She .QtibWehrgli $asl PublUlicil every Thurdilay. T- H. HARTER Editor and PropriEtor. Subscription 1.50 per year. (wtilrh must b pnM In advance when sont out Mi' tlic enmity.) RATI S OF ADVIATISINO. All trnfirl"iit BilviTilHrini-nl8 not nttwrwlvo cmii ri-l"l f'T will Im-rlmrtf.-'l nt tin-rule nt in Mit rn-r Mm-(ii"iii.irlt iiii-i,.niri') tor Unit Inter t1n aii't l( iitu l-r llm- fur every siibseqiirut IllWTIIiiIl. Thursday, . I iMiuaiy 11, 1801. GiUi1-''.! A. G'ow Nominated. Tin) Ui pnMicim Slate convention which met in ll:irrisj)iir Wednes diiy afternoon imniiiiiiousl.r lioini niitcil Oiiliislni A. (Slow, of Siisipic hiintiii county, fur ('tiitgrcssiniin-nt-lmge, to Miceicd t ho Into (lencial William Lilly. F.x-Sen.itor I'arkiT, f Tiogu, presi ded mil tint roll cull hhowi-.l that tin i c wi ro 'J"i7 iMru'iti's ptewetit. All tin- oil (iHifeirt and committeca ipl i nt ol at tli'.) h-t convention served Mti tlii oci-'iHinii. In Mr I'm-ki : 1 ." n : it 1 11 1 speech, in which In1 unnoiiiici .1 the object of tlic iitlii i iiiir. In' denounced the Wilson l.ill iim I chil'!,".! President Clevclind wit Ji having viol:iti'il his C'onstit ut ioii;il uiitli'U ily in the I Fii wniian a flair. Kx At t"i in y (Jcticr.'il rainier, of JitlZ'Tiii', Humiliated (hihlshil A. (linw. ! hi-g.wt hi speech ly il lel'i'i'inee the cl'ix'l woil; bhopH, the idle mills the despon dent workuen iiinl the million men trumping the liiu'lnvivH looking for work who never tramped before. Kvervlioily, he said, sec this hut the Democratic free, trader, nnd he does not want to seo it heeause hi party wrought this distress. Then (icnerul Palmer turned to his. candidate, and said Mr. (Slow whs ii pi-out exponent uf tariff and spoke of the good ho would do in Congress for protection. "Tho old cat .that he woro on the day that he knocked down tho South Caro lina member, un I declated that no slave driver coiill crack tho whip over him-that old coat pinned to tichair iu Congress would bo worth more in poiutof service than a man who would him ply sit there and salary. Send tliia niar to 'Mh:m lunjori md 'i lesson uay . -ltri'i o ."r Cleveland.! James A y, of Lehigh county, was iiiuneA but ho promptly d cliiied, and Mr. CI row's nomination wan made by acclimation and was unanimous. Mr. Grow was then sent for nnd notified of his nominal ion. In a few minutes ho appeared aud, do spito his 70 years, walked erect and firmly up tho main isle niuidst tho ovation tendered him by the dele gates, lie took a position in the centre of tho platform and thanked tho Convention for tho unanimous nomination for Congressman at - large, lie proceeded to a coinpari son of tho histories of tho Hcpub lican and Democratic parties since 18(50. Ho referred in neornful lan guago to tho Democrat io news papers which had referred to the present depression as a legacy of tho Kepuplican party. Ho said tho legacies of his party wero sound money, tho banking system, the protective revenue system. llo took up tho Wilson bill and in some detail discussed its provis ions, lie declated it was a Hvstetu intended to benefit foreign conn tries nnd the poverty-slricken labor of tho world. In conclusion he discussed President Cleveland's Iluwniian policy, nnd termed the lirst act of tho present administra tion tollbo nn effort to restore a "broken down monarchy." Mr, Grow bhowed that ho is vigorous both mentally and physically. His address was extremely forceful, and favorablo comments upon it were generally made. Tho convention then adjurned sine die. MAHH1KI) Dee. 'Jf, nt the home of the bride, by litv. I. N. Wetzl.-r, Allen V. Peter and Miss Laura L. Oldt, both 01 jiiuuiociech, jMiyucr county, l'a. Dee. by fiev. H. O. Schnable, Win. A. 15ow nnd Misa Laura J. Snyder, both of Salem. Jan. I, nt the JJcforinod Parsonage in .New lierhn. Preston kid ev of Middleburgh, to Miss Elsie Howell of Pnxtonville. 1)1 KU. Dec. '-"., Mrs. Daniel Marks, aged 71 years, fi months and "(J days. Jan. f, in Jackson township, Dan iel Hummel, aged 70 years, 2 months and i! days. Jan. 'J, at Past 1 nville, John F. Houtz, ngod 3a yours, U mouths nnd lil day a. 1 Ilava Yoa Aathanaft !r. H. ft-liimnann. St, panL Minn., will mull A trtnl p ieknifot selilfTmann't Amliin Cum lire to any aunvn-r. lie arivrrttftPft t olrlnir It away. Nevi-r fall to Inntrtnt rnflpf lu worst raw anil eure where others (nil. Nnm thin uper nun send ynur tnuno anil nddrotiii lor ref t rial "M kifc 81IEUIFFS HALE OP REAL ESTATE! ItyTlrtueof k pertain writ of Ft. Fa.. Iniueil out ot tin- court ot Common Hewi and to nt dl- reeti-d, 1 will exie to puiillc Halo at the Court ll'jiiv in Mlil'lluhuridi, on Tuesday, February 27, 1804, nt in o'el.w-k. A. M. Hit following real Ml at( ; Triiet No. 1. Foi l! I.OTSOK OUOlM). Nlttl ntelnWe-i Denver township, Snyder Co., I'n., Ixi'iinled nnrih mid eimt liv pulille road, aoulh hv sunliiirv A Lew Mown l(. 11.. and west liy In lid of lrl KHIe r, eontalnlii I Aere, more or I'-sm. Trai t No. 11. hltunto In to imlnp nnd eoiinlv iifnrf:it'1. 1lnif I tin umllvlded of Maerermorn leiH, ininiei iinri ti liy laud of Auifimtim Meyer, en.t liy Hiram llerlwter. et al. boiiiIi liv liei'irj-e Krrl.iiH and cnlvln I 'Ifli. Thin In all tlmtierlaud. s.-1. d i ikiMi into exeeutinti and to lie nold an the pri'iHTly of A. A. Unwell. ALKUKDSPWIIT, Sheriff. Sheriff ofTI.--. Mlddlelmih. Jan. K H4 MIKHIFl' S HAI.K OK REAL ESTATE ! i' iflii" uf a eirtaln rlf of FI.Fii.lHvtiPri O'tt of llier.mrl of 1 i ii tii hi I'I'mih of huviler i niiiiiv ami to me i!riii ti ,. U I'vjKwe u, pt;liiu-sal'e ni t Ii.-1 . ,111 1 II.HI-..I in Midilli'liiirirh. 011 Tuesday, Februaiy 27, at IiinVloek. A. M the fnllnwlnif real eat He : All tli ii eerinln nienNiiaKe or trad of land Min ute in isl HenMT Iiih iiihtp, snvder eniiutN I'a. i-iitii.iltilnu 'I'WK.N I V 1J11) AI HKS, mine or' !-. li iuml.-d teirth In I'u'ilie Kmid. eaHt. nnd mhi'Ii I". I -,'i. .'I li.mli'l 1 1 l i,.-i-. and Wi-M. liv l.iinl uf Kim" ii !ii-ili-ii"MT'i-r. nln-miti arc r-i .-,i a limllliii.' II his i. saiili- and other oit Ini 1 1' 1 1 n' -. S'l.-i-l. I iImh 1'ito i v fin lull 11 lid 10 he Hold .f the iir..wity of .lames . Ilrower. M.l- IICII SI'KCIIT. SlierllT. Shei-IT -n"i e. Mid Ih-liiituli, .l.ill. 8. lsiil. nKI'HANS' COfUT $l.K OF REAL ESTATE ! The utid'Ti.'irtird. Adiiilnl-itriitors of the estate in .l.i-. .h Ii. i.,iii, .it.. ,,t sprlnir lowtisi li. mi. ileri'ouiiiy. im..iI iiw l.l.v virtue of .nt ordi i-r l-.ll.-d " II o! I In- Oi-pli.inV 1 Hurt of smd -t- Co. w 111 ei'.,-io lo p'li.ll.- .ie nn (, ireii h-e", tulles nnrlh of Adatiisliur),', on Saturday, February 21, 18!1, I'he f'i!iiwiiirvalii:il.l'vreal estate, t - lt : Tl i' t Nn. I. Iieim; i.ll t hat certain tu'-ssua re r tr n t 1,1 laml. situate In sprinif twp. Snuler int, I'a., Isiumh-d nor h hy land r.t siinoti lienfer nnd Joi-pli llasslticrer, east hv Jesse hlllieiind Janies lienfer. Willi Ii hv U'U Smith ami J iliti lilmr leiatt, nttd west iiv Alexander ll'iiiimel. coui.iiMiii s.( ACIiKS, mre or Irsi, hcrcm are ere. ied n twisstorv4v.llln)r llou-e Hank Ii n n. K'l lil.ii-ksmitli ,p. uid all other ln-.-ess.iry oiilliullillima. H of Imr.H ol i hol. e fruit, is I water at the door. Alsal HO ih-p-s of this It-n t Is clear and nude gutHi cult Ival Ion. The halanecls Well ntiihered. Trad N i. i Ileitis a certain I.lnestone It. I situate lu t.m nship, i-inii,! v and sta. aforesaid. iMiund'-d north h lauds of Kcuhen lrp-Ke. easl hv Wilson Matter, south hv laliill ot KeiiU-u hreese ai.1 west hv lands of Isaac ..llnind, eon t.iliihu' ONK Kill IM'II ('.,) OK AN M 'It K, more h-ss. witii H iiu l.'iiiiiii't-H, ou wMcli laetect- ela 1.IMKMI.N. sale loeiiiniiu Mice at lOo'i loek, n m., of said day lien terms will Is- made known hy M A It V A. S'IIHt, ' IIOHKUT W.hTOl'T. A cmlnlsl raters. OltrHANS' COUKT SA'.E OF i tie iinuersurnen Annonis' .,, inemnte I wl h. 'rit.miAn n. moiulllllin (lisei'm.... n. i.. .11.. ..i ir.nii. ,1 urn 1,1 ,i,n friiiHijn 1 ouri. 01 mn hit i-ouin, i-a., win sen tne roiiovlnir vul ilahlu Heal Kstate at l'uhlle hale at the late resl. iieucc 01 1 lie iicceiient in .MIUdlcuurKll, I'a., ou Tuosday, January 10, TU.ITN().-l.ot No. 2. In Vlddlehurifh. I'a. rroiitluif Market Htrisd. upwards of kImv feet wide and ahoiii one hunilied and iv V deep, nn which Is erected a siilistaiillalloi: fl ame WKA'I'KUhOA K )KI IN KI.I.INli Hol SK alsiul loriy-wven ns-i nine anil thiriy-flve teet dei-li, with t.-n riKiins (includliiK-a kimm! oftlee.) sum tner Kitchen and i;iMl stal.le and other luces- sary ouiouiihiiik's. pt waier and line rrull lris-H iiiniii the prcuiis.-s. Kxcellenl location liear to liuslte-ss s.rl Mm of tow n. Tlt.WT No. -A Had ol land In Franklin township, snider oniiity. alum; the I'nhllc Id'ad leiidin,- to Sellhsfrme, hounded hv land of John Kelt and oiheis. coiilaliiluir ''llliciy. IT VK A Ui:s and 7u perches, more nr less. TKKMH--JU mt cent, rash, ai er cent, on eoti fertnalli.u Keh. .'. I"l. I he balance April 1, lsii, when ih cd and possession wui Imi civen. Sale lo Im-cUi lit li 0 r. k 11. in. IC.MM A IHHIOIIArs, Administratrix, A I ) M 1 N 1 ST K A TO I tS SA I . K OK REAL ESTATE! The utiderslirnod. Adtnlnlslrntor of the estate of John Volim.'. latent MotiriH' tow iishlp, Snviler cniitity. I'a , deed, byxlrtueof an order Issued nut oi 1 he orphans' 1 -nun of snvder couutv, w ill expose to sal 1 the ptemlsi j, y miles Nnrtli ol Sliaiimklii Dam, on Saturday, January 20, 1894, Tim niiuniU'T descrlhcd Ileal Kslate, t t Helm; 1'urp.irln No. t and S of Tract No. S of Ki.hl estale. I'I'HI'AHT NO. -Hounded on the North liv triids Non. 1 and of said ilecedenl. Kast hy hind of iald Voiihir, Smith hy trui-l No. 4. anil West hy hind in lionrtfc Klssaiul Alpheun Kelser cniitali.liiv III At'KKs. more or less, with the appurtenances, on which are creeled a OiskI l KI.I.1NU Mill SK. HANK IIAUN and Other lns-essar outliiiildllies), I'l HI'All'i' No. a liniinded on the North nv lands of lieorite KIsh, I'urpart No. and Davlil, Kast hy lands of liaMd Vouiu; and David Slcar, South hy laml of David Slear, and West hy lands of K.ll (iuiiKlt-r and licorue Kiss, contaln hik' !"1 Al'HKS, iimro or IchH, W illi iho Appurte nances. Sale to eiitnmenee at loo'chsk. a.m. nt kuI.I day when leilus will la made known hy r. s. nil I Kit, AdmhilHtnitor. okphaxs' couirr salk of REAL ESTATE! The administrator of Sarah Jnne Shlptou late of rem re township, snyder count v, I'a.. dee d.: hy Mrlue ol an older Issued out of Hie 01 phans' Coiirl of Snyder couutv, will ex pnse 10 l'uhlle sa'e ou the premises g inUca imrth-wcst of .Mlddlehurnh. on Saturday, January 20, lv.14 The Inllowlni; desi-rllM'd real estate vli 1 All tnin eertain messuage lenement and tract ol land situate lu Centre township, Snyder couutv, I'a.. bounded on the North by lanils of Jessie llai kiMihuii;, 011 the caul by lands of Krunkllu Hitter, on the Soiilh by laniln of helm of l'eter I.i.Iil'. dee d. Uhd on the West hv land of Jessie lliickc hhiirKh, eotitaliilm; TWKI.VK 0-) AlTtKS, liinte or less w ith the iinnurteuai s. mi wiiieh ari' crested a TWO STOIIV DWK.I.I.lNii llol'SK. S'I'MII.K. and other oilthiilldlnk's, fruit trees and a never fallluv sprlm; of walcr near the diNir. Allot Hie alsivu laud Is clear uud lu a KihhI state of cultivation. Sale to commence at HI o'clock a. in. of mild day, when due attendance will bo ivcu and HTiiiN 01 sine inane hiaiw n oy JAt'UH I'HAMlni, AdinlnUI rntor. ADMIMSTKATolt'S N'OTK'K. Let tern of administration in estate of ('iitli.irlnv Anilcmuu, hue ul t'li.tpinun l., Snyder i-uiiiity, I'., ilrvM, luirliiK !,.. n grkiitud In the on.l. islifne.1, all persons kneaiiiK Iheui elveii luilcl'led to raid ulito Hre rcquerted lo uiak luiiiiediald lm vininil. whllu thnau liavlnv claim will I'rininl them duly authvulloatad to die uiiuomtjiiva. J All IIS v ANIiKltSf IN. Jaa.4,'1'4. AduiluUtray.r vanabta Real Estale! Candidates' Oards. FOB ASSEMBLY. Ktrraurimi or RiTDtin Cnrirrr. In prenent In j the nsme of I'bnn. W, Hermann tor Assemb ly, we ask you to support man whose Hepuh licnnlsm In timpientinneil i a man who rum lieen faithful lo every trust Imposed, whone Integrity linn never been rpieftiioned and whose rharaeter Is beyond reproach, lie in In the tiror ol man IhssI and we Is-lleve, will till thennid' to which he aspires with signal nhllltv. II" rteserven to le recoRnljed and we most earnestly solicit your Id In fteciirliiir hln nomlnatloiu I'knn. Frtiiw rtttrrnt tcNn. Ilornee Alleman nhonld represent lis In the next. legislature, Iss-ause lm In a HtclnnK Kepiihllean, han done active party work, han the proper alillllles, and In worthy ol reii;ii1tlon. un do the fair thtntr. by liltn. and not lie Influenced aifa'tist lit 111 by inls reprenentatlon or pn'pidl'.S'. We have Hot fnr irntten how he spoke for llnckMileri; nnd the whole Itepubiieaii ticket at our last party meet ItiX In (. eiitrevllle. t'ltnTBit. Jewelry, TallcI)es, Silverware. When in Sun- bury and in want of anything in our line call and see us. We have the largest stock in the County. a Specialty. FISHER, Tlio Jeweler & Optician, Sunbury, Pa. ThcNcvcivsliplloicshuc FOR WINTER USE. It never slips In anv direction. It In safety nnd ciimfnrl.forbotli hni sc nnd ill h er. REMOVABLE CALKS. Steel centered nnd N-lf-hliarpeiiltnr. Wears sharp until CAI.K Is worn nut. Applied by nil black hliillliH. Catalogue free. Potor 33. XSxiolt. Ashland, l a. Sole u'eiif for Schuylkill, l.vromtnir, Clinton Northiiinls-rliind, Tlnk'ii, Snyder and I'lilon cniin lies, lion and steel VVatehuuse. Hlacksuili Ii ami I'lkranuaker's Supplies. Jk-o. n, ini. AND BLOOD PURIFIER. Aa InTlfc-orntln Tonla for atrenirt weak, purifying tba blood, clearing the com. piexion ana imparting the ro7 bloom or health to the cheek. I'leai,ant to the tasto and a ra Torlte with ladioa. i.oo per bottle. Ilr. -T IT U.T..i. . if'," (.',';n,5Hon,, Weather Forecast, by Hev. -w 7 1 . : ' ""ueii our luisiioines. Auk yonrOrugtfli.t tor ouv or .end two-oent H LA 111 II ul Th Dr. J. H. McLean Med. Co., St. Louis. Ma WALL PAPER Not retailed at Wholesale Prices but sold lower than any other house. I finV ,-fl wl" flnc'Kh (fiod Jo1.l LUUri ipr to cover the wullaof alomiu ruuui. lie lu.llng a nmtiiold llordrr. mud inc. KistaK ud recelvn HU beautiful Mui.liM and Void Itouk llowr to knpr, WILLIAM WALLACE, 109 1'lna Mi riillMielnbln, P. Loose liiiiimiK 3 DR. J. H. MCLEAN'S STRENGTHENING CORDIAL crown Acme. The best Burning Oil that can be miulo from retroleum. It gives a brilliant light. It will not smoke the chimney. It will not char the wick. It has a high fire test. It will not explode. It in without ft comparison an a per fection Family Safety Oil. It in iniiiuifiicturoil from 'the finest Crinlo in the most perfectly equip ped relincrie.4 in tho world It in tho Best. Ask your denier for Crown Acme. Tnt'lo orders filled by Yours truly, TII3 ATLANTIC EZriUIIIG CO- Siinbuiy Station, Sunbury, I'a. irS J il il I v it (8 ra 31 a vhv t I'orrcetcil w eekly liy A. II. N11.I Wli-iit N..v " , White dr Alixeil He ('urn , l tills t 'hop per Km lhs MiiUhns " Mi'iin " l-'lour per hlil Miililliiii.'s J cr tn I : i n ti " " 1 ut:l'..i s l lsli &i Son. rtO 00 (X) .10 no :io 1.20 1.10 no :i.7.i 20.00 no Mutter 22 22 I'itted ( lierries 1J tTnpitti-il 8 hii....t i""-h (I Ihi'ipherries 1,1 Onioiin Ii0 ,iirl 10 Tiillow 5 f!hiek(n pnr II (J Turkeys f) Hiile 10 Shoulder 12 Htllll 15 CAW I nnTAIN A PATRNTt Tor m. .mnipt aniwur and an bmiMt npinlna, writ to JINN .V I'll., who have had narlrflf(T nn1 xprlvnoe Id tha patent bainaa. Conimunira tloril trtctlv OfinflrtHiitlAl. A II.MrfhAak at In. f.irinntloa conniln I'atrala and how to ot tain them aent free. Alto a catalogue of rmha'- I k-al and aulentlBo book eent free. f Patent taken thmuab atunn ft Co. Mealva I enertR) WJRiiln .. lTAVI ."-..:.".," uu mrm urviiaut wiaeij oernre uie punnowitu nut owt to the Inventor. Thla eDlendid Paper, luaued weekly, eleaaotlj lllnitrated. baa b tmt Ilia lanteet rlrcull.oo of anr adentlfla work In the Worlrt. H.iayear. f pertnmu vilHern'. free. Iliillillnu K.lltloD, nioiitblT. t'i.Ua year. Blnula Cotiliia, -i t oenta. Kyery number oontalni beau tiful plalea. In color, and photograph of new hnuM-a. with . latin, eunblinir tuiilitura to ahciw til latent nVaiuna anil ae'ure cnntrai-ia. Addrea AlL.NN & CO, Naw VoilM, 34il BuoabWAT. WITHOUT THE BOW (Ri.a) it is easy to ttcnl or ring v.atche from ttie pocket. The thief pets the watch in one band, the chain in the other and gives a short, iuick jerk the ring lii off the watch stem, nml nway goes the watch, leav ing the victim on!y the chain. This Idea stopped that little game: The bow hi a groova on each end. A collar run down inaid the pendant tatemi and nta into the groove, firmly locking the bow to the pendant, o that It cannot be pulled or twiktcd on. SoM ty all watch dealers, without JHJ, cost, on Jas. lioss Filled and other IGw cases containing this trade mark A watch cast- opaner sent Ira on request. Keystone Watch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. rr BUGGIES at i Price irifC yM,1 l AlilM a IIAKNtMS.eawaHaBM " 3rZ avT.,p Hukbtt... Hi mt the Ttf5r7 UTO 'H.ul Watfou. M lvni.elU,rC -MRTN re, aio iiiuiii . art . rw; nuy or ratw v yJ , llinrirv llarntaa. 3 M torvaml laagltii liumry " ii.76 Ki.fillimau'a , anirvau naiiine, ai WiLat v ' tlm' V. . Ill IJUV At CAIITt'O. tfV) tpttoULawrvaiBl.,Cla:uuiait,0. $10 Sjfi' EWSS1 W LYE ll-Atl.STLIi) T' er.'rocra ami rnrrat t.ya, I'ii..) i.tliur !..,. H Uliig a rliu ''i, .l-r uun i.i..,. .i a,:,n vim r iii. ijI.1" 11. 1. Uid loun-iiia Ul.. ohlllVH ,;n!y for U-ii. Will imike I In- heat .rriiiiuil llmd H i In i iiiliiini " uiiliom liolllnur. II la Hie lieat li.r 1 1 -mlii'i un-ts I t"."-, 01 lii'tH llhn .li.Vv cl Hi-Ik, uuiiirx u.ul.'x i aim-, m, rENUA. HALT K'5'0 CO lii u. A';:a., t'lii:, l a, taa' aa s. v. sincAHV, " : insi.i.iticj . ;i-iit itnd I'roker, IViiiih I'reek, 1'. O. Pa. 1 1 i' '.." l:i" Mock Onnjiiinlra rei rc'enlo.t. ii p i vrc-inlum noian, liauc-o Ji U uy nu i ' - l-i on 1,1; kin. lit ol (fou l turiu ,l. l li i, n ,n nml uliniolio aiiy '!r n u l I'm. ii r i, 11 1 ui C. -U. Su i.vcr'ii ioii;.i'i.otrovil!a, i'a I f- 1IIILA.,I'4. dMt tii itOo?rRtWiiorT,Uf from buklUM. i -on.ul uuou li v. kiidofM infitt.ur ('ii vilclii,ladiM udiniini lMai.1 IUU4VV44. tt.4 Ktf irwU.aWr. jJilaaia, MA U 'l i' A COPYRIGHTS. mi Stoves, Stoves, Stoves ! llAXOES from $13.00 up. Improved Cook Stoves, from 10.00 i i Up. riiese rire HKtotiii.liiti:ly low iirii-i-a, lnt money l money now and eoeii h jtreat wnya if yon pity the euli which I the wny I il buMiie, and it l the cheitiicet in the cn.1 an you can wive 20 per cent, hy buyinjr of me. I alHolinndle Stove Fixtures and Spouting, vt lth till kiniN nml m.- of pipe ready fur tine. Give me a call and see what bargain I oiler. M. L. SIIAXXOX, Swineford, I'a. I Sjuare Smith of Depot. G. C. GUTELIUS. THE 01 iE-PRiCE G -DKALKll IX lTasliionalilo clot Ii i inft Hats, cap. Xeektie-, (Jentsl-(, UM ! i'urnisliing (loods, ; i; Summer Under- 1 wear, ami Celeloid ' ' ' C e 1 i 1 . II me 1 : ' M ! ' ' I goodsLcn's shirts, . .v.- imitation stores Clothing for prince iPauper! Clothing that looks like silk and wears like leather. Come to tho old Reliable where you get what you pay for. My new stock is just in, is entirely new and comprises all the latest styles. Too busy waiting on customers to tell you G. 0. Clolles Ml Mi Tie U but they go a jfrent way-8 in thatdlreetlon. Theujwhy send.toUhe City for ready-niHilo clothing and then take them to iilk'lled looal tailor to improve the lit, wheu you can et a SUBSTANTIAL MAKE Al OOUD FIT at once HENRY L. PHILLIPS- MhllCIIAXT TA1I.OH, Solli:8i;rove, Pa., where your work Ittalwaya guaranteed or you have recourne. This lit a quention that lutereats every man and boy .A neat-nttliitf matter what the.material in It alwayH looks better than an ill-llttini? ult no matter how fine the goods. Then come at onet and get llts. HENRY L. PHILLIPS. Late Foreman for E. E. 151'CK, four doors west of Hank. Selinjrrove, lloneot IuHtiratice at Honent Hates. The Kent Goods for the Leant Money. GENERAL INSURANCF AGENCY. . Only the Oldent. Largest and Btrougebt UAslI Companies. No Assessments Hound, solid and True Indemnity. Representing every class of Insurance either Life. Kirn 'l'.., ...i , - ... , SEE DUR COMPANIES i NAMK I.dCATlON Aetna Hartford Homo New York Tiro Association Thiladelphia Fidelity and Casualty Xew York Equitable Life Ins. Soc.Xow York All IltlflltieftM PIltrilutMll tn rklir -------- , VI V. "-"'--"' .iiii aiwuva receive ine utmost care and attention. Lutiro satisfaction guaranteed. We solicit a share of your patronage. H. HARVEY S0HO0H, Sellnsgrove, Pa. Liberal Adjustments. Trouipt Payments. THE- Anniiimn PATENT VAWIABLK I klCTION FEED irMill&Eimine in 1... 1 ri VJ, as R Vd the Medal and Highest ward I World's Columbian Exposition. Vr'the twat maita. Kbinicla Mill. Marhinsrr an il t'l'lrj AKncullural liultiutit uf Ilat Uual. ill . laiilM priowa. band fur lllualraUMl Ualaluaua. A. D. FARQUHAR CO., Ltd., YORK, PENNA. SQUA11E HEATJ 3:HS from $14.00 up. And'all other Coal Stoves from $3.25 up. LOTHIER! Children suits and everything to make a man look handsomo and feel happy, at prices tliat discount all GUTELIUS. "jtlHIehn-rrl, p oy aroliig to No Premium Notes, v, . U. UUUU, ASSKTS !10,G3a,130.03 9,370,C10.00 5,007,851.71 1,5S7,0G7.40 130,108,518.38 AnnnAt, ol.nll .1 .... a t JJU. L. II.VOELKLEIl. DENTIST. Treating, filling, artificial teeth, bridge and crown work. Nitrous oxide gas for painless extractions. Everything pertaining to dentistry. Van Hoskirk's old stand, bELlNSGKOVE, PA. J AS. U. CKOUSE, ATTOUNKT AT LAW; . , , WlDDLKBVRH, PA: All LtiHlness entrusted to bis care will receive prompt attention. Cons sultatloo in English and (ieriuan. i- J I i - , n u i t . i i .rrr ... J.