( TTiw Itolrjr. jotter sUUstlcs are nrprlalnr. eceDSus returned show the trior in ftfgrtiralc of 600.000 tons, r joO, 000,000 pouods, manufactured Ube United States in 1890; and the inmj nus finjimuiy increased How much of all thli -was margarine, sold under the name . .. I I j v. . . - a 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 lBOVici, ib in uiiw HTikillK n lllbto V In the day to inquire. Put the I, returns are professedly all of yen butter, and this may he the fart, it ld that the IgMi product In , rountry would require 1,000 right trains of HO car each, and cb carrying 20 ton, to transport It. seems to be ihe largest butter ducer her return, thiee .var 1 twin? a hundred million pounds )0,000,000s worth 21. 000.000. 1111- u tKKl next, with O.vooo.ooo rth 120.000,000. Wisconsin's t,rts- Wt was stf.ooft.OOO p, units, worth 000.000. and Mlfirirsola'a nearly u tat hers tcinir woitli lH.ncin.onn. liie MichiiranV whs worth tT.ftoo. 1 In lPf5 tho HBieHi'd value of n was $700.000. 000 or more than capita! of all tho national hanks. that time. Inm-dlhle a It may km. 11 appears that the annu.il ry butter iiodi.cf of the I'niiixi Lfsficccds in value that of all of lumber, wheat and Iron com- Lfil. That, at any rate, is the lament of a statistician who pub lics thC rOMllt nf hia flffiuitiir Lit dairy statistics, milk, cream? cuevse, also make a Mir showinir. lartona Ocrnpatlona oflllnUooa. 'etisus blanks recently distributed Hie Knpush Government In India the purpose of ascertaining the kof the population have just ton irned to the home office, and- LnK the in are as curioix dncu Lts as were ever collected in a situ- I undertaking. Under the heud or Lriifcssion, orcupatlon.eLC.,'' a nutu- of IIIudK)s aduill candidly they "professional debtor.', ' "constant irrowcrs," or ''men of secret re- tees." Other- have put them- lies on record as thieves, village eves, and brigands. Some of more lest aspirations call themselves erti keepers, visitors of taverns. pelifiR story tellers, mendicant, ions on their sous-in-1 aw, or situ Idlers. One Hindoo says that ' cannot work because he is a tL" Others confess to a more serl occupation, such as "expounder racles," "eye examiner," "soree " "storm prophet," "tamtam ier," "doctor of Greek medicine." ;nther says that he conduct a mar ine bureau for young domestics; a nd declares that "he is making a piness of marryinc off' his dauwh-' r for money," which latter is un itedly a very lucrative field. One I less Ion which acems to be very re iterative is that of "hiring out a irofessioual court witness," and ii jwea by several Hindoos kit Post-Dispatch. LcH' Universal Onuuli srup will cure e unclaimed funds in the Knulish Iris anion n : to :t.'i.:;."' 410. Whani" HU lire Utter limn mineral n. Bretuaiu'e - uo oilier. i out, a box. -ere are IjOO rarities of cotton lOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES ng and Kidney Trouble, :-Mia, salt rlieuin, an aiiank of aliliik.-!cs a severe i nuwli cinn!lt-il me to (Ive i.r as a mavon mid Hfier rie years of mfTer- nearly tixik uway my I ff. Then I to.ik l' SnrRaiiarilla, which ifTectetl a cure, uelyliltor tliink it very MiHUKe In mo -lie rk attain. Ii is the ttrenttlli n.vrn tut- l.t Hood's Sarsaparilla b enkblt me to tin h." Inaac .iiui i.u. N. J. (in inl Hood's MU'rilla t'llla are l hi- te,i nfirrilli ni-r I 'IIU. u . Kt.uD, iur braOurhe. Utaroia 1 1) a Ik. a FH 11 41 MM doses as CURE. ret Concha. Uuikikvi, Soit '1 liroat, Lruuu, 1ing Cuiiuh and AMhma. For tntumfm ii tuia no ritl 1 has cured thoutanda whrr thera (ailed : will cure von if lakrn In time. p by DruKnUts nn a suarantre. For Lame ort,ncl. useMiin hi m i.Aai Etc. ascia. LOH'SCATARRH ZSSTR E M E D Y. lm w.,ii i ini ih i hlaremexlv la miarao. L to cur you. frk-oAOuta. JiiJeutortrMk fl OTHER'S FRIEND" . rcleutlflcally prepared Liniment burmless; every ingredient la of 'QTlizod VHlllA tml ( rnntlnnl nu the medical prof c-Hhion. It thort- I IlMir. T4nria Tnlri limlviiKna Lrer to life of Mother and Child. - i.uAioiDeru" maueu iree, con. icg Vbluatle information and inlnri fAtiflTvwir.li.lu iitl7)iiiraa,rutiyi;a prerajiU, on reoelpt I wa. Slixl lair buLiiu. UOFILLD REGULATOR CO., AllinU, 61. Xttt urn i TntT got ao.ooo. Ch eito's Sic Bockery th Beets it WotOerfully Bold Bobbery. J. O. IVske. treasurer of the Indians. Illinois A Iowa rHilway.wat iauliel in hia office in the T.ookery bnildiiiK. Chicago and robbed of many tlioutanil dollars which lit bad parked in a valise preparatory ingoing out upoi, tbe road to puy employes. A rrsll csrner in sating lr. Jirake s .rti( beard prr-sns within and upon enlern g found tbe effiiial lying upon the floor hruiwd and tn a aeini-contciout condi tion. "I've -ecn robbed by two men." Mid Mr. I'rake trebly, and lie nfien ale. over turned al aeand tratle-ei pa.era culilirtn d his statement. Hit welts on his liend bore evidence r-f savaice hluwa. He had but little tossy, bm tbe iim r $ O.ikiO wai mentioned as miiainit and it was s ion nn--JeraiiMid that tbe robtcrs had luade away with thai amount. The a. lit occurred about 7 o'clock a ro., when theie were few people in the build ing. No onentionl the olaoe lememliera ol haviny een a euipinous character and denve nivatery fiirroimdi tlie atlair which it one of the bnlilett rotiheriet that has oc curred in i hiiSKO for years. Mr. I'rake nine dow n early in ihe inorn inv to aicnre in nev tn pay IT alcnu die line, lie tons f Jit.iwi (rum Iheratr.mtei d iriR to leave on Ihe ".:) train. lie Wa fol lowed inti'lhe otlice by two ordinary imk liiif. nn.KMh I a. T.I metiand atrnck down and the t.u.noo taken, lie was uruck nn each t nifle and hia head bears the marks ol the ilona. He c-iulil yive no very i curate dencrip lion of tbe rohriers. but Indicated that they heavy men and wore la'pe nlmers. While Mr. Iirake Ihv emi rniix-ioiiit on the floor me robbers unlocked Ins vnlisvand acoopen the iay envelopes into the ,'ar-e p's keia if their ulster Occurr tit a it ilid 'tithe lU.ok ry.one of the Inrvcst and bei known ithce binli ii'ijs of t iiii aco. ainiNiiNl in (lie heart at ihe b.inne tlmirict, the roboory caueil intense eicilement. Iluamein w alinott It a landtill in the tiaiKhborhood liirina (he day. It hut been tlie ciiniuu ol' tbe. tteanner to ay the employes ol the mad in ?hecka. Had the malum' been rotitlnued I eatartlini! robbery would not lime inn attempted in a I prohablii.v. hut wnhin tie nat week tne Hit 10I1' ilei med tut at in lurrency. BLOUNT'S It tPOBT. bitlea With ueen Lll and Acci aea S,;ev ens ol Hiding With thoHeio lutionisin. rhe long looked for repoi t of .'.sms A. Blount, i oiniiiiiot',er and aftt-rnnnl M.n ifter to Huwsii, b.is a la-t been made pnh lie. The report lays all t he blame for iherey. oluiiou in llawnii at the door of the former t inted Stales Minister. He claims thii Mr. Stevens conspired with Meii8.,'i huis uti snd Smith to ilepuse ihe s'ueen, ami .nni bad the American mininier not landed troops from the t'nlied States waithip llos tou and recognized the provisional govern ment before the ytieen was notified of the revolt, the ineen would yet be on the throne, t he conditions. Mr. Blount attserls, did not warrant the landing of ihe soldiers', s there was no denser to the life or prop erty of A tuerienns. He explains why he hauled down the A inericun flag and sent the troops back to the ship. . . . . Uncle Bam Hard Up. At the treasury when the doors wet . clnaed Saturday the murnin of currei.cy left tor bnsineaa was very small There were only 13.(mjo.ixio, including n1Ml dl.tribuc d by the sub-treasuries. TreasiirerMorKsn tent telegraphic instructions to the principal sub-tressuries to pay out gold, if ucrearj, to meet all checks. The treasury irold bal ance is about lH.yoou.ooo. beeking Htatehood. A convention held at Caddo, I. T., electee fifty deleKHtes to attend the Okluhnuiaatute bond convention at Kinerlther. The Choc taws by blood were in the majority and J K, Lawrence, n t'hoctuw lawyer. was choser cliuil nmn. The convention adopted a reao I lution ravorinc sinteiioiHl and instructed it I ilcltcatcH to vote that wav. Married, A Mother.Divorcde.Hiid Not 10. Married lit 1 1, n mother lit l i, divorced nt til. is tlieMory of Mrs. Jennie t ainpbill of St. I. iiii. who has been litlitmn in (he courts tor tbe c- Moily ol her child, Irene, now II years old. Mn. t'atnpliell is now IS I lie lilt le one s prutiiliienis hitve been keepinit the child, i.'eceiilly ahe stole it Miit ihev huve brouclit u:t in recover. PROMINENT PEOPLE. T.y-fiovEHsor. iiasi If. IIei.l, of New Muiiipshire, in dnod. RrnvAai) Kn i.i Kit has i.ppliedfor niemtier ship to the Society cf AuiHri'-au Authors. ,)rna IticHAan PAHaau, of Vlrlnlu. who nreaidml at the trial of Jolili lii.iwn iu I HS1, is ib-ad. li.ivrasoH lit'KHf.i , of MiiMui-hiisetta, aay he will reuniH the practice of law when tils lerm expire. IUkos Kokmiinwaki s. the Vienna baiik,-, is dead. He was a popular phllautbropiit and leavea a fortuue of t'20,000.000. "Mahk Twais" Imiks old. His luzry hair is utmost whilH aud he stoops more than -vr. llnrliH can crack a joke with bib ii-uul vim. TlwioMrl,. Monnv, til" evunnelii-t. ia to couiiucl a nerle of revival ineetinirw iu Wash, toctoii this winter at the luvitatioo ol several minister of Hint city. Si na nm Khkbmas s real mtate boldiiiKs at Wasliinirtou am rated on tliia year's tax lint st toil. 00(1. He ia tho heavixat llidividuul taxpayer at the Capital. Wii.i.iah I. HouKI.I.. thenovelial, ia about o ci tine out iiHHiiailvocateof radical ehauk'es 111 the aocinl systcni, ia eveu accused of tedded ItvinliiK toward Auuroliy. Mh. (iaKaNHAi.iiK will be thellrst Ooveruor if MiixwichiKetta born a British subject sinco Governor Kutls, who was elected in ll.'l, in I served until hU death. Ill ll'i.j. 'l'lt . oldeat oflli-iiitimr clitrvyinun in the it y of l.omlou. tho Itev. Jauiea Jackson, vicar of St. Sepulchre's, who took deacon's ir.len. in IH.Ti, la about to rcsln his llvinif. I.. '.. I.eilKH. the Chlcatco inllllouaire. has lotlllml the directors of tlm Columbian Mu teum that tin will uontribute tlDO.OIH) to the fund, provided th iihihciiiii ia built and re ainsd In Jackson Park. (luaosmo. the ouca powerful Indian chief f the Went, who made Kreat deal ol trouble 'or the Unlteii Stutee Armv. is now a iu(et tnd peaoelul prisoner at Mount Vernon Bar racks, an army noot on tha Alabama Biver, thort dlstaooe atlovd Mobile. Tns present Mavorof tbe town ol .Molllens Vidame, in tha Heparttneut of Homme, iu Prance, has held theoftloe. continuously since W.Vi, or for filly-four yaars. Hia name Is M. I'ruiicorl, aud he Is ninety-two years old. Ha possesses the vigor of weli-preaerved mau A fifty. Ths will of tha lata hiatoriau. Francis Park man. kIvbs all bis printed books relnt iuirto history, voyage and travels, also hia printed books iu Greek aud Latin ami all hi 'naps, to Harvard College. Ilia biatorinal manuscripts N. to the Massachusetts His torical Society. Cahtaim Samuel Noais, oua of tha last ot tbe onoa noted tutud of whaling c plains of New London, Conn., ia dead. Heclrcuoi navittated tbe globe oiaoy time In both New Loudon aud New Bed lord whale ships, and socu niulsted a handsome fortuno in the seal fishery iu tbe latter part of bis seafaring oa- CADOHTBY BLICTHICITT. Row 1 snd Bueeessfol Metbod of Land 1st Three Burg ars. Three burglars, trapped by electricity and lbs earners bsve confessed to rolling th store of Voster. Ptevens & Co.. Grand Rap ids. Ms h., hardware merchants. For some time the firm has been a loser by- pcrsis tent till tspping, andsll other devices fail ing, two electricians arranged a camera fo cuscd on the cash drawer, and an electric connection was made With the Kdion com pany's plant tooperateit. A burglar alarm device was tilted in the cash drawer, so that when tbe till was opened tbe electric con nection nisde and the shutter of the camera opened eipi sed tbt lens, at the am instant setting off a calcium flli licht. As soon as the flash light fuse burn ed ont it broke the circuit and the camera lens closed automatically, with tl:f a-l Myo graphs of Ihe nil tappers imprinted On the instantaneous plate The three young men in the crowd were startled with the flash light, but as na demonstration followed, they finished Ihe job in peace. The susiiect were arrested snd aben con fronted by the photograph they broke down sod have made full confessions. Their tames are l.ea is Stot-ehurner and Cliarles and Henry Snyder, ihev all live there. CATHOLIC 8 EM IN A RY BURNED Two Children Suffocated and a Kumbci cf Othera Injured. Ti e Kdgewood Female Seminary, Madi son, Wis., was destroyed fcv fire. Two cbil dren were suffocated and r-everal others in jured. The dead a rr: Majorie Kice, Stevens Point, Wis ; Mag eie Slack, 114 Forty-fi ft Ii street, Chicau-o. The following were overcome w.th smoHe: Frames Hattneburt!, f liicsgn; Katf Sweeney, of Michigan, i (tie of the sisters, name nn' n wn, , 'I he three latter will recover. The fir started in the uppcrstory ol the tnaiu build inr. where the girl s'lidcnts. some ,"m in nuinber. were -iccolng. I l,e hnlls were toon lined with smoke snd the Catholic sisters who cotnt ict the sem;riarv. hail ti e greatest il'lttriiltv in ret ink.' the' itiria ,ul. When lH It- Marjurie Bic and Murine Stack seed 7 and 'I yer r j-e lively, sieie readi ed their bodies nere lilelet-s, the niCe onet La nig been suffuciiieil A new mill lute acd several other build Ings were destroved. lbe loss i T.-i.(mi), nearly lully inmred. TheUoiiniiii ati Mtf r were iriven the seminary buiHlins ninl gn imds M,nie jars ao ty is-i.ov. t. c Wushbtirn. MAKKLTS. riTTM.1 hn. thf noi im r. ri.ii fa a hf oivrji i etow. l.riVlN, t l.lll It AM' t t I WHEAT So. 1 lied t No. -i Bed I'OHN-No. '-' Yellow eur... Iligli Mixed c.-ir No. '. Yellow Shelled Shelled Mixed OATS No. 1 While No. 2 White . No. .1 White Mixed BY F No. 1 No. 'J Western, New Fl.Ot'B Fancy winter pat? 4 i r, 4 17 i: 2 4 44 ;i.'-i :vt :vj ;si .') on -PI 4.1 4'i 4i ;i M M X 7 M 4 I'.'i 4 Ml .1 7.. : i'i 5 ,'io :t I.'I Ml 12 IK) 12 00 ID 0U ! (KJ 17 M) HI M J.'i .r0 7 oi 7 Ml 1'iiiicy Spring patents 4 J.ri Fancr straight winter.... d .VI XXX Bakers 3 tn Bye Flour 3 i'l Buckwheat flour. 11 HAY Baled No. 1 Tiin'y.. 11 on Baled No. i Timothy 11 on Mixed Clover 11 no Tinioliiv from country... IN 00 FEED So. 1 W'h Md X IB .VI No. 2 White Middlings... 17 00 Brown Middlimn I.'i on Bran, bulk I.'i tm ETBAW-Wheat 1 .'rfl lists 7 0i hum i-iioni in,. Bl'TTEl! Elgin Creuniery Fancy Creamery l aiicy country roll l ow grade iVcooking.... tHEIE nhio. new New York, new Wisconsin Swiss l.itnhiirger ( New innki.. . Hill AMI Vli.l I M.I APPI.EM-Fancy. V bid... Fair to choice". bbl.... li li A I'ES-i oucord.piny b'k .11 2 in jo )IS l.'J mi i . :i I .Ml ;i M 10 10 s I l.i 1 i-' ! J-'l i 1.1 : II I .1 Ml ' 7.i " 11 12 12 12 10) 4 70 3 isl 4 00 eiU .'SI 1 2'i xl W M 1 2.1 10 12 14 24 IRI V) : Pelaware. pory basket... Catawba, Kny basket.... Niuirnra. lonv basket I'EANS- N Y fc MfnewiBeunslibl l ima Beans I' TAK.'KH Fancy f bit Sweet, per bbl CABBAGE per hundred.. UNIONS YellowUlobefbu Mixed Country Spanish, per crate 1 IB MI'S-- purple tops i-ot iTKY ire l ive chickens V pr Five Hucks '' pr Five Geeae if pr Five Turkeys y tl lrsselcliickens e lb.... Hri-asfd ducks 'It liressel turkeys V lb Ft.tiS Fa A Ohio fresh. . FEATHKBS Fxtia live Geese V lb No 1 Extra live geese' tb Mixed MISI t ll.AMOl IA M.OW-Country , f tb . . . i itv 3 fi'i 2 IK) mi ,ri.i 40 1 00 40 .') 4'l 1 0.1 si !l 10 12 2.1 4H 2S FE1S ( lover lituotliy prime Blue grass RAGS Country mixed ... cloN'EY' White clover.... Buck wiieai M AI'I.ESYBl'l'. new crop TllF.lt cou-itrv sweet bbl tl.M IMNATt! 'l.Ol'B kV II EAT No. 2 Bed It YE No. -. .iiBN Mixed ... J ATS (CGGS jtL'TI'KR v. rini.Aiir.LriiiA. ?I.OFU WHEAT Nn. 2. Bed ;IBN-No. i. Mixed )A TK-No. White F I'TEIt Creamery Extra. iGGS )'.. Firsis Nt:w VOKK. FfXIFR-ratenta V HEAT No 2 Bed i YE Western XHX No. i M IS-Mixed Western HjTTEK Creamery tGGS Mule and J'enn fi 21 C .VI 1 73 1 M 1 40 1 70 1 I) 15 17 10 12 .MJ 1 00 tl tJ 0 ,V) 12 tat'nti .'in :h .vi Mi ! :inj M .11 i iu r.'i 19 3J f 1 f0(j1 7 4t; 4i.j i'S 27 25 2 2 00 t,&i 41 :ti 17 25 I do I4i ft2 4.i M 27 I.IVI-SttHK SaPOHT. sTi.iiir'BTV, firtsacau ns t vakhs. Per 100 lbs. IATTI.S. rime Steers f 4('i0to 5 40 icAMi butcher .1 75 to 4 Ml ommon a .'to to .1 01 Hull aud dry cows 2 00 to 3 25 v'eal Calve 4 00 to l 50 ;'resh cow. er head 20 OH to 45 00 SHUI'. "riniefW to 100-lb sheep....! 3 20 to 3 30 iood mixed , 2 711 to 3 00 .'oinnion70 to 75 tb aheep... 1 00 to 150 hoicajjimli .1 00 to 4 00 Elected 0 10 to 0 Vi 'rime Yorker.... 41 00 to 6 10 -icavy , 5 75 to 5 Ho iouklia. A 4 60 U) 6 2S Color rhotonrapby. The art of photographing colors wems to progressing in very t o jonrselnjr manner. The color photo, traphs of Nt. Llppniann, which ex cited so much Interest u year or so mo, hare recently Been surpassed By the achievements of M. Louis hu nt .ere. M. Lumleie. whose name In English means ' llghU' lias succeeded in preparing gelatinobrotnlde plates which give, with an eiimstiro of half an hour, a photographic reproiiuc tion of the natural colors of oh.ect. An exhibition of li s work was made Before the commute of the 1'hoto (Jlutiot Earls at their .'one meeting, M. Llppmunn Being present as Hie presiding- officer. lTiotoi;raphs were sVown exhibiting In their nat ural hues Boxes, colored cloths, fans, lapuncse screens, flowers and latul- tCilK. The landscape phot otrra pits aroused the greatest Inteiesu ho tlclicacv of tint which they exhibited was ttilte ustonlshln,'. All the shade and gradations of co'or in the glass and trees the sky. the field, and the houses were teprotluci tl w ith extraor dinary faithfulness utitl c earness The gain In time of exposure achieved by M. Lu micro is in itcir li great advance. Former methods Of photographing; colo s have re quired exposures of not less than nn hour ninl a lialf or two hours-. But it is Imped that the thirty minutes re (in i red By M. I.timierc's p;oces- Will soon be greatly shortened. The French are particularly Inter evted In the progress which color photography is niakii g in their coun try. They call It the ciiuiplctinn f tho Invention of Ihiguerie, and Hie eager to see it brought to perfect inn by their compatriots. It does not matter, however, whether it Is a Frenchman, a German, an Kuli-h I man or an American who hal! first make color photography tin common property of mankind: lit any event he will win tho uratiiwle or all nations. Health of Work n i-it at Itixti (sum mit. Some noteuhle facts are fiiii,i,hed by the experience of tin: workmen eiii:ak'cd Iu iiifistr.n tiiik.' the new ten tr.M tsaihvay over t he motihialns iu I'd u. 'i he line starts at Lima, It. altitiidi- twelve decrees, aud the Mini mil tunnel of this line at G.cerl.i is at the height of I'.ii4.' Net. It hp pvars that the workmen, up to the height of sou to lo.ooo f. t-t, do about the same relative ipiautlty of work as at the sea level, provided tticy have Been inure! to tho height or hroiurht up in l ie countrv; al IL'.uoo leel the aniouul or woik deteriorates and at 14,01.0 in in.onu Cet a full thud had to be deducted from tiie amount that the same men could per forin at sea level. Owing to t tic ab sence or malaria the percentage of efficient labor at thu meatest eleva tion has been a very high one. Men com log from tho coast were not found aUiltie-Of doing efficient work for ahj.jrt two weeks.nn an average when luken to hip tho wnj,"". w ca. pacily fcradtw.,,.,. ( , ,t ngaud reach ipg its uiaxlmuiu i.. .cw weeks or months, according to' ;-e cotistttutlot'. of the individual. I 'ii'v.jonty of Ihe laborers being t holos, tioiaus born iu the Merra, were .A in. capable of doing eiTeTrv work on the coasts or in the warmer altitudes without it long course or acclimatiza tion. Sudden changes, too, ftntu the sierra to altitudes of from 2,ooo to . 000 feet have lesulied in sickness and fever Iteaaoii toe Id j h in k. Winn Wesley and Nelson wert travelinjr through Cornwall, t run: common to common, preacni'ig to i people who heard willingly, but eel dom or neer proffered them t lit slightest act or hospitality, they weit freuuently hungry. They were detained some time at St. Ives becausf of the illness or nm or their companions: and their lodg lug was little letter than their faie. "All that time." says Mr. Nelson, "Mr. Wesley and I lay on tho floor he had my Kre.it-coat for his pillow, and 1 had Hurkitts .Notes 011 t tic New Testament for mine. Afterbelnghere near three weeks, one morning, alwiul three o'clock, Mr. Wesley turned over, and finding mt awake, clapped me 011 the side, say ing. 'Hrothcr Nelson, let us be ol good cheer: We have much to re ;oice ia . -1 have 0110 whole side et, lor the akin Is oniy olf on t tie side.1 " Where Hit Made Ilia Money. Mr. Coleman of Norwich, before . he was made. a knight, was one day I in a Taris hotel, when an inijiiUit ive- i damsel asked: "Are you the Mr. Coleman who has made so much money out of tho mustard wo take ,)tf the sides of our nl.it,. sy" -n was 1 be answer: "I am tb Mr cio man who makes money out of the mustard you leave on I ho sides jour plates." ol Don't Forget it is BAKING POWDER that makes the deli cioui biscuit, griddle cake and doughnut. Mm or Osin.l'nr er iuuuo, I LccAacnrsTV. r" 11 as 1. v arsev .akersih that ha la trie arolor farliierot the tumol F. '. hihit 4 Co., iliiina biisiiies- In ti.e Clly of Toledo, Cuimiv and Slate aror--lil, aid iiiat said Arm will ca the sum of IINK Ml'NIlHKIt I )! l.A ItV for each and evety 1 ae of C tiarrh that, chilli. it lie cured by tin-use "f II Al.i.'si 'at as km It nr, Fhass .1. Cn.Nav. -worn to 1 efo-a me an I snlsrilirii In my ireiice, lUlsSlU day 1 f iecetnli-r. A. tl. lsss. .-'1 A. W. Gi.kAsos, 1 srsiJ r ' T"M"I f'Mll'tf. Hall's Catarrh Cure istakrn Internally and acta fllrei-t Iv on the IiUmmI anil iniicotis aurfaiaa of tbestatein. Send fur lrt inmilals, fiee. F. J. Cuasrv it 111., ToleUo. 0. HTSold by PriiaKisia, ",:c iueen Victor. a bcoevts that articles made by blind people nn g lin k. fVi" Ban trui , A s-:i- .- ic A vr Pet ios A. CV I'.impi Alr. "b M'." i( ,..ir , 1 7i,l,. luiVtf irin.r.ijia iu:.n.V) .rinrl.t. Suit tll.il) lit UvAIa It is taid thai IJ.o.hi vanetiei of goods are niaiiiil'iictiireil Irom woo . Pitiu now bus 4 I warshipa. KTOWLKIMJB Ilritip cotnfoi t ntid inipnivctrrnt find teti'l'i to in i-niii,l i-iiji-j mi nt when ri;h:ly tird. 'I'ln- immv. ln live lct tor than others mid i-njoy blc more, wit It li s X lnlit lire, I iy n ine pimnptly mliiptiii the world's best products to tin- iici iH of physical In iii-, i.ttcst tin-value to IicmIiIi 1,1 tin- pure liquid liiMitivo piiinilc iinliiuid in l!io remedy, rvrtii of l-'ia. lis excellence i di e to il in'cnting in tin- form most iicceptiildc noil l-lc.-is-111'. to tlie titstc, llio 11 Itcsliitti' mid truly x-m In i;d piuici tics of .Mpciltcl l.ir! ntivc : clli ctiutlly ( lemisitij; ilu- i-yKit-in, 1 1 i 1 iff colds, I i :ii l;i lit-M 1, ml Ii M is ninl permanently curing enlist :patinu. Il li:is (riven itisf:o lion to millions end met with tin- 1 ppioiiil o' tin- liitdicut Jilot'essiiiii, liec:ill-e il nr nil tin- Kit. iii-ys, l.iver iiiid ItiiweK nitlmin wetik ciunjr llicin und il i- pcilcelly lice fiotn every olijeciiniiuli!e Mibstmn-i-. (syrup of Ftj;s is 'nr sale bv nil drug vists in 0O1-mnl $ bottles, tml it is iiiiin ufai lnr.il by tin- I'alilornia I'ijr (syrup t 'o. only, win ist. nanii is pi in ted on every paekni', also tin- ii.-.nn , Sy riii of Ftpa, und lnin well iiifm inc'l. you will not accept any Mihaiitutc. if ollcicd. MliS. Mil I V I M.-OI'.SO.S, Tn v, N. V. 77i fuH,ri'i I, ,!.,,,- l,i HA V.4'.V ...c ,-'., ul.lt 1 iilmXlr ru.v. I'l. I V '.V, inn n, ,, t,rui,i ii-. Il-k .nr "4, 1. Di i l' V rii.Mt- .1.I ' l ," rj'.i 1 oii'insi. yv.ii, v. ) ..- I.I 1 1 I Ml - I Im i c l.ccn 1 1 . I.tt , n Itli 1.11. H 4 SS I'l. IT. HINUI't. HON anil ltll I'M. 0.1 1, ..i,t l.ic. I 11 1 1 . 1. I tin- beat IIihIoi- In II. 1- tilt; they lull! mc Old Chronic Coml;iinls were liaril cure. I helr incill. 111c iinl tin- no hmmI. I i.i'Ipci ImLIiik II n, liniililil 11 lniiilo.1 Hli sl(sAI-AHII I. A. Ilcluii-I hint in I.. 11 liair nf II I felt belter. I lime tuki 11 ilm-u liulilcauf DANA'S SARSAPARILLA! ninl 11 111 Inner lli:in lor cins IT IIAN IMIM: nilMIIHS toil Mi:. I ran eal niillilar sunt mid II Uwa iiS iflslreaa me 111 Hie li-;ir-l . iil iiulv, Tkiv, N.Y. M llsi. Ml' l ItllUt'SON. DANA SARSAPARILLA CO., BELFAST, ME. 11. its-;-; k ;iSv ..vv.'b .:-,,!S ' I ' I 'I K. .'V -'.vf ''kf..'.ri,'T 'Vl'S.' .lL' ' r-iiv.., ...,T ' Ti il-St 11-4 i., ...ft r" sf sUiita, Si&ftvr? is s in r.sieclHlly for Fr.rtr.ars. Miners, It. 15. Tlanil anil others, rouble sola ettenillnir lo n to the heel. KXIIIA WI-'.AKIMi 4JI AIMI Y. Thousanila of Koliher Itool wearera leaflfv till ia the liKHi' they ever hail. ASK YOl'K DKAI.KIt KK '1'HKM a ml Good Wives Crow Fair in the Light ol Their Works," Especially if They Use SAPOLIO "August Flower" Eicbt doctors trentt tl tuc for Heart I)isease nnd one for K lien tun t ism, tut lid rue 110 riiotl. 1 cntilil not Fpeak nlourl. ',vt r IhitiR that I took into the IS tom n h tiisttesM tl rut-. I t could not sleep. I had In ken all kinds (f niedicincs. 'I'lirotigli j neighbor I not nc of vonr lxK)k. : 1 V'orim d u lxttlr cf Gttt n's Aiir ! list IMower and tool il. 1 nm to day Mout, licatlv ntul s-tronj; fctnltijoy the licM of Iiealtli. Autisl Tlower Mvedtny life and nave tne niv l:t alth. I Mrs. tiutiih J Cox, Defiance, U. Io Not Be Pmlvrd JMh r..i, Knm-i am) l air'a mhlch ataln Ihe I ftri'U lni,np tl, lr,n ami l.firn rf.l a Ti,r nu'ii -s ,1, vi,,,, 1 ,, a, iiii.m. c.iM t- "'. O. tal.lr ami llr it ii.nn., , f,n IH, r !, kw Willi oil) ,.iicVia. ir Tr turn nir Ton rimtii't ih tlitu ii(ilr ton ninli rf uml llicin nl hln n Im-s lutaiei l1hti l"itiirt-iMltl; ti-l ni ritiiiMl tHl ntiil itollMrn trjitiMiiH l ! I vUh .. (.i 11 ul 1. 11 itif kiii't. i-4f4s riiitrnl tiefin V fi ni Mn ! -1 1 (r tiitlt i't (f liti. YOU WANT THEM TO PAY THEIR OWN WAY. piprt tf visii ini'ifi im ih tn n (lisr)iii ti r- 1IT 1(1 illlll I .It la. Jliitlt I , t fit Halt knMta, Mllil-1lt!iic ntM.lM Iht ftt. IxlliSfl 1I1U Miiftl Al'Uf' H'l tllU I t-.l.li tjttllir 11'1 rft-t (Iff I Aaallf 9R of k i-r.t.fi.siJ st uitrv hum r n.r I will J Ubi is 0r mr, 1 1 mt h Mi n m ttiaii m lm iut I (us nun I. nint tlii.i-. ni1 imitifv in Huthnik mir if i f lih hrn 1 Mloiliir - liol as n lHllMii'. i-nl h.i i lMIlllSHS HM f t Will pl'tlt liV hlM IWS-tlU ilVH -mip mi ik, iu i'mii tnati iiti-li atiHiiiifiy, aiKl inkr tour otti ruru iliMnr (im iui I ft piln i Hint voii Miiistt ! ahls to iti'it-! lnnililv (n liir tviilir mcl m as mi h t nristaMt , mik know b"W l rr-tllf'l It I it la Urok Will tt-ai'li ltl. Il if iiu lint 111 ilrti-t mu um 1I1 . t, fi4 fur KM" MlMt HiM I it fitll'tilliu . h'rli liH In in mr fof Itrcs-il'liv fnit I'ltsK'si unit t wi 1 1 Mlitf. liHlcffl, tiit HH'Hul kmiM mi MM) tihjii't lii 'tn II iirttHMltii'. hi III rst(lll (! IU rtt'tHtl III lIIMi). Book PublUhlnu House 1 :i t 1 tiii v. y 1 tiY. SniTII k'rnE WATX rArw. mkiw mami- SKM.H THK HI'-MT, THE I'HKAI'FiHT WALL PAPER 4.Mt vtrr'i'. Miisi.'if Isiilil rw i"'V' . . iiimI .V-. -Mtts r is 11 in i mm. .'-II W rri, I rn(-iirts iIiwhi m4.b ftiiiikit 4-nm 11, 41 ut$9 tr I m i it tut sh Im tili nl ttivtti- I (.. . 1 1 filth Illy. jr fir n 1 1. 1 I uktiir tn I W 1100 W II lli.icllrw loi. Hi iMitimsiiiini, eUiivjip itilik t.r II ihtiiitijiii tm., m, It 11 1 r I if 1 111 i.il mn lift lr 1 -li Ii h.. tUtttmiy H i 1 ll .I .U nit rmulit till?, r s-li itc 1 rutif aMtiiC vkfalil, tire. I t'i'ft lihaiKl'l I , t'lno jrtj, Jtl, r nr 1 mile ' i(lllviiifMu llcfttlm kr, 4 oilll'Unn, Itmi .4 iiwplr kiM, 4tlritl llrmlb, ftiiiialltliiN.iitt-.i. t-f L1j rii'ltA ii. I j 1 and H4t I. M urullv vcl HM.ii.i.f I . . rTl ll kditrt Htii.o ftiUi tliir nr. V nl V I r lf liniiririprU nr lafiii hy ihbJ iu i j ii Ttalu .Tftc. I i 4lM krri.t " 1 I Jwr f rr-r Mii.ir wilifav I ' I UII'ANn 4 IU MH'AI. i O.. Nrw Turti. J taa as aaa . mm mm -. -i"W THE WORST mechTn.cal niinTcinr treatment RUPTURE HV"LT' I.B.S-fcrl.t l A O .lfjN. IMS HI., l-bliaSa. FlENSIONUKrS.V: 'SiiocessfuMv Proseoute Claims. I rrtui-lpftl H4i.iur l' 0 Ctut uB Hurau. i v ft i m lftt wai, i&nUii(fiMailliif rit i Ian, (! tltmft. Pi I l ml. Ill ii- ft4l ftN lriftirijiv lit- ti'fjhrt.1 iiiHiitri i ii i-s. fur nil trilftif mw ui. hm l'r nM-)' mm 'its' ili"' ll ' htt. I'at i'v . 'V. fi u ) k U iliiiiMitrl, I . II 'I'l'V'I'W t li M ' M AlIKH li ! Ilitol I n . I if I l Hint JHivt.f M.IMl.ll'lllMltlllf nf iii Million Ss-i il for hm iii'Mfc iiiiitivoi liitw uni t4 ...tt iii. I A I I: Ii h t -a Hl:l I.I . W Asiii.tiiN.h tUHli WHiHt Mi Hi '.IIKIS MlHlMI 111 UllS. Deat eiiuab t-yrup. 'lault.sMj. Vae In limn e..in tT nrniiftip 55 - s - - L. "s i-.tTi jv- tf 'l i j3S'rYrc ilou't Im ieraiial-il into an inferior article Oliicltens fttOD POISON I -a A SPECIALTY. J I-:., iijr au urugsaiut. - V- a.. 1