4 ;jr I I. I. r h r i l T 1 ! t. el i :- Brccf Fum Hawsa Barrick. Lever Kernel Harder. Des is Teachers' Institute worh iti Schwiiufonl Shteltle, un Ich un do l'olly worn cm DiiiHluluwg ilrcnnn un lien en woonerbawre lot ulitrne yuupo boova un inuid jr'art'im. Ks hut inich on oltltc tzeiila Kiinmwned. Kernel, niuuih ili nwg.i tzoo un rcech in en iMt rechcl-bouch, un oil do gn-donkn fun unscru oldtn nhool diiwpa cooina tzrick ok wo ilialitlu HOonia fur em wind. Yus hen mere 0.8 Kd-rnHKcIed mil em multiplication table T us lien mero ols priunnmr K'htuddied un ruloH gii-limit un barley en wnrdt derfuu fershtoniui ? Ve uft bov icb fja-woonered funviiss oh mcr nell la ma iuuhm wtr-gn, " Klirt ponton I love, Kccutid person ymi lnvt Third person lo loves." Un duc'b hut's galarnt hi missa wiles iiu boocli wore. Unaer touchers niii Dfftzawk'ii worra far uns grnmmar lariiu un won mer ols oil do rules Kawga lien kennn wo en bobba-goy don ben mer net ga-wist farwass oh mer bo used awver Bell wore gram mar g hhtuddied uu Bell but groHo g'souud, we do boova un maid bcitza dawga Latin bcrna usht bo oh bo Hawga kenna ho betta Latin g'shtuddiod un wols bo si lieva nix "bod. Wuh ben mere dcrno ols orig inal (?) essays g'uchrivva f Icb bob amobl sex essays binner nonner noacb g'echrivva woga bacra sbeesa bis der teacher g'sawt but won icb nucb to mobl shriva daid wa?ga bnora hoonda don daid semiclob-tzeega. Derno ben merf M i) cj, jy-bicber greeted un uer teacher nut de ever but line g'scbriTva : "Honesty la the best policy." Mer ben erne ola noacb g'maucbed re winder, un der naixt winder hen mer ma oncra noacb g'maucbed un so fardt. Husht du in dime lieva ocbt gevva was en ordlicher ga-rooch os oil do teachers on sich g'bot ben t Un was sin bo ols cooma un cm ivver de oxel gn-longt un em de finger grawd g'maucbed un der pen-bolder giega morga g'sbtelt ? Woo is der goot rhode-shtrafich izooKcr oh mer sella mollis g chhu hen, un der lickoris-ball oh ols so goot wore. Woo sin do grossa giela poond-t bbel oh mere sella mollis ols in do hhool ga-drawga ben, un do gens oyer oh mer ols anonner ulT der sbtarn farshloga ben t Woo is der boo woo olafai t gretzicb odder low sich wore, un was huts gevva mit da lice anyhow? Oil fariloga! Oil farlloga ! Ou sbtots -ben mero en generation fun boova oh oil Iiresidenta warra, un maid oh oil Iiresidenta wiver govva. Sell wore anyhow cs farshprecha os mere greuked ben olla mobl os dor sbool superintendent room cooma is, un icb denk es is nucb cs same olla wile. Ols Widder, L0ONA8TEIL. TAXTONVILLE. Allen Qetz of Newton, Kansas, is visiting in this vicinity. . . .Mrs. Em ma Sbirey of Adamsburg, visited hero over Sunday. . . .The protracted meeting began in tho Evangelical church last week. The meetings were interesting thuH far. . . .Butch ering in all the go now-u-duys. Thomas Shamorry killed a bog that weighed 4H) pounds. Ho carries the banner for this place. .. .Will Gilham and wife of Bbamokiu, spent a fow days bore last weok....W. C. No. 515 P. O. S. of A. raised llags at the Paxtonvillo and Moyer's school houses on Thanksgiving Day. Tho audionceu witnessing tho cero monieH at both places were large. Tho exercises wero interesting and were enjoyed by all. Prof. Herman made tho presentation address- at Paxtonvillo. The address of accept ance was delivered by F. C. JJower sox at Paxtonvillo and Moyer's school. Doxie. lTmvell! Mr. Shilling and Miss Emma Phil ips of Miillin county, Sundayed with Johnny Wagner's. . . .West Beaver is supposed to be well represented at Ibe county seat during court.... Our teachers are taking in Middle. burgh and its theatrical performances this (Institute) week. . ..Lowell and Bannerville nimroda joined together on last Saturday for a rabbit bunt Twenty rabbits was the result Lowell 19, Bannervillo l....Tho small boy is counting the days and bis pennies for Christmas. .. .It has been reported that almost every tree in new Lancaster has a doer prung upon it. . . .Mrs. Michael Wei and is still on tho sick list. . . .Libor is cheap hero. A man and woman passed through hero last week and offered to work all wiuter for board ing and a pair of boots. .. .Samuel PhilipH will soon bo able to furnish you with nil tho carp you want, as Iuh pond is finished and stocked. U. No. RAINY WEATHER ! "FEET WARM HEAD COOL," la mi axiom of health, wliidi. If circ- f nil v olifttTVctl will mvt' 1 1 1 1 1 1 v a dot- tor lull, mill irmwntiti-t' it Ion-' .mil liappy lift'. AImiou'Ii tliNliiio H-cn-t, t licre 1m u HiMTct coiinectcil witli tills ht.itt'lin lit itinl t lint In luiw Iti du it. 1 HtlUWtT Buy Your Shoes of Garman, Middleburgh, Pa., where you always yet what you ex peet at prices that tidy competition. Barpi IX Chamber Salts. Look at thoiu. Parlor Suits. Look nt them. Sido Uoards. Look at theiii. ) u 1 ( h, Lounges, Patent Hookers, Kasy Chairs. Look ut them. 50 Baby Carriages. Look at them. IJahy Coach ltohcs, AITughaiiH, Liwh Covers, ull priot'M-. Look at tln'iii. They are bt-autics. Carpets, Oil Cloths, "Window Shades, Laco CurtainSjCurtain Poles, Hugs of all kinds, and everything else at the popular furniture- and carpet store of W. H. Felix, Lewistown, Pa. VI60R. DR. J. H. MCLEAN'S STRENGTHENING CORDIAL "2 BLOOD PURIFIER AN ANTIDOTE 'OIt Exbaiutlun, I or Apiu'lltn, Iiw PplrlU, btoiiiavb Pli-kni-MJ ami 1)hh.jmIi. t I'lMfi-nnt to tin1 tinti' Buil fnvurlto timio with tlitt luUlua. l'rli-o U . bultl by all aruKgUtt. THE OR. J. H- MCLEAN MED. CO ST. LOUIS, IVIO. wmn of urn crtMiiy, yulOKiy, rernuinentiy Koviona. Veukncih Nt rvuumif lbl)l(v, nnd nil tho truiu nt ovlli (nnu itrly vrmnturlutur eiLcvHi'- tliu nulti of ovurwrk, mi knot, worry, eto. Kutl strength, duvnl'ipmunt, mttl tmo uwvn to Qvvrf oiynn MirtMti of tho body, binipla, nnturul mutb4Ml. liunifdiAtt linjmiveiiiont wmii. Kuthira liuLMMMibla. K,(J r'lt)rt'iu iUw)k. xpliuittuul ud pnxf ni Ml ml (wrnlud) fro. Adlrev KRIS WkUIOAU GU., UUP f ALU, N. T. mm us & mi iifiTo m Wo want your trade, and by means of our advertisement we are seeking to get your attention and attract you to our store. If you are a customer of ours, we are anxious to increase our business with you : if you are not we hope you soon will be, as no honorable means will be snared to attain thisanrf. Th Keep the best Limits uu who aeai witn us wm cu test. Wo guarantee you the low est possible figures. STQCKIS THEFIWEST most varied we have ever shown, we keep constantly on hand a full line of of goods pertaining to thef thorough furnishing of a home in the most modern sense, FU Of GVGPV rlASP.riv.tfnn nnmofe Tnrrri Urannrmcs Pi mines ci al InstrumentR sheet music, &c. ueeu anyenmg to beautify your home or make it more comfortable, or better come and see us, will at luciac mane your visit pleasant. J. R. SMITH 1,1, Mi, Tont btreet Milton, Pa. J. 119. KLINE, BEAVERTOWN ff ta ff IE. tiJ'It Is u iit'w ami iiiurvf!t)iiK Invention. Jut-t 1 1 1 - t!iin you want fur cl fvatintr n coiitin uoiih Hiipply of water'frrom eprinnor lirimi'licH. It IhucIN opcrntinir, dimple in coiiHtruction ami titiHiirpUhhetl in durability. Tlit-y art' now ht'lii plitct'il in every State in tin Union atnl are wanti-tl in every county, town ami village. W'o clialleii(jo the worltl to piotlure iiu eiiiiif. Miiht prove natlsfaetory before payment i luaile. Forfurtlier lnforination(write for illuntrateil catalogue. WELL DRILLING. HuvinirMrilleil over tliree lmnilred wellH In tliih'.County. plenty of ref erence cau be given an to the efllclency of my work. I rri-peetfullv nolioit your patrouaRe in tills line and will guarantee yon perfect HHtihfaction in every jou. ft Others may Mow about their big slock and low mi es,but MONEY TALKS, and if I can't iluplicato any suit sold in this county for less money than you paid i'or it I will forfeit tho price of tho suit. Try mo on. i R. qualities of everr i t y kpviH fnr Write us if you WELL DRILLER, and Agent for Rife's Hydraulic m ifilME 9 (or Ram.) J. M. KLINE, BEAVERTOWH, FA. You Will Miss It if you don't buy your Fa Suits of- Gimti?berner GUNTZBERGER. OOAT8.COATS P Mr, "'iffm''' 't : J mm V Jilt Great Reduction Sale of r2 t! K KA an For Ninety Days ! Tho Undcrsiffiied Offer Tho Public Their EN TIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE AT THE tilH-.ATKsT SACUIFICU EvTU ICNoWN IN t rv:i;!. -.-.S. Ue are not -lime out. n.t we .!,i tlii t ineiease ,,r Mil.-- ali.ive inivi.re VloilH year. e i:i it fe w of t lie pi -ire UK , ,WH . 1 Soft Wood Cllitllilier Suit,. $11. 1MI Cotton Top Miittrt " n- llartl Woinl Cliiiinl.ir Suitt HI (Ml 'Woven Vi.ie .Mat i r.- 7-- AntltUe (Ink Suit-. H I'ieet-H 1!MHI Hed SiriiiR- '.',''' I'ltixh IVilt.r Suit, ;)i(Mi Drop Tnlil. c. pi'r'rt ,"r Wooden Cliair.- per cet .Tit) riulloiin Itoeaer- ;j-r,y In Htoi;U. eventliiiiR in the furniture line, iii.-liuliii- Mirr.u--. I CUsl I).'tkH. Sitle.l.oitrtlH.l uptitiartlH, Centre Tables. Fnnev Ktieker. Ilubv Chairi Peatlier I'iIIowh, J...unt;eH. Cout-lieH. DouuditniVH. Sit.ki.. ICm.-Kh t;,,ne Heat Uiuirn line, iiietliuiu ami elieap furniture; to htiit all elapse 1 rlcea reduced all throiiRh. Come early ami see our utock before irivim. your order, antl tliun wive 15 to SO pee cent, on every dollar. ' Special Attention (liven to I ndcrtahinj; & Knibalniing. KATHEDMAN & HARTNAN, Limited, . , MIFKLLN'HUIMJIJ. IM. mm tunai THK Heavci'town Carriage ('oiupauy, liavini;- leasee tho Uiavcitown cania-'t' Works. Hie liiuiiuL'er. .1. It. (iett hell, takes this method of iiifnriiiiiiir tlie miblio that he is nw prepared to vehicles ol tin; latest styles and modern improvements. Wo will bo pleased 1o make estimates on the building of heavy vehicles, such as drays, trucks, hm kslt r ami farm wagons, also manufacturers of (ictehell's tme n Tab (Jar riage dears for the trade. el i n sgroYeCa s li!S to relf -X-Jl-KlCKOlJSIProprlcli.B- IlaviiiR pureliilMetl the htot k of Reneral ;Meli Iiainlihe of Danie. '' v ('rouse, ami ml led Rreatly tlieretn,.l take pleasure in inviting my friends to call and hee me when tliey count to Seliu-rove. lhavf in Mock a full hue of -:general merchandise: incluililiR a line line of (Iroei rles. Tin-ware. Chiiui wnre, Tobin eos, CoufeeiioiiarieH. 1 would call your particular attention fo'invMi perlor lino of Wall Paper! Window. Shades which I inn Felling at extraordinary low "prices. I'm example,' I have till) lilniu hull 'paper, tlillennl hllililes, verv -itvlili, il,,(ll'le width ami double holt at from 'J to !!. cents per boll, with' 1 1. j.i bonier to match at 8 cents per yard. .My window Mimic am lu beautiful as they are stylish ami hell from M to i cents n pieim. Jly motto Is "Clieap For Cash.!'- Country product accepted as i-pot caMi in ext luuiK" for ootls Come ami nee me. JHJXXX3 OXXOTJT" OproHito'.Oppenholuier, Clothing Store, lAintBrisCnming Atnl von til it nt lmvt uniiiitliln tt) irotcrt you from Itn chilly Mints. Vim wnut A QOAT! S,lllltinir l)n1(n)ll.' ntlll ft II ml licit toofttccp Iiiiritc, f.r. In tli..'.. liiirl tinii -ft Every Dollar Counts ! Vl. vflinvc it-it n1 ju-t ulnti Mm want. f.r in Cunt iiml in(,.. Imvc ""K ;" 1 "iiu ii'iiioniiiili'. nut' Fit For A Princess ! lit riUKIIIlt l'llf... I 1 1 1 IMIllll t tic fiTilii' t ! i .-1 1 1 - flu- viiriftv i ton yri nt, M I'tmiti mnl M-i- for vtniri'l f. Gentral Di SELimCRQVE. j! 2 3 El mmm furnish them with superior or Kt-liiitijrove, l'n. Iff .1 s ice all f 10 -Z ou Pa v- et -!- 1- - i