Doctor Who Get tllg Fee. The P7 rcceirod by well-known Lon 1 ohygfclanii m brought out in a re .( trial in tbat city ia euoh to fill hiwt irru Ail iuu wuuu t wnn Lfi and the) ordinary American with feeling" of devout thankfulness that ' j homo is on thla aide of the Atlan ; in the case in quostlon Dr. ChM. -Mitlr testified that he received IKS) tr for undivided aorvloen to a pa Dr. Alfred Cooper said thla waa "If. modorate. He should himself v.rtfs for a trip to Parla to see a pe 12,000, and 1100 or 1200 a dar .bile h remained there. lie should j consider MO an hour excestfive for tliur a vatlant in London, . L.1DOT rriion in mas. hi hit been a sufferer from chronic lirrhoes eve- sine i mm om oi i.iddj LLn In IMS ami t time it wu very se- J-rek.ciiirint: wnicn time I tried all the 1 I hul tirvimilv anil liarl r "..i .lortor treat me for the same but rjhin would stot it I wa induced to try usluif lew than lialf a hottle was L ftn aii-1 am ones ronre regular. Thanks Cfnur (Cordial, I cheerfully rcconimenil It fill the "old b"v" who are troubled with l..idrei'lei ilisease or anyone els forstitu- Lr oon, plaints. This testimony launsolic- pjiniim irui. a. a., cijiuh, aiktsiiuk Vhi'i'ra'iin's WacklHsrrjr Cordial la prepared , fburston Chemical 10., tiranu lUipide, lio. The first Inw degree ia behaved t have 1 ... ..I k. II.. I'nlnMlla At Unconitrivu u; nit uumui.j w . m. 111'. i wonderful sl.itnarh f orret.r-nefoheS illti. ltets.liM.ui no uliiera. cents a boa. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and Improvement nnd fends to iHTsotial , enjoyment when rigl.'.ly tisen. The mnny, who live lrt tertliun others unci onjoy life more, with f3 i xiieniliture. by moro ironntlv tilaptini tlio worM'ii hot pm1ucU to the needH of physical being, will attest tbcvaluo to lieiiltli of tlio jmre liquid laxative principle unbraced ju tlio rriac ily, .Svrttp of Figs. Its exeellenee ia due to its presenting in tlio form moft acceptable tml pleas ant to the tiwte, tlio refreshing ami truly fc' projiertiea of ft perfect lax itive: efTcctually tjeunsinp; tlio i-vstem, di-pclling colds, headaches and f every tn'l permanently curiir constipation. It lia.t pi ven Mitixtaetion to millions ana met with tlio approval of tho medical profession, becauo it nets on tho Kid- uevs, Liver and Bowels without weak ijjtng them and it U perfectly free from every objectionublo subftance. Svruo of Fiirn is for sale by nil druc- ists in Ma and $1 bottles, but it is man tfiicttired by tho Califor.iia Fig Syrup Co. only, whoso name is printed on every package, also the name, .Syrun of Figs, and being well informed, you will not icrct't any srlwtituto if cillured. 1N II 41 I Mt KIND I THAT CURES-1 p 0 rHELVS) B. WFM.8, JU J.ckion.N. V. RScrofula and Salt Rheumu g Of 25 Years Standing:, m HA BLOOD PURIFIER THAT CURES.U E KAKRArr.II. I A TO., ?" Mp i.rvri.KKr;- . I U.ntT.rrtifT tfiAt I hhw; siittiriT f.-r tvtr tt.t yrr with Hrof-H uIm i 1 Mull lltK'um. lUve rmpiuyn! H'"" l,fr-' And t xtNit'IH iimiijr dolisir- iu-m .I'mprirtary imtlirlnrc, biuixj (iunflr, Itrmuvca. K, h' l. , rlf., urh havr Iwru un tlic inarki-t f.r th i Ml -AytHr, ull tf nu m villi or lnrtlt, ivj S- -nil til (tivrn up hope lUt lh rv wu any h-li' Id a ll"ifi With vry 1 it'r futtli 1 imrrtivMtl a lHIf of " 1 vmirNAIthJArMtlM.Aof my llnt'irt. wliii.1 IQ -triailit him pr.nririUt If 1 wu licit iH-m-flti-! It' tin'iiu r ntnutntt inum y. i irft iiic Xnr unriK lur 1 atntuid i All anil m t mv iiHtnv iatrr. Nil hl H !;.mi any Wiuflt aa no iiHiliciur nr trratment fcinw. trut h ii iv taar. 1 had n4 takrn nmra tliat. int.hitlrtf nne Lottie wUrn In iyy tun"! ' f--I.uiiiI it wt lilnu mi'. Have fakrti lift. RUoirlr and urn r KFIK Th Hrror-M nTiilia Hurra urn ull hrulril aud 1 Itci Ukt H 'icw uuui 1 rvntutnit ltd J J DANA'S B SARSAPiUtlLLA M B " lu l,h Illnod PurlBrr thai .a I'Klll.PS S. WELLS. i B rt j4.kD. St. Ijvrrnrc Cu. , N. V. J M CUNTS:-Mr. Willi Ii -l.ini.wn lothUncf Iuu inl hi luCtrilC Is Irui. 2, JT Hiirttiiliy. UUA. bMITII. i-.t B Dina tariapaillla Co.. Bellait, Malnt. C. Thll TV. V.I Ii ob tb best ' WATERPROOF COAT A. J. TOWCR. BOSTON. MAba. V)W. Ull our niwlilnos. Wnotod, Afi-nU lo -ll tA hml T.iiawrlti.rln lh. Wfirlrl: aillill trrlH0 fa. AdOcat M. IVi-tWHlTlULa, Boston, Mm AWFUL LOSS OF LIFE Over Two Tlioua mil Lives Lost In a Southern Storm. 4 TALE OBSTRUCTION rrom Louisiana That Rlva'a the Btoriaa cf Whol-.sle l osses of Mf by Flood and artbqmka in the Orient. The jrrest storm liWwn Now Orleans and Mobile la, i week I.hs ,,.! and tha "Ofsoflife. to say nothiivof the destruc tion of prr-ity. lg tiemetidins. From Hayou C.H.k. the great oyster field which leads t,i t puif, t , Tr.lM,nr, thllt the settlements of the llshermeii have been completely .Inii.ilished and that the loss of life Ins rmche t the appalling figura of ?jo. 'irand Isle, a anmnier ror. lying In tha Rtilf. Is Miiit to iHe been utterly destroyed, and It is ktinn that the loss of life ia larise. Many iirojile were there seii(lin the aea sort. The lintel nml the two lonit rowa of cottages which (onsiitutcd the resort are no more. In the parish of Phvpie Mine the villaces of l!oh-mis. mi Hie Mississippi, and Shell Ileal h. on l ake Hornue. rre nlped out and at Irnst four livrs Ic-t in enrh place. On both siiles of tin-riv. r the sii(;nr. rice ami orange crops snn..r.'il (rreat deal of dam ae, and on the writ si.le the loss of life Is reported to have been ureat. It is feared that the Ktand total will pale Into inslKr,itl. ennce tho of deaths repurlcd from the storm wliii h ticently deviistated the Atlantic Const. AKirand liny, Aln., four churches wer ilcstroved ami die ehuri'iii's nt rli-ranton siiflereil a like late, hnve In en scnttvred. crops ruii i'd, and desolation ap H'srs nn every hand. Train crewi arnnni at New Orleans on the (irand Is.nnil roa I, report the truck covered Willi ilnhr in which dea l bodies are profusely internum: cd, an I on of tl passetmers neris t nit lie ciiiinied no es tlnin '"T lio ties on his Joiiniev to the cit) from that part of the des' roved district, l lie co t il i y ilir.iuliout is as.-ene of wreck snd deviitntiiii. Tony ;.e:')Vitch, one of lie survivors, re ports 7 lio.lio had neen funtid titer upto the time of leaviini, and from infor iiiiitiuii vmiii ii eie I l y otli ir nrriVrtls, a it estiiiiated that .loo iei., o rished on Ita voti (onk and in that rcciion ol'thocoun :ry, l'hedenthsnt other oinis all the way fro n I'.avom ' ik tin Is e and Chen ere. will swell the total to more than l,!i, ii cnriliti to the best in : r in t n iti now ob .in mi tl . At (irand It.iyon notleistlmn perished. It is learned that the loss ol l.e on liotnrio ind l.lllio'l Islands Ins been greater. No lelinite i n I r tn nt i hi has yet been received from liiand Island. The tracks are com nletcly washed away, and us Ihero is tie Mmmunicatiiiii by toUvraph, it is Impus ihle to verify the report that there ha icen crest loss of li. at lhat point. The muses on (irand Isle are built on a ridire lint riinsthromtli the middle of the islund ind as many of them arc sheltered bv t lit ;rees, it is dillicult to calculute what ilie re nlt of the storm hns been. TJiete ore only ibont a io residents on the, island, and uo iuu hua arrived from there. OVfR O10 l.oT OS! ONK tSLAKD. From the iiieuKer details at liiuid it it ilithly probaltle that the Kreatcs. destrnc ion to life occurred nt ( 'lieniere; a settle nent of l.-l'Si people, mostly IShermiiu, on he mainland, wct of (iriind island. Jler .lie wind nnd waves dealt out death in un ipp:illii't; in ii ii no r. Ilodies and wreckage ireslrcwn every where nnd the pictutei rom descriptions by one or two rdu'eei ire heartrending. I'lie loss of life tlieru it variously estimated ut troni 6isi iomri. ii imtou i.u TAi.r or wok. Matthew Si'hurh. of (ioldshoro. lust on- .msite New Orleans, was one ol the rurviv rs of the ( lienieru cnlaimty, and arrived Wednesday nioriiinn. hritiini; with him a larrowiun story of his eiierienees and the oss of life. Mr. Schurh went to the Island thoutfour weeks hito with (ieorui Thouip ion and a nepro bricklayer iiiiuied Louis Huberts for tiiu purpose of constructing a chool house. ci hurl) on Sunday niu-ht had an experi nce severe eumii;h to turn a man's hair tray, and when be reached New Orleans on Wcdnesdnv inornitiK lie showed tlio result )f the peril lie had been throuuli. lie was timost naked : what clothes be lind were orn into shreds, his lace was bruised and lie had nut yet recovered from the excite, incut ne had umlerono nnd the, frightful iicnes of death he had witnessed, lleesti mites that the lo-s ol life on irand Islennd .'lieniere.l 'atuinai a and in 'lietirund I.ake, Ads ms. Cook ( IihiiI) and I'ristet lluvmi ettleinents will leach Mini. When he left .'lieniere Island he counted but live bouses tandiiiK out of a total of ahiitit Ins), while he land was covered with corpses. The wind hex n to blow hard on Pundny veninu and at 7 o'clock it had reached the iiroortiona of a hurricane. From that time j ii it continued lo increase ia velocity and i it increased the waves covered the land mil ko( into the houses of hundreds of resi lents of tne islund. Ity !) o'clock there was in nveraee depth of live feet of water, and i' midnight a depth of M feet of water, while lie current was us swift us the Mississippi i when that mighty torrent is bank full. No person could stand up against it. As the wind increased the houses beimn ;o go to pieces. The wind picked thu roots ufl as thoniMi they had been shaved troni rafters with a i;reat curving knife. One b' ntio the houses were torn down, critsliln the i)ceti ints us they fell. Scliurb, Thorn mil nnd the nero bricklayer were in house in nh icli l here were fully i'V peopli all liudd ed together nnd terror' stricken h, the mighty anony of the elements. Suddenly there was a fearlul cracking of timbers and the root caved in biirvim; liearlv every one of the party, only tthurb and tho br.cklay. er escnpini:. Hcliurb cluiiff to some lloatinx debris un til be saw a light twiiiKliiiK in a hoti. lie broke away from the timlMir and awnm to the house and wns admilted. He had hardly entered when the structure went to pieces, nnd out of the !0 who were in it only N.'hurb n woman and a child cot out. tSchurb suc ceeded in gcitinff them to a trw, and there the party stayed until 4 o'clock in the tnorn iinr. when the wind bcan to ubate. The neitro bricklayer managed to reach a pole to which tithinx smacks are usually tied, and clung to it during the whole terri ble niuht. Dually being saved. Thorapsoe was lost sight of and waa probably drownec Kchurb says that while he remained u the tree watea washed over hira that were nioiintaiu lilxh, but be and the woman and her babe cluug tenaciously to the limbs for lUpport. and saved themselves from being washed away into the awful, howling gulf around them. The wind was highest abou midnight and continued for coupla of hours. Then it began to abate in aeverity until 4 o'clock when it was blowing with onlv moderato velocity, finally dying out to a light breete. llllllllOHS MVKAI.KD BY DATSHIAK. When daylight broke tha picture of deso lation was awful to behold. Only here and there stood a house. Kvery where there were only brick foundations to mark where tha bomea stood. Tree lav prostrate upon lbs ground. Timber was lodged In pllss,la Indiscriminate confusion, where they bad been thrust bv the mighty rush of waters. Kuined chimneys niBneste.! stricken hearths; furniture, bedding, clothes, a-oves, nchen utensils and o her hi useholu (roods were scattered In promiscuous confusion wherever the vision was able to reach, and here, there and everywhere were the ghastly faece of corpses lurried urwnrd to tho peace fid skies now brisht. end bearing no traces of the terrible night. Msny of the men. women nd children bad lived through the night, but, mortally wounded and wltbeut anything to quench their t hlrt and no medical assistance at band, had given up the struggle. There wete broken arms and legs; bruised and bnttersd bodies, feces slashed out of all human resemblance. Mnny a pile of debris was the temporary x rase of a family. t heniere lies serosa irom (irand Isle and is separated from the island by t heniere bay. lis bead is stuck out in the gulf and when the storiu came up the mighty w ives of the otenn washed over the face of the itnc en land and swept everything before them, t'hviilere wua even more thickly settled than (irand Isle. It was the home of fishermen and storekeepers, and it comprised a colony or M'W souls, with churches and scnoois and evidences of modern civilisation. Nearly all its residents were while people, the Spanish race largely predominating. Seoies ol bodies find already begun to show signs of decomposition. I'nder the ?lrcutiitances, for the snfetv ofthe rest of he colony, It became necessary lo take prompt stcsi to bury those who had lost their lives. Hie living were Immediately organised for a wor t of duty and charity There rsi no time 10 build colli lis. If there had been there were no loola with which to construct thrui, no boards that could e united toe-ether as receptacle lor the bodies lying every wheie; so tho living merely limned up spades and commenced the work ol digging ditches in which to deposit the remains. Mr. Kburb assisted in (ho work and interred not less than tot persons In a few botiissoine of them having not mark upon their persons to show what bad caused death; others were bnd'jr lacerated. VroM.K I'MUSIIIN.I IM Tlir MARsrS. Ilrbe llaiido proved himself a hero. He wss the headot a family that, besides him self consisted of Ins wile and two children. Their bouse had been torn to pieces by the hurrli atie.and they were In fumed ate peril ol losing ttietr lives. Just about this time the Wvuer had parted from her moorings and wss sweeping down pint the ( lieniere with tl elide. Many planks had been blown Irom tier ami weredriltiug nshoro. Itnndu swkiii about in (he water until he gathered s iillc cot to make nn improvised raft with this raft he succeeded u saving himself nnd family from a wutiry grave or worse de uli. It will never le known how many were Inst in the storm. Tho mighty waves swept with such irresistible loree over tho hind and nt such a depth Mint it is pnssiblo that innnv bo nes mm perhaps many who were still living, were e.iyirit into the marshes r n less step-ore ,'iken immediately toor Kim r.o relief ,urtics it is not unlikely that mnny will perish from starvation and thirst. 'Ihe waves destroyed all theprovis tons on thu t'beinere Island. The result is that fresh water is s i scarce Hint it is not siitlieieut lo relieve tho third of tho him dreds Hint are without anything to cat, and scarcely anything to wear. l.iSMl.tssj Loss) M:n Molitl.r. A dispatch Irom Mobile soys: Keports of damage by ti e storm are coming m Klowly. K.nlriMid, -hipping and nulls nre the heaviest li.-.-is ttie illinium aggregating nearly ll.tssi,. (ki i. The loss of human life cannot be esti mated. On r nriuers Island onlv two farm house are staiidin t out of a total of 2-1. These touiisiind si ttletneiitsextend along the Mis;,sii pi irom I'ointe a la llache, 41 miles below New Orleans, to the (ittlf ol llnyou Haratara and the oyster reefs be tween there and thu tn out li of the Missis s.ppl and on the island stretching from tLt Mississippi to the mainland ut Ihenieri Camiiiada, Day Hu Lodia and I'earl Kivet am in Mississippi. The pecuniary damage, while heavy, It not ao large aa might he expected, ss thl augar plantations and the richer uaitioni ft i'lini'.H mine parish Were nut worsied by the storm, and it wns the smaller farms aric lihhing hell lenient which suffered most The damage is estimated ns lollows: New Orleans (iltio.iHMi: l'!nci!etti!i-e, par Ish, houses, etc . iiOtHKi; oranne crop, 2so.nisi; other crops iriO.onO; cattle, etc.. IIsi.iskj; shipping, schooners, lii'gfrs, etc. ."o,Mi; lishing settlements I4't,ii; ril romls 'HSi.lssI; niiscellaneoiis Total :i,.VNl,otHl. Ketweeu here and Mold e the amount of damage done is placed s i.tSKi and in and around Mobile. I.Soi.ohi. (ira'id totul damage, I I.IiiKf.unu. on Mississtrri s snniiK. lliloxl, Miis., isscarcely le-s than a wreck On every side uto sentter'ed vessels, pier and hat n houses Those houses (routing o the besch were blown down or so budi dnmaged as to be uninhabitable. I'p i' the town great trees were torn up, tin streets were tilled with debris of wreckeit barns, carriuges fences, etc. Many of tin streets are so blocked with w recknge aj t be impassable. The canning industry. Hi leading industrv of tiie place, hss been 'jriiied out. all the factories having been .it her swept a ay or rendered useless, I ATl.ll HKTAIIS. The latest ndvices from New Orleans arc as lollows: As the news from thu outlying and exposed points on the gulf comes in the great storm of Saturday night is shown to have been the most destructive of human lite that ever occurred in this country Only John-town's terrible flood exceeds it in horror. As tho figures now stand it Is he lieved nearly I'.uoo persons have been drowned or crushed bv falling house, and the property loss will reach about IS.Oju,. Ooo. Half the population of the region ovei which the hurricane swept is dead. Kver thing is wrecked. One hoii-e in 10 is stand ing ami the surviving population Is left in the most destitute situation, without fool or even clot hint;, for the most of them were sleeping in tail when their bouses wen crushed by the wind or the waves. The doaths so far reported are aa fi lows: C'henlere Caminada. fl.'O. fishermen from the sen lenient at sua in their boats, l!i'i llayott ( lealh n.Pi; Oyster Hayou, ; Ihiyoi '.'ook, f7; lishing settlement around llavoii t'ook. -I.I' llird Island, .V(; Simon Island'. Hi llosano Island, HO; Itnzor Islaud. b; Ut.Walo 'A All Valeys. Adams buy, a si; fishinn camp around Daisy postoltico. 'A), Urami Hayou, aj; Tropical liend, 10; 1'asa A'I.ou tre. in. romte a la llache, ft; (irand I'rairie, U; llartholomy, 7; 1'ortSt. l'liillip, ; liospi lul buy, H; Shell Iteach. l'J; (irand Hank, ; (rand Isle, 10; Curas. U; Point Pleasant. 6; Sixty-Mile Point, :; Devil's Flat, 1; lioiivat I'oint, 2; Happy Jack.2; Nicholls postolHee. 3; Faitulings, 2: It Cusses. 6; Httxk Fleths.l, ltinrantitie, 2; Kadsport, 1; I'earl Hiver, 1; near Point i'leasant, '2 Pay St. 1-otiis, '1; Hack Hay, 2; lost on Webre, 20; lost on the hoim or at sea, !", Total. l,i.'0, THE DEATH Llli'i' OnOVVH. Over 2.600 People Are Now Reported to Have Perished in .he New Orleans Distrlot During the Teriible btorm. The return to New Orleans of relief par ties, seat out in all directions, conUrms the awful storiei of denth and destruction previously sent out. A corrected list ol those who have lost their lives in what may be called the New Orleans district, awells the total to 2.M1. This will be increased aome two or three hundred when news from the I-o.iisinua coast is all in. 1 he only station from which returns have not beeu receive I as yet is K Hernard on Borgogne marsh. This marsh is s dead level with the ocean, more water than land.coverliig l.aJO square miles. Its o ly Inhabitants were some 200 fishermen who lived in cabins built on piles. It is prob able tbat all nay perished. Ciblical Law. In fne early days cf interior ie- eonrl tho late Jurifra K cut cord wood, cleared np his homestead farm, rod waa employed upon one aide) of ooarlf every case that came tip, being; tor soma years the only lawyer in the oon-ty. He hid no book except an old leather-covered Bible and an old vol ume nrtwoof history, similarly bound, but had read law a short tiruo in Ken tucky in Lis youth. He waa very small and insignificant in appearance, but became before bis death a splendid lawyer nnd an honored Judge. A yonni attorney from tho East etllod in the littlo country town, with his library of about half a dozen new and handsomely bound law books, and on his first appearance in a ease ho brought most of his library to the Jus tieo'e ofllen in n fine, beautifully flowered carpet bap, popular in that day. E waa engaged npainst him, and, as usual, had not a book. When his adversary carefully drew his books from hia pretty carpi t bag nnd laid them on tho table, E looked astoniahed, but iptickly recov ered hia ready resources, and aiked tho JuMici) to excuse hint for a few moments. He hurried to hia lioinc- , . atead, halt a uulo or so away, and put his old leather-bound lliblo ami hi--- tories into a grain unci; and brought j them to court, imitating his opponent I in laying thctu beforo hint ou tlu I table. Tho eviiletico was intro.ltieed, and ' the Kattern man, bein for tlio plain- tiff, iii'ido hia opening argument an 1 . rea.l ut length from liii tevt books. E made hia ohiiriu'teriti(' upei-di ' in reply, closing by reading law frot.i his old lliblo junt tlu' revcrso of that read by his opponent and took hit 1 ti-nt, puttiu hia 1'ible on tlio triblc. , Hia adversary reached over and picked it up, and seeiu what it was 1 eagerly addressed the Juntii'e: "Your Honor," said he, "this mnn ; is a humbug; and a pittif.ij'or. Why, , air, this in thu lliblo irom which he has pretended to read law." Tho old Justice looked indignant, and interrupting the voting uttorin y, , Kaid : "Set dov.u What better Inw en;i we pet than the llibleV' He then do- , rided the case in favor if thu defeud ant. tireeii Haj;. j SlieepS!ienrli;j!ilit", So iiiiinv trinlsoi' Mlieep-sliciirin-j nn ehitu's have rewttltu.l in luilnrn that tli" belief lias b. coiue 1i : . I that hl.' iiriii by liincliiinry is entirely inipraetieable. This idea aretus to bo a mistaken into, aa machines operated by horse powi r are ia successful operation in Kiiliunl and in Aii-uiilin. It is said that a flock of 'JUtl sheeji will warrant tli purchase of one of tlicso machines;.- New York World. For ilriukln- c'loolate, th'i Frenc'i lost way in toi serve it in four-rnriiered (treen cupfT-b.iti.e';ii.Kt way ia in j tho pale brown cupa that match tlio , contents, and oro cutremely narrow, tall un I llar.u nt tin: top. ItoDKirr jtui'i'K held his first pnilin Tient SSt. Andrews, Scotland, in I.'IO'J. How's This We effer One Hundred IMbies Reward for any i-Ai-e of ( ntnri h Unit cannot lie, cured by Hull s 1 ui arm ( nr.-. F. .I.Cm srv A- Co., Toledo, . We, the itndeiHiKtied, Imvekmovii F. .1. ( lie ney for I he last l.'i year., nnd believe him per fei'tl, bniiorable iii nil business trioiKirl Inns and tliiunc hIIv nlile to cairy out liny I'lilia tion iiuide by the r llrm. Wwrr A: Tui'AX, WhnlewiUi Ilrtis-ul-ti, Toledo, Ohio. W.tLlUso. K"lSI AN A- MAIIVIN, linlesille liriiwurlsls, T . Ohio. II I'm Catarrh ('urn Is taken iiif direct iy iisin t lie I I . 1. 1 and iiiuciuis sur faces of tlin systniu. Test iiiiuiiuils sent free. I'lkt, TV. .er bottle, hul l by ull lirtik's'lbtn. Itomtin school hoys used a wax tablet nnd pointed stylus instead of a slate and peucd. Miortnge In It libber lloala and Shees. Owing to tho recent money stringency all Im ItntilH-r Shim factories stopix-d work for wveral weeks, tho ouiy riceptiim being the P ilchi'Hter Co., the ilcmand for the Colchester SjiailinT Root obliging them to run contiiiunns- ly. This irenerul shut down will eauie coiisld- rahle scarcity of Itiitihers this winter. Tho .V diester Spadltii; Hoot Is already sold ahead una is pronou 1 the best 1 1 libber llaot in tbe uiarkel for all aruiind wear. Thu waters ol tue oce.ui composo 1-lTMith part of tlio weight of tbe world. We Cure It u mure. No mntter of bow loui; standing. Write for free tlentise, tc-ti 11. ni-, etc., to H. J. ilollenswiirtU At Co., Ovviio, Tluga Co., N. Y. 1'rice (I; by mail, (l.l.'i. About one-third of the houses in this country are lighted by gas Hatch's 1'nlversal Coiih Syrup takos iluht hold. Sold e'ery where. u''in-nis llusiness eolleges have existed in Kitropc for over UO0 years. Dew has a preference for some colors. Kood'ss?Curcs "llavu suilered seven teen years with stomach i roubles brought on by overheating the blixid and then drlnkltiK coM water. I tiecsine reft less at night and my fond distressed me. I grew worss and doc tors declined my to incurable. Medlcinos fulled to bblu me until upon reeoratiiendntlon I took Hood s sarsaiiai llla. My heart trouble has subsldjd and 1 am free from pain. I can now eat heartily without distress, thanks to Hood's Sarsaparilla The iayer I have been abla to work, aome tUIng 1 bad not bann able to do for two years previous. 1 gUul 1 recointnend 1 1 nod's Harsa t-arllla." A. P. Coot.iv, Frauklla ('alia, N. II. N. B. Be sure to get Hood's 8a rsa pa rill a. BOOD'S) ril.LM cure ysusea. Sick llwutaeka' kxllgosUoB, BlUeusaeas. SoU kj all druugUta, Highest of all in Leavening rower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. 0 ix ABSOLUTELY PURE tlnathcn Outwitting- th; Devil. A Chlnco funeral never proceeds it ralhx trout the house of morning- to the pravcyard. The devil ia always an tho lookout for funerals nnd fl- j tows them to seize the aoul of the Jcad man, an, In order to outwit the evil one, tlio bearers tike tip tho body and stft with It In a brisk trot, while parks of Hrc-crackers nnd pyto- j technics emitting a dens? smoke mid vile uriell are mM off Just ns the pro-, cession Marls. Having- thus deceived j old Nick an to thu direction taken ly the bearers they run as fust as 1111 ? I. Ill ..III! ll'i; I'WVIT, Ull II l-llll. i , ,;, ,,,, ..,, !in:,' t,fl ,, tl..... .ulll, lltn l.r.i . I linn uii.l. ' .. . ' ,, , . ... v,..,,i -.,, moro lireworks aro mirnea. I ne Jevll cannot turn a corner easily, nnd i so, if really In pursuit, he shoots on by. nnd ty means of a coo l deal of Hidden turning and stopping audit lavlh cxp' nd It tire of lireworks, the funeral roCTssloti generally Kets to I he giave in safety, while the old boy, c.uifiiscil by their movements and half suffocated by the fireworks, is .till wandering about in the city. The t'h n.itiian who dies In the coun try Is not in such good luck, for there Is les chance to outwit the enemy, but by many detours It can very oft n be done. Squirrels Destroying lords' Eg?. Tho number of soiv birds that b flit tnl until, as it is often said, do u !. freiuent liiimati haliitat iutiH for in in', sake at all. They aro only iitiM'n to p i tieiir mankind because ni'iir tuati they are free from tho destruction by wild atutrreU which are always floor inost inveterate cueiilies ill the wools unit dist:Mv lnr;v numbers of birds' cjm. I'.ut tip) cat. near tho aim lo of tnuM is s I -1 nt eipt'illy a destroyer vi voiin:: luf I .. - llostiiti Ciillivut r. Ull. IiII.TIi:ifH mm ilF-ROOT CURED mn Of Kidnoy and Liver Complaint, Inflammation of tho Bladder. Itr. Kllm. r .V Co.. Illiiulmmteii, . Y. (M'lit.enieii: "t nfTonls n o , . J.t,-re to give yoo a re,i, fr ir, .'-ltmil .of wlilcb I liuve i I small bottlisi. Mi , i neatly retuoisl , ,u il feet ofthe f RHEUMATISM ofnlMiut 7 ) en rSHtiir.l. ' liilf, al-on heieie iual, le n i f n, y burl, iin i kldlli-yai.r III Kill I I O tenrk Unii.lin nn. I lias hi I lcd a li liir L Al.BS , ill tin k i t IV ' INrLAIHMATIUis swjWr ' vf,:'.? tt,:!"1;lurv;i'1,'.1.' W. It. rilll.soN. I too I' will ,i.i,n!.v cure inc i 1 In n short tuue. I pnrcliiei I tl:! tiieihcine ofS. (j. Stone, the In u-;:M, hire in llutli i , Ind." W. II.CIiiI.hoii, March. 7, ".. Al Orucclsls r,( renin n-id SI. OO Sle. InoillJ.' Im llraltli" frr. i ', ii-,.llntu.n t.-r.-. Dr. Kilmer A Co.. - Hiiidiim:teti, N. V. Dr. Kilmer's PARILLa LIVER PUIS Are (he Dcit. 42 I'UU, iS cvuls. All Vrug.lsts. cun frc m ie?xii-vfrii9 CURE. VvU-i'.vavrv C urrs Coughs, IloarHenesn, bore 1 lir.wl, C o-iip, WhtK ping C ous'h and Asthn-a. l or (..sji---turn it lus no rival ; turn) tle.uvinils w here all others failed ; will cure you it taken in time. Soi hy l)nici(iils on a guarantee. 1 'T Lame ltaikorCbcst,useSlllf.( iMSPI.ASTEK. cscts. C H I L0 H'SlCATAR R H osm E M E D Y- 11 are yoii c uuu rh t This remedy Isiruaran. teed to cure you. frloebOote. iujocr Iruo. EVERY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR hyj. lUmlllnn Ayi'in.A. M.,M M. Tlim u A nii'Nl Vuluiilihi littuk. fnr lit HnuM'holiI, li'.u iiiiikt u It h lllt f 114 llf 1 111 iTetlf lliM-flsfis, l ho Cnu4 mil) Mi'uiih nf l'rt VviitliiK tlirli hlst'tt-rs., itihl tin hiinii st Hfiuadh v hlc'h will lil-Irviiiti- (r cirr. -. I'tifai, I'rofmi'ly Illtiirnifl. 'Mm lliMik U wnili fi lu ilium rver) iluy JjikHmu. nml l ftini rnmi ihf twtmtciii tf rin h hk'h rt'tnh r numc tiolor Itixik kij ulul)'H t Ihl KIMM ullt V f rr-HillTI, 'l'hli HlMlU 1 III I r ml iii lo hr ul i rit-H In tin I' Miiiilyf ttii l l wunli-d s. Uiut ri'tttilly uinlfriiiil U) ull OM.V vtUrt pi. lOTl'll. I'otUtte hl.iiiiMi 'f itkpii. -ol niiiy lio thl Ifixik i'ni tftiri iki intit'u lurriiibtioii HU- tlVel Ut lilMftia)!, hul vui y brt)Hr ly tflvf t'tuiiilct Aiiullor I'Vfryinmrf NriAiiilug ii imri piilK Murrtiw ami tha I'lxlwc li m unit krAriii of Heaiihy l-miiilirt.Uit'tlicr wllii Valualtlv iici'iKs4 aui i'rt'-t'riptlsMui, r-x 1-lniiHUuuftoi' Ixitunical I'riM'tlrtf, Corf ci UMtiiii)rl:iiary Hr.-u,dCo 'oMi'f.Kric liiax. HOOK IM II. IIOI'HK, 334 leuuurt. fe .N .1 ity asa srrsev. y.;.t'ivisjNa !..-, T r 'XT' VJt 6Ht AT! fg OtjciiTTjijtVS. " - saauas l-U'" e i ii 1 iT-lrv I fif WI sat- . "One Year Borrows Another Year's Fool." You Didn't Use SAPOLIO Last Year. Perhaps You Will Not This Year. Powder Baby's Dimensions. From measurements of 10!) infanti liorn in the Royal Maternity Hospital of Edinburgh, averages havo been nb tained. They are practically the same for American children, and are as. fol lows: Averao weight of tnalo infant at birih, ponndH. Average weight of fo.nalo infant nt birih, pounds. Aera'-;e height of mala infant at birth, lil.ill inches. Averngo height of fe.nalo iufiiu. at birth, lH.'.IS inehos. Each inch of tho malo infant cor responds to -.fill pounds. Each inch of tho female infant corresponds to '.() pounds. Tho t ango beteetl thd shortest nnd tallest niiile mfuiils was ten inches; bet ween t lio short, "-t and tallest female infant', (0"ht iu.'!i'j. fcjt. Ijo iih Kvpuh!'. . ''August Flower" " I am happy to state to you nnd to stiflVt in,; lur.nanity, that my wife lu tiM il your wntiikrful remedy, Atitt t I'lower, for skk headache and ).ilpitation of the heart, with satisfactory results. Fnrsc'vcra! years she has been a p. real sufferer, has been under the treatment of eminent physicians in this city and Huston, and found little iclicf. She was in duced to try Ar.j:!;'t I'hiwer, which t;ave itnf.tediite lelicf. We cannot fay to much fir it." U. C. l''rt. iSnrin ield, Mr I'M II 3 Do Not Be Deceive it will, P..I..H. Kimm. l. nn. t'Slltn vrlileli stain tho ear, I.. Intnre llii-iron mnl l.urn ri 't TTm Kl-inir Sim Hi.oe I'nii.i, i, lirlltluiir. n.lnr less Diirsl'le. and the i n. for lo un ur iclua mu-Iiuki Willi rvei, SYIEND TOUR OWN HARNESS WITH I llUlliOUIl 01 p; CIT -''Vrs.sirsjs s, , - Ui DIjUI 111 CLINCH RIVETS. Nn fnn't r'iu.rml. nn:r upimrr ricetril . ilrlva? nn i v un b tin m i jii,v iuu (jn.t li.v, uvhik ih rlinch Ulrljr MtliM-ltt. )( iUlilir H I liiia to tsr I Imlf1 If) loiiith mid dtirahlr. now in bit. Ail ifii.Ui, uniform r rti -t, pin iii hi Innn. A It ttmr drnliT lor ihrui, r n 1 jnr la Liiiii" f'T ii imj ul lou, naTit't aKra. Alau'lii by JU0S0IM L. THOMSON MFG. CO.. SYAI.TIIIK. .SIASJ. eTfTK WATjL PAmt MKIM IIA.-nx' V MITBJ hklls THF. IIKST, O I ill I II THF, CHKAIEHT WALL PAPER leldlll 111 ne . I l .11 I WoiHlroii . tr, imhI.V 4 I I'nprr) 5r t ml sniiis d r uiiiilc, ri, i iitesburiih I'm, If .HIT tin ilmilitN ttml o nn (im tlifs tn kti.h FtK.stttH ruaet m 10 limy, li t linn wr fit Um iai Ui'iilMrn nI iut-tl-irftfc fnir ivluh lit r. Our (in IM I. . im t 00 HOD. meiones. BLOOD POCSON A SPECIALTY. Iim.IiIp psi.Miiiiiu. uumnpirlllfior l..t rsi.rin,! (mi, tn Kii ruiit-r ft m M' nj our Ma. -lo i yr.lnlrfi- I thu on.f tlilt. ir th a w.ll i-urv iMTirniafiitlr. I' riiivi isf0 vut )r Iii'llfti-a Inn ltliluiiam a. v Hi'idiM he. 4 uit.tliMtliN. Itrttl i uinpli Offriialvr llrralat ami ill (liKtrUrtu ul UiO btutuaUi, iJViTniiil I'ttwrln, I A RIPAN6 TABULAR frt ki ul iy y. t r rTf't (htc-ilnii fxiloM tin ir ti'M'. hold hy ilruifk'l-stfs or fM-nt lT n.ntl U x ffivi.ilsi Ivkirfe ' ltiktaA),f pur i t'T nun 1 1 iti at ai'i'ir-"- i(ii', mi hum, ij., Ar York, t mm a m p a - .M , ,ej BIRD FANCIE R S'ZrZ. or-J i;iutrlM)fia AH ' ut - llirla, ifiair f . . 1, dil .u l lrral'Hii(. IS ru tr hit I. CD P '' r IS II1K1 r'OMlM'M 4 S I rtir lSt . I't.Da it i bift a. BIRD MANNA.' nilirltiJllVUf b;nl ty lukil for lb cvli. JJ m., rt.iftJtlliia, I'm, I WWW s-rt3'Sjail IITRUSSi MmT Iff ii i.rv'si -IIAIIII Itl lillKlt- .-vU.l l.'l li.xik ou Iri-tieiili-nl Trrmt. I. II. Kl.lJ.t V .V CO.. 0 . I lib so., fbllada. j TENSION .-.WRVf:" SuMRMfl ll I'rlm-luul Ijismlut i. ll iniji.tfi.siii.K lima,,, u, llut I A Tl"' V'l'Vi TKAl'KslAltKB Eim ml n I li.s Mini mt lei-uklo OMlentiilillll V or iiim iiiii.ii H..H.I l ivenior li-1 oi-t l a fiil.-nt. I'A I KICK O KAHIlKI.I.. U iMUM.Toy li.C. . (xjiiuli riyriio. Tuu (..mmI. Use I In lima Holit h iinms'sis La& r.u his si hi hi lit nsf i nest in