The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 09, 1893, Image 3

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    It Is Not
What We Say
Bot what Hood's Rarsaparllla Don
that tells the M'rr
Hood'o Cures
Pains in the Back
And kidney trouble rau-ed me four year of
tntTeritig. Was tclilc ben I commenced to
laa Hnodt KarMiwrilla. An Improvement
M quickly noticed and I continued Inking
Hood' Sarsai ar.lla till now tor back In strong
snd I am In i-erfett health. I think noon tun
lr.M Hood ewnmpariila much a It trill
prla itself." Jolt Sahtosj. Scott date. Pa.
UmT nil vure is i.tli aih.V. Try a box.
mi' 4i
"What is August Flower for ?"
As easily answered as nsked. It is
fqr Dyspepsia. It is a special rem
edy for the Stomach and Liver.
Nothing more than this. We believe
August Flower cures Dyspepsia.
We know it will. Wc have reasons
for knowing it. To-day it has an
honored place in every town and
country store, possesses one of the
largest manufacturing plants in the
country, and sells everywhere. The
reason is simple. It does one thing,
and does it right. Itcuresdyspepsiafe
This met Mark U on ike bett
, 1
I M.Knie, N. V.
i On Crutches 10 Years!
Seating sores that
1 would not heal ! i
Dam ft HBiirAn.i.A Ov '
f of KAN A 8 AHHAl'AltlJ.l.A.
I J For .. Iveara I lia Iwtn niffrritif from
LtT kaJ llliutrf IliiMrdPV ivIImI b diffri.t
nttirM uv mr 9wm rnvaifiani wno anaiKitt ma
hut win. h bufflril llie afclll " irini all. li aC, my .wr, KATINO AWAY
fill: rl.i:Mll. ami lemma; a irriHi,I
ftf MitlBfj wrr, ahlih noil. inn aon'il Itrai. li
mini liniki out on n ir limb u a KI'VT.K
MtH;. vr ittmttn 1 waa roRllard to
my lrl aiiil hmvw km .jutbl lu whIb
Owiihoui t ruli lit lor i rr tm vrnra
L fall 1 ihrrr iH-itka u
S'f lavia linn It lirlprct ma frun th II rat.
tl look U faithfui.y. anil 1 ttti ihjw MttftMa)
my houaetiolil Uuiiratitd walk, aa wrll
aa rvrr.
I mn aura that my raar U u nrar miracle
fanytJoug I Mat happs-iis at tlir tmruut tlajr.
lamvtry mmi-n-iv iun,
J(irsTLrrH Wt wloar ltlnionlal of Mia
. Cln rrirr.wh.i h ta k mntf nxliirannrtit nf jrm
vKluaiitriMiui4l. Yf Iwlirvo hr abilruu'Ut lu
fjtjtlru In rry rr I.
I Wtara ivy ntru)ly yura.
f HAY! HUOfl
I MftloMt N. Y. WlyjlfaaittltUUlruuiata.
i Dant Santpirltla Co., Bilfitt, Main.
I, rl,' V TCTHaUK IIAKKH Kialnlimtl
A 1 ! I and mll r aliapulalillily
uf toelillon 'ikI fur liitruinwUnlile.ur lw tcKi-l
klwtrul. PATRICK nAHKI.U WnHIuliHI. H O.
Ot' I w a lv mailr ly ai'llva nt elllni
tt ) ". f I our nmrJiltivii. U aitlfHl. Mtfiut mimMI
th Hr TtiM.vrl'r in ttic ttorhl: iMuiv irrrliory
fln, Aildrra N- TVl'UVHITKK VU.. ltul.m.M.4.
.-. BREAST v.
fiflttnil cbilil-lMsarlng woman. 1 liavo teen a
mid-wife fur inunv Team, anil tn racli ca
where ' Mother' Krlend" bud beenuked It baa
amimiilirltrd irnnrirra antl rvlleved umcn
ulIeriiiK. It ta the lt rrmetly for rUInK of
tke brvat luiowu, and wcrih the price lor that
aiuue. Maa.i. M.UniJTKU,
MuutKUiuerjr, Ala.
Rent bT rxprea. rhareet prepaid, on receipt
at price,' l.W per Uittla.
ttM l7 ail Unite lata. Atlauta, UA.
? fw 1
Bioom.Tit hna S44 union frntnrra.
Jra emptor 521,0.16 eolon nplo
Chic tea reports 7S.O0O killed men ti)K
Omaha. Net,, baa a colored barber' union,
Nkw York baa orer 300 Inbor orgnnbA
tiona. T.ACKpat banls will form Notional
Tiaooii.YS has a Workingmen's Free
HARtrnBD, Conn., ha 423 nnlon ear
PAmaxTo Y'ALi.rr, California, baalmlinn
bop picker.
Kiit RCMid manufacture employ 2:1.000
New Yorker.
JoLttt ( III.') steel workers bora bni) their
warms cut 33' per rent.
Tn Fall Hirer Pplnnem' Union bn
donated t00 to Idle member.
Rcoti.amd ba a hank operated by railroad
employes. It has tl.'SO.OOO on deposit.
BaoTRftanoon trainmen pay out I SI .00)
per month in death and disability claims.
A PiTTt-'i Arm has paid all the wages
temporarily withheld during the stringency.
AMrstrAN delegate may attend the con
fiitlou ol railroad workers in 1'aris next
A woman walking delegate orlerod a
stride In a shoe factory at Middlewhoro'
Mass. Lost.
CorttsT now comes fro.n New Orleans,
. that unemployeil 'aboringmen from the
far West are swarming Into tluit city.
Ixwn.t(Maa. clergymen will aid the tin
employed by selling coal at wholesale rate
and through other effective agencies.
Hibtast In China recnlre from sixty cents
to a dollar a month waves and board. Car
penters, masons, bricklayers, etc., are glad to
get (4 a month and feed themselves.
Wat the great shirt, collar and enft In
dustries of Troy, N. Y.. are running full
time they employ from 15.0(0 to IA.000 per
suns, and the pay roll reaches 94, 300.000 per
Oiai.s in a I.ouloTllle (Ky.1 laundry struck
rather than handle the linen of the Louis
rille and Nashville special cars, upon wlih'h
rosj a strike wa on. The railroader lost
their strike.
Tna Walters' Benevolent Association of
Boston was donated tSOO ut their thirtieth
anniversary by their employers. The asso
ciation has disbursed 10. 0(H) In sick and
death bnnetlts.
At New Castle. Penn., the Pittsburg an t
Lake Erie lUiiroad, the Ktn and Iloseua
Furnace and other establishment are dis
pensing with Italian laborers. No loss than
.100 Italians have left New Caatle witblu the
past mouth tor Italy.
r.t.oxM is still perlorming on thetigliN
rope in l.on lon.
E-WriiFX IsAHki I A. of Spain, celebrated
recently ber slity--veutli birthday.
Tat Income of llcnry Lahnucher from
Loudon Truth is estimated at 50.000 a year.
Par.sirr.TT Cabmot, if France, hns Onaliy
.leciiled li lecoiuea caudlilnte lor re-elec-Ion.
Kr.Aror. (i.;.i(iKn. of New Hampshire,
has the buldw-t and smoothest bead in tho
Mas. fiRAxr, widow of the General, has
letermiiiml to make bcr tulure bouie in
The Km press of Russia's physician when
n attendance upon bis imperial patient re
set ves a fee of 350 a day.
Th ltev. L. M. Wise. I. !.. of Cincinnati,
sas Just celebrated the fiftieth auulversury
if his ordination as a rabbi.
Ciamp. tbe great shipbuilder, says thnt
)e doe not go abroad oftener because an voyage pr (rate blm witb seasick
nesa. Waii.ehewar i India the Austrian Arch
luke Franr. Ferdinaud. shot 8000 bead of
tame luc.lullng five elephants and twenty
Coi.omi. It. 8. I.AXimjt, father of the lata
fldney Lanier, tbe poer. diwl a few days
ilnce nt Macon, (ia. lie wa a lawyer and
minent lu his proleslon.
Pusiursr Woouatrr. of the Mormon
Thurch, though eighty-two yeurs old. inan
tged to get about the Chicago Fair us weil
ts most of the younger Timor.
Cbahlottk M. Jonos. tbe F.nKlish novelist,
seventy years old. Out ol the protlts sIih
ias derived Irora bnr thirty novelit ahu bus
given 10,000 to charitable societies.
Thk Hultan of Turkey i. a monomaniac on
be subject of carriages. He has been stead
Jy engaged In mukiug a collect lou of such
follicles for the part twenty years and now
da nearly 500 of all muke aud kinds.
pRiKritsM Maud, jf Wales, who is morn
ike her father than any other of the Prince
f Wales' cbtldren. inheritsthe paternal love
if humor. Hbe Is an Inveterate punster as
srell. nud she and ber father nihke a merry
?a!r when they are in joking moo I.
The coke trade is Improving.
Enolasd bo bile I'lergymcn.
Thk bullion value of a silver tiollur Is now
tO. 529.
Thkhc are fifteen crematories InthaL'nited
Hai taoor is going to try to borrow H0,
000,000 In Europe.
Micrioan' Baturdny Half Holiday law is
optional for bank.
Iukense schools of porglos bnve been In
Ucw York waters of lute.
Travelers In Italy are seriously annoyed
by tbe scarcity of small coins.
HoriAMSTp: disturiiances are causing much
trouble to tno (ioverument lu Hlcily.
Mrs. An Hii ktv recently died in Gre;it
Harrington, Mass., at the age of 104.
The recently discovered gold vein in Ifas 'it
County, Minueaota, assays ii! a ton.
IlERi.tN had last year '24.1 public and eighty
three private schools and high schools.
The sold mining fever has attain broken
out in brown and Morgan Counties, Indiana.
Or the Issue of 3.0DO.OO0.000 of Columbian
postage sumps, 1,200,000,000 remain unsold.
The Mississippi River Commission wants
14.240.000 for Improvements nu the big river
In MM.
Ht. Lon ha just sold 1.2'.0.003 twenty
year four per ouut, bonds ut par in tbe Lon
don market.
The Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce has
elooted Sir. I'opp to membership. This is
said to be the first woman who bos been
elected to such a body.
Statistics of the yellow fever epidemic at
Brunswick, Ha., show that the mortality
among white was nearly four time a great
as that among colored people.
While returning from Napoleon, Ohio,
Jacob Winnock, a land magnate of Henry
County, quarrelled with hi wife and tired
two bullet into ber body. Hbe Is barely alive,
but refuse to prosecute Winnock on bia
agreemeut to give ber 603 acres of bia beet
A Hatebhii.l (Mass.) policeman chased a
man who bad stolen a package of meat from
a market to hi borne. He found the chil
dren eating tbe products of their father's mis
demeanor, so nuar starvation that they
couldn twait to have It cooked. Ha went
back and paid for the meat out of his own
pocket. "
A hike-tear-old dot In West Virginia la
corresponding witb Kutn Cleveland on the
subject of having himself, a Democrat, ap
pointed to suooaed hi father, a Mepublloau,
as post ni aster.
sntsdr. Spain, a Bctct ef Cestb sic
uasoiatiea. nrt F-cisbssths FntliJ.
iui tiSTOC to Life. Limb and
Property "tsrt.d by aDy.
Dsmita Eiplcsioa.
PlsPBtrhesfrom f:ntndr.yrln rrtilin
lb reiort tbat the ship Cabo Mschl(cc
was blown to atom by a hnpe quantity ol
dynamite on board, by which hniidrdsrd
pf'pl wer killed and wontided. and tin
greater part of tbe town destroyed.
Tbe vessel was discharging Q.VX) ton' ot
Iron, many barren of petroleum and fioui
ard several wine casks. fb captain !isi
declared only 20 cases f dynamite. Oibrr
wise be would not have Un allowed U
dock, j
The fire started at 3 o'rlct k Friday fler
noon In the coal bunkers. The custom of
ficr and police hsster.ed to remove the Si
racs of dynamite which soon were landed
at a sfe distance from the vessel. A Ins
was then chartered to tow tbe Cabo Macbi
caco seaward. Menntin-e desperaie efIort
had been made to quench tbe The
captain and crew of the steamer AlPm
X If. boarded the burning veel to help
figbt the flames. Tbey worked for an
and a half without m.ven. At tLeend of
Ibal time the f re reB'-hedtbe ttr!eum.
Then rsnie n series of aaful ploloti as
tbe flumes went from barrel to barrel .f the
oil, ur.til tbey reached the contraband dy
namite. The tug bad just been innreu
along-ide the vessel and mat,y towmp rple
bad gone aboard either to fatiffr their
vuriolty or to help eitingn.sli tbe
Then came tbeeiploeion f the dynainite.
Alien board tbe lain Macliif aco and mat y
along the do. k were blown to at.,, fi r
tug vanished. Tbe lay with its mormons
rrowa orsiertafor roe :owly in the air.
The people were sint'ered in every dir.c
lion into the a. j-'ire brands fell in sh-tw
ers over fa and land for n radius of a ir.: 4
and a half. 'J be Oil... Marbii nc .i s siuh-.k
was hurled r-05 yard a any and fell on tin;
bab ony of a bouse bull it complete, j
wrecked. It then sunk diep in the pave1
ment below. Ti e she. k feit in every
psrt ol the city. Jlonsis rrnked on thei
foundations and n ore tbsn im acre et tt.ri
fire by fulling sparks Ibc deMrtu Hon iiji
tlie harbor was eiiially a. alliug. Tbi
laiin.ll of tbe A!l ls. .n.. nbi.h w;'i
lying alongside hiid totiiainrd a I tbe trev
not aboard tbe Mai lman., ati sbed with
the others. j
The survivors fled abo-e l:r tk vg. !rat
lug tbe promenade adjcitung the ua)
strewn with dead, .lying and maryied reu.
nanls of human bodies. Wherever the trr
ril'.ed fugitives turi:ed U.y met on!
fr tihtfnl deMruction. Horror was aMe. ti
horror in tlie wrecked and burning build'
ing' f rrim which mm piteous t ries for K.i'i
Many of the fugitives were thrown i)oiii
and trampled upon. Numbers are saidlti
bae lost tlieir reason. Tbe people were to
panic strn ken to think of anything but
avinj; their own or their re!tivei' lives antl
ignored their burning property. ;
When niebt fell tbe sky luridly refVt tei.
tbe fire burning liercelv in various p.-;s o-i
the rity. Meudez Nunes street, r.nn.ini!
parallel with the uav was a blaze from rtikl
turnu. in ma uoiiuniE nun anu beat tit
bauds of restuers worked ta enri.aie ti e
dead arid wounded. )n every side r.
scenes of i describablecotil is (in and ever
Hbeliuiii!Krief. 'Tbe Cro went on ui.i.iieck
ed tbroiiglio'il llisr nigbt.
nir low s in uri n.
lllr. k after lilm k were in nuns. The pe.t.
pic were terror stricken. llm.ian.lM i.oan
doned their liutnes am) ,j i ,. ,,(
outlying villiies. others rriiiiiine.l to
search frantically among tbe ta.ns an.l I :f
bared boities for l heir lust friends or r '
tives. i 'bil.lren, n hose parei.t stereu-n l,
wandered wet pini? through tbe street hII
iuir for help.
lbirint; Saturday morning n manv as
possible were I'lillecled at ilietown bn:::iud
were ted and clollie.l. in the aliernonti
many injured iersnns. from ti 'no
or pain, were found cr..iic,iiig in sl'.ev wavs
and outb.iiisvs, far Iroiu the scenes of tbt
The sea was tossed as if by an esrthnu:ik
Tremendous waves broke up oer tbe water
IroHt and large vessels were tossed l:ke
shells against the dorks.
It is estimated that more than 1 .O il per
sons p.risbed.
Chief Coustructcr liichborn' Keporl
Very F'avorbble.
I'bilip Hichborii, the chief conslriicior ol
the navy in bis ahnuul repart to tbe secre
tary of the navy at Washington report that
good progress has been made on vesttls in
course of construction during the psM year.
Iiuriug the pant year tbe following veeis
had tlieir nttlcial trial trips, tbe retulls in
nil oases being satisfactory to the povtrn
inout triol bourd: Monterey, the Ietro;t,
the New Yon, tbe Machim unJ tie 1 iiij
croft. The followine ve'sclslisve ben Is inched
during the year and are l ew Uin : ulie.J to
filial cuupielioii: 'oliiinoui. .nrtielosd
Oiyrnpiu, CiiK.'iiinsii, Kniainliii, Ind.unA.
Muskhl-Iiuscils and .Mintie ipol.s. li.e tug
May Mower and boat I'alus have been
soul during tbe year and their nsmes
en from the naval register. Fori y seven
vessels have been r pa.iel ul tbe O.fTe.eit
navy yards during ue year.
The Nealy I'lertril I'res'.dent of the TVom
en's Hrllef ( nrps.
Mrs. Sarah Mink, of Wntert iwn,
N. V., was elected I'lcnideunif the
National Woul
dn't Ilelinl
.irjis at I lie eon
vention In ton
ncttinn with the
eni;uii.iiiciit of
the ii. A. li., ut
Indiana p(.)i,
i.. . ..i .. . t. . i
lauuy. iu. .ti iuh
S.l 8 well known
h I, , t VfiW
til I liu; i;w. u .-v..
York Mbte. fiav
ln? f(ru:fiiy re-
e ' 1 is jrL.
miib sarah mik. Kided I li Svra
ruse, and latterly In Wat oi town, and
having for many jtars been active In
(1. A. It. affairs. Her iiusbatitl la
Major Charles V. Min!i. who was
commander of Mink's Iiatu ry.
Love is said to be liii.d, but it
zeoerally gets there ahead of tbe old
man Just tho atue.
Rt Wicked as Paiutea.
Tt has tocem o innch t ha enstom
for those oitie jralnu of the preatneaa
and fame of Chicago to publish envious
and malicious libels upon her Christ iao
character that it ia a pleasant snrprie
to find in a voice from Canada a fair
minded description of Snnduy life ia
Chicago. Ia the course of nn interest
itft letter pnMished in a widely circu
lating Dominion newspaper the rones
pondent tbus disposes of that
able alander, the "wickedneea of CLi
tniro;" "There are over Co0 churches in thit
rity, from the ptilpitsof which ring out
7(H) warnings each Salbatli to those
w ho have ears to hear. T hese chu relic
have a seating capacity of y.r-0.000.
Tn addition to this three of the theater
aud one large hall and arvei al smaller
ones are utilized on fin ml ay nioiintir
for religions purposes. Sn)ipivii,K tlM
each of these churches are but half
filled at each sen ice, that v.oul.1 os
sihlv he a fair averaue for this or any
other eitv, would give an attendance
of I'iS.OOO forra -h serviee. twosoniees
each Sunday c tho Roman Catholic ami
Episcopal ehnrehea have nore.i will
show an attendance of .ViM.OtKi. Add
to the 8.00(1 or lO.Otrfl vho attend the
several services in the aforesaid thea
ter and halls will bring the total up
to considerably over .'lOil.tHKl church
attendant each Sunday in Chicago
tmt of a imputation of HiM).(HK). 'J'Leu
take into consideration the manv Suu-day-school,
some of them having au
average attendance of 4.(Hl r.i,l 6,(KKl.
So notwithstanding all thnt miiht he
said almnt the wickedness of ChicaRO.
she will compare favorahly itli like
ci.iea t:cii in l'uritsti Canada.''
A Habit Hied (Int.
The habit of inhaling snr.ff was so
prevalent fifty years ago. not olIv ith
gentlemen but with luai.v tldcily
ladies, thnt there were ft w counting
rooms or offices that did I. i t I ave it
huge Imh supplied with the favorite
mneeaboy snuff nn.l the sweet smelling
bean on the desk, counter ir biH. ket
specially arranged for it. ti ml cullers
would inhale n J'incli or t o. I hen di h
foith a hugf yin.l sipiuie nil i-ilk
haiidker'ehief. and there would le n
resounding blast. no
American then v.ore a ninstm he. Men
did tint carry white litis it handker
chief, hut sometimes used white silk
ones in those days. As bad personul
habits usually increase, it's h n.urt 1
that this one died out sonic veins Lgo.
flaw's Tkls I
TA'e crfei One II iimlied liollsrs Hewsrd for
isksi.r I'alarrh that canuot U i:U I.)
laii's ' sisrrh Cure.
F. .I.Chsrsv A Co., Props., Tided", O.
Wr, I he iitiileisiiiiiiHl, bate know n I . .'. (be.
ney for I h" lnt IS year, sin! Lel.i t him p. r
feiih hmioml.le in all bntnr tiniiMu'tions
and til. an. ally si. I to tairy cut any el. liga
tion mane I v I heir Ann.
Wasr TatlAX, Wholesale PrUKKUde, Toletlu,
Wai limi. ITia A Marvin, Lniesle
liriiKKisls. Toledo, Oli.o.
Ha i'sl alarrh Cure Is taken InternsllT, si t
ilire. lljr upon tliebli l and sur
lacent the stplem. I'rl. e, ".'. p-r l.utti. ula
by ail Uriiggista. Teslimouials (rve.
The little toe is ssid
rotu the human foot.
to be dilapidating
K libber llasl vs. Itbeainalicm. ,
Kinee I be Keneral wearing of Kuhbrr Boot
amouc farmer and other outdoor workern, i
rhtuniatlsni has vr- sensibly decreased. Ke;
u..i leei'rksllii' sviir rart iss tbe renvois.
ynur liortjr with less danger. Auion the Vari-
mis kinds of Rtihlirr Hoot, the "Cub heater 'i
Spadinic Boot " na he tbe nnt (Kipular j
..tall. The great Imprmement of tue Spa 111. ir
. tie g.ves ease ami r.unforl In tvalkins. pre- ,
lerts the sole from Injury an.l to I he urn- 1
eral Uuisbility of the Ho it. Be sure and see ;
the " (nl.iiet.ler Spading Bool" Ivlnrv ).ii
purchase miy other kln.t.
In ICS tbe wliule lisliing was legun by
Vesel Horn Nantucket.
We Cur It ton re.
No matter of b..w limit m and Ing. Writ
for flee treatise, lest lin.iiiial-, el... to K J.
Hnllenswuiih At '. tlweo, 1 ii'a Co., N. 1.
Price l; by mail, f l.ia.
There are Stkl 4"tj miles of telephone Hire,
in this country.
Be, bain's 1'ills Instc.! of slnsby mineral
water. Merchant's no utknra. 'A vim. a bus.
Tbe Knyplains attributed the invention f
titer to i leiris.
Are your limits sore f HnIcI.'s I'nivers!
Colli: h ry nip il: nue I hem, at nrui.-iis.
Salmon was loiiuerly brlived to promote
drunk. nnes!
Brings comfort nnd improvement nnd
tendii tn iiersuniil enjoyment when
rightly used. Tho ninny, who live ln t
ter than others and enjoy l ife more, with
less cx jH'ixlit tiro, by more promptly
adapting tho world's !t producis to
tbe neeilH of physical hein, will i.tUft
tbe value to health ut the puru liquid
IsKutivo princiles euibiuccd ia the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its eicellenco is due to its preventing;
In tliA form monf. neeentiilibi iie.l tilrns-
. . .i r' i . . .i. ..i..
beneficial proierties of u K-rfcct lax
ative : effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, hcadiichea nnd ley. re
and periiiaiiently curing eoiistipntion.
It has given Mitisfactio.i to millions nnd
met with tho npprovul of the medical
profession, because, it acts on the Kid
neys, Liver und Dowels without weak
ening them and it in jierfcctly fae from
every object ionuhlo Buhstiince.
Syrup of Fig i for sale by nil drog
ists in 00c and f 1 IhiHIch, but it is mun
ufaetured by tho Culiforniu Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will Lot
accept an substitute if oflcrtti.
Cream of Tartar and Soda
Have usen in cooking well known to every lionkceper ; hut
tbe method of refining them to make them iheniunlly pure,
and of mixing them together so as to produce their greatest
leavening power lcst results when combined, is n mutter of
great exactness, requiring the n-.ost expert knowledge and kill.
Royal Baking Powder
Is the produvt of this knowledge ntd exptneme and the
expenditure of ti'ar.y tltouMtnd r.f dollars in patents und
appliiuiees for it preparation. It ii n ctmpor.ndof .ti i. t'y jmre
grape ircum of tartar nnd absolutely pure mV.h, contoincd with
exactness mid inre by larr.ous chemists, and it w ,11 prod.ue more
wholesome and delicate hvead, 1;-i r...t, rolls, etc., than cun
be had where this modern agent of nmVivj: is rot used.
Ileware of the cheap loinoourds c'ltd lii,V.:ng powders to
catch the unwary. Tbey arc nui'.e with alum ami ate poisonous.
(iil'ds In China.
Fjienkinp .f em plover's unions, all
classes of Chinese men have their guilds
Bud these an-almost n . I.I its the i nun
Irv. (Mir of the finest Club Houses of
Ciiinn is that of the Clinton inert hunts
jt I'oo Chow. It is tiiHile up of a great
minibcr of finely finished looms ele
gantly furnished in Chinese fashion
and located in the best part of the city.
Here the lueiclinnts come to drink te.i
Bud to chut. '1 hey lime a temple and
a tin titer eolimete.l with it, and the,
club consists of live bundled members.
I visited at Shanghai koiii of the finest
specimens, of Chinese nirhitectuie I
l inesirll. Thevwilc guild hulls be
longing to tea Hi d lire meri'hiiiits. nn.l
(Lev 1 1 it. 1 wonderful garden of caves
nn. i locks built up iii t he Imsii'st purl,
of the city. TI. esc guilds regulate the
commerce of ( lima. I hey till the mte !
of inters!, the time on vt hu h goods tuny !
I.e sold, the Veighl-i nn.l the t :i rn 1 ii i . i -s :
of poods. A member m-ing liil'lniut i
Scales t hnil the one is line. I.
and a mini acting contrary to the guild
I'll ii . in tunny instances, tint goon with
his business. One of the druggis' .' '
guilds hits jui-t mioptid (nine new rule
hich lie before me. 'I hese preset ilm
that accounts shnll be settled three ev ery year, and that it disco int.
t f o per ei lit. mil be allowril oil -n-1 1
I ruiisiictioiis. No member in the guild
Muill be permi'ted to trail.' with the
id liers while lie ii in debt to a member
if the guild. Hlid It 1 1 V mi nihil-w hit Mu
tates these laws shall pity two the.i
let' luys lor the guild, an. I to- the
dii.ikh and a least for t weiity member.
Some of these guilds ptescribe thnt
ptolnissorv notes shall be dated oil the
day of sale, and till of them til the
rules of giving credit. The tankers'
guild fix all matters relating to inter
est, mid these stiff rent orguuiut ions
muke the drillings of foreigners with
the Chinese more snfc than such deal
ings would be in other count lies. The
Chinamen respects his eontiii"t, ami if
l.e does not his guild liuike.i him.--
Frank U. Caijicnii' Ic'.U'f Jivm
' A in.
Thk population i,f ,st. rctibnr?
lias diminished liv H.. ' the liu I
seven years, but thuj - I Siberia has in
crei.scd. rfi VsUiTlV.
.fi-msi va-nw rm
(. urr. L'oucrhs. Iltar.rnrss. (lrt: '1 1'ioal. C tuiii..
iht pinR l-ouk'h land Aihma. lor ttsitui
I .( il has no r.wl ; tus rurrd llmu'inils wlirre
all ..Ihrrs l.uleit ; will cure )..u il Uk n in lime.
Soirt l.y iruK.'iMs en u ciii.r.inlre. For Linne
liu k or C'Iicm, u-.eSlllf ill'S I'l.ASTFK. ; els.
lave you t auiirn t '1 lilsremclT isu-iiaran.
td turtira toiu 1'rUw 6UCL0. Ixi.tecUir treu.
Do Not Be Deceived
iih Pastes. Kna Is an.l Pnlnls rht-li slain the
Usu i. Inline thr Iron nn.l I, in rr,
The Id. I. w Sun Mve I' I llrllllnitl.'oilnr
le.. Iiiimlile. nil. I Hie is. n. umer i.i. f,ir 1U (,u
T Kl. pm-kniie with evi t piin-hase.
m si
tr ror ciivk tmsm nn.r.
Veil i-Atinot l ties mile.. 5.111 iiii.lerstun.l lliein
' SDrt tlH'M ll.iw to ruler to their re.llir.'llillll: nil. I
you c.n.ii.t .(iciiU ea-snn.l ilnllMr. lesruiiiu l.y es-
Lerlrnce. to 0.1 mil. I Imv Hie HcimreU
jr il e i.flt-i liu. Ut y.u ler only itf rents.
: fvpBj If rnu mvrrly krt' lhiu a n tll?rlon. In 'r
I ilrr Ut liatttllH fowl Juilt t'Mialv, you mini know
ifiiithtiiK hImiiii 1i)-in. In tn-ri Ihln wnni raro
MllllUlf M I M ifcl IClVllilf ItHt ! r -hl'- I Anlaa J m
j of pmclival nultry ihImt UrVlJ
Iwrnf (! vrurft. Il hi wrion b.v uniaJi lniiit
all tn mind, antl t Jrn. m1 mtiUfv to luuttniu ui-
I . or I'lilekeu r.l.lnif aol N. s lurillrne, l-i.l u.
I l.u.uiess anil If u svlll i.r..HI by his twenty-Hire
wara' work. ou run mv manv Ouch annually.
aud in ait uur Kowla aro Ooltara for .to ii. Ida
pulul la. that ou iimal Imp a rile Ut dUH-t tniuMr In
lit Fouliry arit am anon aa II pfurn, anil Ituow
Low 10 rttnisviU It. '1 hla UMik will leach (MI.
Jl (ell htw lu del1! and run- diMMi In ftt for
VafK nut mImi for imieiniim whlrli fnwia loaavfTir ,
liftMlmK .urMiia; aiil vvitiyinlnif, lmtfi, yu
biiultl know on ihl auitJfN i M 'iiakn II pnilluiiilr.
rut MaijaUl lr twiat-n t-ruia lu tamp. j
Book Publishing House.
:1 l.koiAkii Kt.. S. V. City. I
t I 1 II
; para
The Pot Called the Kettle Black Bccauso
the Housewife Didn't Use
Items of Interest.
Mot people tu-d more, eneourage)
meut than r buke.
Ohio nud Michigan are better pro
ided with public si b. ml libraries than
any other States. The former has 191
nn.l the latter 154 volumes for every
100 pupils in nvernge alien. lunee.
l ittle ltoek has received 11(1,000 bales
of cotton this season.
Tor eveiv l.lilal inhabitants the
I'tiifed Slhtes ri.'ia tiaiim y,7(H) miles
Maiikiml worship success, but think
too li. tic i f tho means by which it is
ligt.lty is expensive, and, without
ot her good innlities, is not particularly
The gox eminent pays the Adams
r.pie-sa Coinany ilT.'.IMMI nnuually
for the t ratis) ortntion of IkiihN and
s ecic toditfereiit Meet ions of tho United
Had Torpid Liver For 14 Years.
Biliousness, Poor Digestion,
! Locs cf Appetite.
Psn Tins: ' hnie Pi-en treuhlisl wttk
Torpid Liter lor I ems ani gimu throng
lollllM-i . oinoiiM I. let;
1 I. iimy mors il lute lis-n iui
I for me to ilo any
kin. I ot IiiIsm . Iir Kilmer
Ml (sil'-IIOii'l wan
I Itr-i rS'oinini.n' to in"
I l lliillh.niw. Ills, kliiirn k
I !'.. lliriiuautsi l.cialiii.
i I n.l. After takinn our
i ts.tlle I was uncertain
wb-lhcr I aa rt-ally le
rivinit any lienrllt or not:
I After taking the siseiiftt
i liiilllr. bosevcr. 1 Knin.l '
. in-rand I roiitiiiue.1 until I bad taken 6 bottle
cull now cheerfully nssmimfiid
' th Crest KIDNEY, LIVER sort BLADDtft Cur
, toctery one w ho baa tin pi.l U cr. for It hat
completely cured me." r. W . t n sisti a s ra,
.Inn. K.tli. istci. Is-casur. Ind.
: At Irnat;lst to rente and 1 1 .00 else.
I iBvaJlds'OuKl.tai llilia" rm-l'tnailuaoL f
I Ir. Kilmer ft Co., . nuigbomton, N. ,r .
Dr. Kit
Trial bsm
' res Pile
Al 0rwlt lb Mats.
I' N t
No lt ( rrtjii.tifi. Ofi.r k l aniuicr n?J t (lriv
Aim Cllirb irtrlL u and iuir., u.. fif t nllnnll
' m.iy Hi. Kijuiliig m.i l.ur to l mad m
i . .cftifiir hor Litre ir Ifivaia. J mirmm9
tuli anu lHrbl. .Wi.iit now mi me. Au
ti.-'tJ.. tilt i (or tn r m-m rlr.t, rill ut In lora.
AaW tnr drailrr lor lliriu, nr wn1 ifhb la
iUui'i ftr in a ul asiuriu.i nm AJtu'Mby
Itlniiil ifi !.. n ii it i- Itjtiltl I'm ft i .V .
H . Ot fci'iul Bnii' i-r miiii'
O tl WiimiI Mr ri. I iii-IiiiiijIi. I'.
I I I I ml in al tun ItilJoiftBr,
t unaU aln.' Iir4wlti(
P kii'l all Uift'i iii i ut liit t'Uiaiiait.tA,
f LiviT rtrul h- sri J,
I -sUf KMiiiv I .r u.j'i.j. Iiifrcl
i ii.i'i-siii ii .Lilt i hi ,r u-v Hiil
r l y rill 47'sl I' 4 lit l In ( U I
in TI - . I S''Iimi Ih un), i
I f s ' wn iif (iiiiii-rtfi
j Ml ASH t I
: III MM1 Al. 4 O
ba e SB -taj. .. tai
If ny f.rta rlfii tis that
w a ri.ii ctirn Iuh in
Minatu aar m k to cf
Data, hi turn wr la ri
Im llt iJara aii'l uivrli
Iitr fsrili r .urn, ar in .iilla ur II. t Sin iiiira faii. art
' a, 11 iMiii t-a t ut oki ai ii-1 yt'liili'iK iw f ha (inly
llontf Hit, t llriiti' n n-u l iy. I' .bilivn t roof aoill
.ld. If(c. toon i u f lv to.l'l ifuu, Jii
iaall hy our
,lrrl4iilriiJ 'I'lriilffirfil hiui-l for
lyi.lula.1 s.i. mIIj tiyw!
II mi i Miiioiasiiiiit to liaiiillti tui Saw I'airtu (lumi
(4 all ttti Krn-iiij- jVncH. Ahvih makiijf $-Vi pi
mo mm- Ma-r nig ( o.,X .01, li'tui,via
CUKtb (VHtHt Alt lli (AllS.
Blft loimh t run. TaeU ti.sid.
in Hum sow ry fininri.c
il'ii lUiafilMli ii
r -jt ti
t ....