.' i . V HI LEV I'LT Vsyii cli ir uorni o"t t re ill tif ' ;?nnrr ! t hi' I' Mil KAS? ln ) J. D. ' V. M.f V. D AlS Wm. ), tICl' rue , 111 Vl l.tel Vine i Kjr; him Ix)7 '-I Uilli L'ni Tt mil 'ill be ' Hi Ilia rmr lip llin - r Bfl Wit Oft rrn wo la u i I oft ;p A'. Tl II H CtiD Kir tirh tt ; ' I Ui i Bl. f ot Letter From Baltimore. toe iit.e roon EXPOSITION. ! Are your children subject to croup? it so, you siioulil never be without i , bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Kein idjr. It In ri certain cure lor croup and his tievet been known to fit II. If ? i - t ....:.. i.n., Im,ii, given freely a soon a Hid rrnupy I.mtoi; IVst.-A. liter lias tr ith-,,,,, 'nn ,t w, reVr,lt ,,ie fully said, "Who would give their .tek. It In the sole reliance with l.illi to rut I) v one w'uo tliilu't ; thousands of mothers who have i i i i . ' ,..; l,ni-',r""py children, nn never diap unlnvtimlU. in: e smt, or liato 1(,ifl;,,1PI T',1Prp , tUng n Ms house hiiilt by some oho who giving this IS ly in lar;e and fre- !i In't Lave t liorniK'U knmvleiltje of ticnt ilnses. hi It rotituin hotlifng 1 1 .. l ,. i, 1 .it.,l..i I .L-..H ' ' ii.l ) iJtiT-itt. r.t) i-enf bottles Tor sale hv ' . , , .'I. Muudel, Miildli'lmrgh, mill . I. yi 1 how nitt n we I'.inl ayontigliou-e-Uy. Sump-H, IVim- Creek. wife nilir U. kitchen witliuit any Mr w M Try wh(( n knowledge of pioptily cooking our . the drug boidness at Klkton, Ky.for food amino thought of the neei'Ssity tlifpH-f twelve yearn, my : Vliiim- i i . . . . .i.i. in r, Tit lierlaln n CoiikIi Heinedy nl ven better of Htu.lymsrtbo mt ofrooKinff. But Mltl(lflH.oll HflyJ,,1(.r C0UK,, tiii iiiirni.-turuaaiilly a.iv.-nins upou meillcine Ilmveev. r nl.l." Therein us, wlietber wives, motberH or ool reanon for thin. No other will MTTints tbattboro in a h,m,,.oo, .ml ? croup ; no other affords no much re lief In ennen of whooplinr cousrh. For mile by li. .At. Miiiubd, Mlildleburgh, and J. W. Satupnel, Pennn (Jreek. tbero in an art of oookiutf. The Mficnce felli vhnt boubl lie done, tbe nrt takoH bold and docs tbe thing. Per haps no better illustration of tbe proirri'MH in thin important Mudy could ho furnished than in tbe Pure Food Kxpysitiou now open in thin eity. It is under the auspices of tbe Iltl.iil rjroeeiH Associ.-itioii opening .n Oct. nth, to eloso tbOtb. Tbe booth are very nttraetive. The one fxhil'ilin Vi.n Hoiitens Breakfast Cocoa is in li','lit green nnd white bunting with trimuing of gold and while, laigo bund o:uj hilv. r urn and dainty decorated cups and t iiuci i ! to . rveeucb one witbaeup, and tast.i how d li ius it is ! This is but a hpeeinieu of the many others in tin' spacious Cyclorama building, l'cihipt one of the prettiest and where the l i lies love to linger, is fit tlie tichit ine Booth where this article of fond now so extensively used, is made in all its loveliest molds nnd forms so that its I i :iu.-.ji:;: ( ncy is brought out in its perfection. One Mpiare mold of about twelve inches lias iri it a full bloom deep red lose tviln i s L'H'i'ii leaves. .ualiV others tiii i e arc unite as pretty as tliisone. Jllst iilpu!iti; is the exhibit of Coi'ii'ih-al. this too is a thing of beauty, i 'iie golden and while are o perfectly intermingled in the iiiol.lui'.' ol roses, pure apples, pint. lings and so filth, whilst the (()!; is busily baking '.Johnny-cakes' for dist i ihution. This is character islicof t!ii) entire, and while the cost for admit tnnce is but 'J'lecnts, any one iiicli'ied to taste, gets quite a tvpiaie meal 1.1 the round, all dainti ly hel ved, and those e xhibits whose food could not bu tented there, give every pcrnou u free Hainplo )ut up "''or this purpose.Biieh as Halt, 'i'Heu ','jiilk, bo forth. Mail re '?,v, ' - f w,tb iuteicst, but 1 will mentfu.f Jj' tbe one moiv. Salt is exhibit eTf " ovi-ry possible form in which natui" p -tluces it. There are blocks three feel high and one fool in diameter, also salt rocks in a variety of beauty and iolor. lint what no doubt is more beneficial for everyday life, we get every afternoon in the "l'raetieal Demonstration on Cookery" by Miss L. A. Willis.principal of the Baltimore '(inking school. Her departments are on the second tloor. Th'3 kitchen is l cully an.uiged. and has in it all the necessary equipments fur good work; the larder is well tilled, and the adjoining dining room is lilted in finest modern style and is a beauty. I will give you the subjects of her lectures : Oct. 10. "A family break lust" ; Oct. 11, "Frying and pan ning" ; Oct. 1-, "Larding and brais ing"' ; Oct. M, "Entries" ; Oct. K "Bread making" ; Oct. 17, "Des-serts-' ; Oct. 1, "How to feed the hick"; Oct. '., "Home nursing'' ; Oct. ;M, "Oysters"; Oct. 21, "Anj emergency dinner"; Oct. 2:1, "Salads" Oct. '2, "Jlowtou-eoddsandends"; Oct. 2', "Maize' ; Oct. 20, "Cakes" j Oct. 27, "Dainty tea dishes" ; Oct. 2, "Cold sweets." I think no day will be better as an illustration of tho lectures than th? onj of Saturday last. "An emer gency dinner" she said in part, "Suppose wo lived in the country or had to depend on a small grocery store, guests arrived and wo had to fall back on canned goods, we can luivea good dinner at little expense." She then proceeded to mix and cook each article necessary for the dinner. She showed the necessity of selecting Buch articles of food, for each meid which nrn fitly wedded, nnd that articles of food delicious in them selves ere even unwholesome in a wrong combination while the pocket controls many of these, things, the poorest meal will be better, like the artist'ii colors when mixed with I r.uus" Think and plan. How can these things be done. Settlo that question and carry out your con clusions with ii queenly grace, but bo ever open for the teachings of experience. What does not work never ready to change, those who well bo change their plans arc poor jetliners. Site also said whenever tlour is used for thickening purposse always take time to mix it smoothly having in mind the appearance of too 1, us she said this she mixed her Hour lor her tomatoes nnd turned to garnish her plate ot brow n jiota lo "hash with nprigs of parsley and as the. last nicely prepared dish was vhu'cd on the table no one could helnbuttS'i"vvasnot thatwell done?' LaI HA DOILN- MlLLF.lt. To the Public, Generally. An Congrenn did not pnnn the extra revenue on whihkey.the Msrknbrandn of whiskey all of my own make reinnlii the name price. New white whiskey. 5.7.', ; pt to is month old. J no j s to :io months old, j.r, ; ;i to :;it months old. :j.(H. as to 43 mouths old, !I!V) ; The... nre all fine gondn. Jo imt forget the old stand. Kmpty whiskey barrels 1..V). .1. b. MAIIKS, Near K. H. Station. Mlddlebngh. ln. .S. i. I KuL'.K, TT"I!NKV AT LAW. MllWU.K 111 1(11, 1A. All 'oiihlni'f-s eiitruste.l to Ills rare Will receive lilompt iittelitioli. Coil' sitltii'iuii iii laiglish ami Unman. FOU SALE Jersey Peach Trees, Grown by j J-iUUUUVU) Nurseries !'tali!i-lifil ts;:i. ai tuc Mv ivi'i's urn tl nl InMlfliv, an ! IhhMi'iI Willi the v.r I.... I klllil n MMihis-the ".New Iron M'niiil.iiii ' n .'. h. Kn iv )'ituii Im hits laml oiik'IiI t" lini' a f'W Iron Mci'iiitalii" iH-.ii'iifH. c-jh ,-i.iliy lur r.miiliiu. 'j'tii lurK'i'st while H m il In Jersey. 1 'WICKS : one year's K''nvtli tt Im.UI.'il 'J'rees Pit in. Per nm. ln.M.'et. r.ets. vim. i In : leet, .'jin-ls. j..ii. Iron .Mniiiitaliis. in in r Urn Tnss. VAKIHT1US: PINK. WIIITllC. V mnl an: Kmc. i:.ulv WuterHmi. st'iinp nl tii" World, K"Vsirt. (. old Mon frit;, MnVrls W'li.ttn. Mniinlalii liir-rle, Hr.iz Hareclf).', Nlxmi liarcrlim. wt Imik 'ii . ' sihi'nlerjrxv ifttf tJU!W- ITonent Tnnnrancs hi Honest Rates. The UentOoodn for the Leant Money. GENERAL INSURANCE, AGENCY. No Assessments Only the Oldenf, Largest and Ptrongent CAtIl Cuinpnulen. Mound, solid and True Indemnity. Keprenenting every elann of Inniranee either Life, Fire, Accident, or Tornado. SEE DUR COMPANIES i MA MR MICATIO Aetna Hartford Homo XcwYnrlv Vim Association Philadelphia Pidelity und Casualty Xow York Eijuitalilo Life Ins. Soc. Xow York All biisinenn entrusted to our Agency shall alwavn receive the Utmost care and attention. Entire satisfaction guaranteed. We solicit ii share of your patronage. H. HARVEY SCIIOCII, Sellnsgrove, Pa. Liberal Adjustments. Prompt Payments. I if m w r a m m n r. w UJU1 lUUIUlI U llUUUIUUliUlMi PV I LZi. III No Premium Notes. ASSF.TS 9,:i70,G 10.00 5,007,851.74 1,587,007.40 130,198,518.38 ARE YOU HUNTING FOR it BARGAINS? If SO SO to the l'KTEll (IAKMAX, 1'ronric tor. The signs of the times Indicate a tiiot proiirnin fall an 1 winter tradn end 1 am prepared for It with the most e.xt-nsivo line of (i.'lienil Merehan ilise ever seen in thin si-oiioii of the count) , comprising everything Kept in a country stole, such us Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Stoneware, Glass ware, Queens ware, etc., I'l npl.' wonder what I want with It all. I menu to sell it and ut such prires that tin- people share the prolitn. MRS. MARY CARMAN, Millinery. Fremont, Snyder county, Pa., A large n-oi f meiit of Itilibons, I'eathers and Flowers, Velvets, Satins, La ces, Fringes, l'ansiimeutry Trimmings, and all kinds of Trimmings dresses constantly on hand. Come mid see the Styles. Creiiirr'-i. " flite ri :in -fr.c.-ju V lllhu jh.,1, .. Heme .'VHVurl' , I lie l.linl. N V Velluws, lilnli.'. YELLOW. Itoil lieek M iillknt4Hili. Prhle ill Kniiil.llii, Yell"- VUux. Htm M-kn, St I. 'ay. "t; ' Wi.Milelfill."" ,J raw Nn eluiriri s I .r Im-.rs it parking. A liberal I'lililllllssliin U 111 lie Ml,l 1 1) u lew kiiimI liuliesl farmers insell e;irh trees ..r in... Ifrti ii'iiee iii my hiiiiestv iiial ressiiisliintv w. Vnr liees, eashler "1 l lliitnii i. iL.Tl'li-.l Nallntial Hank : JhIiii Helms, express mnl frelirht ii 'ent, l.eliaiinii, N. J., ; Samuel Munis. ni.tina.iler. I.eliatH'ii. N J. All erili rs IU re 'ele mv 'i'iniiil Htteniluii. small ur laive. Terms cash. I'hiiiiks tur the past lavms. Yuilis truly, MiiiikTIv l.l KK-K. wmm The Dead! o SKLINSGKOYE MARBL.E-YAR M. L. MILLER, Prop'r' I keep constantly on h.ndund man uliicture to order all Kinds of Marble and Granite Old Stonc3 Cleaned and Repaired. LOW THICKS ! LOW I'HICKS!! I have one of the best Marbln ('ut ters in the. .state and consequently turn out good work. tayCome and see my work (' prices. Thankful for past favor l most re spectfully usk a contiiiuunce of same, M, L. MILLER. H EN CII&DROM GOLD'S SAVMILLandEHGINES A ft'iimlerliil lmpmveiiuiit In Frli'tlun 1'rpilnanil l.lu-Uiirk. Iiiu k iiiutlniiof l urniua' tUri'v llme i.h kist im imy oilier In the inaiket. i'rlelinn luleh l eed, enulni; "II the fiiil neiirlnn to sUtml nil while ImrkliiLi; urenl hiivIiik In power nnil eiir. Write fur i-ireuliint mnl prliin; (nrnlnhisl f.-sjnisn iippllemleii. Aln Siirhitf TunlS lliir rutta, llnv ICrkra, f ulllviilnra. Corn 1'lunla rrs, hliellt-ra, nr. .i.niivii tki$ iinr. HEKCli & CR.MCOLD, Manfrs.. YORK. PA. nMcmier. THETORNADO II. ut i 1 1 n. Cat. J - A) 4 J inA" . U .TIVik.,' il. iv.f..,..,.i,,,-fi,.jfcf I .ln.Ju0t.r7 rlr... lXrt a..nl.irgpiu w. n, Himnioa oo.. , It "ii-'t or...r.Ml H ' CANTON, OHIO.10-1 "'"Tllk'0, tt Cnrei Cold, CooirhSortTU rent Croup. JnHatn u, Whoopinn Comb, Broncbltu nn Aithm. A MrUin ur for Cuitumption In fint UM, nna , aura mlif In ndTinona ntf . l Ton will tb fittlltnt ttrtct nflr tiktrit tlm Br.t 4om. Sold k d"ln (Ttrywhut. lark bottlM W cnnU ni ( 1 .00. "I.. ..: CORDIALS BLOOb FURiFIER. A rellnl'ii' rrni.'.ly f.ir elT'tiFih'nlnR tho vi-sk, lin; I'Utnr vi;iir to tl.cin ulatinti, pti nlyiiiK tin' IjIim'I, re.aurltis B:rciii,-.'a aiijiv) lii'nl health. A eerlaiti renii dy fur WEAKNESS, LOSS OF APPETITE, LOW SPIRITS, STOMACH SICKKESS AMD DYSPEPSIA. HUI K $1.00 J'fcB LOITLE. The Dr. J. II. HcLcaa jledliluo Co sr. i.ol'18, mo , SOLE PROPRIETORS, illlddlebiir illarkct No.nVhoat 03 New " 01) White or Mixed 00 Kye 50 I'orn 50 Oats !t 1 otatoes 40 Hutter 2'J Kggs 24 Pitted cherries 1J Unpltted " x 8 Minus. I e"i's (J Kaspberrles 15 Onions IK) Lard 13 Tallow 5 Chickens per lb H Turkeys 10 Hide 10 Shoulder 12 Ham 13 K. L. H. VOELKLEIt. DENTIST. Treating, tilling, artificial teeth, bridge and crown work. Nitrous oxide gas for painless extractions. Everything pertaining to dentistry. Van Hoskirk's old stand, HEL1NSOUOVE, PA. ULSICIX'S DENTAL KOOHS, SElinsgrcvE, Paf Twill cli'iuii'd, extraeteit, tmiilnnted, ro'ulat Oil. Iilseases ami lnlurles to tho teeth nnd niuittli I rented. Arllilelal st'ts, rmivtin, brliliftis mnl ohiluriitoin Inserted. AU ktndjof llUliif. (luld work u Biioclnlly. iKo. n. ri.mc'11, d. i. s. Offlre tn Wetn dwclllnif, somu side eotranco, opiRnae Nulluuul Uuivl. VEGETABLE BALSAMIC E L I X I R WILL CURB THAT AND STOP THAT Cci!ai y Tho best roincd; knov. n for tho euro of ' I Consumption, Coueria, Colds, I Whooping Cough, and all Lung , ' Diseases. Hold everywhere. I f rlco He., fioc., and tl.CO per bottlo. ' nrusT. j:Et::u i:::, rrt;i., BciUisua, rt. For a!o lv V. 11. lienver, MhlilleMirirli, and J. W. Saiiipsell, l'etiiib Creek. I'll. 5- IIOl'SEANI)S."GX PAINTING .A, PAPEIt MANGEH& PKALERIN 1 ivt iiivi) -o- I'rompt attention! given to all or ders. None but the best paints und oils used. All work guaranteed. Lowest prices. Hest satisfaction. J. O. SWINEFORD, Middleburgh I'a THE MIFFLINBURQ MARBLE 1 GRANITE WORKS I Having on hand a large stock of MONUMENTS AND OKAVEsSTONES to select from, I uiu selling lower than any other establishment in Central l'eiisylyiuila. It will pay you to call und see the work as I employ no agents. R. H. LANOE, Prop'r. S. F. SUE AH Y, Insurance Agent and Jlroker, l'euns Creek, 1. O. I'a. (Inly ft rut cIiiki Stuck Unriimnlri riroentoj. You al.Ku nn iircmUm diiIhh, lieuce yuu im uu Kimeaiimuntii. Inmruneu plsraj I'.n all klmliol rooJ farm (irupurty, dwulllDK. Jlnrei uJ ohuruhei oy where In Snvdsr and I'nlon onnnttet. UlHcoln C, W. Shoirer'n Sturc.l'entrovlll, l' T HE SUMMET HOUSE, SYLVESTEU I50WEN, Pnor. First class nccomuiodatlous to the traveling public Mood stabling for the horses. Everything new. 3 miles south of Middleburgh on the road to Froeburg. oi 1393, HJ.BEEH,SlllirF,Pi Opon Season For O-nxxio Woodcock, July 4th to Jan. 1st. "Wild Turkey, Oct. 15th to Jan. v oquirreis nept, 1st to Jan. 1st. Quail, Nor. 1st to Dee. 13tl I eer and Klk. Oct. 1st to Deo. 15tb. Pheasants, Oot. 1st to Jan. I,,' M..0011S, i0v. 1st to Jan. 1st. Ducks, Sept. 1st to May 1,, -)!LoADeD ShellsK- From 3 to 3 Drs Illk Powder, nnd 1 to 1J shot Nos. 4, 0, 7 und t. SHELLS IN A BOX, Gc. per Box Or fl.40 per hundred. In Case Lotts of GOO, C Per Cent. Less SMOKEIJJSSIoADIJD SHELLS. 13 On.fr fiO CENTS PEU EOX. All Oilier Ammunition in Proportion, -I- .Hjvx's;c5t Stoclc of-: ,1 Gnns ana spurn Materials ii Geairal Peansylmia am rn t w v i ......... ... AT THE LOWEST PUK ES. CiTAgent for WILKESHAHKE (U N. Wta Itai is Ulli;. iier u -- aaaaaaar mW A W A and all other farm products down iiecordinglv. the iers umy foi.Ht te proii W se iS Come to the One-price Store wher goods are sold to suit the hard times, where ! "h 1 tWi.e ,!"ucn, R8 U d,d wl,e w heat . as high. 1 here is no disputing t-hut good goods iar 'e' ?rWJfJ In ' te"' we are P"S Pall and Winter Clothing, GentlJ Furnishing Goods, &c. You cannot como ntnlss. We cau lit you lu nrlce ami mm ty. "If you want to buy chea, Jo to DreifUHs'" has becomn almost a household word nnd to convince yourself of the truth of It come and see. EL Dreifuss, Selinsgrove, Pa. Hard Times, High Trices und I'.ig Prodis eun't exist in this town, be cause we have got the (roods and make the Prices that save the Peo ple's Money. Have you seen our new Full and Winter Stock 1 It js a won derfully complete assortment of High Class (lootls in ' Dry Goods Groceries, Clothing, No tions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ladles' and Children's Cloaks. Rutins. Velveteens, &o. A splendid show of reliable, trusty, serviceable goods that are rich men's qualities at poor Mieu's prices. Remember! we deal fair and save you money. Highest market price paid for Produce. Cash paid for Good Hutter and Eggs. IB1. ZEE. 3VLaJ-uLx,ex, raisTREnAto'er1 WN H S- 1 2S A viX Ihisi-.,..,..- Condition arM"ga Jeep Chickens Strong and healthy : it ccts vour millets to lav- ing early : it is worth its wciiiht in eold IJNwiicn hens moult ; it prevents all disease, .iiwiu, iwuji, 11.11 1 liu.,1, t-CJJ-WCUKIlCSS. it u iiuuciiui iooii tllirrkflvtv Large cans arc most economical to buy. ' alllsi ' uav I U'aT CONDITION POWCLt Therefore, no matter what kind of feed you use, mix with It daily Sheridan's Powder. Otherwise, your profit this fall and winter will be lost when the price for eggs Is very high. It assures perfect assimilation of the food elements needed to Droduce health and form ctrra. lifiilljfin"? a'JItiVl!. J"?h1I "."Tr,r"rrtl 'h,r,-," ufl 111 t"H do! no otlior kind on f.wrf h M Mrunir- r - - -sj" . uuawuior. Boia ui uruif i.u, (ruow a4.1l lud UiuUura. hi If You Can't Get It Near Home. Send to Us. SIU) Mind al tlliiru to pnr bo viluir avur uuula Uka U- Ask First For Salo by Eunkla & Walter, IDddloburch, Pa 1