The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 09, 1893, Image 5

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! i,
Breef Fum Haws a Barrick.
eh Kernel Harden.
Well, Kernel, de bolidix fulir hut
Jder en hardier pull g'mauclie
but do gous load ins dresh-den
I 1 1 i . i
Keu oouy ao utixci laiuruciia
Icr eu tthtrong fantasa. Do
Lute ofhcers woo uwn druff
inked hen hin shunt runner ga
,,t i , , it
huucu un no guo ous-g hciikou un
t o'm dresh-den nows g'feercd. ,Se
ouclni ho now iiiimuy far on gons
hr, un do giloifiunn aw net cms
is in Jer loud wore os no so tzeega
t inaucha. Dor Lower wicrdt
sgailrushd mit der shteciii engine
do woo uvvft druir g'hucked hen
tcga tier urout un do gilo fres-sti
oiis-gadrunhn shtroh.
Mt-r maned net oh en si Lent
ho tzeega kenta woo nix
ruh tsu Trenail hen 1 So Hiu usbt
aioLl ehtecka blivva far.wnro waso
wo feel yohr, un sell woro wo ho
Di laiuater load ei-forn hen Hulla.
r waugii woro goot g'schmearod
t onuer leit cram geld on twon
h cent uir der dawler, awver do
id woro unen ga-uoweo. un uer
my ia in en ilreck-lueh g'fora un
t um-g Hchnnssa. Feel fuhr-leit
tta era gilo ga-gaisheled. Der
ay hut awver net. Are hut era
omet ob-g'numuia, do wiea bletz
vesha un g'schmearod un derno bo
Uer ei-g'schpont. Are hut do
ip ga-gnelled uvvicu era kep,
aw" ga-grisha un cm soddlo gowl
Jo ribba ga-kicked.' So hen en
wncrbawrtr pull g'mauched uu
e se g'shtuppod hen wore der Mat
United Shtates Senate. Aro hut
rao ous-g'uhpont un de gilo ins
wer-romblo feld ga-draid wile are
"4-brouch mro far sex yohr.
naiit load os de bolidix fuhr
. ord hut. wore, far der oldt
rover. Aro nut dor fuhr far
prucha won bo si load shoo ei-fora
h;Ja don daid are se far fier yohr
nix oa ea besht deiniJy hoy
kJera un ena oil dor bovver govva
bo fressa kenta. Iu fact, are hut
i farshprucha dos won so eue uff
r load nei tzeega don uiochta se im dresh-don bliva un do gous
J ull'-fresha noach dem os are
una, is. uo result wore os oil do
in der nuchbershoft by-cooma
i uu g'frogt far ei-g'shpout si. Es
t ken grosser pull g'numnia wiles
en longo fuhr wore, awver wo bo
jiii ga-draid sin far de load frossa
u so ous-g'funua oa net en iur hov-
druir woro awver nix os Ihe-
owd, shpitsa-wedderich un wulla
tongel. Se sin nunner in de shtell
sich in do shteud g'shtelt uu ga-
irdt far der oldt Grover ena der
vra ni shidda. Se sin nuch om
rda un hou boll oil de draik uff
ressa in cram hoonger. Uu es
liuisht is, do wile os se on da draik
shtend tzomma frcssa sin is der
It Grover in der froocht-kommer
drawked to kivvel full hovver
ach em onera ins dresh-den tsu
1 gilo oa usht a pawr yohr tzurick
D-broveered hen de shire tzomuia
Awver es is net cs arsht mohl os
; fuhr de letz load ei-g'fora hut, un
wierdt aw net cs lodsht mohl si,
r ieit in office do is asveuich we
"re boova oils Bock-messera tra-
jeyed hen. Sler hut net ga-wit
mer groeked, uu wou's mosscr
nut tswie gouso glingor hut g'hot
a woro f arlcicht der rick farbrucha.
01s Widdor,
Thk BkhT Plastkr DaniPflii
plfca of flannel with Chnniberlaln's
1'aln Halm and bind It on over the
seat of pain. It I better thnn any
planter. When the lungs are Horn
aach an application oikthe chest und
another on the back, Iwtween the
shoulder blades, will often prevent
pneumonia, i nere is nothing so good
tor a lame back or a pain In the sid.
A sore throat can nearly always be
cureu in one nielli by applying a lian
nel bandage dampened with 1'aln
Halm. 00 cent bnttlus for sale by
M. Hhindel. Middleburgh, and J. Vf.
satupsel, rennsCret-k.
The uii(ltnli;ni'(t Auditor appointed tv the
Orplmn Cuuri of snvder i-otinty to llmrll)it
tht t.'-it.M piild Intocvxirt nt limt Mv ti-rm by
the sihtMT. luMnir tlio liiilnnco for (INtrntiiifton
iimonir I im li'ifiiti-PB of Mli'hnpl W. IlenviT. dii-'d,
hitc of Jui'kwxi two.. r-iill?-d on Kl. Kn. m. Mnv
term, nunliixt. riilliiinii lU'nvor, imc of Hie
EfV'Utorsof tuild rtwnnrd, tin per Ills Inst will
KHd tl-NtUIIIlMlt, Will Hlll'IKl to tilt' lIlltlcH of III
nppoliiiniiMit lit tliHonii i- of .Inn. u. cronp. Km.
In V lilil'-(nirh . on Krld-iv, Nov. l. imw, at o'.
clock. . in., wIiituiikI wIiitp nil iH-rtoiiH Intc
pstcd arp notltlcd to nppcnr hii present lliclr
i innn-iiir lie lorevcr ic imrn-n r:o:n coiinnrf in on
win, num.
J. M. IIAKKH, Auditor
Is mi axiom of lu-nltli. wliicli. if c.ui-
fully observed will save iniiiiv a due-
tor bill, iiml iriiarnntco n long and
lianov life. Al'lloilirli lliislstio secret
there is a secret foniiortfd with this
htiiietiieiit and that is how to do it. I
Buy Your Shoes of Garman,
jvuciaieDurgn, Fa.,
where von nlwuvs m't uhiit von v-
lect at prices that defy competition.
Chamber Suits. .
Look at them.
Parlor Suits.
Look at them.
Side Uoartls.
Look at them.
ou clit Lounges,
Patent Itoekcvs,
ICasy Chairs.
Look ut tlieiu.
50 Baby Carriages.
Look at them.
ahy Coach llobes,
AfTaghans, Lace Covers, all
prices. Look at them. They
are beauties.
Carpets, Oil Cloths,
"Window Shades,
Laco CurlainSjCiii tain Poles,
Hugs of all kinds,
and everything else at the
topnlar furniture and carpet
store of
W. H. Felix,
Lowistowu, Pa.
llov. and Mrs. J. II. Dimm gavo a
eption to their sou, Chas. II.
mm, M. D., and his newly made
folast Thursday evening Mrs.
oob G. Smith of Sweotllopo.mado
wit to Sunbury last week Jon-
mn Rudy of lower Market street.
very low and not expected to ro
ver. .. .Mrs. He v. A. K. Zimmer-
n and dauirnter Marr. snent last
ok with relatives in Sunbury....
mes Itoese of Harrisbui'L'. is vis-
fig at tho old homestead on High
oet this week. . . . lhe Misses Mary
1 Anna Alleman, two lovely young
ies of this city visited friends a
'awiusa lust week. Mentoii.
.f-." ' . ! or.
V 3 tti. .v.' li . ... U .1 U t. c j I " C
.AN AVrilxV.",! '.;::
J'-V-ei-i! n. 1a ; ..,!. ! .w Fplrlt.3,
c-luit.iii'i: i.ii i-uc k it.j I .
J'i-.t .'!:t I : :r! t.ii-1 n Tiv. -!!. ,i.f with
11; l:ull ib. I'll' ol. Ici by i'.Udi'ui.'i;!.!.
TK D?. i. H. r.'iCt -:;,tt WED. CO
iV. LOL'IC:, MO.
ID u
1 mmm
t mu m
n omnnu to m
We want your trade, and by
means of our advertisement we are
seeking to get your attention and
attract you to our store. If you are
a customer of ours, we are anxious
to increase our business with you ;
if you are not we hope you soon will
be, as no honorable means will be
spared to attain this end. That we
keep the best qualities of everv-
umntf an wno aeai witn us wA cu
test. We guarantee you the low
est possible figures.
most varied we have ever shown,
we keep constantly on hand a full
line of of goods pertaining to the
thorough furnishing of a home in the
most modern sense,
of every description, Carpets,Rugs,
Draperies, Pianos, Organs, Music
al Instruments (send for catalogue)
sheet music, &c. Write us if you
need anything to beautify your
home or make it more comfortable,
or better come and see us, will at
least make your visit pleasant.
J. B. SMITH & CO., Lie
Front Street Milton, Pa.
Uinteris Corning
And von iiitiKt have something to proteet
you from its clillly blasts. You want
WELL DRILLER, and Agent fb
mm Q Hurlmnlin
. l 7 IIIIV V II V ill LI II I III
Soinetltlng 1iii,I,omi. iitnl t vliti ami n.t
toostt--p iiijirlee, for. in tlw'x.' bard tiiiii !
Every Dollar Counts I
Wt ll. wo lluivo it-iiml' iiiht wlini von
want, for in t oat ninl W't-apn wk liiivr
everything late iiml fitcliioiiuUr. (,(
y Fil For A Princess !
at 1 easant l'rlci'x. I'.nt iMiiimt (.
serilmtli - Hi.- vnrntv i t,,o , ivut
tit mid m i- fur nni i I f .
Jentral Dry (
oorJs Store
Great Reduction Sale of
pfw wr; vr
h DH M
If b k Si i 1 1 ii t
For Ninety Da,ys :
The Undcrsig-ncd Offer The Pauiiu Their EN
at tiik ii!i:ATi:srsAcKinciM:i:u known in ci:nti:.i, i-knn
We are ,,t selling out. bi.t we do tliU to im-rea,. our Nil... above a.,v t.r...
Vlotlsyear. e five u few of tile prfeeN as lollows "'!"
N.ft W oo.l ( liaiiiber .Suits 1 1 l.llll I 'o( t,i Top Mnttre.
Hard Wood Cliaiiiber Suits Hi.ou Woven U ij.i .Matties . T;.
Antiiiie Oak Suits, H 1'jeees Ill (Ml e, Springs
riilsii Pal lor Suits ;;o.(HI Drop Tablrsir iV.";-;
Wooden fliairs per set r,i Platform Uoekers... .,(,
In Meek, i-verylliliig ill t be f uniit me line, inelu.ling Mirrors. l:o.,U ( ases
)esks.M. e-boards ( upboards, Centre Tables. I'anev ,., ke,s. Hl. v ( I'.llojvs. Lounges. Cot.ebes. I ouKbt rays, Winks. Hall KaeVs ne
Heat tJiairs line, ineilium and elieap furiiitiire. to suit all elasses '
I llees re.blee.l all tliroiiyb. Collie early and see our stork before .'ivin..
your order, and thus save 15 to L'O pee cent, on every dollar! "
Special Attention (liven to I lulcrtakiti iV; Knilialining.
MFFU.Ni:t;u':n, pA.
(or Ram.)
CiTJt is a new mid marvelous invent inn. .lust tlte tiling you want for el
eviiting a continuous supply of wnterjfrroin hsirlngsor brunches. It is self
..I i.. l u n...l ...... ......... i i.. .i i rm .
vfft-ruiiiiUi Piiii'iu in i:uusu ui i iuii iiiii tiiiniii I'npririi 111 ii 11 ni uin y. 1 uey are
now being placed in every State in the Cnion mid lire Miintt d in every
county, town und villagw. Wo cballengo the world to produce its equal.
tinv 1 1 v rm iciii j ifii c uiniir(
Forfurther iiiformatioiiwritu for illustrated catalogue.
llaving'drilleil over three hundred wells In thls'.Coniity, plenty of ref
ereuce cau be given as to the elllcleiicy of my work. I rn-peetftillv solicit
j uur pin l ounge in lion line nun w 111 fcuin uuiro j uii perieci sailSiacllOII III
everv lob.
You Will Miss It
if you don't buy your
Fall Suits
1 (j
Others iuay blow about tilt h' big stock and low irics,but
and if I can't duplicate any suit sold in this county for
less money than you paid for it I will forfeit tho price of
r. 1 rv mo on.
tho suit.
i- : - . . .
r pf-v-h vi
mm i;
nIIl-i Heaveilown Uarriaire ('oinnaii v. Ii.ivinir h'.isii
tho Heaveitown carriao Works, Hie nianai-er, .1.
li. (Jetehell, takes this method of informim; the puliln
that lie is now prepared to furnish them with superior
vehicles of the latest styles and nmli I'll i li i lici t v iii ion i
AVo M ill be pleased to make estimates on the buildiii'' of
l i i i . . . . r1
ne;i cincies stu n as drays, 1 rucks, huckster and farm
wagons, also manufacturers of (ietcheirs (tiiceu Palo (Jar
riago Clears for the trade.
J. 33. OIE:TCIII3 1111,, Mnnn;
Having purchased tliu ftjck of general 'Merchandise of Iianiel
( 'rouse, and added greatly thereto, I take pleasure in iuvitinu' my
friends to call mid sen me when they come to Seliiii-xrovc. 1 liav
in stock u full lino of
including a line lino of Groceries, Tin-ware, Chinr.-warc, Tobaccos,
Coiifectlonaries. 1 would call your particular attention to my su
perior line of
which I am selling ut extraordinary low 'prices. I'oi example, I
havo tho plain bull' paper, dillerent shades, very Mvlish, ilouble
width and donblo bolt at from is to .'!.j cents per bolt, with Pi inch
border to match at 8 cents per yard. .My window luid,s areas
beautiful us they aro fctylish and sell from S3 to .) cents a piece
My motto is
"Cheap For Cash'!"
Country produce acoepted ns hpot cash in exchange! fi r
Como und bfo me.
Opposito,0ppeiiholmer' Clothing ttore, Svllnsgrove, l'a.
1 tf-
d id
, IT"
i ii...