The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 23, 1893, Image 4

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Publislioit every Thursday.
T- H. BARTER Editor and Proprietor.
Subscription 1.50 per year.
(which miiNl Im p:ll In niltntu'c nlico noiit out
mil- the county.)
All trnnwti'iit mlvrrt lament not nttirwls
rmitrai't.'il for will In rlnirsfril lit 1 ho r:itr of 1.1
tvtita per line (iinnpiirtel ini-iimm-) fur tint Inser
tion unit lucent ht line for every AUlwipient
Thursday,Xovember23, 1S93.
Another of Los'i'.'f's Mis?.V';3.
An oil fi'lrii." nays, "Misery love
company." Tho trtitlifiilnesM of t his
time honored Hity iiivT i fx-inili
in luxt week's ioi of '.lie S"linn
grove Tiun under nti article hctiil-
1 "Win iv the f:iu1t lie" in which
Lesher, the "Star" of llm Snyder
county Di'Ijuhthcv, trie In vri,'l(;
hiin If out of tlic "li"le" into which
liu linn gotten l'V Ins own nl upi-lity,
ly a'tcmptim: t tliiMW tin- Manic
of not lmvii.t,' tlio f:incli'l:it- for tin
office, of Associate .1 n ci'ilil'uvl to
tin' State 1 )rp u l til- lit. upon the
Commissioners Clerk. 1'or Mr.,
Ijcsliei's pl e.-s e.lil'u-;i! ion mill ill-
formation I will In ii' stale that two
months before tlm election I wrote
to the State Department asking
tliem lioi iinat io'is. if any,
should bo filed with tliem from the
Commissioner' h otliee. The reply I
leeched whs num. A the Associ
nte Jii'lire draws his salary from the
State D p, H't 111. lit. he is evidently H
state officer. This fael i- furl her
confirmed by the fact that lie re
ceives his c iiimiisM' u from the
Department of S'ate. ( 1 1 ainly,
there his nomination MmuM 1" cer
tified to the same Department. The
State Department has in plain I'ny;
hsh haid that the cert ilicai e of his
nomination shall not come from the
County Commissioners. Where
then is it to comn from.' There is
only one other place from which it
could come, viz : from the Vaunt'
Vhninmin. Thin view is corrobor
ated by the legal opinions of Judges
Gilkeson and Furst.
Ia view of these facts and
opinions, Mr. Lesher must daddy
the responaihility and must admit
that it wan through his own blind
ignorance that the name of II. C.
Fiss did not appear on the official
'-st of nominations, eut to thin of
nr v' election
I saw tinrr- for
Associate Judge .lu ... the
above mentioned i 'licia list,' it
was not my buniii is t t. r Mr
Leblier's "dear littl political boat"
clear of the maelstrom of public
I am employed by the C'onimis
sioners and not as Mr. Lesher's
private secretary.
lie further nays that "all niiiues
must be printed on the ticket, un
less objections are tiled iu writing
IS days before the election." This
is true of properly tiled county nom
inations. J Jut in State nominations,
of which the nominee fur Associate
Judge is one, the legal time for til
ing objections is 'Jl days.
Mr. Lesher further states that
"the Commissioner's Clerk should
have seen this, for the law is plain."
J admit that the law is plain, and
the Commissioners Clerk did see it,
and is willing to have his nets pass
ed upon by any twelve mm in Sny
der couuty, whose minds are un
prejudiced. 15ut this clause iu the
Hallot Law was evidently ?nt plain
iiuu.'tt for Mr. Lesher's undevelop
ed mind to grasp, or ho would have
sent the nomination of li. C. Fiss to
the State Department according to
Section .1 of tlio Uevised Dallot Law
Should Mr. Lesher still bo of the
opinion that the milt lifs with thr
'ommiiontr Vlrrk,l would ad
vise, him to inako information
against the Commissioner's Clerk,
according to Section Iteviscd Hal
lot Law cf ls'.i:, and then wo will
nco w ho will have to uiulergo one
year's imprisonment or pay Slum
Mr. Lesher or tie Commission
er's Clerk.
Mr. Lesher hbouhl bo thankful U
the Commissioner's Clerk for help
ing to keep him out of a "hole" into
which he was liablo to fall, by not
having his county nominations filed
according to law, for had not the
aforo mentioned Clerk written to
him two days before the last day for
tiling county nominations, telling
him that in two more days the time
for tiling said county nominations
would expire, the probabilities me
that the Democratic party would
have had no to vote on Nov. 7.
In place of thanks for this act of
kindness, Mr. Lesher tries to pull
the Commissioner's Clerk into the,
"hole" with him. lint this is not to
bo wondered at, as one of the most
prominent traits of his character,
during his whole life has been "to
curse the hand that blessed him."
I hopo that in the future Mr. Lesh
er may remember the old proverb,
"think before you act and look be
fore you leap."
I havo no desire to enter into a
controversy with the editor of the
Timet, my only object being to
show the voters "where the fault
tlatt lie."
Commissioners' Clekk.
There is a saloon on Water street
the liko of which there is probably
not another iu existence. The chief
articles of sale aro oysters and nkiiT
chains. .. .Itoth our churches have
been reroofed, repaired und repaint
ed. The congregation can now feel
perfectly safe under the weather
....It is said that our band had
quite a pleasant time at Henry fte-
christ's. It has also been said that
the picnic whoso demise was occa
sinned by one of the harmonious
melodies will resurrect as soon as
there is a practical rendition of
"after tie; band is busted.". .. .This
is tlm season when hogdoin is in
danger of depopulation. Almost
daily is the early dawn startled by
the shrill sii'ieal of some new victim.
Then all is still but tlm immediate
world infers thai another poor fat
porker has suffered the peculiar fate
of his trili'.'. l'oor pig.... One eve
ning last week a local Sunday
school convention was held in the
I'vangelical church. The lecture
ami singing of l'rof. Sprcnklo made
all feel there win :-ome good ill it,
ami the time to go homo came cn
cntircly to soon. Waveki.y.
The Dogstown boys had a streak
of luck last week in turkey hunting,
(lenrge Spade and son shot two,
Hob Smith shot two mid William
Adams one The literary society
of Mechauicsvillo will hold their
tirst debate next Friday evening.
May success crown their efforts
Harvey Uowersox, of near Vt rdilla,
was the guest of 1. II. Lenig last
Saturday. .. .Adam (iarmau is the
guest of his uncle, Franklin Jarrett,
at this writing Daniel Sassamau's
three boys were the guests of their
grand parents, Jacob Jarrett's, last
Sunday .. .Miss Kosa, daughter of
Jacob Jarrett, who left this place
about two months ago to make her
future home ia Philadelphia, has
been very low with typhoid ' fever,'
but ut this writing she is convales
cent Franklin Jarrett and L. J.
Hendricks have each received a can
Of.vmiui rarp from the State
1 , y which they emptied into
Siho. h's and Wagenseller's dams.
John A. Lenig was the guest of his
parcntsovor Sunday JohnStroub
has shot twenty-nine gray squirrels,
fifteen "cotton-tails" and threo
pheasants this season. V. T
Nov. 'Jl, at Freebitrg, by Hev. II.
Selmable, (i. A. I'plinger and Miss
Kate A. How, both of Salem.
Nov. 1. at rreeburg, bv IJev. II.
Ci. Sclinablc. l.'lvde .S. llendricks
and Miss Mary M. Ut iinbach..
Nov. ; at I'reeburg, by 1!v. H.
i. Schna'ole, Miss Blanche IJassler
formerly of Freeburg and Mr. Mil
ton Jl. Uasscr of Cincinnatti, Ohio.
In Middleburgh, Nov. H!, by Hev.
I. P. Nell', H. M. jlergo of Middles
warth, and Miss M. Y Hackenberg
of Centreville.
13 IBD.
Nov. V, at Fieemont, Kamuel
Troub. aged 71 years, 7 months and
'J days.
Nov. It!, !t:i, in Adamsbnrg, Lo
vina, wife of Levi Swanger, aged tiii
years, '2 months and !! days.
The iinderHlk'iiPil Auditor appointed hv the
Oiiihiih' Court of Hiivder county to illstrllmte
the IJMi.M paid Into I'ourt at last Way term hy
the MieiilT. Ih'Iiii; the Imlanep for lUstrahiltloil
aiiiola; the lenateps of Mli hai'l W. IIpiimt. div'd,
laip of .lai ksoii twp.. ri'alleil on Fl. F'a. Hi, May
lerin, lsiu, ii'iillmt Phllnuiu Heaver, one ol the
Kxis iilors of Mild deceased, n.s r his laal will
mill IpHtaiiiPiit, will attend to tlio dm lea of his
appoint tiienl at tho oftlce of .las. li. ITouhh, Kwi.
In Mhl(llchiirt.'h, oil Friday, Nov. V4. lvu, at V o -clock,
a. in., hIipii and wlipreall iiprsona Inter
pitted uie nofltleil lo npppnr and prpsi-nt their
i laluisorlH' forever ilelwrrcd from coming In on
said Ulnl.
.1. M. IIAKKIt. AlldlUiP
l'l ltl.H' SALK F
The undersigned, Overspem of tlio Poor ot
Kraiiklln township and also Attorne s-ln-lact of
Samuel lli lllpy. will expow to Puf.llo Sain oil
i In- premises in Franklin lowuMilp, hnydur
county, l'a., on
Friday, December 8, 189:),
The followluir rti si rllied lteal Fstato, to wit :
All that icrliilii liiisMiii:e, t. iiriin iit ami tract
if land situate In Franklin townlilp, Suvih-r
county, l'a., Iiomnled on l!,p Noiili l,y Ml'idle-crci-k,
Kasl liy lands nt t hai lea Itojernnd Jona liiirilm.iii, South I v land of Jonathan
liorilniaii ami Pulilic road, nml on the Wel hy
lamW ol t hai li'i Hover ami pulilli.- mini, contain
liu,' "4 of an Ai'lli:. niore or h-M. with Ihenppur
ii nances, mi which ureerected a v-Mory Frame
DWKI.I.lMi IK'l SE, STAIILK, und othi-r liec
p ai v oullnillillha's, giRitl fl Hit ami ifmal Water
on the pieinliM H.
sale to commence all o'clock, P. M when
ti'iiiiH w ill be made known hv
AU '.vh-ln-facI for Samuel llcfllcy and Overet'r
ol the Pour ot Franklin towiislilp.
by irlvnn thut th Mlowlnff Widow An
pmlwmpfitu Miirt.T tlir $J'l lw, hn N.n fllp4
with tlio nerk of the Orphans' Court of HnviW
coiinlv for (VMifirmntloa on Monday, Uhi "mil
uaj ui iHivmwr, into.
1. Appmlvmpnt of Ilnnnnh Ncrhoort, wldnw
of Jorol) N rhiKKl, late of Ad-unn twp., !',, dee d
1. Apprnlwmr-nt of tht Orphunt children of
n iiiiiuii uuovri, line oi nover iwp uoo a.
S. Appralwnipnt of Snrnh A. Stout, wlilov of
dom'lin ii. puiiii, mie oi spring iwp., i-m., an; a.
4. Appr.ilwiiipnt of Henn, widow of
lli'nry j. Kcnn, lale of Monroe twp., Pa., dee'd,
R. ApprnlwtiiPnt of Pnmh Bmin. widow of
llcnry llmm, lule of Jiirkwin twp., Pa., dee'd
. Apprnlriniit of I.ydla lli'rmnn, widow
oi iwiijitiinii iicniian, lute of jockitoa twp., l'a.
T. Appr.ilKpnioiit of llnlrlipl Mnnlierk, widow
of Philip .M.nilx. k, hilpot sprlnirlwn., Pa.c'd.
J. i'alvin m. uoi ll, Clerk o. c,
Mondiiy, Nov. ID, lsitj.
l KOISTKK S SOTK'KH. Notice I hereby (rtv-
veii that Hip following named IH'rwin have
iiiihi nii'ir A'liiiiiilHiraiors', ouanllan, mid Kx
pi Mloi hccoiiiiIh In the KptflHUir- Ofllpe of Hnv.
ilprinimtv, and Hip satim will Im pre-ntM for
i "inn im:ii mmi anil itiinwtiiirp ill ine f;oiiri House
III .MUlilH iiiirxli. .Monilay, Dim;. II,
1. Klrt mid mini ari-onntof Mnry t'lrtch. ex
piutilx oi Sarah .1. II. A pp. di-cd. filed ly Cliu.
ii. jimiii'i. roiiiinii let? hi ham .Mary i,incn.
U. AiTiiimt of samii"l I,. Ilrowcr, Administra
tor of KII.iUMh llowpisox. Into of Went Dearer
liMli-l,i;i ini'ii.
H. Tln Prxt and final m-eoiint of Mnry K. Iten-
niiiif. floiiiinniiairix oi i nt ehl.llool HetiJ. lllipp,
mi; ! i i I I " ' , 'li ' .
f. 'I'lii' Mid ii n I fln:il ni'ponnt of Sm-l,1 V
IP tlli'V. aitinliiM i-.iu ix ol .loiiathan Jiefllry, lair
of Franklin loniMiip, ihril.
Tin-1 o'ltit of . mo" und lnlnh IViwprwx,
px.ciii.'C i if i, n I;,, i will und 'IVkUiihiiI of
"Mi. I..- II.MM'I ii. 1 IIP ,J riallKI Hi tOWlMllltl
h i il.
ii. I ' I rt ih.l il.iiil a
"Hit of H. 11. nl-
lnlhl-lr it.ii' ui tin
' i'p oi ,. e. oroM. latp or
lli-.IMT l'H lil,ll
O. M.
Hi i:l.
Mli.!l.'l'ir;:!i l'a.. N'i
Notice to Heirs.
In t'lp ia io, r i.f ihp INtiitpiif John Yonnif, into
or .Moniiip T p snjilcr Co.. Pa., dee'd.
1 o s ill!.- Vo'iinr. wiii nv, and her elrlit dill
ilo'ii. r. Ivlivai.i ii. Vnniu. I'eipr Vonnif nml
Ada hi Ifi , l.uihi.i Ki -.i r ii. p Voniiif una Hit.
ry In r Im-l and. all ef shainnktii lam. Smrier
i.. I' i.. I on' .N. miii'' of no name nlii,i.'uii
Is a iii"nir ami has nr lil-L'iiiinl!an.lohn I) IjmIi-
erol Sort hiiinlipil. mil, I'.i.. UeiNit-a KiiIiI.t i
Arthur In r lin-Laml nf ., n ami pinunv ut..r...
-alii, rharplt Sl.-pr hi-e Yonnif amir. M. Mlwr,
her hnsliiinil. of ll.p hump nlaee. and Allpn a
Vollli'ot N'' ,V :vut Fourth St.. S nifrnnpU, .. und (ieo. w. itntivr mid .lennie his wife of
Si ranloii. Kan.. 1 1 : i.-i 1 ilpviii'laliln of John
Youiitf, late ol the 'I'uwiiHliln of liinrop. SiuiI.t
unity, dti-'d. OreeiiiiL' :
i on arp heri'liv eltpd to lie unit miiwnr i..f,.m
the .lUillTP" of n'lldl l.hanV Court, ill Hlillnilii.i,-'
nut to Ih' Iipi at Mii'dli'liorL-ti i,n n...
Moielav of Ih ri liiln r. A. I. la. at III oVIm-lr it,
Hip Ion in miii I Inn aii'l llnrp to invent op r.-fnu.
to lake Hip Heal KslalP of alil John Yoniiir
iIpp'iI. at Hip nprnl-pi Naluatloii put iiim.ii t ,v
an liiiiiest duly aanlid hv the mild Court, miil
iui ih'.i i iv Hip sin rill ol ali eouiiiv. or u.a
i au' whv Hip .amp should not l snlil. And
liprpof fall not.
Wlllipsstlip Hun II '.I l.wl,,. r. .t .
- i ii'mupiii
of onrs.11'1 Court, nt MhMlelnirKM UiIm llnd day of
IH'toln r, A. 1). s'.l:.
.1. I' SI'lllli'll
NOV. , 1-!H. t'lerk II.
tors of Ailiiiinihtrat inn mi tlm
h -tille nt Imme Hoero. lute ol (Irntra (.....
hip, iSny.liT niiinty. Ph., dee'd, liavlnu hi en
Kriiiitml lo I lie nii.l.Ti-lKDe.l. nil htimiii kiiuwlmc
thi'innelve" iipIi-IiIimI to i-ald enuin tre reouented
tn liiiike Inn Hale payment, while thou hnv.
luir Pliinim will prpneut thrill duly HUtlitullraled
to the umli'muiieil.
'""I. AdmlnlMrtr.
ter of ftiltninlntrHtion in entat of
WhmK 1 n .. - Ul.l H I.... . . . .
Snydor county,
j. l'a., iinr'a. nuTini ' u
to the umUridKned, all perwini ;.,ij( tliem
vitui inaonien to Mill riuin are requested to
make Imiiiixllate payment, while tbota havlna
cluliim will iirenent them duly autlicutivaled to
the undcrnlKhed.
Oet.lii, Administrator.
tern of niliiilnisf ration In estate of
Pnlly l(ar, late ol IVnn townehlp, (Snyder
i n.,ni-- ii, ii.ivipk oi-i'ii iirniiien 10 ma tinder
nlKtH'd. all pi-rmuii' kmiwlnu thelii-cUr. Inilclitod
In fnul pMiiIp are ri-quriOi-,1 to make liiindlnte
payment, while tli..- Iih viiih claiiua all! prenent
iiitou uuiy Hiii iicmiciiiru iu ine iinncriilKiiPil.
.InllS liow
1 1. . KOW,
Oct. 4,'H3. Aduiliiliitratiini
ters of lulinitiist ration in estate of
H -nlii il AIkIit, ol lle,ii-r townnhlp, Snydor i.'o
I'.i, ili-c'il, hnvtiiK l-ei ii Kraiiteil to tin) umluri
riL-iii-u, mi pi-r-uiiiK knnwniK tln-uiKt-lveii Imlu i (
en in nun euup uro ri"iiviiiii to niiike Inline
dlulo I'liyuient. while thole IiiivIiik rlaliim III
prBH in ini iii uuiy auiin'iitlt'iited to the under
.1 At i HI A. Al I.I K.
nov. r. '.'3 Ailiiiiulioratnr
rnrroirs notick.
ThPainlltor npihilnted hy the Court to iIIm
trlhutp Hip liahthcpol the funds In the hands of
the Administratrix of lie cMulcor Peter Wcller.
dee'd, lale of Washlm,'toll tow nship, w ill meet
the parties mierexieii, lor the )iui'mse of hlsats
IKillitluent, at the ntllcc of K. K. Ilower, Kso.,
Sllililleliuiu'h, Pa., on Friday, Hpi-piiiIht l. im-ji.
al in o'clm k a, in,, w hen mid where all claims
iiimMiM hid. I estate, propi-rly iiutlipiitlpiilpd,
must l' iiiesi-nipd, or tie ilcharred innn eomlnif
In on said fund. A. W.
Court Proclamation.
Xt'llEKKAS the Hon. Humid M. Met;ura
'ri-nli-nt .ludue ol the Judicial Dlalriet.
ri'iiiiiii'i'l nl the i-iiuntlei ol Snyder, I'nlun anj
.iiiiiuii, miu jurtMiiinii i Mine and Henry
llm w ii Kmia., Aoi-lutu JuiIkph In and for Miv-
tier ctiiinty, have lnnai-d thuir precept. hoarliiK
date the 'iTthday et 'Si-lit, A. 1., 1NIM, to lue
dlrecti-d Inr the ImhllnK olan tlrphani' t'ourt, a
court ol t'oininiiii Pleus, court ul t.'yur and Ter
miner und I Hurt nl Uuam-r Heimiiiiia u
the Pence, at Mlildlulmruh, tor the county ot
Snyder, mi the -lh niomluy, (Iiiiik the 11th
day ol 1s'. lwai, and to continue one week.
Notice l therelure livrehy Klven to the Coruu
or, .liiKtli-rn ol tin-Peace miil Uunntahlui In and
Inr tho county nl Snyder, to appear In their
proper periuiu with their rutin, recorda, lniulal
in. in, examination, ami other remembrance!
tn do thiiM.' thlmtn which nl tln lr ultn-es uud Iu
Iheir liidmll pariuln to lie dono and wltm-iin:.
and pt-rnina proneciitlUK In behalf of the I'ola
uiiinwt'iilih nuiiliint any pernouor peraoim are re
iulred lo he Un-D and there aitemllng and de
partlUK without leave lit their peril. Juatluei
are ri-.iipie. to he punctual In their at tiin.liuce
at the upiiuiuted time HKreenlily to notice.
(liven iimler in v hand and aenlut the SherlfTl
oltlce In Mlddluliuridi, the eth day ul Nov.
A. IL, one thomaud eiuht hundred und ninety
three. 11. HOI.KMJKIl, bherllf.
Trial List Dec. Term 1893.
Mary K. Smith vs. ('has. It. lilsln-I Ailuir.
Klchhiinl W. k.uiiIpih a. snjih-r (.oniiiv.
.Mct'oiinlch llanestlin to. vs. ulion Wliun
X I'll,
Sri-ciii-p ('hllh-d Plow Co. vs. name
Kmplro lh lll i u. is. same
(Vinmls-ilnhers of I'nlun Co. vs. lllchard Fludil.
C. Tower. Mir. Exct. h. P. I.. Itelcheulnu h,
John llelnli.-iiiiiui . lo-o. Miollx-rtfer.
lolias Lose is. Win. l.ose,
II. M. Mpnlo vh. Aiik'Ustls SprlhKinali.
.1. II. Haley vs. Wm. 11. Null. et. al.
Isaac llllK't-r, l.uar. vs. AlhrlKhl llocli, et. nl.
I'hiulcs IC Hlshel vs. 1). W. C'rollse, OUurualloe.
1'. II. Ilarter vs. J. P. Smith.
Vlchai-I Wchiiid vs. V. II. llaHslntfer.
W. 11. Fcssler v. Kva Uuwvr, et.til.
Sale Register.
Frlrtny. tvv!. . John Wtilter and John M. Mover,
Otereerof the Poor of Frank lln twp., nit ul-
po AtuirneyR ln f art of Samip lleflli'V, will Hell
rem ette on the Dremlses In Franklin twp,
Saturday. ?fo. n, th ltelni of Rinnnnnh Wrajr
will rp personal proix-rty on t he preuilHea, 4
mlle norih-west of .MlddJpliuriru.
ITmrwIny, Nov. l. Mnrv A. nnrt Itolierf W.
Stout, Ailuiliilitraiorn of Jirupph I). Stout,
will x'll horded, 1 eowa, t fnlve, S dhontn,
farm Implement) and houxehold Kidn,
about i lull- a norlh ol AdaiiiHhuru.
Thiirwlav, Not. s, Jaroti crnmer, adtnlnlntra
m tor of Snrah .lane shlpfon. will wll personal
property at the resldPliee of the dpoeawd 111
tenire lon nsiup.
crown taie.
The best burning Oil that
made from Petroleum.
It gives a brilliant light.
It will not Hiuoko the chimney.
It will not char the wick.
It has a high fire test.
It will not explo Jo.
It is without a comparison as a per
fection Family Safety Oil.
It is niatuif ie! med from the finest
Crude in the most perfectly equip
ped refineries in the world
It is tho Uest.
Ask your dealer for Crown Acme.
Tnnlo orders tilled by
Yours truly,
Suubury .Station, Snnbury, Pa.
tlio well-known dealer in Pi-
and Sewinj:
Machines, lias now the larg
est stock tit' instruments on
hand ever hnmyht to Mid-
dlehurpli, and froni now to
January 1, 1S!U, eash bayers
ean have the same advan
tages in having from him its
they have iu huyin from tho
c. c. si:i:hold,
3Iiddlehurp!i, Pa.
TM HreiiLT.I end unreal I y
mmLe. t'llltku nlhi-r I. -.p. IL 1m1i,
i a Mini fowd.-r and I k.-l in a can
i. ie nil, u.e cubtenia
riwly fur ue. W 111
.1 crfumrd Hard 8ip
xilllionl tiollinu;.
pal tori liniuif wai.ui
-illnir lnk, rloik-t,
pa, I'alutis IrueA, etc,
Kta.. I'litla., Pa.
is stamped in the best watch
cases made. It is the trade
mark of the Keystone Watch
Case Company, of Philadelphia,
the oldest, largest and best
known factory in the world
1500 employees, capacity 2000
cases daily. Its products are
sold by all jewelers. It makes
the celebrated Jas. Boss Filled
Watch Cases, now fitted with
the only bow (ring) which can
not be pulled off the case the
y ;''"rrJ ft: f
3 itK'U
rnw t''w . imo mm if 1 wm .ii j
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FALL - IT - or
"We watched our chance during the past twojiontha.
When money was scarce "When niannfacturrs were
in distress AVhen they had to sell Wo mado ar pur
chases for cash at ,
Rock Bollom Prices:
"Wo aro now ready with the Handsomest JfLarpest,
Cheapest and Most Stylish stock of Mens, Iioyl andlul
drens Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Shoes, Underwear, Horse
lilankets, Lap Kohes, etc.
Our Low Prices are a AVOXDEll. j
H. 0ppenheim6r,
The Clicapcst Clothine House in Snyder Co-
Stoves, Stoves, Stoves !
KAN(5ES from
$1:1.00 up.
Improved Cook
Stoves, from $10.00 g
i. jafT.
Ihese nre astonishingly low prict- but tnoncy It money now anil poos
n Krent ways if you jmy tlio cukIj which in tlie way I do btisitiPSH, nml it in
the chenpi'st In tho end ns you can ave 20 per cent, by buying of me. I
also handle j
Stove Fixtures and Scouting,
with all klmln and sizes of pipe rendy for hsh. Givt.ine a call and see what
bargains I offer. J
M. L. SH ANXC'Os, Swincford, Pa.
I Square South of Depot.
Selling Out at Cost.
1 deniro to go out of buslm-mi ami return to mv former home, und In or
der to close out my t-tock 1 will sell everything tit and below cost. Mv
stock consists of 1
of every description,
Notions, Gent s 'Neckwear & Jewelry
for both Ladies and (I'etitleiiien.
a Specialty. I have also received a new line of
Fall Goods, Underwear, etc.
It is a genuine closing out sale, and n it must bo promptly done I atu
offering extraordinary bargains in all goods. Come njw, before the stock
is depleted aud buy yourself rich.
Fashionable cloth
ing, Hats, caps, J
Neckties, Gents
Furnishing Goods, j !; t
Suininor Under- i ! 1
wear, and Celcloid
goods,Men's shirts,
Clothing for prince ! Pauper!
Clothing that looks like silk and Avearsliko leather. Como
to tho old Keliablo w here you get what you pay for. My
newstock is just in, is entirely new and comprises all the
latest styles. Too busy waiting on customers to tell you
more. loino and rco for yourself.
KKS from $14.00
And all other Coal
Stows from $:.23
Children suits
and everything to
I make a man look
handsome and feet
happy, at prices
that discount all
imitation stores
'.' j
'Ml .