The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 09, 1893, Image 6

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Th M easurt Psssad tbaHou By Toti
of 13 lo 94, and Boon After Wat
Signed By th President,
Bllver Buyiug Stopped.
Th ilve r f. ght it ended. Tbe bonft cl
Wednesday t 2 5"i p. m., concurred in It
senate amendment to tbe unconditional
repeal bill and it wat passed by Vote ol
1S3 yrea to JI nay a.
Tbe President signed the bill at 4 3t
o'clock. It was brought to tba Whitt
House by Representative Albert J. rearton
of Ohio, chairman cf the bouse commute
on enrolled bill. Secretary Carlitle and
Attorney Oeneral Olney were present
When Mr. Pearson presented the bill to tbl
I'reaident, Mr. Cleveland immediately took
up bit pen and wrote these words In the
lower left band corner: "Approved, Novem
ber I, IK ?!, ('rover Cleveland," and tba bill
became a law.
Xli significant feature of the final strug
gle in the House was the determined pur
pone on the part of a smail faction of the
Iemorrntic ailver men to harass tt t meas
ure and to obstrnct its passage, but tbeii
e Berts were not more consplcuou tban wai
the fact that they were not able t induce
me third of their following to Join in this
dilatory movement. The silver men. not
withstanding the certainty that the bill
would pals, were able to command 'I votes
paint it on the final r'Pi(.
Ttie bill having bren forced before the
House in a sudden and abrupt manner,
which so turprised the silver lilibusterert
Uhat they really did not understand what
had happened, an hour wns allowed for
lie bate. This ttti occupiedon the silver
tide by Mr. Uland, of Misaouri;Mr. ltryant.
and Mr. Wheeler of Alabama, and on the
Iiemocraticsid by Mr. Wilson, of West
Virginia, and Mr. Trsrey, of New York. On
ttie Kepublican side Mr. Heed alone spoke.
As soon as the silver purchase ripeal bill
was signed Socrelury Carlisle telegrMphed
to all the mints not to mnkv any further
I urchases of silver. Of the silver offered
on Wednesday, one dealer declined to accept
the coun'er offer of tn.'!." cents. Two lott
aggregating 50,000 ounces had not been
tieard from, iind urless their owners reply
by telegraph at once the silver purchase
tndertho Sbermun ac-are closed forcer.
The amount of Sherman notes outstand
ing is tlCiVil'.i, 000. With silver purchand
t'Ut not yet delivered, this amount may b
increased 1700,000.
It Stopaths Purchase ol Silver Except
for budsidiary Coin.
The repeal of the purchase clause of the
Mieriiiau act, which went into eOect bv the
signature ol the President, puis a stop to the
fuiiher use ol silver m the way of mcreas.
ing the curi-moy ot the country, excepting
a sudsidiary coin. Tbe iortioii not repealed
ot t ue t in i mail law leaves it discretionary
with the .Secretary ol ttie Treasury to coin
nil tbe silver bullion now in the Treasury,
ilia the election that nil tbia bullion
will be coined as soon as possible. Secretary
arlisle has already given order to begin
tilling it. Tba seigniorage on the bu n
'ock ountu to 6,t.uou,) o and w
,. . ....rovib ' ai!ifi l( ,. i
-joriae arviaau ol w... ......' -,.'.
seigniorage before it it coined, there wilt he
thai niucu of an addition to the ailver coin
age of the country. Hut it will take live years
to coin the bullion now on bund.
There is no authority of luw now to pur
chase any more bullion except for use as
subsidiary coin. For that purpose there can
be an increase of a good many million dol
lars. Hut as the treasury is now loaded down
with vi:i,000,ouu of subsidiary coin, which is
very much worn and needs to be recomed,
ami as the mints will be occupied in coining
the bullion now on band, it 11 not probable
Uiat any more silver bulliou will be pur-
based for any purpose lor a good while to
Government Expenditures Slowly Waat.
(ng the Gold Heaerve
The public debt statement issued on
Thursday shows that the l it increase ol
Jie public debt less cash in the treasury
luring the month was t.'i.Hl S. The in
terest hearing debt increased II, .'loo, the
Jebt on which interest has ceased since
maturity decreased I10;200 and the debt
lar,ng no interest increased l.'iiif .tili.There
wus a reduction of 1,.'M,"U in the tab
balance during; the mouth. I he interest
bearing debt ia 'iS".0;;'l,n40, the debt on
which Interest bus ceased since maturity
I1.1i74.'t70, and the debt bearing no interest
H.74.!t.:j.,'t'.,-a total debt of ""1,H0,4!'.'.
The certilicates and treasury notes offset by
an eijual amount of cash in the treasury
iigrregnte I's?, oy.i, sol, an iui reuse cf tlT,-S--4.4'
for tbe ni iii'li. 1 he gnid reerv
today i IM .'l ..' ami the net cah haliin.
is llT.'s-y. I."', a total of i I jJ. -u. j'H, a de
rrse during the month of,.'!il. Tb
total cntli in the treasury is S7.'t 117 .014.
The receipts of tli the government from
kit source during Hi totter were .'4. ' i,;.! I
Liid the xpi-uditures :!.'iK,;!l. The re
teiptss. lice July 1 IniVe been li t.l.'.HiU
mill the expenditure tli,nli.tHi. The re
t-eipts from J ill V 4, l.v.'. tutlctotier Id wert
II. m K',.'.iS iind the expenditure H'JT.IHO
!f-h. I he falling off in it-ceipts during the
lirM four months of the pre-ent liscul yeai
hs compared Willi last year has been appro,
nnaiely f 1'1,0'in (."mm c'untonis ami I7.isij.ikii,
n internal revenue. A signitiennt featurt
of the expenditures is that the pension pay
ineiiis during the firxt four months of tin
year were Il7.1.'i,tin4 mid the same time Usi
tear V.'.ot'.l,tlj4. 'l h: total uinount ol
national bonk note in circulation sinci
October .'II, Kin l.'Ofl '.M4,li:ii, nn inereaH ia
circulation since October .1 , 1 hi i ol ;,ii,KMI,
!'7J and since September ;m., IHfi.t, ol ItiUI.-
1 he receipts from ciihtoms at New Yor
ilnring October amounted tol7,'.ll7.:il t'oni
rreil with the receipts aggregating 7.1iM t,
o9 during September ami llu.atl.l'.U in
Mober, The receipts this year dur
ing October weru paid in the followinj
k mils of money : gold coin 117 0 per cent
silver coin I ir cent., gold certilicates 0.1
iH-r cent.: silver certificates ill.; i per cent
V nited Mutes note, .'0 7 ercent. and treat
urv notes lo.'i pi rcent.
J.ocal gold in treasury, coin and bullion
titi.V-"l. 171: the gold certificates in treasurj
rash. II I.VKii; tbegold certilicates in circii
lation 7K.K-!l..!ij,.i and the net sold in tbe
treasury l,.ibl,KuJ.
Silver Oolog Down.
The price of ailver in London, a reported
to tbe Treasury Department, it 10.6867 per
ounce, with tba tendency downward. The
bullion value of tba ailver dollar 1 lower
than it la aver beeu before, being I0.C2U
Chicago' Last Tribute of Hespeel to
Carter Harrison- A Great Froeaatoa
of loldiera, Offlelala and Clvlo
With tolemn pomp and ce rem on let be
fitting tbe Interment of the former chier
magistrate of tbe World Fair city and bit
pitifully dramatic fate. Carter H.Harrlton't
body was escorted to Oraceland cemetery
on Wednesday at Chicago oy an
immense throng of eorrowlng citl-
xen. Tenderly the remain
borne from the- black-draped mi
flower-crented corridor of tb City nail.
where they had rested in state, and placed
in tbe funeral car.
All along the lineof march tlie people
with tad faces and bare hea l watched the
omber columns and about the church a
throng as great as that whicb bad been
about the City Hall was galhet ed.
The church had been draped In mourn
ing and presented a very somber appear
ance as tne remains were carried in and
borne tip the isle. The services were ac
cording to ttie KpiS'-opal ritual, being
conducted by Hev. T. N. Morrison, and tb
silence ol this throng in the sacred editice
added to the impreastvetiest of the scene.
I'pon the conclusion of the service tba
cortege re formed and :owly proi-eded to
the cemetery.
The funeral procession was the longest
and most imposing ever een In this city. It
was led bv a platoon of tolice others,
opening the way for the marshal ot the day
and his staff ol 70 mounted aide. Then
came Major den. Nelson A. Mile and hi
personal staff, the department start, and
irmy ofllcers on dmy at the World's Fair.
ttit companies ol the 1Mb. t'. H. mfaniry
from I or i Pneridan under command of Col.
Kohert H. A. I'rnf ton, and flattery K. hirst
1' !J. artillery: Klrst llriaade Illinois Na
tional Ouard, under cnniiiiand of Oen. 11.11.
Wheeler; the t liu-irgo oiiavas, Hoyal .''cotts
snd other military organiration: hand of
1 pieces fui n fhed by the t 'hicago Musical
I'nion; the depsrinieiit ol police tindercom
maud of bin ltrennen; four com pan ie of
the lire deiiartment battalion; a band of
VS teces led by C. M, Currier, and the
Cliicngo lluart.
Immediately preceding the carriage con
taining the honorary pall-bearers was
guard of honor composed of seven aldermen
In front ol the funeral car were the honor
ary pali-hesrers: T. W. Calmer, ex-liov.
Ogleshv. K. W. Winston, Adolph Kram.
Krank 'Wenter, ex-Mayor ahburiie. It.
N. Iligiiibntham. I red W. I'eck. '. Kilz
tiinmotis, C. K. (i.ltilings.ex-Mayor Itoche,
Judge Krnnci Adams. Jiidgrl.vmaii Irum
Imll. II. J. .lone, I'. 1. Arnuiiir. ex-Mayoi
Medill and II. A. Wuller. Ihe active pall
hearers fo. lowing the luueral car consisted
of eight captains of the police department
and eight captains ol the lire department.
Then came n long roccaston, city otliciHls,
member of the various municipal boards,
carriages tilled with local officer ol Cook
county, the judges of the courts. reprtsen
lalivesofthe liar Association, Oovernoi
Aitgeld and Mate olllcial.
After them came the World' Fair Com
missioner and the oflicers m the civil ser
vice of the United Slates at I'hicago.nunier
tins civic and beneficial societies, politics!
clubs, the latter in carriages, and many
other organizations, the rear being brought
up by citizen in carriuges and on foot.
llrief services in the cemetery concluded
Ihe ceremonies, after which tbe remains
were placed in the family vault. The pro
cession then returned to the city and t.owly
During the church service Mis liowara
gave way completely and bad to be takeu
lo the Harrison residence. She is better to
night. William I 'rest on Harrison also had a
fanning tit In the church.
Fleada Not Guilty and ia at Once Taket
Back to Bia Cell,
t'al rick Kugeije Joseph l'rendergast, th
murderer of Mayor Harrison, was arraignet
In Judge Horton't court at Chicn. Tin
court room was crowded and when the pria
oner was led in by the Jailer, the spectator!
Jumped to their feet. This action territiet
l'rendergast. und with blanched face hi
crouched close to the oOicert. He could
scarcely atnud ami bad to be assisted to hit
eut. When the indictment was reuc
l'rendergast responded nervously: "Not
'Have you an attorney," said the Judgi
"No, but I expect to get one," responded
the prisoner faintly.
T he judge then announced that the case
would be continued to give l'rendergast nn
opportunity to secure counsel, and the as
sassin w as led t rem tiling back 'e jail.
Postmaster General BisseM'a Report
Shows a Probable Deficiency of
Nearly Six Millions.
Postmaster 'General Hissell transmitted to
the secretary of the treasury the estimate
for the postollice department for the fiscal
year ending June .',, ly'j.'i. The total amount
is I'0..';i'i,4b6, as against ISI.iM.ui for the
present lisral year.
'I he postal revenues of the year are esti
mated at s4 4J7.74S and the deliciency in
the service fund at t','.ll,"'M.
The animal report of Kdward M.Cadsilcn
superintendent of the money order system
which was submitted to the postmaster-gen-erul
shows that the total number of domes
tic money order issued during the year
was l.t.lin!i.7Xi, an increase of 1, J4,'jn3 over
the previous year. The total amount ol
Ihe-e orders was l'.'7.)7ij.4;i.t, an increase of
l7,.Vi!i.t;;:.. The total mini her of domestic
money orders puid was 1 i.J.'i.i.OilJ, amount
ing tu fp.NI.Nii3.W7. 'I he number of postal
liol.-s isueil was "."'lit.'.'lo. amounting to
IP.' lsi.'t,h7iJ, 1 his is an increase in number
of 70.1, lit) and in amount of 1 1, (MY. ".11.
The mi tu tier of international money ord
ers issued was l.uVi.trii'.l and the amount
1 1 i 1 1 , e. i7. This is uu increase in issue of
7J.til, and in amount of ll.'.'.'l.Miii. Fee
lor domestic money amounted to ll.l'.'O.WI,
lor international money orders I.NIJ.L'M und
postal notes l.'.'l 1,114. The total receipt
during (lie veur were tl.l.'Kii and the ex
penditures iiiij.'.'.Mi. The number of money
order olhces in operation June 30 was 18,4114
und postal note offices 711. More money
order otlices were esiublished than in ur.y
previous year, the number reaching ti. PH.
liuring the year HKi claim for iciinhnrre
lueul on account of alleged improper pay
ment were iuvextigated by the department,
and lifty-six of tliem found to huve been
properly paid.
Women Vote in New Zealand.
News has rescind San Francisco from
New Zealand by steamer that the electoral
act hat been passed by tbe legislature of
that colonj giving the franchise to all
women over 21 years old. It it believed the
woman' voting power will strengthen tbe
Conservative parly, who oppose the revolu
tionary projects In regard toland holding The
temperance party also hope to get aid from
the it expected a lare proportion
of the women will appear at tha poll. If
tbe experiment is successful it will probably
be adopted by otber colonies. Of the CG8,C50
people in New aland, nearly cut half are
Tag Irrigation congreaa at Lo Angele,
Cal. repreeeuted thirteen tit ate and Ova
torulxn eoantrloa.
What I Going On the World Over.
Important Eveot Brlety Chroaicled.
rastml. I.abee aa laatett.
With tba A00 employe accepti an
average wage cut of l." per ct. the Tort
age iroa company at Duticansville, lllair
county, r., returned operatios.
Fifty Newcastle Hurt who tried to get
work at the Fbaron, (Pa.) furrac wera re.
fused because of the many local men who
were Idle, ard aome then taid they would
return to Europe because work it refused
tbem almost everywhere.
At Itellaire, O , the employee at Kodfer
Brothere' glass workt have declined to go to
work at 10 per cent, reduction in wages and
work until tbe strike between the union
and manufacturer! It settled. Nearly 230
men are Idle.
The wapes of the employe of tb I'eople
railway In St. I-oult havsj been cot 10 per
Koswell Miller, President of tb St Taul
Railway system, who is to be married with
in a few day, gave the ln.OoO employes of
the company an agreeable surprise. He an
nounced that their wages, which were cut
10 per cent a few months ago will at ouce
be restored to the old amount.
The wages of Baltimore and Ohio nation
band at Wheeling. W. Va., have been re
duced 10 per cent
Tbe wage of the employe of tb 81. Taut
railway system, which were cut 10 per cent
tevera) niontba ago have been restored.
. .
fltsaatersi Aeelaeai aa4 fatalities
A misplaced twitch on tbe Norfolk Term
inal railroad caused two freight trains to
run Into a lot or loaded car at Norfolk. Va.
Engineer Thorn st Andrew anil Fireman
Kdsvard McCune were killed and leveral
other trainmen injured.
A market train on the I'enntylvauia rail
road crashed into the caboose of a freight
train at the Tbirty-aeveiith street atation in
Philadelphia, instantly killing Jams Hani,
ilton and bndly injuring Fdward O. Kegin.
Tbe accident was caused by the market
train jumilng a frog.
A dense fog was the cause of a pauenget
wreck on tbe Pennsylvania and Heading
railroad at Philadelphia In which Harry
Kin'ser was killed and three passengers in
lured. sire
The entire btitiness portion of Arena,
Wit , w at burned down at a heavy loss.
The insurance it light.
The Irondale Rolling Nf Ilia at Anderson,
lud., burnedto the ground throwing ore
'JS0 men out of employment.
The Klwood, Ind.. Window (llase Wnrka,
wa entirely distroved by lire. I-o 140,000;
insurance 10,000.
At Keithsburg, III., 22 residence and 11
placet of bnsines were destroyed; lott 1 43-,
003 insurauce small.
Justice Bnrtlett, of the NewYcrk Supreme
Court rendered a decisio i that tba act ol
18JJ, which a.uruecl foat'.thorlte women to
lrTot t lftchool commissioners, ia unconsti
tuttonal and Invalid. This decision it in ac
cord with on handed i'1 wn a few day ago
by a Supreme Justice of the Syracuse cir
cuit. S atitiiia Siew.
The coinsge at the mints of the Tutted
Slates for October aggregate 7,782, 140 piece
of the value or f lO.ood.'.iOQ.of which I9.W4.
W) was in gold and I41!i,000 in silver. This
it the largest mintage or gold in recent years
The statement of the Comptroller of the
Currency showa that from Oct. I892,to date,
the increase in national hank notes out
standing was t.NKt.'.'U.lW
The Paltimore and Ohio, South Western
and Ohio and Mississippi railroada were on
Thursday consolidated at tbe Kaltimnre
and Obio Southwestern ut Cincinnati. The
consolidation fee paid the state of Indiana
was 130,000.
The United States warships Macbias, De
troit, Montgomery and Marblehead, all of
which are lop heavy, will have their mssts
led 'iced, gun changed and will be given
td .itioual ballast.
st Explodes Tearing Down Two Build
logs. Six Peopl Killed and a
Number Injured.
A boiler In i lie stables of the Dry Dock,
Cast Broadway and Cattery Surface Kail
Company at Fourteenth street and Avenue
ft. New Yock, exploded. The section of
the building in which the boiler wat located
collapsed. The boiler flew across the street
and struck tin double tenement, No. 341
Fast Fourteenth street, just below Ike tint
story. The tide of the building wis crush
ed in. Three men were instantly killed and
nearly a scored were injured several ol
whom huve since died. The dead are John
(iillespie, Patrick Ijuinn, Thomas Hassan,
Sasiuel McMullin. Fugineer Armstrong,
body burled in ruins and William Koyal,
body buried in rjins,
Tbe injured are: Charles Ilreslin, will
lie; Annie Cullagher, Michael Oollagher,
loli is Peters. John ltuhl. Mivhael McDon
tld. S. L. Martin, Patrick Sheenan, William
Woods. Threo unknown men, all with
fractured skulls were takeu to Dellevu
Sergt. Washington Mullin of tb Boiler
Inspection Bureau, taya tbe explosion wa
:auied by an over pressure. F.ngineer Arm
itrong, it is said, was not licensed to run I
toiler of the pattern that exploded.
Another Ocean Record Broken,
Ihe steamer el.ucania arrived at Sand)
Hook bur at 0 1!) p. m., Friday making th
voyage from Liverpool in 5 days, l'J, hours.
ami .'4 minutes. This heats the previoui
Western record, held by the Campauia, by
J$ tu mute.
Amos A. Lincoln gave up thirty-two ounoe
ot blood In New York Hospital thro year
Ko to aave a young woman' lira by transfu
sion. Ilia vitality waaao weakened by tba
operation mat no ha been a pbyaloal wreoa
ever suiro.
firs asti as, AcviDtirr sar raTALmt.
Tb boiler of tn engine on tha Iron mono
tain road at St. Louis blew np. Tb engi
ne , George f-cbroeder. wa killed instant
ly; Thorn Pcott, tb fireman, wtsthrowt
a distance of 100 feet and fatally hurt
Brtkeman Ed Koelier waa blown Into tbt
Mississippi and drowned.
risAKctAL ajip roMMiaruu
Tlie fsilureofthe firm of 8. Blaltdell.Jr.,
M Co., of Chlcopee. extensive wholetaU
dealers in cotton and wool Mock of all klndt
Is announced. The annual sale of tba flrrx
have amounted to between I J 000, not
and 11.000,000, while tbe entire liabili
ties are placed at the small figure of 1273,
The followingsiecial has been received
from Lisbon: A private telegram from
Buenos Ayres lays that the Insurgent war
hip Kepublica ran into and sunk the Hie
de Janeiro, which wat on her way from Bio
(irande do Mul to de Janeiro witn troops
for Pretident Pelxoto. Thirteen hundred
of the troopt drowned.
Official dispatchet received at London
from Cap Town confirm the report that
the Chartered company' troops have de
feated tha Masabela In several flight, bavt
put I.obengula to Ci lit and have occupied
ltuluttavo. I.obengula' power i utterly
gone. The losses of the British were slight.
The losses of the Matabele it reported tc
eiceedii.000 killed and wounded.
. . . .
i rr.tsMiivr.
The Oeorgia senate killed by a decisive
vote of I'l noes to 12 ayes the anti-cigarette
bill, about which there bat been consider
able discussion in both branches of the leg-
ClriTAI. axt la so.
The Sonthwark woolen mill in Phila
delphia bate abut dow n and 1,100 people
are thrown out of employment;
The Bigelow Carpet mill at. Clinton,
Mas., the second largest in America, em
ploying 1. 0OO hands, shut down for an in-
delinate period owing to a lack of orders.
raiMr.s amd riMAi.Ttrs.
A passenger train was held up by masked
robber at Oliphant, White county. Ark,,
on Saturday night. Conductor McNally
was shot and instantly killed Seven mask
ed men entered the express car and aftei
looting it and killing Conductor McNelly
hey went through the coacbts and sleepers
and robbed the passenert.
Two bandits attempted to board the north-
liound express at Con I Creek, on tbe Ohio
division of the Ksit Tennessee road. One
of the robber is Jim Smith, who was mor
tally wounded. The authorities of Ihe road
had information that the robbery would be
attempted and a special force of armed men
wa nn the express car for their reception.
Smith will die and the condition orthe other
robber is not known.
The president signed tbe bill extending
fortix months the I irne in which Chinese
can register un er the Geary law.
in accordance with preparatory instruc
tions recently issued by the secretary of tba
treasury, Mr. Carlisle instructed the mint
at Philadelphia and New Orleans to coin
the seigniorage into stundanrd silver dollars.
The Senate adjourned without confirming
Ihe nomination of Mr. llornblower to be
justice of the supreme court. The failure
ti continu has tlio efle t of a rejection. Tbe
president will, therefore, be compelled to
ithersend In hi name again or to nomi
nate anothir man for the oftlce
The senate bus confirmed tbe nomination
of James II. Ilocsevelt, of New York, Sec
retary of the Fmhnssy of tbe I'nlted States
st London, Among the nomiiiationa that
lapsn by reason of adjourment action, is
that of Hubert K. Preston, to be Director of
the Mint.
It Bieaks Through tha Gatee at tha
Draw ol an Open Bridge. Seven
Passengers Drowned.
At Portland, Ore., on Wednetday morn
ing an electric car plunged through the
open draw ot tbe Madison street bridge aud
sank In the river. Seveu passengers were
drowned. They wcref barles Heck man, John
P. Anderson, Joseph Startler, Alexander
Campbell, Theodore Bennick, Paul Oder
and barles S. Albe, all of Portland.
When the draw was open the usual
precautions of closing the galea were
taken, Owing to frost, however tha car
could not be stopped in the usual distance
and crashed through the frail gate and into
be river.
Two Lives Lost in tbe Destruction of a
Big Coasting Steamer.
The Ward Line ateamer City of Alexan
dria burned to the water's edge midway be
tween Matantai and Havana. It i reported
that lUndolph W. Bowen, the purser, and
Mrs. Carter, the ttewurdesi, are lost, but
none other are believed to be missing.
The City of Alexundriu wa one of the
fastest and largest of the American ships
employed in the West India trade. She
wat an iron screw steamer of 2,480 ton bur
den. Thei Virtue or ltuttcriiillk.
Concerning the reined lul value ol
buttermilk, tho Medical Advlaer aayi
that It ia of ho much worth that it hut
gained a distinct ploco in the "materia
medica," and la largely pi-eHi-i-lbed by
the bent phywiciatiM for client and lung
ailment aud in iiiotit forma of kidney
troubles. Au exclusive buttermilk
diet has teeniod to bring- about a cure
in many caon of Urlght'a disease A
proper and constant use of it will
preatly reduce the craving for alco
holic liquor, with which many jer
sons are ufllioted. The craving may
bo ftatlefied and the Hystem benefited
and Mtrengtheued inatead of weakened,
Huttermilk alone will often remedy
acidity of the atomuch. The laotic
acid needed in many cusos ia aupplied
by it much more than by any uthei
drink or food. It ia taid to alleviate
the depression about the heart that :
many old people Buffer from, and It
should be conatantly drunk by tbem.
It ia also to a certain extent a ktitEu
lant for the entie sjsttui, jubt what
the aged Deed,
FtsATt. lebate and voting on tha repeal
bill amendment was continued all day, all
of which amendments were rejected At
7:30 p. m. tbe seasle flnallv psseed the un
conditional ailver repeal bill bv a majority
of II. and then adjourned for the day.
Hot sx Hunter, Democrat, of Illinois,
Introduced In the House a resolution, which
was adopted, expressing the sorrow of the
House at the violent death of.Mayor Carter
Harrison, of Chicago. Mr. Morse, Kepubli
can of Massachusetts, in this connection
called attention to tbe fact that the assassin
was probably a foreigner and possibly in
sane when be landed in tbi country. He
thought the occurrence of such a tragedy
showed the necessity of enforcing more rig
orously the laws excluding Insane, pauper
and Idiot alien, and lor tne enactment of
more stilugent law for the control of
these dangerous claries that are now em
ployed in tin country. .Mr. Oates, Demo
crat of Alabama. called up hi bill to amend
the naturalization laws, which went over
without action. The bankruptcy bill wa
debated until tbe House adjourned.
sr.vrNTV-rorTH nsv.
fxxATg The Senate to-day passed the
New York Bridge bill granting the New
York and New Jersey Bridge company au
thority to construct a bridge between New
York and New Jersey. The amendment
reported bv tha Committee on Commerce
were agreed to. Amendment offered by
bv Mr. Mcl'berson, Democrat, of New Jer
sey, authorizing the New Jersey authorities
to' fix the sit of the bridge, and prohibiting
the use of a pier In the river. were defeated.
Alter an executive session tn senate ad
journed. Horsr To-day marked the transfet
of the final struggle over the
nlver repeal bill from the Senate
to the House The bill itself did not reach
the House until 2 o'clock, the time He
lore lost being spent in some caustic
debate on the naturalization hill,
i he reception of the silver bill bad hardly
c rated a ripple. Quietly the bouse went
osi k to routine business. At !.:, whsn
the morning hour espired. Mr. Livings-un
(Dciu. ) of Oeorgia, created some excitement
by an attempt to secure unanimous consent
to proceed with the consideration of the
repeal bill. Mr. Bland ( Pern I. of Missouri,
made a vehement protest and said the bill
should take tts course like any other bill
and come up regularly under the rules.
"Many rueiubcra want to be heard." laid ho
"and 1, for one object," And
to the first attempt to reach
an agreement in the house failed.
At 2 o clock tbe House went into Commu
te of the Whole to tonsiderihe bankruptcy
bill, and Mr. Wolverlor Democrat, ol
Pennsylvania, addressed the House in faror
of the bill. Adjournment followed at 6:15.
srvsNTvrirni pa v.
SrvAts: After some routine business tbe
Senate took up the discussion nf the Chin
ese bill and was addressed by Me-srs Ory.
Palmer. 1'erkins. Lolph, Siinre and rrve
until .Vi-lock, w hen It adjourned without
action on the bill.
Jlocse Attheoreningcf the Hnurethis
nv.rning I'er. K. I. Pa by. of Washington,
was elected chaplain. Hie New York bridge
bill, with ihe Senate amendment waa laid
hetore Ihe House, the amendments were
nonconcurred in, and conlerence asked.
Tbe silver purchase repeal bill, with the
Senate amendments, was laid before the
Housw and the rsrnate substitute was read.
Mr. Wilson, Democrat of West Virginia,
w ho has charge of the bill, moved toconcui
in the Senate amendments and on motion
be moved ihe previous ouestton
Mr. Bland. Democrat, of Missouri, moved
to recommit the bill with instructions tc
report back the amendment which he had
indicated. I he motion was rejected yeas.
100: nays, 17.'). A sole was taken on con
curring in tbe Senai substitute and it was
concurred in yeas, r.U; nays, (H. Ihe Sen
ate then adjourned.
SrMATf. The senate spent l entire les
ion lo-day after l h morning hour in tbe
discussion ol the house hill passed on
October 111 to amend the act of May 6, Id!).',
n...i, !i.:.inn .i.. :.... ft. : .
iwuiuiiiii lira i viiuiiK ui viiiiicssi rrsuii
ntothe ( lilted State. -All the amend
ments mat were onered to it were
either withdrawn or rejected and
Hie oill was passed in tne exact form in
which it came from the house. The bill
reqr.ircs all Chinese laborer in the Cnited
State entitled to remain before its passage,
to secure their certificates of residence with
in six months from the passage of this act,
this being an extension of six months in
time ftxed by the Oeury act. Chinamen
failing to register within six month shall
h deported as under the former act,
:epl that the requirement ot a white wit
ness is removed. All proceedings for vio
lations of the Oeary act as originally en
acted, except aa to criminals, are depended.
The word "laborer" in the act i construed
to mean skilled and unskilled manual
laborers, and the term merchant to mean a
pertoti engaged in buving and telling mer
chandise at a fixed place of business, carried
on under hit name It it provided that the
oertiticate shall contain the p,:o ograph of
the applicant together who his name, local
residence and occupation.
The following measures were passed: Al
lowing the Columbian Museum at Chicago
to acceptor purchase articles for itt own
exclusive us, free from custom duties: ap
propriating 175,001) for a tteam revenue
cutler for service on the great lakes: a house
joint revolution donating a cannon at the
rutsburg arsenal, to ba coined into souven
ir of ibe Grand Armv meeting at Pittsburg
in 1'4. Mr. Stewart, Kepublican. of Nevada,
introduced a bill lo provide tor the free and
unlimited coinage of ailver and it waa re
ferred to the Committee on Finance. Senate
then ad jour- ed
floi sg Mr. Fitch. Democrat, of New
York, called up the New York World' Fair
priis winners exhibits' bill, which bad been
referred to the Committee on Wayt and
Meant, and it was passed. After som
loutin business the House adjourned.
Srs'ATr. The first or extraordinary sei
tion of the Fifty-third Congress i a thing
of the past. Its career rioted Friday after
noon at a few minutes past 14 o'clock. calmly
serenely and without the faintest struggle
or excitement. At the Vice President said
in a neat little parting spech. tts record it
made up and henceforth it belongs to the
domain of history. The Nebraska Populist,
Mr. Allen, threatened to deieat adjourn
ment by demanding the yeas and nays and
showing that there was no quorum to
transact business. However, tbe resolution
was agreed to without tiie yeas and nay
and tbe adjournment look place.
Horsr The closing day of the extraordi
nary aession wat an exciting on in th
House, but the onlv substantial achieve
ment wa tbe llnal disposition of th bill,
allowing a rebate of duty on fair exhibit
acquired by Ihe Columbian Museum. Other
wise the greater part of the three hours'
session was spent in wrangle over pay and
back pay of congressional employe. All
or tbese pioceeding were attended with
great confusion and. on tbe whole, the ad
journment waa lucking in tha dignity and
soleiuiuty usual on tuch occasiion.
' At the extraordinary session of Congress,
which closed on Friday, 1') joint resolutions
and 17 billt became lawt. Three of these
joint resolutions and nine of the bills were
signed. No vetnei were sent in by the Pres
ident and no bill or resolution that reached
him remained unsigned.
Among tbe measures that became laws
were: Donating an abandoned cannon for
tbe Urand Army encampment in Pittsburg
in 18U4; amending tbe Ueary Chines law;
for tb construction of a steam revenue cut
ter for service on tb great lake; authoris
ing the World Fair prize winnert exposi
tion in New York City; repealing Ibe pur
cbai clause of tb fclmrman law, to aid tha
California mtil-winter International
sition: extending the time for cnmpl,i,
.. 111k. 7. ...,l. .k.M.
Prldni Cleveland Iui Bit Proci.
matlon Namlrc tha Dae.
The pretident Issued lb fol0r I
insiisnviTiii irucinuiauon;
U'l.lU ttm l, u.l. .1-...
....... n,,,,,.,.., -,,,v siioniat,
Z ; - . 1.1 i . VJ . 'iL. ,Dns
P'iiiis'u" siisiiiw pootiiir iqu tn..J
b.i.1,.1. I... rnii...j .i .v ""rl
...via ,,, ,, nr. , , lit-,,, Fdiuv meif
jt riMM,,,, in-F,vi;iai7 ueVOtSd tj
Ih. ...... lain ..!!.. A I . k. I ... l(
.iiv.niiiciiifiipiiiviiui inn uirsf,iug e bat I
received from Ihe hand or Hod and toil J
Rinirnn ma iiuniriigiueiil Ol ill lotirJ
ri,.rAM r i : . a . . . ri...i..j
...r.T.vir. i, vi i u i r i virsf-.miu. roe.:
ilaitl ,! tha Ct.ilJ Ui.l.. -I '. "
nat and et apart Thursday, the 30th
vi ins, fursviii iiiwinn in .iDTsmosr as
... i..i.,KI,.Mt.ini iiiiiuui aept ,!
observed by all the people of our land, ij,
Ihal fllsV 11 tl tnfmn gH9 ' '
-...i ....i... . j j worn
m yivy ill r u in miu K9in Ul in Olir J
,..,vi. i n.r,-(M., SUTrf WVII1UT tCS J
ail that (irxt Lai ilniia tnr -.i .. 1
from grateful heart our united tribute 'd
praise aim song mav reach the throne ti
.-w. viiv iruiiiuii 01 ainareuand i, 1
, . I m ..i,in a t f . ; . . . . I .1 , r sv-S
v.n, v., iiirnu, iiitj vurvr am -pi
joyment lo the duty, and let generous cifVJ
ol rhartlv tnr ik- p-li. nf ik- "1
neetlv Prove the i nceiltv of nor ik.k. 1
'""ei- viiiiir.nvLifiufih
Osi.t the heat ot certain kind of mpul
are neing gainereii on ids oinuioru Tiuojr
at Vina, Cal., as there la no market for ts.
grapee. In a portion of this vineyard devot
exl to tha California or mission grapes. .
other Ilk oualltles, tba sheep otthersnri.
are new running. It I considered hetlerl
that the grapes should be eaten from tU
vines than that tney should rot on idem.
a risAt survey ot tne snip canal across it J
riorius peninsula win srjoniy be made. Th
canal will be about 800 fiset wide and aW
1&0 miles In lengtb. It will shorten tbe di.
tan re iroru Miw Orleans to Liverpool lot
miles, and vessels will anve the dangerouJ
voyage arounu tne norma rieye and Uatu
mas, witn tne blgn lasuranca rates dot
In tun ia n eahbaga-fleld on thebank of tb
river a nine above Mantra, Uregon, whii
hlgh water has overflowed, loaving thetni
of tha rilanta a llltiii slmvs th mpf.n tL
o wnnr say s t hat an Immeusi school of ear
have taken advanlMirn nt thA nnnni-tut,ltH
fatten off his cabbage, and that hit gar.JtJ
im iiriy sure t.hd inem.
the wnot.r.sAi.g i kk rs ai.e oivim selow.
omiN. ri.oi b ANurtrn.
WHEAT No. 1 Ited f on a I r
No. '2 lied t4 t.',
COHN No. 1 Yellow ear... 44 i.
High Mixed ear 42 4:
No. Yellow Shelled 4'S 4i
Sheileil Mixed 41 4
OATS No. 1 While JIJ
No. 2 White :t34 It
No. :$ White :
Mixed Si :
RYE No. 1 l V
No. 2 Western. New M M
FI.OUK Fancy winter pat' 4 tsi 4 i'l
Fancy Spring patents 4 2A 4
Fancy Struight winter.... .4 N) :i 7'
XXX Bakers S no :t
live Flour d o
Itiick wheat flour. 21 .'
HAY Haled No. 1 Tim'y.. 11 T.'i 14
Haled No. 2 Timothy 12 Ot) I I
Mixed Clover 11 oO I t
Timothv from country... 18 00 in
FKKD N'o. 1 W'h Md V T 1 W I"
No. 2 White Middlings..... 17 00 17
Brown Middlings 1ft 00 17
Uran. bulk 1ft Tt l'
BTKAW Wheat 5 N) .
Oats ti AO
iiAiiiv t-Hoin'orn.
TirTrrp Ti..i ft I
aw v a. tut j ift I'm imatuvi 1 , r-"
Fancy Creamery -H -
Fancy country roll lift
Low grade A cooking.... 10 r
CHKKSK Ohio, new 11 II
New Y'ork. new 12 1:
Wisconsin Swiss 1' 1'
I.imbiirger(Fall makei... 12 1.
Am.ES Fancy, V bbl... 3 00
Fair to choice. ' bbl.... 1 M
3 2
GKAI'F-S-Concord.pmy b'sk f)
lielawore, pony basket... 10
Catawba, pony basket.... 10
Niagara, pony basket 10
QlUNCKS-per bu "j
N Y A Mfnew)Heansibbl 1 90
Lima Means Hi
Fancy e bu 61
Sweet, per bbl 2 is I
CAP.HAUK per hundred.. 3 00
ONIONS YellowUlobe if btl 0o
Mixed Country 40
Spanish, per crate.... .... 100
TL KM I'M purple tops 4"
1 .
S i
0 11
1 :''
loi i.TiiV :u
Live chickens ) pr
Live Ducks V pr
Live Oees pr
Live Turkeys t"b
Hresseil chickens V lb....
Hreescd ducks F1t
llreeaeil turkevt V lb.....
F.OUH Pa .1c Ohio fresh....
Fxtra liveOeese V Tb
No 1 F.xtra live geese Vtb
Mixed JL.
TALLOW Country, V tb ...
SEFUS Clover
Timothy prime
lllue grass
RAt'S Country mixed....
HOMCY White clover....
MAI LKSYKUP, new crop.
CIDKK countrv sweet bbl
1 .
6 2i
1 75
1 40
1 K
1 (
Willi AT No. 2 Ked
KYK No. 2
CORN Mixed
BUTTE K .jj.
I'llll.AtlKl.rill aT
WHEAT No. 2. Ked
COKN No. 2, Mixed
OATS No. 2, White
K 1 1 TT E K Creamery Extra.
EUOS j'a.. FirnU
MlW vokk.
rijOI'R ratenu
KYE Western
OATS Mixed Western
Hl'TTEK Creamery
EUtiS State and Penu
12 75(213 "
ti nort?!"!
2 no
i.ivE-eroi g HEi'nar.
Prime Steers I 4 75 to 5 '
l.ood butcher 4 M to 4 7
Common 3 ftO to 4
Hulls and dry cow 2 00 to 3
Veal Calves 4 00 to 6 '
F resh cows, per head 20 00 to 45 l
Prime 05 to 100-tb sheep....! 3 50 to S'
Oood mixed 2 25 to 2"
Common 70 to 75 lb sheep.- 1 10 to 2 '
Choice Lambs 3 00 to 4
6 5 to 6
ItOt... At
Prime i orker
Heavy U 10 to 6
Koi.gbi. .
4 60 to 6