulier brparatnr. Wriw
for partli'uiara. J.b.CauiWii, M.CuuiLeriaud, W.Va.
Arri?rrfiTRAIeNAKK laamlnaUTa
A 1 Jji J O. ami ailvtcaaatoiMtiaalabliliy
ftneaatloa. Henil for lurruiora (juUle.or tauw hie.t
iwarat. fATMlUat OVAiUiKU, WaaaujK.TUJl.UO.
v. X t-Js cs::mj m aaastT.
A I . - Aa-lV. v
What la Tranapirlnc tba World t)w.
Important Eventa Briefly Told-
faatial. I.abar and Imt arU
Prky & Gay, tirmid l Tilda, M'chi
ran, one nf the lar at niano
racturera of f.irnitnre in the 'I'l.em p'oV
ln nearly l.K)0 men in allipartrfnia,
hare rut salaries and wage j.rel'lnl
down to 2. ft nt Pmalj
orders and financial depression a bf
A Detroit, Mich., the Grand Trunk r"
road made a reduction ol 10 per rent, in
the wafjesof all lt trackmen. Tra kmen
will ftt only IKi cent a ds and the iction
foreman II . 'IV The cau is the Mes.Jj de
cline in earnin(. The rut is rrrsnlet' as a
forerunner ofureepinx reductions that will
be made in the wsrj of all the obe' '"'
ployes of the company.
General Manager t 'ampbell of the Haiti
more and dbio railroad company dri tea I lie
report that a reduction of .W per cer"t bai
been made in the wagr of 1,0xi ri,cn em
ployed at the Mount Claire aliopa- The
hours were merely reduced to right.
The in the vicinity of Meodnta.III.
Lave shut down and 4J0 men are thrown
out of employment.
Jay Kelly, mining engineer from Denver
ays every one of the iKl.000 silver miners
wholoxt positions by the panare of1 the re
eul hill Is now dipping (old and doing tot
ter than he evir did.
At H. I.ou s after t'iO days' tbutdft'n Hie
Huca Hove and ranpe company re
sunud otrratioiis witbXX) men without re
ducing aspen.
At F.lijaheth, N. J., the Singer aawing
machine i.rk,f or a suspension o alinot
four weeks, returned operations nd tha
S.LiiOerr.p.oyes are at work otjuin.
lUisii.cst In the viiinily of New Haven,
Conn., hn hown a dpciiled improvement
since the oicniiiR of tha new yar. Tha
New Haven clock company, enlloyina
nbout M0 iOi,iK has again started op, with
full lioun and iisuaI force. - Tha iteynolda
holt company employing about 3X1 hands,
has al.o started upon lull time. The Win
chester and Morlin arms cornpaniaa. two of
the lorpett in thecountry are running on
full time and some of the departments orer
Waehlnciaa News.
The president has approved th Joint
resolution providing for tha reimporta
tion of catile aud horses transported into
Mexico. - '
The officials of tha state depart lent tooff
at the story that ei-queen Lilu kalani is
rontempluting a suit for damas against
the I'nited Stiitei government fr having
ousted her from her throne and having
taken her government from her. It is In
quired, very pertinently, where will she
brine suit? There is d court to which she
has the privilege of bringing suit. The only
mean of enforcing a decision would be to
wage war. Phe might, indeed, file claim
Uh congress, but aba would .be entirely
tjforaa" arna.
The state department hat received a dia
patch, dated h'an Francisco, from Samuel
l'orker, prime minister of foieUn uffairs in
fx-tjueen I.ilioukalani'a cabinet, refuting
the stnteiuent that the n -queen has any
intention of seeking dumaes from the
Vnited ."'tales government for her
tion from the throne of Hawaii.
Colonel Nicholas Lot, of Heading, I'a ,
furnished nippliej to Washingtou'a army
at Valley Forge. His heirs held a meeting
andwill present a claim to Conreaa for
nearly U.tkjn.uiKi,
IMaairra ArrMeniaaad fatalities
Mr. Mary lie Noon received futal injuries
hy the collapse of a folding bed at han
The three traii robbers Harden, Jonet
and O'l'wyer, who held un an Illinois Cen
tral (ruin at Salem, 111., September JO, were
rentenced hy Judge Kurroughs to serve
terms of ii years each in the penitentiary,
All three entered pleas of guilty.
' rime and Peaalllea.
Thomas Higjins was sentenced to he,
hanged on March 'Si for the xn order of
I'eter McCoy ut Chicago.
Henry i!eit. the murderer, was banned
at Gettysburg. I'a., Wednesday morning for
the murder of F.muuutil Mown, on the night
of Fehruury 1, WM.
The crew of the schooner MagieE. Weila
reported in a sinking condition by the.
leamship Auikterdum at New York, has
been rescued hy the schooner Magnolia and
lauded at Halifax.
Cholera baa made ita appearance at An
feloit, Near Charleroi, Uelgiuin, Theit
were 12 dent hs Tuesday,
A dispatch to the London Standard from
r-huiiRhai tay there has been a series of
destructive earthquakes in the province o!
Urge, Mongolia. One hundred of the
nutive nomadic population, with their
flocks and herds of horses, were swallowed,
up or otherwise destroyed.
Six Bailors Lost Trying to Bescue Others.
The steaumhip Amsterdam, from lio'ter
jam, arrived at New York. She had a con
tinuation of heavy gales from all aronud
the compiles, with tremendous high seas
and a low barometer. Oil Sunday. January
11. she sighted what proved to be the
schooner Maugia K. Welia, from Gloucester,
Mass., in a sinking condition.
The first officer und an of the Amster
dam's crew offered to go to the rescue, but
the ooal capxurd and all hut one were lost,
Tne Amsterdam kept in the vicinity of tbe
wreck until when in a heavy snow iquall
she lost sight of hei and was not able to
find any trace of the wreck and proceeded
on her voyage.
The following are the names of the crew
who went to tbe rescue and were lost:
Chief Officer J. Meyer, aged 2i ycar;tjcond
boatswain 11 llequart, Carpenter A. J.
Oudyu, Steerage steward A. lioaa. Quarter
master K. U. F.ichorn. Seaman A. Vcn
Yleet. Seaman A. Vanderwill wua the ex
pert swimmer who was saved.
A nrroitT baa been sent afloat tbat an
agent of the deMed Hawaiian Queen has
been in Canada for some time, securing a
little army for Honolulu. It is raid 180
members of the North wcitiuouuucd yhw
force have enlisted.
There Are Indications of Betterments
1'aintly Discernible, But Tbus
Par Tangible Results
Are Missing.
ft. 0. Pun Ai t.o.'a Wetkiy Review of
Trade nyr.
The event of the week is the offering of
f.WWO.CMi t'nited States S per cent 10 year
bonds. The deision of the Secretary gives
much satlafsctloa to all wflo care fur a
lound currency, because the necessities of
the Trassury were djiigerou-ly strengthen
ing those who urgtd the is-iue of f iJ OJJ.OJJ
mure silver curtincates against silver "seig
tioirage ' to be coine 1. If subcrip'ions for
Ihe loan should he free and largo. It la
ho, ed Improvement in t'raJe and induatry
may be hastened.
While industrial Improvement continues
Ihe gain is slow and the increase in the
pun basing power of the people by enlarge
ment of the lon-e at wora is in a measure
cheesed through the reduciioa in naget
paid. During the past week reductions
averaging lit per rent have occurred In 1J
iron and alreis works and averaging l.i) per
rent in II textile works, live employing
thousands of hand, eat h having reduced
wages ! percent. Meanwhile textile and
II lion and steel concerns reaiimnl w holly
or in piirt, against 17 textile and 4 inn con
cerns flopping or reducing lorce. I he vol
ume of biiKinees done fins increased in lend
ing branches, but nut laritely. textile works
resinning are mostly csrt.i t and kmt gxl
eoniTrns with s. in e worried works. Sales
f wool for the week have been J.rTi.MM
against t.lJ..'tnO last year, and the proKr-
inn since January I has been about the
J here is reported to he more business in
iron and steel products but at lower price.
Imports at New York show for January
thus tar a i!errrae of more than ,ui per
cent., while in exKirts hence, a gain of
'2,300 mm or nearly Ai per cent, appears.
The exces of exports over imporis in
Iecember was H l.tufj. ooi), hut the e
change seemed lu loro-hadow gold exports'
4.tenier mnlidi lice iihrond in the linim
rial I mure Mould be of espri ial n rvicr in
coming months. Idle money coiiMantiy
arcumulates here, Mid tniH tompaiiieN
offersix months loans at 3 per rent.venrlv
while 1 percent, is the prerai ing late oi.
ta.l. Failure Itir the week ha e Un tui
in the Cuite I SiHies HL'ainst 1K0 lnt year,
and st) in i anid t ucam-t 4J Inst year.
The Chinese Come to Thrir 8en-rs.
A proclamation calling UK.n all lnin.
residents to reiilster. n isned hv the!
Chinese consul at San Francisco. Numer
ous copies were posted I" 'hiinit"rn and as
a lesitit there wi v..r jj rtisi.a'.i.i.s in
cue day.
eirn-n in..
Tin wnoi.rsw r. ii; i, t i.r .ivr i i n ,
i.HUV Hoi k (Mi
WHEAT No. 1 Ke.1
No. lied
CORN No. Yellow ear...
High Mixed ear
No. Yellow Mielled
Shelled Mixed
OATS No. 1 White
No. 2 White
No. U White
JtYK No. 1
o '2 M'rHtrr,, V .-
I hi
Xi '
4 ID
. 10
'- 7.H
U i'l
1-1 2 1
1 J ,V)
10 Ikl
Hi J
17 .SO
to (HI
Fl.Ot' It Fancy winter pat?
4 O.I
4 :: .
;i :t."i
.' Oil
3 vi
I I 75
I I (I I
Hi (
17 00
hiincy Spring patents
Fancv Straight winter....
Rye Flour
Itllf'k w IiphI
HAY Italeil No. i Tiin'v'..
Haled No. 2 Timothy
Mixed Clover
Timmli v fri.m
FKKD- io. 1 W li Md i 'f
' Hrown Mkioiiiikh
Kran. bulk
PtlllY IHclll-ls.
IU'TTKR Flgin Creamery
Fancy Creamery
Fancy country roll
Low grade ,V cyoKing....
c h i;fk ntw
New York, new
Wisronsin S is
l.imhuri'er I New inakn. . .
mi ir m. i m i
Arn.KS-Faii.y, V I hi...
Fairlo choice, V bid....
N Y ifc Mihewjl'.eaiisf hM
Lima Heaus,
Fancy V bu
Sweet, per bbl
CAKHAGF-per hundred..
ONIONS YellowGiobe (Ctiu
Mixed t oiimry
Spanish, per crate
TTKNM'S-purple tops
J jve chicken e pr
Five Ducks f pr
Five Geere 'f pr
Five Turktys eTJ.
Dressnlrhickens lb....
Jirifcid ducks n
Pressed tutkeys V tt
PrrsfMl geee
F(i;S I'u ,V Ohio fresh. ..
Fxtia live Geese pV tl.
No 1 Fxtra live geee tV
Vlw ihmoi a.
TAU-OW Country, f' II,...
cFFPS-t lover
'I'liuotiiy prime
Illue gram.
RAGS Country mixed ...
J NKY White clover....
MAH.KSYKt'F. new crop
CI1KK countrv sweet ftilil
WHEAT-No. 2 Fed
OJHN Mixed
l f ... IM
l. 7' id oo
h Hi tl (S)
; r,.i ii 7-
:'h .!
l :n
10 1.
Hi U
12 1.4
1'. l.i
nt n
i -
4 V I .'. CO
J 2 1 3 . ;
1 K", i -l
1! 1
t.i i:
2 HO 3 .'.()
.i no t; un
.ill .Vi
4l .'ill
!l 1 (N
40 .'ill
.".') .'"
Ml li.'l
1 o) 1 in
7i H
!l 111
11 12
II 111
K fl
i: hi
4" .VI
t!l ''
5 :.j
.'l n
7 J i 7 4u
2 2-'i 2 .'I I
1 41) 1 70
i l
14 1H
10 12
7.'i 1 il
11 I II Ii Ml
12 fi.'fT. 7u
Ml .VlJ
.VI .'2
3.ri :v.i
:-o :tnj
11 12
HI 2! I
FForn ti
wheat-No. .. Rea
(X)KN No. 2, Mixed
OATS No. 2, White
bl'TT ER Cremnery Fxtrx
EtitiS I'a.. Firsts
FIX)m ralenta
2 no 4 .Vi
u; Mi
fU 62
r 44
aii 34
14 2.'
14 14)
WHEAT No 2 Red.
K YE Western
CORN No. 2
OATS Mixed Western
liCTTEK reumery
EGGS stule and 1'enii
l ivr-rToi k hii'
AhT I.IHI-liTV. ITmill'K'i MotK YAlillS,
t Arii.K.
I'rime Steers 4 21 to
Good butcher 3 mj to
Com iuuii a 4i) to
Hulls and dry cows 2 01 to
Veal Calves ft mi to
Fresh cow a, per head 20 00 to
8 i
4 '.ii
3 lil
3 2)
7 HO
4.'i (ID
Prime 03 to 100-lb sheep....!
Good mixed
Common 70 to 75 fh sheep...
Choice Lambs
3 40 to 3 75
3 00 to 3 2.1
1 25 to 2 00
3 00 to 4 00
Selected 5 fiO to 6 R5
I'rime Yorkers ' 6 63 to 6 65
Heavy 6 40 to 6 45
FougLa. 4 00 to ft 00
A We'l Trained Oat.
'I once had some cats wblcb really
rould bo taught to do nything.
The? wrre white Iceland tualtew
and their eyes were as blue aa tbe
skies In June Unlike otbera of
their specie, they dearly loved to
play In water, and they would apeod
hours Ikb I tig chips out of a pao
of water. One of them, Jaber, waa
a regular John Nulllvnu of a cat. Re
would light untttilDir and everything.
The only vafe war to take hlru out
was In h bag. I had one made with
tierfuratioti whim I carried on mv
arm und in which 1 aaw something
which 1 farcied he tnlirht possibly
think he could fight, wbcti, as a
measure of safety, I would bob hU
head down and tlghte i tbo draw.
trih Me- knew hi bag as well as
I dIJ, and when be wanted to no nut
tic. would K" and take) it down, bring
ll'o Hie and sit down and look wist
fully Ural ut the bair and tliHii at tun
Another trick of thl intelligent
treature waa. when wc were In the
park, wheie lie dearly loed to git, to
run to u flower lied, oil oT n blomom
stid brlmr it to inc. As these Ice
ana eats ,ire the must desirable of
Household pets, It la u pity I hat It Is
ilru iai i in i-atsi tilo tn keep tlieui i nv
enuti of lime In this climate. I.Ike
Until. Un y le juire a low tempera
inre. Anvlbing uboto sixty-five tie
.ir. ea I. unfavorable to t lu lu. Inter
view in Clue;!.. Ik-iHld.
i' a lr.g it,.. I Throat Disease.
Spec aliHts t,n t!,ro:it tliseies arc
beuinirnf to lake inter
et In rulinary inei hmls. Tbi-v
advise a kiU-biMi tiar.uit me on wul
durs it lid ho led dltiticr tLivt, vivmg
ri a feasiin that Hie stfam from bo,
1.12 t lollies ami itHea meats that
ie Hire much beat produce many a 1 1 -hi.
se of i ,e le.Milutorv o gatis an. I
ia'LM'.ival shyht oi t lironic disea us
:r the rioe, throat ami I uhh p;l
In iit.-nit; ad ised to iie.tte apart
nietits bavins tl.i k or '. ' veiitilttni
i. t'li- n ami to Keen all l ul lt'H and
iilinx' children o it t,r H. kitchen
rtheti tooliiii.' is "omg on. 'it tst
i tiU'h I'lsp.ui h.
i 'i.loi-ntlo'a 'out rl I ii I Ion.
r.noradti bits ,1,000, lino i,cies under
trtillcial irrigation. The larm rotl-
i is v ceil t i,ovo,uviii it year, there
sfe l.;.IUI,tl III tattle, U.OIMI.IMIII Hlt.'ei:
trie eoai iie.u ttiver 4ii.d(i0 Mjuare
tulles; the supplies of'.ile, (Train te
mid oilier building stone are Intx
aaiisiiliic. la II I'oU.m?
1'iirlt lias an itiMiran e eoinrciny
.hat refuse. ti ItiHtire the life of any
ine who uses liairdVL'.
Tliera on uht to , an lj,lrli? msoldns to
Jot; thn iiiniuory ; no forget too mil rh and
learn too llttlH. Wo know wlntt'a hnst but
forget it at the wrung tiiuo. Drain action
should hei like a II iu. There are thouHundr ,
now siifferiug InlHLstly witb naurutla. '
I hem reminihrr thu ouru, HI. Jaooba OU, I
lis aff.'cts are fleet ricul. j
Itich In Itrinalna. I
There have been more remains; of
mastodon and other extinct iiitin- !
mollis found in I.'lilii' knee H.ver. 1
i F'loiida, tliaii in any other hi ream in
J lliu world.
I '-siOTrri iiirra."
I lion i's eulni ir. alwavv a wrl.nrne guest,
. lias lllK.ll. Ilk hl.l.W.rj.U.1. 1..m IbliJ I 1
"i-r ' ", ..'t. iiiii, ip
; more I .-M .1 1 1 1 1 1 I l,i, r, ever. The hrsd is thai ol
! II lovely mrl Just "swrrl sixteen," In ilelii'iite
aii'l iialurai enlors. Kranirs being a I hint; of
i heaulv, it Is mpeeially aluiihlM f..r the area-
eral iiiiorniati.iii prekrniml.
I Ihe flgurrs r- plainlv printed in pleasing
I .''I'd harmonious olois, and thrifTc. ! Is most
sstisia.-torv. t he eiilriolurs can he ol.titinml
Of an ,lriit;gisl, or l,y aemliiig m. rents n,
j Htarnps lor one ami ten eeiils lor tw.. to C I.
j Moot ,V Co., Lowell, Mass. Over elf In mill
I lions ..I t liwri. were pruile. 1 i.j the
1 IliniK-lisM doinnnd.
I 'lliejw. ntlendars are iss-ied hy the pro
; liriHtors of Hood's Sa.-saparllla, the well.
known iumi.uu whieh has gamed sueh
renown l.y n, wonderful eures In eases
I where II.m I. hi.., I i ... .
i ha groat lal.or.ttory In whleh It is mails
has a capacity f,,r tl rt v lliousand hot
lies a day, and is Him large,! buildli.g in the
world devolwl to thn manufacture of a
iiiedleine. The sules of Hood r Naraaparilla
in a!:; of lh country are mormons.
'!'HH piopneiors havu never" eiaim ml thai it
Koitid eiirn rverv aihm nl l.ul in... ,.i.,... i.
lliousands of t.-st,riK,iiiul that Hood's
hursnparilla purilles and vilit'i.ea the l.lood,
builds up Iih srstmii uu I cures those ills,
eases caused hv Impure blood and delullty
iiieh a i. ro. ula, salt rheum, eatarrh,
rheiiiuatlstii, ,-. It is a great preventive
of Ihe ifnp, and it rrsionw tbe wilted vilul
force alter a siee ol thai dreaded malady,
lortifj iiigthe system aga nst luturn nttacks.
J'lie iii. t that great rare Is ex'r,'iHd IU the
preparation of this meilicine, and Ihat noth
ing has ever been claimed lor If exnept as
warranted hvpreviou cures, has inunli to do
With tha eolilldeui-e felt by the pill. lie in its
curative iow.rn. Tha motto ot ihe pro
prietors j., ' it h not what we any, hut what
Hood t; SarMitpanila dm, that' tella the
lor,, nud il la wiial Hood's KaraapurilU
has done, as shown by the puhliehod state
ment of persons whom II has cured, tbat
has placed il at the head iu the field ol inodl-
Cll.M III IIim iirM.i.1 iliii'
. ,--
Iinimireil iIIkhhIIoii , uri hy Hierbsm'e
I ilia, lleechaui a -no others, gj cams a box.
If afflicted with sore eyes use Mr. laaa Thomp
son's Fye-waler. iiruutfislssall atixj prrbnuis.
Jmi. Mai.uin. Eao.,
An. II Alt l.tun (it., ill.
Atlmim, Ci in in mil I, (.,
writes: "1 look sick
wilh ilropay, loat my e-
id lie, could nut sleep,
H-came level ish: always
thirsty, lost all strength,
toiiiui h became puiu
ful, l.rtalh short and
bad to give up work.
The best phi an iniis lu
Cincinnati, failed to
beln me. My hmlia and
Ik.iI.v were, swelltn to
( noi . ..e, and I
wua si, Di ring terrible
JnimMiiiia Van agony. I he doctors all
joiiif mallow, tag. j 1.nllU n() p.t wrll
again, I hut I whs liiihlu lo drop dead at any
iiioiiii-iiI. My wife sent for the priest, to pre
puit d me for death. While wiiillng lor death,
1 reiiicinbcicd n-ailina of your 'Golden Medxai
Iliseoiery,' and thoui.-ht I would try It as a Jsst
hope. When t bud liiktn three Is.itlis, I was
almost well. The swelling entirely disapja-ared
and I waa soon able lo rernme woik. M
healtb Is belter now than it baa been an
twenty-Ove years."
Tbo Urlgtln of rarrlngw.
It Is a atrange tradition among the
Arabians that earrings came Into ut
lo the following way: When Pharaoh
uBitaooed Abraham and reproached
him for his untruth un saying that.
Sarah was hti sister), Abraham prayed
for the King, and Allah healed the
King-, who now gave Abraham many
rich present, and among other an
Kgyptlao slave named Hagar. She
bore hlru a son, whom he called 2th
mael. llut rarah was barren, und
the more Jealous since the light of
Mohammed shunr on Ihhmaol'a tore
bead, she demanded Abraham to put
sway Hagar and her son. He was
undecided until commanded by Allah
to obey arah In ail things. Yet he
entreated her not to cast off her
bondmaid and her son. Hut this so
exasperated her that sh declared she
would not rest until her bunds bud
been Imbrued in Ha-.'ar'a blood. Then
Abraham pierced llagar's ear quickly
and drew a ring through It, so that
Sarah was able to dip her band In
the blool of Ilajjar without bringing
the latter Into riatier. I roin that
t me It lierame the custom among
women lo wear earrings.
IN all receipts for cook in jr $
rcquinng a leavening agent S
POWDKR, hccniifsc it ir. an
absolutely pure cream of tartar
powder and of 33 per cent,
greater leavening strength than
other powders, will give the
best results. It will make the
food lighter, sweeter, of finer
flavor and more wholesome.
V l3Y",L Lr: G re WDt"
REE. f..y0U ,,avo not re
ceived one 01 1110
,1uttsl riuircr and (,'rr-
inaii Sijti )i(t nj JliKtK
avs or AS'.',', n ud your mime
and address on a postal at once,
asking or .'Ihuuimc ,V, 3u,
receive bv return
mail, free of all expense, one
of the most complete Illustrated
'books of the kind ever issued,
in which yon can keep a Daily
Diary or Memoranda of any
matters you desire. Write
tuick, cr they will be all gone.
i.Lr-; H 40l4 j lI 1
. . Cllii. UtmaiwV4iurwaaw,,:) tafl i
Especially for r.trmers. Miners, R. R Tl'inds and others. Poutle sola extending
down to tha heel. FX I HA V KAKIM. Ol'AILII V. I housauds r
Hubbrr Hoof wr arers testify this la thei ItKST they ever bad. ASK
YOL K DKALKK FOK I'll KM and don't he persuaded lutoau ihforlor article
OnA fne ffl.,, -nan
" ' 'V.nv. IUI 1IIIV.V.II f ..
Twelve bottles for
Ripans Tabules arc the most effective rec
ipe ever prescribed by a physician for any
disorder of the stomach, liver or bowels.
lluv of any driixut snywlierr, r tend iae lo
THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CUMI'ANV, iu :r. .use til., Nis Yoi-a.
The Uor You Say the Less People Remember." C:
Word With You,
Itlliene el Dellare
I i re annually lost I erause poor seed Is utan'a.
. Now, when fun ernv v.nt want to rose, fat
i Intanre, A. M. Iinb, I'enn., made .snOn ten
i aeriM ,,f vaeetshles; R. Hev. Cal., rrnppad till
i hiisliele 8 titer's onions r-r acre; a rank Clnse,
Minn., Ml bttshela ol sneln-r hat frsm ts
acr-; A. Hahn, Wis.. Illn hu-lirl enla'tMM are
, acre; rr.,,1, Winter. Moniana, mo husels S
pound irsts frtmi one bushel p suted. This ks
I what Sairer rail, resn i,,-.
Ir von w i i.t.i I tikis i-r AsnarwrtiT wlih
I to Ihe .loan A. SaVer Need Co.. I Croe,
. Wis., vun w, II re. eive Ihrlr mammoth rata.
Iihiuh and leu psekafeB of farm seeds.
v.wiu. M.uiir, .v rjnie-jfr ,
Canada h-s no gold tout.
Catarrh ( annul be Care.
With local i.p.iratu.tis, a t hev cannot renrn
I he sent of I lie disexse. Catarrh Is at I, lout
renal il ut iniiul din asr. and In order to rtire
II you Innsl late Internal ren.eil.e. Hall's
Catarrh lire Is tnken lii'ernitllv . arid ni ls ,11.
rectly on the .isl hidI mill ous'mii iiu e. Hall's
Catarrh I ure is nor i,iinii t, i,,,. nas
rei'rilM.. hi one of th U -1 .liv sn lnn. In this
rotintrv for vrar-. ami I- i reutilar prrx rl.l hm.
It I- rum Me I of iirll Ii.iik s knoM i., fsitn
blued W illi Ihe Is -I ,,smI t in ihei. ai lltiK di
re, I Iv on the linn tins Mirfiir s. 'I he issrfert
romhinatloii ol the Is.i liu-redieiils Is what
CobIiu r--in Ii rful re-ilt In cm Iiil ea
irrh. Send lor le-tlmniilals free.
K .1 Ctrsrv .V i o . 1'r. pa., Toledo, a
Bold bf druggists, prn e 7U
There are .'LotKMHai b. rhelors in this
country over "i
Ar-vour Inn-, si,,,. . Hatch's t'n'vrrsel
I oiiuh syrup "ill i-.ire II em s ut di uguio.,
Geneva has a w itch "cIhm.1.
s'',l-iif?-i v-'- ixiffii as a:i siioi-.
esaHEBivtv ri ,.,i ,,,.) v. ... K, . i.i mi- lMi.11
i fiwuwt A ! H.v,!i,,,'v,;.!::r
.WELT, Vfc ,11 the I1..U..111. I- . ,y
OoilrAlpti ' "" ""'"'"I. 'I '.' 1. l'ti
rtUCdall.l'V Mf...l..,l,,s i. lull
' ''OTTaMVJlrllIwi.'l'" 'i'""""' '"" ",M,i ' '
'"-w oSiJitV ,, r l ,,l" v ""
aMPi'a.M-7m I-"""!' I
JIT 'U 'c"-ii ; ..ij, -Irmlien.
fVwllll Uliu - fl t "- .
lir hv mud. I', inr. Veil r.n ;tt '
turf. , ins 1 drains w In u, I, i r i.ln.'
I' N U 4
'ft 4
I'oninsiiiltM .i.d rf,..i..
ho Imve rs lunp or Asih
ms. un ulil um I'im. .Cure Inr
t i.tiFulw.ti, 11, l tir lurrU
lliouaanda. Il l.n net inliir
r l "in- ii 1, 1,1,1 1 ail 11, iaae
It ir II. e t f eoiiirl, t rii
Sold I'Viirrsti'ie. C60.
i OriaalaTriaaii.i
one dollar,
lar, f n,au