The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 18, 1894, Image 7

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111:4 r.XPKHIKCC.
tct irortfrr.rrt stot t.t tr mrD c. toja
i!tt ri3 MTDrr.-;:-tTT to a as-
lOllTE? or THP. tnsTOft BESALD
Lorn am ntsToaro sites
frrom the Do:oa IIfrld.l
Th vast ln'allh-iTicf results nlrtalr At
tributed I'j-tho nrtrsriapprs throu'uniit this
rouDtry nuJ OnvJa to Dr. Willlvns' "Vinit
Nils (or Ta!o rolo' have, ocra recrutl
urpm!-ntil by th case two eouflrmol
lovallii In oaa bousMiold io a Net Eiubol
town. The names of tlirs j people nrs Fre l
C. To. Ul wifs nil bis Diotbf r-in law, Mrs.
OliTor C. II :t. of Petorboro, msmbsrsof lbs
tamo bous -Inl 1.
To tbo nr.iU tr porter who u sent to
invMtlirntd bli remnrliiiMo cum Mr. Vosa
Mid t ''I am t1iirty-ftviD years old, and bans
been railro-vlloat for I ho Fitcbburg for fifteen
year. Eluco boyhooJ I bave been troubled
witb a weak stortiaoh. Tor the past seven
years I bavo suffer J terribly nnj constantly.
Hy stomach won! J not r-t iln fool t try head
ached rons: ant ly nn I was no dly 1 could
scarcely tan I jej ryes were blurro 1 ; I had a
bad biMtrt'iira,no l3iybmatbwaOa'Dve. I
had p'lytl -i:iu, lut they fulled ti tulp me.
My nppjtito irave out, an 1 four yjur.i ;
develops! pilpltitloj of tho hirt. wliloli
srrusly affected my I reithlntf. Ila 1 ter
rible prm In my bn'k sul hid to make
water ni my times a day. I finally developed
rheumatic sigus mi. I muMu't sleep tiiuht.
If 1 lay down my heart would o rtt -r-lat
at it irrc.'t rate, and muny uiithts I ill.)
not close rry ut nil. I was brokeu
dotru in body 'ind diie'O'.iratje t in spirit wlirn.
some tlni lu 1-Vbrn irv last. I trot a couple
of box of )'r. Wiiii.i:na Pink Wis. lie.
foru I bad tlnisliiid the llrst box I noticed
tbut tbo palpitation of iry henrf. wlilcb bad
bother" I inu so fiat 1 couldn't breaths at
time. botfim to Iriipi ..v.". 1 sr that In (To
Ins to ruy home nu the. hill from tun depot,
wblcb was previously uti nw.'ul tusk, my
heart did Hot bcit so violently sud 1 bad
inoro breath wlieu I reii'dind tho lioiis.
Alter the s-cond an 1 thir l boie I Brfw Ir-t-Itr
In every oth"r re.'pwt. My MomH?!i
beiamo tlroiiiTHr, tho Ixd'-htutf wan not
o bad. my nppi'tit' an I dlirtion imrivd,
and my alwep le umi? nearly natural and nn-OiBUirlM-.l.
1 have I'ontiiiiiHj takini; tlirpill
thret- tinip a luy i-vrr aiuoe lat Jlarvli, ami
to-iUv 1 am ('Hliiii; Letter t'.ian ut any tli-
ouriiiu the latt rtirlit yeniH. I can com
dcutly mil cons' ietitiouiily ny that thr
buve lone mo mor'1 po.-i I, and their kooJ
(win urn morn je-riiiauent. than uiiy tiio.ll.
clD 1 have ever taken. Sly rbeuumtli? pnius
In lepk an t ban L aru nil none. The palm
In the fniall my t aek, wht:h were bad
at time that I eouhlu't Mau l up Rtralirht,
Lave uarly nil vauihhed, and I lind my Lld
ney are well reulatel liy them. Tin Ih an
eflevt net elaiim-d forth'; pills in thee,n'ii
lur, but a my e". they hrounht It ahout. I
aci fe.'lmt: l.,M pi'r .ent. butter iu every hbupu
and maiiuur."
Tbu r-prterneit saw Mr. ITolt. who said t
"I am 57 eats old, mid lor It years past I
bttvH bud an intermittent heart trouMe.
Three yoaii uei I bad nervou prostration,
by whi.'U my heart trouMo was luTtmxed ao
badly that 1 Imdto liedown most of thetlin".
My Dtomach nlko save out, unl 1 liaj con
tinual ami intense palu Irom the back of my
neck to the end of my hnekbone. Ia 14
weeks 1 spent (300 tor doctor blltaund medi
cines, but my health continued so miserable
tbnt 1 pave up doctor iu In deepalr. I beon
to take Dr. Williams 1'iuk Tills last winter,
auJ tbellrsl box made me feel ever to tuurti
' r, 1 bavetanentbeplllainee February,
tneruault of atoppiuK entirely t be p tiu
e spine rnd In tun rolon of the I.v.t.
) atuuiaea aaiu ...uin. . t ..jit-
tatioii ol tbe biart has troubled me but lUrue
time sia"el pomneuwitliti pllle."
An analysis of Dr. Williams' TJnic mil
show that 'they contain, in a condensed form,
all the elements necessary to lvo new Hie
and richness to tho blool nu I restore shat
tered nerves. They are nn unfailing speciilc
for nieli disfases !o omoior utuxia, partial
paralysis, St. VilUh' ilauce, sciatica, neural
gia, rheuinatis'ii, nervous headache, theaitet
eflect ol la ur.ppc, palpitattoa of tbe heart,
pule un l s.iiiow complexions, all forms ol
weakness either in male or lemale, nu 1 all
diseases resulting Irotn vitiuto.l butuurs In
the blooJ. l'iuk Tills uresold by all dealers,
or will Ik) sent pest paid on rnoeipt ot pric
(53 cents a 1 ox, or six box-w tor 2.MI :hej
are never sold iu bulk or by the lOOj 'y ad
tlreslu l'r, Williams' Modlcluu C'u., Ucbeu
eclujy, V., or lirockvdle, Ouu
(Joldcn Ilnlo ol Success.
The Golden Rule notes that whereas
. man used to be held an exceedingly
during advertiser if in the course of a
rear he bought $50,000 worth of space
in the journal of the country, now a
man is not held to he a largo adver
tiser unles he spends from $300,000
to SGJJ.OOO a year for advertising
epaoo. "Advertise liberally" is re
cognized now as tho golden rulo of
buMUOHH success. Boston CI lobe.
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who live bet
ter thun others and enjoy life more, witb
less expenditure, by inoro promptly
adapting the world's best producU to
the needs of physical being, will attest
tho valuo to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, yrup of Figs.
Its excellence is duo to its presenting
in the form niobt acceptable and pleas
ant to the ttc, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfiV. lax
ative; effectually cleansing the sjMem,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
ana permanently curing constipation.
It has riven satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the uiedical
profession, because it acts on uio iuu
nevs. Liver and Dowels without went
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Firs is for salo by all drug
gists in 60c ami tl bottles, but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the nume, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will but
accept any subsututo ii ouerea.
! j m m
Iowa Is overrun with tramp.
Maitlitd ships coke to Mexico, ,
Thb cinnamon crop Is 16,000 ton.
Abctir whalers report a big season.
PopocATArtn. Is now In a stateof eruption.
Tax female tramp is becoming numoroua.
Cholesa Is raging In St. Petersburg, Rus
sia. FLoattiA shipped 11,200,000 worth of moss
last year.
Alufi (N. Y.) farmers are foodlng cows
With wheat.
CnicAOo's tl.BO.1.030 T. M. C. A. bulldln?
ba boen dedlcnteJ.
Naw Yoaa's death rate last yoar wis 81.41,
the lowest slnoe 1877.
Gsbma from KansM are establishing
rolonlns in Maryland.
Nsw Toia Citt budirnt for 1394 Is placed
st something over t35,0O0,0o0.
India's wheat area for 1H94 shows an In
erease over 1H93 of six per oent.
PcatKO the yr 13.1 73.S.19.23.1 pieces of
money wcr.i coined at I'hiladelphia.
It cost t50,000 a year to pny the ga bills
Ot New York grammar and nlirht schools.
rA!r an l Spain tinned a commercial
eonventlon which will be In force for oao
Tss spln II I vlntaie In Frn ba mvlo
wine a urui In the markt at ono penny a
Tbr National Whojovile PnwMV Asao
ctntton will wago war on "cut rat't" drug
Pu-tLtAS nnrnst Is spreading to the main
land of Italy and Naplos Is threatened with
Itroet riots.
Pcs's Tbadr Rcvrsw sirs the iword of
IK'J.I In the busiuusa world Is tho worst In
fifty years.
Tests made In th armyout West showthe
Indian to be fur Inferior to tho white man as
a marksman.
In boring for watr Farmer Johnson, of
Linn County. Kansas, struck a hot air tlow
Which be will utilize.
RrronKR from every State will meet at
rhllad"lphia In February to dis.'uss good
government of cities.
Mbxica soldiers masstcred ninety-four
women and children and a hundred men la
the Chihuahua revolution.
Rrssu's revenue fell off alyiut ? lO.OiVt.O.IO
In tho In-st nine months of 1h,jj, oomproi
with tho slinllnr porlo 1 of 1S3J.
Two Harvard professors and four Instruc
tors have been dismissal ( the reason allege 1
Is the no-csslty of retrenehmeut.
Thb yiwr 103 siw a shrlnkuk'O In vnlu" of
stocks traded In on the Chlcatro Htock Kl
chnnire of more than tl3,000,000.
Thb Stateof Conaoctleut is swarmlmr with
bunco men who have been driven out of Sew
York, and It Is said that many ot them are In
a destitute oonditlon.
Masked Men Successfully Hold Up A
Train Near St. Joseph, Mo.
Masked men held up tbe Hannibal and
Ft. Joseph rsilwuy's fast train, the "F.II,"
four miles east of .St. Joseph, and robbed
the express and mail cars, The men placed
torpedoes on tbe track and swung a red
lantern to stop the train, and as it slowed
up three men climbed into tbe engine cab
and revolvers were thrust into the faces of
tbe engineer and firemen, who
were forced to wulk back in
front of the robbers to tbe door of tbe ex
press csr and ordered to tell tbe messenger
to ojn the door and as he did so two of tb
robbers leaped in. They secured tbe keys
to tbe safe and went through it. As It wst
a through one to a Chicago, it is believed
tbe robbers blade a ood baul. The mail
poaches were also titled, but the psssensers
were not molested. The robberr n-"
Two Senates In Jersey.
New Jersey has two senates now In ses
sion both clamoring to be tbe legal one. The
governor has recognized the nine hold over
Democrats in preference to the four bold
over and seven newly elected Republicans,,
and bos tent his niessaire to the former
bodv after notifvtnic the Kenublicsns that
he would have to consult counsel before
finally deciding either to recognize or ig
nore them. The Democrats organized a
senate in the regular chamber and the Re
publicans are In the cloakroom. The result
depends greatly upon the advice of the gov
ernor s counsel. The governor in his mes
sage advised tbe enactment of additional
legislation to abolish gambling racetracks.
Found llords of Itoindeer.
J. It. Tyrrell, geologist, and J. W Tyrrell,
Dominion tiovernmcnt Land Purveyor,
have just returned to Toronto, ';:iuda.froiu
a visit to the far North. They went us tar
as t'bestertield Jnlct on the west side of
Hud-onllsy, traversing x.'ki miles of entirely
new country which a white man bad .never
before crossed. Reindeer were found in
enormous herds, one lot which contained
several thousand and covered a stretch of
country over three miles across. Tbe men
suffered greui hardships on their return
trip, having to walk the greater part of the
way. owing to the lakes aud rivets being
Three Men on a Hand Car Bun Down
and Killed.
At Woodward. Ala., an enelns of tbe
Woodward iron company collided with a
band car witU the following result: J. V.
Neal, lx)uis Frizzle and James Ow
ens killed; Jim Jackson fa
tally injured. The men were on a hand csr
returning to tne turnace. nit engine wss
just leaving with an iron train. Thick
smoke blown on tnetrscg ty a neavy wina
prevented the crews trout seeing cacti
Murdered Sitting at a Window.
P l' llnhhurd. a iiroiuinent farmer 1 1 T
Ing'elght miles north of l'rinceton, Ky.,
was assassiuuiea me oiuer nigiib nu wus
sitting near a window where the light from
a lamp shone on him, and some one on the
outside, without warning, emptied two
loads of buckshot into bis breast, killing
niiu instantly.
The Treaaury Balance.
The net treasury balance at the close of
business Saturday was IW.UOii, 177 less 10,
73U.5.VJ psid on account of interest and
bonds. This leaves a clear balance of
slightly over IH5 000,000. Tbe gold In the
Treasury ii stated at 74,10U,14'J and tbfl
cunency at 1 17.000.03.
Three Children Cremated.
Fire destroved the house of Thomas
Johnson, an Indian, at Walpile Island I. near
Harnia. Ont. Three of Johnson's children
were cremated and another fatally injured.
Tbe rest of tbe family barely escaped being
burned to death.
Murder Overs Game of Cards.
Hugh Hlgglns and Eugene Finch qrtsr
reledover a game of pedro in Almena.Mlcli.
Finch Is dead while Higtns Is in jsil
awaiting trial for murdsr.lle stabbed Huca
three times.
80 Days Without Food.
Mrs. Catharine Blacserby, aged 70 years,
died at her home eight milesfrom Danville,
Ky., after existing twenty-eight dsys with
out nourishment of any kind.
Bt. Louis Flooded With Counterfeits.
Tbe Federal officers say tbat never before
bas there been so much spurious coin afloat
in tit. Louis. The material used is block
tin and antimony.
Tbajkxe psy a tl200 death benefit.
Tolboo (Oblo) painters ran a paper.
Miobioas eopper mine are prosperous.
"Oct or wobb suicides are Increasing.
Obxat Bb!tais's oollerlee employ 1,000,000
Detboi-, Mich., has 35,000 In enforced Idle
ness. Workers in flax an 1 white lea l don't live
CnrKSHAOM's co-operative bakery is worth
t 137,000.
Oakland (Cal.) white men have a colored
Wosj In Western Andalusia, Spain, earn
Sixty oants a week.
CmctssATi bosses have agreed to employ
anion men exclusively.
Larob debates are held weekly In an Oak
land (Col.) 1'reabytertan church.
Uhbuploted F.nglandars
appealing to Mr. Gladstone for aid.
CiscmsATi unloas have established aplaoe
In which the unemployed may sloep,
Dbmvxb Knights of Labor bavn Indorse,)
a magistrate who refused to convict vagrants.
Lthahsvillb (Provldenen, R L) worst oj
mills have resumed aft or two mouths' Ule
Tbb textile Congress of France has decide-!
to adopt a standard list of prices, as In Eng
land. Sawta Fb railroad swltchm-'n struck fot
two hours when their pay chocks did not
turn up on time.
Is the past year 202 trades unions In Eng
land have distributed 11,110,400 In "auom
ployed bcnoilts."
Mabbieo men have the preference at Bnf.
falo, N. V., In the plaoos orouted for those is
enforced Idleness.
Whes Madrid (Spaln bakers threafennl
to strike the Govern -nuut established bakeriei
to supply the poopln.
It Is said that coolie from India are rapbllj
supplanting tne Alrlcnu labor uu tho plants
tlons of the Went ladles.
Laiior :'ob!ksioxeu Joh IT. Roverem,
OrsnJ Master Workman of the KnUlus ol
Lnlor, has been served with on liijuu 'tloi
which prevents him from Interfering In cam
any labor difllculty occurs ou the Northern
l'aoitio lLUlroad.
4.200 Babbits Killed in Two Days.
All records were broken in a two days'
rabbit hunt at Lamar. l'ol. 'Ihetotal number
killed was 4. '.'01 and the tiigbe-t in lUidual
irore 1 is. The ga'i e was shipped to Den
rer and l'ueblo to be distributed among the
. Tnt witot rsAt s rim rs amt. oivfm selow,
iRA!N, rtM'H AMI I'liKU.
WHEAT No. I Red f.4 & t f.
No. Red C U
CORN No. 2 Yellow ear... 44
High Mixed ear 41 41
No. 2 Yellow Shelled 41 411
Shelled Mixed itll 40
OATS No. 1 Wh'te 3t 35
No. 2 White ?4 :4
No. 3 W hite H:l ,'t ii
Mixeil HI 2
RYE No. 1 Ml r7
No. 2 Western. New M .M
FIX )t'R Fancy winter taf 3 75 4 (si
Fuucy Spring' tateuts.,... 4 00 4 2"
Fancy Straight winter.... 3 10 8 5
XXX Rakers 3 HI 3 35
live Flour 3 25 3 50
Ruck wheat Hour. 21 31
HAY Ruled No. 1 Tlm'y.. 13 5o II oo
Halcl Nn. 2 Timothy J 1 50 110.)
Mixed Clover 10 50 1150
Timothv from country... HI 00 lit 00
?LV- So 1 W'k ild T '7 J" 4 on
No. 2 W hite MiddhngsL l'rt i) 17 K)
Rrown Middlings 15 50 HI 00
Rran. bulk 15 75 HI 00
BTRAW Wheat 5 .'0 ti is)
Oats liW ii 75
pvntv I'lioin i-rs.
EFT! ER Elgin freaiiicry I'S 2
Fancy Creamery '1 -'
Fancy country roll I'l I'J
I.ow grade iV rieiking.... 10 15
CHKIK-uhio. new 11) IU
New York, new 1-J l.'f
Wisconsin Swiss 15 151
Liiuburccr (New inakV.. l.'il 14
Hit IT AM K'.Kt MI,l.
Arri.ES-Fiini-y, V bid... 4 50 5K
Fair to choice, fV hbl.... 2 23 3 50
N Y A M'new)ReansVbhl 1 70 1 75
Lima leans 3) 4
Fancy V bu M M
bweet, per bbl 2 no 8 50
CARRAtiE per hundred.. 5 0) 0 00
ONIONS Y'ellowlilobeVbU 00 55
Mixed Coun'ry 40 50
Spanish, per crate '.') 1 (HI
TURNll'S purple tops 40 M
Live chickens V pr 55 M
Live Ducks V pr ';J '
Live (itese V pr 10-1 1 Hi
Live Turkevs V!t 71 M
Dressed chickens V lb.... 1) 11
Dressed ducks fit 11 12
Dressed turkeys V tb..... U 12
Dressed geese M 'J
riiS-l'u.V Ohio fresh.... 20 21
Extra live (ieese Tb 65 00
Nol Extra live geese j) lb 44 50
Mixed 2it :
Mlw n.l.AMoL'd,
TALLOW Country, vn.... 4 41
it v 5 i
SEEDS Clover 7 35 7 45
Timothy prime 2 25 2 ii
111 lie grass 140 170
JIAtiS Country mixed.... 2 1
aJuNEY White clover.... II 10
Ruckwiient H) 12
MAI'I.ESYRL'I'. new crop. 50 100
CIDER country sweet V bbl 0 00 6 .V)
FLOUR 12 P5rtif2 70
WHEAT No. 2 Red M 6sJ
KYE No. 2'. 5ii 61
CORN Mixed 3d
OATS 82 324
EGGS 14 141
UL'TTER lit 2li
FLOl'R- 11 P033 75
WHEAT No. 2. Red 05 I5
CORN No. 2, Mixed - 41 411
OATS No. 2, White 3-5 8-51
UUTTER Creamery Extra. i'4 .'0
EGGS Fa.. Firsts HI 20
FLOrR-raterita 2 00 4 Xi
WHEAT No 2 Red C3 tl
RYE Western 60 62
CORN No. 2 42 421
OATS Mixed Western 84 3t
RL'TTER Creamery 15 :6
EGGS state and l'enn 20 21
I'er 100 lbs.
Prime Steers 4 50 to B 28
Good butcner 4 75 to 4 40
Common , 8 50 to 3 70
Hulls and dry cows 2 00 to 8 "0
Veal Calves 8 00 to Oil
Fresh cows, per head 20 00 to 45 US
hie re.
Prime 05 to 100-Ib sheep....! 8 SO to 8 80
Good mixed 8 10 to 3 SO
Common 70 to 75 lb sheep.. 1 60 to 2 on
Choice Lambs 8 00 to 4 15
Selected...' 5 60 to 6 60
I'rims Yorkers 6 60 to 6 60
Heavy 6 85 to 6 46
Roughs. a 00 to I 00
rorctir. sciexilv
A O ailing gun fires &0J0 shot
A Philadelphia inventor has a minia
ture trolley road on the roof of his
Three hnndred and sixty mountains
In the United States are over 10,000
feet high.
A fever thermometer is now made
In chatelaine form for the use ol
trained nurses.
The proposed hydrogrxph will en
ablo ships to communicate vith one
another at long distances.
In Franoe sixtv-seven per cent, of
the people live on rye bread, only
thirty-three per cent, on wheat bread.
Two sexton beetles will burr a mole
in an hour, a feat equivalent a two
men interring a whale in the ssaae
length of time.
M. de l'lsle discovered an animalcule
that could run nix inches in a second,
and calculated that it must tnove its
legs no less than 1230 times in that
brief period.
A French do-tor has inventj.l a new
word, "onchrojihaty." H applies it
to vounj girls who bite their nail",
claiming thst th habit arises from a
rferul condition of the nervous
Ninety-eight an 1 !i half per cent, of
t'je locomotives ou railways iu the
United Kingdom are fitted with auto
matic brakes; au 1 ninety-nine per
cent, of the: carriago and other
vehicles attached to passenger trains
are siuularlv equipped.
SomrMi'i (In J.
To make our own troubles tho means f
helping the troubles of otbors Is a noMo ef
fort for good. A well illustrated instance ol
this kin lly sympathy Is shown in A lettet
from Mr. F.uoch L. ll-ins-om, H-hoot Agent,
Mar!iMIJ, Me., au oil t'ulon soldier. 1I
says; "It may do soineboJy sjaie goo 1 tc
state. 1 am a man of sixty au I when forty
i had a ha I knee, and rh-ij iml'sin -t In. J
I was latin) Circe years an I very bt 1 mot o:
i the tune. I got St. .I.i o',, O.l nu i put it or
three times ;m I a niido a cure. 1 bji now It
koj 1 bc.iitli."
.Marr.ed UN itr!
I Lieutenant Saltos, a Ssni-ii oEWr,
' wlin was severely woitiidt'J while
j lighting bt'hido his. chief, licm ral Mar-
pallo, who uu killud uiit'tu,; the re
cent l.ostilittcK between U: SpHtiihh
! ti'ooiiH and tint Ri'V rchi'U, ut !olilii,l
n carriod t) tho reniili-ucu of tin
tifjeiai utid nursed by tho Intter's
uauuhtor. The tragedy ha rnunde-l
otr with n romance, in tho innrrinso of
tho Lieutenant and Miss Mnrjallo.
T!iere l more v nrrli In this sect Inn e the
-oiititry tl nn nil ot her dienes put together,
tml until tbe bi-t few years was siiinrd t Im
mciira le. Knr u gre:t mnny yeHrsiioetors pr.i
iiiiiiiu eil it a locui disease, iiml pre-c rilieil local
reme he-. iohI by riinstiitit ly railing to rare
It h lis al trentmeiit, proteiuiired it inrtirahle,
Silelii e ba-, proven itarrh t b a cuistltu
t iotiel illsea-e n'ld I liereture require eouetltu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cur, man
ufiut .ired hv K. J. Clieiiey Ai Co., Toledo, (Jhin,
I,m tttoy ek-tlMiiioisi enr n-i I .e pinrk-t.
It Is taken Internallv In iIoms from I "drops to
a t-nntii. It acts dire. tly on tint bloot
nd nnniiu surface of the s stem. Tliey utter
tine iiiel ri d dollars f r any citse it fails to
run r-end lor circulars utid te-tiiuuuials
free. Aililre.s
I". .1. Ciiknkv X Co., Toledo, O.
".-old by lliugjirt-, ,'ic.
t ant i. Ge-iri.i. iclebr.i'e 1 her centeti
naloil S .lord iy.
Foil Tii"oat lisesm Am Porons ne
Riiows'i. It i i. iiiAi.Tnocnts. I.lkr ll ttall
1 i utr-.t t, -v rj iiuiUioi. J'u k.huIk urs
$uld Ulllj m i. lu,
An r..lo-ioii at the Ahi-rcorn colliery in
is;.s killed I'M per'ins.
lU i-chsm- I'.t!. are Im-iIit than mineral wa
ters, lkt-ibuuir liootliem. ii ecu Li a box.
The cinnamon crop is I'l.o io tons.
Yt'T I'tieniM n a no other migh syrup ernials
llntcn's t'n vi r-Hl. ""i c iiti ul iti'iiggists.
KITIIII1 'I'll III 11.11 ll
" Two ) ear ano I was taken si k w ith ra
tnrrlial neuralgia and a coinplicut Inn of dl-ra-t".,
including nervous irost rat ioit, I bad
loar doctors ln-ie and then went to Ro-ton,
ln re I was treat cil by I wo phy .mans. They
ill aid there wus nu help lor me. I was run
ilowii so low there was iiottilnir to build on.
ricy said I hd catarrh of the blad
der. ss hen I iM-gun takiiiK
II OOll's. MA It 141 A It 1 1. 1. A
I weiirheii W inoiinls; now I weigh l pounds.
I c aid not slatnl oil my fee long unougli to myilUli s; now 1 can do all my woik,
w.ixhimr included, tor live bi the lamiiy. Miis.
K. K. ItitowM, Ktn, N. II.
'Hood's Villa cure all liver lllsTunousoess.
If sny ono itsnbto thsl
nacun lbs ai .st ol.
Istlnalo riM la SO Ut AS
d.Ti. irt bun wr tornr
.itlrulars sni lnvs.ll
iratonur loilsb Itty. our
nninrlitl liorklng n
I ou. ooa Wlin nirt-tir.
lutlds polssslam, swssp.rlllsor ll..lerinif fil,
ruiruitM ruru na our l;.-lo i jtplnlcii Is lbs nnlr
thlnir tlist w.ll enra iMirnmavullT. . -ti pruuf soM
Kvltt,fno. lous iiSBSiK Cu., Cbio4to, UU
Young Uofhors!
W Offr Ton m Bemtdt
vklck XMurss Safety tm
Lifiof Motlvruwl Chili.
2o6s Cenlnsnsenl of (
fmim, Uorrvr d BUH.
Afterastnf nnebottleof Metber's FrtenJ" I
udrrocl but lllllo dl.j uoiiirltuM thst
WMkDeM sfu-rwftrtl usual Iu such --
AJtsia OiOE, Ijunsr. Uo., Job, 1Mb, UL
Seat by szproos, eharcee propald. oa roeolnt cf
prtro, 1. Wpor but lis, Bouk to AtuUMCS oulioa troa,
Highest of all in Leavening rower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Qanan Sacrifices In Ttttla.
A Siberian pancr gives tbe follow itiir
acootiDt of tbe Litiuiansacridces, whih
are atill practisel in remote parts of
Kuftiiis, an J which the church
naJ the Qorerument have Ion; tried
to suppress in vaiu. The victims of
these sacrifices are always voluutarr
people who for old nje, or ill-heitlth,
or porerty, or soiiie other reason, are
tired of life an, I resolve to quit it.
The Tchuktchi w ho has mad" up his
mind to die immediately tiotiik-a his
neighbors aaJ nearest relatives. The:
news spreads iu the circle of his frirtide,
and all of them soon visit tho unhappy
person to iu.luenio hiui tj chanu his
minJ. Trsycrs. rcj-ronches,
plaints and tears htvo no effect on the
fanatic, who explains his reasons,
speaks of the futuro life, of the dead
who appear to him in his i.loe, uud
even when he ie awake, ca!lin ; him t.
thorn. His frien in, see i tig him thus
resolved, go away to inako the cus
tomary preparations. At tlm cinl ol
from teu to fifteen days they return tc
the hut of the Tebuk'tcbi, 'th rhit
mortuary garments nu 1 Ronio weapotu
which will be used by the man iu tli
otl er world V !lv,lit evil sjurits an l
hn. '. tho reindeer. After uiu'iiti; his
toile.- tht Tchukt -hi itliJrawi into
the corner of tbo hut. Ilis :ioarct re
lative at indtt by his hi , hoi-lint; in
his hau l Ou iimlr.i'.ueut of .-a.'n:ict-, a
knifo, a pike or a rope. Atti r the sac
ri.loe the nssistuut.s phvv the bo ly on
a hie J? J drawn by l'lu.'-'ci', which
draw it to tho plac'L of t!ic faucrul.
Arrived at their dt'xtrintio'j, tin
Tchuktchis cut tuo thrint of the rt in
door, tike from the dead boly its
clothing, whih is torn to pieces, an 1
placo the corpso on n 1 1 li t I funeral
pile. During tho inciiieratiou tho as
sistants oiler it; prayer t' the? happy
in the other world, and r'i;dietito
thuso to waVli over thctn it;. I i!ieir.
Thcso horrible) practices ur followed
to-day with tiio same ckacthoss so) u
ancient times.
A nAn-ROAD prms ha no value 'then
two trains violent,! meet on a single
k a suncEorrs knife
H s1 ynu 'r,hn ot horror end
I A dread. l'uert Is no l-.ngvr nec uity lr
I :V" ts u -o In itaay Uis ,im s Icrun ily ro
I rded s lucuitLic witbout cuttiuj.
i-.. jTpacibin&siiciituoUfCbii
Is well Mil-it rated y the fact that
PIIPT.'UiP tr l-rtach, is now
IWf I UHU f(,,, ,.-.,nd without tli,i
kclfeanl without I r. n. 'luni. i buf
luir trusj-s cm be I In own nw.i I Tin f
never cure tint often n .luce
Riatmn. t-trin.-ridi'timi utnl ilt-Mh.
TIIMnQsl tivsnati. I ibioid il'ti rlnel
I UltlUnO ,n,j ,,u-iy ( I licrs, sre now
remnvcil without U.J penis of cut
tlntf eiM-rnf i'-ris
Other diseases 'f tl" I e-, r bowel, ut
p-rniinently run J witbtiut pain or
r sort to the Ltnle.
CTfl'tlF l; ,!" Pladdcr. no mntter
wlol- how larif. is i ii.fiietl. .i.l
ferliiel. wnf'i'd in. I ii'ni s rlectly r
tnovetl WilhiMlt cuttin..
CTPIPTIIPP 't l unary rsmre Is
ruttlnv to h.indreiis ol i u" i I or
pomililet. relereiices nn. I particu
lars, send 1 ' t eeots on ftau.' to
World s isHnut v Meen ul Aksocia
tion, iwJ Mam bt., iJuttlo, .'. V.
niTiiRELis ti,k ,!F"sT,
(soml lnpr If, nnttlr Ciolil liiiirsi .lc,
St I 't titc. Hi nil affiHiiisi r ssuinislr.
J4' WouUlrrfl. I .lli.lMiiy ti. T.t.
; TltAIKM MlkS Lk m.hMtl n
. slll-l liilvli t- H-iii imtriiui thliv
.HntUii. Kt-tit for iti-ut.Ms iiiiif.Mr n.t t.i ; -t
-lit. i'Al KlCJi AKKl.LU au ,r... I.t
fStyjccssfyllv Prosecutes Claims.
ttoPrluelpolEsailiisr l' B I ua.un Huiu!
Ijrisialut Ui4iiiuiiilii.ii.Uiu,0otij siuco.
One bottle for fifteen c.nt?;,
Twelve bottles for
Ripans Tabules arc the most effective rec
ipe ever prescribed by a physician for any
disorder of the stomach, liver or bowels.
Puy of any drufgut anywlicrr, nr send piice ti
,r UlH,'l.l:H!ll,'ln!MWI UUim J.iib i.ium
JZ" : . ' - Hsrly. Com. lovr,). UrtuM -. I'uUlisa. Hi- . lit nitnlie.t.iju.milK. I.uhi
r. It " ( Slid rUlUis M l.S-s. rurlli M H H Ja. I. rs s-siOi'li,
k''' i - (ld Cii SI 1st. ! Ik nr. lut,.,nu.. Uu-. h.y cm on at S..r'l.fin ('!
r"''YbltWi''!'- i yn-idwliliuimh Ir mr m n,ti y. unn h. r lli likei Pka.aitililsOsis
' . rWV-rW,A' fn-iiK-ii m.i i i.l iu mnns l t ,tm f,,si .uni.l. . iu- nh
"iiiii. '-tl'riir .IV-. Iiur rml i .iiliu l ie i f. r . , .i.i.-, sntr IimIit
It Was Before the Day of
Tby Used fo Say " Wcnin'e Work Is Heier t?c?.t.."
California's ltl Ii ; .Itl I'lcltlo,
Kxpet t Illinois pr-i'.ift that tin new
ft tilth AftitU'i n.iiu I., -Ms wiLi prove)
richer even tlmr. t-'uiifornlu's. This
si-ii.-us hard to b di, v. tht im-tuoii-o
utiiuil'it of tdo piocioiiM nn tnl
yiolJeJ by t ;j'i'ofti:;t Is c n-itli"fd.
The gold juobiivl l:i that Mat-'
1-,'kI exceeds M.'J.'.ii IMI.ISKI, ml 1 1)0
yield ut pfj-e::? n-n iits'i I i ub mt 1 it.
Hi,in.mye:i".nr p rlui:i Tl.isH'.'rsi ::ior
tha i that of uny t.thi r.-iinto. Tin- o;it
p. it has d er -a so ni-wim' in fecent
etes, the di'-.itio is tluo not tl
htiy jToiii'tnl oxl.uiift i'i'i of tho tt"fi-t-iry,
nut to 1 1 Minprn iqi ol tlu hy
Ji'it.i'.b' initios, which of tli -itist lvi'-s
t:ifnod tiut Kot!lt.'tliit)j like iSO.'l H,ihl
I T.'it"'0 I' it. ires Kt n liijrh tnurk fo-.
Ikoiu ts ot th - -Soi'th .v tr icii'i ir.-bl
i li-'bis, Tlfy I'epri's.'ii: n r nfiliition
to tho woallh of the no Id never
' ""d by any Muii.ur u ca of t -rri-
lory on the f.i 1 the oarth. Anl
( al.forni.i. not v. it !ista..iliti' tin- diver
sion of va-t siifi' of I t r n Tf.v and
a.itnl to pr :itall tni'.i:i.' ;m uttons
f-.' otli -r luiiioraN. is st,ll t urni:if out
.more toa:i oio-third I a I tho go-Id
i produced i:i tho I " n : T 1 states,
I 'JITI rliltf olMiTtb tl we Iimvc to the)
"man who kn .w It ail" is tlint In; In
sists tint every trie else slull know II
ii. t.o.i. Yoiikcrs M
" I a n r.t M.istcr l-.t-re anl l;ecp
a Store. I have kvpt Aiic;t'.st blower
for sale lorsor.v.- tn:ie. I t' ink it is
a spleti li 1 r.if iicitiv.'.' K. j. Loud,
V. M.. Pavilion CVntrc. N. V.
The stomach i the toscrvoir.
If it fails, fverythint foils. The
liver, the kidneys, the Inniv. the
heart, the head, the Mot d, the nines
all o wrons- If you fed wrong,
look to thw- stomach Lrst. Put that
rie;ht at c:kv '.jv tisiu;; August
r lower. It assures a good aptietite
ani a Rood digestion. t
EST in Market
t ': t iv 1 it.
I I..-; i . . i m.inu
V'.'.VI I 1 V.
Tin- tit' r er ti;p solo
exti lil- ll.. tl(.. I, T..1U
ii, I. o On. Ii.-i-i, proiis t
It it l.e l.- . Itl 0 KUlM
tie I .ii o In r liur l otk.
; v.ifi i iM.ui
1 oK I II KM,
nn-l -l ei i l.e i .ii i with
Inlerior " ..
Colchester Rubber Co.
V N U :i
1 bel'blbl Ut 't leiieber.
IU e you si-,. it it i I 1 r
f-lLs 'will find it very
lilies ri!. Wi-uld von like
oi.e ' I . t .no we will
M-lid it to your uililrt k,
'rlmfiles . -1
825 Santom btrecl.
Philadelphia. Pa.
Boil 4 1 u rrup. iausMH-j, V'tvl
one dollar,
- A - N
ills I J. I J